Emerald Dragon (Awakened Dragons Book 6)

ByTerry Bolryder

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex she
Aegis and Opal have been together since they were children locked in the dungeon. Aegis loved Opal more than life itself bordering on possessive protection. The dark Oracle kept them prisoners until Aegis was able to get Opal and they could escape and they went to Zach's mansion for a safe place to stay. Opal had to get Aegis to forsake his evil ties and to conform to the good ties before she would acknowledge him as her mate. You need to read this wonderful story to find out what happens next. I'm hoping this isn't the end of this series because I can see another story in this series about Aegis and Opal taking on the mentoring roles over newly discovered Viking dragons.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellie wahba
Aegis has made appearances throughout this series so I would highly recommend that the books be read in order.

When Aegis was wakened from cryo he was given to opportunity to choose evil or good. Opting for the bad guys, believing that was where all the power lay, he finds himself up against his fellow gem dragons as one by one they are woken and choose "good".

Aegis is one of those well written anti-heroes that you can't help but love despite his overbearing, egotistical arrogance and churlish behavior. The one positive that has carried him thru every book is his list of "rules" he strictly adheres too. While his moral compass might seem a bit bent, in the end it points him in a "good" direction and performing silly actions...like rescuing the other dragon's mates or some of the dragons themselves. Of course, grumbling and dragging his feet the whole time.

But this book is Aegis's and you couldn't ask for a better ending to a series. He finally finds Opal, his childhood companion, best friend and probable mate. He has grieved for her for centuries after she ran away one night when he was being an ass and was never heard from again. Opal brings him back to the good side....and I'll leave the reading to you to figure out the rest.

I think Awakened Dragons is the best of Terry Bolryder's series to date and would recommend them to anyone wanting a little bit more dragon lure to read their reading addiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
do an
At the ending of Amethyst Dragon, Aegis came to see Dom to ask the dragon two questions. Was it true that he could speak to dead people? And had Opal ever come to him in death? We’d had glimpses of the Emerald Dragon in every story of this series. Over time it became apparent that perhaps he wasn’t the absolute bad guy that we might have thought him to be… something was changing in him and now it’s time for Aegis’ story to be told. And what an amazing story it is.

Although Aegis has done some terrible things, he’s also done some pretty heroic things… for a villain. Aegis is such an interesting character, for he truly was formed from his past. A past that included betrayals from those that should have loved and protected him from a very young age – they did not. There has only ever been one person he could depend on, Opal. Even though she was treated badly by her family as well, at least they’d had each other, until Aegis’ way of protecting Opal became more than she could stand. Years passed, and Aegis believed Opal lost to him – until he discovered exactly where she had been all those years apart. And the horror of that discovery perhaps pushed him a bit deeper into his overbearing protection mode.

The Emerald Dragon brings with it redemption, understanding, perhaps a love and mate for a lifetime… and a realization that all is not always what we see, sometimes we need to experience things from another’s viewpoint to truly understand their actions. If you’ve followed the Awakened Dragons series from the start, then this story is one that you truly need to read for yourself. No other’s opinion should color what you will discover about all of our dragons from this series.

The final story in this series brings closure, answers and discoveries – as well as the perfect segue way into the spin-off series that is now available starting with Steel from the Rent-A-Dragon series. What I am willing to say is that while at times Aegis was a royal pain in the butt, he also has his own rules, his own reasons for why he acts as he does. By the ending of this story I was totally in love with this bad boy dragon and envious of the love of his life, Opal. Together their future stretches out before them – and perhaps, occasionally they’ll let us in on their adventures.

I highly recommend this story and the entire series. You’ll fall in love with dragons and have the adventures you’ve always craved with them and their mates.

I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Iron (Rent-A-Dragon Book 2) :: Cadmium Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris Book 2) :: Paranormal shifter romance BBW - Alpha Rogue Boxed Set :: Aquamarine (Awakened Sea Dragons Book 3) :: Tiger Protectors Boxed Set
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britney wolfe
OH HOW WONDERFUL ... Ms Terry Boylryder had done it once again with her Dragons...

I seriously believe with each story she improves with capturing the reader...All tho this story can be read as a stand alone..
unless the reader starts from book 1 ...it really will not mean as much to the reader as it would to know the why's and how's this story came
to mean so much to the dragons, as well as the lovers of these stories...

Again I have to say ....What a talent. Such Skill...How many authors can take an evil character and make them beloved? This one can....
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... Ms.Terry Bolryder.
Aegis is the Emerald Dragon and we find in this story why he is so alone,mean,determined to be evil... but we also
Learn why He blames Zack for the separation from his BeLoved mate Opal....
Even tho He (Zack) was not to be blamed...When Opal ran away she was captured...
the Emerald Dragon, actually kidnapped one of the other dragon's mates in an earlier book.
Yep, he was the assistant to the real villain..,the Dark Oracle.. battling all the good dragons.
Well, He's been lost and alone,selfish toward the good since losing the only thing important to him....
Anyone who has read the other dragon stories knows that sweet little fur baby cats play a big part in taming the beasts.
And there is a cat in this one too..wait till You meet this fur baby... (laughing ) Cuddles....is the cats name ...... This story makes you ask .....>>>>
What will take to change Aegis ?... Will Opal be enough? Can she change him ...and if she can't can she accept him?
How about the other dragons,and their Mates... will they accept him?
This one story is packed with ALL the information, actions, adjustments, new and old enemies, battles, new powers revealed...
and a set up for more dragon books ... (yipppeeeeeeee) ....I truly believe these guys are gonna be fun to read about.... I can't wait.

As I said this book gives us the background to understand why Aegis is the way he is ....
Emerald dragon ( Aegis ) has been fighting everyone his whole life including his true self. .. It is easier to be on the side of evil then to risk
getting hurt or betrayed. .. Until the only person he has ever loved and felt a connection with comes back into his life and throws everything
into chaos for him and will change everything including him.....
Aegis came to ask Dom if he could feel if Opal was dead or alive in the last book and Dom said she was alive ...
so when Aegis returns to the lair of the Dark Oracle he hears from Topaz that the dark oracle has Opal captured below
and that is the one thing that really gets Aegis in a " Mood "......
He has loved Opal for hundreds of years and will do anything for her, even ask for help from the Good Dragons that he has been fighting against...
Opal has always cared for Aegis, but only as friends, she never understood why he always thought they were mates....
until he rescues her and they have a chance to talk and find each other has the same desire to love one another ..
Once they arrive at the mansion and events transpire between all of them... He realizes his mate Opal was right in certain matters ...
Aegis ask for help from the Dragons and their mates to help him become more of what Opal wishes him to be and of course they do.. (smiling)
the closeness he and Opal share as they slowly become mates makes for the "AWWWW " in this book....
and once Sapphire ask for his help with Hallie's birth.... Aegis feels he is the only one who can help...
Aegis knows what he has to do.. and together Sapphire ,Dom ,and Aegis give Hallie an easy birth of her Son...and when Aegis leaves
and goes out side to contemplate His life, His feelings,....Opal finds him and they make a deal to become Mates ,...she removes his collar...
and they make such sweet love...course they had already a few times before .. :)
then Dom announces that the dark oracle is bringing a war to them ... Zack hands him a note that was left for him ..
The Dark oracle tells Aegis that unless he takes her collar she will kill everyone that she is coming to destroy everything and every one...
so to not give too much away .. to know how this ends and who is the surprise ... buy this book as well as the others and you will surely

I received this book free for my Honest Review ....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Aegis finally is reunited with his Opal! This is a stand alone story but it would be very confusing without reading the earlier books. When Aegis was awakened, he chose the side that was most powerful however now his side is doing things he can't agree with and goes against his personal code. Then Topaz tells him his long lost mate Opal is held captive by his own side. He decides right then to free her and take her to the only safe place he knows which is with the other dragons. The other dragons are not happy to see Aegis. They allow him to stay as long as he submits to
the oracle. Aegis is so happy to be back with Opal he even lets himself be collared.
Opal was in cryo for a long time. She had had a fight with Aegis and stormed off to be captured. Aegis keeps saying they are mates but Opal isn't so sure. She doesn't like his power hungry possessive side. She is afraid he is turning evil. Aegis never listens to her wants and needs and assumes they just need each other to be happy. Opal wants friends and a community. She also wonders if Aegis really cares or he just wants one of the last female dragons.
Aegis has to learn to open up to others and work as a team if he wants Opal. He is willing to go to any length for her. Opal needs to accept Aegis as he is.
I loved this story. Aegis is a very complex character and watching him try to get along with the other dragons is fun. Opal is very good for Aegis and brings out hidden depths. This also seems to be a stepping stone to a new dragon series.
I voluntarily received a free copy of this book. I'm sharing my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucas bezembinder
Emerald Dragon is the final book of this series, and it was fantastic! Although Aegis, aka Emerald Dragon, has been working with the dark oracle since the beginning of the series, but now that he's finally found his mate again, he asks for help from the other dragons. Since he had helped them a couple of times, most are willing to give him the benefit of doubt and allow him and his mate to stay, with certain conditions of course. 

Opal had left Aegis a long time ago, but no one knew what ever happened to her. After being rescued by the one man she never thought she'd see again, all of her feelings for him come back. They're no longer children, like before, and when Aegis still claims she's his mate, she's unsure what to do. 

Will Aegis keep his word and help the other dragons defeat the dark oracle, or will he do what he's always done and only look out for Opal and himself? When Opal finally tells him what she wants, he's willing to show her he's changed, but is it real, or will he go back to the selfish, power hungry dragon he was before? Will he be able to keep her safe, even from himself? Will they ever get the HEA they both want and deserve? 

If you haven't read this series, I strongly suggest that you start from the beginning. Not only will you get to read amazing stories, but learn more about each couple, the history of the dragons, and the dynamics between the dragons, other shifters, and the humans. You won't be disappointed! 
I highly recommend this book, series, and fantastic author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark cusack
Aegis, the Emerald Dragon, has aligned himself with the dark oracle and the bad guys, because he was sold by his father as a young boy and has learned to not have any feelings for anyone or anything but himself. But he met Opal (a rare female dragon) and tried his best to protect her because she was kind to him. But Opal disappeared and he retreated further into himself. Then he finds out from Topaz (another bad dragon) that Opal is alive and being held prisoner and tortured by the dark oracle. He frees Opal and flies her to the other dragons, Onyx, Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst hoping they will help Opal. He then plans to take Opal and fly away to be free with only himself and Opal to worry about. But Opal does not want that to happen; she wants Aegis to learn to live with and to care about others, both dragons and humans. Gradually he begins to care about and worry about the other dragons and their human mates. And he saves Sapphires' mates life when her baby is born. Then he learns that the Black Oracle is coming with her evil wyvern army and foolishly tries to sacrifice himself to save the others. But Opal now knows that sometimes you have to get angry and fight for what and who you believe in and she saves Aegis. The dark oracle is defeated and most of the wyvern army destroyed; and she is turned over to her sister the Light Oracle. Now Aegis and Opal are mated and the light oracle offers them a new challenge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a talent. How many authors can take an evil character and make them beloved? This one can. Thank you, Terry Bolryder. Aegis, AKA Emerald Dragon, actually kidnapped one of the other dragon's mates in an earlier book. Yep, he was the assistant to the real villain, battling all the good dragons. Why then has he become a good guy? Well, the term is a bit subjective. He's been out for number one since losing the only thing important to him. But Opal is alive. His one love and he has her back. At least she is with him as a friend. More has to be worked on.

Anyone who has read the other dragon stories knows that sweet little furbaby cats play a big part in taming the beasts. And I'll reveal that there is a cat in this one too—oh yeah! You gotta meet this furbaby and we all love the cats. Opal has a problem with his attitude. He may have brought her to the other dragons and left the villain, but has he really changed?

It will take a lot to change him. Is Opal enough? Can she change him and if she can't can she accept him? I will reveal that he makes a lot of efforts to court her—and I guarantee you will love them all. How about the other dragons, will they accept him? This one is jam packed with information, actions, adjustments, new and old enemies, battles, new powers revealed....and a set up for more dragons. Man, these guys are gonna be fun to read about. I can't wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda french
Truly the most interesting series, I fell in love with these dragons and now that it's ended its bitter sweet. Aegis story was epic as I thought it would be, a very stubborn dragon, but loyal to a fault. He found his long last love and got mated, although he had to work for it, showing that he was worthy of her love and being able to let others in. Loved how he connected with the baby, although he plays a badass he's bit of a softy in some way. Just love how he came out off his self loathing habits only believing that he couldn't trust anyone but Opal, and oh did she made him open himself I just love her personality. I will miss all the other dragons as well but I think I will miss Zack the mist. I know you said there will be another series with Aegis and Opal on the leading role this time around and that we will get to read about the other mates having their babies delivered with Aegis help of course, really looking forward to that...love, love, loved this series a lot..one of your biggest fan Winzie19.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is Aegis and Opal's love story and adventure. Aegis's family sold him into Slavery as a young dragon and he learned to close himself off and trust no one but Opal. She even as a child made him feel safe. They loved each other as children and he has always known that she is his mate. She didn't know but she trusted him and loved him like a true friend. Years later they meet and Aegis is selfish, controlling and unwilling to trust others or make friends. Opal wants trust, friends and security that only Aegis can provide. She loves him but he must learn to trust others and change his fighting ways.
Read Aegis' story because if you read the other dragons of this series then it will make lots more sense. I wonder if the author will write a story for Citrine. Give us his back story and a reason to care. This is the end of the Awakened Dragon series but not the end of dragons. She has a new series about ancient dragons about to begin and the answer to what happened to the kidnapped humans who are future dragon mates.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeffrey johnson
Aegis finally gets his story told. His life was never an easy one. From his birth he's had nothing but pain. His only bright star was Opal. She was his reason for existing; that is until she ran from him. Aegis was always so volatile that Opal had just had enough. What acts he'd committed was too hard for her to accept. To coin a phrase Aegis had turned to the dark side and had joined with Irial, the dark oracle. He fought against the other awakened dragons but seemed to lean toward them when he'd step into a particular situation and acted like a good guy in his unique way. One needs to read the other books in this series to learn of his actions. As for Opal, she has so much to contend with learning how to deal with Aegis's hard and aggressive nature so she can help turn him from the dark oracle. Theirs is a strong story of love winning the day and it's too good a story to miss. I was given this as a gift from Ms. Bolryder for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aim e
This is the wonderful finale to a great series. It is recap of the mated dragons for good and Aegis on the side of the Dark Oracle. This story grabbed you right from the start.
Aegis is the Emerald Dragon with the ability to control other dragons minds. He is a loaner and hurting without his mate. Since the age of thirteen He has loved a female dragon Opal. A fight with Zach causes Opal to run away into hiding. This fight starts the feud between Zach and Aegis. Opal has the ability to change into multi forms and create bubbles of terror or calm illusions.
Learning Opal is a prisoner of the dark oracle He flies away with her to the other dragons. Will they accept them? Will Aegis leave Opal there and leave? When Sapphire's mate goes into labor can Aegis save both she and the infant? Has he bonded enough with the others to stay? You need to read this great story to find out how the finale battle against the dark oracle ends. I give it 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of the book Emerald Dragon.

Finally! Aegis' story has been told. Although this book could be read as a stand alone, it is so much better after reading the rest of the series. Read one and you'll be hooked. Aegis has been a part of this story from early on, and his part has not been pretty. Well, except a few times when he forgot himself and behaved selflessly. He is evil and has taken the side of evil. The Emerald Dragon explores how he became so hard-hearted, so bent on destroying the other Gem Dragons. It also tells the touching story of how he found forgiveness, friends, and a family. As in all of the Awakened Dragons series, there is plenty of action between the sheets, but only in the context of true love. And, as in the other Awakened Dragons, there are plenty of laughs! I enjoyed all that love and laughter and I recommend you do, too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beladozer gretchen
Every book in this series has been outstanding, and this one does not disappoint. Watching Aegis, the emerald dragon, try to woo his mate, Opal, was funny, heart warming, and endearing. The poor man/dragon has spent his whole life loving and protecting Opal, but now doesn't know what to do. They have never even kissed before. As he warms to the other dragons and their mates, he seeks their guidance, which was funny, and loving. But Aegis isn't turning into a total "marshmallow", and he has awesome powers, but will they be used for good or evil. This book was incredible. It was fun seeing the dynamics between all the dragons and Aegis, and seeing him become more human and humane. And Opal was such a sweetheart. She's the only one that can make Aegis see the error of his ways.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew mccrady
His character has been one that was definitely worth the extra wait. I love aegis. There were very strong reasons for the way he looked at life and I don't think there was anything wrong with him . Yes I think you should compromise for the happiness of the one you love but Opal didn't make any in regards to who she was to compliment him. I was super happy towards the end when she had her dawning thought about his behavior, kinda showed she didn't know him anywhere near as well as he knew and loved her. I can't wait for what awaits his next journey. And really look forward to Citrine finding his mate as he has shown much more depth this book.
Great read, definitely recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
graeme ing
I Received a fee early release for an honest review of a different book.

Aegis and Opal have been friends forever. She doesn't like what she see's Aegis becoming so she leaves and gets trapped in the first freeze. Bounce to today and she is rescued by Aegis who is even worse then she remembers.... Can he change and become a better Dragon caring for others instead of just himself or will he set everyone up for a fall in the end.

I like the bad guy who isn't all bad he has some redeeming qualities, and for the right women things sure can change.

I enjoyed the book and the series and am sad that this is the last... I'd like to read more maybe Citrine....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicholas willig
Terry Bolryder really knows how to write action/ paranormal romance! I have enjoyed this series and didn't think Book Five could be matched, but "Emerald Dragon" did just that! It was obvious that brusque Aegis had a heart (buried deep!) under all the madness; I like how it was shown without turning him into a 'marshmallow.' Opal could have seemed obnoxiously goody-goody but it was plain that she was just good-hearted and true to herself. There's plenty of tension, singleminded devotion, a bit of humor (his cat was perfect), and the final battle was a fitting climax. I'm so glad Aegis earned his HEA and look forward to his future shenanigans!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lance weller
What a wonderful ending to the Awakened Dragons series and a possible new beginning for another dragon series!!!! Aegis was the dragon I most wanted to read and his story did not disappoint. Aegis had a very rough life and the only bright spot in it was Opal, another dragon who tried to protect him and became his best and only friend. Hundreds of years later, Aegis is awakened and fighting for the bad side, loosing Opal all those years ago gave him nothing to live for. When he learns she is still alive and has been kept prisoner the whole time, Aegis will stop at nothing to make sure the woman he loves is safe, even ask for help from the dragons he has been an enemy to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebeca fraga
See first series here.
Double Dragons https://www.the store.com/dp/B01A5OVNQA/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_hSF6ybK4RREZP

Same world, same rules, Not part of the series, it's like a prequel to the first set of the series. There is no mention of these guys in the series though. I read this one first. A Dragon's Heart https://www.the store.com/dp/B01A6OP92S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_0YF6ybAGRGM45

This series box set. Awakened Dragons https://www.the store.com/dp/B06XX4FH56/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_V3F6ybK8NZMTQ

Third set starts with this book. Steel https://www.the store.com/dp/B06Y1WLSJJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_g5F6ybM1CXQTA
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tam sesto
Aegis, the Emerald Dragon, is a complex character. We've been waiting a long time for him to find his missing Opal. In this book his motivations become clear, and the surly misanthrope develops into a leader who is capable of making hard choices, as well as hard sacrifices. But, with Opal at his side, it is all worth it. When he was first introduced, I thought this guy was completely irredeemable, but Terry Bolryder delivered a hit out of the park with the finale to the Awakened Dragons series. I'm going to miss all the dragons and their mates, but a short teaser epilogue at the end promises a lot more to come. Yes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky simpson
This is the last book in the awakened Dragons series. This book is about Aegis. When the dark Oracle brought him out of cyros. He worked with the bad side. He's had so much anger in the world after what has happened to him since child birth. When he was sold. He was in a dungeon with opal, another Dragon. Who saw good in people and didn't like violence. When they parted he searched cor her with no luck. When he found her he wanted to change, but was uncertain because of his actions so far. Can opal bring out the good in him? Or will his actions push her away again? Great ending book to a great series. Must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason brown
Absolutely phenomenal ending to the series and it can't wait for the beginning of the next series. We finally got Aegis's story and we learn why he is the way he is. Aegis and Opal's connection was amazing if not a little heartbreaking at some points, they made the perfect couple. I definitely recommend reading all the books in the series, you won't be disappointed. I'm said for the ending of the series but super excited about the beginning of a new one, hopefully we will get Citrine's story soon.
I voluntarily reviewed and Advanced Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love how this author wrapped up the Awakened Dragons series and opened up to a new series all in the same story!

Aegis and Opal were such a great couple. Their history was complexed and the author took us in and out of their past together to help us better understand the Emerald Dragon and what was perceived to be his dark side. Opal, for me, began to be his new moral compass.

Loved this story! I look forward to the next series. The plot seems to be intriguing and I hope Citrine finds a feisty mate that rattles his perfect scales.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect ending to a great series. Thank you Terry! I was one of the readers wanting Emerald and Opal's story and I am overjoyed at how it turned out.

I particularly love this quote from Aegis toward the end
"Maybe history should be left as it was if it resulted in such a perfect present."

What a wonderful statement of forgiveness and for letting go of regrets many of us carry.

And the tease at the end for the next series has me drooling in anticipation. And bonus, We get to see more of Emerald and Opal?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah o brien
I Received a fee early release for an honest review of a different book.

Aegis and Opal have been friends forever. She doesn't like what she see's Aegis becoming so she leaves and gets trapped in the first freeze. Bounce to today and she is rescued by Aegis who is even worse then she remembers.... Can he change and become a better Dragon caring for others instead of just himself or will he set everyone up for a fall in the end.

I like the bad guy who isn't all bad he has some redeeming qualities, and for the right women things sure can change.

I enjoyed the book and the series and am sad that this is the last... I'd like to read more maybe Citrine....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bokul bhowmick
Terry Bolryder really knows how to write action/ paranormal romance! I have enjoyed this series and didn't think Book Five could be matched, but "Emerald Dragon" did just that! It was obvious that brusque Aegis had a heart (buried deep!) under all the madness; I like how it was shown without turning him into a 'marshmallow.' Opal could have seemed obnoxiously goody-goody but it was plain that she was just good-hearted and true to herself. There's plenty of tension, singleminded devotion, a bit of humor (his cat was perfect), and the final battle was a fitting climax. I'm so glad Aegis earned his HEA and look forward to his future shenanigans!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam friscone
What a wonderful ending to the Awakened Dragons series and a possible new beginning for another dragon series!!!! Aegis was the dragon I most wanted to read and his story did not disappoint. Aegis had a very rough life and the only bright spot in it was Opal, another dragon who tried to protect him and became his best and only friend. Hundreds of years later, Aegis is awakened and fighting for the bad side, loosing Opal all those years ago gave him nothing to live for. When he learns she is still alive and has been kept prisoner the whole time, Aegis will stop at nothing to make sure the woman he loves is safe, even ask for help from the dragons he has been an enemy to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dj gatsby
See first series here.
Double Dragons https://www.the store.com/dp/B01A5OVNQA/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_hSF6ybK4RREZP

Same world, same rules, Not part of the series, it's like a prequel to the first set of the series. There is no mention of these guys in the series though. I read this one first. A Dragon's Heart https://www.the store.com/dp/B01A6OP92S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_0YF6ybAGRGM45

This series box set. Awakened Dragons https://www.the store.com/dp/B06XX4FH56/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_V3F6ybK8NZMTQ

Third set starts with this book. Steel https://www.the store.com/dp/B06Y1WLSJJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_g5F6ybM1CXQTA
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john chute
Aegis, the Emerald Dragon, is a complex character. We've been waiting a long time for him to find his missing Opal. In this book his motivations become clear, and the surly misanthrope develops into a leader who is capable of making hard choices, as well as hard sacrifices. But, with Opal at his side, it is all worth it. When he was first introduced, I thought this guy was completely irredeemable, but Terry Bolryder delivered a hit out of the park with the finale to the Awakened Dragons series. I'm going to miss all the dragons and their mates, but a short teaser epilogue at the end promises a lot more to come. Yes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the last in the Awakened Dragon Series. I was sorry that Citrine didn't find his mate in this series. Maybe it will happen in the next series when Aegis and Opal take on the group of Viking Dragons! I have loved reading this series and getting to know each gem dragon. I recommend this book, but if your reading it and you haven't read the rest of the series , STOP! Don't read this book until you read the others first. Terry you have done an outstanding job once again! If your interested in paranormal reading then when you come across one of Terry Bolryder books then pick it up, they are great reads!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea patehviri
This is the last book in the awakened Dragons series. This book is about Aegis. When the dark Oracle brought him out of cyros. He worked with the bad side. He's had so much anger in the world after what has happened to him since child birth. When he was sold. He was in a dungeon with opal, another Dragon. Who saw good in people and didn't like violence. When they parted he searched cor her with no luck. When he found her he wanted to change, but was uncertain because of his actions so far. Can opal bring out the good in him? Or will his actions push her away again? Great ending book to a great series. Must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely phenomenal ending to the series and it can't wait for the beginning of the next series. We finally got Aegis's story and we learn why he is the way he is. Aegis and Opal's connection was amazing if not a little heartbreaking at some points, they made the perfect couple. I definitely recommend reading all the books in the series, you won't be disappointed. I'm said for the ending of the series but super excited about the beginning of a new one, hopefully we will get Citrine's story soon.
I voluntarily reviewed and Advanced Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan lusk
I love how this author wrapped up the Awakened Dragons series and opened up to a new series all in the same story!

Aegis and Opal were such a great couple. Their history was complexed and the author took us in and out of their past together to help us better understand the Emerald Dragon and what was perceived to be his dark side. Opal, for me, began to be his new moral compass.

Loved this story! I look forward to the next series. The plot seems to be intriguing and I hope Citrine finds a feisty mate that rattles his perfect scales.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect ending to a great series. Thank you Terry! I was one of the readers wanting Emerald and Opal's story and I am overjoyed at how it turned out.

I particularly love this quote from Aegis toward the end
"Maybe history should be left as it was if it resulted in such a perfect present."

What a wonderful statement of forgiveness and for letting go of regrets many of us carry.

And the tease at the end for the next series has me drooling in anticipation. And bonus, We get to see more of Emerald and Opal?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth carver
Another great addition to this awesome dragon series, but this time the fated couple are both dragons. Absolutely love this power couple but the journey to their unity is pure creativity!! Aegis is pure badass but I have to say my favorite part of him is his interactions with Luc! That's the stuff that makes a woman swoon! Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and curl up with this book! It's guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face! This voluntary review is based against a KU copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen hnatow
Our dear Emerald Dragon is stubborn and arrogant and ultimately a jerk who in the end wins your heart anyway with those sweet moments that speak of a hidden side. His story with Opal is sweet and sad at the same time with more than one 'awe' moments and laughs. It was exciting to see the end of this series and story line and the kick off of another one and at the same time bitter sweet. I'm really looking forward to what is next though!

I am voluntarily leaving a review of this title.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angi m
Terry never disappoints. Great finish to a wonderfully series filled with great love stories and great friends. I have read all of the dragon series', the Pride Island books, and the tiger protection series. Wow! All great and all interspersed with characters linking them all. It's like visiting with old friends.

Opal and Aegis story is filled with
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah davis
Absolutely loved this book. Have loved all the books in this series. I was so excited that Terry Bolryder finally wrote a book about the emerald dragon. So glad that Aegis found Opal again and that he's loved her all these years. He's just so stubborn and trying to be nice to the other dragons and win her over is kind of hard. It's just so hard for him to trust other people after all he's been through. I fell in love with Aegis. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bri gibson
Kindle unlimited purchase

Aegis and Opal’s journey was a hard one... From young children to adults they have gone through a lot and it seems that it's just getting worse but now they have found each other..... And Aegis will do anything to prove that Opal is his mate.... Even if he has to be a marshmallow...
This is the last book in this series... But we will be seeing more of Aegis and Opal in a new series coming soon.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynne benson
If you read all the Awakened Dragons book to lead up to this you will definitely enjoy this book. I donr want to give away any spoilers. I am glad we got to meet Emerald and know his story and see if he would become the dragon he could be. That he could still be himself but still be apart of something good and do good. If we are all given a chance anything is possible.

Terry Bolryder, thank you for sharing your stories, can't wait to see what you spin for us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loved the ending to this series. The last awakened holdout finally got his story and boy howdy hat a story! You will fall in love with Opal and laugh at Aegis. He was so arrogant at times but in the end he came through with flying green Colors! I can't wait to see what he gets up to in the next series, it promises to be some rip roaring fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an ending to the Awakened Dragons, it will make you laugh and cry as you get to know the Emerald Dragon's story. Emerald. and Opal so deserve their HEA. Terry Bolryder again delivered another great series and I for one can't wait for the next dragon series.
Thank you Terry for my free book and for writing such enjoyable books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
markus torpvret
I have mixed feelings on this one. The story was ok but I never really felt the connection between the hero and heroine. They were childhood friends so I feel like the reader was kept in the dark on their relationship development. I doubt I will continue this series. At least it was offered as a kindleunlimited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew plank
You like him, you hate him. He is perfectly frustrating. Aegis is a bad boy to his core or so he thinks. Secretly he is all good and just looking for his one true love. Opal is the girl who should have had it easy she met the man of her dreams when he was just a boy. It's not aways that easy. Fall in love with the bad boy who is good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
camille stottlemyre
Terry Bolryder is a truly gifted author! Loved that the other characters from the previous books are in it and it's wonderful how the men are strong but still vulnerable. I have read every one of her books and have yet to be disappointed. If you're looking for a book that will draw you in at the beginning,start with Onyx Dragon and read them all!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc hall
I have loved/hated this guy thru the whole series but it wouldn't be the same without him. You explain so much and make him so likable and so much More. I'm so happy you wrote this book. I can't wait for the next series now.. I'm so excited to see what they do together... Take us on the journey Terry...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alissa pryor
Took me awhile to consider reading this book because of Aegis past decisions but I am extremely happy I did because it was amazing but I suspect that the next series on Awakened dragons book will be amazing because Aegis will be in charge and I honestly can't wait! I am it's soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aitor er
Everytime I think this author can't get any better she seems to prove me wrong. I honestly couldn't be happier with any of the books that Terry puts out. The story has everything a good story should have. The series truly keeps getting better and better. I would definitely recommend reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen callaghan
Yep, inwas one of the reviewers who wanted more of Aegis from the start. Thank God for Reader inspired books. This was amazing! Bolryder kept with Aegis' character and still managed a great love story. Opal was perfect for Aegis and I look forward to seeing them with the Viking Dragons!! WOOHOO!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ms. Bolryder has a way to cause your interest from the first paragraph. Be warned that when you start this book, make sure you have time to finish!! I hate to see a series end, but this book was a perfect ending. I do not want to give away any good parts of the book, but I have been an Aegis fan from the beginning. Mmmmm wow another action packed book with a few tears rolled in. Thanks for such a great read!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the whole series. The Emerald Dragon is someone you have LOVE/hate feelings for but in the end you want him to change somewhat and win Opal over. It's a good LOVE STORY with great characters. Sexy dragon GUYS, spicy sex and interesting Tory that keeps you wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this story. It was fast paced, sweet, and had some action. I was curious to see how Terry would redeem the Emerald dragon, and am pleased with how it turned out. This was a good ending to the this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual you have out done yourself Terry. The story is awesome I fell for the bad guy when he helped in the others in the series. Finding his mate and be one of the good guys was just great! Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
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