And Life Again, Heaven, A True Story of Brokenness
ByCrystal McVea
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karn kher
I've read a few near-death experience already and this one is a bit different from the others that I've read. It's still a very good book and I do recommend it but just be prepared to read more about Mrs. McVea's life story before you get into her near-death experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie carpenter
I really liked this book. Even though the author had experienced a lot of heartache and pain in her life, she maintained her relationship with the Lord by talking (praying) to Him about everything, and in the end, it paid off. He showed her on her trip to Heaven that His love for her was eternal and that he had remained with her through every event in her life! Gods love for us is promised throughout the scriptures as in "I will never leave you or forsake you" and in many other places! I would recommend this to my friends, especially those who feel that God couldn't love them because of guilt or sin in their lives.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachel crabtree
I have to stop buying books like this, thinking I am going to gain some new insight into heaven and ending up having to read really bad writing about ordinary lives, with only a small part of the book actually focusing on the experiences in heaven. Crystal is, I'm sure, a very nice woman and her experience undoubtedly was real; however, I had to schlep through hundreds of pages about her utterly uninteresting life, with only about five pages devoted to her experience in heaven. Most of the book found her pedantically pontificating about what she thinks it might have meant. Her life, as has everyone's, has been filled with sadness, despair, challenges, and also periods of brightness and happiness. So what? There was nothing extraordinary about her life, yet 99% of the book focused on her incredibly ordinary life. It was like listening to hour upon hour of nine innings of a really boring baseball game, with only one base hit. What a yawner! My thumb was wearing out trying to skip pages on my Kindle so I could get to the few pages about her actual experience in heaven. If I could give this 1/4 star, I would. Please leave the preaching for people who really are good at it, and don't be so arrogant as to think your everyday life warrants hundreds of pages, and heaven only five. Really?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie garnett
I highly recommend this book to anyone, but especially someone who may be feeling even a small measure of guilt for some past sin in their life, or to someone who's just not sure about God. This book is very well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith williams
This book changed my life. I have been seeing the bright light for years - never knew it was GOD until I read Crystal's book. I would recommend this book to every human being on earth.
Five stars.
Five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I appreciate the way this book was written. She was very careful to keep the focus on God's forgiveness and His love and His desire to care for us. Heaven will be beautiful and full of joy but it's important that we continue to follow God's plan as long as we are still here in this world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellent story of someone who felt unworthy of God's love because of the sexual abuse she had endured throughout childhood and the abortion she had. In a ND experience she was shown how God had loved her from the beginning, warts and all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meakin armstrong
What I liked most about this book is how authentic the author was about herself. She wasn't some "super Christian" always involved in ministry and living a "power filled" life but was an ordinary, broken and hurting human who had an extraordinary after death experience.
I really enjoyed it and highly recommend to others.
I really enjoyed it and highly recommend to others.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book looked so good in the bookstore I decided to purchase it for my Kindle but I had a hard time believing all the things that happened to the author. I'm sure she had some kind of experience in heaven but I'm just not sure all those things could have happened to her on earth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karl catabas
I so thoroughly enjoyed this book. Crystal told her story with so much passion and conviction. She made you feel her joy and her pain. She made you feel the encompassing presence and love of God. An excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deana hill sandberg
I have heard many real stories about the "hereafter" and some of what the author writes seems to coincide with other people. However, her experiences of doing good deeds that God had asked had me a little doubtful. I was not convinced that God would ask someone to spend money, that they could ill afford, to help a stranger.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This true story brings me back to my childhood of the wonder of Heaven! When I was 7yrs old, my childhood friend had pass away on Easter Sunday. When my mother told me, I was devastated. That night i dreamt of my friend walking up in the sky, stairs made of white clouds, I was holding her hand, but the bright light was blinding me. She was a few steps ahead of me. I was pulling back with my n hands over my eyes. She said, come with me! I said no, I want to stay. She let go of my hand stood at the top of the stairs and stood next to God holding his hand with a lamb lying next to him. I woke up hysterical crying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This true story was such an encouragement to me. Crystal battled through some real trials in her young life ad made some poor choices along the way. This book speaks to so many of us directly to the heart. I learned that God loves us so deeply. This book was just what I needed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan carroll
I read this book completely in one evening. The author spends much of her time describing her life leading up to the experience in heaven to give the reader a full idea of the person she saw herself as, flawed and unworthy of God's redemption. Perhaps some readers didn't appreciate that much of a backstory. I do believe it was intentional. We are all a product of our life experiences, some more horrific than others. Every single person born in this world has flaws. Even the best "Christians" have sinned, making us all in need of a Savior. That's a difficult thing to choke down. Many people cannot believe that a perfect God would be concerned for them, would love them and would provide a way to heaven. This story covers the author's struggle with that very idea without any particularly disturbing details. A lot of people have had similar upbringing and can relate to Crystal's mindset, even those people sitting in the pews every Sunday morning singing hymns and smiling on the outside.
If you truly want an account of what heaven is like, you could read memoirs such as Crystal's bearing in mind that this was one person's account of an experience they had, or you could study what the Scriptures say about it. Regardless of what each of us believes, all will have their moment of truth when they face their Maker.
If you truly want an account of what heaven is like, you could read memoirs such as Crystal's bearing in mind that this was one person's account of an experience they had, or you could study what the Scriptures say about it. Regardless of what each of us believes, all will have their moment of truth when they face their Maker.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Many people have horrible unprovoked experiences and loose trust in
God's love. Crystal was in that position but honest heart was recognized by God. Though she lost trust in Him,He pursued her until all her unbelief was changed to belief that He had a plan . He showed her her life,too,was worth living and had purpose.
God's love. Crystal was in that position but honest heart was recognized by God. Though she lost trust in Him,He pursued her until all her unbelief was changed to belief that He had a plan . He showed her her life,too,was worth living and had purpose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt walker
WOW! What an amazing book for anyone who thinks they aren't worthy of Gods Love. This woman had had a very rough life & found the God could forgive & Love even her. I highly recommend this book. It's an easy read, no high tech jargen like some books about heaven.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was an enjoyably readable book which is a reassuring message to all of us who wonder what lies beyond. Sensitive topic since one is leary of lending oneself to this kind of possibility and outside the purely scientific realm.
Read it and enjoy...
Read it and enjoy...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan martin
I have enjoyed reading this book. It immediately came to my Kindle Fire, and it is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever read regarding someone who have died and came back. Beautiful and shows the love of God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our daughter, Michelle is a devout Christian with a very loving heart. Just recently she recommended a book that she just finished reading that really exemplified God’s personal connection to each of our lives. Thank you, Michelle. What a marvelous life story about God and His infinite love for each of us.
I highly recommend that each of you read Crystal’s “Waking Up In Heaven”. It is not only inspirational, but shows how persistence in our belief in God as well as prayer throughout our lives to do God’s will, helps us to prosper as human beings.
The way Crystal tells her story is both intriguing and captivating. She is so brave and courageous to share her entire story with us, and has a message for each of us regarding God working in each of our lives to fully heal us and help us to share our Eternal Experiences with others.
Thank you Crystal for inspiring me and many others to listen to the quiet "nudges" from God in sharing His infinite love with each of us.
Boyd K. Smith, Ph.D.
CEO - New Ways to Prosper
I highly recommend that each of you read Crystal’s “Waking Up In Heaven”. It is not only inspirational, but shows how persistence in our belief in God as well as prayer throughout our lives to do God’s will, helps us to prosper as human beings.
The way Crystal tells her story is both intriguing and captivating. She is so brave and courageous to share her entire story with us, and has a message for each of us regarding God working in each of our lives to fully heal us and help us to share our Eternal Experiences with others.
Thank you Crystal for inspiring me and many others to listen to the quiet "nudges" from God in sharing His infinite love with each of us.
Boyd K. Smith, Ph.D.
CEO - New Ways to Prosper
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ember leigh
True testament to God's amazing love for us. There are no "coincidences in life... But rather God constantly reminding us of His presence and love for us. Crystal's time in heaven, allowed her to have eyes to see on earth, just how intertwined God is in our daily lives. He loves and adores ALL of His children. Loved it !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sebastien williams wynn
This book was SO well written! It answered a LOT of questions that I've had about visits to heaven. The contents of this book only serve to strengthen my bond with God. Thank you so much for sharing your story Crystal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doug mcclain
One of the better, well-written experiences of going to Heaven and coming back. Her story of her unfortunate and heartbreaking life and her description of heaven and the love she experienced there are so amazing. I have read several books similar to this and found this one the best so far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
estella french
Wow, I loved this book. Hard to put down. Crystal's life was filled with fear, disappointment and chaos as a child but she became a warrior for God! Through it all God gave her the grace to write what she had experienced. I would recommend this to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful story of the real struggles people have with life and finding their faith. Believing and true faith is somewhat like the saying "in for a penny in for a pound". When you can start seeing that what you continually thought were coincidences have a much more powerful meaning; that is the true gift of God.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Way too long and mostly about her personal life and hardships. Very little about heaven, which is what I wanted. If you like a lot of someone talking about themselves and their problems, then you might like it. I ended up having to skip a lot just to ever finish it and move on to something with more substance.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed reading this book. I would say the first half is more interesting than the last half of the book. The last half of the book is a lot about her religious beliefs and changes in her own faith having gone through this experience.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A young woman with a background of sexual abuse falls into a coma due to illness and finds herself experiencing a heavenly environment. She awakens with the memory, and it changes her life.
I have to admit I did not read every single word, because there is a weary sameness in all these kinds of books. Many of those who undergo the experience come from religious backgrounds which seem to inform their trips, populating them with religious figures. But one cannot help having his or her curiosity piqued, since the experience is replicated many times. Definitely recommend to those who may be nearing the end of their lives or who have just lost a loved one, particular those with a religious background. An agnostic reader would probably approach this book with at least a healthy skepticism, in light of what neurologists know from current studies of the brain under extreme stress, but without summarily rejecting the premise.
I have to admit I did not read every single word, because there is a weary sameness in all these kinds of books. Many of those who undergo the experience come from religious backgrounds which seem to inform their trips, populating them with religious figures. But one cannot help having his or her curiosity piqued, since the experience is replicated many times. Definitely recommend to those who may be nearing the end of their lives or who have just lost a loved one, particular those with a religious background. An agnostic reader would probably approach this book with at least a healthy skepticism, in light of what neurologists know from current studies of the brain under extreme stress, but without summarily rejecting the premise.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
eesha rashid
it was easy reading but
i thought she dwelled on her life more than her time spent in heaven which what i was looking for.....this experince was strickly for what happed to her and her interpretations of how it coincided with her life and how God had meant everythiong that happened to her....too vague in that area....all in all a good story
i thought she dwelled on her life more than her time spent in heaven which what i was looking for.....this experince was strickly for what happed to her and her interpretations of how it coincided with her life and how God had meant everythiong that happened to her....too vague in that area....all in all a good story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wade stevenson
Crystal story is so courageous. We all come from dysfunctional families. What we don't share or keep hidden only GOD knows. Her strength and faith to come forth and tell the world is truly a blessing to all who read her book..
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J A Druce