On Demon Wings (Experiment in Terror #5)

ByKarina Halle

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice andersen
Just finished the fifth book in this series and cannot wait for the next installment. This one answered some questions for Perry and Dex but there is so much more we need to find out. Old characters from Red Fox were brought back and Perry's sister Ada had a bigger role. Love this series!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I downloaded Dark House because it was free, but I fell in love with Perry and Dex and immediately bought the rest of the titles and waited anxiously for On Demon Wings to become available. I'm sorry to say I was disappointed in this book after reading the other Experiments in Terror titles. I just felt the book spent a lot of time doing and saying the same things over and over. I ended up getting very bored being stuck inside Perry's house and dreams and I thought with the way the last title ended that this book would finally show us more about who Perry and Dex really were but that wasn't the case. I probably won't buy the novella that is coming out in July, but hopefully the next full book in the series will be a little bit more satisfying.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I downloaded Dark House because it was free, but I fell in love with Perry and Dex and immediately bought the rest of the titles and waited anxiously for On Demon Wings to become available. I'm sorry to say I was disappointed in this book after reading the other Experiments in Terror titles. I just felt the book spent a lot of time doing and saying the same things over and over. I ended up getting very bored being stuck inside Perry's house and dreams and I thought with the way the last title ended that this book would finally show us more about who Perry and Dex really were but that wasn't the case. I probably won't buy the novella that is coming out in July, but hopefully the next full book in the series will be a little bit more satisfying.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim cheadle
I have read all of the Experiment in Terror Series. Each one seems to get better. I can hardly wait for the next book to be released on Kindle. Once I start these books, I simply can not put them down. Great fast read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heart wrenching.....soul crushing.....despair....hopelessness....I felt it all with this one. Katrina Halle....you've done it...AGAIN! I should expect no less from you. I was completely broken.....

In this 5th installment of Experiment in Terror, Perry tries to piece back together her broken heart, reeling from all that happened in Seattle.
Six weeks after leaving Seattle, she is shattered and absolutely defeated. Perry is NOT okay......She no longer has EIT, she no longer has her Dex.

She is trying to move on in life....a new job....new friends. But, her life remains in ruins. Her parents are constantly breathing down her back.....she is broken, loveless, and losing control of her mind. Her only constant is her sister, Ada....her rock....but not even she can save Perry from something sinister that is about to consume her.....
Perry is slowly losing her mind and her sanity. She is beginning to see and hear things that no one else can .....red glowing eyes, growling.

Her dreams are becoming more and more real until Perry realizes, these aren't dreams at all. Perry whole heartedly believes that she is being possessed by a demon.....by Abby. Whatever this evil is only means her harm and destruction.

Enter Maximus.......(the crowd boos)....the southern red-headed gentleman...the charmer...
Ginger balls makes his return into Perry's life. Now working for Shownet, he tries to convince Perry to come back and host EIT with him as a cameraman. Although Perry declines his job offer....she doesn't have the will power to decline his invitation to dinner. Stupid, stupid girl. Becoming involved with Maximus will only end in more suffering for Miss Palamino.

Things start to take a turn for awful and horrifying when Perry starts lose control of herself and her mind.
Her parents think she is losing her sanity and slipping further down the road to self-destruction...refusing to believe anything she says and only believing the trauma she is causing herself and those around her. Plain and simple....her parents...the people who are programmed to love her unconditionally...support her....BELIEVE her...they have failed her..

The evil is escalating rapidly. As Perry's life quickly crumbles around her and she loses herself to the force that possesses her, she has no choice but to rely on Ada to do everything possible to save her......
Enter Dex......you irresistible, frustrating bastard you.

Out of options and nearly out of time, Dex and Ada have no other choice but to take Perry to a medicine man and attempt to exercise her demons....or lose her forever.
It is during this that The Crazy Clown Lady makes her entrance again. Perry finally gets answers from Pippa as to why she feels so connected to Dex and to her. (sorry to be so vauge....but I dont want to give away any goodies!)
Perry has to trust that Dex will do anything to save her from her from this hell and from the dark evil within her.

This EIT for the most part revolved around Perry. Although I would have LOVED more Dex.....I still think this was a brilliantly horrifying story. Definitly 5 star worthy!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
After the the first couple of books thought the series was different and interesting....sure didn't see this book coming. I am surprised by all the 5 star reviews because I was totally not into this book! I really wasn't into book 4 but thought I would give this one a chance! Ugh this was way worse!!!!! It completely went in a different direction and I found myself losing interest in the story line. I certainly didn't like the ending and am tired of new authors trying to drag me into another purchase. The author left the entire ending open for the next book and this book could not stand alone on its merits if it had too!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie ann
I must, must start this review by saying HOLY EFFING BLEEEEP!!! Whew. I feel better.

Seriously? Whoa. Author Karina Halle has always held the ability to creep me out. Each book in the Experiment in Terror series has gotten progressively freakier. And now, in ON DEMON WINGS, I feel nearly ready to piss myself with fright. I'm telling you, if you grew up in the 80s, with a parent who liked to scare the shizz out of you, then surely you've watched Poltergeist. That is the freaked out, crazy-scary vibe I had while reading this book. The day I read this, I was poolside in Atlanta, in June. I should have been hot, right?! Um...no. I had freaking chill bumps running along my arms and legs. I kept looking behind the potted plants, in the pool drains, and jumping when shadows crossed over. So if Karina was aiming to freak me the eff out, mission accomplished. Two thumbs up.

Alright. The big questions. Perry? Dex? Perry and Dex? What happened after LYING SEASON? I have to say, it hurt to see Perry without Dex. At first. But really, it was nice to see Perry make a new life for herself after the fallout. She proves her inner strength, her ability to deal with everything, even though it hurt. But then...Perry's life goes to south in a major way. This poor girl has handled more than most characters ever go through. I'm just waiting for Perry to completely crack.

The ever-infuriating, yet hopelessly sexy and intriguing, Dex Foray is largely absent in much of the story. I say largely and not completely because though he's not physically present, he's always near the front of Perry's consciousness. His past actions still play a tremendous and devastating part of Perry's life. But don't fear, Dex lovers. I am one of you and I will say that when Dex does make a return, it is PERFECTION. For once, Dex does and says the right thing. I have never loved that man as much as I did in this book.

I would be a total loser if I did not mention Perry's sister, Ada. How this girl has grown on me! She was a brat in the first few books in the series. But along the way, she has morphed into a ridiculously funny, surprising astute, and fiercely loyal sister. She was Perry's thread to sanity in much of this book. I can't tell you how many times this girl made me snarf. Especially when she's telling off the men in Perry's life. You can always count on Ada to dish out the truth, in her unique way. Here's her discussing the weird events happening with Perry:

"Look, I don't know, Perry. You've been through a lot. You just watched a whole bunch of Tyra Banks. Combined, those things can create nightmares." (ebook, 21%)

ON DEMON WINGS was all I had hoped for and more. It had the traits I've come to expect from Halle's books: quirky, fun, scary, exciting, tense, and full of "WTF?" moments. So many lingering questions were answered. But I have to say that the ending made me shriek and thrash, much like possessed-Perry. The story was utterly imaginative. I have truly been taking places I never dreamed possible when I began this series nearly a year ago. Karina Halle is a fearless author and I am anxiously (understatement) waiting for book six, INTO THE HOLLOW.

Favorite Quote:

"I pictured Dex, his deep eyes, his smirk, his stark determination that blew me over from time to time. He was a strong man and a weak man all at once. A friend once, a lover last. A father in another lifetime. Now nothing. But he was going to try to save me all the same." (eARC, 90%)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
GENRE: Horror
THEME: Ghost/Demon/Paranormal
RECEIVED: Received for Review for Tour
BLOG: [...]

If you read Lying Season you probably felt like I did or actually did what I did...*sat in silence and said WHAT!* But thank goodness for On Demon Wings which picks up right where the readers left off. Karina Halle never ceases to amaze me with how she can make me feel so attached to her characters and captivates me into her story. On Demon Wings is what I believe the most important piece in the puzzle of what happening with Perry and Dex.

Perry is trying to move on, recover from the major impact Dex had left her with. Luckily for the first time her parents seem to be understanding and her sister Ada is by her side every step of the way. But something doesn't seem right or feel right and Perry is about to discover that the evil she's encountered in the past is now inside of her. Bit by bit Perry is loosing herself and no one seems to believe her but her sister and the one man she was trying to forget.

Perry is such a trooper; this girl has been through so much hell I don't think I would be in the right mind after everything. But she really is trying to start over, a new job, new friends and getting her relationship with her family back in the right place. I felt so bad for Perry in this one and that's saying something but she always been put in tough situations. But she looses a lot, is betrayed by someone she thought believed her and in the end seems to be loosing control of herself. I could go on and on about how many emotional shenanigans this poor girl goes though but I don't want to give too much away.

Ada, bless this girls heart! I really loved her in this book. She had her sisters back when no one else did and she always knew the right thing to do. She gets a lot more insight into what has been happening to her sister and even realizes that she might be the only one to help Perry stay alive.

There is a major character that steps back into the picture and connects with Perry and even her family. If you don't remember Maximus well get ready because this guy will shock you major in this book and I cant tell you why. Beside him Perry's mother and father take on a bigger role, which I finally felt they were beginning to understand their daughter and be real parents. Let just say Perry discovers the truth behind her grandmother and a connection to Dex in her families past, which makes Perry question her family. Dex really makes a major impact in this story, but that all I can say.

Overall, wow! Just wow! I really can't begin to explain how much this book not only scared the hell out of me but also how much I loved it! The story was creepy and I really needed the lights on to read it because I swear if anything made a noise I would jump out of my seat. Halle adds some major twists that will keep you begging for more, which I'm doing right now! I highly recommend the Experiment in Terror series.

This is a mature young adult/ adult novel, with some minor sexual content and very scary moments. I highly recommend this to fans of Stephen King, who like some really great twist with mystery and intense moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh My God, this was crazily fantastic!!! There are no doubts that Karina is amazing author. This book was full of surprises and I was seriously overwhelmed with all that happened in this book.

"And this fear, the fright that shattered my nerves and made my tongue buzz like metal, it was more real than any dream. Sometimes it was only the strongest, most palable terror that really made you feel alive."

After cliffhanger in Lying Season, I immediately started book 5. Things were pretty negative and depressive for Perry at the beginning, it seemed like plenty of bad and sad things were coming her way. It was breaking my heart to see Perry struggling with her life situations. And than she started losing her mind. Literally. Things got weird, creepy and she had noone to count on. Only Ada. Oh yes, Ada, the best sister in the world. I really liked her in this book, that is for sure.

Things were super freaky in On Demon Wings. All the ghost-possession-mind-losing stuff really scared me and I found most of the is very believable which made things for me even scarier. Everything felt more dangerous and creepier in this book, especially when Dex was not arround. I had scary goose bumps more often than during previous books in these series and On Demon Wings seriously gave me creeps.

So far I thought that Jennifer L. Armentrout is master of cliffhangers. But considering the one in this book, Karina definitely accomplished the level of I-have-to-read-next-book-like-now-otherwise-I-will-go-crazy with her cliffhanger. So seriously poeple, go and read these series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy freaking wow!

Another amazing adventure in the EIT series!

At first I was feeling quite let down by Dex's long absence in this book. The story was amazing, Perry was perfectly flawed, Ada was becoming a truly wonderful sister, the horror was horrifying, the sex was wild & crazy ... but with no Dex?
And then, Ta-Da! he heroically shows up, just in time to save the day. Or does he? I am not a fan of cliffhanger endings - but this one doesn't bother me - it's just like added suspense to an already riveting drama.

Love this series. It scares the s*** out of me.
And I am still in love with Dex - even if he is a douchecanoe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Whoa, the series took an interesting turn in this book. I'm just flabbergasted with all that's happened (in a good way!) So glad that book 6 has already been released. Because On Demon Wings ends in a cliff hanger that makes me want to chew my own arm out and trade it in for the next book.

What to say without giving away spoilers? This book is all about Perry and her psyche. I just want to scream with some of the choices she makes in this one (more on that in spoilers part). More secrets come out, and relationships between Perry/Ada, Perry/her parents, Perry/Dex are flushed out.

This book didn't scare me as much as previous ones in the series did, probably because some of the stuff that happened weren't too original and felt like they were things I've seen in movies - but who cares.. I'm reading this to know more about Perry and Dex anyway :) The semi-scary stuff was done ok and it went with the plot and spooky factor.

Book 5 of the Experiment in Terror series - It's a really good edition to the series and I'm definitely reading the next book and the novellas in between. In the grand scheme of things and comparing it to all books I've read, I really really enjoyed it but not a must read before you die.

Don't know how to hide spoilers on an the store review, so see my profile's website link for spoilers on this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
E-ARC: On Demon Wings by Karina Halle
(Experiment In Terror #5)
Pages: 198
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Source: Sent from author

Short Synopsis: Perry is dealing with the aftermath of what happened between her and Dex, and the ending of the show. But things get creepier when Perry starts getting haunted no matter where she is.

My Thoughts: I was completely blown away by the latest in this series. Halle's best one yet!

After what happened between Dex and Perry, and the fall out with her show, Perry now resides in seattle as a barista. Dex had been trying to contact Perry with the past couple months, but Perry doesn't respond as she changed her phone number and her e-mail, making it clear that she wants nothing to do with him.
As things are going good with her new job and making new friends, Perry's past somehow manages to come back to her. And most recent, Perry has been having a few episodes. Seeing things that aren't there, and even haunting her house.
And though Perry's trying her best to deal with it, she also gets a blast from her past. A colleague from the show, Max, stops by to let Perry know that the show wants Perry back as their host, without Dex. Perry is reluctant, and doesn't know what to do, as she confides in Max that something might be haunting her, or that something evil is inside her.
Together, Perry and Max try to get rid of the "demon" but things don't go as planned. Perry's sister finally calls Dex as a reinforcement, and together they take Perry to see an exorcist. This is the only option for them all, before Perry becomes even more violently dangerous. Can Perry survive the exorcist and Dex?

Wow! This novel literally kept me up at night. Super creepy, and unputdownable. Halle does it again, keeping readers entranced with the paranormal world. I love reading about Perry's wild adventures and what she's up to next.
There are so many shocking situations I don't know where to start! For those who don't want spoilers, I'll try to keep it minimal. But I was so shocked about what had happened to Perry and what her real cramps were related to. I kept thinking that maybe she was dreaming, or something rational other than that.
I also wasn't a fan of Max, and felt that even though he was giving Perry copious amount of attention, that he was a shady character, and didn't really have any intentions of really helping Perry. I was furious at Perry for not at least giving Dex a chance to explain his side of the story.
I enjoyed reading about the exorcism, even though it was incredibly creepy, I still couldn't keep my eyes off of it. I wasn't to thrilled with Perry's parents and the fact that they couldn't see what a real problem Perry's situation had become. I absolutely hated the ending, but makes me so anxious to read what happens next in the series. In general, an awesome read to a great series, and I can't wait for the next one in the series.

Would I recommend this book: Yes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura bandstra
I have been waiting with baited breath for this book. With the cliff hanger ending in Lying Season and the situation between Perry and Dex I couldn't wait to see what would happen. This installment of the EIT series centers mainly on Perry and her own haunting. She has to deal with a lot in this book and unlike the other installments she doesn't have Dex to lean on. Throughout the series I've been a big Dex/ Perry supporter, so when Perry turns to Maximus, Dex's friend from Red Fox, I was conflicted. I know she was mainly doing it for comfort, but it didn't feel right. Later in the book I felt Maximus true colors show themselves any way. Dex pops up toward the end of the book, right when I was wondering if he ever was coming into the picture. I think for the first time in this series you get a good look at the real Dex.
While I didn't find this book as scary as the others, it felt more like a bad possession movie than a good ghost story. Which disappointed me slightly, yet didn't completely dampen my interest in this series. I already loved the characters, and cared about what happened to them. My already ingrained love of Perry made this a nail biter and I found myself reading as fast as I could to find out what would happen next and what was going on with her. A lot of questions are answered, which was nice even if some of them opened up several new cans of worms. Sadly once again Ms Halle leaves us with a cliffhanger ending, which means I will be waiting on pins and needles for the next book.

I received an ARC from the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura m
Originally posted on Pawing Through Books on 6/6/12

I don't really know where to start with this review, other than I love this series and I love Karina Halle's writing. That truly sums up my feelings, but it wouldn't be much of a review to just say that, would it!?

The Experiment in Terror series by Karina Halle has become one of my favorite series to date. Karina Halle has a way to keep you wanting more and making you wonder what is coming next. She has a knack for keeping you on your toes... you never know where the story is going to end up!

On Demon Wings is not like the other books in this series, but that doesn't mean that it isn't just as good as the others. Dex and Perry aren't going on a ghost hunt in On Demon Wings, but instead they are on a whole different kind of adventure. There isn't much of Dex in this book, but when he does make an appearance you gain a whole new perspective on him and he gains your respect. Perry and Dex's relationship still frustrates you at different points in the story, but you honestly can't help but love them at the same time. There are things about each of them that you can relate to.

On Demon Wings by Karina Halle is a roller coaster of a story. There are times where you will want to cry, times where you will get angry and frustrated, and times where you are so happy you smile! This makes for an awesome read that takes you on a fantastic journey with a little demonic fun thrown in!

Overall, I would highly recommend Karina Halle's On Demon Wings, especially if you have read the other Experiment in Terror books. If you haven't read this series, make sure you pick up Darkhouse (book 1), you will be hooked!
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