The Wild Heir: A Royal Standalone Romance

ByKarina Halle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
d s cohen
⭐️ 4.5 Stars ⭐️

Move over Royals,because we have a favorite!

I knew the moment I’ve read about him,in Karina’s previous release The Swedish Prince, that I was going to love this character.
He got me hooked here from page one.

Magnus is the Crown Prince of Norway.
An adrenaline junkie. A rebel at heart. A wild Viking. A free spirit.
That is until a slip on his behavior puts his family name into shame and his place as a future king is at risk.

An arranged marriage to a blue blooded stranger is the only way his family thinks will fix this and make people to trust and look at the Royal Family the way they used to.

Princess Isabella from Liechtenstein or Ella is a perfect match for Magnus.
She’s quiet,beautiful,smart and oh so feisty!
She has no problem to put him on his place.

This book was such an amazing read! It has it all:
Funny,angsty,sweet,slow burn...the pace and how the characters develop are perfect timing.

Magnus and Ella’s story showed us that what started as something forced and staged,can quickly become something genuine and deep with a lot of work.
And even though love is not easy,it’s worth the risk.

A must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We briefly met first met the Crown Prince Magnus of Norway in The Swedish Prince, this is a standalone and can be read as such, even so, I was excited to hear he would get his own story. Who does not love a royal love story!

Magnus is a free spirit who loves to live as he pleases, like most guys. Except he is not most guys. He is a prince with the need to improve his image. I loved how carefree and charming he was, but there is so much more to the man. Princess Isabella is reserved, smart, beautiful, but can and does speak her mind. I loved that about her.

When Magnus is informed by his family he needs to change his way or lose his status as future king, they have something in mind. An arranged marriage to Princess Isabella. Neither is happy but understands the necessity of this type of situation. But the more time they spend together, the more Magnus wants to see what is behind Ella.

I loved this slow burn romance with great banter and chemistry. Their love did not come easy but was honest and real. I laughed and swooned throughout their story. A great royal romance with all the feels!

Happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason ackerman
Let me tell you about Karina Halle novels... they are AWESOME.

For lack of a better word, even after an English Lit degree, I sit on awesome and I mean it. They're not too long or too angsty. They make you giggle and smile and fall in love with likable characters over and over. Have a stressful situation going on in your life? Read a Halle novel. Need love in your life? Read a Halle novel. Have wine and need a little smut that is written well? Read a Halle novel.

She is always worth your money and your time.

And let me tell you about how much I love royalty; especially viking royalty. Long live Magnus!
Ashes to Ashes (Experiment in Terror) :: The Offer :: Love, in English :: Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1) :: Winter Wishes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela mathe
I always love a novel where characters are part of their own self discovery. It says a lot about an author that can stay true to the characters while exploring sensitive topics.

Ella and Magnus are both royalty in their own right.. so getting married shouldn’t be a huge deal.. right? Except Ella is a good girl and Magnus, well, he’s an adrenaline junkie playboy. However, both of them want to please their families, and while they may have embarked on this journey for other reasons.. they end up finding true love.

I loved this book.. beginning, middle, and end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fake engagement? Royals? Crown Prince Magnus is reckless. He doesn’t realize all the havoc he’s creating casts him in a bad light. Princess Ella is chosen for him to clean up his image. It’s where there story begins.

Magnus is an adrenaline junkie, reckless and a bit immature. He knows women want him. He takes advantage of that.

Ella is quiet, smart and feisty. She just wants to be a voice of change. She’s a spitfire who knows what she wants. Ella isn’t afraid to share her opinions especially when it come to Magnus.

These two have a great relationship. I really loved their no holds barred questions and discussions. They were honest and relatable. I really loved them.

Karina Halle is onto something with these incredibly layered, complex and lovable Royals. They are smart, sexy and witty. This certainly can be read as standalone. Excited to see what is on the horizon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nidal ibrahem
“Please don’t break my heart.”

Karina Halle DOES IT AGAIN! She mixes the sexy, the sweet, the romance, and the angst, and turns out something simply and ROYALLY FANTASTIC! This standalone royal romance will sweep you off of your feet and leave you in a completely blissful state of mind. Magnus and Ella will set your heart ablaze with their chemistry and their passion. Their story…their blossoming adoration towards each other is enough to make you absolutely melt! As far as ‘royal romances’ goes, this one was top notch! Halle brings her usual depth of emotion in this story, weaving in a beautiful message in between the lines. I LOVED it! I ADORED these characters and the writing was spectacular, as usual. This author can really do no wrong. No matter the genre, no matter the trope, Halle brings her A-GAME each and every time!

*ARC provided by the author*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Karina asked which secondary character from Swedish Prince we would like to see more of, I actually said Pike. She told me I was crazy since he’s so young. My next thought was Magnus and I’m super glad that she went with the Norwegian prince.

Like I mentioned already we meet Magnus in Swedish Prince, but you absolutely do not need to read that book before immersing yourself in the greatness that is Magnus.

The Wild Heir is totally what Magnus is : He’s a reckless adrenaline junky and because of his lifestyle, he’s in a predicament to save face for himself, his family and the Monarchy. He has to get married. Reading about this whole process, meeting Ella, and the slow-burn of their story was amazing. It wasn’t insta-love, but insta-lust at first. There were a few twists in their story that I gasped at (Heidi!!!) but all-in-all Magnus and Ella are perfection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy beth
I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. Review and release blitz can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

I had loved Magnus ever since the Swedish Prince! I was very excited to get the chance to read his own story!
At first glance, you see a man who only loves a good time, yet has made royally big mistakes. So when the King and Queen force him to marry a princess, he is in for big trouble.
Now Ella, on the other hand, was an amazing character. Forced to live away from her country and with issues with her family, she is quite responsible, kind, and keeps Magnus on his toes. I loved their dialogue, banter and everything else.

I also loved the appearance of King Aksel! Seriously, the next book must be about him! And finally you can never get bored with a good book by Karina Halle; she is on my auto-read list for a reason.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a standalone and involves a marriage of convenience for the Prince of Norway who has gotten himself into trouble. He picks Isabella, Princess Isabella (Ella) of Liechtenstein for her genuine smile and the fact she seems real. Ella is serious about environmentalism and not interested in a philandering Prince.

Karina Halle has taken a turn to lighter books and this one had me laughing more than her books normally do. It was also a much slower burn than her books normally are which I personally loved. We met Magnus in The Swedish Prince and he doesn’t disappoint in The Wild Heir. He made me laugh and I guessed how and why his mind worked the way it did early in the book. There was some tropes and predictable story lines but I enjoyed the ride and the escapism. Ella was so relatable to me and I adored her getting her fairytale ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric knapp
Norway’s crown prince meets his match in an arranged marriage to the princess of Lichtenstein. Or, bad boy prince falls for a beautiful princess after a sex tape is released of him and the daughter of the prime minister of Norway. Either way, this was a delightfully sensual arrangement!

After reading and loving, The Swedish Prince, a couple of months ago, I bought this one as soon as it was released. Magnus, the crown prince of Norway had a small, but memorable part to play in that one, and there was no way I would miss this one.

Ella is the princess of the small country of Lichtenstein. She’s twenty two, but after taking some time off, she is still attending college in Edinburgh and lives in the dorm where she is a fish out of water. Because of her status, people don’t know how to act around her so they don’t have much to do with her. Neither does her father, the King. She does have an older woman with her, Lady Jane, that lives in the dorm, down the hall from her. Still, it’s a lonely life. Magnus is famous as a playboy, love em and leave em type. When he gets in hot water with his parents, the King and Queen of Norway, over a sex tape, they tell him he will have to give up his title of crown prince and never be king or get married. At first, he doesn’t know which is worse. He finally picks a candidate from a picture and Ella is sent for. She arrives in Norway not knowing the reason she’s there. It was an interesting and even fun premise and I really enjoyed reading about these two opposites falling for each other.

Told from both of the main characters perspectives, I relished getting to know each of them. Ella is more of an introvert and wants to work to save the environment, while Magnus is a womanizer and extreme sports enthusiast-the kind that is extremely dangerous. A real adrenaline junkie. But of course he does have some problems, one in particular that I figured out not far into the story. It really doesn’t take them long to be smitten with each other, but of course they aren’t sharing that fact with anyone, much less themselves. The King of Norway was another favorite character. He’s very sick, but is very kind and father-like towards Ella. And since her father is just the opposite she basks in it. Lady Jane provides comic relief at times and was a good friend to Ella. Of course, there’s a villain in the form of the girl from the sex tape. Enough said about that.

I don’t think this was necessarily full on erotica, but it’s very sensual and detailed. The author issues a warning before you start the read, so I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it. The good thing is that Halle did not use sex scenes in place of story. In other words, they are not there as filler. I would even call this a slow burn romance. I thought the story was pretty amazingly told and paced. Halle has been a favorite author of mine for years, and while I haven’t read everything she’s written, the ones I haven’t are in my to be read pile and I will definitely get to them. She’s very prolific and I happily buy them as she writes them.

I recommend this to all adult contemporary romance readers that enjoy very sensual scenes. It’s a wonderful romance as was, The Swedish Prince, which I also recommend. FYI, each are standalone, but I was happy I started with, The Swedish Prince, which was amazing. 4.5/5 stars. (Originally posted on Delighted Reader)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another fantastic story from Karina Halle, I just couldn't put it down!I devour it and I fall in love with everything about The Wild Heir, the characters and the story!Karina Halle delivers an intense,sexy,romantic and steamy romance!


Magnus and Ella stole my heart from the beginning!Their romance is slow burn,intense and sexy.I loved how these two were whenever they were together!Flirty, with humor and full of sexual tension!Their romance felt realistic, Ella is sweet and cute.Magnus is amazing, I loved him so much.He is charming,funny and hot!I loved the story line in The Wild Heir it was refreshing and brilliant!

I highly recommend it, it was exactly what I needed!A fast paced and romantic story with a sexy hero and a lovely heroine!Magnus is going to stole your heart, this man *sigh*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
slater smith
The Wild Heir has become my newest OBSESSION. Just when I think I couldn't love Karina and her words more than I already do. The Wild Heir made me fall completely and utterly head over heels IN LOVE. I had a smile on my face the WHOLE time while I was reading. I was BURSTING with excitement from each page wanting to know what would happen next, but afraid of it actually ending. This book has become a TOP read this year and maybe EVER. It's definitely in my top three favorite Karina books. I don't know how long it'll take me to get over this book, and I don't even care. I hope it stays fresh in my mind FOREVER.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh bookout
Prince Magnus was a side character in “The Swedish Prince” who was intriguing, full of adrenaline and cocky swagger. With the way he burst onto scenes, he just had to get his own book.

Princess Isabella is mostly estranged from her father & brothers since she was sent away to boarding school as a young teenager. Hers has been a lonely life with just a much older Lady in Waiting companion.

In theory and on paper Magnus & Ella don’t work. But somehow, someway, they do bond. At times it seems tenuous, but sometimes, they are idyllically happy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I always enjoy reading Miss Karina’s books, and “The Wild Heir” is no different. She is an excellent author - writing beautiful love stories that I love to read. Her stories are easy to follow with a well thought out plot and fully fleshed out characters. I instantly fell in love with Ella and Magnus and was rooting for them to get together from the start! While some might say that the story was predictable, I am happy that it turned out the way it did. THAT’S why I read this genre. And Ms. Halle is another one of those reasons. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cori atkins
This was a great royal read! I liked Magnus when we first met him in The Swedish Prince, so I was super ecstatic to read his story! It was funny, sweet, sexy, touching, and angsty. I really enjoyed watching their relationship go from annoyance to like to adoration to love.

Ella was a wonderful character. She was shy at times, sweet, longed for love and praise, yet she was fierce in what she believed in and spoke her mind. I liked how she didn’t back down from Magnus, how she told him what she was feeling and when he was being a$$.

Magnus is the typical sexy, charming playboy, but we also see the caring, loving, softer side to him. I truly liked how he would egg Ella on just to get a rise out of her. And seeing him fall in love was so sweet!

All in all, this was a great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris moore
This book had 2 of my favorite things- royals and a slow burn. There is something about royals that just hooks me. The history and tradition, just everything. I loved that this book took the old notion of arranged marriage and made it feel current and relevant, but still traditional. Their stubbornness, the family’s meddling, it was so good. Magnus and Ella were great together. I loved the banter and the hate flirting was so fun. The build up of their relationship was done so well and it just made it so satisfying in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved how this story came together, how it addressed family relationships and dynamics, and most importantly ADHD. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD; I loved the authors note regarding that at the end as well.
We were introduced to Magnus in Viktor's story. He is heir apparent, wild child, and thrill seeker. After an unfortunate sexy times incident, his family throws down the ultimatum of abdicate or get married.
Enter Ella who is the chosen potential bride from a long list of potential matches. She is a princess in name only and has virtually no co tact with her brothers and father.
In the beginning neither party is very open to the idea. Lots of laughs along the way, as these two grow up and closer. It's a fun ride. Definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alvin rogers
I Love that Ella challenged Magnus the woman drives him mad, “that’s nice,” she says, giving me a quick, curt smile. Her tone basically says “good for effing you” and d*mn does it ever get under my skin." Magnus is just really full of himself, “that my body is so amazing,” he says, straight-faced. “It really wasn’t fair. How can you concentrate on tennis balls when you’ve gone my own balls on your mind?” I really liked this book, Magnus was a wild one and Ella really made him think about things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am still swooning people..Magnus and Ella captured my heart!
I was always intrigued about Magnus..his joy for life and his spirit, the cheeky and fun man who has a heart of gold..sch passion and love..stll swooning!
Ella is such a gorgeous soul and she can certainly keep up with him nd put him in his place!
It's a slow burn that will melt your heart..and not only that ;)
Another great story from n author that keep surprising me with so many emotions!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie dawson
I love ELLA and MAGNUS!! From the very beginning I knew I was going to be a fan of the adrenaline seeking, dirty talking, tattoo covered, smart witted, sexy Norwegian Prince. Then add in the shy, self conscious, lonely, highly educated and smart mouthed Princess Ella, and you have one awesome read. The unconventional way they met, bloomed into a romantic story of trust, love, hot as all get out sex scenes, heartbreak, and happily ever after. This is def a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin richards
The Wild Heir is a sweet fairytale romance. Magnus finds himself in some hot water and at the urging of his parents needs to find a bride and marry to improve his image. Magnus picks Ella from a list of potential brides and from there their journey begins. It’s pretty much hate at first sight for Ella but Magnus soon charms her.

This story was full of humor and so much heart. I loved the banter back and forth between the two. This was a fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
la fuente
***5 ‘Viking Heart’ Stars***

Oh the goodness!

The sweet, swoony, angsty, slow burn, smexy and a little craycray at times Goodness!

Once I started this baby, I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) put it down. The words and the characters were addicting and even now I NEED more of Ella and Magnus and really wish there were more words to read about them.

I know I am not alone in this, but after meeting Magnus in The Swedish Prince I wanted more of him. So when it was announced that he was getting a book, I was all kinds of school girl giddy and I was not disappointed at all. I loved the reckless, charming and rakish side of the man, but it was seeing beneath all of that was what had me adoring him. He is a good man with a good heart and just needed a shove in the right direction to let that side of him out.

Ella is something of a loner, and there are reasons behind that, but when she is passionate about something, she sheds that layer and becomes a force to be reckoned with and one that actually draws you in, instead of repels you. She’s intelligent and thoughtful, and has a quick wit and good amount of snark that had me adoring her throughout the book.

It was announced that Magnus and Ella’s romance would be a slow burn one and I’m really happy it was. Despite their titles, they grew up in very different worlds and since this situation was one they were tossed into, the slow burn as the way to go. It forced them to get to know each other and did they ever. There was a lot of stalemates, pushing and pulling and moving one step forward only to fall two steps back, but there were also a lot of fun and heartwarming moments that highlighted not only how they were evolving as couple, but at individuals. The smexy between them was hot! And that first time? HAWTNESS! Of course there had to be some bumps in the road, and they were...interesting, but I loved how everything worked out in the end.

This was really a fun read. I was hooked from the first page and really do wish there were more words because with where we left Magnus and Ella in that epilogue, you know more goodness is yet to come. And then there are the secondary cast of characters. I loved catching up with Viktor and Einar, Ottar and Lady Jane were so much fun. I’d love to get to know both Magnus & Ella’s siblings better (especially if it means more time with them) but it’s Aksel that I’m hoping will get a book sometime down the road...maybe???? But, if you love a good slow burn/opposites attract romance, then you’ll love this one!

~ Copy provided via Social Butterfly PR & voluntarily reviewed ~
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
marcus erenberger
I’ve read and enjoyed almost all of Karina Halle’s catalog and this one was just a bit of a miss for me, the dialogue supposedly happening between European Royals was not believable and I found it to be distracting. The story wasn’t interesting enough to make me forget about the very American conversations taking place. The motivations of the characters seemed all over the place and the “shocking twist” I couldn’t believe that the characters were dumb enough to fall for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ankit manglik
I love a good royal romance; that being said, Karina Halle gave me so much more in The WIld Heir. This story was perfection. It had love, it had heart, it had frustration and comedy. Ella and Magnus were magnetic. I couldn't put this down and hope that we get a new story about the widowed king and his daughters that the H&H went to visit. This author never lets me down and The Wild Heart & The Swedish Prince are two of my absolute favorite books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david vlad
I love contemporary romance novels. There is something nice about coming home from a stressful day at work and getting lost in a good love story. I've been reading Karina Halle books for a couple of years now. Her books can be full of angst yet funny, sweet and sexy (very sexy). I've liked every single one I've read and this no exception. One of the biggest reasons I like this book so much is Magnus. I love Magnus. He's not perfect and can be immature at times, but I just adore him and his journey. The love story is funny and fiery. Ella is a good heroine-not as memorable as Magnus- but she matches wits with him and has her own personal growth. There were a couple of plot points I didn't love (I won't spoil them), but generally I loved this book. This will probably be one of those that re-read often.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik tanouye
I definitely recommend this book! The prince Magnus got his wild reputation honestly. Because of his shenanigans he is to be Wed as soon as possible. He has goofy and corky habits and had me cracking up a few times. Even his bodyguard who would pop up out of nowhere was funny. Ella was shy and reserved. She actually had no clue as to why she was invited to the Prince's home. I liked her because even though she was young and inexperienced she would still stand up for herself. I loved the funny banter between Magnus and Ella. I look forward to many more books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea pavlik
You met Magnus in the Swedish Prince book. He and Viktor are good friends and used to hang out alot. Magnus is an adrenalin junkie and loved to party a little to much. His partying ways has led him into a really sticky situation. His parents the King and Queen are demanding he marry and settle down. His father is ill and they need him to grow up and start learning his responsibilities. This leads him to Isabella to try and convince her into marriage. Grab this book and see what things Magnus can get into and if he will marry for country or love it maybe both.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mar a
Prince Magnus was a side character in “The Swedish Prince” who was intriguing, full of adrenaline and cocky swagger. With the way he burst onto scenes, he just had to get his own book.

Princess Isabella is mostly estranged from her father & brothers since she was sent away to boarding school as a young teenager. Hers has been a lonely life with just a much older Lady in Waiting companion.

In theory and on paper Magnus & Ella don’t work. But somehow, someway, they do bond. At times it seems tenuous, but sometimes, they are idyllically happy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thank you for another great Nordic Royal romance. This is the 2nd in this series. I enjoyed Magnus & Ella’s story. There’s the right amount of chemistry, intrigue, conflict and most importantly, sexy times! I enjoyed the growth we see in Ella. She’s a young woman who really doesn’t feel loved or wanted. She is however, a strong, smart woman with a desire for making a difference in the environment. Magnus is known for his wild ways. He has a past that is reckless. Because of his mistakes, he is forced by his father, the King & Queen, to fix things. I liked the flow of the story. The secondary characters add richly to the drama & comedic moments. The descriptions of Magnus’s racing thoughts & actions painted a clear picture of ADHD. Thanks for the HEA, can’t wait to hear more in the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marina shifrin
I always enjoy reading Miss Karina’s books, and “The Wild Heir” is no different. She is an excellent author - writing beautiful love stories that I love to read. Her stories are easy to follow with a well thought out plot and fully fleshed out characters. I instantly fell in love with Ella and Magnus and was rooting for them to get together from the start! While some might say that the story was predictable, I am happy that it turned out the way it did. THAT’S why I read this genre. And Ms. Halle is another one of those reasons. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy rodgers
This was a great royal read! I liked Magnus when we first met him in The Swedish Prince, so I was super ecstatic to read his story! It was funny, sweet, sexy, touching, and angsty. I really enjoyed watching their relationship go from annoyance to like to adoration to love.

Ella was a wonderful character. She was shy at times, sweet, longed for love and praise, yet she was fierce in what she believed in and spoke her mind. I liked how she didn’t back down from Magnus, how she told him what she was feeling and when he was being a$$.

Magnus is the typical sexy, charming playboy, but we also see the caring, loving, softer side to him. I truly liked how he would egg Ella on just to get a rise out of her. And seeing him fall in love was so sweet!

All in all, this was a great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew wright
This book had 2 of my favorite things- royals and a slow burn. There is something about royals that just hooks me. The history and tradition, just everything. I loved that this book took the old notion of arranged marriage and made it feel current and relevant, but still traditional. Their stubbornness, the family’s meddling, it was so good. Magnus and Ella were great together. I loved the banter and the hate flirting was so fun. The build up of their relationship was done so well and it just made it so satisfying in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Wild Heir is Price Magnus’s story. We first met prince Magnus in The Swedish Prince and got to know him as the thrill-seeking playboy prince. I was so excited when I learned he got his own book.

I absolutely loved this character. He is cocky, charming, and genuine. Like all Karina Halle novels, the story is so well planned out any written in a way that kept me hooked. Princess Ella was sweet and spicy. I loved watching her come into who she really was with Magnus at her side.

Fantastic book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa jarboe
I loved how this story came together, how it addressed family relationships and dynamics, and most importantly ADHD. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD; I loved the authors note regarding that at the end as well.
We were introduced to Magnus in Viktor's story. He is heir apparent, wild child, and thrill seeker. After an unfortunate sexy times incident, his family throws down the ultimatum of abdicate or get married.
Enter Ella who is the chosen potential bride from a long list of potential matches. She is a princess in name only and has virtually no co tact with her brothers and father.
In the beginning neither party is very open to the idea. Lots of laughs along the way, as these two grow up and closer. It's a fun ride. Definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laith shaban
I Love that Ella challenged Magnus the woman drives him mad, “that’s nice,” she says, giving me a quick, curt smile. Her tone basically says “good for effing you” and d*mn does it ever get under my skin." Magnus is just really full of himself, “that my body is so amazing,” he says, straight-faced. “It really wasn’t fair. How can you concentrate on tennis balls when you’ve gone my own balls on your mind?” I really liked this book, Magnus was a wild one and Ella really made him think about things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I did this all backwards...I started with book 3, the Nordic King, then I read book 1, the Swedish Prince..then I read book 2, this book. Who doesn't love royal books about Kings, queens, princes and princesses. This series is so amazing, that I'm sad there aren't any more to read.

Magnus has been a crazy Prince...full of life without a care or any princely responsibilities. Then, he royally screws up, and he meets Princess Ella. I soooooo loved this heroine. She's real, and full of love and emotion. She's exactly what Magnus needs.

There is a lot of drama and angst in this book, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. All 3 books are available...and they are fabulous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am still swooning people..Magnus and Ella captured my heart!
I was always intrigued about Magnus..his joy for life and his spirit, the cheeky and fun man who has a heart of gold..sch passion and love..stll swooning!
Ella is such a gorgeous soul and she can certainly keep up with him nd put him in his place!
It's a slow burn that will melt your heart..and not only that ;)
Another great story from n author that keep surprising me with so many emotions!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
khalid hurayb
I love ELLA and MAGNUS!! From the very beginning I knew I was going to be a fan of the adrenaline seeking, dirty talking, tattoo covered, smart witted, sexy Norwegian Prince. Then add in the shy, self conscious, lonely, highly educated and smart mouthed Princess Ella, and you have one awesome read. The unconventional way they met, bloomed into a romantic story of trust, love, hot as all get out sex scenes, heartbreak, and happily ever after. This is def a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
courtney maxie
The Wild Heir is a sweet fairytale romance. Magnus finds himself in some hot water and at the urging of his parents needs to find a bride and marry to improve his image. Magnus picks Ella from a list of potential brides and from there their journey begins. It’s pretty much hate at first sight for Ella but Magnus soon charms her.

This story was full of humor and so much heart. I loved the banter back and forth between the two. This was a fun read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley hilgeford
This was a great story! I really liked Magnus and Ella. Their story started unconventionally but totally believable and I enjoyed how it developed.
Their love showed to be true on the pages.
I couldn’t put this down and I truly see myself reading this book again.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jackie spradley
I struggled staying focused with this book, could be the insanity that is my life, but upon finishing it, I'm so glad I didn't give up! Elle was a strong female character and I really liked her backbone. Magnus needed to grow up, but the ADHD diagnosis helped me understand him a bit more. I think it was a bit overdone prior to the diagnosis though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
holly stauffer
You first meet Magnus in the Swedish Prince and get some insight into his adventurous ways. In The Wild Heir, he has to set those ways aside with an arranged marriage. Think The Princess Diaries but better :) Magnus and Ella are a slow burn that will leave you a little angry at times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mollie marti
This story is full of love, laughs, tears, and some unexpected surprises. Prince Magnus and Ella are the perfect pair and their verbal sparring is hilarious! The main characters are flawed but those flaws make them even more lovable. Their journey to love is rocky, but in the end their own Happily Ever After awaits! I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was sucked into this story from the first sentence and I didn't want to put it down for anything as mundane as eating, sleeping, etc ...
I LOVED Magnus and I truly was happy that he met his love, Ella, because he earned it the old fashioned way: he owned it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Karina Halle never fails to bring all the feels in her writing. Prince Magnus was given an impressive introduction in The Swedish Prince and I have been interested in his character ever since then.

Magnus is larger than life and rightly so. His escapades and hair-raising stunts give him an exciting edge yet you feel his restlessness, his search for something else. This marriage of convenience story starts out as all fun and humorous. The pace is never lacking and Magnus’s wild side is showcased. In contrast, Isabella, or Ella, as she is more endearingly known as, leads a quiet and unexciting life at university.

Once their paths converge, the song and dance begin as Magnus and Ella navigate the trials of getting to know each other. Character-building is so important in a story and I love how this is done for both Magnus and Ella. To say they bring out the best and worst in each other is an understatement. There are numerous poignant moments when I feel, “yes, they really get each other”. Ella is feisty when need be, yet sweet without being syrupy. Magnus is so lovable and protective. His heart is in the right place when push comes to shove and he can certainly man-up.

This story gives me warm, fuzzy feelings and makes me so vested in the happily-ever-after of two souls who more than deserve happiness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
red kedi
After having read The Swedish Prince I couldn't wait for Magnus to get his very own book!! It did not disappoint! It had me glued to my kindle from beginning to end. I couldn't get enough of this world and it's characters.

Ms.Halle has done it once again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue milo
Magnus has disgraced his royal family and must marry to fix his bad reputation. He picks Ella who is a princess in name but has lead a quiet life. Just when they get everything worked out and they start to fall for each other a big problem comes between them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff aronow

From the moment we were introduced to Magnus in "The Swedish Prince" I felt he needed his own book (aka I want and need and would love to read a Magnus book).
I felt he had a story to tell - and now he's finally telling us his story.

The Crown Prince of Norway, the wild heir to the throne. A Daredevil living life to its fullest with sports, partying and women.
Then he must face his mistakes, he has a future to prepare for. But is he ready for it? Will it all change when he meets Ella, Princess Isabella of Liechtenstein?

Being Norwegian, I was really looking forward to this book. I was excited to see how "Norwegian" this book would be, if it would feel right.
And from the beginning, it felt right. It's difficult to explain - but I ended up singing "Let it go" from the movie Frozen (which is somewhat based on Norway, Norwegian culture, and traditions )

I really don't know what to say! I loved this book from start to finish. It's "rolling on the floor laughing" funny. This story is sweet but also serious. There's just a little tad angst, just to keep us on our toes during the read.

Another Karina Halle must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I finished this book in less than 24 hours because I couldn’t put it down. When I first met Magnus in The Swedish Prince, I knew he was something special. But his relationship with Ella in The Wild Heir is where he really shines. Though their relationship started off as unconventional, it became the kind of romance that people dream about. I hope to see more of them in future books!

Karina Halle has a special way of creating characters that end up meaning a lot to you by the end of the book. Read The Wild Heir, you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual Karina Halle has me reading nonstop until I finish. Her writing just has a way of captivating you. I always enjoy the comedy she inputs in every story as well as the romance. Great read!! I only hope we get a book of the Danish King next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Totally jumped into this story, blind. Did not know anything about it. It was so good ! I could not and did not put it down. Even read while eating dinner. It was captivating, funny, and I did share some tears. Great characters, a total must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abdul raheem
This was the story of Prince Magnus and princess Ella who are thrown together in order for Magnus to fix this reputation and change in status going forward. Their quick banter is hilarious, making this a fun book to read.
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