The Highlander Next Door (Spellbound Falls)

ByJanet Chapman

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love discovering new stories and authors, and have for many years now. Finding Janet Chapman and her Scotsmen years ago was one of the best series I have ever read. When I realized that I had read all the books about my favorite time traveling families, I was upset to find that her next book was about another family all together. But I. Love that family too, and all the others I have met over the years! Every book is like spending time with old friends, and meeting new ones too!
Niall and Birch are just one more couple in a long line of special people that I have met over the years and just as they have become old friends whose stories I read over and over like letters from my family, I feel like Janet has become a friend too! I may never be able to make the trip to Maine, but I have been there over and over again, I have spent time on Tar Stone Mountain and seen the Bottomless Sea.
Thanks Janet, can't wait to find out all about Telos and catchup with all my old friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael adams
Every time I see another Janet Chapman book I pre-order it. I know when I see her name that I won't be disappointed. In The Highlander Next Door she tells Birch and Nialls story. She also tells us more about the new "God" . We learn more about his personality . He has a quirky sense of humor. As usual with one of her books, I didn't want to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tari suprapto
I wished a Highlander lived next door to me. But I'm not as much of a spitfire as Birch... hmmm...
Note to self: Add more spit to my fire.

I'm really enjoying this series, but am afraid to ask how long until the next book is out?
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Janet Chapman her stories are great. I could not put this down. You think you know what's going to happen and it turns in another direction. Makes for a tiring day at work the next day but so worth the lack of sleep. Thanks for a great story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jd avidreader
I loved the many plots and subplots in this book. This book finally gives more breathe to the new god, whom I personally think is going to be a good one, as he seems to be one with nature, but like the Oceanuses, stays out of decisions made by humans, up to a point.

Birch, the main character, you could get into and see her running back and forth like a teen caught by her parents to Niall's house.

The opening for her parents to get together, possibly is thrown in here as well. The bad guys do get what's coming, and I had a notion who did "the bastard" in. Is this person going to be her protector along with Niall? Friends with the older ones? Who knows, but I hope there are more to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: The Highlander Next Door (Spellbound Falls #6) by Janet Chapman
Publication Date: August 26, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rated: 4 Stars

Another fun and exciting trip back to Spellbound Falls with its lovely inhabitants. It took me a little bit to warm up to Birch (I just love her name). She was too much of a bitch for me to believe Niall or anyone would fall for her but I carried on because I love these stories. Thankfully her behavior changed and she became worthy of Niall. Now him I liked from the start. With his Highlander heritage struggling to conform to modern times he was quite enjoyable. This fun romance was exciting and filled with danger. Past characters I grew to love are there and add the sense of camaraderie that makes you feel a part of things. You can read this book as a stand-alone, but reading the series makes it easier to understand the magic and backstory of this wonderful little area.

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Highlander Next Door is book 6 of the Spellbound Falls series.
There is plenty of light hearted sweet romance to be found between Birch and Niall, there is also quite a bit of serious undertone for readers to find in it as well.
Influenced by her environment and her past Birch has quite a bit of weariness when it comes to men but Niall is more than up to the task when it comes to proving that not every man can be measured by the same ruler. I loved the mix of both fantasy and contemporary because it gave the story just the right amount of glitter to keep things interesting.
Janet is a fantastic writer and knows how to write a wonderful romance full of well developed characters, plot and history. Birch found love and so did I.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
3.25 Stars!

A delightful addition to the Spellbound Falls series, a mix of contemporary romance with a bit of paranormal and magic thrown in to make things interesting.

Niall MacKeage is the new chief of police in Spellbound Falls, actually he is the first chief of police in town and he is busy getting use to his new job and the fact that he is now living in the 21st Century. He has only lived in the current century for twenty month as he was recently living in Scotland’s 12th Century; he came through time with magic.

Birch Callahan runs the Spellbound Falls Crisis Center, she is very wary of men, mostly because her mother Hazel has been married and divorced four times, but it is also because of her chosen field, helping the women and children that are victims of abuse. She not only accepts those that come on their own when she opened the center but she has also gone after some she has only heard about, which causes friction in the area putting her in danger. Niall is only too happy to help but as they get closer there is another more sinister problem that brings trouble to the area and a pesky new God that is thrown into the mix.

Ms. Chapman writes entertaining stories with humor and magic. I have read several of her Pine Creek Highlanders and thought this was as enjoyable. I have not read the first books in the series and although there seems to be many characters that live and work in Spellbound Falls that also interact with current characters, the author does a fairly good job of getting you caught up, however I think I would have enjoyed this more if I had read more about the mythological and magic that is involved with both Max and Titus.

Niall is a wonderful hero, of course he is recently from the 12th Century so all those that love a Highlander will enjoy his attitude and somewhat bias sense of duty when it comes to women, don’t get me wrong, he does not treat women as property, but does need a little more help when it comes their roles in our current society, such as he does not want to think about hiring a woman as a police officer but I did have to laugh when Birch shows him she can shoot a gun like no other.

Birch is a bit harder to get to like at first, she comes off very prickly and does not want anything to do with her sexy neighbor and his dog, almost to a point where is was annoying but she warms up to him fast and by the time trouble comes, their relationship has moved to a new level. They do have great chemistry and there are some humorous moments between the two as they dance around their attraction.

The secondary characters are numerous and are important to the story, this is a small town so everyone knows each other, plus the added bonus that many of them know about the magic and those who weld it and who are from a different century. Birch’s mother Hazel is generous and engaging, I like her sense of humor and her take on life, the exact opposite of Birch. Those that were featured in previous books also show up here and help with the current problems, and there are several newcomers that will make great new characters for upcoming Spellbound Falls such as Telos, how interesting he became in this story.

The pace started slow, we watched the relationship begin and grow between Niall and Birch but when the mystery is unfolded and the danger escalates the pace picks up and the ending is a race to find out what happens. An overall enjoyable story that moves the series forward, I wish I had read the first books featuring many of the mythical Atlantian’s settling in the area but it is recommended for those that enjoy romance with myth and magic oh and Highlanders.

Review also posted at Ramblings from a Chaotic Mind

Copy from publisher for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Janet Chapman takes readers back to a small town in Maine that has a penchant for magic. The Highlander Next Door is the sixth book in the Spellbound Falls series, which focuses on some time traveling highlanders and their adventures in the modern world. Readers who are looking for a sweet romance with plenty of obstacles, a little bit of magic and some mystery will love this one. Chapman incorporates all of these elements to give readers an magical reading experience!

What I liked:

You all know that I am a sucker for a good story that involves a highlander. Being of Scottish heritage, I always enjoy seeing how each author approaches the highland people and their indomitable spirit. Chapman takes her highlanders out of their comfort zone and lands them in the middle of modern society. Culture shock is an understatement. I loved the idea and the time travel elements of the story. This touch of the paranormal added a crucial ingredient that made this novel unique and different. I liked the way Chapman showed the reader how a highlander might react to things in the present. I thought Niall was spot on and loved his interactions in his new world.

Chapman takes the time to bring the readers up to date on the series in the beginning chapters. Since this is book six in the series, readers coming into it now, may have missed some of the nuances that comes from reading the entire series. Chapman not only brings new characters into play in The Highlander Next Door but she doesn't forget about those who have come before. Readers who are familiar with the series will love the little updates on previous couples and the part they have to play in this story. Chapman did a great job of incorporating all of the characters into Spellbound Falls and this novel.

There are several things going on in this story. There is of course the love story between Niall and Birch, there is the fact that a new god has come on the scene and Birch's past catching up with her. I felt like this particular book in the series leaned more toward the mystery than the romantic side of things, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable. Chapman did a great job of melding all of these elements together to create a good story. The pace is pretty even until the end where things speed up and the reader is powered into the finish.

What I didn't like:

I loved Niall, he was a great character and one impressive highlander. He was a bit set in his ways, considering his background, but that was all the more endearing. Birch, however was harder to warm up to. She has a definite fire about her, but she tended to take all that passion and express it in a not so easy to like manner. The reader will eventually warm to her, but in the beginning it is hard to see what Niall finds so appealing about her. I generally want a heroine I love or at least like and it took more time than it should with this one.

Bottom Line:

This was an enjoyable addition to the series. The time traveling highlanders were just as amazing as ever. The romance was slow to start, but once it got on track it took off. I had some issues with the heroine early on, but she eventually made me like her in spite of myself. I loved the mystery aspects of the story, but wish a little more time had been spent on the magic of it all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Title: The Highlander Next Door

Series: Spellbound Falls bk 6

Author: Janet Chapman

Genre: Paranormal/Time Travel

Thoughts: This is one my favorite light paranormal series. I say light because while there is magic and Gods, and time travel it's firmly a contemporary story as those who do have powers try and not use them at all.

Reading this book I had a lot of emotions. I loved the premise, the hero, the secondary characters, the town. I loved everything EXCEPT the heroine. I absolutely hated her until almost the end of the book. I skimmed the parts of the book told in her POV.

Niall is one of those heroes you love from the moment he shows up on the page. He's a 12th century laird who's a 21st century cop. In fact he's the only cop for two townships, his first officer is one of the coolest dogs I've read. I want a Shep. As Laird Niall knew how to take care of his clan and protect them so making the shift to modern day cop was an easy shift. If it wasn't for the maddening woman next door who thought she was always right and men were clueless.

I really really want to say that I eventually loved Birch, but I honestly can't. By the end of the book I liked her, but she still grated on my nerves. One of the things I absolutely hated about her was her blatant disregard for Niall in his position. No woman who works, let a lone runs a shelter for battered woman I know would ever and I mean ever treat law enforcement personnel the way she treats Niall. They would also never go off to get someone from a dangerous situation without informing a LE officer of the situation and asking for back-up in the case something went wrong. She supposedly came from the big city and had all this education and had worked with battered women so she should know this.

I have to say if it wasn't for all the crazy that happens in this town and an amazing set of secondary characters I wouldn't have finished reading the book, that was how much I disliked Birch. If you were to take her completely out of the story it would be great.

While this isn't Chapman at her best, it was still a great read. I can't wait to see what's coming for this town and who's up next to get their story. I'm hoping its one of the new guys to town, or maybe the new God, who we get to meet in this book and what an amazing character he is.

Grade B
Review by: Heather
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3.5 Stars
~Reviewed by SUZANNE & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

The sixth book in the Spellbound Falls series is about the new police chief Niall Mackeage and his neighbour the goodhearted but fiery Birch, who passionately runs the newly opened women’s shelter. But, not without a little bit of trouble coming their way, between a new god emerging and wrecking havoc and Birch’s past catching up with her, and trying to drive her off the road, Niall has his work cut out for him to not only keep the town running smoothly, but also to win Birch’s heart.

Time travelling Lairds you say? Yes indeed, we are back with Janet Chapman and the magical world that she has created in modern day Maine. Which, if it’s as overrun with as many 12th century Highlanders, sexy magic users and gorgeous Atlantians as she says, then I am definitely going for a very long visit.

Of course, if I went, what I would expect is a very sweet romance, just like Niall and Birch and the previous couples in the series, Chapman’s romances tend to veer to the ‘nice’ section of the romance scale rather than the more heated and passionate side, despite the couples many many spats. But I always know with Chapman that I can find a romance that encompasses friendship and connection rather than lots of heat and overblown chemistry. Admittedly it makes the romance a little less exciting, but I still enjoyed it.

What I really liked about this book and what did add extra excitement was the continuation of the story line regarding the modern day god that has just been created. I can’t wait to see what will happen and if the modern will clash with the ancient or if they can come to an understanding. Either way it feels like it will be an interesting journey, which I can’t wait to read more about.

This was a good book in the series, if you already follow Spellbound Falls you will enjoy it, if not I recommend you start from the beginning, they don’t work very well as standalones, it is the perfect series if you want something full of sweet romances with some magic poured in, not to mention a flood of sexy Scotsman.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jose m
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Jerjen

The Highlander Next Door by Janet Chapman is a book that combines romance, mystery and magic. This is the sixth book in the Spellbound Falls Series.

Birch Callahan runs a women’s shelter and she is fiercely loyal and protective of those who reside in the shelter. She has brought her mother to live with her because she is afraid if her mother is left alone, she will find husband number five. Birch is very wary of all men and is not interested in having any permanent relationships. And she sure is not looking for anything developing between Niall MacKeage, the lawman who lives next door to the shelter. The two are always bumping heads and disagreeing about the abusive men that the women in the shelter are hiding from. Even Birch’s dog Mimi does not like Niall’s dog Shep and tries to attack Shep whenever she can. But legend says that the mist from Spellbound Falls carries love and no one is immune to it’s magic. Will Birch and Niall fall under the spell of the Falls?

Birch is a strong willed women who is not afraid to do whatever it takes to protect the women who live in the shelter. She presents a tough-as-nails exterior, not allowing others to see her more tender side. But deep down she has fears and longings like all women do. The more time she spends with Niall, the more she wants him to be the one to break down her walls.

Niall MacKeage is a time-traveler who has ended up in Spellbound Falls and has been chosen to be a lawman. He is big and brusque and intimidating. But he is also caring and compassionate and loyal. Even though Birch aggravates him most of the time, he finds himself falling for her and wanting to protect her. He must decide if he can trust her with the fact that he is a time traveler.

I really enjoyed the present day actions and storyline of Birch and Niall. The banter and bickering of the two characters are humorous and endearing. I really enjoyed reading how Birch kept trying to save the residents of the shelter and Niall trying to keep the peace in the community and trying to keep Birch safe.

What I did not enjoy so much was that, to me, there were too many characters introduced in the book. I think that the fact that this was the sixth book in the series, and I had not read any of the other books, was a problem for me. I had a very hard time keeping track of all the characters, all their relationships, and the magical powers they possessed. That’s not the authors fault, it is my fault. I would suggest to read the books in order so that you know who everyone is and how they are related.

The writing style flows easily and this book is a fast read. Janet Chapman writes very descriptively and it is easy to picture what she is writing about in your head. Her descriptions of Spellbound Falls had me wanting to go there to visit.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a magical, mystical book. But as I said before, I would recommend reading the books in order.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fai charoen
I have enjoyed every Highlander book from Janet Chapman! I savor every story. The Highlander Next Door was as wonderful as all the previous books! I loved Niall and Shep and even Birch! I can't wait for the next book!!! I Love My Highlanders!!!1
Highly Recommend all the books by Janet!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeannine wender
Janet Chapman has added another wonderful Highlander to Spellbound Falls. Naill and Birch have an interesting way of connecting. The Maine Clan and magic makers is growing, and have each others backs. Give it a read.

Thanks Janet Chapman & Good Writing
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kevin barry
The Highlander Next Door, Spellbound Falls #6, by Janet Chapman
Grade: D-

"And anyway, it wasn't like she was husband-hunting or anything; cops didn't earn nearly enough money for her to consider ever marrying one."

Usually I start my reviews with a nice little synopsis of the two main characters before going on to give my feelings about the book. With the Highlander Next Door I am going to break away from my usual format and just dive in. I loved this series and was very excited for Niall's story because who doesn't love a 12th century highlander trying to navigate twenty first century dating? The problem with this book can be summed up in one word: Birch.

Birch is the heroine of our story and one of the most vial characters I have ever met. She hates all men and treats them all worse than dirt and seems to be trying to win first place as the most negative person on the planet award. Everything out of her mouth was nasty and I struggled not to throw the book at the wall when I read the quote above. Birch made this book unreadable and the only reason I finished it was because of Niall. Niall is great but the fact that he wanted to be with Birch made me question his judgement and sanity.

I am so disappointed in this installment of the series and sadly it has ruined it for good. Birch is on my list of most hated and horrible characters ever and she killed any hope I had for reading the Spellbound Falls series again.
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