Highland Chieftain (The Murrays Book 21)

ByHannah Howell

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
teresa williams
The book left me with more questions than answers. It was an okay read, there was no passion or chemistry within all the characters. This book fell a little flat for me. A pity because this book had so much potential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marcy wynhoff
I just love Hannah Howell! She is always a great read. The Murray's are a wonderful family to read after. All her books are awesome! If you have never read any of her books please give her a try!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy m west
Out of all Hannah Howell’s books, I really enjoy reading about the Murrays the most. I don’t know what it is about the Murrays but each and every book I think is a must read for every hardcore romance reader.

In Hannah Howell latest book, we are introduced to Sir Callum MacMillan. If you have follow the series, you know that Callum MacMillan grew up hard, until the day his grandfather found him .

All through Callum’s life, he had to fight to survive, and protect to protect those that were helpless to do so themselves. Now the shoe is on the other foot.

Bethoc Matteson can’t take any more of the abuse she receives at home. If she didn’t have responsibility of protecting yer young siblings, she would have walked away a long time ago. But as it stands she was trapped. Or so she thought….

Highland Chieftain rates right up there with the other books in this series…excellent. It was fast pace, well developed characters and plenty of passion between the two main characters.

If you ever read this series, you know that each Murray has a special gift. What until you find out what Bethoc gift is…I can say that its very unique.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was really looking forward to Callum's story. I expected a moving, gutsy book with all the action and witty, enjoyable dialog Hanna Howell usually writes. Sadly I found it seriously lacking in both. Callum is an unsure dithering character and is nothing like I expected him to be. Bethoc, who has grown up in isolation is naive, (as you would expect) one minute then wise and sure the next. I found the story to be tame and at times rather confusing and nothing like the other Murray books. I feel this story was written hurriedly and without much thought and maybe is one that shouldn't have been written at all. I would have been better off with my original fond feelings about Callum. Unfortunately, now I don't even have that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim belcik
This is the very moving latest addition to Hannah Howell's well loved Murray Family saga. I've always hoped that Callum MacMillan would get his own story, ever since he was introduced as a sexually abused young boy in the novel, Highland Angel. In that earlier novel, Callum showed promise of becoming a strong, unflinching, defender, champion, and caretaker of abused women and children. Highland Chieftain confirms that this early promise has been fulfilled. I also enjoyed the interaction between Callum and Bethoc, along with her siblings; especially headstrong little Margaret! Although this novel is part of a long running series, it can be read as a stand alone and has no cliffhangers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Its been too long. Ms. Howell is a wonderful writer and the Murrays is one of my favorite series. Bethoc and Callom's story begins with the attempted murder of Callun. Bethoc, who like a lot of the Murrays has a special gift, FIDS him washed up on the shore and rescues him. Using her gift, she can tell that he is a good person , so she hides him and takes care of him. Bethoc has an unusual family of mostly brothers and one very special sister , Margaret. This story is filled with intrigue, kidnappings, murder, and of course love. In true Hanna Howell fashion you are entertained until the end. All said an excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa lewis
This was another chapter in the stories about the Murray's and it was great. Callum and Bethoc have a hard journey to their happy ever after. They make it and all the children connected to both are safe and happy. What great way to let us know how others in the family are doing also.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
christopher slatsky
Having read numerous books by this author, this NetGalley reviewer always jumps at the chance to receive an ARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion. However, this one really missed the mark with me. As a big fan of Scottish historical romance that is loaded with brogue, I was surprised to find this one was overly done. So much so, I often found myself having to reread parts to understand the dialog.

But the real turn off happened about 30% into it, and ultimately I couldn’t put it behind me. You see, the main couple are intimate, after only sharing a couple passionate kisses. Bethoc, the heroine, is so innocent and naive she has absolutely no idea how the deed is done. So much so I felt embarrassed for her. Then, frankly, I felt angry. Why? Well, let me use the author’s own words: “He liked her, alot, and now they had made love, which he also liked a lot. Callum was just not sure if all of that equalled love, the one thing his foster parents insisted was essential for a good match.”...(Wow! I guess they left out the importance of respecting/not taking advantage of innocent women.)....Then he starts thinking about all the experience he has had with numerous lasses and starts to feel bad….“Callum cursed, shaking away the moment of doubt. He could not change anything in his past and he had done no harm. (Oh, really, big boy, she could be pregnant now!)...”There was nothing to feel guilty about.” (Yeah, keep telling yourself that laddy. Maybe you’ll start to believe it!)...”He was just put off his stride by Bethoc’s innocence. …He had hunted experienced ladies who would allow a mon in their bed for awhile then he could walk away. No bonds, just pleasant memories.” (Well, isn’t he a keeper, ladies! Think of the money he saves! No cards, no flowers, probably doesn’t even buy them dinner first!). This true romantic at heart couldn’t stop that inner monolog from replaying in my head every time the hero’s character appeared in the story.

**spoilers possible**

Well, I somehow pushed on. Honestly, mostly because I received an ARC and hate not finishing a book. Plus, I very much wanted to love this book, because I’m a fan of this author. By 46%, the nonsensical drawn out plot featuring Bethoc’s abusive fake father collecting young boys to use as child labor on his farm then having her charged with his murder, which was likely the result of a mysterious someone wanting the land, had my eyes glazing over from boredom. I also am not a fan of child abuse being written into a storyline, btw.

Too many characters and conversations that didn’t seem to have anything to do with the romantic plot had me throwing my Kindle loving hands up in surrender. I’m sure eventually they get around to traveling to Laird Callum’s home and pick up where I expected to be in the first place. I’m just too exhausted from trying to like this book and frustrated by the writing to stick around to see what finally happens.

Here’s to hoping others enjoy it. I usually love this author and will definitely continue to watch for her new releases. This one just didn’t work for me.

Title: Highland Chieftain, Series: Murray Family (Book 21), Author: Hannah Howell, Pages: 352, Pub. Date: 9/27/16, stand-alone but part of a series, could not finish, questionable romantic character of the hero, wasn’t well-written, synopsis didn’t appear to be accurate, VERY steamy scene, stopped reading at 50%.

(This review is based on ARC ebook received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion. No monetary compensation was made. There is no relationship/affiliation between the reviewer and the author/publisher.)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I've read a few Scottish romances by Hannah Howell and thoroughly enjoyed them. This one fell a little short for me. Bethoc's character was too good, too kind, too understanding. She never had bad thoughts about her abusive father, just took the punishment silently. While she did have thoughts of running away, to leave her brothers and sisters was unthinkable and so she stayed. The day she found Callum MacMillan lying injured on the beach, her whole world changed.

I thought Callum's character was a bit dense at times. He gave no thought to the consequences of taking a young woman's maidenhood or having her by his side at his ancestral home without any kind of commitment on his part. He seemed oblivious to what others would think about that. He did shine, however, when it came to rescuing women and children from violent homes. He gave no second thought to their station. If they needed help, he was there.

Of course, the character who stole the book was three year old Margaret. She was fierce little girl who took no prisoners. Whenever she was in a scene, she made me smile. While I did enjoy the book, I would recommend starting with one of the other Scottish romances from Ms. Howell, such as, "Highland Guard."

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
garrett morris
The relationship between the heroine, Bethoc, and the hero, Callum, begins when she finds him badly injured and nurses him back to health. He had been attacked while protecting a young boy and then thrown in the river. Explaining more about the plot would give too much away and in any case there's a lot going on here. There are several story lines involving different conflicts that Bethoc and Callum need to help resolve. The action keeps the reader's attention pretty well but I was disappointed in the romance aspect of the book. First, Callum's recovery takes quite a while (almost a third of the book) which puts something of a crimp in moving things along. Especially since Bethoc's living at home and he's in a cave where she sneaks out to take care of him for short periods. SPOILER ALERT: Once he recovers and they become intimate, they both take that development in stride without it seeming to advance their relationship at all, except physically. Callum frequently states that he has no idea how he feels about Bethoc and just treats her as a friend with benefits. Once things are finally resolved between them, it is done with so little effort and has taken so long it all seems rather dull instead of romantic.END SPOILER ALERT I did enjoy their various adventures until things bogged down towards the end, so for the most part I enjoyed the book as an adventure with some romance thrown in.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
auli i
I have enjoyed many Hannah Howell books set in the Highlands, this is not one of my favorites. Ms Howell tends to write some really great heroines and this one is not bad, although she does have a tendency to ignore facts. The problem with this story is the hero, who has trouble knowing his own mind.

This story almost reads like a three act play set in three distinct places with three differing problems. The first act though sets the entire story. Bethoc discovers a very injured man with a broken leg and somehow manages to hide him in a cave that she uses to seek some peace from her terribly abusive father.

The man she rescues is a knight, Sir Callum who must stay hidden from those seeking his demise. Callum admires the lovely Bethoc. He wants to be a protector to her when he discovers how awful she and her siblings are treated at home.

Without going into a lot of detail many unexpected events happen which provide plenty of action and reasons for Callum to save Bethoc. During these turbulent happenings, Bethoc is her sweet unassuming self, trusting and in many ways falling way too fast for Callum. I liked her but she really does not think through her actions terribly well.

Callum just cannot decide if he has deep feelings for Bethoc. Even though he has ridden to her rescue several times he wonders if he truly cares about her. He needs other people to interpret his own feelings about Bethoc who has been very open with him. Because he seems so clueless about his own emotions for so very long, I stopped believing he was truly heroic. He just cannot understand love and even though it has been demonstrated to him he is blind to it in his own life and I felt that poor Bethoc, who had endured so much, deserved someone who recognized his own feelings and hers too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david ewald
Bethoc has her hands full taking care of her younger brothers and baby sister while dodging the fists of her overbearing stepfather. When a gorgeous man washes up on shore near her safe haven, she does all she can to save his life. In the meantime her stepfather kidnaps yet another boy but this one is more than the street urchins he usually absconds with. And that's just the start of the story! So much weaves into the story from beginning to end that it's an instant page turner you won't be able to put down until you've read every last word. The love story is a sweet one that will have you smiling wistfully throughout the pages. There are more than a few plots to follow since this is one of a series. I haven't read the other books in the series yet, but I didn't feel I had missed out on anything reading this one out of order. We shall see, though, when I go back and start from the beginning.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I liked the skeleton of this story. Sir Callum MacMillan is injured and fleeing from men determined to kill him. Unconscious and foundering on the shoreline with a broken leg he is rescued by young woman, Bethoc Matheson, who hides him in her secret cave retreat. A retreat necessary because she is frequently beaten by father.
Bethoc's father is a dark and fearsome person who brings home young boys he 'finds' to help run the farm. Bethoc has a houseful of young boys, 'brothers' she cares for and a baby sister.
As Bethoc's mother was dying she pleaded with Bec to always keep her baby sister with her. The reason why is later an important revelation.
It appears that Bethoc has strange special abilities that fit with who her real father turns out to be--one of the Murrays.
For me the mystery surrounding Bethoc and her special facilities just didn't quite cut it, but I went with it.
I definitely didn't like that Callum sexually entraps Bethoc. His attitude, 'you saved my life and I'll sweet talk you into giving up your virginity because I just can't control myself' is unworthy. 'I owe you nothing!' Hardly the act of one raised to protect the weak. A serious lack of integrity here on Callum's part.
In the end everything works out, but really, I thought that Callum seducing Bethoc was low. However we apparently need to forgive Callum because of his background and lack of knowledge about what love is.
A secondary story develops where women are being accused of murdering their menfolk, imprisoned by a dastardly sherif, then tried and hung. Their lands go to a mysterious buyer.
In the end there were more parts of the plot I enjoyed than I didn't, including the way Bethoc's 'brothers' care for her. Those relationships are tried and true and supportive.

A NetGalley ARC
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was truly awful for many reasons. Thing that I did it for me was the fact that in this book multiple women were raped and little concern is shown, in fact most of the time word rape isn't even used to describe RAPE! More concern is for the men who might have to deal with fact that their "friends" could've done something so horrible. I am disgusted by this casual brush off of a truly heinous crime.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an excellent highland story by one of favorite authors. MS Howell sure can write steamy words with lots of fire and intrigue. I was very enthralled with this latest of the Murry Family and can be read as a stand alone. Lots of action, adventure and of course romance.
Sir Callum MacMillan has been wounded and left for dead near Bethoc Matheson's home. Her sister Margaret and her take the man and hide him from those who would finish the job.
Bethoc is a sort of mother figure to all her brothers and little sister. She often takes punishment from her abusive father when he gets drunk. She manages the best she can since her own mom died giving birth to Margaret.
Callum has always protected those who were left in his care from people who are mean to children. He gives them safety and love at his home. When he sees the kind of family that Bethoc lives in, he makes his feelings known. He cares for the beautiful woman who shines with love towards her brothers and little sister. Once he is well to go home, he takes them to his own family to show her how others live.
There is so much love that Bethoc gives the handsome highlander but she's not sure of his actions once they become lovers. She knows that she has choices in her life but love keeps her with Callum.
I think these two need each other to balance out their lives. Soul mates who were brother together during trying times, but as they say "love is all that matters".
I appreciate Net Galley and Kensington for this ARC title in which I gave an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie gottlieb
This is an historical romance with some violence, killing, feudal times, and explicit sex scenes, which seems quite common during novels these days. Bethoc is a young woman whose mother has died and her step-father, Kerr, is prone to heavy drink and gets means when in his cups, knocking Bethoc around. There are young boys ranging from four to fourteen in the household, whom Bethoc assumes are her brothers. She also has a two-year-old younger sister. Kerr shows up with young boys and works them on his farm. Some of these boys appear to be homeless and others don’t remember if they once had another home. Kerr gets so mean beating on everyone, the boys just try to do what he demands and not rile him.
Because Bethoc’s mother is deceased, having also been abused by Kerr, Bethoc has found a cave that she has supplied with some comforts and when her work is done and it is before supper time, Bethoc escapes to her cave. In essence takes care of all the boys as if they are her sons and so she is tired much of th time. Then one day she watches as a man is tossed in the river by some rough looking men and he almost drowns because he has a broken leg. He manages to get to shore, and Bethoc helps him crawl to her cave and splints his leg for him. He is in this cave about three months while the leg is healing. The man she saved is Sir Callum MacMillam.
Callum soon becomes aware that Bethoc is beaten by her father because the bruises show. Eventually Bethoc learns that Kerr isn’t her father, but her step-father and her brothers are actually stolen either from their homes or because they are homeless and this is how Kerr increases his work force.
The story contains many love scenes and Callum can’t decide if he loves Bethoc or not, but he is most infatuated with her and their love making and Bethoc loses heart because she wants to be more than a mistress. There are scenes where Bethoc and other women are arrested after their husbands have been killed, viciously treated and then hung, being charged with murdering their husbands, which they are innocent of.
This is an interesting romance, some new ideas in this plot and is enjoyable. There is no high drama, but entertaining. I was given a complimentary copy for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom and lore
Hannah Howell writes another Scottish family saga that is a good read. I like how headstrong and independent her female characters are. If you wait long enough, there will be a happy ending though there are many plot twists to work through till that arrives. Likeable characters populate this book and others in this series. I enjoyed it.
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