Beautiful Liar (Dark Desires)

ByZara Cox

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Beautiful Liar was a gripping and sensual tale of two very complicated people, both running from life. Let me set the scene for you: Quinn Blackwood, aka Q, is the elusive billionaire that has a hidden secret. Elyse Gilbert, aka Lucky, is the very unlucky woman that catches Q's eye in both aspects of his life. Secrets get revealed, passion boils to the surface, and feelings are unwillingly involved.

This book honestly surprised me with how intriguing I found it. I wasn't sure where exactly the story was going to go but the whole time I was captivated and trying to figure out what exactly was going to happen between Quinn and Elyse. The mystery of the story is one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much and was unable to put it down.

But the most important reason I was glued to this book was the heat. The chemistry between Quinn and Elyse was electric and I loved every moment they had together. Their connection was just always present and had me on the edge of my seat.

Bottom line, I definitely recommend this book. It's mysterious and sexy, and I promise you that you will not be bored if you pick this one up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh. My. Goodness ! I once more surrendered to this amazing author.
I read and Ioved all of Zara Cox’s books from the very beginning. With I, Porn Star she delivered another winner I devoured from start to finish. I loved everything in this book, the way Zara portrayed the characters, the addictive and captivating storyline and the flawless writing style.

This is the story of Quinn Blackwood aka Q and Elyse Gilbert aka Lucky. The plot originality and the well-developped complexity of the characters give a phenomenal dimension to the story. It's not an ordinary love story and by no means an easy read. But nevertheless a heart-stopping love story.

Lucky is on the run from a father who has whoring her since her seventeenth birthday. She has secret and in desperate need of money to save the only person in her life she vowed to protect. Hiding and trying to survive she accepts to give herself over to Q for 10 days in exchange of one million dollar without knowing he is Quinn Blackwood.

Quinn is seriously damaged, haunted by his dark past and out for revenge. He’s a billionaire CEO during the day and at the night, an exclusive porn star only known as Q. He uses his double identity and therefore Lucky, to serve this purpose. Quinn is a tortured soul keeping you on your toes throughout the story with his mercurial mood swings. As the story progresses, the depth of Quinn’s darkness becomes obvious, inevitably leading him to his own destruction.

Lucky build a complicated relationship with both Quinn and Q without knowing they are one and the same person. The situation is confusing for Lucky because when she’s with Quinn, Q the mysterious man ceased to exist and she stops thinking about the gorgeous and enigmatic CEO Quinn when she’s with Q. But they definitly have both an indeniable effect on her. She’s physically involved with Q and emotionally with Quinn. Lucky battles with herself. She knows that the feelings she’s starting to develop for Q are totally wrong. The conflict ragging inside her between shame and primitive pleasure she cannot resist. Even if she’s selling her body to save her life, deep inside she knows that she shouln’t be enjoying this, but she is. She has never known anything like this.

The heat between them is combustible. She’s like a torch paper to his fire. Their chemistry is off-the-charts hot. But quickly, Q and Lucky are both caught in a cycle of wrath, cruelty and sex. Him unleashing all his darkness, and her as a willing recipient of all of it.

As the story unfolds, the incredible sexual tension between Quinn and Elyse increase exponentially and Elyse’s choices become more and more difficult.

Quinn’s Machiavellian plan in full action and the danger lurking around Lucky, will they be strong enough to defeat their own demons and find their happiness ?

If you are looking for a unique and captivating storyline, full of mystery, suspense and hot sex scenes, this book is for you. Highly recommended.

I can hardly wait to read the next book in the series I, Black Sheep coming May 2016.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Anonymity is key. I'm too well known for anything else to be acceptable. Or acceptable for now, at least. Who knows what'll happen a month, two months from now? Every day I fight my impulse. I might wake up tomorrow and decide the time has come to give in, unveil my plan."

When I first read the blurb for this book, I was intrigued to say the least. It looked so interesting and unlike anything I had read before...I was right.

This book captured me from the get go! I honestly couldn't put it down. I was wrapped into the world of Quinn and Elly...or maybe Q and Lucky. Either way you look at it, it was a heck of a ride!

"He walks away without a backwards glance, leaving me with a strong notion of what it feels like to be a victim of mind control. Because Quinn Blackwood, in those thirty seconds he pinned me with his eyes, could've talked me into doing anything for him."

I was immersed into this world where emotions were void, and yet on high at the same time. These two characters were so complex, so disastrous.

Each are carrying very large secrets that are eating them alive. Q uses pleasure to hide his pain while Lucky uses Q as a shield to protect her from her demons. But demons never stay away...neither does pain.

"I don't want her soul. I have no use for her heart. Or her feelings. But her body is mine."

This book was sizzling hot! Like grab a fan and a cool drink hot! The way that Zara described every room-every detail-was perfect. You could completely picture every destination Q took Lucky.

There was also a huge suspense factor throughout. You wanted to know her whole story. Why was she running? Why was she scared? Then you have Q who is a complete mystery. Between his two different worlds, you can't tell how it will all turn out!

"I've dreamed of touching you like this. Feeling your pulse beat beneath my fingers. I've wondered what your skin would feel like."
" know."
"Now I know, I want to taste it, lick every inch of it."

Like I said...HAWT!!

I honestly couldn't stop flipping the pages as I was watching the story unfold. I had to know what would happen next. I had to know if either of them would be free of their own prisions.

"You're in my head."

This book had so many twists and turns. It left me with the biggest head rush in the most amazing way.

I wanted more even when it was over!

"Giving up was surprisingly easy when you have nothing left in life to look forward to."

I could keep going on about the awesomeness that was this book, but it should be experienced full on for yourself.

This was my first Zara Cox book, and it won't be my last!! Can't wait for the next book in this series, because I know it will be just as amazing!!

Get ready for a thrill ride into the abyss that is the mind of Q.
Hold on tight. It can get a bit wild.

"I'm obsessed with you. Have I told you that?"
"Not in so many words. But I have a fair inkling."
Beautiful Bitch (The Beautiful Series Book 3) :: Beautiful Beloved (The Beautiful Series Book 7) :: A Billionaire Romance (Boxed Set) - Falling for Mr. Statham :: Beautiful Secret (The Beautiful Series) :: Resisting the Boss (Mid Life Love Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patty barrocas
This is so different from your usual porn star book. First of all, the title is very deceiving. It is not just about an adult film production. It’s about something far deeper and complex.

The storyline is refreshing and the characters engaging and mysterious.
There is a darkness in this book and I was very glad the story took the direction it did.

We have Quinn Blackwood; wealthy businessman by the day and mysterious porn star by the night.
While setting auditions for his next elite and very secret project, he stumbles upon a girl that entices him.

Lucky/Elly isn’t your usual candidate for an adult film. Her initial appearence would probably turn producers off…But this is not the case with her current and potential employer. She doesn’t get to see him. He hides behind a camera and all she can hear is his mechanically altered voice.
Lucky impresses the faceless man and she doesn’t even know it.
But working for the unknown man is not easy. Lucky has to pass tests.
When Lucky passes the first test, her world is altered forever. Her day job will clash with her seedy one and that is when lines get blurred. Desperate for money, she takes a chance she’d never take in the past.
100,000$ per day for 10 days.
She belongs to the man with the mask. Her body is in his hands. She belongs to the man she has named Q.
Elly’s past is dark. She is a tortured heroine and I loved discovering her. Her story is unique and very complex. You do not know what really happened until the last part of the book. Elly is fighting to save someone; but who and from who?

Quinn has a darkness inside him. But he doesn’t fight against it. He uses it for his benefit. He goes against his father, he doesn’t care. He has one mission and it has to do with his family.
He is stoically indifferent to everything around him…except Elly. He is intrigued by her. He wants to discover her, but she has no idea who he is and what she got herself into.
Elly’s interest in Quinn Blackwood make her day job a lot more interesting. But she doesn’t know of the darkness that lurks behind his beautiful face. She can only see fragments of his soul because he gives away nothing.
Her relationship with Quinn is…complicated and it makes her time with Q even more confusing.

Elly didn’t know what to expect when she took on the job. Is the money worth it?

But what happens when she is attracted to the faceless man as well? What happens when the lines get blurred?
Quinn knows everything about Elly, but what happens when she doesn’t know that Q & Quinn…are one and the same? Read to find out!
Loved the writing style so much! The author does an excellent job captivating the reader with her amazing characters. The plot had me guessing all the time and I have to say that I have never read anything like this before. I loved how original this was.
Quinn will confuse you, excite you, charm you and at times anger you, but have faith in him.
Elly was simply fantastic and so brave! Her back story was trully heart-breaking and her selfless nature made her even more amazing!
The chemistry between our heroes was sizzling and the sensuality off the charts!!!
Fanatastic plot, great character development, deliciously bad villains and excellent writing. Do not miss this!

★★★5 Stars★★★
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shawn moser
4 KINK Revised: We love the new title Beautiful Liar
I am a fan of Zara’s Indigo Lounge series. I, P*rnstar? You were probably thinking the same thing as I was. What a puzzle!

Quinn Blackwood, Billionaire Heir CEO by day; P*rnstar Q by night. Yeah right?! What a combination and why? It’s that intrigue which pulled me to this story.

Quinn, aka Q, schedules adult film productions for an exclusive millionaire’s club. He is both the producer and star. He interviews various woman offering $1 million to the lucky woman for 10 sessions. Elyse “Lucky” Gilbert, is running and hiding from a trouble past and replies to the advertisement as a means to buy her way out of trouble.

In order to guarantee her safety, she agrees to the contract by having sex with a stranger behind a mask on film. As time goes on, she is falling for both men: Quinn and Q. Q wants her body and Quinn wants her body and soul.

Quinn is drawn to the feisty female even though she questions his motives every chance she can in spite of being desperate. From the beginning, you may not like Quinn. I certainly did not. However, it takes over 3/4's of the story to understand his motives behind the double life he chooses to live. After reading half of the story, you begin to understand why Lucky is on the run. She is hiding from an evil past making her the ideal candidate.

In closing, I enjoyed the mystery. You will feel sadness for Lucky and the horrible lifestyle she has endured and managed to escape. She is desperately trying to keep her family safe. Quinn is dealing with a painful past of dark secrets and a thirst for revenge by making adult films. However, referring to himself as a P*rnstar doesn’t fit with the story. Ultimately, I connected to the erotic billionaire romance once I removed the term P*RNSTAR.

I, P*rnstar is filled with mystery, taboo relations, deceit, revenge and suspense. It’s very explicit, carnal and downright dirty. The story will take you on an erotic ride which guarantees to leave your pages smoking. It’s a red-hot erotic romance complete with scorching sex scenes.

The story was very good ; the title was not!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
theresa abney
4 "Two Sides" Stars

Well that was twisty. And not what I expected. But I loved it for that very reason. This was my first book by Zara Cox and it won't be my last. I'm already antsy to see where she's taking this series.

Quinn is rich and powerful with a dark side. By day he's a CEO and at night be's a mysterious porn star who creates his own scenes to fit his mood. When he's ready for a new "partner" Lucky shows up and seems perfect for the job. Lucky, Elly's alter ego, may not want to be a porn star but she needs the 1 million dollar price tag that comes with 12 sessions with the mysterious Boss. But as these two spend time together, their pasts become entwined with their present reality and starts infringing on their futures. Both have deep and dark secrets they're trying to keep hidden and their stories become enmeshed in years long battles neither really knows the full extent of or the repercussions that are sure to come.

I'm not going to say much about the plot because the way Zara tells the story, I didn't realize what was really at stake until it hit me in the face and I think it's important that it stays that way. Just know that both Quinn and Lucky have demons nipping at their heels and things aren't always what they seem on the surface. This story had me questioning things constantly and asking WTF is happening and how can anything good come from this and why is in the world is this doing down this way.

While I really appreciated the suspense and mystery, I'm honestly still a bit confused as to why the whole Porn Star thing was such a big deal in the beginning other than a way to draw these two together. I'm not sure why it ended the way it did. It was also a bit slow at the beginning but by 40% it really picked up and I read through the rest of the story without stopping. I had to know what happened and how it was going to fix itself. One thing is for sure though, this book was smoking hot and I'm excited for more from Zara and this series.

ARC provided by RockStarLit PR for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harry chandler
Hell bent on Vengeance can often lead to roads you never expected them to. For Quinn he never imagined living to see it after he had reaped the reward of their down fall. He never thought he had a reason to, until he hired the woman that would turn his plans on it's axis and give him a reason to live.
Lucky, that was her nick name, given as an insult, because Lucky sh most certainly is not. Running from her past living on the streets scrapping out an existence to ensure that she can save the one she loves above all, she answers and add. That add changes her life in more ways that one.
I love the duality of how Q and Quinn can exist loving both sides of Lucky or Elly. The passion, the heart ache, the way his heart is starting to beat for her, falling in love for the first time and dealing with those ramifications.
I love how even though she is strong Ely can't help but fall in Love with both Q 7 Quinn never knowing their secret could bring her past barreling to her present much faster than she planned.
Zara Cox's words paint a beautiful picture of seduction by both of them fighting attraction and falling in love in a sensual battle for the upper hand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rod roper
Quinn Blackwood has the world at his feet. He’s unimaginably rich, gorgeous, wickedly smart and just a little homicidal.

His money makes it so easy to just reach out and take what he wants and what he wants is Lucky. She’s agreed to belong to him for one month – no questions asked – and everything will be captured on film. She’ll know him only as “Q” and she won’t even see his face. He’ll own her body and soul and by time he’s done – she’ll do anything for just a touch of his hand.

“I lay my head back and unlock the vault where my darkest plans reside.
In eighteen months, I’ll be thirty.
I’ll inherit fifteen billion dollars.
I’ll be one of the richest men in the world.
I’ll also, if my plans succeed, be a murderer.”

Elyse “Lucky” Gilbert never imagined that she would agree to sell herself for one million dollars. But that’s exactly what she’s done and that money is going to buy her freedom. Until then, she has to give up her menial job Blackwood Tower and her daily encounters with the enigmatic Quinn Blackwood. Everyone knows him to be cutthroat and unforgiving, but to her he’s so much more than just her boss. How can she reconcile her desire for both “Q” and Quinn when they invade her every thought and take over her very soul?

I, Porn Star marks my first book from Zara Cox and I can confess that it certainly won’t be my last! This is a seriously sexy and deviously twisty tale of desire and revenge. She then takes that to a whole new level by creating the ultimate antihero in Quinn Blackwood.

It’s like being on an out-of-control bullet train and laughing in the face of certain madness – and I loved every second of it…
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
****received a copy for my honest review****

A solid 4 stars.

This was was intense and intriguing read. The name pulls you in but the story will keep you invested.

Quinn (Q) and Lucky (Elle, Elyse) were quite a pair. Lucky was in a rock and a hard place and thought the job was insane. Quinn had a plan in motion.

The intensity between the two was off the charts. Quinn didn't know how to handle his dark side with Lucky. She bought out things in him that he didn't know were possible. Lucky was able to have some hope for once in her life.

This felt like two stories intertwined but not. You have the relationship with Q and Lucky and then Quinn and Elle. To see how the Quinn handles himself with Elle and then just flips the switch.

My only gripe about the story is that I wish I knew the backstory of Quinn before halfway through the book. Why he was doing what he was doing. You don't really find out until you almost done with the story. Elle's story you get a bit sooner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilyn hastings
ARC from publisher for honest review.
Wow! When I read the description of this book and then read the book… totally not what I expected! But it was an awesome surprise! This book was a little darker than I was anticipating, but I do love a great dark romance read and this surpassed all my expectations!
Q and Lucky are two of the best couples that I have seen in awhile… granted, then are both royally screwed up and have major problems that need to be fixed before they can more forward and have a healthy relationship, but that is part of the fun in reading this book. You get to see the trial and turmoil, and how the rise from the destruction perfect for each other but still totally messed up (but in a good way)!
This book is worth all the darkness, twists and turns, and devastation that comes to these characters because you will see how the light at the end of that long dark tunnel makes them who they are and who they are for each other. A must read for this year and every year after!
-Billi, Rock Star Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
azin naderi
Quinn Blackwood is sexy, seductive and secretive, CEO billionaire by day, by night he's Q, a troubled bastard and a porn star. Elyse Gilbert, nicknamed Lucky by her father because she is anything but. She's broke, down on her luck and looking for a way to make money, so she turns to porn where she meets Q. There is an immediate attraction between the 2, even though Q struggles to admit his feelings, and Lucky feels too much. But what happens off camera as their relationship grows and secrets are revealed is when the real trouble starts for the couple.

This was a great read, Zara captured Q's angst perfectly, and it was really well written to keep you gripped. I can see a possible spin off? but not Q and Lucky, their story is told.

300+ page filled with hot sexy passion!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sylvia seymour
What would you do if you were offered one million dollars to star in a very selective porn movie with Quinn Blackwood, scion of the Blackwood dynasty that rules New York, is a billionaire by day, tortured a-hole with daddy issues and secret porn star by night? I think these are fair questions to ask. Ok, and a whole lot more, but you get the gist - eventually, romance happens.

The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between

Hello, Ms. Cox: I don’t recall ever reading her books, but I was impressed with the story for I, Porn Star. Care was taken in setting up the chessboard of players and moves, and unlike a real porntastic story, the sex isn’t jammed in your face from the start. You get a sense of the characters before they connect physically, and it helped me enjoy it more when the smutty fun comes into play.

It’s not just lady p*rn: When I read the blurb for the ARC, the thought of the billionaire by day, pornstar by night and serious daddy issues, well I said, sign me up! But Elly’s backstory captured my interest. They both have issues, and are they anywhere near emotionally stable? Hell no. But they have chemistry in spades and Ms. Cox worked that like a stripper works the pole.

No Cliffy here: Bonus - it’s a standalone! The way Ms. Cox structured the story, it could easily be broken down into installments, but it was done so well that the flow worked as a standalone. Ms. Cox paced the telling of Quinn and Elly’s secrets in a way that didn’t give the whole can of beans away too early, and didn’t inundate me with sex, sex, sex just for the hell of it. There’s a decent amount of it, mind you, but it wasn’t superfluous and the intimacy of it progressed at a pace with their relationship.

Rushing to climax: The story unfolds well, and if there was a bit that didn’t quite click, it was the ending, which felt a tad rushed. Considering the revelation of Quinn/Q’s identity to Elly and the big climactic ending, I would have enjoyed seeing more of the fallout. I also have to mention that I received an ARC that did have several issues with editing that I anticipate will be fixed in the final product. Ms. Cox enjoyed her thesaurus, at times a bit too much, but overall, it was the story that captivated me and Quinn/Elly’s chemistry that kept me reading well after dark.

The Bottom Line [4 stars]
I really enjoyed it. Dramatic, suspenseful, with good smutty sex, It was a drastic change of pace from the last book I read and I really enjoyed that change. Ms. Cox is on my radar and I’d be interested in reading more from her.

**ARC provided by author for review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill o connor
Holy Mind F***! Wow this book!! Not sure exactly what I was expecting, but this was so so much more! It was like 2 incredible love/lust stories in one, with the same 2 characters!

I loved both Q and Lucky! Getting the POV from each, a taste of their backgrounds that brought them together in the most random of ways. The mystery, the tragedy, the drama! OMG! I devoured this book! It was just so raw and edgy, and if the main plot wasn't enough the subplots will blow your mind!

Probably one of the most unique books I've read all year! Loved the dark, edgy story, with crisp writing and of course some very hot, steamy scenes! This is my first read by Zara Cox and I can't wait to read more!

Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon an Alpha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j david hollinden
This book has it all, sex, mystery, suspense, revenge and did I say Sex.

Lucky is running from her past and desperate to stay hidden. Quinn is seeking revenge at any expense for a past horror. They meet by accident and know very little about each other. Lucky is in need of lots of money to keep her past in the past so she answers an ad to make a lot of money for a short time of porn filming. What she did not expect were all the unknowns that come the job. The twists and turns throughout this entire story make it unique and captivating. This was story is so much more than the blurb unveils. Good book, look forward to reading more by author Zara Cox.

Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary schmitt
This is a dark and suspenseful romance. Lucky is on the run from her ex-military, brothel running,sheriff father. She has been whored out since she 17 by her father. Unfortunately her dad has his eyes set on her younger sister. Well Lucky isn't having that, so one dead body and a burned up brothel later Lucky finds herself on the run. Quinn Blackwood has a dark past mixed sexual deviance. He has an alter ego that Lucky falls for as well as Quinn. Quinn weaves a tangled web of lies and deceit to obtain Lucky affection while at same time protecting her. This story keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jp morgan
I received this book from Rock Star Lit in exchange for an honest review.

This was fantastic book. Dark with some twists and turns you won't believe. It was fast paced and pulled you right into the story. Just unbelievable!!

Quinn was twisted and out for revenge. Elyse was running for her and her sisters lives. What a pair they made. I loved the suspense that was through out the book of what was really going on. I never thought that it would turn out that way.

Definitely a good book to pick up and read. I love Zara Cox's other books and this is right there with them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ross neilson
Where to begin with this book!?! I, Porn Star was a complete surprise for me, Zara Cox as well. I hadn’t read anything by her, but after today she is on my list! When I read the synopsis I was like “Ok, another rich CEO with issues and secrets!” I assumed it was going to be like all the other books out there, but no, it was totally different. It’s hard to explain what it is about this book, but all I can say is that it’s a great read!

We begin with Quinn Blackwood, rich CEO by day, hot porn star by night. Porn Star??? Yes, I know, it’s a little crazy but we all have secrets, some hide them better than others. Not only that, but Quinn is also a charity donator, not your average $1,000 donator but a million dollar one. It’s something he can’t help but do. Behind his professional life, he has a dark past which requires the “help” of a shrink, but let’s just say she gives better blow jobs than she listens.

Then we meet Elyse, also known as Elly or “Lucky” like her father calls her. She too has a troubled past and is constantly on the run. She finds herself in a situation that leaves her no choice but to use her body as her only hope to live.
Selling my body to buy my life is an exchange I can live with…
She finds herself at an audition that leaves her doubting her next step. Even though it promises a large amount of money, she finds it hard to do it while not knowing the employers name, or even having a glance of his face. But then again, 1 million in exchange for 1 month of pleasure. That sure does sound great, and it would also help escape from her past.
Will she go through with the job? Or will she run away, like she has been doing for some time?
Zara Cox definitely gives us an intense story. It’s full of mystery, it’s something you won’t be able to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
travis willmann
The Synopsis really caught my eye on this one and the name and cover helped.
But i honestly wasn't expecting to like this book as much as i did.

From the first time i 'met' Q i just knew there was something different about him.
Him wanting his face and voice hidden when he does the interviews.
He was genuinely a lovely character.

Lucky, i really liked her, she captures Q's attention from the first time he see's her in the interview.
The fact that he keeps his identity from Lucky was different but a nice surprise.

Overall i really liked this book and would definitely read more from this author!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie viggiano
Suspenseful and dark in style, beautifully written, and with two engaging characters that I was eager to undress of their secrets, this novel introduces the plot and every intense scene in a very thorough approach.

A masked man proposes a stranger to film ten intimate scenes in exchange of one million dollars. Catchy? Yes. The true magic lies in all the shadows, terrors and secrets that push Quinn Blackwood and a woman in the run to commit to this endeavour.

Mystery tinges every scene as they unfold into a cold and hot relationship that defies labels. Quinn, behind his unbreakable anonymity, weaves a web of domination around Lucky. A the same time, another parallel situation takes place while Lucky is groomed for the event. Every electrifying conversation, every subtle game of sensual bonding, felt hypnotic. And I was eager to see both stories collide and all the ugly, dark, cathartic secrets explode into liberation or utter destruction.

What’s even greater, this is all before the actual filming begins. Then… wow. Each shot was laden with a sharp mixture of molten-hot passion and eerie threat.

I was so curios about the reasons behind Lucky’s agreeing to the degrading, scary albeit sensual pact, and Q’s falling prey to the darkness in his soul. When those reasons started to spill, they were complex and layered, and I was captivated.

After that thrilling, devastatingly emotional final chapters (38 is a singular masterpiece), I can only recommend this book to anyone who loves dark, emotionally charged romances. It's got what it has to have: the best of plot, dialogues, writing style and steamy romance.

First reviewed on Literaria (I'm happy to share my honest opinion of this ARC).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy crap, this book.
This hooked me from the beginning and each twist and turn. Great read, I really like the authors style. It a romance with a side of dark and while those aren't my usual style they are one of my favorites if done right. Problem being most can't accomplish the dark, that was not however the problem here. Quinn's dark makes you want to join him. Elly was also a good h, my favorite parts were when she challenged Q's alpha in hopes to control herself. Though hopeless, she upped the ante. Again over all great read if not a must read for sure!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cynthia riesgraf
Quin aka Q is a billionaire with daddy issues, and many strange proclivities. Elyse aka Lucky, is trying to escape from her own personal hell. Elyse is in desperate need for money and agrees to give her body over to Q not knowing he is actually Quin. Elyse finds herself falling for 2 men and is pushed to the brink of her sanity. Quin is falling for a woman for the first time in his life. But, when secrets and lies are exposed it might be too much for their love to endure.

For me this was a very long and strange book. It's well written, but I felt that there was just too much going on. Almost like there was too much story. I also felt I have read this story before, there was nothing particularly original about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy Crap!! Zara Cox - This book brought me such pleasure and a little pain. You are a master!!! Both Quinn & Elyse/Q & Lucky had such alter egos, both with their own secret agendas. However, I found both were seeking their own happy ever afters. They were each reluctant to trust but quick to succumb to the passion they felt for each other. Follow their exciting path if you dare!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where to begin with this book!?! I, Porn Star was a complete surprise for me, Zara Cox as well. I hadn’t read anything by her, but after today she is on my list! When I read the synopsis I was like “Ok, another rich CEO with issues and secrets!” I assumed it was going to be like all the other books out there, but no, it was totally different. It’s hard to explain what it is about this book, but all I can say is that it’s a great read!

We begin with Quinn Blackwood, rich CEO by day, hot porn star by night. Porn Star??? Yes, I know, it’s a little crazy but we all have secrets, some hide them better than others. Not only that, but Quinn is also a charity donator, not your average $1,000 donator but a million dollar one. It’s something he can’t help but do. Behind his professional life, he has a dark past which requires the “help” of a shrink, but let’s just say she gives better blow jobs than she listens.

Then we meet Elyse, also known as Elly or “Lucky” like her father calls her. She too has a troubled past and is constantly on the run. She finds herself in a situation that leaves her no choice but to use her body as her only hope to live.
Selling my body to buy my life is an exchange I can live with…
She finds herself at an audition that leaves her doubting her next step. Even though it promises a large amount of money, she finds it hard to do it while not knowing the employers name, or even having a glance of his face. But then again, 1 million in exchange for 1 month of pleasure. That sure does sound great, and it would also help escape from her past.
Will she go through with the job? Or will she run away, like she has been doing for some time?
Zara Cox definitely gives us an intense story. It’s full of mystery, it’s something you won’t be able to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wickhamyvonneyahoo com
The Synopsis really caught my eye on this one and the name and cover helped.
But i honestly wasn't expecting to like this book as much as i did.

From the first time i 'met' Q i just knew there was something different about him.
Him wanting his face and voice hidden when he does the interviews.
He was genuinely a lovely character.

Lucky, i really liked her, she captures Q's attention from the first time he see's her in the interview.
The fact that he keeps his identity from Lucky was different but a nice surprise.

Overall i really liked this book and would definitely read more from this author!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen remembered reads
Suspenseful and dark in style, beautifully written, and with two engaging characters that I was eager to undress of their secrets, this novel introduces the plot and every intense scene in a very thorough approach.

A masked man proposes a stranger to film ten intimate scenes in exchange of one million dollars. Catchy? Yes. The true magic lies in all the shadows, terrors and secrets that push Quinn Blackwood and a woman in the run to commit to this endeavour.

Mystery tinges every scene as they unfold into a cold and hot relationship that defies labels. Quinn, behind his unbreakable anonymity, weaves a web of domination around Lucky. A the same time, another parallel situation takes place while Lucky is groomed for the event. Every electrifying conversation, every subtle game of sensual bonding, felt hypnotic. And I was eager to see both stories collide and all the ugly, dark, cathartic secrets explode into liberation or utter destruction.

What’s even greater, this is all before the actual filming begins. Then… wow. Each shot was laden with a sharp mixture of molten-hot passion and eerie threat.

I was so curios about the reasons behind Lucky’s agreeing to the degrading, scary albeit sensual pact, and Q’s falling prey to the darkness in his soul. When those reasons started to spill, they were complex and layered, and I was captivated.

After that thrilling, devastatingly emotional final chapters (38 is a singular masterpiece), I can only recommend this book to anyone who loves dark, emotionally charged romances. It's got what it has to have: the best of plot, dialogues, writing style and steamy romance.

First reviewed on Literaria (I'm happy to share my honest opinion of this ARC).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael c
Holy crap, this book.
This hooked me from the beginning and each twist and turn. Great read, I really like the authors style. It a romance with a side of dark and while those aren't my usual style they are one of my favorites if done right. Problem being most can't accomplish the dark, that was not however the problem here. Quinn's dark makes you want to join him. Elly was also a good h, my favorite parts were when she challenged Q's alpha in hopes to control herself. Though hopeless, she upped the ante. Again over all great read if not a must read for sure!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gary bunker
Quin aka Q is a billionaire with daddy issues, and many strange proclivities. Elyse aka Lucky, is trying to escape from her own personal hell. Elyse is in desperate need for money and agrees to give her body over to Q not knowing he is actually Quin. Elyse finds herself falling for 2 men and is pushed to the brink of her sanity. Quin is falling for a woman for the first time in his life. But, when secrets and lies are exposed it might be too much for their love to endure.

For me this was a very long and strange book. It's well written, but I felt that there was just too much going on. Almost like there was too much story. I also felt I have read this story before, there was nothing particularly original about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Holy Crap!! Zara Cox - This book brought me such pleasure and a little pain. You are a master!!! Both Quinn & Elyse/Q & Lucky had such alter egos, both with their own secret agendas. However, I found both were seeking their own happy ever afters. They were each reluctant to trust but quick to succumb to the passion they felt for each other. Follow their exciting path if you dare!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
indransh gupta
this is a very addictive read, that you wont want to put down till the very end. This book is definitely a page turner of a book. This book will take you on an emotional roller coaster of a ride through out the book. This is a beautiful, filthy story to keep you reading all night. It has fantastic characters and a fab story, I just couldn't put it down. I cant wait to read more from this author in the future.

Highly recommended
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
wendy mcclure
I love Zara Cox I loved the Indigo Lounge series. I couldn't wait to read those books. I,Porn Star was hard for me to get into. The book was ok but not a re-read for me. I love how Zara Cox writes so I will continue to read whatever writes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly dalferes
Once again Zara delivers a great story line from cover to cover. Quinn or Q and Lucky have not been so lucky with their childhoods. But revenge is the order of the day. Their relationship blossoms but there are twists and surprises in store. Enjoyable read from Zara with an easy flowing pace and POV from both sides.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat mcgraw
This writing is beyond dazzling...from the minute you open the first page until you finish this book it will leave you on your seat in anticipation . It is spectacular writing. ZARA COX at her best . I was blown away by this book. 5 stars...if I could give 10 I would !!
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