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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
zaibaa gani
I loved, loved , loved the first half of the book, the second half not so much. The book is written diary style, which I don't usually like, but it actually worked very well for this story. The first half of the book, when she is trying to survive alone, and then when she gets to Teran is fantastic. There is lots of cool tech, and we get to see a different culture. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough I loved it so much. However, the second half of the book consists of Cass and different squads going on endless missions to dreamlike Ena spaces, fighting monsters called Ionoths. One mission after another, after another, after another...boring. I decided not to read the rest of the books. I felt like she ran out of ideas for the book and just filled it with endless missions to fill it up to a book length. That said, I liked the author's writing and ideas, and I would try another book by her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reading this book was amazing
the author throws in enough detail without boring you
keeps the pace going and makes the characters easy to identify with

for me, the perfection in the timing was due to the fact i started this book on a thursday
went to the hospital for tests (trying to identity 21yrs of chronic pains/illness, some sort of autoimmune disorder) and with
all the crap being done, the waiting alone in the room for hours.. i felt very much like a lab rat
the book helped immensely
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie nelson
A wormhole takes Earth girl and deposits her where? The many days describing Cass and she tries to find civilization and how she survives is the best description. The author truly had me. Weaving a hat, mats, following a water source, evaluating what she carried in her backpack experiment ing with new food sources, watching what animals ate what this is the mark of great writing!!!. Cass is rescued then truly feels like a lab rat. What a comedy. Now she needs to learn an alien language and find a worthwhile way to earn her way and try not to get homesick.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher nolan
This story is a first person perspective. Cassandra turns a corner in Australia and winds up on a planet in another galaxy. The story revolves around the events and people she encounters on this journey. This is the first book in the series. I found it to be interesting and well written. You will find yourself wanting to read more of her story so don't read this one thinking you can quit at one. If you don't mind reading a series this one is worth your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The protagonist is engaging, quirky, thoughtful without brooding. The dilemmas she struggles with and her take on them weren't always predictable; a nice change from Hunger Games & Divergent in that respect.

The "sequel" (continuation*) will be my first purchase of a follow-up to a free Kindle read.
Nicely done!

* I'm still trying to get used to the rebirth of serial fiction. Feels like a rip-off to not get the full story. On the other hand, it's a great system for trying new authors and investing money in the ones who hit the bar - whatever your bar may be. Vote with your wallet!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other reviewers have complained about the diary format, but I'm inclined to disagree with them. I thoroughly enjoyed the lengthy descriptions and "knowledgeable" first person format. All too often an author writing in first person perspective still somehow manages to slip in a little omniscience. In Stray, and the sequel, Lab Rat One, the reader is just as surprised as the heroine.
I'll admit to re-reading several passages, particularly those concerning the Ena. (Is it like inner-space? dream-space? parallel dimensions?)
I laughed out loud when Cass back-reads her own journal entries, and admits to self-editing her hysterics. While reading, I thought this was a pretty self-possessed young lady, and then of course realized that I'd probably self-edit any whine-fests out of my journal, too!
The incredibly large cast of characters actually adds to the realistic (upon suspension of disbelief, lol) feel of this work. There are dozens and dozens of people that we come across each day, and why should a fictional character be any different?
Ms. Host's approach to this series is so intriguing - in that it began as a writing exercise, and has become this truly excellent story. I simply can't wait for November so that I can read the conclusion to Cass's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After choosing this first book in the Touchstone Series, I flew through it, reading avidly. Immediately looked to see if there was more and to my delight, there were THREE more books in the full series. Ordered them all and then sat back and enjoyed "the rest of the story". Of course, after reading all four books, I had to reacquaint myself with my own personal surroundings and life. Took awhile for me to return to Earth!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doug carrey beaver
Love the story written as a dairy. Very thought provoking. Many many questions still unanswered. Can not wait to read the next book. I could really see the development of the characters and loved the references to modern people and historical and mythological places. Recommend to a good reader as there are many characters to keep track, but both girls and boys are strong and have an equality rarely found in science fiction novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
trish mckenzie
'Stray' is quite creative and well thought out. The storyline was in-depth and well written. I enjoyed the way it played out. Cass made a great lead. She seemed to handle her 'new' life reasonably well. The only thing I didn't like was the ending. Ah, the cliffhanger that leaves you wanting to read the next book. A good paranormal, sci-fi/fantasy book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin sheppard
When I first downloaded this I thought it would be another run-of-the-mill YA novel that I could use to fill some time. I was very pleasantly surprised! Cassandra's journey quickly went from simply interesting to engaging and exciting. The author introduces a fascinating world of aliens without running into the usual hand-waving problem of explaining why they look and act like humans... only not! There's a lot of information given to the reader to digest, but it's spaced in a believable and, more importantly, manageable way. I didn't want to put the book down and am going after the sequels right now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was such a different book. Told through a journal, it follows Cass a girl who finds herself lost in a world not so different from Earth. It has been a very long time since I've read a book with original ideas as fun and engaging as these. Although at times it was a bit slow, trying to guess what was coming up next was enough to keep you wanting more. I feel the second part will be faster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam jones
I was desperately looking for something new to read and this book was free in the Kindle store. I rarely make it past the first chapter or two of the free Kindle books, but this one kept my attention.

Other reviewers dislike the diary format, but I consider it as an interesting alternative to story telling. I liked the writing and plot development, even though I'm probably not a member of the intended target audience.

My only complaint with regards to the plot is that the trip to Earth's nearspace suggests capabilities that don't manifest themselves again in the first two books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dipti panchwadkar
The book was entertaining after the first quarter, but it was very poorly written. I'm guessing this is a translation; if not, the editor should be ashamed. However, it was an interesting sci-fi/fantasy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim duval
I was pleasantly surprised with the entertainment value of this story. As an adult I was uncertain as reviews suggest it to be YA. It is a good story about a young women who walks into another world on her way home from school, how she survives and the angst she feels over the separation from family and friends. The rest is for you to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. Others have described it well, so I will just say a few quick things. I really liked the heroine/narrator's writing voice. She is funny and pragmatic, someone I would like to know in real life. She doesn't do annoying things that make me cringe. There is some intensity and action in the story, but it isn't a dark feeling book. For those who care about such, there is swearing in the book and sex is mentioned, but not described in any sort of graphic way. I feel like the swearing didn't detract from the story at all even though I can personally do without it. The author is from Australia and I have noticed increased swearing may be a cultural thing there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the most interesting story I have read since Anne's Dragon Riders of Pern.. It is so good that I read it over very often. The author creates a logical progression through all the books in this series within the world as is created. The continual flow is great, not one bit of the story is boring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda holloway
I greatly enjoyed this book. The descriptions of the worlds and creatures were fascinating. However I do wish there was a tad bit of romance in it. Poor Cass didn't even get better than a platonic shoulder or elbo touch.... But I have hope for the next book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kendrick blackwood
Definitely young adult fiction. Written as if it is a journal. I don't know much about writing, but that seems like a way to cop-out when it comes to good writing. Maybe it is harder than I think. Either way, as YA fiction, it is good. I bought the second. The first was free. If it still is, I'd say give it a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
suzanne hamilton
I was pleasantly surprised with the entertainment value of this story. As an adult I was uncertain as reviews suggest it to be YA. It is a good story about a young women who walks into another world on her way home from school, how she survives and the angst she feels over the separation from family and friends. The rest is for you to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. Others have described it well, so I will just say a few quick things. I really liked the heroine/narrator's writing voice. She is funny and pragmatic, someone I would like to know in real life. She doesn't do annoying things that make me cringe. There is some intensity and action in the story, but it isn't a dark feeling book. For those who care about such, there is swearing in the book and sex is mentioned, but not described in any sort of graphic way. I feel like the swearing didn't detract from the story at all even though I can personally do without it. The author is from Australia and I have noticed increased swearing may be a cultural thing there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
divyjyoti mishra
This is the most interesting story I have read since Anne's Dragon Riders of Pern.. It is so good that I read it over very often. The author creates a logical progression through all the books in this series within the world as is created. The continual flow is great, not one bit of the story is boring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lois loner
I greatly enjoyed this book. The descriptions of the worlds and creatures were fascinating. However I do wish there was a tad bit of romance in it. Poor Cass didn't even get better than a platonic shoulder or elbo touch.... But I have hope for the next book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle paratore
Definitely young adult fiction. Written as if it is a journal. I don't know much about writing, but that seems like a way to cop-out when it comes to good writing. Maybe it is harder than I think. Either way, as YA fiction, it is good. I bought the second. The first was free. If it still is, I'd say give it a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an interesting story of a schoolgirl suddenly finding herself far from home, in fact on another planet, due to a quirk in space-time. Adopted as a second class citizen, or "stray", she anticipates a bleak future until she discovers something about herself that could potentially save her adopted home, the Earth, and the universe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Stray takes the young adult reader to another world, sets her down in the midst of it along with Cazsandra, shows how to survive in an unlivable environment, how to adapt to a new world unlike her own. Captivating story, kept me on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next event in the story. I look forward to reading the sequels to this Touchstone Book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
really like this book and I thought the second of the three I would recommend this to anyone who likes sci-fi I find this this writer's style very easy to read and keep reading and I am one who does not anything that I don't find easy and well written
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it! Buying the follow-up books now. Several reviewers have mentioned that this is a YA book, correctly, but I'm mid-40s and enjoyed it greatly. I particularly enjoyed the few Aussie and gamer/popular culture references scattered throughout the book. Those references that I didn't understand I looked up on the net, which happened so infrequently (three times throughout the book) that it didn't really interfere with my experience. Indeed, I think I enjoyed the book more as a result of learning something new. Excuse me now while I whip off to pick up the next book in this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
george majchrzak
Interesting concept that is somewhat difficult to follow. Good main character, describes herself very well. Some aspects are left too much to the reader's interpretation. Am looking forward to sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maha joma
This book is science fiction, at times hard to understand ( I'm not a science fiction fan because if that) so I probably won't read anymore but if you like that kind of book you you'll probably enjoy this work of fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely wonderful story and such good world building and character development. A very fresh, natural voice in Cassandra's first-person narrative. The author has done a great job in making her sound a very realistic, strong young woman with a lot of sense and insight.
I hope the next part of her story has already been published, because I'm off to look for it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian jones
A very enjoyable YA novel. The main character is believable and has realistic reactions to events, not the super hero character you see so often in these novels. I am also enjoying the "diary" style. A unique reading experience for me. I immediately purchased the next book; devoured it and am reading the third now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole gustafson
Very good sy-fy read. Monsters, co-existing dimensions. Different culture with human inhabitants where telepathic and other talents are groomed in an elite military force. Competition, jealousy, romance and constant mental recording and monitoring. Abandoned cities lost technology and hidden history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ronzella rattler
The start of the story reminded me of another one read recently. Just as I was about to abandon it as a waste of time, it surprised me with quick change of direction. From there on I was hooked and it became a "page-turner" for me. One night I read until 1am. Waaaay past my bed-time!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book!! I runs along the lines of Ender's Game and Hunger Games. I couldn't put the book down! The story is in the format of a girl's journal. She accidentally trips into another world and the people who find her discover that she can be used as a weapon. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
virginia russell
This story concerns an individual who unexpectedly finds themselves thrown into a whole new dimension with worlds of unimaginable dangers, intrigue, and relationships. A sci-fi tale that makes you wonder how you would cope if it were to happen to you. A good read for sci-fi enthusiasts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yvette bentley
I was skeptical at first due to the "diary format", I almost stopped reading cause it was all internal dialogue at FIRST. Thank God I kept going. The story engulfed me and I finished the book in one day. Some of the names and terminology were hard to get the hang of and even after the second book I still have a little trouble sorting all the characters, but it did not detract from the storyline in my opinion. It was a little slow in parts but I couldn't wait to get to the second book. The second book is even better in my opinion with the growth of all the relationships that are built. Please take time to read this book if you like Syfy kind of stuff, and don't get deterred by the format. Some reviewers have complained about profanity in a "young adult" book, there are some curse words but they are few and far between and if you really think that teens aren't saying these words or at least hearing them on a daily basis then you need to think again. The profanity is not a main focus of the book and can easily be overlooked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellent read! I am looking forward to following up with the character in the next book! The story is presented in a method that continues offer surprises throughout the story and not grow stale and can often be the case with other stories.

Definite Recommend!!
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