Misadventures of a Good Wife (Misadventures Book 6)

ByMeredith Wild

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Five stars from this blogger!

Kate and Price had a whirlwind romance that instantly made me hooked on their lovestory. College sweethearts, their story is the stuff dreams are made of. However, everything is cut short for Kate, when word arrives that Price has been in a plane crash. Suddenly, everything she thought would be part of her happily-ever-after, now becomes nothing but a desolate future without the love of her life.

A year later, her sister in law begs her to take a vacation with her. While taking a walk on the beach, Kate comes face to face with someone in her past--her not-so-dead husband!

Secrets are revealed and love is never lost in this second Misadventures book by Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt. There's romance, passion, and a plot line that sweeps you right up, and makes you regret you finish the book so quickly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheri scholten
Holy scorched sheets Batman, this loving couple was atomically sensual and I had to wonder what kind of vitamins they consumed to have such stamina. This installment of the Misadventures series was first an erotic romance with strong elements of suspense. Keep your fans on high and have plenty of your favorite libations within reach to stave off potential dehydration. The story was intriguing, maddeningly paced, and somewhat frustrating as the husband was not forthcoming with his secrets, although he kept promising to divulge them right after another intense session of knocking the boots. As irritating as it was to be kept on the hook, I couldn’t seem to put my Kindle down, nor could I catch my breath and my office seemed to feel unseasonably warm for some reason… ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate Lewis had a great marriage with her husband Price, as it's as perfect as perfect can be. So her whole world is destroyed when he travels for work, and his plane goes down. She's broken, and when a year passes, she's still barely hanging one. So her sister-in-law talk her into going on a girls' trip for three weeks on a remote island in the South Pacific. They are staying at a Villa that's totally secluded, so imagine her shock when she sees Price walking towards her on the beach. That's all I'm giving up, as you'll just have to read this story to see how it all shakes out. WOW! The angst levels are off the chart emotional, and I'm drained completely. Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt flowed together perfectly for a story of a great magnitude. While the dialogue at times gave me comic relief, and the sparks of sexy were flying, it was the twists & turns that had me dropping loud f-bombs, as I really wanted to choke Price out to be honest. Misadventures of a Good Wife is another winner in the Misadventures series that I will never get enough of! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Melt (Steel Brothers Saga Book 4) :: Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season Book 1) :: The Billionaire's Sub: Alpha Billionaire Romance :: Twisted (Steel Brothers Saga Book 8) :: Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga Book 6)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria isabell
Kate believed that she was living the dream. She and her husband Price had a wonderful marriage, they were in love and they have successful careers. At least until the day her husband’s plane crashes and all the people on board have perished. It’s been a year since he has been gone and her sister-in-law thinks that it is time for her move on so she arranges a trip for them. While on the beach she sees the one thing she never expected to see which is her husband alive and well.

Price thought his wife would be safer without him however seeing her again has brought back all the love he feels for her to surface but she wants answers before their reunion goes any further. Will Price reveal his secrets and will he be able to keep Kate safe?

I love these characters as everything Price does and has done is because of his love for his wife and Kate has an inner strength that is second to none. The connection and chemistry between the two is intense and the secrets and suspense make this a must read. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review

This is the story of Kate and Price Lewis. They have been together since college and are very happily married. Kate's life is shattered and broken when she finds out her husband died in a plane crash. Kate is beyond devastated and is so lost without him. A year goes by and her sister in law convinces her to go on a trip with her. While she does go she starts to think that maybe she can move on. Kate decides to take a walk on the beach and she swears she sees her husband's ghost. But no it's really him. Now that she knows he's alive she wants answers but can Price give them. Price knew that there were some bad and dangerous people coming for him so he did the only thing he could think of and faked his death so she would be safe. He knows that reconnecting with her is dangerous but after a year decided he couldnt be without her anymore. Can Price give her all the details while keeping her safe? Can he eventually come out of hiding and freely have his life back? Read to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noura alabdulkader
Misadventures of a Good Wife - MEREDITH WILD & HELEN HARDT - Book #2 in the Misadventures Series.

I received this book for an honest and unbiased review.

I've found my new obsession with this series of stories, this being the second released in the Misadventures series. Great stories to immerse yourself in.

Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt have created a wonderfully passionate, sexy and thrilling story of intrigue and pure unadulterated love.

Kate and Price are a madly in love young couple. Kate being a journalist and Price, a day trader on the stock market.

When Price discovers a massive insider trading scam in a company called Cybermark, his investigations lead him into life threatening trouble. What he does in order to protect his wife and family and his amazing double life makes for fabulous reading.

Intrigue and thrills abound and a well developed cast of characters make this another great read in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seriously! Any book by Meredith Wild or Helen Hardt will NOT disappoint!
The book starts off with husband and wife, together since college. Truly, madly, deeply in love with each other. He leaves on a business trip and BAM, he’s dead!
**Are you as shocked as I was? Because reading that little bit I was thinking Ohhhhhhh heeeelllllll, where could this book take me and I need to know like NOW!**
This book is a true testament to the definition of a love so strong it can outlast any obstacle. I’ve contemplated spoilers, but I truly feel like you have to open the book and get lost in it as I did. Kate and Price’s story is enthralling. I’ve been fortunate enough to find my soulmate, and I would love him and fight for him as hard as Kate did for her husband, soulmate, home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheecid lopez
This is the second installment in the misadventures series and it does live up to its erotica reputation. But the question is, unlike the first book, does it have a plot and more to offer than sex? To answer this question, yes it does and it has a little dash of suspense to drive the plot. This book has no connection to book one, so you can read it without reading book one first. Believe me, book two is much better. In this installment, we have husband and wife named Price and Kate, respectively, and we have a lot of steam and a little suspense with Price. Price was believed to be dead for a year following a plane crash, but it is later revealed that he was alive and well. In comes Kate, a journalist who went into a deep depression because of Price's supposed "death". Price's sister decide to lift Kate from her funk and takes her on a tropical vacation for 3 weeks and little does Kate know, her world is about to be changed forever.

I am going to try to not reveal any spoilers, but the blurb pretty much tells you the burning question. Once it is revealed that Price is alive, things start to take an interesting turn. Kate is faced with the decision to stay with Price or give up her entire life in New York. There is one thing that this book does not lack and that is "SEX". There is lots of it, my dear. Anyways, I did enjoy myself while reading and the plot was interesting and so was the characters.

Of course when there is good, there is also bad. This book had the same problem as book one. It had too much sex, if that is even possible. This book had an interesting plot and great characters, but every time the plot would progress, sex would be thrown in it to slow it down. The third part of the book is when the mystery start to unfold and there was a little intensity, but the ending was very underwhelming and rushed. I felt like it was a cliffhanger, but in reality it was not supposed to be a cliffhanger. The book ended so fast that my head starting to spin. I needed a more thought out ending.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and its character and it was better than book one. Besides the ending and epilogue, the book was a solid 4 star with lots of sex
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian kurt
Love, passion, soul mates, things we all wish for. Things we covet in a relationship. Kate and Price had it and lost it when his plane went missing. Now Kate lives the tragedy of love lost and the pain that comes with it.
One year later she finds that the love she thought dead and buried is anything but dead, but alive and on a remote island. Can she overcome the pain he made her suffer? Can he win his soul mate back? Why was he gone for so long, in the first place?
This book is filled with suspense, danger and soul searing passionate love that will keep you glued to the pages.
Both Meredith and Helen excel in suspense filled romances that bring you to tears and heart up your soul and this is no exception to their rule. Addicting beyond measure I lost hours of sleep getting through the book to see if Kate and Price got their HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Misadventures of a Good Housewife by Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt. This is the second book in Misadventures Book series of standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the great author's in romance.

What a great written story with a unique storyline. This story pulled me in from the very first page it held my attention with strong characters, hot and steamy love scenes, with suspense and danger. I loved the characters Price and Kate so much. It would be great if every couple had that emotional and sexual connection between them as Price and Kate do.

This is definitely a book you want to have in your library. Go hit the one click button and buy this great book.

Melissa's Most Memorable Book Moments received a complimentary copy for Melissa to voluntarily read in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna jones
Talk about an Everlasting Love! Price and Kate Lewis will show you how it's done. They share an extraordinary love like no other. It is so powerful, they are true soulmates. I was captivated from the first paragraph. Kate Lewis is a beautiful, smart copywriter for the New York Tribune, who is so in love with her gorgeous husband Price, a successful stock trader on Wall Street. Perfect body, Perfect life, cozy apartment in Brooklyn. They had it all except for the doorbell that awaken Kate from a deep sleep only to discover that the love of her life, her soulmate was gone, that he was killed in a plane crash while away in Switzerland on business did her live change, it was shattered. The shards of love were splintering throughout her entire being. A year later she was still unable to bring herself from grieving the loss of her best friend, her lover and husband. Her sister in law books then a trip to a island in the pacific to try to turn her around.....only to find that the love of her life isn't dead at all. Stunned thinking she is having a dream she is angry, unsettled, and trying to figure out what is going on. He is in danger unable to tell her all his secrets. She is having difficulty with the mystery of what has happened. Unknowing that Price is running for his life and trying to keep them all alive because he uncovered a Ponzi scheme company who want him dead. Unable to keep away from Kate he brings her there to convince her that they need to be together knowing the danger he is taking to be with her but he is unable to take another moment without his beloved Kate. The intense, blistering hot sex, they have will have you running for the shower,. He asks her to run with him, leave it all behind because he can't live another moment without her. This story is filled with so much, love, danger, suspense, secrets, and the will to be together forever. Unable to do that Kate convinces Price to return to NYC and together they would expose the company. Little did they know the FBI was also trying to bring in the company because they were aware of the mishandling of monies and deaths to many of their company employees. This story will keep you aching for more. Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt were ingenuous when they wrote Misadventures of a Good Wife.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheila voss
'Misadventures of a Good Wife' by Meredith Wild, Helen Hardt is Book Two in the "Misadventures" series. This is the story of Kate and Price Lewis.
Kate has missed her husband Price for over a year after a plane crash that she thought took his life. When her sister in law talks her into going on a vacation with her she ends up finding Price there. Price informs her that there is danger and that is why he had to play dead. The danger is still there but he can't seem to go on without her and wants her to stay with him.
This was a surprising thriller type story with two people that really loved each other wanting to be together no matter what. Yes, it was also a very hot read.
Their story will keep you going until the end of this book!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah petersen
Misadventures of a Good Wife
By: Meredith Wild & Helen Hardt

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 Review by Kristie K

Misadventures have never been so enticing, sexy, intriguing, and dangerous…Ms. Wild & Ms. Hardt takes us on another epic adventure…

Meredith Wild & Helen Hardt bring us the second installment in the INCREDIBLE Misadventures series, this time with a heart-wrenching tale of love lost…and then found. Kate married the only man she had ever loved, and they were perfect for each other. They completed each other in every way, and craved one another with unbridled passion. Their lives were perfect…until the day she got the one call she never wanted to hear. Losing her love in a plane crash was the single worst thing that could ever happen to Kate, and her existence grew dull and lifeless. When her sister-in-law insists on a girls weekend at a tropical location, Kate goes in hopes that maybe she’ll feel a little more normal. Normal doesn’t even cover it when she sees an eerily familiar figure on the beach…

Holy WOW! I absolutely loved the storyline behind Misadventures of a Good Wife, it was unlike any book I’ve seen in quite some time. With these author’s incredible writing style and storytelling abilities, this book met and exceeded expectations. The characters jumped off the page, becoming palpable and real to the reader. With a complexity and depth that only added to their authenticity. The emotions evoked were many, and varied greatly from beginning to end, with every twist and turn of the plot. A great novel that I would highly recommend.

Kristie K
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Misadventures of a Good Wife, by bestselling authors Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt, is the second book in the exciting new multi-author Misadventures series. This emotional roller-coaster of a story will capture your heart from beginning to end. With a complex storyline, terrific characters, love, heartbreak, mystery, suspense, and intriguing twists, you'll be turning the pages faster to see what happens next. A story of love, loss, and second chances that's a definite must read! 

Price and Kate had a fairy tale marriage, a love that many dream of having, until it turned into the ultimate nightmare. Fast forward one year. Kate is barely surviving the loss of her soul mate, and is certainly not living. When her sister-in-law insists that they're taking a vacation, Kate knows that she's just trying to help, so she reluctantly agrees, not knowing that her life is going to change again. 

Price has waited a year to see his precious Kate again, but doesn't know how she's going to react to seeing him when he's supposed to be dead. Hoping that she'll agree to come with him, because he's not sure if he can live without her again. Unfortunately, he doesn't know that the danger he's been running from has caught up with him, and now they're all in trouble. He'll do whatever it takes to keep her and their families safe, he needs a plan, and for her to stay with him. Will it be enough? Can he keep everyone safe, and keep running from the dangerous people who tried to kill him a year ago? What will it take to get their lives back? Or can they? 

This was a fantastic story, and a great addition to what is going to be an excellent series! If you haven't read any of these books, I suggest that you start from the beginning. They are all stand alone books, but you'll get to enjoy excellent stories by all of these amazing authors. 

I strongly recommend this book, series, and exceptional authors. 

I have voluntarily reviewed this arc provided by the publisher via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lokesh amarnath
Holy mackerel! Meredith Marie Wild, Helen Lynn Hardy-- where in the world have you been keeping this story? Now I don't know if these are valid middle names but when ladies in my family do something outrageous, we call them by their full name.

Misadventures of a Good Wife is just that-- I am used to stellar writing from both authors but this work takes the cake! MoaGW surprised the heck out of me. This book is a nail biter, it is such an intense experience.

Kate and Price have a love that can't be denied, even in death. The emotional rollercoaster these two endure is breathtaking. Every page is a new adventure. Many readers have lost someone, so for Katie to get Price back is the dream we all wish for.

Please do yourself a favor and 1-Click this book. You will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'Misadventures of a Good Wife' by Meredith Wild, Helen Hardt is Book Two in the "Misadventures" series. This is the story of Kate and Price Lewis.
Kate has missed her husband Price for over a year after a plane crash that she thought took his life. When her sister in law talks her into going on a vacation with her she ends up finding Price there. Price informs her that there is danger and that is why he had to play dead. The danger is still there but he can't seem to go on without her and wants her to stay with him.
This was a surprising thriller type story with two people that really loved each other wanting to be together no matter what. Yes, it was also a very hot read.
Their story will keep you going until the end of this book!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate and Price will make you appreciate the lasting bonds of marriage vows and prove there is never a dull moment! Kate thought her dreams ended that fateful day the NYPD knocked on her door and gave her news that no wife ever wants to receive. After spending a year in a fog barely existing her sister in law Chelle convinces her to take a trip and have some fun in the sun if for nothing else than for a change of scenery. The very last thing she expected to see was a ghost walking towards her on the beach… Price had no choice but to stay away from the absolute center of his universe if he wanted to keep her safe. There are some very dangerous people out of get him and he couldn’t live with himself if he got her hurt in crossfire. But after a year long separation he just cannot be without his wife any longer. He has to convince his brave, smart, beautiful wife to go on the run with him and leave her life behind - he has got a lot of groveling ahead of him. Danger, desire and destiny - but at the end of it all marriage is sacrosanct and what the lord has brought together let no man put asunder.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Five stars from this blogger!

Kate and Price had a whirlwind romance that instantly made me hooked on their lovestory. College sweethearts, their story is the stuff dreams are made of. However, everything is cut short for Kate, when word arrives that Price has been in a plane crash. Suddenly, everything she thought would be part of her happily-ever-after, now becomes nothing but a desolate future without the love of her life.

A year later, her sister in law begs her to take a vacation with her. While taking a walk on the beach, Kate comes face to face with someone in her past--her not-so-dead husband!

Secrets are revealed and love is never lost in this second Misadventures book by Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt. There's romance, passion, and a plot line that sweeps you right up, and makes you regret you finish the book so quickly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angie davis
Weeeeeeeell... this was a little bit different to what I was expecting. To be honest I don't quite know what I was expecting but the reality is that Misadventures of a Good Wife (let's keep it short and sweet—MGW) has all the action that I've come to expect from Meredith Wild and all the heat and feels that makes Helen Hardt— well, Helen Hardt. This is a novella, so it is naturally fast paced. However, I found myself really disappointed at how quickly I finished. I always try and savour Helen's writing as much as possible and I found that I got so invested in Kate and Price and their story that my eyes and brain were competing as to which could process the words quicker.

As I already said, MGW is action packed. I don't want to give too much away, because part of the intrigue of this story is the way in which it keeps you guessing. Also, can I just say that every freaking conclusion I reached was completely off the marker! WTAF? I can normally peg a story, and I had it wrong from the beginning. Is it wrong that this made me love this book even more? Maybe I have some sort masochistic tendencies that haven't been quite tapped into yet, but regardless, this book did it for me. It was so gratifying to only have the full picture at the end instead of predicting it. If that even makes sense? These brilliant ladies painted this enthralling and scorching picture so intricately and cunningly that I could only ever see what they showed me, don't get me wrong there were clues, but they weren't anywhere near enough to put two and two together. I've come expect this from both Helen and Meredith. Their previous books definitely have this intelligent drip feeding of information that makes their stories impossible to put down, however they raised the game. The plot progression in MGW wasn't just on point, it was freaking flawless. I can't fault a single thing, every T is crossed, ever i is dotted. Basically, it reads like soft butter on hot toast!

Character wise MGW has a small cast. There are only ever four characters in any scene all the way through, and even then it doesn't happen very often. Personally I liked that— actually, I REALLY liked that because what do two people who can't keep their hands off each other do when they're alone and have been deprived of one another for a year? Yup, yes... Yes. They. Do. They have A LOT of jaw dropping, flaming hot, intense... scrumptious sex. And breathe. I have to say a little something on this— given how much nookie jams there is, this isn't quite a sex fest. It's very cunningly used to develop the characters. What I mean is that the intimacy between Price and Kate allows the reader a very raw and unfiltered audience of their feelings and their emotions. You have that rediscovery and familiarity warring with one another and then you also have this tension that comes from the situation they're in and the secrecy surrounding them. Price is a bit of an enigma, and even though you also see things from his POV, he's not an open book. You definitely get that sense of a man who has been lost by his love, has lost his love and his life, and is desperately trying to get back to it. He has this ability to draw you in and make your heart hurt for him, whilst at the same time questioning his role and his blame in it all. I had this kind of love/ hate, trust/ doubt relationship with him, and in many ways it reflects Kate's own relationship with him too. I absolutely loved her, but at times I did struggle with the way in which she processed the situation. Not that it was wrong or that it wasn't believable, but that it was different to what I can imagine myself doing. If anything it grounded the story because there wasn't this forced and unnatural reaction from her. Her actions are very fitting to her character. In fact this is something that I really enjoyed about these two characters. They had their strengths and weaknesses and they balanced each other out beautifully without OTT drama.

All in all, I really loved Misadventure of a Good Wife. Come on, it was a certain. I have yet to read anything with Helen Hardt's name that I don't love, and the more I read Meredith Wild the more I want to read from her. These are two clearly talented writers, whose styles marry beautifully and organically. I really hope that this isn't the last co-lab we get from these two because it'd really be criminal to deprive readers of their combined force!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yehud min aram
Holy scorched sheets Batman, this loving couple was atomically sensual and I had to wonder what kind of vitamins they consumed to have such stamina. This installment of the Misadventures series was first an erotic romance with strong elements of suspense. Keep your fans on high and have plenty of your favorite libations within reach to stave off potential dehydration. The story was intriguing, maddeningly paced, and somewhat frustrating as the husband was not forthcoming with his secrets, although he kept promising to divulge them right after another intense session of knocking the boots. As irritating as it was to be kept on the hook, I couldn’t seem to put my Kindle down, nor could I catch my breath and my office seemed to feel unseasonably warm for some reason… ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate Lewis had a great marriage with her husband Price, as it's as perfect as perfect can be. So her whole world is destroyed when he travels for work, and his plane goes down. She's broken, and when a year passes, she's still barely hanging one. So her sister-in-law talk her into going on a girls' trip for three weeks on a remote island in the South Pacific. They are staying at a Villa that's totally secluded, so imagine her shock when she sees Price walking towards her on the beach. That's all I'm giving up, as you'll just have to read this story to see how it all shakes out. WOW! The angst levels are off the chart emotional, and I'm drained completely. Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt flowed together perfectly for a story of a great magnitude. While the dialogue at times gave me comic relief, and the sparks of sexy were flying, it was the twists & turns that had me dropping loud f-bombs, as I really wanted to choke Price out to be honest. Misadventures of a Good Wife is another winner in the Misadventures series that I will never get enough of! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate believed that she was living the dream. She and her husband Price had a wonderful marriage, they were in love and they have successful careers. At least until the day her husband’s plane crashes and all the people on board have perished. It’s been a year since he has been gone and her sister-in-law thinks that it is time for her move on so she arranges a trip for them. While on the beach she sees the one thing she never expected to see which is her husband alive and well.

Price thought his wife would be safer without him however seeing her again has brought back all the love he feels for her to surface but she wants answers before their reunion goes any further. Will Price reveal his secrets and will he be able to keep Kate safe?

I love these characters as everything Price does and has done is because of his love for his wife and Kate has an inner strength that is second to none. The connection and chemistry between the two is intense and the secrets and suspense make this a must read. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review

This is the story of Kate and Price Lewis. They have been together since college and are very happily married. Kate's life is shattered and broken when she finds out her husband died in a plane crash. Kate is beyond devastated and is so lost without him. A year goes by and her sister in law convinces her to go on a trip with her. While she does go she starts to think that maybe she can move on. Kate decides to take a walk on the beach and she swears she sees her husband's ghost. But no it's really him. Now that she knows he's alive she wants answers but can Price give them. Price knew that there were some bad and dangerous people coming for him so he did the only thing he could think of and faked his death so she would be safe. He knows that reconnecting with her is dangerous but after a year decided he couldnt be without her anymore. Can Price give her all the details while keeping her safe? Can he eventually come out of hiding and freely have his life back? Read to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Misadventures of a Good Wife - MEREDITH WILD & HELEN HARDT - Book #2 in the Misadventures Series.

I received this book for an honest and unbiased review.

I've found my new obsession with this series of stories, this being the second released in the Misadventures series. Great stories to immerse yourself in.

Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt have created a wonderfully passionate, sexy and thrilling story of intrigue and pure unadulterated love.

Kate and Price are a madly in love young couple. Kate being a journalist and Price, a day trader on the stock market.

When Price discovers a massive insider trading scam in a company called Cybermark, his investigations lead him into life threatening trouble. What he does in order to protect his wife and family and his amazing double life makes for fabulous reading.

Intrigue and thrills abound and a well developed cast of characters make this another great read in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie c
Misadventures of a Good Wife really defines the meaning of Kate being a "Good Wife"!
The book hooks you in immediately with Price taking good care of his Good Wife, Kate... And then the book takes a sudden twist that I immediately missed Price and wondered what direction the plot was going to take me on.

Price & Kate really show you marriage vows "till death do us part" and you feel from the amazing writing the love and heartache that the characters have and continue to go through in the story.

I could not put this steamy, hot, sexy read down and it has a lot of intense action that keeps you engaged the entire book.

"I'll always be here, Kate. Right next to you. Every night. Always."

I highly recommend this quick, steamy story that has plenty of action in the sheets and on the streets!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul kishimoto
Seriously! Any book by Meredith Wild or Helen Hardt will NOT disappoint!
The book starts off with husband and wife, together since college. Truly, madly, deeply in love with each other. He leaves on a business trip and BAM, he’s dead!
**Are you as shocked as I was? Because reading that little bit I was thinking Ohhhhhhh heeeelllllll, where could this book take me and I need to know like NOW!**
This book is a true testament to the definition of a love so strong it can outlast any obstacle. I’ve contemplated spoilers, but I truly feel like you have to open the book and get lost in it as I did. Kate and Price’s story is enthralling. I’ve been fortunate enough to find my soulmate, and I would love him and fight for him as hard as Kate did for her husband, soulmate, home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
johanna kristensen
This is the second installment in the misadventures series and it does live up to its erotica reputation. But the question is, unlike the first book, does it have a plot and more to offer than sex? To answer this question, yes it does and it has a little dash of suspense to drive the plot. This book has no connection to book one, so you can read it without reading book one first. Believe me, book two is much better. In this installment, we have husband and wife named Price and Kate, respectively, and we have a lot of steam and a little suspense with Price. Price was believed to be dead for a year following a plane crash, but it is later revealed that he was alive and well. In comes Kate, a journalist who went into a deep depression because of Price's supposed "death". Price's sister decide to lift Kate from her funk and takes her on a tropical vacation for 3 weeks and little does Kate know, her world is about to be changed forever.

I am going to try to not reveal any spoilers, but the blurb pretty much tells you the burning question. Once it is revealed that Price is alive, things start to take an interesting turn. Kate is faced with the decision to stay with Price or give up her entire life in New York. There is one thing that this book does not lack and that is "SEX". There is lots of it, my dear. Anyways, I did enjoy myself while reading and the plot was interesting and so was the characters.

Of course when there is good, there is also bad. This book had the same problem as book one. It had too much sex, if that is even possible. This book had an interesting plot and great characters, but every time the plot would progress, sex would be thrown in it to slow it down. The third part of the book is when the mystery start to unfold and there was a little intensity, but the ending was very underwhelming and rushed. I felt like it was a cliffhanger, but in reality it was not supposed to be a cliffhanger. The book ended so fast that my head starting to spin. I needed a more thought out ending.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and its character and it was better than book one. Besides the ending and epilogue, the book was a solid 4 star with lots of sex
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love, passion, soul mates, things we all wish for. Things we covet in a relationship. Kate and Price had it and lost it when his plane went missing. Now Kate lives the tragedy of love lost and the pain that comes with it.
One year later she finds that the love she thought dead and buried is anything but dead, but alive and on a remote island. Can she overcome the pain he made her suffer? Can he win his soul mate back? Why was he gone for so long, in the first place?
This book is filled with suspense, danger and soul searing passionate love that will keep you glued to the pages.
Both Meredith and Helen excel in suspense filled romances that bring you to tears and heart up your soul and this is no exception to their rule. Addicting beyond measure I lost hours of sleep getting through the book to see if Kate and Price got their HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy rose
Misadventures of a Good Wife was a quick and enjoyable read for me.

I liked the way the story started out, a husband and wife deeply in love and devoted to one another. Then, BAM! The first chapter left me gutted. I could feel the plot building and I liked where it was headed. Even after Kate and Price were reunited, I liked the bit of mystery and originality that the story brought. I wanted to know more, I wanted to know what Kate planned to do, and I couldn't wait to find out how the two of them were going to pull it off. You obviously can't run from the bad guys forever.

But where I seemed to get sidetracked revolved around the sex. I might be with the minority, but I felt there was too much sex. It was raw and gritty at times and I wondered how the two of them could get so caught up in the act instead of being worried that someone was going to catch them at any moment. Don't get me wrong, Kate and Price deserved their chance to make up for the year they were apart, but it just seemed to be a little over the edge for me.

I did enjoy the story though and found it to be refreshing from other romances that I'm used to reading.

**ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 stars

Misadventures of a Good Wife will take you on a crazy ride. This story is a complete escape from reality. Perfect couple Kate and Price have only ever loved each other since the day they met. They have the perfect jobs, the perfect apartment in the big city and a fairy tale ending you only find in books. But one day that all changes and now Kate must face life alone. The heartbreak, the grief and the agony of moving on is everything you can imagine it would be. But when Kate is given the opportunity that no one could ever imagine of having her husband back, it will have Kate making the hardest decision of her life.

I’m not sure where I saw this story going. The first few pages moved quickly almost too quickly but it was all explained as I continued my journey with this story. It was not only erotic and sexy but had suspense and mystery. I really enjoyed how it all came together and didn’t feel like the authors were grasping to get it together which is what I was afraid would happen. I also enjoyed that it’s a standalone and had a HEA that was brought the story full circle. I am looking forward to more of the Misadventures series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patrick aquilone
Wow, this book was one wild and sexy adventure! Price died a year ago in a plane crash. Since then his wife, Kate, has been barely surviving. When her sister-in-law talks her into taking a trip to a remote island she reluctantly agrees. And then her whole world tilts on its axis again when she sees a familiar figure walking toward her on the beach.

This couple twists the sheets as often and as long as they can pushing this book right into the hot and steamy stratosphere. They are passionate and in love and each of them hurting so much from their year apart. When they finally begin to communicate the secrets that are revealed and the reasoning behind Price’s disappearance are completely understandable. Now they are left with the decision of what steps to take next.

The ending of this book is action packed and I could feel the pressure, fear and paranoia they were dealing with. I love when a book can make my heart race and Good Wife had my pulse pounding throughout the story.

This is an honest review of an advanced copy provided by NetGalley and Waterhouse Press.

Dual POV
Safety (view spoiler)
Possible Trigger – see safety spoiler
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy mcc
I received a arc from Netgalley for my honest review of Misadventures of a Good Wife.
In the second book of the Misadventures series author Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt bring a story of loss love that comes back but with a twisted. As soon as you open the book Wild and Hardt give you a very sexy scene that will have you in aww and then in tears. Kate has mourning the loss of her husband Price; Now she's about to try and live with out him with a little help from his sister and a girls trip. But something happens when a familiar face comes out of no where. The drama, mystery, heat, and love of this book will have you on your toes. I've a girl crush on these 2 authors and can't wait for more misadventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate and Price have a great marriage when suddenly it’s over. Price is dead and Kate must learn to live without him. Now she’s going on vacation with her sister-in-law. Who wants to go to a remote island in the South Pacific? Not her but away they go. But wait! Who is that on the beach? What has happened that Price would have to be dead for her to be safe? This was a really good book with a twist. The story makes excellent sense with a twist of suspense and action. And let’s not forget it is a romance book so we do have the romance in there, too. The FBI even appears in this story. I enjoyed reading it. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book that I received from Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barry smith
The intriguing blurb for this story had me hooked. A second-chance romance along with a mysterious disappearance sounded amazing. Kate and Price were a couple in love and that never changed, even after the untimely death of Price. So many questions needed answering and I couldn't wait to find out what could possibly take a man from his soul-mate only to show up on a deserted beach one day. Coincidental? I don't think so!

When Kate emerges from her grief-stricken fog and agrees to go to a remote vacation location with her sister-in-law, the last thing she expects to find on her private beach is her dead husband. Although she had dreamed of this possibility many times over the last year, now that it was really happening she was left confused instead of elated.

I did enjoy the story and found the plot to be somewhat believable. The vast majority of the book has Kate and Price entwined in every way imaginable to rekindle their love and forge the memories of each other’s bodies into the recesses of their minds. The scenes are all sorts of steamy but this got repetitive after a while and I just wanted the book to move forward, unravel the plot and get to the point.

I love both of these authors and while I did like the story I wish it had a little more meat to it besides a man and woman finding each other again succumbing to every touch that makes their body react. There was suspense and mystery behind this storyline and I feel like that could have been explored a lot more. I feel like only the tip of the iceberg was touched in this one. Just when the suspense was getting good, it all came to a crashing finale way too soon. It didn’t really leave loose ends but there could have been more than just the ending, there was no middle. There was build-up but the end did not go out with a bang.

Although it was a happy ending, it was also a very predictable ending. Even so, I enjoyed the story, I enjoyed the all-consuming love between Kate and Price, I enjoyed just reading to be entertained, I enjoyed the beautiful South Pacific setting and I particularly enjoyed the amazing romantic scenes between our couple. I would give this one 3.5 *.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marco aquilani
I absolutely loved the characters and the turn of events in the Misadventures of a Good Wife.
Misadventures of a Good Wife is filled with steamy, hot scenes, angst and suspense. I was anxious and thrilled at the same time to know what was to come next as I read page after page of this book to the end. I couldn't get enough of Kate and Price. There's so much love and passion between them; and there was no question of their unwavering love and commitment to their vows and to each other. This book is a must read!

*** I have received and voluntarily reviewed an Advance Readers Copy of Misadventures of a Good Wife by Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna webster
I got this book in exchange for my honest review. Meredith and Helen I absolutely loved this book. It had all my emotions taking turns on a rollercoaster and it was in a good way.. Kate and Price are so easy to fall in love with. I love that you both can write such beautiful books. I love the fact that I can picture the characters and the scenes and the way it makes me feel. I had read all Meredith's books and love them all and now that I have had a taste of reading something that Helen has helped create, I will be buying and reading all of her books.. Thank u both for writing a fantastic book. Hugs to u both
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan langley
Misadventures of a good wife
A page turner with twists and turns you don't see coming. A second chance at a happy ending for two people that that have deep soul connection that not even death can break. This book sucked me in right from the first page and I can't put the book down until the end. The characters were passionate and so committed to each other that you can feel it in the the authors' words.

Kate has tried in the last year to get past the grief of losing her husband but she cant get past her loss. Her sister-in-law convinces her to go on a island vacation to try to help her. Walking on a beach she sees a figure coming towards her that resembles her dead husband.

Price can't stay away from Kate anymore but will she be able to leave everything behind in order to be with Price?

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book pulled me in from the very beginning and didn't let go. Kate and Price were made for each other and had it all until he dies in a plane crash and she is thrown into despair, only going thru the motions of life. A year later, her sister-in-law insists she come on a get away trip with her to a remote island. She gets the surprise of her life when she sees Price on the beach. He's alive. She can't believe he's hidden away from her, knowing the pain and agony she was suffering. Price wants his wife back, but at what costs The love and chemistry is still there, but she wants answers before she decides what's she'll do. He's been hiding from some very dangerous people. Read this book! You will love it like I did. I voluntarily reviewed a hard copy of this book gifted to me by the authors. Thank you for allowing me to read and review your book. Patsy Sacco
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yana a
This romance is about losing the love of your life and a recovering and rebuilding that love. I personally don't read many mystery romance novels but Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt did an excellent job of bringing this story to life for the readers. Price and Kate's romance was filled with heartbreak, suspense, steamy sex and an exciting ending where all the pieces come together.

I have enjoyed all the novels I have read in the "Misadventures" series.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy provided by Water House Press/NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
soneide paiva
While it was not my favorite of the Misadventures series, it was still a very good! Kate is literally on an emotional roller coaster ride. First it's as if her life is perfect. Good job, married to her best friend, and great friends- all to be gone in the blink of an eye- and then to find out that the biggest heartbreak of her life was all a lie- a sham. Trying to forgive something that life altering is hard- almost impossible, no matter what the reasons were. Even harder? Trying to decide if forgiving such a thing is worth giving up the life as you know it. Kate and Price have a really long road ahead of them and even longer to find forgiveness- while trying to STAY ALIVE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Price and Kate had the perfect marriage. Their love was effortless and knew no bounds, that was until he dies in a plane crash. Miserable for an entire year after his death, Kate finds herself on a remote island vacationing with Price's sister, when a man walks toward her on the beach. It is Price, and he has been hiding out from the men who tried to kill him, faking his own death. The couple are reunited and the passion explodes. But when they try to stay hidden the story takes you on a wild ride of hit men, FBI agents and even more lies and deception. This story had great (mis)adventures with more twists and turns than a rollercoaster. The characters love could be felt in their words and in the hit sex scenes. This is another great story in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Emotionally gripping, action packed, thrilling roller-coaster of a romantic adventure filled with danger, mystery and spine tingling twists.

Kate and Price Lewis had the perfect life in a marriage that was filled with love and passion. Then in the blink of an eye Price is lost forever. (or is he) One year after he is presumed dead Kate is still just going through the motions of living and is shocked when Price's sister takes her on a remote vacation to reunite secretly with her dead husband. However the danger he is hiding from has followed his loving wife and they are on the run for their lives and future. Enjoyed every heart pounding twist and turn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara blanchard
Wow!!! I was hooked from the very first page! Meredith Wild is a favorite of mine, but I've never read Helen Hardt, even though she's was on my TBR list. That has changed since I've read this book. She has a new fan!!!

Kate has been mourning the death of her husband Price for a year only to find out he's alive!!!! It's a bitter sweet reunion. Price has secrets that are a threat to both him and Kate. While they catch up on lost times in the bedroom (which are pretty steamy), they have to decided how to move forward together.

I loved how strong Kate was. I wanted to throttle Price a few times, but I saw where he was coming from with his actions.

The story was different from anything else I've ever read. It was fun, fresh, sexy and had me at the edge of my seat. This is a must read!!!

Received an ARC from NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alysa mulcahy
**Advanced copy provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt are two of the best authors out there and I was looking forward to reading the second book in the Misadventures series after enjoying the first book so much (all books in this series stand alone). While I enjoyed this book quite a bit, it took me a very long time to really get into it and to connect with the characters. I'm not totally certain why that was and I know sometimes you just don't totally connect. There was definitely no lack of heat in this book between the characters though; that's for sure!

Kate and Price Lewis were the quintessential couple who seemed to have it all, until one day when Price went on a business trip and the next thing Kate knew she was planning his funeral. After a year of mourning and just going through her life in a fog, Kate's sister-in-law suggests that they take a trip to a tropical island in the South Pacific. Kate figures a change of scenery can't hurt, so she agrees. While Kate is expecting beautiful scenery, clear blue waters and lots of beach time, the last thing she was expecting was to see that her husband was still very much alive.

While Kate was thrilled to see Price, she undoubtedly had a bushel-full of questions for him. While their physical connection was still as strong as ever, it became obvious pretty quickly that Price was only sharing bits and pieces of what really happened in the year he was gone. Kate was slowly losing patience with his half-truths and until it becomes apparent that they might be in imminent danger, Price still holds out on her. Will these two be able to have any sort of stable relationship again or will they be running and looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives?

I enjoyed this book and ultimately was hooked by how it played out. I also enjoyed Chelle, Price's sister, and would have loved to have known what ultimately happened with her as well. Another good addition to this series of books. I'm looking forward to the next one in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary ruth
Misadventures of a Good Wife (Misadventures Book 2)
I love the love between Price and Kate. Theirs is how marriage is supposed to feel. I really love the hot romance between them too. This is how you should want to be with your mate. (Maybe, just come up for air once or twice. hehehe) Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt are two of my favorite writers hands down. The story line is a good one and intriguing. I love the book the couple, the tale. Please give this a read and and you won't be sorry. I especially loved the ending. Thanks ladies for keeping our heads filling with wonderful stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zeinab ghadimi
Another misadventure that is good

This was an amazing read and I could not put it down. There was love, sex, and suspense, three things that make a great book. Price and Kate are great together. I couldn’t wait to unravel what was going on with Price and why he would fake his death and stay away for a year. Would Kate take Price back, what would happen with everyone else in their family. Would they be safe. There is adventure, love and intrigue. I didn’t want to put this book down. Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt have made a great addition to this series of misadventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Misadventures of a Good Wife is a saucy, sexy romp in naughty bliss! That will fulfill your every desire! Leaving you wanting and lusting for so much more! With that sexy balance of fun, yet captivating writing. Which just sweeps you off your feet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm digging the Misadventures series! I really liked this book a lot! Kate and Price had a good marriage and a good life together, until Price dies in a plane crash. Kate can't move on from her grief, which is good for Price because he's alive and he wants his wife back! Price has secrets that can destroy what's left of his previous life but he can't go on without Kate. This story is interesting, a suspenseful 'who done it' and the love between Price and Kate knows no limits!

I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving an honest review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A good suspense thriller. Even though the passion was hot, one or two romps would have sufficed. A huge portion of the book was devoted to Price and Kate in bed. Although I’m not opposed to some steamy love scene, too much can be off putting at times. I found myself flipping past subsequent scenes and the book moved at a good pace and got down to the nitty gritty of the book, which I loved. I would read more. I love Meredith Wild, even though this wasn’t one of my favorites, I still liked it. Book provided by NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
edward fredericks
With each book in this standalone series you get a different authors and great new stories. I’m definitely a fan of Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt, so this was definitely a treat. What else could you ask for? This book is written by two great authors and set at a very steamy pace. This particular story took a bit to pull me in, but it’s full of sizzling scenes to keep you entertained throughout. Most of the action of the story happens in the last half of the book, but it’s just enough to keep you on your toes. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kate is the perfect with and loves her husband. One day it all changes when her husbands plane disappears on a business trip and now she has to move forward. On a trip everything changes and shes going to be required to make some choices that could change everything in a heartbeat.

This book is full of so many emotions that you just can't help but love it and need more! Meredith and Helen wrote a fantastic book. Both have a way with words and will make you love every minute of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah king
This book had me completed hooked! I couldn't put it down! Price and Kate completely pulled me into their world and took me on this wild ride they were on. My heart broke for Kate and I felt her confusion and frustration when she saw Price again. Price's love and devotion to his wife were apparent. This book held my attention and I didn't want to put it down. I would have loved the story to have been longer with more details, but the story told was complete. It was a great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the library lady
Kate Lewis works for the Tribune as a copywriter she loves her job but not more than Price. They met in collage through Michelle, Price is her brother. .Kate and Price fall madly in love . When Price dies in a plane crash Kate can't deal with it and becomes a hermit if it weren't for Michelle she would never get out of the house. Michelle takes Kate to South Pacific Island of Leiloa for a must needed vacation. Kate get the surprise of her life Price is alive. Kate has to choose between him and her life she can't have both now that people want Price died. If she stays with him she will be on the run for the rest of her life unless they can find away to get the bad guy's caught before the both end up died. (less)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill paulson
What a great read by Meredith Wild and Helen Hardt. But then what else would we expect from two of the best in the game!

This book had such a unique storyline filled a tad bit of trepidation and a whole lot of hotness. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering and waiting. It is a story of love lost and love found. Of belief and disbelief. Of trust and mistrust. Of pain and healing.

This is the second book in the Misadventures series and what a five-star slam dunk!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
meredith willis
This book kept me in suspense throughout as the chapters weave in and out of secrets. Steamy scenes are also in abundance as you can imagine, after Kate found out her husband was still alive, the reunion was sizzling, to say the least.

Although the couple was portrayed as very sexually compatible, I thought that the plot could have been developed a bit further instead of concentrating more on their reunion. This story was evenly-paced until the point where secrets had to be revealed. I understand they love each other to death and would do anything to protect one another however Price's stubbornness to let Kate know the big picture slowed the pace down at times. Love, and lovemaking, do not solve all problems unfortunately.

*I received a ARC from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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