Marriage Most Scandalous

ByJohanna Lindsey

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While the book started out well enough, it quickly went downhill when Margaret entered the picture. Sebastian Townshend, aka The Raven, promised to be an exciting character, the disgraced, disowned son of an earl who is now a ruthless mercenary. People hire him when all else fails. Enter Margaret, who wants to hire The Raven to look for Sebastian Townshend and discovers they're one in the same. Though he refuses to work for women, she manages to cow him into working for him and the story begins. There were a lot of things in the plot which I didn't really understand, such as her blaming Sebastian for her sister's death. It didn't take her long to get over that though and I wasn't quite sure why, with him being so clever, crafty and intelligent, they had to pretend to be married for him to find out what was going on at his home--which he, having never failed in a job before, couldn't figure out. The story had so many silly twists and turns that I was confused by the end and thought the entire plot was rather ridiculous. Nothing was as it seemed and Sebastian, being so renowned, should have been able to discover something awry. The characters had no real depth, I'm not quite sure how they ever connected emotionally and intimately with each other and well, by the end, I was just skimming through pages to be done with it. I do like Johanna Lindsey's work, especially the Malory series, but this fell short.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andrea durfee
Lady Margaret Landor remembers Sebastian Townshend as a tall, dashing, and charming bachelor. Never did she dream that one day she would hire him to save his father. Although Sebastian Townshend has forged a new identity, Maggie is certain he will come home, but Sebastian Townshend has vowed never to return to England.

His own father banished him. His heartbreaking exile was the result of a tragic duel - a duel his father, the Earl of Edgewood, cautioned against - emphatically! Now living on the continent, Sebastian Townshend is 'The Raven' - a deadly mercenary and Lady Margaret Landor needs his help.

Both characters are so caught up in the identities that they've created for themselves to be honest about how they truly feel for each other.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
daniel harmon
"Marriage Most Scandalous" is a dry tale set in England, with a young lady and a mercenary who used to be a lord and her neighbor. The plot is incredibly convoluted, and every few pages someone else blathers on and on and on about some complicated events of the past, which reveleations change everything you knew so far about past events. The romance is tepid and uninspired.

I was shocked to see such a ho-hum borring book printed under the name "Johanna Lindsey", who used to be famous for "Everyone Loves A Lindsey". My most favorable interpretation is that Lindsey is retired, and she hired out a ghostwriter to pen this tale; the style is disimilar to other Lindsey books, so this is plausible. Perhaps the publishing company told her "no controversy" -- her best books push beyond the comfort zone and step lightly into dark erotic fantasy -- and this is the best Linsdey can do with Vanilla romance. My least favorite interpretation is that the author is tired of writing, out of ideas, and simply doesn't have another good book in her. Whatever happened, this novel simply isn't worth reading.
Angel (Wyoming-Western Series) :: Heart of a Warrior (Ly-san-ter Book 3) :: The Devil Who Tamed Her (Reid Family Book 2) :: Captive Bride :: Once a Princess (Cardinia's Royal Family Book 1)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
diane stewart
I enjoy romance novels, and understand that their plots can be somewhat farfetched at times, but this was ridiculous. The final climax and revelations of her idiotically convoluted plot were as unrewarding as they were cynical in their ridicule of the gullibility of the reader. This plot was not Swiss cheese -- it was so full of holes it could double as a fish net. Certainly not sufficient reward for plowing through almost 400 pages, only a few enjoyable moments to the good. And the Publisher's Weekly review above was right that "the protagonists are really modern characters in Regency guise." The tone went beyond 'tongue-in-cheek' to cynical. This was my first Lindsey novel, and it will certainly be my last.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicole peoples
Enter into the ballroom our hero, Sebastian Townshend. Such a suave and debonair rake is a magnet to women. Sebastian sees no reason to deny himself the succulent delights of the beautiful Frenchman, Juliette. Unfortunately, the next day Sebastian is informed with the consequence of a duel that the beautiful Juliette is actually the wife of his best friend.

Being true and honorable, Sebastian agrees to the duel and meets his best friend since childhood, Giles, at the dueling rock. Having accepted his fate, Sebastian prepares to die and raises his pistol into the air, but Giles fires first, hitting Sebastian's arm, causing him to drop his aim and shoot Giles. In the chest. Dead.

Upon returning home, Sebastian must tell his father that he went to the duel he had been forbidden to attend and he had killed his father's bestfriend's one and only son. The Earl of Edgewood banishes Sebastian from their family and tells him to leave England. Sebastian complies.

Eleven years later enter The Raven, a for-hire mercenary. Lady Margaret Landor, current ward of the Earl of Edgewood, feels her chaperone's life is in danger and has gone to the continent to find the missing Sebastian. Having no luck in her searches, Margaret finally decides to hire The Raven to find Sebastian as a last resort. What a surprise to Margaret that The Raven is the one and only Sebastian Townshend.

Sebastian refuses to help Margaret, but once she agrees to his outlandish fee, the true and honorable Sebastian can do nothing but comply. However, Sebastian's father is not likely to allow him to waltz back through the door eleven years later, therefore, Margaret and Sebastian agree to pretend to be married...if the need arises.

Sebastian is looking for a killer and falling more and more in lust with Margaret every day. After deciding they must pose as man and wife, Sebastian and Margaret go to his father's home only to find him being carted in the front door with a giant knock on the head and nearly dead. Douglas, the earl, is ill with a fever and is put immediately to bed. With Douglas currently indisposed, Margaret and Sebastian stay at his fathers house while he recovers.

Personally, I felt the whole father/son relationship was really played up but then fizzled badly. Sebastian's way back into the family was paved far too easily. Margaret and Sebastian went from cold to hot at the turn of the page so their 'love' for each other felt really forced. And the big finale...ob-vi-ous!

All in all, I was disappointed. This definitely was not my favorite Lindsey.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book starts out great: we have the dangerous and mysterious hero, the plucky heroine, and slightly sinister circumstances. Naturally, the two dislike each other from the start, even though they find each other physically attractive. This part was well done and held much promise for a good read. But the book begins to wobble when the concept of "divorce" is mentioned -- something that rarely existed in England at the time -- and it really falls apart during the last two chapters with an extraordinarily implausible ending. A reader can suspend disbelief for only so long, and this rushed and highly unlikely scenario simply doesn't ring true.

That said, it's not a bad read, but those who are expecting Lindsey's best work are certain to be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chye lin
A fast-moving, refreshing, fun read. This plot reminded me of the Mr. & Mrs. Smith spy series... where for the sake of accomplishing a spy mission, Sebastian and Maggie pretend marriage. And their attraction for one another grows despite the walls they erect to protect their hearts. The selfless love of a young woman for her elderly guardian sparks a powerful breeze of forgiveness and restoration for a family that had been diabolically torn apart by the vices of a trusted friend. In seeking the safety and happiness of her foster family, Maggie unwittingly finds a powerful love for herself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz parsons
I haven't read Johanna Lindsey's recent books because I thought they were getting worse and worse. When I saw the price on this one, I thought I would try her again. I am very glad I did. I completely got wrapped into the story, and really enjoyed it. I thought that the characters were interesting, and the story well written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Maybe because I'm a fairly new Johanna Lindsey fan, or maybe because I just see things differently, but I have to disagree with the "low star" reviews on Marriage Most Scandalous.

I found the book a fun read. I enjoyed it because, although it is a Regency, it's not bogged down in the "time period" dialect and descriptions that so many of the Regencies have.

The plot line will stretch the reader's imagination, and make you stop and think about what is being presented, but I found Margaret and Sebastian's story intriguing and it will be one that I remember for a long time.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes Regencies that are quick and easy to read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Remember the good old days? The days when Johanna Lindsey still cared enough to at least try to entertain her reading public? I remember, I do. The first romance I ever read back in the 80's was "Heart of Thunder". Over the years, I voraciously read all of her other novels. They were great, having characters I loved, as well as interesting plots. The writing was fast-paced and the author obviously spent at least some effort in historical research.

However, over the past decade or so, I have found her novels to be too formulaic and repetitive even for romances. It seems like she has gotten sloppy, and is just churning out a new book every year, banking on her name to make it a bestseller. Lindsey's books these days are so silly they remind me of the Sweet Valley High books I used to read in middle school.

Marriage Most Scandalous is yet another dull book in this long dry spell for Lindsey fans. Jolly anachronisms, such as befriending the servants, traipsing around Europe on a "shopping trip" for months, casual divorce, and modern slangy dialogue crop up willy-nilly. SLOPPY!

The characters are thinly drawn. Sebastian seems cold and manipulative, although I rather liked Margaret. But the explanation provided for her affection for Sebastian's family is insufficient, considering their personalities. As for the romance itself, we're supposed to believe these characters are attracted to each other because the author tells us they are. We can't see why, but really! They really like each other! Wow. Yawn.

Did I mention the dialogue is stilted and there is too much exposition? The author treats us like idiots, not trusting us to figure anything out. Not that we really want to, the plot is so boring. Basically, it revolves around the hero's father tripping over his own feet repeatedly. Let's see, can that be right? ...Yep, that sums it up pretty well.

I would like to see Johanna Lindsey really exert herself for a change. She is not the author she used to be. I would really like to see her make a comeback, like any other media star you see these days. But as long as her public keeps buying this drivel, I'm sure we can expect more of the same. I'm only sorry I contributed valuable funds to this terrible trend.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
bhushan bapat
I have loved reading Johanna Lindsey books for a long, long while. I was excited to get this book. That was a short lived emotion. Overall it is OK. It isn't cringe worthy. I guess my problem with it is that it lacks the typical hook of most Lindsey books, regardless of how formulaic they can be. In reading this story I found that I just didn't care. At this point, I'm not even sure I remember the entire plot... you can see how vibrant the images were! not! If you love Lindsey, grab a copy from the library... live through the disapointment of this lackluster book and spend your money on something that will keep you awake, like a good cup of coffee.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
suzanne olsson
Blah times a hundred!! What has happened to Johanna Lindsey's writing. I swear she has forgotten how to create sexy over-the-top romances that keep you turning the pages. I almost gave up on this one, but being a true Lindsey fan I couldn't. Don't waste your money like I did by buying it new. If you feel you just have to read it(like I did), then wait for someone to put it on sell for $.01. I hope the next one is more of Lindey's usual style because it involves everyone's beloved Malorys. Can't wait.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ray hamblett
Second waste of money for my business trip! I wanted something light and entertaining. Never read Johanna Lindsey so thought this should be a nice piece of fluff. What a waste of money.

It started out pretty well and I kept hoping after the hero and heroine met it would take off! What a DUD. The plot was endless drivel and the solution was in the twilight zone. I didnt like either the hero or the heroine. They had no depth. And the love story - - this is love???

Well, the aiport bookstore and Ms Lindsey made money on me. Not again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike chrobak
Marriage Most Scandalous by Johanna Lindsey was released in 2005. A fine Regency novel with Margaret and Sebastian becoming attracted to each other. With lots of plot it will keep your interest. Fans of Johanna Lindsey will like this the most.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barry smith
This book has a mix of romance, mystery and England in 1808. The very sweet romance was a secondary story to the mystery of the why Sebastian killed his best friend in a dual and why someone is trying to kill his father. I would agree this is not my favorite J. Lindsey novel but was quick easy read perfect escape novel. If you enjoy historical romance novels check out `A Loving Scoundrel' by Johanna Lindsey and `Mightier than the Sword' by Peggy Waide.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
marisa zimmerman
This story was so forgettable. The plot was unbelievable. The hero & heroine were flat, their actions contrived. I finished the book, curious enough about the resolution to keep reading but not seriously involved. At least I borrowed it from the library, but, really, it was a waste of time.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
james murphy
Plot was contradictory and main characters had no chemistry or spark between each other. Dialogue was cheesy and subpar to say the least. It took me a long time to finish this book (because it was so easy to put the book down and walk away) and i usually finish most of her works in 1-2 days. Don't waste your money on this one
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved this book. I classify myself as a Historical Romance junky. I picked this book up and couldn't put it down. I hope that others will read the reviews above and decide to take their own shot at reading it. I loved Sebastion and thought that Maggie had just enough spunk to be believable. My favorite part though was the mystery. She really got me there. I usually figure it out toward the beginning of the book, but with this one, my husband asked me what happened when I went wow!

Thanks for keeping me reading Ms. Lindsay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leonard pierce
I very much enjoyed this story by Johanna Lindsey. I have all of her books and have read many of them more than once. This book was enjoyable because it has some very interesting plot twists and the main characters were typical Johanna Lindsey. They interacted well and have a sense of humor. If you have read other of her books and liked them you will really enjoy this one also. This story is not related to any of her other books. She often has continuing stories, this is not one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book has soooo many subplots that get tied up nicely in a bow at the end that I wanted to scream. I liked Maggie and Sebastion, although the story could have been written so much better. I didn't get the usual feelings that I do when I read a good book, like that I "knew" the characters. Probably because there was so much going on in the book, that Ms. Lindsey didn't spend the time to make her characters "real". If you want to read this book, check it out at the library and save your money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie s
This is my third Johanna Lindsey book and after being disappointed by "The Heir" I have to say I couldn't put this one down. I really liked our heroine Meg, and will be having lovely dreams about our hero, Sebastian. I actually found myself laughing out loud, smiling widely to myself, and at the end I gasped and cried. Although the mystery was great, I found parts of it a little unbelievable. I did enjoy the romantic parts so much I found myself rereading them when I was finished. My only complaint would be that I find Ms. Lindsey's stories, while very entertaining, don't have enough romance/love scenes for me. I want more dirt!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have read every one of Johanna Lindsey's books. I own them and love them. This is the worst book I have ever read of hers. It doesn't have the same style, the plot is forced, the emotions aren't real or believable and it was a struggle for me to finish it. If you love her books, it will be a struggle to keep reading it instead of throwing it away before finishing it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
john otte
This is the first book review i've written...ever. The only reason i'm writing this one is because i actually bought this book full price at B&N for a last minute trip i had to take thinking "you can't go wrong with Johanna Lindsey", and ended up hating it...profusely.

I have always loved reading Johanna Lindsey's books, but unfortunately the past few that have recently come out have really sucked. This one is a good example of one. It seems as if Ms. Lindsey "attempted" to write a mystery novel and then added the romance as an after thought. The characters were dull and boring, didn't seem as if the author put much care into developing them. Did Ms. Lindsey really write this? I couldn't help but think that perhaps someone else wrote the book and just burrowed her name to publish it, the style is so different from her older more interesting books i've enjoyed reading. I think from now on, her books will have to be burrowed from the library instead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen martin
In 1808 Sebastian Townshend is stunned to learn that his best friend Giles Weymess married a "whore" who he just slept with; however, he was unprepared for Giles to challenge him to a duel as the new wife weeping confessed that Sebastian seduced her. At Dueling Rock, Sebastian kills Giles. Feeling guilt and wanting to die, Sebastian flees to the continent where he becomes Raven the mercenary.

When a series of near deadly accidents occur to Sebastian's father Douglas, his ward Lady Margaret Landor wonders if his younger son Denton and his spouse want to inherit early. She knows the only person she feels can keep her beloved guardian safe and uncover the truth is Sebastian. She travels to illicit his help; he refuses to go home unless she pays his mercenary fee that she cannot remit or her body in trade. Offering him a fortune they return to his home to learn the truth even as they fall in love.

MARRIAGE MOST SCANDALOUS is a fabulous Regency romantic suspense starring a wonderful courageous heroine and her remorseful brooding champion. The exciting story line at times reads like an amateur sleuth tale as the lead couple try to keep his father safe and learn who the malevolence is as much as a save his soul historical. With several Lindsey twists, sub-genre fans will treasure this author's latest fine scandal driven tale.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
OK. The writing is obviously NOT Johanna Lindsey's style. There are just too many coincidences replacing an actual plot. There is no sense of the time period that Lindsey could embroider into her story. The humor is silly. The characters are just plain plain! The romance is shallow where you expect steam to rise from the pages -- if you read her earlier work.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
josef weissfeld
I hate to "me too!" all the other negative reviews, but... me too! Lindseys used to be my secret indulgence that I was embarrassed to admit I really enjoyed. Now I'm embarrassed to admit I spent good money for this one. REALLY contrived plot, really one-dimensional, unlikable characters, and absolutely no authenticity for the time period the story was set, except a constant use of the contraction "at'all", which was jarring and silly. Really, choose another book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
todd watts
I enjoyed reading "A Loving Scoundrel" so much that I decided to see what else Lindsey had written. I found this book a fun read although if you are looking for sensual fire -- try Julia Quinn. Sebastian is a fun two sided hero (Sebby as his Grandma calls him & The Raven, mercenary for hire) Our Heroine, Margaret (Maggie) has loved Sebby since she was 11 & caught him kissing one of her sister's friends. But that was before the, Sebastian is disowned and he makes his living taking care of problems for other people. I loved the dialog between Seb & Maggie & enjoyed the book UNTIL she wrapped up the's kinda far fetched but it does make for a "And they lived happily ever after" finale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana hyman
Well, I really don't understand all the fuss some readers made about the "authenticity" of the story. It's fiction for crying out loud! Marriage Most Scandalous had an interesting story, it grabbed me from the start, saucy characters, and great plot twists. Several times I exclaimed out loud! Glad I was by myself. It is a fun, escape from reality read. I read it in a couple of days and enjoyed it thoroughly. Hey, part of the reason we read the novels is to escape, so what if some of it stretched the bounds of reality at times. I enjoyed the characters, loved the story, giggled at the surprises.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emerson probst
Never again will I buy another Lindsey!!! "A Marriage Most Scandalous" was such a disappointment, I threw it in the trash just to save some unexpecting poor soul at a yard sale from wasting 50 cents! I (barely) finished it a week ago and can barely remember it (thankfully). Dull, overly complex, and silly plot line. Didn't like the last Lindsey I read either (can't remember the title - probably a good thing). Very disappointing...I'll stick with my new favorite authors: Quinn, Kleypas, Balogh, etc.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa basnight
This book was not what Johanna Lindsey normaly writes!! I have all of her books and this was the worst one I have ever read. It was very boring, I can read a good book in under 2 days, this one took me a week to finish. There were many typos, and I never really saw the romance part of it?? This is one book I'll never read twice! If you want a good book to read of Ms. Lindsey, get the Malory series! They are awesome books!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
laurie ann
This book was so disappointing--I've read almost all of Johanna Lindsey's books, and I was so looking forward to this one. I completely agree with the first two reviewers--there were terrible characters, poor writing, and horrendous plot development--finally, it felt like she finally got bored and decided to wrap up the entire story in the last two chapters so she could finally put an end to it. It was so disappointing that I had to check the inside cover three times to make sure this was truly was a book Johanna Lindsey had written.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jen terpstra
Sebastian duels with and kills his best friend, personal chaos ensues and his family disowns him. Sebastian's guilt causes him to leave the country becoming a successful mercenary for higher and a black hearted scoundrel. Then he is convinced to return home by a beautiful heroine named Margaret, a neighbor who admired him as a child, in order to investigate the possible attempts on his OWN father's life. So here is where it gets implausable: Margaret is just a neighbor. Not even a close one. It is highly improbable that an unwed woman would traipse about Europe for many months on behalf of this family. Sebastians family is cold and unlikeable. Secondly the need for Sebastian to become "Henry Raven" and pretend that he and Margaret are married to his own family....seemed a contrived excuse to get them in bed together and not a real necessity for plot progression. Also Sebastian showed no affection for Margaret except to gaze warmly after sex...otherwise he was cold. I wasn't made to believe they even liked each other beyond lust. And not to give it away but at the end of the story you learn that all the suffering through-out the book was for NOTHING!!! If I were him I would have truely committed the crime for which he was accused. I was merely an Okay read...nothing I am ever going to read again. A good book to get instead of this one is by a new author Samantha Saxon, called the Lady Lies. Totally blew me away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robbie icaro
This was a fab read from start to finish. Sebastian was a great hero so mean and moody and so dangerous, fighting his longing to be back with his family and margaret wasn,t the least bit intimidated as she tried to bring him back to the fold. They sparked off eachother all the way through what was a great story. I loved the arguments between them and certainly the passion they both tried to fight.This put me in mind of the malorys which are my all time favourites so please keep it up johanna
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
debbie ross
I usually love Johanna Lindsey's books. I didn't care how this one ended. After being totally rejected by his family and society for over 11 years, he goes home to find out it was all a ruse and it is supposed to be all forgiven and ok.
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