Book 4, Third Debt: Indebted

ByPepper Winters

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lixian xiong
The most intense in the series yet. Heathrow and Nila are perfect for one another. The debts are held over our heads as they are the characters and for every step taken to bring the two lovers together there two or more keeping them apart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is yet another AWESOME, Keeps you on the edge of your seat installment of Jethro and Nila. If you have not started to read this series, you really need to!!!! LOVED IT! Can't wait for the next installment!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin talanda
OMG!! OMG!! Wow, I never expected this to happen. I am so lost right now. I wish the next book would come out sooner than August 11th, that's a long time for all of us to be on the edge of our seats. Please Pepper Winter's don't make us wait so long. This series is phenomenal!!
Monsters in the Dark :: Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark Book 2) :: First Debt (Indebted Book 2) :: Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark Book 3) :: A Novel from the Lost Fleet Universe - Shattered Spear (Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you haven't started this series, you are missing out! Just the writing alone is impeccable and really develops the story. I won't spoil anything, but WOW, I need the next book now!! If you aren't a fan of cliffhangers, like me, you might want to wait to read it but even I think the cliffhangers are worth it!! These are the only books I anxiously wait to receive at midnight on release day and stay up all night reading! Dark, twisted, suspenseful, original, and literally perfect!

This is also the first review I have left for any book, so that shows how much I love this series and want everyone to read it!!

Can't wait to see what the last two books have in store!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie ylinen
KES KITE!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO why why pepper. My heart hurts I need the next book. Seriously love the series. If I could give it 5 million stars I would the emotions it made me feel God I love Jet and kes read the book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The beginning was very slow, but it picked up quickly and I couldn't put it down! Now the wait begins until August. I love the Pepper Winters books, and I have read every one! The problem is that I have to wait in between books and she always ends with such a cliffhanger.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly small
This series just keeps getting better. I love these characters, I love all the twist and turns and I love this author! If you like a darker story like I do, then you will love this series! And wow what a ending, how will I ever make it to August to find out what happens?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j ryan
Seriously twisted!!! I don't know who's the creepiest...Cut, Daniel OR Bonnie!!!! I can't seem to wrap my head around this series...AT ALL!!! It has my emotions all over the place!!! It's going to take FOREVER for August to get here! I'm anxious to see how Nila survives this!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann van
Wow!! what a magificent read. After reading and loving the prior three books I couldn't wait for this release. I anticipated how I wanted this journey to go, but oh no it was completely different and my mind was working overtime to figure out what was going to happen next. I would love to get inside Pepper Winters mind, she is crazy good at what she does. The writing of these characters Jethro and Nila have been my undoing. They are so complex and incredible, and one of a kind. You won't read any characters like the ones in this series. All of them are unique and individual. This book made my heart stop at the end I'm sure. I can't comprehend it yet. My mind is going over and over what happened. Did I really just read that ending? This book is a work of art, I feel so privledged to read this brilliant and incredible work from Pepper Winters. If she's not number 1 on the store with this series there's something wrong as this has truly blown my mind to smithereens. Thank heaven we have another book but I'm actually scared of what I'm going to read. I know it won't be what I think, because that is exactly what Pepper is so good at, writing the unpredictable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aditi mittal
WOW. This series is so addicting. Can't wait for the next book!!! I have always enjoyed Pepper Winters' writing and this is no exception. Yes there is sex, yes there is violence, and yes there is twists and turns through out this series. LOVE IT
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Absolutely hated the ending and the cliffhanger!!!

This is a great series... BUT's being stretched out WAY TOO LONG and becoming WAY too expensive having to read two more books to find out what the final result will be!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
isaac bridges
Third Debt (Indebted #4)
By: Pepper Winters
5/5 stars

If you haven’t read the first 3 books, stop reading this review, because it will contain common knowledge after from the first 3 books, while remaining (mostly) spoiler free for this book.

At the end of Second Debt (book 3) Nila is taken from Hawksridge by the police after her twin brother Vaughn mounted a social media campaign condemning the Hawk family and spilling what secrets he did know. Millions of people around the world made it known that the acts were despicable and they demanded justice for the Weaver family. Even though the Hawks bought the cops, there is nothing they can do with the entire world watching.

The first third or so of the book was Nila at home & work with her brother & father. She was trying to deal with her emotions concerning Jethro and worrying about how he was dealing with the situation and with his father as well. Jethro was sure that his father would kill him for failing to extract the debts and losing control of Nila Weaver. But he is punished for his failure.

I don’t believe it’s a spoiler to say that Nila & Jethro are reunited in Hawksridge because there are still debts #3, #4 & #5 that must be paid. And Hawksridge is nothing like it was the first time that Nila was there. Not only have the seasons changed, making it seem more doom & gloom and the characters have also had a shift in their reality.

Jethro has been able to erect his wall of ice surrounding his heart thus separating his feelings from Nila once again. Nila will have her work cut out for her trying to figure out what happened to him & what was done to him while she was gone. She will also have to fight to get through to Jethro again and make him see that he truly loves her. Her life depends on it.

We do get a bigger scene with Arthur “Kill” Killian the President of the Pure Corruption MC from Florida, USA. I liked seeing him in the different element within the scope of this book. At the end of Third Debt, there is a sneak peak look into Ruin & Rule (Pure Corruption MC #1) coming July 7, 2015.

The ending was wild, crazy, gut-wrenching & heart-stopping, and as with the previous books in the series, it also ends on cliffhanger of worrying where the story will go from here, how the characters that we love will survive in the world of Cut Hawk & the other crazies like his son Daniel & his mother Bonnie. Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) is the second to last book in this series and is due to be released August 11, 2015.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
achala talati
I love Pepper Winters books, she creates complex characters and really you don't know how is it going to end.
I just finished reading it and I I need more and is going to be torture just to think that the next one will be published in August.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patience phillips
I freaking loved this book. There were many times when my heat beat faster, waiting to see what was going to happen, especially when the Third Debt was being described. Holy crap!! It was so damn good. I've already pre-ordered the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
AHHH!!! LOVE THIS SERIES!!! All of the books so far have been AWESOME!!! Even though I am not one for the dark romance genre, I have to say that Pepper Winters blew me away with these books!! I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linh nguyen
Wow what a roller coaster! I was not expecting it to end like that, Pepper Winters has done it again. With other authors I find the story lagging and not holding you captive but not her. Well written, exciting, dark, and yes even love happens. Cannot wait for the next one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
annie shannon
I was disappointed in this book it started w promise and ended with morbid disappointment. I guess I seen it coming this writer has a fascination w sad endings and horrible out comes.i guess the take away can be peace in dying knowing you had some love twisted as it was still love.i mean at some point in this series it will have to end and I have to finish it bc I have to finish what I start but something tells me I can predict it though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jed john edwards
The anticipation of waiting for Third Debt was agonizing. Now that I have read it though, I wish I hadn't. HOLD ON let me explain. This book left me heartbroken and hollow. Pepper Winters is such a great writer that she makes you feel the pain and anguish the characters go through. I felt their heartbreak, hopelessness, and most of all their humanity. Even the most beautiful creatures are sometimes flawed. There were scenes that also made me smile.
I am a loyal reader to The Queen of Darkness, Pepper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel farkas
This book took me through such a journey of emotions. I was hooked on the Indebted Series since the beginning of Book 1. Even though the story is a bit far-fetched Ms Winters makes it believable. The writing is beyond reproach. I find myself so caught up in the story that at times I hesitate to turn the page dreading the outcome. This story is not sunshine and puppies. It's dark and explores some really insane behavior of the villains in this book. Ms Winters gives you hope for the main characters on one page then plunges them into despair in the next. Their love is strong but I don't know if anyone could survive the obstacles thrown their way. My only complaint is that this is a series. That means I have to wait until August to find out what happens next in the 5th book. I understand this series has a total of 6 books. The only plus to having to wait is that it gives me time to plot the vengeance, pay-back and probable murder that I want to commit on the more unsavory characters in this series. Very seldom has an author evoked such strong emotions from me but Ms Winters has succeeded. She has left a lot of questions that need to be answered. I will definitely be clicking pre-order for book 5. Now I have to go take some deep breaths to recover from the roller coaster ride book 4 took me on. It's a ride I recommend taking. Remember to fasten your seat belts and hold on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zaydman mikhail
Always an amazing read from Ms. Winter's. I loved this book so much. I read it slowly so it didn't end too soon, but it ended :( Now I am super anxious to read the next in the series. I also LOVE that the word Kerfuffle is in the book. One of my favorite words to use! Another home-run!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was spectacular...I felt every emotion...I think I'm suffering from VEP/HSP. I can't get over how thrilling this book was. I couldn't put it down...I cried and screamed and held on for dear life as I agonized through the torment, emotions and love oozing in this book. I can't believe the it there a resurrection in book 5...Kite we need you it cannot end like heart hurts but I have faith that all will be made right in some miraculous way. I'm hoping that the book 5 does release in the May/June time frame as stated in book 3 and not August because I'll die of waiting so long....last I read book six was due out in's to hoping...fingers crossed and knocking on wood. If you haven't read this series don't hesitate...Pepper Winters delivers a magnificent suspense dark romance...not for the faint of heart but the true believer in love!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Riveting! Gut reaching! So not what I was expecting! I'm scared to think of what's coming next! This series has been like riding a roller coaster. One minute my heart is in my mouth and the next its in the pit of my stomach. Truly it's a must read if you like a ride on the darks side! Pepper you have out done yourself! Can't wait for the Fourth Debt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy voisin
5*** Ugly Cry Stars

"Her heart belonged to me. And my heart belonged to her" Jethro

What an amazing, intense, emotional and suspenseful roller coaster ride. If you are following this series you know how awful second debt ended. So starting this book brought back all those emotions and so yeah I was an emotional wreck from the beginning. The story continues with the two families fighting over their ancestors sins. The Hawks believed that the Weaver's first daughters belonged to them to pay ancestors past debts. The Hawks are the most wealthy family there is. They have Jewel mines, weapons and they have a hidden motorcycle club. They basically have power and money that the Weavers would never have.

It starts basically right where it left off. Jethro Hawk aka Kite had fallen in love with Nila Weaver (the last Weaver alive). They had gone through so much in the last 3 books. Nila's twin brother Vaughn had cause so much social media attention to help her get out of the hands of the Hawks. Jethro let her get away, he told her to get her freedom and in return he was ready to die for her. However, Cut his father decided to give him another chance to live. He gave him an ultimatum which Kite had really no option but to accept in order to protect Nila, his brother and sister from his heartless father and also their evil brother Daniel.

Cut offered Jethro some magic pills that helped him be numb and immune to feel. He basically became a stone cold person once again to protect his love ones. His brother Kestrel aka Kes and sister Jasmine aka Jaz where so upset at him. He basically ignored them and stayed away so that he could become like his father and take over the family's inheritance like he was supposed to as a first born child.

Nila aka Threads was safe back home in London, however she was lonely and incomplete. She also had fallen in love with Jethro. The last 3 books they have both suffered, they were both broken but together they felt complete. She desperately wanted to be back with him and save him from his family. She was willing to sacrifice herself to save him and her both from this madness that was the ridiculous debts.

So much happened in this book that had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't put this book down. My emotions where all over the place. At first I was devastated and crying so much to protect Jethro. But then I wanted to hit him, I was so mad at him. So when Nila had the chance to make him suffer not really intentionally but I couldn't helped enjoy it. However, you get into Jethro's mind and understand his struggles you can't help to just love him all over again. I hurt so much for both him and Nila. He finally broke through his walls and let her in.

"We were both destroyed. And the only cure was to give in." Jethro

"I came here to be filled, taken, ridden. I came to find you again. I came to remind you of what we have. I came for so many reasons , Jethro, but most of all, I came to save you" Nila

"You should know you’re it for me, Nila. There’s no turning back from this. I’m on your side until the end." Jethro

Kes was the perfect brother and friend. I LOVED him on this book more so than the others. He truly stepped up to help Nila and Jethro. I truly hurt for him as well. They were powerless again their evil father and grandmother. Yes, that old Bonnie, OMG I have so much anger right now....

Jethro and Nila were put through so much on this book. Again testing their true love. Nila had to pay the Third Debt in order for Jathro to take over. The events that happened during this debt were unbelievable. Like OMG what just happened?!. I was mad, I was excited, then happy, then mad. But nothing, absolutely nothing could of prepared me for that ending. I felt like I was watching a car wreck but there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was the most painful ending ever.

I cannot express how much I dislike Cut, Daniel and Bonnie, I want them to suffer.

I am still trying to wrap my mind about what I just read but I can't get my thoughts straight. I feel like it was all a dream that it never happened. Pepper, you truly gutted me but I still LOVED this because I felt so much and I didn't expect all this madness of events. Saying that I will stalk the author down to get the next two books ASAP because I just need answers. And because I have hopes that this ending is just a twisted game and that is not true. (a girl can just hope).

"A kiss was a disaster. A kiss was power. A kiss was love and togetherness and faith. It was so many, many things. But this… this was something so much more. More. I want more. I want everything" Jethro
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah copeland
The latest book completely shattered me. I honestly don't have the words to describe how amazing this book this series is. Pepper Winters is one of the most talented writers I have had the privilege to read.
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