First Debt (Indebted Book 2)

ByPepper Winters

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series keeps getting better with everyone! Absolutely amazing series! I'd love to spend a day in Pepper Winter's head...I think it would be an amazing ride! Dark and sexy and full of twists and turns. You'll laugh and cry and want to throw it across the'll even want to jump it and strangle people a few times and you will LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A hundred stars for this book. A definite must read. Dark enticing and delicious. There's certainly a new plot and storyline in this series. And the characters are so well developed you can almost see their expressions. And oh wow can Pepper Winters write an erotic love scene sure to leave you breathless and hungry
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great continuation of the first book. If you loved the first book, you will adore the second! If you hated the first book, give Jethro another chance, it it worth it! The characters develop and the storyline moved along at a great pace. As always, Pepper leaves us satisfied but wanting the next installment!
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark Book 3) :: The Girl and Her Ren (Ribbon Duet Book 2) :: Absinthe :: Sin & Suffer (Pure Corruption) :: Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
larry norris
New series addiction. Pepper can not write these books fast enough. I am so ready for the next one. Nila is a strong women who gets totally duped by all of the dishonest men in her world. This is a great story and so intriguing with all of the back story. As I said, I can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara smith
What to say about this amazing writer and the unbelievably hard, dark, intense, but beautiful stories she creates. You can not help but be drawn in by these flawed characters. I can not wait to see how this story progresses in the next book! Pepper Winters you are an amazingly talented woman!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy mcdonough
First debt will have you quivering with each and every page. Your heart in your throat the pulse between your thighs tingling .. It's hot, daunting and downright deliscious !!
Eagerly await second debt !
Pepper Winters will have you questioning your every thought and glued to every page.

Sinfully sexy, delicious and a page turner !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a new and wonderful writing style. Its pretty hard core just the way I like them. She also has a way of leading us on a good mystery chase so rare with erotica. The characters come to life and its so easy to feel familiar with them. The sex is a panty melting good time. Keep up the great work and hope to see the new indebted...can't wait!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
edgar l pez
Very compelling series and I cannot wait for the Final Debt, the last in the series. Interesting writing and characters and fantastic situations. It's a bit on the dark side. I had not read anything similar to this before, though now that I've read it, I do see similarly themed books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ronald vasicek
It. Was. Amazing.
Holy s***
I loved the debt inheritance so much i cant even begin to explain my love for this book.
Each book ends in a cliffy, and each book starts off EXACTLY where you left on the last. You dont miss anything.
Jethro was nicer (woopwoop)
Nila was smarter (yes)
And both of them against the world (or their families)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Unbelievable Amazing Stars

Wow, holy mind f%*# batman! That book was insane, in the best possible sense of the word. I was looking forward to reading more about Nila and Jethro, especially after the crazy place book one left us at, but I did not intend to have the feelings I did reading book two! Pepper delivers a complete rollercoaster ride!

In book one – Debt Inheritance – we meet the Hawk’s and the Weaver’s and learn of a crazy old family debt that leaves Nila Weaver in the hands of Jehtro Hawk, as payment of a debt owed to the Hawk family by the Weaver family. The book completely messed with my mind. I was in awe, I literally could not stop thinking about the story line. It was ruthless, crazy, and intriguing. I never imagined that Pepper could provoke me to have “loving – pull at my heart string” thoughts while reading about Nila and Jethro in book two, but she did!

Nila is an amazing character; I absolutely love the growth of her character in book two. For a person who is taken against their will and thrust into a situation like hers to still function and plot, unbelievable. It takes her character to a whole new level. I love how hard she tries to fight the undeniable attraction she has for Jethro. She definitely is no longer the naive girl I thought she was in book one.

Jethro, in true Pepper Winters style, is a crazy, cold, calculating, sexy, badass lead male character that we love to hate. In book one I absolutely had no idea how I was supposed to feel about him with his cold uncaring actions but now, with the twists and turns of book two, I can say, I think he is going to do amazing things for me! I can’t wait to see where his true intentions lye, and where Nila will fit into his plan. Their chemistry is off the charts and I love how she is thawing his cold heart.

There is also the mystery behind Kite007, Kestrel, Vaughn, Jasmine, and the rest of the Hawk and Weaver families that I just can’t put my finger on! I know there is so much more story for Pepper to tell and I can’t wait to see if my theories pan out. This series is unlike anything I have ever read before and I love it.

Reviewed by: Tonya Nichols @ Eye Candy Bookstore
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne hartman
Peppers Winters takes you on a journey of emotion with the this series. The twisted world the naive and insecure Nila is brought to keeps you moving forward to find if she can keep pace. Pepper Winters ability bring you into each scene is amazing. She provides depth to the characters and the situations they must maneuver.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cara riley
I really want to like this series and the characters but I'm finding that I don't have patience. In this second book we learn a bit more about Jethro's person and a small secret he's kept to himself and I feel as confused as Nila. I'm hoping there's more to Jethro than what's been revealed this far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Winters knows how to write a book!! She sucks you in and makes you fall in love and keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what's going to happen. She is on my favorite authors list and I will read whatever she writes!!

Ugh...Now I have to wait until next year to know what happens!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tako tam
Pepper kills me. I cannot imagine the thoughts that submerge her mind on a daily. What a creative an unique person this has to be to create works such as this. I have enjoyed every book she's written, and I can say without a doubt- I'm an addict.
There's no recovery process once you've read something written by Pepper Winters.

It's an addiction I can't help but to feed as soon as she publishes a new title. The withdrawal is intense every time.
First Debt, was amazing. It kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book, hell I'm still hanging over the edge.
I want to hate Jethro, but I can't. He has to be good, deep inside, I know he is.
Nila, with every bad thing that happens she's feeding herself with it making herself stronger.
I still don't know what to make of Kes- is he the bad guy- or is he good?
And whoa! I didn't see that coming with Kite. I thought it was someone else.
Anyway, I'm now on my way to suffering withdrawal until the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. I need more of this series. this is insane and crazy. I'm getting to like Jethro which is not right. Right? Then there is Kestial but he seems to nice to believe. I don't know how she has made it this far if the debts are only going to get worse. I can't wait for the next one in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie rose
Great book that keeps you wanting more. I can’t say enough how much I have enjoyed this book! This book is well written, the character development is exciting. I own over 400 kindle books and this one tops my list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A continuation of the first book in the series, Ms. Winters takes us an incredible journey of lust, lies, betrayal and of course debts that need repaid. If you're looking for a fairytale love story, this is not the book for you. It's heartbreaking, at points will bring you to your knees.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melisa gaspar de alba
What a cliffhanger! Pepper Winters is a master at building suspense. I can't wait to see what twisted turn this tale takes. I hope this doesn't stretch into too many parts because my nerves just can't take it! Our heroine gets stronger but her trials are surreal and it makes you root for her all the more. Bring on part 3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan stamos
Did First Debt (Indebted) - (Volume 2) met my expectations?
LOL ... Well, faithful readers of Pepper Winters: What do you think? ;)
Thrilling, dark, passionate, erotic as hell ... of course it had met my expectation!
Totally saw the end coming though ;) But I won't say more.
Can't hardly wait for the the third book to come on January :))
Awesome work from my favorite author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tlc life coaching
Talk about a wicked story. Jethro is torn between family and the feelings he is feeling for Nila. Nila is determined to find away to Jethro to end this debt. The 1st debt is harsh and I actually cringed and teared up reading the pain Nila felt. The pain Jethro felt administering the debt. I love these dark stories that border craziness. Pepper takes the idea of an old family debt that has been around for centuries and brings it to life. Even though this debt is obscured and illegal in today's world, it is still a contract and the Hawks will continue to collect. The question that remains in my mind is can this be ended. We know there are more debts to be paid and each one is harder than the last. Can what Jethro and Nila did be kept a secret or will Cut find out and torture them both. Rules have already been broken. Are Jethro and Nila soulmates and the end of the debt to be paid.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott mcdonald
Like its previous book it is worth reading. Jethro is as hot as they come but,he is definately bewitched by Nila Weaver. Together they
will make your Kindle sizzle. I love the storyline and supporting characters. This is one hot series that I highly recommend.:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bridgette gabrielle
Ahh , the HAWK family what a messed up family it is . I feel sorry for Jethro and I love how he and Nila are mind freaking each other to try to win . I also like his brother kes. Looking forward to next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Oh my freaking mind games... If you like mystery with some twisted sexcapades this is the series for you. Or maybe just a change of pace. This book meets a certain criteria. Just make sure you start at the beginning and not easily offended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george burke
“We would keep on ruining each other. We would keep on desecrating debts and vows. And we would keep on f’ing up our future until nothing but horror remained.”

This right here, is exactly why I love Pepper and look forward to each new book she graces us with. I literally devoured this book in one sitting.

The writing takes you into the world of Jethro and Nila, enrapturing you into everything that is them. You feel their connection and pull of emotions and tortures. Desire runs thick throughout the pages as well as pain, anger, fear. Their constant banter/fighting is enthralling, enraging the passion between them.

So many things happen in this story that make you on edge, anticipating, waiting, wondering, holding your breath. Nila is so strong and determined, she doesn’t ever bow down. Jethro is fierce, but his ice is beginning to thaw. He’s feeling feelings that shouldn’t be and aren’t allowed. He’s worried for their lives and what will happen. We get to see glimpses of his true self.

“I’ve lived in the cold for so long; it’d become a part of who I was, yet all it’s taken was a silly little girl to burn cracks in my carefully designed control.”

Friendships and bonds are formed but Nila doesn’t know who to trust and what’s real and what is a farce. This story is enigmatic and keeps you enraptured. I can’t wait for the next book!

“You’ve destroyed me Nila. And now it’s my job to make sure they don’t destroy you too.”
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