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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
challis elliott
This story starts out hot!!! Gorgeous principal is anonymously talking to 18 year old senior girl on something similar to SnapChat, but the premise for the Software, Karma, is very innovative. Halston, calls herself Absinthe for n the chat because of her very green eyes. Ford, the principal, has no intention on hooking up, so he uses a stalk photo and the alias, Kerouac, after the famous Beat poet.
The back and forth dialogue is great between the two characters and it's when the other characters come into play that really prolongs the book unnecessarily. Bree having Halston's phone and reading her (Ford) Kerouac's last message was the real pincher for me. Anything after that was needless sorrow on both of the characters. Ford is very moral and I commend him for that, but I knew the "wait until she graduates" end and I think that would have been a better one. Overall, good, sexy book! Unusual character of Halston (Absinthe.) I liked it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie demange
I really enjoyed the story and the main characters. Would have loved to see more interaction where Bree gets hers and not just a little paragraph, but at least she did get some repercussions. Some other secondary characters deserved more bad things too, but I guess it wouldn't be at all realistic if that happened. There was no real taboo going on, and that's ok because the main characters never once lose your respect.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This story just dragged on, dragged on with bad news after calamity after more bad news. "Absinthe" went over and over about her tragic past as did the H too. I almost chucked the whole thing but decided to slog on to the end which I felt was wrapped up too quickly and neatly after literally years of the H hating the h. Just a downer the whole way through.
Sin & Suffer (Pure Corruption) :: The Maiden (The Cloister Book 1) :: Unseen Messages: a survival romance novel :: Thousands (Dollars) (Volume 4) :: The Girl and Her Ren (Ribbon Duet Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn rudolph
I'm not always a fan of forbidden romances especially if they're a little taboo but I'm so happy to say that I really enjoyed this story. I must add there's nothing taboo about this book, the characters are 18 and over and nothing untoward happens.

I loved the premise of the book, I liked that it was two anonymous people getting to know each other online away from social expectations.

Halston was such an interesting character, for someone with such a sad past she was surprisingly level headed. I loved how strong and sassy she was and very accepting of her circumstances for someone so young.

Ford was so straight laced in his professional life I really enjoyed the contrast of how saucy he was privately. He's truly a good person and really tried his best to not make a mistake with Halston that could ruin both of their lives. He has a really honest soul.

The story kept me hooked through to the end, loved Lila, thought she was a great support to Halston.

A very enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
angela fox
Halston is a teenager with a traumatic past living with an uncle she hardly knows. To fill her time, she downloads a dating app and goes by the username: Absinthe. She immediately comes across someone by the username: Kerouac. Their online relationship lasts a couple of months before Kerouac decides it’s getting too serious and he ends things. Halston’s hurt, but refuses to cry over it, so she deletes the app and expects to never speak to Kerouac again. Soon after school starts, however, she is sent to the principal’s office for cursing in class. And lo-and-behold, she comes face to face with Kerouac, AKA Principal Ford Hawthorne.

The characters are really well-developed and have interesting back stories. Halston’s past has definitely shaped her, so she’s impulsive and immature at times, but she’s strong and refuses to be a victim. Ford has some anger and resentment issues that make him abrasive, but his care for Halston is endearing.

The pacing of the story is slow. Halston and Ford don’t spend much time in each other’s company the whole book. Most of their interaction takes place online and they’re separated for 5 years (yes, five) so it’s hard to believe their undying love for each other. It doesn’t help that the five years they’re apart is skimmed over. Chapter to chapter it becomes “Another Year Later”. It’s hard to stay invested in the story and characters when all I’m getting is a glimpse of their lives. HOWEVER, I do love that when they’re separated they don’t conveniently run into each other again. Halston has to actually look for Ford and go out of her way to bring them back together, so thank you for not using the cheap plot device of coincidence, Ms. Renshaw.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
titish a k
Oh my freaking God! This book was insanely incredible! I loved every page. I couldn't put this book down. I HAD to read the next page. I NEEDED to know what happened next. I was gripped from the first page. Even kept me up past bedtime!

Halston aka Absinthe, is living with her aunt and uncle. They made her feel like they were doing her a favour by taking her in. She never really had a family or a place to call home. Her parents were drug addicts and they were cruel to her all her for all the time she lived with them. She's never felt like she belonged until she started talking to Kerouac. She had a deep connection with him but didn't know who he was.

Ford aka Kerouac, has just moved to a new location to become the school's new Principle. He's young, late twenties. He's been screwed over by his stepmother and so has his sister. All the women seem to be after him but he's only interested in Absinthe. Who he met on the dating app, Karma. He likes to control every aspect of his life. They get chatting over the summer, about books and sex but it gets just a little to close for Ford in the commitment department and they stop speaking.
When the school year starts they come face to face and it's not good. He's the principal and she's the student. But they can't seem to get out of each others heads and dare I say, hearts!

Then along comes the meddling little busy body, Bree! Who goes and ruins it all! Good I hated that girl with a passion. In fact, I hated all her family, especially Uncle Vic! Halston is shipped off to boarding school, never to see Ford until 5 years later.

I was getting upset as one year passed, then two, then three, until it was 5 years later. I was dying to know if they finally found each other again! When they did I was overjoyed!

When Ford received that letter from Halston, in the hotel, my heart was breaking for him. I had to hold back my tears. I was rooting for these from the start. My heart also broke for Halston for all of what she had been through in her short life. But she came out better and stronger than any one! She totally deserved her happy ever after!

I just want to blabber and blabber on about this book but I'm afraid I'll give it all away, so get your one-click finger moving! You won't be disappointed with the money you spend on this book!

I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an advanced copy!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
becky turpin
This was my least favorite by this author. I have loved her other books but this one I didn't feel the connection between the main characters. Most of their interaction is by messaging thru an app. I think I can count on one hand the number of times they were face to face. After awhile it just seemed like they came to a crossroad and went their separate ways with neither one of them trying very hard to get back together. That takes 7 years to accomplish with little snippets of their lives in between. Although this wasn't for me, I will still read more of this authors work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Forbidden romance, but ONLY SORT OF! YOU WILL LOVE IT! Let me explain....

When I first read the premise of the book, I was really hesitant, and not that excited. I do not really care for most forbidden/taboo romances, especially the teacher (principal)/student dynamic in high school. It usually is just a little too skeezy to imagine. But it's a book by Winter, and she is always a one-click, no questions asked, read for me. Again, she does not disappoint.

Ford and Halston are two, destined-to-be-together soul mates, who just initially met at the wrong time. Halston has had a rough childhood, and yet she is also a genius, making her extremely insightful and wise beyond her years (and due to her history, she is also behind a year, making her almost 19... a little more palatable). Ford is young and driven and has quickly gotten far in his career. He is upstanding and has ethics (trust me, he does, despite the premise). They meet through a website and have an instant connection. I love that Winter really built up their relationship through IMs and emails - they get to know each other before they even know what the other looks like. Truly their souls make a connection. Unfortunately for our couple, as the story progresses, they hit some very unfortunate circumstances that keep them apart. You will have to read their journey to see when they come together, and how they where their lives had to take them before they could be together. Their relationship was a slow burn, but oh, so hot! Winter managed to make it super hot, without skeezy inappropriateness.

My only complaint - Winter, really?! Couldn't Ford have had some vindication in his family too? (Not really a spoiler!) Guess that's why I love her books - even though they can be fantastical, there is always a relatable, element of "realness" that makes the story and characters believable, likable, and relatable.

I was fortunate enough to read an early copy for my honest opinion. Honestly? This book is wonderful. If you like books where the characters are well-developed, the relationship builds, there is, of course, the necessary misunderstanding to build some emotional tugging at the heart strings suspense, and inevitable but oh-so-rewarding HEA, then you will LOVE this book. If you don't like these kinds of books, move on now - you are obviously a robot. The rest of you will NOT be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
trish saunders
Absinthe and Kerouac... it only exists in Karma App. It started as a simple chat by earning Karma points.. But it becomes more than just chat.
They open up to each other without knowing names nor facing each other. Their world only existed on the app.
Kerouac a.k.a. Ford Hawthorne, soon to be a principal at prestigious high school wanted have fun during summer and decided to try Karma app and clicked Absinthe who quoted something unique compare to all the other potential mates. He loved to read and he wanted someone who can understands and loves the classic literature.
Absinthe a.k.a. Halston, already 18 years old and can’t wait to finish school and move away from it all. When she accidentally presses Karma app, she decided to give it a try and rest is history.
Halston is smart, well read, sarcastic but her upbringing isn’t all the rainbow. Growing up with meth head parents wasn’t easy for her. She never felt she deserved to be loved or being capable of love. But when she was striking a conversation with Kerouac, she was feeling something different. She was feeling different around someone who seems to understand her better than anyone else.
Slowly they are learning more about each other through the Karma App and more they learn about each other they are feeling stronger pull to each other. But everything changes when Halston is called into principal’s office everything changes.
Ford and Halston is constantly run into each other at school but they restrain their pull. Ford loves to be in control and he can’t never cross that line even though he is tempted so many times. However, on Halston’s homecoming night changed everything for both.
Now his job is in jeopardy and Halston is going to be ship away to a boarding school. Kerouac declared his love for Absinthe but is it enough to save them both.

It was quick read and I enjoyed reading. It was different than what I thought regarding teacher and student relationship genre and I am not a real fan of that either. It was really about student and teacher, it was more of their online chats. Halston, heroine of the story is not easy to like right away because she was a bit bitchy but she grew on me and end up liking her more by the end and Ford (if he was anything like one on the cover everything is forgiven) was interesting. I wish there were more stories about them before the epilogue. Otherwise, it was great summer read.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick song
Absolutely one of my favorite book by Ms Renshaw. The awesome prologue sets the tone and what's to come between the two lead in the story. We are instantly introduced to Principal Hawthorne and Halston in his office and is enticed with what is to come within the next several chapters. What made the story intriguing is the complicated relationship that develops between Kerouac and Absinthe through an online dating app. Each being upfront about their intentions and the honesty that are revealed to each other believing that they will never meet.

Through this online chat, they reveal their true personality and the chemistry between them are off the charts. Each revealing enough about themselves giving us a glimpse into their past and current situation, well mostly Absinthe and her job. However, with much reservation from Absinthe from the beginning of their chats (e.g. some pervert on the other end), but as their online relationship progresses, each learns that they share the love of classic literature.

I love Absinthe and her perseverance given the circumstances surrounding her upbringing and childhood. She is currently living with her aunt and uncle to finish her last year of high school, well read and beautiful and way mature beyond her youth.

As for principal Hawthorne/Kerouac, well let's just say I would never get any studying done knowing that the principal is super hot in more ways than just his looks. Ambitious with a commanding presence and always professional, his life with his own complicated background reveals to us Hawthorne's character.

At times, I kept rooting that Absinthe's life will have a positive trajectory, but seems to derail one after another and the final straw when she couldn't finish out the remainder of her senior year in Rosefield. However, all is not lost, this is where Ms Renshaw's awesome story telling comes into play.

She managed to weave a complicated story from the very beginning and carries us through the love that was there all along from the very beginning. But with a dose of jealously, pride, and eventually betrayal is what makes this story so good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
garang kuel
By: Winter Renshaw

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review by Kristie K

From taboo to true love, from heartache to heartwarming, Absinthe is a trip down the rabbit hole that will leave you breathless…

Winter Renshaw has delivered one hell of a tale, with taboo love between a principal and a student, and twists and turns that keep you on your toes. I was completely bewitched with the story of “Absinthe” and “Kerouac”. The unique storyline and amazing writing held me enthralled from beginning to end. This isn’t your typical taboo romance. It has a dark side that pulls at the strings of your soul, breaks your heart, and holds you captive until the last word is read. The characters are deep, passionate, and real in a way that draws your interest like a moth to a flame. Halston is a beautiful soul, with a broken wing…but a strength that will overcome any obstacle no matter how daunting. Ford is the epitome of disciplined, accomplished, and honorable man. Not willing to sacrifice his career for anything, or anyone, Ford relies on activities that demand anonymity, discretion and ambiguity for…relief. A carefully crafted life, filled with sacrifices and phone sex…easily unraveled with the pull of a string. These two characters, and the supporting cast as well, are wonderfully well developed and some you will LOVE to HATE. Winter Renshaw is phenomenal, a talented writer with imagination, compassion, love, and a dark side we all love. From cover to cover, Absinthe is as addictive as the drink it is named for.

Kristie K
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff van campen
***I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book***

Firstly, I want to say that this was a good book and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It was written well and classic Winter. I will say that it took me a little to get into the book, but once I got past the slow it flowed pretty well.
This is a story about meeting your soulmate at the worst possible time in your life. Halston and Ford strike up a conversation on a dating app with no intention of meeting in real life. They soon realize that they have so very much in common and are falling for each other. When Ford puts the brakes on the relationship they run into each other at in the most unexpected place...Halston's high school. See, Ford is her new principal. To say things get difficult from there is an understatement. Ford finds himself wanting her more than anything he's ever wanted and staying true to his ethics and morals. He's worked hard to get to where he is and he just can't throw it all away, not even for Halston. Halston, on the other hand, keeps pushing the issue. She wants him, and will argue and fight until she gets him to admit he has feelings for her also. Unfortunately for both of them, there are others working against their happiness. In one moment, everything they both hold dear will be ripped away.
I really appreciated how this book told the story from alternating POV. You get to see what the character is thinking and why they do what they do. It was a slow burn, and I think for a story like this, it was needed. I will say that this book is in no way taboo or dark, even a little bit. It was a good story with some angst and heartbreak, but it all works out in the way and time it should. Winter never disappoints, so I highly recommend reading this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Absinthe by Wnter Renshaw. Absinthe was full of angst, love, strength, second chances and heartbreak. Paige is only 19, but has lived through hell. She has been neglected and abused by the people that are supposed to protect and love her. While living with her Aunt & Uncle she finds her inner strength and works hard to make a future for herself. Ford has dealt with his own loss and heartache, and decides that love is not part of his future and focuses his time and attention on his career. Both are lonely and are feeling lost when they find each other on an online dating app. The connection between them is strong and their feelings get involved. When they meet for the first time, they realize that their heart isn't the only thing that can break and fall apart. Paige and Ford's story was intense and painful and at times frustrating. Their love was like no other and they both desperately wanted to be someone's first thought, their number one priority. They let outside influences - Paige's nasty and selfish family - get in the way and lose sight of what is truly important. But Paige never lost hope that their love will survive the time and distance that has been put between them. Beautiful story!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer silverstein
This is a forbidden teacher/student type of romance that's a little different. I see it as whirlwind taboo romance that happened too early, with a super extended second-chance epilogue.

Halston is a 19 year old high-school senior, taken in to live with her aunt and uncle instead of a foster home. The summer before her senior year, she signs up for an anonymous dating app where she starts a very fliratious online relationship with "Kerouac". They bond over their love of books and classic novels and lace their conversations with dirty talk. When the school year starts, they discover that Kerouac is actually her high school principal, Ford Hawthorne. Despite their attempts to leave each other alone, they fail miserably and are ultimately separated.

This part of the story is what drives me to read romance. It's the thrill of the freefall of flirting, skirting the dirty thoughts, wading through a confusion of feelings to get to the realization of falling in love. This "falling" part takes up most of the book. When they separate, is where I feel the the epilogue begins - their second chance. This is because chronologically the story fast fowards to chunks of time a year apart, until they get to about 5 years later.

It's in this half of the book that the forbidden angst is removed, and the angst of healing and mending broken hearts begins. And oh boy is it a fun ride! There are some very poignant moments as we learn more about Ford's background and family life as well as the struggles and growth Halston goes through. It's in discovering/re-discovering each other as adults does their love truly gets a chance to blossom.

"I like thinking about Kerouac, his words and what they meant,” she says. Our eyes hold. “You know, some people say that Kerouac was just a regular guy, stuck between the life he was expected to live and the life he wanted to live,” Halston says. “An ordinary man placed in an extraordinary situation.” 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j l gillham
Oh Winter Renshaw... you just keep getting better & better... truly this is a special, special read.
Absinthe (Halston) is just the most awesome leading lady... despite her dreadful childhood and miserable upbringing.
Kerouac: (Ford) is the most unexpected Principal... there is so much beneath the surface.

Principal Hawthorne's description in the opening scene is fabulous...
'It’s her. The woman I spent most of all summer chatting with under the anonymous veil of a dating app—one specifically meant for adults seeking connections but not commitment. I purchased a stock photo for seven dollars, chose a pseudonym, Kerouac, and messaged a woman by the name of Absinthe who quoted Hemingway in her bio when everyone else quoted Nickelback and John Legend. '
'It’s her voice. It’s her voice that’s doing this to me. That and her on point dissection of classic American literature. Sexy, intelligent, outspoken. Three elusive qualities I’ve yet to find in another human being. Until her.'

If it's possible I'd have to say that this is Winter Renshaw's best, and I've loved them all... I've given them all a 4 or a 5 star rating but seriously this deserves so much more... this is just special, congrats Winter.

Don't dismiss it as YA, forbidden teacher/ student romance because it transcends a genre or a description...
The writing is fabulous...
The Literature references are just addictive...
The build up beautiful, equal part frustrating and equal part exciting...
The iMessaging in a dating app just the best... (If only everyone could be so witty online or on social media)...
The ending just lovely...

But ultimately it's Absinthe who steals the show ... as so aptly Kerouac: 'Yes. I also have a weak spot for women with pretty mouths who say naughty things. Love a good contradiction. It goes against everything I stand for in real life.'
'how beautiful she is inside and out, how genuine and unapologetic she is, and how much I’m going to miss talking to her, knowing her in an intimate way that goes beyond the physical. “Have a good night, Halston.” I say her name, a reminder that my bittersweet, addictive Absinthe is real.'

This is an unforgettable book. Fun, Original, Real and Raw... I want to read it again already!
Yep. This is a rollercoaster you will never regret. Thanks Winter Renshaw, you truly have a gift, please keep them coming!!
I was offered this as an ARC in return for an honest review. However I enjoyed it so much I've bought it to store in my Kindle library.
I am a verified purchaser in Australia
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
batac slothboy
Absinthe and Kerouac have never met each other, they have sent messages, wrote emails, and called each other. Those are not even their real names. Kerouac has no intentions of meeting her but Absinthe is interested. They interact through this app, it was only supposed to be for fun. They never thought it would escalate to the point where Kerouac would want to meet her but can't afford to do this. In real life, he is a new, young principal in this new town, where he can't afford to tarnish his reputation. They end up accidentally meeting each other at his work place, where she turns out to be one the students in his high school. As they learn more about each other, it gets harder to stay away. He does his best to keep her in arm's length but it gets harder and harder as he learns more and more about her, especially when he watches her date an arrogant, popular jock. How is this going to work out? Are they going to give into each other? If so, would they get caught? If they don't give into each other, then would they ever? What about when she graduates? Y'all should read this to find out what happens!!!!

So as you can probably tell from the long summary, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!! It was so great!!!! I was in love with the summary!!! The book lived up to the summary. I have never read a book like this before. I have read stories to student/teacher relationships, but never a student/principal story. The author took this book to another level!!!! I had to read on to see if this would even pan out. I had to know if this would work out. This book succeeded! I had felt so much from this book, maybe even too much. It broke my heart. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions. I absolutely love Absinthe and Kerouac, they are both so strong and resilient, especially Absinthe. I love this book!!!! I recommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!!

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
delfi farsoni
Winter Renshaw is a great writer and I just loved this book. Two people from different worlds come together can they really make it happen?
This is Ford and Halston story
Ford (Kerouac) is in his late twenties a sexy, intelligent, career driven man . He isn’t looking for commitment, just a good time.
Halston (Absinthe) is an eighteen year old girl with an forlorn past. She is a beautiful, smart and very mature for her age, and has a attitude take no crap from anyone. Due to her past she is vulnerable having desire to find someone who will care for her and won’t abandon her.
The two join an anonymous dating site and quickly find they like each other. Though the summer of talking and getting to know each other, and having steamy phone $ex sessions, they are shocked to see each other at school Halston is attending and Ford is a teacher. The situation is not favorable to them they can not continuing their "relationship" though they can not deny the connection between them as it is too strong.
Will these two be able to overcome all of the obstacles in the way? To find out the out come grab your copy today and start reading. Enjoy happy reading ?
I voluntarily review an ARC of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I started to read the prologue of this story, my first thoughts were that this was going to be another of the cookie-cutter teacher/student forbidden romances. Boy was I wrong, and glad to be so. This turned out to be so much more.

Ford (Kerouac) and Halston (Absinthe) met in an online match site due, in part, to their mutual love of literature. Their intriguing interpersonal connection developed and progressed over time, although Ford was resolute that it remain anonymous and incomplete. He refused to allow them to reveal their true identities or meet. Unfortunately, on the first day of the new school year, this commitment to anonymity was destroyed when the new, young principal met the undisciplined student, and both realized whom the other was.

The sad and unfortunate backstory and history behind both Ford's and Halston's lives, which led them each to their present circumstances, as well as the involvement and interference of the book's secondary characters, created the scenario that made this story so different and special. Don't pass this book up. It's too good to miss.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynne desilva johnson
Winter Renshaw is one of those authors that gets my heart thumping when I see that she's got a new release coming out. Every single one of Winter's books are so different, so enchanting with their story telling that I can't wait to see what she brings us next.
Absinthe is the newest journey she takes us on. And I was hooked from page one. Amazing writing with captivating characters that make you fall in love with them. Halston and Ford's story starts in forbidden territory. You learn what makes these people tick, each of their pasts difficult and even tragic in their own ways. Their chemistry is off the charts amazing. You root for them even though - maybe you shouldn't. But that's okay. With some meddling, bad luck, and time.. We get and ending that will have your tummy tied in knots. My heart broke for them, and I cried. Oooh boy, did I cry. But there was so much smiling, laughing, and heart-pounding moments, too. This story brings out ALL. THE. FEELS. I loved it and could not recommend it any more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan davis
I voluntarily received this advanced readers copy for my honest review.
This is not your normal taboo student / teacher (principal) book. It is better, and like someone else said plan on finishing it in one reading; don't plan on doing anything else. I loved this story, and I am so glad they got their hea.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c rhea dossier
4.5 ✨✨✨✨

This was a bit different from your typical student/principal book but, I loved it none the less. Ford met Halston online and 3 weeks after they ended there online only thing they met when she walks into his office. He refused to give in no matter how much she tried as long as she was his student. As much as I loved that I would have liked more of them together.

I adored both Halston & Ford. She was straight gangsta!! She was so strong and resilient and after she'd been through in her life could still smile and trek on waiting for her luck to turn. I loved the fact that she wasn't a doormat for Ford and she sure didn't want his pity. Her online connection to Kerouac/Ford was the only time she felt genuinely happy and safe. I hated her cousin Bree and wanted to throat punch her throughout the entire book!!!

One thing I have always loved about Winters writing is that her stories are always full of depth and for me her character development is always on point!!

I voluntarily reviewed a advanced readers copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was LOVING this story for about the first half. I couldn't put it down. The setup of them meeting online and getting to know each other that way was great. I always enjoy intelligent conversation between two characters and seeing a connection between them that goes beyond lust. However, their connection turned out to be all talk for pretty much most of the story. I mean, don't get me wrong, the talk between them got pretty fun and dirty at times, but the cover (omg that cover) and description led me to believe this was going to be a much steamier book than it ended up being. Nothing physical even happened between them while he was her principal (except one short kiss that she initiated), and then the book started time-hopping quite a bit and I thought that there would at least be an explosive reunion between them after all that build up. But, no, not so much. When they finally reunite it was just kind of ho hum. There just wasn't the passion that I was expecting. Overall good read, really liked the characters and loved the first half, but I didn't care for the direction it ended up going.

Read on KU
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carolyn gigot
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Here is the thing I generally liked this book but at times I wanted to smack both Ford and Halston. Halston has been given the short straw in life with her parents but her Uncle took her in and gave her a home or quasi home. Her Aunt and Cousin were another short straw but Halston was a better person that both of them put together.

I liked Ford and found him generally to be a good guy for the most part. I won't say how Halston and Ford meet or how they developed a relationship before they met in person but I will say it was nicely written and you could feel the connection with them from the beginning.

I wish the ending had not been so fast forwardish... Ford and Halston's relationship goes south and 5 plus years pass before they connect again. I wished they both had fought harder for each other instead of letting other people ruin what they had. Did I mention I how much I hated the cousin...she plays a huge part in the rift. She did get hers in the end......
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Please remember this is one individual’s opinion and opinion only. I strongly recommend everyone purchase and read well written works to formulate an opinion all their own…

This was my first Winter Renshaw novel and having nothing to go by, apart from a very brief “teaser”, I found the novel a bit disappointing. It was totally inverse to what I was anticipating based on the short blurb. If I had purchased the book, I would have been even more disappointed. I found the taboo aspect of the story inconsequential since the majority of contact was not face to face. The book was fairly long, simply dragged and I eventually began skimming through portions of the text. The protagonists spent many years apart which just didn’t work for me and I simply lost any connection to or between the characters. Although, I did not enjoy the elements portrayed within this novel, I’m not opposed to trying other works based upon the quality of writing.

***I voluntarily received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
azad rahaman
A very unique take on the whole teacher/student story. It was insanely hot and the whole phone thing worked for both of them for different reasons. I really felt for Halston, she has not had an easy life and as such has had to be pretty tough. Ford hasn't exactly had it easy either and doesn't want commitment so their over the phone "relationship" worked well for both of them, at least initially, until Ford decided that he couldn't let things get any more serious and pulled back. When they finally meet face to face it is a huge shock to realise the exact taboo nature of what they had shared. The saddest thing about it was their attraction wasn't just physical it was cerebral too and from the reader's point of view you can see that they are actually quite perfect for each other. What I also liked is that despite the taboo nature of their relationship it was handled well by the author. Will they, when they meet again, be able to regain what they lost?

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
d p mcabee
I'll start by saying I truly enjoy Winter Renshaw's books - she's normally a "go to" author for me. Absinthe is about a not so normal young, teenage girl/woman engaging in what she believes to be is an email/phone only relationship with her "Kerouac". They accidentally discover the others true identity which catapults towards a very non traditional teacher/student interaction. For the most part, the rules of engagement are followed and no major inappropriate lines were for those of you more sensitive about this type of H/h interaction, know that it's fairly tame (except for language) for those scenes taking place in the school setting.

That being said - while I did like Absinthe and do recommend it - I didn't like **small spoiler** the really long, long, long journey to finally travel back to one just wasn't believable for me that they BOTH waited it out for so many years....especially for Kerouac.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absinthe by Winter Renshaw

I received an ARC for an honest review.

At the start of this book, you are knee deep in an awkward situation. Halston (great name by the way) is the person that is just larger than life, and doesn't follow the rules. Her principal, a total rule follower and of course, an enforcer, has just found out that his hot phone sex, anonymous, relationship has been with this, his student!
Sounds good right?!
The problem is that her nasty, jealous cousin makes up all sorts of lies and gets both of them in a crap ton of trouble. This is where I get frustrated. Because chapter after chapter is, "one year later" and "another year later". I'm so upset. Why so much wasted time?
Don't want to give to much away, but this book had me hook line and sinker! Their relationship was so beautiful. I loved that, although she had a tragic childhood, it wasn't all about that. She didn't need him to save her, she did that all on her own. I really loved this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved the journey these two characters went on! It was one that spanned several year but the time was well worth it in the end.

The author did a great job with the details. She added these little things into the story and made them fit perfectly. Their screen names, and classic novels, I can totally appreciate those things. And I loved the dating app element the author thew in to the story. It made for a fun read!

I wanted a little more sexual tension at the beginning. The author gave us this great start to the story line with the forbidden/taboo romance and I wish she would ran with it. Yes, there were moments but I just wanted a little more. Towards the end the timeline of the story jumps a little, which wasn't bad but I thought the story between the characters moved a bit slow for me.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. It was fun and had an interesting concept. I thought it was well written and I am looking forward to what this author writes next!

FMR Book Grind
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Halston has never had an easy life. Her parents were drug addicts, who had a meth lab in their house. She ended up in the system and then her uncle takes her in and she is supposed to start her senior year of high school at some posh high school with her cousin, Bree. Her uncle tells her that if she gets a job for the summer he will match her dollar for dollar to get her a car when school starts. So she goes online and just before she starts looking for a job she tries to close out some box at the bottom for an online dating app called Karma. She is bored so she decides to set up a profile with the name Absinthe. She does a brief profile using an F. Scott Fitzgerald quote. She finishes it up by answering a few other questions and adding a photo of herself. Then she applies to a bunch of different places and when she's done she gets on with her day. She receives a notice that some with the screen name of Kerouac wants to introduce himself. She talks with him via the messaging app, email and then finally on the phone through most of the summer. During the summer she also finds a job as a waitress with an atrocious uniform and she gets hit on constantly, but she should be able to save about $3000 over the summer for her car. Then about a month or so before school starts her crappy cousin, Bree steals all her money she had hidden. Halston can't tell her uncle because she is working at a place he would never approve of. Then she gets let go from her job because they find out that even though she is over 18 she is still in high school and they can't employ high schoolers there. Things get to be a little more complicated between her and Kerouac ever since they started talking on the phone. They both admit that they are falling in love with the idea of who each person is. Kerouac decides things are getting to complicated and says they should maybe end it now before he ends up hurting her or she hurts him. Halston gets mad at him and says fine and deletes the app. A few weeks later Halston starts school and gets in trouble with the English teacher because she feels her English teacher missed the whole point of the book The Great Gatsby. She gets sent to the principal's office and when she sits down to talk to him it becomes clear to them both that they were speaking to eachother through the Karma app over the summer. Grab this book today to find out what happens when the principal and a high school senior try to navigate through the school year knowing some very intimate and personal things about eachother. This is a very well written book. It takes you through so many different emotions and has you rooting for Halston to get her HEA, but is it in the cards for her or will her family ruin it all? I would definitely recommend this book, I couldn't put it down until I read the very last page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow seems a dull adjective to describe this one. It was heartbreaking and beautiful all at the same time...and a HEA to end; wonderful! I'm not sure how to review without SOME spoilers, so read on if you are ok, or save your time and one click now!

Halston is an 18 year old high school senior who had survived more in her short life than most could comprehend handling. She joins an anonymous site (karma) for online hook ups and begins talking with Ford, who ends up being her new principal..and neighbor.

Where this book surprised me was how nothing happens physically between them while she's in school. Ford sticks to his guns once he finds out she's a student, which was refreshing since so many troupes would have them going at it. Eventually their mental relationship/ flirting is discovered by Halston's horrible cousin Bree (beyond hated her character) and the two start crossed..erh almost/maybe one day-lovers are separated. For YEARS people. I have no idea if anyone reading this review will know what that feels like, but imagine your bones being broken one at a time, while walking a tight rope over a firey pit of lava, balancing a ticking bomb on your forehead. It hurts. You become either a crazy obsessed to reclaim that lost love person, going to all lengths to recapture or find your other half (kind of Halston here) OR a walking zombie numb to all feelings and incapable to connect to anyone else (hello weird world traveling Ford). I was ridiculously happy that they finally reconnected - and that all the smucks in their lives had a good dose of karma (ha!) handed to them.

If you love quotes and references to classic reads like The Great Gatsby, a hauntingly beautiful story of two lost souls finding each other - losing each other - and refinding their happiness than you need to pick up this book. I just hope Nic and Lila get their own stories soon too! This is my honest review of a voluntarily read ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rana alattereh
Aug 10, 2017 · edit
it was amazing

I have to start by saying that Absinthe is it for me. When I think of what makes up a perfect book for me, now I can say Absinthe. I am stunned at how this book affected me. I was emotional, excited, nervous, scared, but most of all, it moved me in a way I cannot explain. Nothing in particular stood out. I just loved every single aspect of this story. Winter Renshaw is one of my all time favourite authors and I knew Absinthe was going to ruin me for a while. Understatement of the year. I cannot stop thinking about this story and every element of it. The good, the not so good, and the blindingly beautiful.

Halston and Ford delved into the forbidden. The sparks that cracked between them were palpable, and their relationship explosive. I was in a constant state of heightened emotions. I never knew what turning the next page would reveal. The tension could almost be cut with a knife. It felt so, so real. Like I was witnessing a real life secret unravelling. It was thrilling in its edge of your seat content. I was not sure what future they had together, but I can promise that I did not want to see this book end. I wanted to keep reading about Halston and Ford for days, not mere hours. Their feelings were deep in their taboo and complicated relationship. Both were my ideal characters. They had these exceptional personality traits that just stood out from any other Winter Renshaw characters. I have loved every single book this author has written, and was so blessed to read all that she had to offer a reader. And they are some of the best books I have ever read. There was just something special about Absinthe. Something that called to me in a different tone. Something that I could never possibly explain exactly how reading this story made me feel.

To say I loved this book is not adequate enough to share how stunning Absinthe is, how talented Winter Renshaw is and how much I adored this book. I Beyond loved it! This book needs to go into eveyones library. It is a MUST READ. Go out and grab it. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ford Hawthorne is the new principal at Rosefield High. He has strict rules about fraternizing with staff and especially students. He turns to the app Karma, and his alias Kerouac, to get his "relationship" and kicks with women knowing he will never meet them and it will never turn into something more.

Halston Kessler (Absinthe) lives with her aunt, uncle and cousin, Bree, in a house where she doesn't fit in or measure up. She decides to try the app Karma and soon finds a man who interests her and they have great conversations about writers.

But life is never easy and soon those rules that are made get broken and the consequences could be dangerous.

This was a great book and it was different than you think it's going to be.

One thing I really enjoyed was that the conversations between "Absinthe and Kerouac" were intellectual as well as sexual. The two had great banter when discussing writers and the dialogue was great. The two ended up having a friendship that was safe to discuss things until it got too serious.

I felt so bad for Halston with Bree and what Bree continually did to her and how Halston couldn't do anything and defend herself. I have no idea why Bree was so cruel to her and how it took so long for her to get what she deserved. Bree was such a "pretender" and wannabee with coming onto Ford while babysitting and at school.

The big blowup was huge and had big repercussions for everyone and it was super sad that there was no explanations given. I couldn't believe that Ford thought what he did as I knew there was no way she would do it.

The ending was great and I was surprised it took so long but was so proud of Halston for doing what she had to do!! I was definitely mad at Ford after the boathouse scene!!

Great read and can't wait for more from the author!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily read this book through an Advanced Reader Copy. Halston is a 19 year old girl who is staying with her uncle, his wife and daughter. Her parents were druggies who lost her to the foster system, but when she aged out at 18, they took her in. She was sporadically schooled, but read a lot so skipped some grades, but still needed her senior year to get a diploma. Ford is the new high school principal and moved in next to Halston's aunt and uncle. Both have downloaded an app called Karma which hooked them up as their screen names of Kerouac for Ford and Absinthe for Halston. They quoted authors of classic books, gave critiques of events, had "phone sex" through their messages. This went on for quite a while until Halston was sent to his office for cursing in a class discussion over a book and they realize who each of them is. Ford backs off as she is a student, but her uncle who is clueless listens to Bree, the daughter about her suspicions between Ford and Halston, gets Ford fired from his job and Halston sent to a girl's boarding school. Halston tries to find Ford after she is in college, as she never knew he got fired, but he went to New York for a while, then to Europe. Five years have gone by, Halston follows lead to Ford's ex-stepbrother, Mason and finally gets a chance to see Ford at a wedding. He can't believe its her, with Mason and they finally meet again. Initial meeting didn't go as she hoped, although later they did have sex and that also didn't go as she hoped. She was heading back to California when he went to airport to find her after she left a Jack Kerouac book and letter in the book at the hotel front desk for him. They went to Prague together and after a while, they did finally marry and started toward the happily ever after both wanted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay stares
This is my new favourite book. Not just my favourite from Winter Renshaw, but my favourite book. Period.

Forbidden romances are my weakness and Absinthe is my new addiction. I'd give it more than 5 stars if I could.

Angst-filled, steamy, heart-felt and at times, gut-wrench forbidden romance. Beautifully told love story. Deep, intriguing characters who shared an absolutely palpable chemistry. The sexual tension, the texts, the e-mails, the phone calls were so steamy and intense that it was hard to imagine what would happen if these two strangers actually ever met in person.

I don't really know what else to say. This book took my breath away and left me looking for my next fix. Absolutely divine.

And the fine print - It is a standalone, no cliffhanger (thank goodness). There are some possible trigger issues that come up from Absinthe's past. This is an older man/younger woman romance, but everyone is legal and everything is consensual. I believe the age difference is about 10 years.

So... if you're good with all that and you enjoy a well-written and all-consuming forbidden romance, one-click this now. I believe you will love this emotional and very steamy love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica vanderbeek
Wow!! Did I love this book? I certainly did. The character of Absinthe, real name Halston, was perfect. She had had a very hard life and she was strong and feisty. She lived with her aunt and uncle and her cousin Bree (not a very nice person). She logs onto a dating app called Karma and begins talking to someone called Kerouac. The quick repartee between them is fabulous and entertaining. Kerouac is Ford Henderson who has just taken up the post of principal of the local college. This book does bring out emotions and is funny in places during their conversations. After a huge misunderstanding Halston is sent away and Ford has to resign from his position and moves away. I thought their individual stories each year was a really good idea as it helped to round their characters out and showed how they had progressed not being with one another or not. I loved that the book had a very credible ending and was finished off properly. I highly recommend this book and I am going to re-read it myself. I voluntarily received an arc of this book but the title was intriguing and I would have purchased it anyway. Worth way more than 5 stars. a great must read book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Halston has lived a hard life with parents who never put her above anything so after many foster homes and moving around her uncle and aunt have her live with them although they are strict and have the perfect daughter, Halston still wants something for herself and that comes in the form of a dating app, and that is where she meets Kerouac and her life will be forever changed. Ford is a Principle and has just taken on a new job at a new school, he doesnt date and doesnt do love so he goes on a app where he meets Absinthe and she quotes books and is just like him but a Woman.

What I enjoyed most about Absinthe is watching both Absinthe and Kerouac meet each other on a dating app and want more with another person for the first time in years but knowing they would never meet for real. Seeing Halston find in Ford what she has always wanted with someone and hoping that some day things can be different. Watching Halston being the strongest woman ever when it comes to the here and now compared to what she has lived through.

This book was amazing but everything I read of Winter Renshaw I end up loving and being able to read through it quickly. This book has Halston she is trying to get her life in order and can not wait to graduate so she can be on her own and start her life the way she wants, Ford a man with a new job that ends up being a roller coaster when it comes to one of his students, a love lost and founds story with a happy ever after. If you like stories like this, then Absinthe is a must!

I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leore joanne green
***I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book***

Winter Renshaw is a beand new author for me to read and she just blew my mind with this book. First of all I would like to just say that the cover is amazing and super hot. But its nothing compared to the story itself.

Reading the blurb, one would think that this will be a typical older-younger/teacher-student story where the involved parties try to hide their budding relationship. I thought that too at first but as I kept on reading, it is much more than that. It's a story between two people who became attracted to one another just by talking.

Ford Hawthorne worked hard for his job, his reputation and his life. He will do anything to keep his job as the principal of Rosefield high school even staying away from the person that he thought he will never meet. Halston Kessler lived with her aunt and uncle because of drug-addicted parents and after being shuffled from different foster homes, her uncle decided to take her in so she can have a better life. Unbeknownst to these two, their life will cross and they will need to make a decision whether to pursue what they're feeling for each other or not. Ford grew up with a family that loves him but Halston never felt like she was wanted or loved by anyone until she met Ford.

My heart was hurting for Halston when she found out that Ford hated her thinking that she betrayed him. But after all that is said and done, love still prevailed between these two strong people. They may have not seen each other for years but they never forgot the love that they had for each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela stringer
The unknown, the forbidden, the jealousy, the angst, then the happily ever after. I'm not sure how Winter Renshaw keeps writing books that pulls at my heartstrings, but I hope she doesn't stop.

It's just a fun way to meet people. You can only chat to one person at a time. You don't even know their real name, phone number, or email address. Both Halston and Ford meet up on a dating app because she quoted Hemingway instead of Nickleback. Throughout the story you come to realize that Halston has lived a difficult life. She's the product of a drug dealer parents, and now is living with her uncle. Ford doesn't trust women and doesn't do relationships. He's just looking for stimulating conversation. Neither are expecting the pull they feel for one another, nor the fact that they will soon meet face-to-face.

While Halston is an adult, and about to graduate high school, Ford is the new principal at the school she attends. This relationship is a complete a total no-no. Winter Renshaw takes us over the span of six years in this book. Six years, where both Halston and Ford cannot forget about each other. Finally, they get the chance to discuss what happened that fateful night and get their happily ever after.

** I received an Advanced Review Copy in exchange for my honest review **
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
l layale
Absinthe by Winter Renshaw is a standalone novel with a forbidden romance that ends up leading to a second-chance. A slow-burn, where the main characters, Halston Kessler and Ford Hawthorne meet through a dating app and slowly fall in love through their chats over text or on the phone during the summer. However, when it becomes too hard to avoid their feelings, even though they still have not seen each other in person, Hawthorne breaks things off.

So imagine Ford's surprise when working as the new high school principal he hears Halston's voice in his office as one of his students. Soon, the story picks up. Filled with romance, drama, and heat before being mixed with miscommunication, separation and later second-chances, Absinthe definitely keeps readers interested.

Ms. Renshaw gives us a complex ride that had a lot going on with characters that had so many layers to them. I liked Halston and Ford especially during their chats. They had great chemistry and seemed to be made for each other. I wished we had more time with them together than apart. Other than that, the novel was good and I happily recommend.

(I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book I received for free in exchange for my open and honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is fantastic! I absolutely loved the storyline. I laughed at the blurb for this story thinking that it was just too funny, but when I actually started to read this one, I found that before I knew it the morning sun had popped out. WTH? It really didn't seem as though I was reading the story so much as watching the words fly off the pages into a picture show in my brain. Halston lives with her aunt and uncle and spends time on a dating app, Karma, as Absinthe, where she meets Kerouac. The two start chatting and over the summer they talk quite a lot. The big shock comes when she steps into her principle's office and the two come face to face or voice to voice to be more accurate. Talk about shock. Things happen to tear the two apart and you sit there with baited breath waiting to see what happens next.
All I'm going to say is get your hands on this one A.S.A.P. and dive right in, but make sure you've got time to really enjoy it, you won't be disappointed!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter silk
Absinthe may be cast as a forbidden romance but is actually so much more. It's about a strong, feisty, determined, intelligent young woman, wise beyond her years and a focused, career driven commitment-phobe. It's witty and sexy with just the right amount of sadness and pain. We understand Halston's background, where she's come from, but the story doesn't dwell on the bad aspects of her life. She is so courageous and I was fascinated with her. I think I would have had great fun with a friend like her. This book is different insofar as a lot of the interaction between the couple is done via messages on a dating app and I loved that. Halston is very forthright and I absolutely love the sexiness and banter between them. There were times I wanted to shake Ford for the conclusions he jumped to and the decisions he made, his worries becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. I really enjoyed the book references cleverly woven into the story, which add another dimension and give our characters even more of a connection. This story had me rooting for these two young people, hoping that in the end they would find their way back to each other and the happiness they deserved.

A wonderful book, by an extremely gifted writer, and one which I highly recommend.

I am a verified purchaser in the UK.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela williams
Halston is 19 however her life has not been easy. It started with drug addicted parents, foster homes and now she is living with her aunt and uncle who look at her as an obligation rather than family. Feeling isolated and lonely she joins a dating app with the profile Absinthe and she connects with Kerouac in a way she never has before.

Ford is in his late twenties and has recently moved to start his new position as the school’s principal. He joins a dating app using the profile Kerouac and connects with Absinthe and she becomes all that he thinks about however when she wants to meet him he backs away and their conversations end.

Imagine their surprise when she ends up a student at his school and being near each just makes their feelings for each stronger at least until spiteful people step in and ensure that they are separated. They reconnect five years later and they have changed but are they still the soul mates that they once were?

I loved the characters as the struggles in Halston’s life just made her stronger and the deep love that Ford has for her inspiring. This story has all the feels drama, angst, emotional rollercoaster and a love so deep that although it can be bent it can’t be broken. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bilal ali
Halston is an eighteen year old high school senior who's hellish life would have broken many people but she's strong and resilient and living not so happily with her uncle's family. Ford, the new principal of her high school, has some issues of his own. He also has no intention of doing anything to threaten his job and that means staying away from women who could be potential problems. During summer break, they meet anonymously through a dating app where she uses the alias Absinthe and he goes by the name Kerouac, after his favorite author. They have no idea of each others true identity. Their connection is intense and instantaneous but Ford is firm that they will never meet in person. Then she gets sent to the principal's office...

I absolutely loved this awesome, emotional love story by Winter Renshaw. Halston and Ford are great characters and I wanted them to be together so, so bad! I loved them and my heart broke for them when they were separated due to misunderstandings, lies, and interfering third parties. But all's well that ends well and this book has a very happy ending. Halston and Ford are going to stay with me for a while.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mavamarie vandervennet
I received and voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

Wow....A really good book will utterly capture your attention, make you feel whether it's good, bad, or otherwise, and leave you thinking about what you read after you've finished. Winter Renshaw did this for me with her newest release Absinthe.

Two people develop a surprisingly strong connection in an unusual way....then find out that it can go nowhere. Their lives are at a point that even thinking about being together is a bad idea. What happens after that connection is made leaves them hurting, and reading their story I hurt with them.

Technically the basic premise of Absinthe might be a currently popular trope but it's written so well and in such a way that it feels more like a lasting piece of literature. I'm so glad I was gifted with this book and that I am a voracious reader (not necessarily all of the classics but still ;]). Thank you, Ms. Renshaw, once again for delighting me with your works!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hilton mather
In the mood for an angsty forbidden romance?? Absinthe by Winter Renshaw will give you exactly what you're looking for, plus so much more. This emotional journey provides heaps of steamy tension, electric chemistry, and twisted turns that kept me riveted to the pages. Once I started, there was no going back and definitely no stopping until the last word was digested.

What starts as an anonymous online chat expands into a connection neither expected. Ford Hawthorn has a new career to focus on and doesn't need any distractions. No strings only for this guy. Halstrom Kessler is wise beyond her eighteen years with a huge case file to prove it. Her resilience and genuine flare really spoke to me. She's a special soul but guards her heart with impenetrable armor. Halstrom is counting down the days until her time in Rosefield, Illinois is a distant memory.

It's about to get complicated, in the most deliciously toxic way, so be ready for a wild ride!
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