The Maiden (The Cloister Book 1)

ByCelia Aaron

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barb pardol
This dark, suspenseful, and erotic series is off to a great start!
After you read the blurb you get an idea of what the book is about so no need to repeat it. The review is vague so not to reveal any spoilers.
The author does an amazing job in creating the complex characters of Delilah and Adam who take us on a twisted, sinister and hellish journey.
Delilah is on mission and meeting Adam was more than she imagined. Their chemistry is combustible and I’m captivated to learn what will be the final outcome between them!!
The story unfolded flawlessly and the ending was a a major cliffhanger that left me thirsty for more!
4.5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maureen rymer
This one starts off slowly and gets intense.
Basically a religious cult. A heroine you’re rooting for, and an anti-hero you just want to yell at, but you also sort of root for him to go hero too. This story is dark and not pretty at all. There are certain characters that I honestly HATE so much, and this is just a book. Like I was in a bad mood at points when reading, because I dislike them so much. This book is FULL of abuse triggers, so if that’s no good for you then steer clear.

The ending is a cliffhanger, and it’s a crazy one. I’m definitely going to continue with the series though. It’s got my interest peaked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First things first, I need more like right now... Lol. This book is dark and deals with some things that may be disturbing to the faint of heart. If you are like me and embrace the dark side, then by all means grab this book. It has a lot going on and the characters have flaws just like regular people. That makes this book exciting to read and it captures you from the very beginning and holds on to you throughout the entire book. It does end on a cliffhanger and I am dying for the next book, which will be titled The Prophet. Make sure you one-click this awesome book today, you won't be disappointed.
Unseen Messages: a survival romance novel :: Thousands (Dollars) (Volume 4) :: Hundreds (Dollar Book 3) :: Millions (Dollars) (Volume 5) :: Sin & Suffer (Pure Corruption)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a truly twisted psychological messed up dark read. It is the story of a young lady named Delilah who willingly enters a cult trying to find the answers to her sister's death. She is paired with the eldest son of "the Prophet" for training. The training these women (maidens) endure is depraved, traumatic and beyond abusive. The head female trainer (known as spinners) has hatred for Delilah. She is a cold, heartless bitch that needs payback 100 fold. This book definitely ends in a cliff hanger, which had me secretly screaming at Celia Aaron.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike reid
This book ticked every dark check box I could think of and I loved it. I'm not sure at this point up from down but I think that makes me want The Prophet even more. I have so many questions and I'm sure will have even more with book two and can only hope that they all get answered by book three. Ms. Aaron's series usually leave me questioning if I read what I really think I did and I love it because it is such a change from the ordinary for me. I can wait for The Prophet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah brew
I have read my fair share of dark erotica. Although I found this to be well written and assured by the author there is light and redemption to come. I don't know that I would have read these books had they not been available on KU. I am on to book 2 hoping to find less darkness, but if not I will make my own escape!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca martin
This is book one in The Cloister series.

The Cloister is a religious cult in which Delilah has volunteered to enter to find answers. Adam is the son of the Prophet. Delilah is put under the charge of Adam where there’s an undeniable attraction between them.

This is an awesome read. I was fascinated by the storyline and couldn’t stop reading it. I loved Adam and Delilah and thought the secondary characters added so much to the story.
I cannot wait to read more of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sky conan
This book went beyond my wildest dreams. It was like a book version of The Handmaids Tale. It is seriously screwed up and dark and twisty. Setting it current with the #metoo movement made it hit even closer to home.

I'm still trying to figure out where this goes next. I want answers to the mystery surrounding Adam and finding the answers that Delilah seeks. This ends on a serious cliffhanger and I cannot wait to read the nex when ASAP.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan sommerfeld
I was sucked into this story right from the first page! I thought Ms. Aaron's ACQUISITION series was enthralling, but this first book is downright captivating. It's dark, twisted, depraved, twisted, gripping, dark, twisted.

Did I mention twisted?! And not in a good way, because we get to see what happens in some of these so-called "religious" sects (cults, but I'm just keeping it as unbiased as possible). Reading about what the young ladies have to endure had me upset enough I felt like Hulk-smashing, so that's when you know the author has done their job well when a reader feels the need to resort to physical violence on a fictional character(s). But what's surprising is the possible romance between the lamb and the wolf, and I can't wait to see how this story will play out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geri ayn
5 +++ for this dark, depraved, and mind blowing addictive story. This book is not for the feint of heart, and the Warning should be adhered to if you have “triggers”.
The Maiden is the first book in the Cloister Series. In this book, Delilah finds herself entering Heavenly Ministries as a Maiden in hopes of finding her sister’s killer.
The book is raw, dark, and jammed packed with mind blowing plot twists. Some characters of Ms. Arron’s, I would love to strangle ( The Prophet and Grace), while Adam (Delilah’s Protector), I’m completely bewildered about. Ms. Arron’s imagery is so accurate, I can picture myself in the dormitory, or in the training room. One superbly written book that is a page turner from the very begging. I can’t wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassie norton
Wow! Just wow! I love Celia Aaron’s writing, but I honestly had no idea what this series was going to bring!! This book, the first in the series had me at Hello and it was down the rabbit hole from there. I just don’t even know where to start with this review!! It’s a dark twisted journey that won’t let you stop until you turn the last page! This book explores the depravity that exists in a cult environment so no way can you be squeamish!! There is just about every trigger imaginable in this story and I don’t think we have seen anything yet!! This is a love story although it’s not conventional. I loved Delialah and Adam together. If you like different stories and if you like the darker reads you must read this series! I can’t wait for the next book!! Brilliant!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This dark, suspenseful, and erotic series is off to a great start!
After you read the blurb you get an idea of what the book is about so no need to repeat it. The review is vague so not to reveal any spoilers.
The author does an amazing job in creating the complex characters of Delilah and Adam who take us on a twisted, sinister and hellish journey.
Delilah is on mission and meeting Adam was more than she imagined. Their chemistry is combustible and I’m captivated to learn what will be the final outcome between them!!
The story unfolded flawlessly and the ending was a a major cliffhanger that left me thirsty for more!
4.5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren saft
This one starts off slowly and gets intense.
Basically a religious cult. A heroine you’re rooting for, and an anti-hero you just want to yell at, but you also sort of root for him to go hero too. This story is dark and not pretty at all. There are certain characters that I honestly HATE so much, and this is just a book. Like I was in a bad mood at points when reading, because I dislike them so much. This book is FULL of abuse triggers, so if that’s no good for you then steer clear.

The ending is a cliffhanger, and it’s a crazy one. I’m definitely going to continue with the series though. It’s got my interest peaked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan butler
First things first, I need more like right now... Lol. This book is dark and deals with some things that may be disturbing to the faint of heart. If you are like me and embrace the dark side, then by all means grab this book. It has a lot going on and the characters have flaws just like regular people. That makes this book exciting to read and it captures you from the very beginning and holds on to you throughout the entire book. It does end on a cliffhanger and I am dying for the next book, which will be titled The Prophet. Make sure you one-click this awesome book today, you won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie jenkins
This was a truly twisted psychological messed up dark read. It is the story of a young lady named Delilah who willingly enters a cult trying to find the answers to her sister's death. She is paired with the eldest son of "the Prophet" for training. The training these women (maidens) endure is depraved, traumatic and beyond abusive. The head female trainer (known as spinners) has hatred for Delilah. She is a cold, heartless bitch that needs payback 100 fold. This book definitely ends in a cliff hanger, which had me secretly screaming at Celia Aaron.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily sacharow
The Maiden, by Celia Aaron, is the first of three in the Cloister series. Celia Aaron is a dark and creative author and it is explicitly laid out in this newest book/series by the author. It's suspenseful, dirty, wicked and yet so purely addictive in a way that this author's stories shine brilliantly with. It has character(s) you love to hate and others you hate to love. I was drawn into this story so quickly, that I was left wanting for the next story. Waiting to continue is half the battle and a testament of a truly great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher sidor
This book ticked every dark check box I could think of and I loved it. I'm not sure at this point up from down but I think that makes me want The Prophet even more. I have so many questions and I'm sure will have even more with book two and can only hope that they all get answered by book three. Ms. Aaron's series usually leave me questioning if I read what I really think I did and I love it because it is such a change from the ordinary for me. I can wait for The Prophet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
guillaume pelletier
I have read my fair share of dark erotica. Although I found this to be well written and assured by the author there is light and redemption to come. I don't know that I would have read these books had they not been available on KU. I am on to book 2 hoping to find less darkness, but if not I will make my own escape!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicholas thompson
Not worth picking up the rest of the story. Story is dark .
Ended practically in the middle of a sentence supposedly so the reader could hardly wait to get the next in the series. Didn't work on me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelly thorup
Adam is the epitomy of "dark" and hot. Delilah is not just joining a new church cult, she is trying to solve her sister's murder. Adam and Delilah are intense together. I like the underlying stories along with the graphic sexual situations!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
It felt like this story developed from an idea based around a dystopian world similar to the Handmaid's Tale, with elements of actual issues women are facing in society today. That could have been interesting, except the characters felt like afterthoughts, mere devices to let this concept play out. There was no personality or depth to them. All this crazy and horrible stuff was happening around the heroine and she was just kind of there, describing it to the reader in her head but showing no real emotion or shock or fear. Since I prefer character driven stories, I therefore couldn't get into this one. I became bored and was skimming by the end. Then there was a mid-scene cliffhanger reminiscent of a cheesy soap opera, and if I wasn't already bored by the story I would have stopped reading for that reason alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Holy prophet, what the fresh hell did I just read? It was a complete trip!

Delilah has become a Maiden in Heavenly to serve the Prophet. Each Maiden is allocated a Protector to train them. Delilah gets Adam Monroe, the son of the Prophet. The Protector can hurt his Maiden and do all he likes to her but must not take her V card.

Nasty women called Spinners help to groom the young maidens using all kinds of brutal means and I really, really mean that. This isn’t a dystopian book, it is real life. Think bonkers cults with rabid preachers who think they are the gift to the world!

I think I was tripping on night nurse! Never read anything like this but it really had me gripped and I am so very desperate for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy ahn
How do you write a review without giving anything way, when your head has been completely messed with and left reeling?

I didn’t know what to expect when going into this book. I didn’t read the Synopsis and I am actually glad I didn’t. Not because I wouldn’t have read it, but because I loved being surprised.

What Celia has delivered is one hell of a mind f*** full of heart-stopping angst and mystery. It will leave you reeling with no idea where it’s going to go.

This book, in my opinion is a must read! However it does leave on a cliffhanger, so some people may want to hold off until the whole series is out.

Bravo Ms. Aaron!
I NEED this next book.
I NEED to know where this is going!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is freaking awesome. I couldn’t put it down I didn’t even want to get up and use the restroom it’s so good. It Is a dark, wicked look at a religious cult and this author did some homework so make sure you read her Afterword. Delilah and Adam are the main characters but there are many in this book to love and hate. Delilah is one brave women knowing she may never leave but she needs answer about a loved one. Adam saw the fire in her from the beginning and wanted her like no other. If you like BDSM and other aspects to this genre you need to read this book. I’m anxiously awaiting the next book The Prophet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What did I just read? My favorite Celia book ever, that's what! I don't give away stars - ever! But I would give a 100 right now if I could. I loved this book so, so much. Proudly waving my fan-girl flag right now. Celia you are amazing! I am desperate for the next 2 books!

Holy mother of all the raw & gritty dark romances! The Maiden takes the top spot on my list of favorite reads that get my insides all twisty and knotted up. I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish and kind of want to re-read it to just hang on to this level of excitement that is raging within my body - I feel it deep down in my soul!

Delilah and Adam are sexy, tangled perfection. Their chemistry is so strong - it was tangible. The pull they both feel - hit them both so hard - reading their thoughts and reactions rocked me. Delilah is a strong heroine which I love, love, love. She is keeping incredibly dangerous secrets. I am utterly fascinated by her. Adam is a handsome, powerful, mysterious full blown Alpha hero. A protector in theory however he too has secrets. We get these glimpses of what 'could be' between these two if not for the complex, twisted, involvement in the Cloister and it's inner workings. This amazing tale consumed me!

I cannot freakin' wait for book 2 The Prophet. I need to know what happens next. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading. Celia had posted a few warnings about triggers and she was concerned the story was going to be too dark. She seemed legit worried so I hope all the great reviews put her mind at ease. I think this was her best work yet. I adore everything about it and am excited for more Delilah & Adam's brand of deliciousness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book deserves way more than 5 stars. The details Celia Aaron provides as the background and how she keeps you reading and wanting more is splendid. This is a deliciously dark tale that I felt like I had become one with the characters. And then I have to comment on Adam -- swoon!! He is amazingly alpha, amazingly dark and delicious and a broken character who always end up falling and rooting for. There really is so little I can say as I truly believe as a reader you just need to dive into this one.

Here is my disclaimer for sensitive readers -- if you are sensitive to darker issues read the blurb and decide if it would be a good fit for you. If you are daring and willing to try I cannot imagine you would be disappointed on the ride this book takes you on.

Thiis book sets the groundwork like no other and the next one cannot be released soon enough at this point!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley carnefix
The Maiden by Celia Aaron was such an interesting story about religious cults and the inner workings of them! Adam and Delilah had a true chemistry and when they came together it created such sexual tension. The situation Adam lives with is the extreme of many parent/children relationships with expectations and living out a parents dream of how their life should be.
Delilah's mother is no different because she is using her daughter for her personal gain. And in both families there is drug use and sexual abuse to control someone.
This story is so believable and the characters so well written it is scary to think that this might be really happening in the world.
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