Sin & Suffer (Pure Corruption)

ByPepper Winters

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lynn w
Ms. Winters unfortunately has proven with this book as well as as her last couple of books, that since all her books are about emotion not logic or good editing. No effort is made into making sure the plot flows or effort into actually wanting to make sure the world makes sense or the characters actions and the world it's supposed to exist connect. Ms. Winters has talent, she can write long books, however, in this book she creates a MC world that makes no sense, nor does she try to address why it would exist or could exist. Suspended reality to the uptmost degree bordering again in a world that nothing makes no sense. However if you like reading endless pages of sex and more sex there is definitely that (and I have nothing against sex in fact enjoy reading about good sex)

I read Rule and Ruin and hoped after the indebted ending debacle that Sin and Suffer would deliver. Sadly this book wasn't for me. Too long, too random, too out of this world and nothing makes any sense.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica riegle
After having absolutely loved Book 1, Ruin & Rule, I knew I had to get the conclusion to Art's and Cleo's story, so I jumped at the chance to listen to Sin & Suffer. In Ruin & Rule I thought Pepper Winters had created the perfect blend of suspense, heat and mystery, all mixed with an intriguing edge of darkness that, while not as dark as some of Ms. Winter's prior stories (eg, the Monsters in Dark Series), was just right to make this romance a truly memorable one. Moreover, and most importantly, I was absolutely glued to the story, reading Ruin & Rule was an addicting experience that left me with no choice but to devour it as quickly as possible.

Sin & Suffer, however, had a different feel altogether. Lighter in tone and less suspenseful and mysterious in its unraveling (given our background knowledge from Ruin & Rule), it just felt like an altogether different experience than the one I had anticipating. Nonetheless it's always great to get closure to a great love story, and star crossed lovers are one of my favorite romantic pairings. If you haven't yet read or listened to Ruin & Rule, however, it's essential that you start with that book.

Sin & Suffer picks up where Ruin & Rule ends. Kill's worst nightmares have come true. Cleo has been kidnapped by his father and his MC. Kill, in turn, is still trying to recover from the serious symptoms that his concussion has wreaked on his genius IQ. His facility with numbers, and statistic defying success trading on Wall Street, is, in large part, what has led to the extreme success of Pure Corruption. A success which has allowed the MC to be much more politically correct and democratic, which many would consider largely unconventional when it comes to the traditional hierarchy of MC clubs.

However, even if he can rescue her, Kill struggles with the knowledge that Cleo now remembers everything, including how he has sinned against her family and by extension her. So even as the long planned revenge lays finally within his grasp, will he ever be able to recover the one thing he can't live without? Surely Cleo will never be able to forgive him for his sins?

As I read the first book, the narration added an additional different element to my experience of this installment. Kelsi Nesser has the perfect spirited voice to bring this fast-paced action and emotion packed romance to life. Her dramatic emphasis, which brought many scenes to a feverish pace, rang true to me as being consistent with the revenge tinged, explosive nature of the characters and story that Pepper Winters penned.

However, a choice in her narration style gained my attention repeatedly. First and foremost, she gave Cleo a British accent. Although warranted in part due to her witness protection time in England, her style clashed with the other MC members who all had a different sound. I also found it a bit strange that Cleo's thoughts were in American accented English but her dialogue had a British accent. Additionally, I couldn't help but let my mind wander a few times during the narration to contemplate whether an American who moved to England for a few years in her teenage years/early twenties--even if suffering from amnesia--would all of sudden pick up a completely new accent. Moreover, upon returning to her home environment in America and remembering her identity, wouldn't her natural, original speech have emerged at least for the most part? Perhaps Ms. Nesser's portrayal is correct, and in any event it did help easily distinguish Cleo from the other characters without reliance on dialogue tags, but I just couldn't help pondering this question, which caused me to have to rewind the audio at a few different points.

All in all, I enjoyed some of the convention defying aspects of the Pure Corruption MC. Moreover, if you loved Kill and Cleo in Ruin & Rule, then you will definitely want to hear the rest of their story in Sin & Suffer. Just be prepared for a slightly different tone overall in this final journey to the conclusion of their story.

Source: Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steven phillips
Sin & Suffer starts where Ruin & Rule ended with Cleo taken by Rubix, just after she finally remembered her past. Killian's lies helped unlocked Cleo's memories but it was not her memories she had to fear.
“Arthur “Kill” Killian, my childhood lover and green-eyed Libran, wanted these men dead”. Quote from story. A vendetta for vengeance against Rubix started a war.
Told in both Killian and Cleo's POV. Each chapter includes past references from the characters before the chapter begins in italics. Past references dated from when Cleo was thirteen and Arthur was sixteen.
“Art’s thirst for revenge and his obsession with retribution was all for me”. Quote from Cleo. Killian was trying to create an army against his father for what he made him to do her family.
Killian maintains his guilt, his secrets, and his protectiveness with Cleo. Cleo maintains her love, her questioning, and her forgiveness. Together they get reacquainted with one another having missed out on each other for the last eight years. Through sex they get reacquainted.
As with most typical MC stories, this fell within the same redundancy about meetings and club rules. The first book was filled with suspense and mystery and this one is slow and methodical.
Arthur worked towards removing the lies and corruption from his Club. All the while, these meetings and bonding sessions are boring and mundane. I'm losing interest in what I call "filler storyline". The ultimate goal is too kill Rubix and destroy Dagger Rose and yet they wait when everything has already been planned and put into action.
Normally I would appreciate the length of one of Pepper's book but this is a rare occasion where I find it too long. This could easily have been a standalone book. At the rate this one is moving, I'm having to skim thru the sex scenes and the nonsense over Arthur still holding onto one final secret.
All the action was saved in the last few chapters where Pepper's true ingenuity shines. Finally, able to connect and find entertainment all at the end. Would have given more stars had it not taken so long to carry out the plans.
The Maiden (The Cloister Book 1) :: Unseen Messages: a survival romance novel :: Thousands (Dollars) (Volume 4) :: Hundreds (Dollar Book 3) :: Absinthe
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew thornton
In this second book in the Pure Corruption MC series we follow more of Cleo and Art's story. Arthur "Kill" Killian has more aspirations than being the president of the Pure Corruption MC and changes are on the way as soon as he finds his vengeance. Only problem is Cleo doesn't know if she will fit into the new world he wants to create. Will the man who always wants "more" be happy with her or will she be another innocent lost in the path? What a great story and continuation of Cleo and Art's story, I have come to love these characters so much and I truly hope there is another book in this series. I just feel there is more to their story and I want to know more about Hopper, loved how he nicknamed Cleo Butterbean. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book and author, one not to be missed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Sin and Suffer is the second and final installment to the story of Cleo and Arthur and certainly keeps you entertained. I liken this book/series to Son's of Anarchy in suits.

We continue on with where the story left off in Ruin and Rule, and you need to have read that book in order to keep up with his one.

Cleo and Arthur's relationship is growing stronger all the time and also their thirst for revenge after Cleo is saved from the clutches of Arthurs father, and members of the MC that Cleo and Arthur grew up in. Cleo's memories have returned almost completely and we get to learn a lot more about their past and the true story behind Cleo's parents murders.

The story line once again had me enthralled, however there were some parts that I couldn't help but roll my eyes at. The plight for changing the world for instance, was a little corny to me, considering we have biker brawling and a very serious quest for revenge and then they turn around, put on a suit and try to change the corruption that we find in our society/world. It came across as a little ridiculous and unbelievable to me that these people would even be given the time of day in a real world sense.

However, the writing style I liked and the general story telling was easy to follow. The romance was also nice but did feel a little over the top with their devotion to each other. It was almost as if saying too much about it took the shine off of it and the words began to lose meaning.

Overall, an interesting series and one of the better MC series I've read. If you enjoy an MC read where the hero is brains as well as brawn then you may enjoy this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandy later
In the first book Ruin & Rule, Cleo Price (aka Sarah Jones) first was fighting for her memories, then was fighting for Arthur "Kill" Killian to believe her and remember their past. And now they are fighting for their lives against the people Arthur has pledged to destroy. It is a convoluted situation immersed in revenge, jealousy, guilt, and anger. This begins right where Ruin & Rule left off with Cleo in need of rescuing and Arthur in a bad state. It hits quick with action, danger, and suspense.

Then they are both facing the after effects. They both have healing to do and are still also trying to navigate their lives after being reunited after eight years. And Cleo has finally regained all of her memories, some that are surprising. Now she knows more of Arthur's secrets. But will that bring them closer or tear them apart? They both had lost so much at the hands of bad people, but they still were at risk of losing each other again.

I honestly liked Arthur much more in this book. He was protective, strong, intelligent, and completely devoted to her. But sometimes his larger goals made it hard to take a step back and think clearly. He was used to being a math whiz that brought his success and wealth, but was always wanting more, to be the best, and have everything. He had plans that involved war, vengeance, salvation, and reform. But he was facing challenges that could derail all of his plans. And he still did not learn his lesson about always being upfront and honest and was at risk to have seriously negative consequences for his actions.

Cleo was sassy, tough, and fierce in this one. She was armed with knowledge and ready to fight for her happiness. She was a good match for Arthur and was more willing to take him on. But sometimes she was left in the dark making it hard to help Arthur make the right choices. This focused more on their true re-connection and facing their pasts so they could deal with their present and decide a course for their future.

This book felt like going through a war zone to me. It was a battle of agendas, physical threats and fights, secrets, and lies. It started out exciting and tense, but then it started to fizzle a bit for me. It kind of dragged and I honestly got tired of the sex scenes, the secrets, the mysterious big plans, and the behavior of the hero/heroine at times. Some of their decisions just made me shake my head.

It was told in dual points of view and also had diary entries/flashbacks allowing us to see more about their relationship and feelings when younger. There was some mystery about what Arthur's ultimate goal was. There were some twists and surprises. This did deal more with the MC business but was also very personal with the characters and there was also a much larger agenda at play. But the romantic part of it was also about sacrifice, true love, redemption, second chances, and soul mates.

This did not seem quite as dark as the first book, but still had intense scenes and emotions. It had some mean antagonists and some likable sidekicks. I really liked Grasshopper and could see him possibly getting his own story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ken heard
Ruin & Rule ended with a stunning cliffhanger. . . and Sin & Suffer continues the thrilling, sizzling rollercoaster of a ride!

Arthur "Kill" Killian must devise a scheme to get his true love away back from his sick, twisted father. He is a broken man but he will stop at nothing to wreak revenge on his "family." At the same time, how can he possibly protect Cleo from the evils that surround her?

"Cleo eclipsed everything. She was my Sagittarius, my soul mate, my best friend. Not only had I failed her once and persecuted us to eight years apart, but she’d also been harmed twice at my father’s hand. She’d suffered more than she ever should and it was all because of me and my need to settle the score. I wanted to forget about my goal—to halt the guillotine hovering over both our futures—because if I didn’t, if I continued chasing death, then I didn’t deserve her. And I want so f-g much to deserve her."

Cleo is battling her own devastating past, but like all Pepper Winters' books, Cleo is one kick-ass heroine who is strong, stubborn and resilient. Kill is her soulmate, her true love since childhood and she can withstand almost anything now that she knows he is back in her life.

"There hadn’t been a single moment in the past eight years when I’d awoken and wished I could forget.
Every morning had been a struggle to remember.
Every night a battle between needing to know and needing to forget."

Sin & Suffer has TONS of twists and turns. I love MC books so this book was a pleasure to read. It is not quite as dark as Ruin & Rule, but it is just as thrilling and satisfying. Cleo and Kill are two unforgettable characters and I loved the conclusion that Ms. Winters gave to them in Sin & Suffer.

Favorite quote:

"Her flaws could be called ugly—an imperfection to be hidden. But it only made me fall deeper in love with her. She had the strength to bare them—even using them to define how others saw her."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy hill
Arthur Killian - Kill is happy to have Cleo back but fights for revenge against his father and Rose Dagger MC. Kill also has secrets he hold back from everyone that will change his and Cleo's life forever along with the community. Kill just finish one issue which isn't done without loss. Cleo is beside him and stands beside the man she has loved since she was 5years old.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Winters gives us page after page of dark, sexy goodness in the intense conclusion of Kill and Cleo’s epic love story. Revenge, destruction, corruption. Arthur “Kill” Killian is on the warpath, seeking revenge for all that was taken away from him. You don’t take what’s his and live to talk about it. His most prized possession, his everything, his Chloe was stolen from him and he will stop at NOTHING to destroy anything and everything in his way. Pepper Winters hit the ground running in SIN & SUFFER. From the moment you read the very first page, there is no turning back. After the cliffhanger we were left with in RUIN & RULE, I knew the follow-up would be EPIC! Winters never slacks on the sex or the suspense, and I loved EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND. of it! In true Pepper Winters fashion, she gives us a gripping, raw, sexy, and intense love story with layer upon layer of MC Romance goodness!

Kill’s ultimate goal comes to light in this epic conclusion. It’s surprising and I didn’t see it coming at all. It all comes together and you kick yourself because you should have known that would be the road that he would take.

Just as Chloe was starting to become whole again, Kill was on the verge of breaking. Written in both POV’s, we take a look back at how it all started, giving us a better understanding of the deep, intense, love and admiration that these two tortured souls share. No matter how dark this story got, the author gave us enough romance to light the way and keep us romance junkies on our toes. I LOVED everything about this duet. I loved the characters, the mystery, the twists, the turns, EVERYTHING. Winters did these characters justice with an ending that is so fitting and so poignant to the story.

*Gifted copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ali allam
So Pepper Winters has always been a "go to" author for me. I've read all of her books. But I may not be so quick to hit that one-click button in the future. I feel Pepper has been dropping the ball lately. First with the indebted series, which was just painful to read. But I did, because I'm a fan, and I just kept hoping it would get better. And now this. Let me just say tho, that I really loved Ruin & Rule. However, this book fell flat for me. I skimmed a LOT of it. Same sex scenes, same one/two word thoughts stacked on top of each other to give it an over dramatic effect. (Sigh) I just feel like her books and characters are starting to blend a little. Cleo sort of got on my nerves in this book, the way Nila always got on my nerves in the indebted series. And I really wanted to give it one star. I gave it two because I didn't want to do that to Ms. Winters. I'm still a fan, regardless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stew sheckler
Reviewed by Amy W
Book provided by NetGalley for review
Originally posted at Romancing the Book

If you are looking for a high octane read featuring action, suspense and more than a few explicit encounters, then it’s time to meet Arthur “Kill” Killian and the brothers of Pure Corruption Motorcycle Club.

Author Pepper Winters delivered the first installment of the series in Ruin & Rule. I actually started reading the second book, Sin & Suffer, before I realized it was the second part. While some books can easily be read as standalones, this is not one of them. Fortunately, I stopped reading after a few pages and grabbed the first installment.

Fans of Sons of Anarchy will see much of the same themes of brotherhood, loyalty and a battle for dominance among factions. Yet the world created by Pepper Winters centers around two people — Cleo and Kill. At over 400 pages, this is one very deep book.

I found myself alternately loving and hating Kill. As a character, he is the epitome of contradictions. Through her skillful writing, the author makes her characters come to life. One of the interesting aspects of her writing style is how the story unfolds. Much like a card game, the author adds and discards details along the way as she builds the tension for a winning hand.

Excerpts from diary entries at the beginning of each chapter provide additional insight into the past. The first book in the series lays much of the foundation for what happens, but there are a lot of loose ends that have to be wrapped up. Some of those loose ends are a bit difficult to stomach as a reader, but it’s important to remember that in the MC world, revenge is commonplace. Graphic and disturbing as some of the scenes may be, the writer balances it with heavy doses of erotic encounters between Cleo and Kill.

If I had one criticism, it would be that some of the encounters overshadow a phenomenal storyline. That may sound a bit odd coming from someone who loves this genre, but Pepper Winters is equally skilled writing non-erotic scenes. Then again, if I had a hunky biker president who is primed and ready 24-7, then who am I to complain?

This is not a superficial story masquerading as a new rendition of the same old MC storyline. Instead, the author delivers a powerful story full of fresh characters and a unique plot. It’s a story that you won’t forget, even after the last page is read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 Revenge filled stars

Sin & Suffer is the concluding story in the Pure Corruption series. I am not sure if there will be more books in the series, but I wouldn’t be surprised nor opposed to having more Arthur and Chloe.

Oh the FEELS that Pepper Winter made me feel in this story. This series had me tied up in KNOTS. I was up and down and all around and I felt like I was holding my breath every step of the way. Sin & Suffer begins where Ruin and Ruled left off and what a cliffhanger we had!

I loved how we figured out how Arthur and Chloe are tied together. I didn’t see that coming. Chloe is taken by Arthur’s father and Arthur suffers from heavy guilt. Throughout the whole book you feel the weight on Arthur’s shoulders, he can’t get over his guilt towards Chloe and it makes me love him even more!

I love you, Arthur
You kill me every time you say that, Buttercup

The thing I love about Pepper Winter’s writing is how she just turns the intensity up a notch, I love how passionate the characters are for each other and I love how dire the situation is. I also enjoyed the little excerpt in the beginning of the chapters. It gave me a glimpse into Chloe and Arthur’s childhood.

Chloe struggles with her love towards Arthur because she feels him unraveling. He’s greatly injured and he wants revenge towards his father. I love Chloe. I love how she is witty and very sensible. I was never frustrated her and she’s a very strong Heroine.

You’re my more Cleo. But it’s still not enough. It won’t be until the end.

I felt Arthur’s torture and I wanted him to move past it, but he had to do it in his own way and I understood completely. I enjoyed his POV because I felt like I could really see the way he saw Chloe and I just loved his love towards her. I also like we get more of Pure Corruption and business talk. I’m a major MC book reader and one of my favorite parts to read is the politics within the group.

I’d be willing to suffer anything for you Buttercup. I thought you knew that my now?

You are me. And I am you. We may have separate thoughts and mind Buttercup, but we have the same heart and soul.

It’s a heavy descriptive book, but it’s no different from the first one. You get plenty of action, drama and steam! If you are a fan of the series, you will not be disappointed with this ending.

An ARC was provided
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex buckley
Sin & Suffer is an awesome conclusions to Kill & Cleo's second chance romance. I had so many thoughts going through my head about these two destined to be together soulmates. One is that I absolutely loved the way Kill loved Cleo. I mean, lets face it, in the first book Kill was a cruel SOB to Cleo. Second is that Sin & Suffer finally gave me the answers I needed to all of Kill's secrets. Kill's character became much deeper and caring in this book verses the first, but he could still be a total hard*** when he needed to be. Last, Pepper Winters did an outstanding job to make an amazing ending for Kill and Cleo.

Now that Kill knows Cleo didn't die all those years ago, he’s ready to put his plan into motion, bringing a war against corruption in the world and taking revenge on Rubix and Dagger Rose MC. But Kill still holds back from Cleo, and Cleo is getting tired of Kill's deception. After all the lies and deceiving that separated Kill and Cleo for years, Cleo needs honesty from the man she has loved her whole life. Especially now as they are facing the oncoming war.

Kill and Cleo's romance is one of the most beautiful romances I've ever read. Kill loves Cleo with so much heart and tenderness in this book. I can say Kill really had his work cut out for him to make me like him with the way he treated Cleo in the first book, but he won me over, and it did help seeing all his problems revealed in this book. Kill definitely turned out to be a true romantic for being such a hard*** MC President.

I did fall in love with another character and I'm hoping Pepper Winters will write his story. Hopper, the VP of Pure Corruption and Kill's number one guy who he counts on. Hopper is a just great character, even though he was in the background of Kill, he definitely stood out.

Sin & Suffer is an amazing, happily ever after ending to Kill and Cleo's heart breaking and beautiful romance. Kill said it all at the end, "I love you. I will always love you. You're my world, Cleo." I highly recommend Pure Corruption MC book, One and Two as a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sin & Suffer by Pepper Winters was just not what I was expecting! Yeah, -expecting-. You see, this book continues the cliffhanger that you get left with in the first book, Ruin & Rule. So it built up expectations! That isn’t to say this book was bad, because it wasn’t, not even in the least. What it took though was a massive focus change.

This book is not a standalone, I’ll say that up front. You could try to read it as a standalone, but you would miss at least half of what was going on. Sin & Suffer picks up, literally, right where Ruin & Rule left off. You get the same dark feel. You bit your nails, you hold your breath and you just wait to see what is going to happen while devouring the pages. You may be wondering then, what changed? Obviously I still enjoyed the book, if you can’t tell from my rating, but I will say that the complete feel and focus of the book changed. I’m not sure how to explain that without spoilers either. I suppose the best way I can put it is that Sin & Suffer becomes a tale about redemption. Things changing, moving on, achieving things and then what happens past them.

I’m still as much in love with Killian and our heroine. In fact, Cleo makes changes in this book. She doesn’t exactly mature, because I already considered her as much, but she does grow as a person. With Killian, you come to find out more about him. Not just the MC, but the person he is, on the inside. His motivations, why he’s doing what he does. What pushes him, and what he hopes will be the outcome of everything.

The one thing I’m going to walk away from this review saying, is that if you read Ruin & Rule, do not go into Sin & Suffer expecting anything. You will likely be disappointed. As for myself, I had to shift mindset with the change. It enabled me to enjoy the book and love it as much as the first one. I would still recommend it, just with the note above. No expectations!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caleb seeling
Reviewing on behalf of Relentless book chic’s ramblings and reviews

This was an epic conclusion to another thrilling series from Pepper. I loved it!

It doesn’t matter what genre she writes in, she excels in it and creates a story that not only grips you at the turn of every page but also, makes you feel everything the characters feel as you’re pulled into their world through each scenario and the emotions they evoke.

The story begins where Ruin and Rule left off, Kill is in hospital and Cleo is missing. To say that Killian is angry when he finds out she’s missing is a huge understatement. He lost her once and now she’s back in his life, he’s determined to make sure she stays and is willing to take down anyone that gets in his way.

Killian isn’t your typical MC Pres, Pure Corruption are in a completely different league to other MC’s, they make money from legit businesses rather than crime. With money comes power and he has it by the bucket load so when he needs help to track and find Cleo, he knows he can count on his brothers.

Killian has a score to settle against his father and brother and the fact that they’ve now taken Cleo adds more fuel to the fire and his burning desire to get revenge for everything he lost by destroying the people who took it from him. Cleo is the love of his life, he needs her like he needs oxygen to breath.

It’s hard to review this book as whatever I say on this page, won’t do the book justice. There is so much depth and so many elements to the story that it’s hard to say enough without saying too much and spoiling it. I have to admit that the ending surprised me as it wasn’t the way I thought the book would go but I should have expected the unexpected as it’s written by Pepper Winters.

I highly recommend this book and hopefully you’ve already read the first book, Ruin and Rule but if you haven’t, you need to so you can be taken on this amazing journey and I promise it will be the ride of your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sin & Suffer is the continuation of Ruin & Rule. Told from both Arthur and Cleo’s perspectives, things are in motion that cannot be stopped, that have been in the works for years. Vengeance will be had and changes will be made.

Arthur has so much going on here, between building up Pure Corruption and seeking revenge for wrongs done to him so long ago. For as tightly wound as he was in Ruin & Rule, he became almost reckless in his determination to participate in the plans that had been set in motion.
He also became a character I liked a whole lot more. He shows a vulnerability that was not present in Ruin & Rule, and goes into a much stronger protector/leader role both in the MC and with Cleo.

Even though we get Cleo’s point of view, there were times I felt like she wasn’t really coming through the story. This truly is Arthur’s story and though her voice is here, she is in the dark more often than she knows what is going on. What Cleo does get here is a better understanding of what has happened in the years she was gone, the direction that Arthur has planned for Pure Corruption, and a reaffirmation of her place in all the plans.

This is Cleo and Arthur’s chance to recement the feelings between them. Those feelings have been driving each of them since their separation as children, even when Cleo was living as Sarah Jones and had no recollection of her past.
This was not as dark as the first book, and as a result felt like a much smoother read. I didn’t have the same feeling of unease as I read, though there were plenty of times where I was unsettled by my predictions for the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the conclusion to this MC series, we rejoin Cleo and Arthur. In Ruin and Rule, Arthur and Cleo come to trust each other and recognise a past that was thought to be long gone. Now they have admitted their love and commitment, and Arthur's war has been declared. The monsters from both of their pasts have made their move, and it's club versus club, leader versus leader, family versus family in this series end.
Ruin and Rule grabbed me in thanks to the push and pull between Arthur and Cleo, their equal parts hating and desiring each other. Now they're well and truly bound, and Sin and Suffer focusses more on the plot surrounding them, the drama, the history and the war that Arthur has been planning for the last several years.
The story is action-packed and definitely gripping. I missed the chemistry the characters found in Ruin and Rule where both were battling each other. Their passion for each other is certainly as hot as ever, though it lost a little steam for me in this book compared with the ever-changing dynamic in the first instalment. Nonetheless the connection between the two is unmistakable, their commitment to each other unshakable despite the raging circumstances surrounding them. Tragedy and danger lurks behind every corner and that certainly kept me turning the page all the way to the end. And in many ways, the ending was just... satisfying. I was really pleased with the way Pepper resolved things.
This series was an addictive read, with lots to recommend it - a strong history, an interesting way of intertwining the past and present, two leads consumed by an epic love and a healthy dose of action. Very entertaining!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The writing is dark, hard hitting and sinfully delicious which is what Pepper Winters is known for. The story weaves around Arthur and Cleo in the motorcycle club world of deceit, revenge and the thought of living a different way. There's moments of pleasure, pain, and confusion all the while steering the reader towards the ultimate yet shocking end of Arthur's and Cleo's story.

Picking right up where Ruin & Rule left off, Sin & Suffer starts off with some seriously screwed up crap. Cleo and Arthur are separated with Cleo captured and Arthur hospitalized for his injuries. Cleo clings to the belief that Arthur will come for her and so does what she has to do to stay alive while Arthur fights to get to Cleo. Arthur's father is Cleo's captor which only fuels Arthur's anger.

With Cleo's memories back, she's well aware of what she has to do in order to stay alive. She's also reliving the parts of Arthur her mind had locked away in an attempt to survive. Cleo struggles to reconcile the person she was with the person she is with all the memories of who she was. Her endless love for Arthur will ultimately set her and him free because a love that powerful is one that never leaves.

Arthur is still the dominant, angry biker hell bent on revenge that he was in the first book but there are steps towards him becoming someone more, someone better. Cleo is his guiding light and he does all he has to in order to protect her, even at the risk of his own health and mental stability. Arthur surprised me at the end of the book because I had never thought the path he chose to take would be an option.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas fackler
Got to give an extraordinary review ... maybe later but you can guess I loved it!

OK, just breathe! Let's do it!

Vengeance was close, it was time! But even with all the equations sorted, no one can't know for sure, if all of this will end well.

Math is always right but math can't fight the real truth and right the wrongs in life.

We can use the bad and get better, do better...

But vengeance or justice can come with some damage.

Don't know if I believe it, if wanting justice will give me closure, could I forget my past, could I believe it was just a bad dream? Could I go away and never look back? Can we be safe from it all?

The past made them who they are today. Not sure if their memories were better before than now!

Sacrifices and loss, come together, when we want more.

Damn! Kill and Cleo went through a lot!

Hard work and stories in common, friends or guardian angels hang together.

Good or Evil stand out. We choose.

At last, free from the nightmares, only scars stayed, they still had to bare them but after all, they found peace and together, life couldn't be better. Oh that was a ride... deep breath...

They could smile again and remember they once smiled together.

Don't miss out this story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara sun
This the fantastic conclusion to Kill & Cleo’s story.

Killian has a plan, something that has been in the making for the past eight years. He has been carefully plotting and setting things up for this moment, along with the help of his confidant and guardian angel of sorts, Wallstreet.

'I never wanted to go to war. But sometimes we have to become something we hate in order to get what we want.'

He seeks retribution for the life he should have had with his beloved Cleo and for the pain and suffering that she and her family endured at the hands of his own family. He seeks revenge on the people who framed him, the people who should have cared for him and not sent him to prison.

'The past would forever suck me back if I didn't deal with the man who continued to puppeteer me at their whims.'

Nothing will get in the way in his pursuit for justice and his desire to make a change for the good. Blood will be shed, lives will be lost and secrets will come out that will reveal truths that had been unknown until now. In the end though, will Cleo be the one left standing by his side? When she knows all the ugly truth will she still look at him the same way, love him the same way?

'There are two sides to every tale and you're remembering the wrong one.'

This was a fast paced, exciting read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Plot: Loaded with Twist and Turns
Mood: Dark and Twisted
Pace: Steady
Characters: Complex
Writing: Great
Level of Violence: Mild
Sexual Content: Explicit
Wow. What a Ride! This book was much better than the 1st book, Ruin and Rule. Arthur "Kill" Killan was so much more interesting and better. We finally get this point of view! This still is a dark romance. I do want to mention that the subject matter might offend some readers. However, it didn't offend me. This does have references to murder and rape. This might be sensitive to some. We get answers to a lot of questions I know i had and I'm sure others who had some of the same questions. We finally get the end game or the big picture that has been elusive. I was totally surpised to be honest. Cleo has become a strong chracter since Ruin and Rule. I'm not sure how she is okay after everything that happen. It was some what unrealistic in way. I though the wrap-up was great. I enjoyed the sequel and the first book.
-Will I recommend this book? Yes. Use cation though.
- Will I recomend the author? Yes.
- Worth the Price? Yes, if only to read or wait for a sale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kat myers
Pepper Winters is my “go to author”, you know, that author that you don’t even need to read the back of book before buying, that author you’d die to meet, but know you’d be too embarrassed to tell her how much you love her writing… oh, and that author that kind of makes you feel like a stalker… yep that’s my Pepper. Sin & Suffer is book two in the Pure Corruption Series, and after we were left with the massive cliff hanger in Ruin and Rule… I was totally pumped up for Sin & Suffer and more of Kill & Cleo.
Pepper pulls you into her stories with an intensity that puts her in a league of her own. The ups and downs and twists and turn have you on the edge of your seat and the complexity of characters will keep you completely enthralled the entire book. I think my favorite part of this book was the dual POV’s and memories from Kill and Cleo’s childhood. It gives you glimpses of the true Arthur Killian and makes you a believer in true love and how it really never dies.
This is another “must read” from Pepper Winters. And if you’re like me, and not really into MC books, this book is no ordinary MC book, trust me, it’s worth the read.

4.5 stars
Reviewed by Tonya Nichols of Eye Candy Bookstore
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trisha white
If you like Bikers and Motorcycle Clubs than you need to read. If your just looking for bikers , sex and tattoos this book has that too. If you havent read Ruin & Rule first you have to for this book to make sense. Killian is the president of the club but theres more that what meets the eye. Its not all gliz and glam the life of a patched member is not pretty. Killian is out for vengeance and not against just any other MC Club its the one he was made to follow his family till they turned on him. With the help of Wallstreet ,Killian found a new club who would help him seek out revenge and make his club the Best. Cleo finally knows who she is and what all happened in her past. She still does not know all the secrets but she is his old lady and you dont mess with anyones old lady. Friends, Family , MC against MC. A War who will win
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After the previous book ended on a cliffhanger, I was really excited to know what would happen next in the story. I was definitely not disappointed by the conclusion of this duology.

This book was so much more than an regular MC story. It was more than I ever anticipated and imagined. I loved the author’s writing. She just has a way to get you completely captivated in the story she created. She made me feel a complete range of different emotions. She made me love these complicated characters. This novel has many twists and turns, some that I didn’t expect, and will not make you want to let go of it.

I found that this was a great conclusion to Arthur and Cleo’s story. It answered many questions I had throughout this series and gave us perfect moments between the characters, and some great scenes full of passion, suspense and action. I enjoyed how there was a journal entry at the beginning of each chapter that made us slowly learn Arthur and Chloe’s relationship as the two of them grew up together.

I definitely recommend anyone who loves MC books to pick up this book. It’s a compelling read that will get you addicted!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt mishkoff
**5+ Stars**

****Gifted copy provided in exchange for an honest review****

Sin & Suffer is just as intense, dark, and at times steamy as Ruin & Rule. This time we get dual POVs as well as little snippets of their diaries from the past. And as if they haven't dealt with enough, they are once again separated with Arthur in the hospital with a concussion and Cloe missing. They are thrown into having to deal with their past again and again. Will they ever get away and start their future together? Or will the truth about what happened the night Cloe's parents died separate them forever??

This is my second book by Pepper Winters and she is the ultimate queen of dark romances. The twists and turns she throws at you, you never see coming. She leaves you on the edge of your seat the entire time. And she even knows how to break your heart one minute just to put it back together instantly. I look forward to reading more from Ms. Winters and having Cloe and Arthur forever remain in my heart as one of the strongest couples I have ever seen fight the ultimate battle for each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lech jankovski
I have been anxiously waiting for Sin and Suffer since the cliffhanger at the end of Ruin and Rule. I needed to know what happened to Cleo and Kill.

And I was not at all disappointed.

Pepper Winters drew me straight back into the dark world of Kill, Cleo and Pure Corruption.

After everything they had been through in Ruin and Rule, there was nothing worse that could happen to them.... right?

Sin and Suffer is a rollercoaster of a ride. I had already suffered along with them, felt their pain as they were ripped apart and found each other again , and didn't think I could take any more.

But secrets, betrayals murder and mayhem abound as their story continues. Just when you think you know where the story is going, Ms Winters spins you around and takes you in another direction.

Dark, deep and sexy, I enjoyed every single word of Sin and Suffer, and did not want to put it down once I started.

If you have read Ruin and Rule, you NEED to read this right away. If you haven't read it, then get to it now, you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanna g
Ever since Ruin & Rule, I have been anxiously awaiting for this book!! I would definitely advise reading Ruin & Rule first just so you are up to date on the characters and know what is happening. Kill & Cloe are great characters and this book just sucked me in from the very beginning. I felt like I was being pulled in two different directions, while still being whole. Kill & Cloe had very different opinions and views in this book, but at the same time they understood each other and I loved that. I loved how devoted they were to each other. Kill could melt the panties off of anyone with how that man would dirty talk to Cloe. I felt like Cloe really grew stronger in this book. Pepper Winters really knows how to write a book that grabs your attention and has you on the edge of your seat. This book had me so anxious to know what would happen next that I felt like I couldn't read fast enough. I love how deep the emotions were in this book with everything that was going on. This was a great conclusion to Kill & Cloe's story & I can't wait to see what Pepper Winters comes out with next!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paem xia
I revived this book for an honest review.

Ruin & Rule left off on a major cliffhanger, so I couldn't wait to read Sin & Suffer. This book was a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end, one that I didn't want to end!!

In Sin & Suffer we really get to watch Kill's and Cleo's relationship blossom since Cleo has her memory back. While trying to do this they have to deal with all the craziness around them. Kill wants revenge on his father for everything that he has done. Kill also wants to keep secrets to protect Cleo, but Cleo isn't having any of that. Cleo is such a strong woman, and I totally fell in love with her and Kill in this book even more than in Ruin and Rule.

This is one of those books that once you start it, you are not going to be able to put it down! You just have to know what's going to happen. One of my top favorite MC series! So will Kill and Cleo be able to keep their relationship strong with everything going on and will Kill be able to get revenge? Definitely have to read it to find out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
random frequent flyer
This book surprised me. I knew from the first book that this duology was not going to be your usual biker read, and I was so right! This book is full of surprises, twists and turns, passion and revenge.
This final installment picks up right from where the first book left us. When Kill realizes that Cleo is taken, he will do everything to get her back. His injuries will not help though and we have a fight against time itself.
Cleo is living in fear but at the same time she keeps her head up, knowing that Killian will come for her. Can they survive the ghosts of their pasts and dangers of their future?
I loved, loved how the author built their love story. I really liked that they had so much history and that we got to see glimpses of their shared past.
The writing, as always,is intricate and the plot is not predictable and obvious. This is why I love this author so much. If you want a unique MC read that will make your heart pound, then this is for you.
Do not miss this series!

****4.5 Stars****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wild ride!I loved everything in this story! It's emotional, intense, dark, hot and passionate. Pepper Winters delivers a fantastic love story with two broken characters. I love Pepper Winters writing but especially in this series her writing is so poetic.
Cleo and Arthur are incredible characters. I loved them with all my heart. They are both damaged and they have their issues but they also have each other. Even thought people want to tear them apart, they always find a way to be together. Cleo is tough and determined. She is perfect for Arthur!

“You are me. And I am you. We might have separate thoughts and minds, Buttercup, but we have the same heart and soul.”

The story has many twists to keep you fully invested in the story. Also there is action, suspense and some seriously hot moments. An amazing, dark MC book! I highly recommend it to everyone. If you're already Pepper Winter's fan, rest assured, you will not be disappointed!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ahh...finally the long awaited sequel to Ruin & Rule (does happy dance) that is mind-blowing good! Dare I say Sin & Suffer may (small gap between forefinger and thumb) be even better than its predecessor?! Well, I think so.

We pick up right where we left off as Winters takes the reader on a pulse-pounding journey as Chole has been taken and Kill is hell bent on revenge. Told in dual POV's it was like whiplash the first quarter of the story and by the end I was left breathless.

Winters is truly a brilliant writer and I will read anything she gives us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
narelle wenzel
Where do I even start?! Still a wreck days later, just as one usually is after finishing one of Pepper's books. All I kept thinking was.. "Where the hell does she come up with this!?" LOL This woman has such depth to her stories, her characters... you can't help but be truly wrapped up in each one as you read them. They are truly unique, every one, twists and backgrounds that will just blow your mind!?

We saw met Kill in Jethro's and Nila's stories then heard the start to his & Cleo's story in Ruin & Rule. Sin & Suffer is just one more to add to her incredible list of accomplishments... Kill's undying loyalty to Cleo, even after he thought she was gone... the connection they had to one another, the bits they took of one another, even when they didn't know why.. all just so beautiful. There is never a doubt with these two... I have no words... just simply amazing <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caryn daum
*ARC given for honest review*

All the secrets are out, or so we think. Kill and Cleo are finally together, but there are those who wants them apart. Kill is seeking vengeance for the ones who are responsible for hurting Cleo. Little by little Cleo realizes that Kill is still hiding some secrets. Can Cleo figure out what Kill is hiding or will she follow him into the darkness?

I enjoyed reading this book. Worth so much secrets I didn't know what to think. Twist and turns that I did not expect. Pure Curruption is more than just a MC. At times I wanted to yet at Kill and other times I wanted to hold him close. This is a different MC book and I truly enjoyed it. The only reason I did not give it 5 stars because I was left confused at the end. Did Kill become what he was working die or was it still a work in progress?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
There is too much repetition in this two book series. Killian is over the top 60% of the time. Obsession does that to people. I found myself wishing there was some semblance of mystery to the sex scenes. By the fifth incidence of he does X and she does Y--- I was seriously bored. This isn't Pepper's finest hour.
Please RateSin & Suffer (Pure Corruption)
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