Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World

ByDavid Jeremiah

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica houde
Dr. David Jeremiah delivers a message of hope in his newest book "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World"--a follow-up to his best-selling book "What in the World is Going On?" Directed toward the Christian community, Dr. Jeremiah offers ways that Christians can live for Christ in a secular world which is pitted against Christianity. Specifically, Dr. Jeremiah presents 10 ways Christians can face the tumultuous world. He instructs us to:

Stay Calm--that no matter what happens around us, we worship the one, true God Who can calm any storm.
Stay Compassionate--don't hate or despise those who don't understand the truth; pray for them instead that their blinders would come off and that they would see the truth.
Stay Constructive--regardless of the ways of this world, focus on work you can do for the Kingdom--the only work that truly counts!
Stay Challenged--live an exceptional life that challenges you and initiates growth in your walk with Christ.
Stay Connected--foster relationships with others in your church to revive your mission on Earth as a Christian.
Stay Centered--Keep Christ at the center of your life to know that you are walking the correct path.
Stay Confident--We know Who wins in the end!! This offers us hope in a fallen world.
Stay Consistent--Don't compromise your Christian values in the face of a secular world--cling to your foundation in Jesus Christ!
Stay Committed--Hold tight to strong convictions and be a person of integrity in your Christian walk as you wait for Christ's return.
Stay Convinced--Be ready for the return of Christ; live life with urgency.

"Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" is written in an easy-to-read, conversational tone that any Christian can understand. The message is clear: keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and His return and live for Him!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan slavuter
In a season on constant turmoil politically, financially, relationally, and even spiritually, many are asking significant questions. Utilizing sound Scriptural support, Dr. David Jeremiah provides ten clear steps for follows of Christ to embrace during these days.

1. Stay Calm
2. Stay Compassionate
3. Stay Constructive
3. Stay Challenged
4. Stay Connected
5. Stay Centered
6. Stay Confident
7. Stay Consistent
8. Stay Committed
9. Stay Convinced

The hope of this book is rooted in the reality that all things are working toward a climax - the return of Christ. The church must not panic during these days but respond with Christ's message of hope.

"Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" was an interesting read. I was encouraged by the rich connection with each of the author's main points and Scripture. I found the use of illustrations powerful. They were appropriate, engaging, and most importantly, most of the illustrations were from recent headlines.

This book was inspirational and serves as a great reminder of the role of the church in our culture. The challenge is rooted in applying these principles to life. It's one thing to write about them but another thing entirely to live them.

My only negative critique of the book centers around my struggle to remain attentive throughout each chapter. Dr. Jeremiah is an excellent writer and preacher, I felt like each chapter was written more like a sermon manuscript. This is a great structure to utilize when writing, however, there were parts that struggled to keep my attention.

I give "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" four out of five stars. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who desires to be used by God in the midst of a chaotic culture. I am even considering utilizing the small-group material that accompanies this book in our church.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexandra lund
David Jeremiah's newest book, 'Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World' was encouraging to me before it was anything else. And while I don't always read books that deal with End Times' issues, his book is very timely. He stresses where Christians should find their strength, and puts emphasis on the fact that believers don't need to be side-tracked by the media, but have their focus on the Lord and His Word. And while that sounds easy enough, it's clear that Jeremiah realizes that those who follow Christ will falter just like everyone else.

His advice to other Christians is to stand strong and not give up. And that even though life might prove exceedingly difficult, we haven't been forgotten. That in itself bears repeating, since chaos does seem to be the norm in the world, even though the Lord never changes.

The bottom line? We should continue to be about out Father's business no matter what our circumstances.

I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program and more information can be found at their website.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World will really get one to begin thinking about "what is really important" in today's chaotic world. Dr. Jeremiah points to scripture, Gods word to help us curb our anxiety, panic attacks, depression and despair we all feel in this bad economy and the chaos we see on a day to day basis. He shows us through scripture that we can be calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed and convinced that as this world is fading, God's word hold true.

We see it all around us, the decayed morals, integrity, honesty, respect and purity of this world. We ask "What has happened, what is this world coming to?" Dr. Jeremiah sys we need to get back into God's word if we are to survive the world we know today. I totally agree with him; this world is LOST! We must dive into God's word and begin living as He has commanded us how to live. Time is short, our world is just like the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, not becoming like but is as Sodom and Gomorrah before God destroyed it. I will say it again, I whole heartedly agree with Dr. David Jeremiah in his assessment of the world today and his solution on how we can cope in this fading world.

I found that this book is a very easy and understandable read. He has written it to be thought provoking, challenging and encouraging. I highly recommend everyone to read and apply this to your life as I have.


I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion from Thomas Nelson Company.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In today's world everyone has been affected in one way or another by stress. Whether losing a job, or not having enough money to pay bills, or watching in horror as another terrorist attack is portrayed on the television, everyone must choose how they deal with this stress. In Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World, Dr. David Jeremiah shows his readers the biblical way to handle the stress of living in today's world.

I have to be honest in the fact that this is the first book by Dr. Jeremiah that I have read but it will not be the last. I found this book to be full of practical, truthful advice on how to deal with the pressures of the world we live in with the main truth presented being grounded and centered in Jesus Christ. This is a book that is well researched and timely and will present the reader with many opportunities to take notes in the margin. Be warned, you will want to have a pen and a highlighter or two out as you read this book.

In this book the reader is challenged to stay compassionate, constructive, centered, and confident; living life with the guidance of God's Word. This is a book that I will read again, and this time, I will have the highlighters and pen out to take notes. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has issues dealing with stress in today's world.

Please note that Thomas Nelson Publishing has provided me a complimentary copy of this book for my review; however, the opinions are my own. I have not been required to publish a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali m
Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah
A must to read!!! A book that is well-written and easy to understand. Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah, a New York Times best-selling author, takes us through a journey on how we can cope with the many problems we face while living in this "chaotic" world. Dr. Jeremiah states that today we live in a world that has torn down integrity, purity, honesty, respect, national pride, ideals, dreams, our sense of shame, and national pride. He states that the way to cope with these problems is to study GOD's Word and do what GOD tells us to do in HIS Word. He states that if we study GOD'S Word and do what GOD'S Word tell us to do, we will develop faith, confidence, patience, love, and diligence, all of which will make it possible for us to overcome the problems of today's world. This book is very inspirational for it motivates one to take the action it prescribes.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book is a helpful reminder, but I must confess that the title had me fooled. I thought I was going to get some "new revelation" for dealing with specifics in our era. Not so. In /Living With Confidence/ Dr. Jeremiah gives us a timely reminder to live according to the timeless principles in God's Word regardless of the chaos around us. He offers us ten ways we can not only survive, but thrive, in today's chaotic world. He builds each principle on Scripture passages and illustrates it with interesting contemporary stories. His purpose is to reassure us that, even in the worst of times, we have the unlimited resources of Christ, in whom we can do all things.

According to Dr. Jeremiah, in good times or in bad following these ten principles will make our lives richer, more purposeful and more pleasing to God. The book smoothly moves from chapter to chapter to present a cohesive reminder to build our lives on a solid Scriptural foundation. Dr. Jeremiah's message in this book is one of hope in Christ our Savior who will someday return to earth for us, and of our hope in God's promises in His Word.

I needed to hear that message. Like many other Christians I've been focused on the problems whirling around us like a massive hurricane. Dr. Jeremiah's reminder to look to the Savior, and look to the Book, brought me back to a point of hopefulness instead of hopelessness.

Are you slipping into despair at conditions that surround us? The powerful reminders in /Living With Confidence/ may be just the life-line you need to regain your footing in our world of shifting sands.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candy kiss
"Confidence can be hard to come by these days. People are losing their jobs, their houses, and their life savings at an unprecedented rate. Violence, natural disasters, and moral depravity seem to be skyrocketing. In the midst of all this chaos, we need to know...what on earth should we do know?

Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, a follow up to his previous work, What in the World is Going On?, picks up where the previous one left off and delivers some insightful help to the reader for their daily living.

If you are a fan of Dr. Jeremiah's works, you will not be disappointed with his newest book. It has the same style and delivery that has help countless numbers of people before. I found his chapter on "Stay Compassionate" to be especially relevant for our times. When so many Christians are struggling, our natural reaction is to do less, when we really need to be doing more.

Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World is a helpful book for any Christian that is an enjoyable and easy read.

I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson book review bloggers program.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We live in an uncertain age. Even Christians are getting discouraged and fearful. It's hard to keep the eyes and heart focused on the sovereignty of God when what we see seems confused, unpredictable and worrisome. Dr. David Jeremiah answers the question, "What on earth should we do now?" in his book, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. He reminds the reader of ten decisions, which include staying calm, consturctive, compassionate, and connected. His book is one of encouragement and reminders that our hope lies in God, not our circumstances. He challenges us to bring light and hope to a world of selfishness, anxiety, and misdirection.

One of my favorite illustrations was that of a GPS and Dr. Jeremiah's use of OnStar one day. Driving in unfamiliar territory, he was able to feel confidence in getting to his destination because of the step by step direction he was receiving from something that had the bigger picture. That can be true of us. We don't have to see the future...we know Who holds it. If we focus on God and listen for His guidance step by step, we can approach the future with confidence even if living in chaos. And, we may very well be part of the healing touch people desparately need, if we allow ourselves to be used by God to minister.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hahlee ann
Disclosure: I am reviewing this book as a part of the book review program.

The economy is in a mess. People are losing their jobs, homes, and life savings. Violence is on the rise. Natural disasters seem to be stronger and faster. Morality is down. Dr. David Jeremiah aims to address how we should live in such troubling times.

While he does a fantastic job of pointing to specific verses from the Bible on how we can "weather this storm with a calm heart," I often got the feeling that he was trying to scare the readers into thinking that the Apocalypse was upon us. Two examples:

Just before Jesus Christ returns to earth, keeping the promise He made to His disciples, this troubling time will finally arrive. And, my friends, it's quite possible that we have entered the early stages of those events.

And while writing about meteorological warfare:

The last book of the Bible indicates that catastrophic disruptions in earth's meteorological patterns will wreak havoc on the world during the Great Tribulation.

Maybe he's right. Maybe Christ is about to return, but I couldn't get past the idea that Dr. Jeremiah is just using scare tactics to sell a book. That said, he makes some very good points and gives Biblical examples about how we should live, regardless of whether the Apocalypse is upon us or not.

Maybe I'm being oversensitive about the "Christ is about to return" message. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I just don't think that Dr. Jeremiah has the authority to predict when Christ is returning. I do recommend reading this book for the overall message, though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lost soul
Dr. David Jeremiah's book, Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World is his follow up to What in the World is Going On? It is a good read and stresses the diligence a Christian must live their life out with. The principals he presents should carry us in both good times and bad. He breaks these down into the "Ten C's". I commend him for that as it simplifies to some degree the overall tone of this book. He uses scriptural references on occasion to make his point, and they are points to be well taken. His writing is easy to read, easy to understand and easy to comprehend. I like and trust David Jeremiah as a leader in the church world and in this book he is speaking to you, not at you. The main thrust of his book serves as either a reminder or a wake -up call, depending on where one is in their walk. There is nothing in this book that would cause me to run out and tell everyone I know to buy it, yet I would recommend it for general reading, in particular if you are struggling with what is going on the world around us today. I much preferred the first book.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for a fair review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jodi lipper
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah is a book that gives you ways to feel more at peace with the world. He uses the 10 C's stay clam, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed and convinced. For each point Jeremiah uses examples to help his audience apply the technique.

I wanted to read this book because I tend to overact to what is going on in the world, but after reading the first couple chapters I felt more anxious about current events. The book was helpful, but too long and drawn out. I think he should have combined some of the chapters. It was not the type of book that you could read cover to cover in one sitting. It was a little too boring for that. Overall, I did learn a lot from the book, but it wasn't my favorite read.

I was given this book to review for Booksneeze.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Dr. Jeremiah's previous book, "What in the World is Going On", and his follow-up is just as well crafted and easy to read. Plus, it brings the focus back to God and what He's doing rather than what is going on around us.

Dr. Jeremiah writes about waiting on the Lord, something I have a very hard time doing. I find myself in a season of 'all I can do is wait' and it is not comfortable, but necessary.

He also discusses the things Jesus had to say about the world we live in...things said over 2,000 years ago that apply clearly to today. Through these words, we are encouraged to do several things:

Stay Calm, Stay Compassionate, Stay Constructive (this needs to echo through our government and our media!), Stay Challenged, Stay Connected (unfortunately, the church seems to be fragmenting--a good chapter for church leadership)...

...Stay Centered, Stay Confident, and Stay Consistent. We can't sway with popular opinion or political correctness. If ONE more person accuses me of being a racist because I disagree with White House politics...

...whoops! Forgot to stay calm and compassionate! See how needed this book is to the church of today? I highly recommend "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" to you.

As one who is banned from watching the news in my house:-), this is a timely book for me. Trust me, you can know how things are going to turn out, and yet get distracted by the world's events to the point of panic if you don't stay grounded in Christ and His Word.

Something else I love--Dr. Jeremiah doesn't sugar coat anything--he's a straight talker who knows his Bible and knows how to teach us to apply it to daily living. I'm giving this one five out of five bookmarks, with a lantern as a keychain...

..."Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". Remember this.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah is a book that gives you ways to feel more at peace with the world. He uses the 10 C's stay clam, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed and convinced. For each point Jeremiah uses examples to help his audience apply the technique.

I wanted to read this book because I tend to overact to what is going on in the world, but after reading the first couple chapters I felt more anxious about current events. The book was helpful, but too long and drawn out. I think he should have combined some of the chapters. It was not the type of book that you could read cover to cover in one sitting. It was a little too boring for that. Overall, I did learn a lot from the book, but it wasn't my favorite read.

I was given this book to review for Booksneeze.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. David Jeremiah is the Senior Pastor at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California and also has a popular Christian television and radio show called Turning Point which I have listened to for many years. In this book, Dr. Jeremiah gives us ten practical strategies for living with confidence in a chaotic world until Christ returns for His church. The strategies are based on the power and love of Almighty God to bring us peace no matter what our circumstances are.

How are we to react in turbulent times?

We are to stay calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed, and convinced. Dr. Jeremiah goes in depth to explain each one of these action points. The book closes with a call to action for evangelism. Get out into this chaotic world we live in and be a light in the darkness - share your faith in Christ and let people know that there is hope for the present and future in Jesus Christ. I found the book to be a real encouragement and a reminder to keep looking up for the return of Christ. Live every day expecting that this might be the day of His return.
I highly recommend this book for those who are seeking encouragement from the Word of God for the troubled times we are living in. I think this book will calm your fears.Living with Confidence in a Chaotic WorldLiving with Confidence in a Chaotic World
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua phillips
Dr. David Jeremiah is one of the best speakers and authors in the evangelical world. Through rightly dividing the Word of Truth, his messages and books help to steer the church in the right direction. , Dr. Jeremiah follows up on his book, "What on Earth Should we Do Now?"with Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. Dr. Jeremiah does what many sermons and books have not, and that is both recognizing the quickly changing world in which we live, and reminding his readers that this comes as no surprise to God.

In ten chapters, Dr. Jeremiah tells Christians what their response should be to these changing times and how to live with confidence in this chaotic world. The book starts out by showing how to know the signs of change. If you didn't think the world was chaotic before picking up the book, the reader will certainly be freaked after reading the introduction. The response is to:
1. Stay Calm (In the face of chaos, God in in control)
2. Stay Compassionate (to other people, be Jesus to them for you're the only Jesus they may every see)
3. Stay Constructive (Continue to do the work God has called you to, don't give in to despair and do nothing)
4. Stay Challenged (and diligent so that you can have the life God wants you to have)
5. Stay Connected (To God's Body, the church)
6. Stay Centered (On Christ, be single minded to follow Him)
7. Stay Confident (That God is in control)
8. Stay Consistent (and don't be tossed around by every wave of doctrine)
9. Stay Committed (to your family, friends, and God)
10 Stay Convinced (of your faith)

All in all, Dr. Jeremiah speaks on very timely subjects with vivid illustrations and stories to help the reader to remember his points.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was very interested in reading Dr David Jeremiah's work as I had heard plenty of good things about him. I was kind of disappointed in this book in the end. If it had been a book of inspirational stories, it would have been fantastic and would have been a job well done. He had so many inspirational stories in it that it made it feel like it was an anthology of inspirational stories and nothing more.

The book was ok, and it raised some good points. However, I'm a deep and meaningful kind of person, and I felt that all the stuff he was saying was just scratching the surface, and was something that a person with common sense already knows. I was hoping for a book that would make me think, not a book that would make me yawn. It was a tough book to get into simply because it lacked the substance I expected.

I know the end times are real, and books about it are as valid as any other book, but I look for something, fresh, new, deep and meaningful. Otherwise, like this book, it is not worth the time it took to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy swords
First I'd like to thank Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing this book for me to review. I would never have read or even heard about this book otherwise.

When dealing with all of the stressors in today's society it's easy to stray in your walk with God. This book gives great ways to remain confident and ties them into scripture in a meaningful way. The chapters include:
Stay Calm
Stay Compassionate
Stay Constructive
Stay Challenged
Stay Connected
Stay Centered
Stay Confident
Stay Consistent
Stay Committed
Stay Convinced

In each chapter the author talks about an area where many people find chaos and then proceeds to tell the reader how to go about surmounting each stress related area. There is humour sprinkled throughout some chapters and the stories/examples the author uses are engaging. I found this to be an easy read and very applicable to today's high stress environment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
antoinette maria
What another fantastic book for our day and age that we are going through right now; the world is definitely a little chaotic right now. Since reading Fearless by Max Lucado, I was equally interested in reading this book by Dr. David Jeremiah when I found it. Part of me wanted to see how the books were similar or different, but knowing how centered on Christ Dr. Jeremiah is as a person I really wanted to see how he would relate the times that we're going through ground in the Word of God. I believe he hit the mark with the verse on the back cover; "Let not your heart be troubled..." (John 14.1)

Reading through the book, I was drawn to chapter seven which is titled "Stay Confident." I believe the subject of this chapter is the main point of the book and not just because of the words confident in the chapter heading and confidence in the title of the book. I believe it is the main point because the subject of this chapter is the Word of God. This book is full of scripture passages to back up what Dr. Jeremiah is saying, but there were a couple points in this chapter that really grabbed a hold of me and made me think this is how we live with confidence. Dr. Jeremiah tells us this, "I assure you that the most remarkable and powerful words of comfort and encouragement you'll ever encounter are all in the Bible," and "the Bible is the key to living with confidence in a chaotic world." If we abide in His Word, I believe these patterns for living will come true, centered in Christ, committed to the Word, compassionate toward others, connected to the church, consistent in your walk, calm in your heart, certain of His coming, and confident in your faith. Not only are these great for living in the chaotic world we live in as a whole, but also in our own personal lives. We may not all be going through the loss of jobs or houses, total destruction because of natural disasters, but that doesn't mean our lives are not chaotic. Even in the smaller chaotic times, we must not forget the Word of God and let God work in and through us to help us live with confidence.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan oleksiw
The world is spinning into chaos with the economic downturn, the housing crisis, businesses closing and God being put out to pasture. Dr. David Jeremiah, using 10 chapters, gives us a strategy on how to live confidently in the midst of it all.

There is absolutely no reason for Christians to fear this chaotic time, because we serve a God who has given us hope and a promise to rescue us before it gets really bad.
In the end though if you are anchored to God, no crisis or chaos will force you to jump ship and drown.

Dr. Jeremiah has yet to write a book that I haven't liked. He uses intriguing stories, clear exposition and practical application to hold the reader's attention from the first word to the last. And this book is no different.

In this book, he didn't lose his way from the main message. Every chapter built on the one before it, but at the same time you could have read them separately.

He challenged me constantly throughout with an illustration of the times and the Bible passage that addressed the need. He called for courage and encouraged that it can be, because of the illustrations of those in "closed" countries living for God.

This book is highly recommended, because it's an honest look at our world with the help of Scripture to live confidently in a chaotic world.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] <[...]> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <[...]> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
true weber
SUMMARY: A troubled stock market; a decimated housing industry; a paralyzed job market; world catastrophes - natural and manmade. All of these, and then some, are issues pounding the life out of people worldwide, not just in America. However, there is hope in Jesus Christ. Not the kind of fleeting hope that says, "I hope so!" Instead, it is the kind of hope that promises future and redemption. Dr. Jeremiah uses a plethora of biblical passages and principles to encourage believers that our hope absolutely must lie in none other than Jesus Christ if we are going to have any hope at all.

In ten chapters (235 pages), Dr. Jeremiah expounds upon Christ's message of hope in a repeated C theme: Stay Calm, Stay Compassionate, Stay Constructive, Stay Challenged, Stay Connected, Stay Centered, Stay Confident, Stay Consistent, Stay Committed, Stay Convinced.

LIKES: I liked the vast biblical references and true-to-life stories Dr. Jeremiah utilized to proclaim Christ's message of hope. Dr. Jeremiah is firmly grounded on the foundation of the gospel, and does not shy away from proclaiming the truth of - and our need for - the gospel of God. This book has the potential to be a good evangelistic gift for friends or family who have experienced significant turmoil and are in need of hope. He presents practical advice on how the reader can implement change in personal spiritual practices that would impact his/her outlook on life. And for those who are not committed to Jesus Christ, Dr. Jeremiah presents the simple plan of salvation in the "afterword" section.

DISLIKES: The book is almost too simplistic and formulaic. "Let's see, how can we come up with cute, creative ways to encourage people with words and themes that start with the letter C?" The book has the feeling of one suggested by the publisher in order to sequel his previous hit, "What In The World Is Going On?". Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised to see yet another sequel hit the shelves in a couple years.

Finally, I must add that I liked the book much more than I disliked it. I don't think any reader would be disappointed in the investment. I give it 3 ½ stars out of 5.

I am a book review blogger for Thomas Nelson publishing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex birchard
David Jeremiah writes this book to encourage and inspire us all in a very difficult time in our nations and our worlds history. Although what we are not experiencing the likes of World Wars I and II and the great depression of its time, we are being tried on all sides as never before in our recent time.

Many in the USA, and the world over, are suffering mostly from financial setbacks, the most difficult of all since the great depression. Although we have heard about messages of hope recently, so many yet live in fear. Fear of the end of the world, fear of homelessness, war, disease, you name it.

The author focuses his energy on ten things Christians can do to sustain themselves during difficult times. He reaches into scripture, history, current events and talks about the lives of some past and present. David Jeremiah writes to encourage people to have confidence and how to get so consistently through the most difficult of circumstances. You could almost sum up one of his chapters: Chapter 9: Stay Committed with a quote he uses from Martha Washington. She mentioned that in tough times, it is our outlook more than our circumstances that determine how we are.

He writes in a very patient and loving manner. I was impressed that he is not judgemental towards the unbeliever or those who believe different than he.

Although this is written more to the believer, a non-believer looking for answers may be able to compare and contrast what he says with other forms of encouragement.

David Jeremiah breaks down his book in ten chapters and an introduction and a final statement. The introduction, 'Know the Signs' is more like a sign of the times, as well as the signs that you need help.

Then he goes into ten chapters of "Cs". Staying: Calm, Compassionate, Constructive, Challenged, Connected, Centered, Confident, Consistent, Committed and Convinced. I liked particularly the connected part. Especially, we may be connected on Web 2.0 with others with a steady stream of information, but, the real connection comes in our intimacy with others especially others in our families and fellowships.

If you are a Christian struggling with the times we live in or even just dealing with trials. David Jeremiah's book is an encouraging piece to guide you to Live With Confidence is a Chaotic World.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mark arnold
Thomas Nelson Publishing provided me free copies of the book listed below in order for my honest review of the book at [...]
The opinions expressed in the review are mine and mine alone. I was not required to write a positive review on any of the book titles.

"Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" by Dr. David Jeremiah is a sequel to his book "What in the World is Going On?" that I had previously read. In this book, Dr. Jeremiah takes an in-depth look at the key prophetic signs and issues pertinent to today's times. While his first book explained in great detail the prophecy as outlined in the Bible and how it relates to what we are seeing today, this sequel provides insight for Christians as to how we can use our faith to get through these tough times.

Dr. Jeremiah covers many topics within this book that are essential for each and every Christian to know with an ever-chaning world full of prophetic signs and turmoil. The author effectively uses Biblical scripture and facts to support God's message to His church. Though the book was effectively written, I did not like this particular book as well as his first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm not very fond of watching most "Christian" TV preachers. There are just a few that I enjoy hearing their teaching and David Jeremiah's Turning Point is one of them. So I was delighted to review his latest book which is a stand alone "follow-up" to his book What In the World is Going On?.

In the first book, he talked about ten prophetic events which are happening in the world today. In this book, Dr. Jeremiah gives wise scriptural advice about how to not only survive in this world but to be salt and light to a confused generation.

As usual, the chapter headings give an indication as to what one can expect... they are:

Stay Calm
Stay Compassionate
Stay Constructive
Stay Challenged
Stay Connected
Stay Centered
Stay Confident
Stay Consistent
Stay Committed
Stay Convinced

Each chapter is a combination of scriptural teaching, interesting comments on recent events, quotes from various experts, and fascinating statistics (I found myself often thinking "I didn't know that!").

One of the things I love about Dr. Jeremiah's writing is how he brings his own reading to the party. I particularly enjoyed the quotes from familiar authors which applied to the context of each chapter.

One of the stories I thought interesting was from the chapter called Stay Consistent. It begins with the story that has been in the news of the pastor and his wife in San Diego who were investigated for having a religious meeting in their home.

It turns out to be in a neighborhood close to where Pastor Jeremiah lives and a wake up call to his church, which has more than two hundred small group Bible studies (the same type of meetings as the above pastor was being "investigated" for hosting in his home).

There is so much in this book that is interesting. I'll keep it on my shelf to come back to and peruse quite often.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patience blythe
I recently had the privilege of reading Dr. David Jeremiah's "Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World". It kept my interest from the very beginning.

Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of dealing with life's current situations. Dr. Jeremiah reminds us to Stay Calm, Compassionate, Constructive, Challenged, Connected, Centered, Confident, Consistent, Committed, and Convinced.

For each attribute we are to display, he provides very interesting true stories and little known facts, as well as solid Scripture to back up and cement it all.

My favorite part of the book came toward the end when he began to empasize that we are to be ready. He pointed out that we do not know the exact time- day, month, or year the Lord is coming but we do know that we are in or are very close to the season of our Lord's coming. He told an interesting story where one man say that he 'stays ready to keep from getting ready'. That really touched something within me.

Basically, what I got out of the book was to keep our eyes on Jesus. He truly does have everything under control. When trouble comes along it is such a temptation to focus on the situation, and that is when we start to feel helplessly lost and hopeless. When you focus on the Word of God and on growing as a Christian, then you are able to gain the correct perspective once more. Dr. Jeremiah reminds us of all of this in such an eloquent way.

I highly recommend this book. I am confident that you will close this book feeling renewed and having greater confidence in Our Lord and Savior.


★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
There is no doubt that there are major world crisis going on and many people are on edge about each decision they make. Dr. David Jeremiah gives ten Biblical suggestions on how to ride out the present state of affairs with his book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. These ten steps, or pieces of advice, are helpful even when the world isn't on the brink of financial disaster.
I really enjoyed the anecdotes that illustrated Jeremiah's points, but for the most part I found that the book was very repetitive. By the 6th and 7th pieces of instruction were becoming too similar and I lost interest in reading the book. While a certain amount of recurrence is expected and acceptable, I felt as though Jeremiah recycled many of his ideas and stretched them to make a desired book length.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenny mitchell
David Jeremiah, author of What in the World is Going On is back with a second book. Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World is written as a follow up. In the first metioned title he addressed 10 scriputual propechies of the end times. Now he writes from the tone of the opening of the Lord of the Rings "the world has changed, that which once was is no more..." so now what...

This book is written in a very readable manner which brings these thoughts all down to earth. We do live in a chaotic time. How many people do you know who are worried? Struggling with their finances? Lost their jobs? Worried about where the money for food will come? Will we lose our house? You name it. This books simple chapter titles look to the WORD and the promises we are told in scripture.

These chapters are: Stay Calm, Stay Compassionate (my favorite!), Stay Constructive, Stay Challenged, Stay Connected, Stay Centered, Stay Confident, Stay consistent, Stay Committed, and Stay Convinced.

This book has been a very good read. Not a fun one but a light to help you through a tough time. It is the truth you need to hear that helps you through the difficulties!

SO if you have thought or heard someone asking these questions:
How can we weather this storm with a calm heart?
What does it truly mean to "wait on the Lord"
What is Jesus saying to our chaotic world today?
How on earth did we get in this mess?
Then you need to read this book!

Scripture is always the key and this book uses just that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deb cosbey
Following on from his best selling 'What in the World is going On?', Dr. David Jeremiah seeks to show us in his latest book 'Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World' how we can confidently survive these most troubled of times.

Job losses. House foreclosures. Credit crunch. Financial meltdown. Recession. All of us have either been directly affected by one or more of these, or know somebody who has. What are we to do now?

Dr. Jeremiah suggests a practical ten point survival strategy. Stay calm. Stay compassionate. Stay constructive. Stay challenged. Stay connected. Stay centered. Stay confident. Stay consistent. Stay committed. Stay convinced.

A chapter is allocated to each of these strategies with anecdotes and scriptural quotes reinforcing his teaching. Of these ten chapters my favorite is chapter eight 'Stay Consistent' where the author defines consistency as 'the act of living true to what you believe regardless of the cost'. He says that one of the biblical essentials for getting through times like these is to live a life of solid consistency - to be one person through and through, to be an example of tough-minded integrity that does not throw out the game plan just because things have gotten tougher.

Of all the many Bible verses used through the book, perhaps the one quoting the words of Christ to his disciples in the upper room "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27) is the one we all need to take to heart.

I found 'Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World' to be an easy read and a book that was hard to put down. If you are a Christian seeking reassurance that everything is going to work out OK this book will certainly help to assure you.

Disclosure: as a Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger I was provided with a free copy of this book for me to review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chris morgan
As a book reviewer for Thomas Nelson, I have been reading Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah. I was looking forward to this book because I have listened to several of Dr. Jeremiah's messages on the internet.

Dr. David Jeremiah is the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church. He is the author of several best-selling books and his popular syndicated Bible-teaching program, Turning Point.

Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World is a follow up to What in the World is Going On. A book where Dr. Jeremiah discussed ten prophetic clues being witnessed by our generation. This book takes the same verses of scripture, pointing us toward godly habits which will help us live a life of hope in uncertain times.

While I found the book to have solid descriptions of the way we as Christians should be living, I didn't necessarily find the connection Dr. Jeremiah was trying to make. I didn't read the first book so perhaps this is why. Each of the sections discussed how we all as Christians should be living, but somehow I felt perhaps it was all a little cookie cutter.

I'm certainly not going to say don't read the book, because it does have solid teaching on Christian living. However, I think this is a book that's kind of "been there, done that" and I was expecting a little more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melinda parker
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah
Published by Thomas Nelson

Do we live in a Chaotic world? Every day the news gets worse.
Major industries are laying off emplyees by the thousands. Manufacturing
plants are closing.
People who bought houses are defaulting on their mortgauges. Each week 7000 people loose their unemployment benefits and find themselves without work and without money to pay their bills and buy their groceries.
These are people, many of whom, have worked hard all their lives and planned to retire only to find their retirement savings disappear literally overnight.
The jobs they trusted in to bring them into retirement just diappeared in the wake of the Global Recession.
Banks have gotten their bailout money, but are reluctant to issue loans to businesses.
Terrorism is uppermost on everyone's mind after 9/11. Two wars have been fought for years with no tangible results.
The threat of terrorism is still a worldwide concern.
Where is God in all of this?
With plentiful illustrations and skill Dr. Jeremiah tells us how to be Confident in a Chaotic world. He takes the age old truths of
God's Word and applies them with skill to the situations we are facing in the world and particualy in America today.
As I read this book I asked myself, "What are you trusting in?" The Govenment, the Military, the Economy, my bank account, my job?
The answer is that all these things can and will fail. And with that failure my Trust and security fail with them.
Or am I trusting in the Eternal God who has all things under control?
The Eternal God who gave His only Son Jesus Christ to a lost and dying and indeed
Chaotic world?
God is Eternal. He has no beginning and He has no end. God has given us tremendous promises through His Written Word and through His Living Word - Jesus Christ.
God has given us His own Holy Spirit to live and dwell within us and to teach us all things.
How can we have Confidence in a Chaotic world? By trusting in the Living God and the Living Christ.
Using a Series of 10 words that begin with the letter "C" Dr. Jeremiah shows us from both the pages of today's headlines and from God's Eternal Word how to Stay Calm, Compassionate, Constructive, Challenged, Connected, Centered, Confident,Consistant,Committed and Convinced.
The main theme of this book is the same theme that has resounded for over 2000 years -
Trust in the Lord. Only in the Lord. Only in His Word. The Christian can have peace when the world around him is in Chaos. How?
Because God in still in control although Atheists are getting bold in their message that God does not exist - putting slogans on busses and billboards.
Jesus promised that He is going to prepair a place for us. In His Father's house are many mansions (or rooms as some new translations put it). And Jesus promises that if He goes to prepair a place for us - He will come back to take us to Himself.
The promise of the Return of Jesus Christ to the earth is closer today than it was yesterday.
Dr. Jeremiah asks the question - are you ready for Jesus to come back? What will you be doing when He returns.
We know that no man knows the day or the hour , so we are to be ready, and we are to be busy about the Lord's work. So that when Jesus comes back He will
find us working.
By applying the truths of God's Word to ourselves. We can be Confident in a world of Chaos. We can be busy doing the Lord's Work when Jesus returns.
Dr. Jeremiah brings up the question of what the Church is doing? Is it asleep?
How can God's People help the hurting and homeless and destitute today?
Dr. Jeremiah speaks about a few men who had all the wealth this world has to offer. They were not hurting for money or family or fame or anything that people work so hard to obtain in this world - but it was not enough and they died either by disease or by suicide.
We hear of fathers killing their families today because they lost their jobs or lost their savings. money was their god and money failed them!
What are you trusting in today? Is is total surrender to the Creator of the Universe and His Son Jesus Christ , or is it an idol this world has produced?
We are so smart in America. We don't bow down to stone or wood or silver or gold idols.
We bow down to Corporations and Financial Institutions. We bow down to government leaders. They are our saviours. But
they have all failed. Our confidence in them has been destroyed. We bow down to the technology that we have created. That technology will fail.
Everthing not of God will fail. God Himself is our Confidence in a Chaotic world.
Jesus with His promise to return is our assurance than this world will be judged and wrongs will be righted.
And only God's Word - the Bible holds the truths that we can claim and live and receive Confidence from.
The power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most awesome power ever given to mankind. It can turn a Palastinian killer into a man who loves Jews. It can transform ordinary men and women into loving, caring, giving people who know the
formula for JOY - Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.
This is how we can be confident in a chaotic world.
I recommend you read Dr. Jeremiah's book. It contains the truth of God's Word applied to the modern world. The book is a signpost that points you in the right direction for Peace, Safety and Security even when everything around you
is failing and everyone around you turns against you.
The world will continue in its state of Chaos until Jesus returns.
In the mean time Christians can keep spreading he Gospel to a lost and dying and chaotic world.
Christians are called to be the Lights and the Salt.
Let the light of Christ shine through you and keep the meat of the world from rotting by your saltiness in Christ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah shows a new approach of living your life today in this world that we all share. He shares a lot of current issues and facts combined with instruction and direction on living confidently through God, with God in the turmoil of this world. Chapters include everything from how to "Stay Calm" and "Stay Connected" to how to "Stay Confident" and "Stay Committed". He challenges us as to what part we have, how to stay in God's plan, and how to be at peace in this age.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Are you concerned with the news headlines? Worried about day to day living? Do you ever question how to get through? In the book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, Dr. David Jeremiah uses scripture and real life stories to help us understand what we as believers in Christ are to do.
This is not a book I normally wouldn't read, but when I seen it on the list on Thomas Nelson for review I decided to give it a shot. I have to say at first it was hard for me to read. Its well written and laid out, but like I previously stated not my normal read. I will say once I really sat down and read it, I was overall pleased.
The message is positive and very inspirational. The use of real life stories and scripture is comforting and a great reminder in hard times. It will challenge and help guide you.
I do recommend this book if you are looking for a inspirational and encouraging read. Its a good reminder of how we should be living and where our focus should lie as these times we live in become more and more uncertain. I think this is good for any believer to read and be encourage by.

A member of Thomas Nelson's Book Review Blogger program.
*I received a complementary copy of this book for the purpose of reviewing. *
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel boyum
In Dr. David Jeremiah's non-fiction book entitled Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, he identifies ten practical steps which every person should apply, in the face of life's storms. Dr. Jeremiah provides sound Biblical evidences (although topical), anecdotes, and true short story accounts to effectively convey his message to the reader. He uses illustrations from secular sources as well as Biblical, tying together his point. Also, utilizing the examples of the New Testament, within each step, Dr. Jeremiah unpacks the Scriptures in a layman's way of understanding. While the world seems to be deteriorating globally: war, famine, earthquakes, politics, economics, disease, Godlessness, etc., Dr. Jeremiah teaches what is necessary to stay foundationally centered in Christ, while patiently awaiting His return.

Dr. Jeremiah's edifying writing style is relaxed and `voice recognized;' meaning, if you have heard him preach, he almost speaks to you through the pages, in his melodious tone. I found this helpful, since he is giving explanations of "Living in a Chaotic World." However, even if you have never heard Dr. Jeremiah, his written examples, expressions, and exercises are comprehendible.

Sometimes, Dr. Jeremiah's pragmatism may be a little too exercised for the pastor or seminarian, but for all intent, was most likely not written accordingly. Dr. Jeremiah's book is not an exegetical one either, but it is filled with promises from the Word, I found that too, encouraging. I have to recommend my favorite quote of the book, "Character is the result of persistent action, and a pattern of diligence will lead to stability" (83). His overall message is one of basic design; approaching life's problems through the lens of Scripture, and connectivity with Christ. I would recommend this book for a good edifying confidence booster of faith, one which will cause the reader to thank Jesus Christ for his/her salvation, resting on the promises of God. This book is as consistent as Dr. Jeremiah's forty (40) years of ministry, a good read, and four stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
colleen oakes
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World

Confidence, is it really possible in the chaotic world we are living in today? It seems like every time you turn on the news you are faced with more reports of people loosing their jobs, their houses and their life savings. In the face of such uncertainty, people are more discouraged than ever and they need to know what on earth should they do now.

In this latest book, published by Thomas Nelson Publishing, author David Jeremiah suggests ten choices we can make to stay confident in the chaotic world we are living in. These ten choices are,

1. Stay Calm
2. Stay Compassionate
3. Stay Constructive
4. Stay Challenged
5. Stay Connected
6. Stay Centered
7. Stay Confident
8. Stay Consistent
9. Stay Committed
10. Stay Convinced

I found this book to be insightful, well written and actually very encouraging. I was challenged to change things in my own life after reading each chapter. For me personally the stay consistent chapter was the most convicting. I was reminded of the importance of staying consistent in all the areas of my life and finishing the tasks I begin.

Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World shows us all that with the power and love of Almighty God, we can live with confidence in this age of turmoil.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly yutesler
Is your life spiraling out of control? Is the daily noise of today's world causing you to question everything you've learned? Everything you believe in?

Dr. David Jeremiah writes in his latest offering Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World on how to deal with these daily challenges.

The chapters are sorted out by the steps we all need to take to be bold and confident in this world:

Stay calm
Stay compassionate
Stay challenged
Stay connected
Stay centered
Stay confident
Stay consistent
Stay committed
Stay convinced

Each chapter paints a picture of what many of us are facing, and scripture-based examples on how to conduct ourselves.

Jeremiah is poignant and streams Bible verses into the varied stories throughout the book, which provides a good roadmap to what needs to be followed.

This is not a two-day book read. It took me several days of reading this book to get through it all. However, it's a worthwhile read, because it arms us with how we should conduct ourselves as human beings.

(Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishing to read, and then write non-paid reviews on this blog, as well as a commercial book seller. I do not pay for the book that I review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicholas dragon
Overall I really enjoyed this book and agreed with most everything written in it. Dr. Jeremiah gives some really helpful and simple points of how to have confidence in Christ when our world, as we all know, is going crazy. However I did have one overall problem with the book

This is never said explicitly, but throughout the book it implies that we can have confidence in Christ because He is coming back. However, we can have confidence in Christ because He already came, lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, and most importantly rose again to prove He is God. Because of this fact alone we can have confidence in Him. Yes, the fact that He is coming again gives confidence, but not as much as this.

Besides that, though, I do recommend this book. It's simple yet deep. Like most good books, it reminds us of what we already know instead of trying to prove something new.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jeremiah cutting
The book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by David Jeremiah is a book that is very applicable to things going on around us today. There is uncertainty with the economy, in politics, in the world with wars and conflicts arising, and for some there is uncertainty at what God is doing in their lives, homes, jobs and relationships. In these uncertain times, this book speaks to how we can live no matter the circumstances around us. Through interesting illustrations and stories, Jeremiah explains how we can hold on to some basic principles to help us get through chaotic times. These principles are to stay calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered (in your relationship with Christ), confident, consistent, committed and convinced. This book is deeply grounded in biblical principles that are good to remember during difficult times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Having received a copy of "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" by Dr. David Jeremiah, I thought how appropriate that title is for today. It seems everywhere you turn chaos ensues. Thankfully there are people who recognize the problems, acknowledge them, and then give you practical advice on how to deal with them. This book was thoughtfully written to give the reader assurance that SOMEONE knows and cares what life throws at them.

No matter where you stand on end time prophecies, this book gives the best advice there is: Don't look at the chaos in the world, rather look the ONE who created the earth and knows exactly what is going on. HE is in control.

While it may not seem that anyone is in control, nothing escapes the purview of the Father. And that is the crux of the message of this book. Rather than ringing your hands in despair, Jeremiah helps the reader realize there is something they can do. He gives solid, do-able advice for making a difference, not only in your own life, but the lives of those around you.

You CAN make a difference when life seems uncertain and you're not sure if you're coming or going. As Christians we're to walk in victory and we can only do that if we continue to follow the instructions written in the Word of God. There you will find all the answers to life's most pressing questions. However, if you're having problems finding the answers for yourself, this book by Dr. Jeremiah will help you find the answers and the strength to go forward "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy enquist
Dr. Jeremiah asks "How did we get here, Lord? How could we have not foreseen that this storm was coming?" (Page xiii) These are 'his' questions and seem to be 'his burden'. The answers come compassionately, and somewhat urgently, through statistics and facts, scripture, commentary and stories. He has put together not just ten things we 'can' do, but ten 'scripturally sound' things we 'should' do, regardless and 'especially' because of the times.

I almost didn't get this book but I am so glad I did. I found confirmation of things I have learned on my own in studying God's Word, and explanation for things I had been struggling with for years. Dr. Jeremiah's efforts in turning us toward what we are to be doing and putting this chaotic world into perspective through our faith and believing God are needed against the backdrop of constant worrisome news and events. I read with pen-in-hand, underlining words and phrases and noting words in the margin. I read once-through, but it can be read by chapter or by captions within the chapters. I plan to return to it for further study, once my husband reads it.

Member Thomas Nelson's Book Review Blogger Program [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In today's world, if there is a certain attention getting word, if there is a word that capture anyone's imagination in this turbulent, noisy environment it is Confidence. Since it is written by a Pastor and a Theologian, you'd quite naturally expect Dr. David Jeremiah to be a dispenser of hope, but the contents of this book are certain to stir you cover to cover. Whether it is quoting the personal journey of Bobby Jindal or drawing from empirical evidence, he makes a compelling case of how people all over the world are gravitating towards the spiritual quest after many years of futile intellectual chases. When your world falls apart, not only do you need intellectually compelling answers but hope, comfort and assurance that can lift your soul.

He loves alliteration. Using a series of phrases around Staying Calm, Staying Connected, he builds all the ten chapters with the recurrent message of how when crisis strikes, personal or national, one can lean on God's word, nature and his promise to sail through. Interesting nuggets are interspersed throughout to make the book interesting " For instance in the chapter on "Staying calm" he cites the beaufort scale when Calm is the lowest measure and the highest notch is hurricane. "Everyone talks about the weather", he quips Mark Twain but nobody does anything it, as he closes the first chapter and reminds the readers that Jesus said "Dont let your hearts be troubled, Believe in me"

"Catastrophes ought to teach you compassion" he exhorts in a typical shepherdly tone. In the chapter on Stay Compassionate, he reminds us of the fact that we are all in it together. Life, the cauldron of suffering has an inscrutable way of catching all of us off-guard. The book is not just packed with scriptural exhortations that can ocassionally lull the reader into familiar contempt, the illustrations are rivetting like the story of PLO sniper Taas Saada.

Probably because of his day job as a preacher and teacher, Dr. Jeremaiah's calling card is simplicity. There are no profound metaphysical mysteries explained, no conundrums cracked, Merely engaging stories and principles that inspire and reinforce the hope of glory in the life of Christ Jesus.

The rest of the chapters, Staying Constructive, Staying Challenged, Staying Connected, Staying Centered, Staying Confident, Staying Consistent, Staying Committed, and Staying Convinced follow a similar pattern of story telling and applying scriptural principles.

There are two groups of people who could immensely benefit from this book. Those who have had a crisis, and those who are likely to have one. Thank you Pastor DJ.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maribeth gedatus
I have finally finished getting around to finishing this book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by David Jeremiah, I actually had a hard time staying focused on it I would pick it up and read some of it then I would leave it for a while and then revisit it. At times I was able to get something of interest or perhaps a statistic here and there that might be of interest to me but honestly I did not think there was much in this read that I have not picked up from other similar types of books. The author did a great job in using scripture to support his findings. This quote which I have heard part of before certainly rings true in my life right now and that is:

"Have you stopped and considered that the real purpose of your struggles, at a given moment, might be the heart of compassion God is building within you? Smooth sailing doesn't develop such a thing, you know. Trials develop our humility, and humility opens our eyes to the needs of others. If we look to do His service during tough times, we will come out better rather than bitter."

Honestly normally it would not be a book I would finish through its entirety but because I was provided the book to review I felt I should finish it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this book, Dr. David Jeremiah gives practical and biblical advice to living in the world. Using ten points through ten chapters, Dr. Jeremiah discusses topics ranging from finding our calm in Jesus, setting your mind on Christ to staying connected with the church. Throughout he uses frequent biblical references and stays centered on the most important thing, Jesus Christ.
I must admit, after reading his last book, What on Earth is Going On?, I really thought this book would only be a routine book. I was pleasantly surprised! I found this book to be helpful and and a real gem. Dr. Jeremiah care for the life of a Christian shines through in this book and it has loads of good practical advice and illustrations. I recommend that if you haven't then go out and get this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jimmy mac
Tuesday, September 14, 2010Review for "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" by Dr. David Jeremiah
Recently I completed reading Dr. Jeremiah's book, "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" and I really enjoyed it.

I've read other books by Dr. Jeremiah and had some problems getting to the end but something is different about this book. Or maybe something is different about me or the times we are living in. No matter what, I found this book to be very engaging, very relevant and very much like a personal Bible Study.

To be honest, if I made an evaluation based on this book alone, Dr. Jeremiah would now be my favorite Bible teacher. Each chapter is jammed full of Scripture with great application.

As I started to read this book, I did so with pen in hand, Bible open and notebook open to take notes so I could use them at a later time. But to be honest, the book ministered to me so deeply, through Dr. Jeremiah's thoughts and through the Word of God that I just read for my own enjoyment. Seldom does a book bless me like "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World" did.

As a pastor/teacher, I would certainly recommend this book to other pastors/teachers. I would encourage you to use this book in your own times of teaching and in the Bible studies you lead. I would also encourage the use of this book in your own private study times. You will be blessed as the Scripture comes alive.

There is a study guide, small group curriculum, audio tapes and DVD's of the messages that can be ordered directly from the author.

The book is published by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

This book will be a great asset in your pursuit of God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" should be the next book you read. In turbulent times, we can be thrown off course and feel uncertain about what we should be doing in our daily lives as Christians. Dr. Jeremiah assures us through this message that Faith is a verb.

The book is comprised of Biblical truths that will enable you to live out each day in a way that prepares you for the future. The message teaches us that "waiting on God" doesn't mean walking around filled with anxiety. Dr. Jeremiah reminds us that a day is coming when Christ will return and we have much to do to get prepared for that day. You will find through each chapter you will find yourself self examining your life and focusing on the Promises of God. When we are confident in our knowledge of what the Bible tells us to do in these times, we are able to live in peace and joy knowing that God has everything under control.

I highly recommend this book as a great follow up to Dr. Jeremiah's book, "What in the World is Going On?" Two great books that you MUST read!

*Thank you to the store Vine for providing me this book for review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kriste stevenson
If you have read Dr Jeremiah's previous book, What in the World Is Going On? you may be left wondering what you should do now. Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World helps to guide you through this process. Even thought the world is a mess, you can still live a peaceful and meaningful life.

I have read other books by Dr. David Jeremiah and I really like his books. This book was no exception. I always come away learning something new and enlightening after reading his books. I like that he gives examples and verses to back up what he is talking about instead of just making statements. This is a book that just about anyone could relate to since everyone has endured some crisis at some point in there lives. With people losing their jobs and homes, tomorrow seems so uncertain and everyone is looking for answers. David explains how to stay calm and stay centered even when your world is spinning out of control. I would recommend this book to anyone who is going through a difficult time.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" by David Jeremiah is a book filled with advice to Christians concerning the end times. There are ten chapters that tell us how to react and live in these perilous times. This book is a sequel or follow-up to "What in the World is Going On." Dr. David Jeremiah is a reputable voice in the TV and Radio world with his show "Turning Point" which has many listeners. I had high expectations knowing Dr. Jeremiah's reputation.

The book is filled with analogies and stories which reinforce his teachings to "stay calm, stay compassionate, etc." I enjoyed these little stories and felt they were actually the best part of the book. To be honest, once I got past the first few chapters, I really had trouble keeping my mind focused on the book. It got a little boring. The most disappointing part was Dr. Jeremiah's use of so many versions (or perversions) of the Bible. As I started reading the book, I knew it would not be a King James only book, and I was willing to look past that. BUT when Dr. Jeremiah quoted from the Message as if it were an actual Bible: that was it for me.

So, if you need a reminder of lessons you've already learned about not stressing out when things all around us are chaotic, AND if you can look past the ludicrous use of Bible versions...then this book is for you!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashleigh bowers
Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah is an appropriate follow-up to his excellent book, "What In The World Is Going On?" In this sequel, Dr. Jeremiah methodically examines ten characteristics that are to mark every believers life as we live in anticipation of the return of Jesus. This book is a study of the Bible's teachings regarding the lifestyle of believers as the return of Jesus approaches. The author presents a well-rounded instruction that is firmly rooted in the Scriptures and balances the "what to do" with the "why" and"how to". This book helped me to clearly see how believers are instructed to live in these last days and challenged me to live a life worthy of His calling. This book is recommended to everyone who desires to know how to live in a God-honoring way in these turbulent times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mr puddy
In Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, Dr. Jeremiah tries to lift the weight of worldly worries with the Word, offering a constructive approach for those who trust their lives to the faithful hands of God, and encouraging those who have yet to turn over their fears to He who is always in control, even in the midst of chaos.

Dr. Jeremiah offers a solid stone in the foundation on which we can stand firm: God's word. The key word here is stand, or "stay" as Dr. Jeremiah succinctly orders each chapter, followed by a level-headed "c" verb. In chapter three, for example, "Stay Constructive" speaks of body building, like the man who builds his house on the rock.

If the gates of hell have flung open into your living room, or if you know someone who is currently playing dodgeball with demons, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World is a strong strap of truth to gird your loins. Though there were some parts within chapters that could have gone deeper, on the whole it serves as a useful tool, one I can pick up to whet my sword of the spirit in the days, months and years ahead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david schumacher
"Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" by Dr. David Jeremiah. What on earth should we do now?

Today, we are living in difficult times. Corrupt administrations, rumors of wars, famines, disease, joblessness, and more. With carnage all around us, our friends and family loosing their jobs and begging for answers, what will do.

Dr. Jeremiah has written a terrific book addressing from a biblical point of view how we can cope in the midst of such trials. Our future does not look any better, but how we respond to the future is the key. Dr. Jeremiah tells us how we can weather the storms by calming the heart. He also addresses an common question on what it means to wait on the Lord. But most appropriately how in the world did we get in this did the world end up in such a horrible mess.

In this book, Dr. Jeremiah explores ten scriptural prophecies that describe what the future return of Jesus Christ means to us. In the meanwhile, we must know how to respond to the trials, the wilderness around us.

I recommend the book if you need answers to these questions and more. Dr. Jeremiah very smoothly and calmly puts todays world into perspective for Believers of all walks of life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Let not your heart be troubled..." - this is the underlying them in Dr. Jeremiah's book. In a world where chaos seems to reign amid rampant unemployment, terrifying natural disasters, and moral standards that slip downward by the second, Dr. Jeremiah gives us ten strategies - principles, if you will - to help people "live with confidence in a chaotic world."

I found it intriguing that the very first "strategy" presented by the author is to "Stay Calm". At first glance, it seems too obvious - that one should stay calm in the midst of chaos. But if you really think about it, if you don't get your wits about you right up front, then nothing else will fall into place properly. What appeals about this book is that it's not just a slew of bible verses strung together to be thrown at the reader (but make no mistake, there is plenty of scripture to reinforce what the author wants us to know in each chapter). Dr. Jeremiah weaves real-life stories into each chapter that show "the truth" in very practical ways that any reader - whether a new Christian or a seasoned one - can relate to and marvel at. This book would make a perfect small group study.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bethany sluiter
In /Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World/ Dr. Jeremiah reminds us of ten ways we can not just survive, but thrive, in today's chaotic world. He builds each principle on Scripture passages and illustrates it with interesting contemporary stories. His purpose is to reassure us that, even in the worst of times, we have the unlimited resources of Christ, in whom we can do all things.

In good times or in bad, following these ten principles will make our lives richer, more purposeful and more pleasing to God. The book smoothly moves from chapter to chapter to present a cohesive reminder to build our lives on a solid Scriptural foundation. Dr. Jeremiah's message in this book is one of hope in Christ our Savior who will someday return to earth for us, and of our hope in God's promises in His Word.

I needed to hear that message. Like many other Christians I've been focused on the problems whirling around us like a massive hurricane. Dr. Jeremiah's reminder to look to the Savior, and look to the Book brought me back to a point of hopefulness instead of hopelessness.

Are you slipping into despair at conditions that surround us? The powerful reminders in /Living With Confidence/ may be just the life-line you need to regain your footing.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Instead of focusing on the world around us - and the chaos that is ensuing in it - Dr. Jeremiah challenges us to focus on how we are living in his book, Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World. Dr. Jeremiah examines ten scriptural prophesies that describe the future return of Christ to earth, and in doing so, challenges his reader to examine whether or not the prophecies give clues as to how we should be living as we anticipate His return.

With a balanced mixture of biblical examples, scriptural texts, and modern-day stories, Dr. Jeremiah brings this discussion to a level for all to be able to read, understand, and apply.

I appreciated the challenge to focus on how I'm living instead of focusing on what the world's doing. Bringing me back to scriptural truths, I was challenged to refocus my attention and to be concerned with living in a way that is bringing the most glory to God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a laa
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. What on earth should we do now? The title of this book, by Dr. David Jeremiah, captured my attention. Because really, this is where we live. We live in a broken world full of compromise and counterfeits. Dr. Jeremiah's book however laid out a plan of action for believers in Christ. He reminds us what we are to be busy doing until Christ's return. His encouragement is in the form of ten areas that we must STAY focused in. I devoured his refreshing teaching. I was also greatly encouraged by several powerful stories of faithful believers he had intertwined in his writing. He reassures us that these current world conditions should help us focus on the fact that Christ's return is forthcoming. We are to keep loving the unlovely and keep our faith strong in God's word. We are to stay challenged to fulfill what God has called us to do. Also we need to keep our hearts soft and stay convicted (and deal with) any area's of sin that may raise their ugly head. I wept as I read his powerful section on the believers who will feel ashamed when they get to heaven. He reminds us that these are the Christians "who accepted the gift without ever prizing it." I prayed, "Lord help me fully prize your gift." I personally feel, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. What on earth should we do now, was an encouraging book that helped me refocus on living each day for God's glory, until the ultimate day when I bask in His glory.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica bosma
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World
What On Earth Should We Do Now?
By Dr. David Jeremiah

Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World - What On Earth Should We Do Now? by Dr. David Jeremiah is the follow-up to What in the World is Going On? Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World has 10 tips on surviving in these chaotic times. Dr. Jeremiah gives sound Biblical background and reasoning for his suggestions that inspire "confidence".

I was pleasantly surprised when I read this book. I know the author concentrates quite a bit on end times, so I was prepared for a deep, heavy book. What I found instead was a book that I felt was relevant to me. It has wonderful real-life stories that kept me interested, while giving me Biblical insight into all that is going on in today's crises. He reminds us to be "Centered in Christ", "Committed to the Word", "Compassionate toward others", "Connected to the church", "Consistent in your walk", "Calm in your heart", "Certain of His coming", and "Confident in your faith". I do have to say that several of the stories in the chapters of the real-life examples will stay with me for a long time.

I received this book free from the publisher through the <[...]> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <[...]> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rose limke
About a year ago, Dr. David Jeremiah wrote a book called, What in the World is Going On? It dealt with the prophecies in scripture that describe the Second Coming of Jesus. In that book, we saw how world events seem to be taking us ever closer to the time of Christ's return. As a follow-up to that, he has since produced this new work entitled, Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World...What on Earth Should We Do Now? The same scriptures that teach us about the impending Second Coming also teach us how we should be living as we wait. In it, he shows us how to take courage and rely on the promises in God's word to see us through troubled times.

In each chapter, Dr. Jeremiah lists a new discipline that we can practice, with God's help, to strengthen our witness for Christ and help us to be strong through difficult times. He uses countless scriptures that teach us how to live as obedient Christians. For example, he tells us that we should be compassionate and remain connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ. He also admonishes us to remain centered on Christ so that we do not live in fear of the future, but in confidence that Jesus is in control.

This book is for everyone who watches world events and believes, as I do, that the return of Christ is imminent. With the frightening events in our world that seem to be occurring with growing frequency, many Christians are wondering how we should be living in these last days to make the most of our time left here and bring as many people into the Kingdom of God as possible. I think that Dr. Jeremiah does a wonderful job of addressing the concerns of Christians and of using scripture to teach us what Christ would have us do while we wait for His glorious return.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, Dr. Jeremiah tries to lift the weight of worldly worries with the Word, offering a constructive approach for those who trust their lives to the faithful hands of God, and encouraging those who have yet to turn over their fears to He who is always in control, even in the midst of chaos.

Dr. Jeremiah offers a solid stone in the foundation on which we can stand firm: God's word. The key word here is stand, or "stay" as Dr. Jeremiah succinctly orders each chapter, followed by a level-headed "c" verb. In chapter three, for example, "Stay Constructive" speaks of body building, like the man who builds his house on the rock.

If the gates of hell have flung open into your living room, or if you know someone who is currently playing dodgeball with demons, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World is a strong strap of truth to gird your loins. Though there were some parts within chapters that could have gone deeper, on the whole it serves as a useful tool, one I can pick up to whet my sword of the spirit in the days, months and years ahead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah is a wonderful book! I think we can all agree that we live in chaotic times. This book is about applying biblical principles to your life when you live in days that "try the soul". Dr. David Jeremiah takes Scripture and inspiring stories and uses them to encourage believers that with the Lord's wisdom we can live confidently through turbulent times.

Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World spoke to me on many levels. Dr. Jeremiah encourages us not to give up, to instead, stay calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed, and convinced. As the Body of Christ, we should handle the world's heavy burdens differently, because we have, among many other things, a secure future in eternity, through our relationship with Jesus. This book encouraged me, kept my attention, and challenged me. Dr. David Jeremiah is an excellent author and is scripturally solid. I highly recommend this book. I look forward to reading his next book" The Coming Economic Armageddon".

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the [...] <[...]> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <[...]> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c d sweitzer
Dr. Jeremiah's book surprised me. I honestly didn't know what to expect with this book. I am not up for the "fluffy books" that are filled with feel good stories. You know, the ones that make you feel better about yourself for a moment, but really do not apply or offer any sound advice to help.

The "10 S C's", as I came to call them, were illustrated beautifully and back with solid scriptures. I love how Dr. Jeremiah plainly states "I don't want you to feel that I would attempt to minimize the anxiety or hardship you may be experiencing." He rather gives the tools to better understand God's solutions for our Worldly problems. He encourages us to stay connected, to step out of our comfort zones and let our Light shine. He reminds us that while we aren't perfect, person or institution, the Blood of Christ continually cleanses us, to be spotless.

Someone told me today, "It takes hearing an explanation 4 times for someone to finally get it." Whether or not that may be true, I will keep this book around to reinforce things I already know, but need to hear again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In a world that is constantly changing in the blink of an eye, what does one do to maintain that calm cool outlook on life that once was so easy to attain? In David Jeremiah's Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World, the chaos of the world is examined as David gives the readers biblical, sound advice and guidance, on living in the chaos we are now surrounded by.
It's fairly easy to see and know that chaos is everywhere these days. All it takes is a flip of the channels on TV, or to pick up a newspaper, or even scan the internet. Wars are raged daily, marriages are failing, people are losing their lives, homes, and everything they have known. And sometimes it seems it would be easier to be an ostrich and stick our heads in the sand, however that is not our call from God. Jeremiah breaks down these instructions and their biblical base in a long list of things we should do to live with confidence. It's all about staying calm; compassionate. . .the list goes on. I finished this book feeling empowered and uplifted. It was a great reminder of God's will for our lives and His instructions for us during these challenging and chaotic times. Whether you are searching for answers or struggling with your own chaos like me, this is a great read at any point in your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisabeth bier
Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World by David Jeremiah is a book about finding hope in a world that seems out of control and scary. The author does an excellent job of using scripture to back up his messages and thoughts. I found this book to be very enlightening and encouraging. At first when I started reading this book I was a little hesitant. It started off by talking about all the scary things going on in this world, things I hadn't even thought about, but then he started adding in the scripture. No matter what scenario he was talking about, he always put a biblical spin on things. After reading this book I have found a new kind of hope and reassurance about what is going on in this world today. I would definitely recommend this book. It will give you a new perspective on life.

I am so glad that Thomas Nelson gave me this complimentary book so that I can read it and review it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sherif fahmy fahmy
I deeply respect Dr. Jeremiah and his ministry "Turning Point". Whenever I get the chance I enjoy his podcast and I look forward to the day I can explore more of his books. His very simple and direct way of writing fascinates me. My attention was there all through the book and it gave me few and important tools for life. His way of communicating really makes me excited for his future work and it also gave me an excitement for the day I will re-read this book again.
A BIG Thank You to Dr. Jeremiah
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hido heydaroff
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World offers hope to people worried about our current, mind-boggling economic crises, other potentially catastrophic events, and increasingly difficult, personal struggles of life. New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Jeremiah examines a variety of traumatic situations and offers wise solutions richly backed up by the Word of God. With the added use of extensive research and scores of thought-provoking anecdotes, the author shows us that God has answers for the world's problems. But He needs individual believers to help Him provide them.

In this easy-to-read book laid out in his usual concise and logical manner, Dr. Jeremiah challenges us to examine our lives and weigh them against the words and walk of Jesus Christ. In ten main topics such as "Stay Challenged," "Stay Compassionate," and "Stay Connected," he reminds us that while prayer is important, it's only the first step to fulfilling the plan of God. We must also lay aside selfish pursuits and embrace the admonition to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. When we truly become living epistles, hurting and fearful people in our spheres of influence will be drawn to the One we should represent and reflect.

A book has to really touch me to give it a 5 rating. And Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World has done that. It inspired me to live a Christ-like life more than ever before, take up my cross on a daily basis to follow Jesus, and trust God and His Word to take care of the rest.

Disclaimer: Thomas Nelson provided this book free to the reviewer
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