Reclaimed (A Knights Rebels MC Book 3)

ByRiver Savage

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Often our romance stories end with a pregnancy and a happily ever after and I love that this book gives us a taste of the real world. Don't get me wrong I was craving a Nix fix and you certainly didn't disappoint! It's good to bring real issues to light. I'm loving this series and can't wait for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
polly bennett
This was a seriously deep read dealing with harsh realities some of us have dealt with after childbirth.. And the approach taken in the story was PERFECT!!! For a Novella length book You know it was an awesome read when you can smile at the end given the circumstances and topic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay wriston
Thanks river for this very touching novella, this is a subject that I have been thru and you wrote about it with such grace,so I say thankyou it is a very touchy subject but you described it wonderfully, readers out there if you haven't read any of river savage's books start one clicking now
Marek (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 1) :: Infatuation: Knights Rebels MC (Volume 4) :: Savage Boy and The Road is a River - The Old Man and the Wasteland :: Shakespeare's Sonnets (Arden Shakespeare) :: Affliction (A Knights Rebels MC Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome book especially if you love Nik and Kadence. The subject matter is so good and shows the struggle that women can have after giving birth. I thought River did an wonderful job of making it believable and showing the struggles both parents have when faced with this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series just keeps getting better and better!! My heart hurt a little for both Kadence and Nix while dealing with all this...having experienced a little PPD myself, I get the feelings and the you had Nix handle it was just simply amazing River!!! Can't freaking wait for more!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
River, your books always make my break, but by the end you always put the pieces back together!!! I am an emotional wreak after reading about Kadence having PPD. How Nix and Kadence dealt with it. Just freaking AWESOME!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle chabot
Absolute perfection! Thank you so much for writing this amazing story. Nix and his alpha ways make me greedy for more. Kadence and her strong personality and will to over come any situation is awesome. Love love love these two. And Nix will always be my main book man!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew davis
"Somewhere along the way, I woke up completely lost and overwhelmed. And every day, it gets harder and harder to deal."

This is novella in River Savage's Knights Rebels MC series is about Phoenix 'Nix' Knight, his wife, Kadence, and their experience following the birth of their daughter, Harlow.

Nix and Kadence were THAT couple, they deeply loved each other, they were clearly in lust with each other and they were totally in sync with one another, two halves of one soul. It was a beautiful relationship to watch unfold, and to this day, their story as told in the first book of this series, Incandescent, is one of my favorites. But, as happens more often than is talked about, following the birth of their daughter, Kadence's first child, she suffers from extreme postpartum depression. Nix, in his quest to reclaim the wife he so desperately misses, battles a force he doesn't understand, emotions he's unsure how to navigate and a surprising blow to his confidence in himself as a husband.

Kadence is lost in a sea of hopelessness and self loathing, in a constant battle with herself over her perceived failures as a mother. The fact that she is not failing at anything, that what she is feeling is fueled by the hormones that feed her depression, is completely lost on her. She cannot find her way out of the darkness that consumes her entirely. Nix, so strong and a true alpha man to his core, is desperate to drag his wife back into the light. He is hurt, he is lonely, he is scared and he misses his wife. He is worried, and he does not like the shell of a woman she has become. He questions himself, and his confidence falters. He finally emotionally pushes Kadence hard to talk to him, and with his proverbial hand extended, he begs her to reach for it, and thankfully, blessedly, she does. She finally shares her pain with Nix, the thoughts, doubts and self-recriminations that cloud her mind stealing her confidence and causing her to question her judgment. It is the first step in a very long road to recovery.

"I'm not doing good, Nix."

Nix did not react with anger or disappointment; no, he held his wife and got her help. He was a pillar of strength and consistency, and his love saw her through those many, many months to the other side. He did this for her even as he was dealing with the repercussions of her emotions and the toll they took on him. Oh yes, Ms. Savage did not spare one single truth in what is the reality of the situation for a family with a new baby dealing with the mother's PPD. She hit it dead-center, raw and spot-on, and this story was amazing in it's accuracy, excruciating in it's pain, and finally brilliant in it's recovery.

This was such a heartbreakingly beautiful story. There is so much truth and reality in Kadence's experience, that I openly wept and sobbed loudly, shaking, as I read the first four chapters. This is no light and easy read, it is rooted firmly in real-life. This issue is one of the swept under the rug secrets of motherhood that no one talks about out of shame and fear, and Ms. Savage picked up that rug and shook it hard. The real beauty of this story is in Kadence summoning the courage to let Nix in to her thoughts, fears and shame, sharing with him what she's feeling and what is going on in her head.

As someone who suffered from the very same severe and debilitating PPD for an extended period of time like Kadence did, I can tell you that what this character went through was her reality, and I know this because I felt those same things. Ms. Savage captured this issue from the first person and spouse's perspectives so precisely and vividly.

I cannot stress how well written, detailed and realistic a story Ms. Savage has given us. It hurt to read, but in true River Savage form, she healed us in the end with the blinding beauty of Nix and Kadence's love for each other. Thank you, River, for giving this topic a voice. Thank you for doing it so eloquently and carefully. Thank you for staying true to yourself, your fans, the Knights Rebels and Nix and Kadence in the process. This is a gorgeous, gut wrenching true love story as could only be told through the voice that is the immensely talented River Savage. Well done, River, well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Write Review. Reread. Delete Review. Write Again. Repeat. As you can probably tell by opening few words, I had to dive deep into writing the words when expressing the compassion and heart of Reclaimed by River Savage to do it justice. Honestly this took a lot out of me to review because the heart of the book pulled so many punches and turns I didn’t know whether River was trying to break the record for an amount of times a readers heart can break and be mended in such a pivotal way. In true River style the amazing novella focuses on Nix and Kadence from the acclaimed Incandescent, as the weave a mountain of emotion coiled in the bones of the narrative of postpartum depression are explored.

Reclaimed is a deep pivotal novella that focuses on a dual perspective of both Nix and Kadence after the birth of their child. The raw ability to have this discussion is hard, I don’t know from personal experience but drawing from the novella the words of heart and depth of recoiling emotions of postpartum depression truly left me in awe that River could tackle such a subject with so much heart.

Nix and Kadence are love. They are strength held together. They are the pillar of hard-work and striving to overcome the hardest of times. River’s writing within Reclaimed brought emotions that unjustly can’t be matched. The gift of expression and ground of the world we walk on is sometimes dark and River’s depiction of the inside of postpartum depression stems an awe of astounding ability in character as Kadence is full of turmoil and broken by not knowing what to do. The killer for me was watching Nix and how he dealt with the upbringing and holding his family together which is a testament to River’s writing and depth of character.

The journey of Reclaimed is anything but easy; so beware it’s the dominant fight of marriage, the hold of love and the fear of breaking that moves the story. The romance between Nix and Kadence is very much character building and trying at times but River through everything delivers. Seeing emotive plays of such a deep topic, passion woven in the pages of the novella and the moment I was in tears in the end from laughing (was a relief I have to say to laugh) delighted and acclaimed a spectacular novella from River. A highly recommended read that truly is the epitome of romance, emotion and raw heart. 5 stars is not enough to truly express the worth of this novella and i hope everyone picks it up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You must read Incandescent first to get the whole picture of Nix and Kadence relationship to truly understand this book.

What can I say about this book that will probably not be said...."Nothing". This book absolutely gutted me and in a good way. I feel as if it swallowed me whole and spit me back up in pieces. I knew from Incandescent that River was a talented author and Affliction was just a reminder of why we fell in love with her writing but in Reclaimed she took it to a whole other level.

Nix and Kadence have just had a baby named Harlow (Low) for short and after giving birth Kadence spirals into this black whole of depression where she can't seem to escape from she sums it up best when she says "Somewhere along the way, I woke completely lost and overwhelmed. And everyday, it gets harder and harder to deal with." Scary to know that what should have been a glorious feeling can also make feel perfectly imperfect. Nix being the mouth watering alpha male that he is does what he can to bring back the woman he fell in love with but you can see that this depression is also taking a toll on him when he says "I'm drowning here, Kadence, we both are, and I just don't know if I can keep treading water for the both of us." To be honest, there was a point in the story where I couldn't see a happy ending in sight. It broke my heart, with each page turned that these two couldn't find their way back to each other. Nix is a alpha male through and through but the way he loves his woman is all consuming, he pushes and he pushes to get her to accept that something is wrong and to get the help that she so desperately needs. Once she gets help things start to look except when it comes to sex which this couples always had in spades. Kadence who felt that Nix wouldn't see her the same since having the baby got advice from her best friend Holly who said it best "I've watched Nix bring you to your highest, hold you in your darkness, save you from your lowest and he has never faltered. Your man worship's you." Nix believing that the problem is him takes the advice from the men in the club which lands him in the ER, it is so hilarious. This novella was a great addition to the Knights Rebels MC and once again River gave us a amazing, unforgettable, and emotional read that these characters, Nix especially, are near and dear to my heart, and I am so incredibly touched and ecstatic that she has shared them with the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean burns
Another great read! Nix is so hot. I laughed so much. His ER trip was not expected lol
Kadence made me so mad but depression is real and very serious illness.
Nix and Kandence are one of my favorite couples... ahhh don't tell Sy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sharad yadav
After finding out that theres going to be more of Nix and Kadence, I was happy, but after some of Rivers snippets on her page, also anxious. Because it gave insight, that after hardships Nix & Kadence lived through and seems finally having theirs happy life, they fall into a dark place in theirs journey.

And believe me, they are really in painful period in theirs ride. It was hurtful, to read about Kadences struggle. Nix wasn't in the better place either. Seeing his woman losing herself and don't knowing what the f*** he needs to do to help her... It's agonizing for him to feel so hopeless.

It's seemed they are both lost. Nix and Kadencr lost beautiful connection, they had. It's over? They are over? This rare unconditional love is not enough. Everything is...Lost?

But...Well, the next sentence saids it all.

"Our love wasn't a fight, but someting worth fighting for. We will always be something worth fighting for."

There is a moments you are like 'Oh, no!'. You just wanna scream and say get a grip on your life and don't let go the gifts life gave you. I know it's hard at the moment. I know youre lost. But fight it. Figth for what you having. Fight really hard.

But also, there is moments, you gonna laugh your a** off. All I gonna say is...

"Why, Mr.Knight, are you happy to see me?"

OMFG! I laughed for a few good min., after this.

Some other things happening in the club, leting you know that...Well, to find out, you will need to read it.

Enjoy it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My FAV Knights Rebels MC book of this series.
Such a known & stressing issues between one's self & couples. The severity is extreme.
Reclaimed hit it on the head dead on.
Bossy Nix is back & loving it! Reclaiming his Kadence is HOT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dotty dye
River Savage claims your mind, body and soul in this heart-rendering voyage full of emotion.

No matter how you look at it, this is a story about loss. About losing yourself as well as losing the one you love and that connection you once had. It's also about finding yourself again. Finding that bond, that relationship, that "thing" and reclaiming not only your life back in general BUT, reclaiming that person you love as well.

In this short novella, River shows you a different side to Kadence, Nix and their once fiery relationship full of combustible passion and intense heat. Instead of taking us on a serene bike ride, she takes us through a scenic, emotionally wrecking love story full of angst, despair, and misery. There are moments that will literally crush you beyond repair as you sink into a dark abyss with tears streaming down your cheeks as you try to contain the sob fighting to escape....BUT, there is also humorous, intoxicating, can't-keep-my-hands-out-of-the-cookie-jar moments that will bring you back to life and take you for an exhilarating ride.

Even though it broke my heart, it touched my soul. This is a story that will make you feel, force you to see something real as it takes on a life changing situation. It shows us that there is always strength, even at our weakest but most of all that it's okay if you need help. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay, it is OKAY... to accept someone's love as you fight TOGETHER to reclaim that person you once were.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laynibus vandersex
First and foremost, please read the other books in the series as this is a novella where we see Kadence and Nix give birth to their baby girl.

Now we've all been there at some point but my god, this author wrote exactly what some of us women were feeling or going through after giving birth. Poor Kadence! You feel all her emotions when she is struggling with the baby blues. She’s that far gone in her own head that even her baby girl can't bring her back to the living. All Kadence knows is that she is failing at be a wife, a mother, a best friend and everything else life is throwing at her.

Until one night when Nix has had enough and starts pushing her to talk. However, that night takes a turn for the worst when he delivers some home truths. Poor Nix. We see him struggle with his wife as he tries to be there for her. Meanwhile, he is failing his club as he spends his time at home with his family. Then he loses his temper because he can’t take any more. So he tells his wife exactly how he feels. The home truth is he just can't cope any more. We also see Nix has his own problems to deal with that end up with him in the hospital.

Can Kadence and Nix be fixed or is this the end of the road for both of them? The only way to find out is by reading this incredibly well written novella. I've rated it five stars for one simple reason; the author has put much love and passion into it. A brilliant read which I found difficult to put down. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen benson
This little novella packed a BIG punch of reality! I commend the author for writing a book, following a happy ever after that demonstrates what real life can be like while keeping us totally in love and laughing our butts off!! It was awesome!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reclaimed by River Savage
Rating: 4.5 stars

Kadence finds herself lost after giving birth to Harlow and in the process, she and Nix drift apart amidst the broken feelings. One who knows she's not feeling normal while the other who wants to help but unsure how to. Will Kadence get her bossy Nix back? Will she let him in?

Reclaimed also covers some of the other characters in the Knights Rebels series and with their appearance, you get some laughs.

The topic brought up in this book is one not many would take. Postpartum depression isn't one-sided. It brings forth the reality that not only the woman is affected, the rest around her, those who love her, are too.

Kudos to River, one of the most humble authors I've known and she's brought me to my knees again.

We've seen Kadence and Nix in Incandescent and parts of Affliction. But with the emotions both go through in Reclaimed, I swear, even though it's a novella, it had the most heartbreaking moments for me. Seeing both fighting their inner insecurities, you know they're as real as they can get. You connect with them.

I don't have to be a mother to feel Kadence's sense of loss. Depression comes in many forms.

I don't have to be married to understand Nix's struggle to get his wife back as well as juggling his family, both the club and back home.

With that said, the words that River used, can be used to the many out there fighting what they can't see.

"You don't have to be alone. Let me learn to breathe the ugliness you see. Let me share the darkness, Kadence. Just don't push me away."
- Nix Knight

Keep on what you're doing, Mrs Savage. Touch more people as you've touched mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connine daniels
I loved this novella, I've been obsessed with this series since book one, then to have kadence and nix novella and what they went through and how they survived makes me love nix even more, big bad bossy biker... can't wait for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue burke
Reclaimed is such a great story. If this story doesn't touch you, there is something wrong with you. My heart hurt for what Kadence was going thru. Having 4 kids I know what she felt. Thank you River for exploring such a misunderstood topic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa jameson
Once again river killed it with Nix and Kadence . This book is raw . It touched on tough real life situations and it gutted me but Nix never gave up on his girl !!! I will forever be in love with Nix and Kadence !!! This was AMAZEBALLS !!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
quick quotes quill
I enjoyed reading this book because Nix never gave up on His wife. That's how it ia when you really love someone. He brought her back to the light. Also I love reading about the friendship her and Holly share. Friends like her are hard to come by. Can wait to move on to the next. Thank you for a great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin feit
I LOVED this book!! River can bring such emotions to the reader through her writing that you feel what the characters are feeling. I loved how she not only showed the woman's emotional journey after birth, but she also managed to walk you through what the new father is dealing with as well. It takes an amazing writer to be able to pull the emotions that River has managed to with all her books. This series is an amazing read that everyone should have in their library!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was absolutely amazing. I love how so many woman will be able to relate to this story. Plus you can never go wrong with Nix and Kadence. This story was wonderfully written. I cant say enough good things about this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer dopazo
For being one of her shorter!!! The depth she goes to connect you to her characters....i don't have words to adequately describe...amazing...deep...loved it!!! Very talented!!! One of my favs!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin girouard
River you never ever disappoint I've missed the Gang so much I love all the banter between them. This book was so real intense sexy sweet heart wrenching and breathtaking all in one. Loved loved loved
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gosh what to say about this Novella, it was amazing, I wish it would of been a full novel. Yes I know I'm a greedy woman. I need more Nix!! If I wasn't in love with Nix before (which I totally was) I am completely in love with him know. You see a whole different side of Nix and Kadence. In Incandescent it was hot and gritty. In Reclaimed you really got to see the softer more emotional side of both Nix and Kadence.

Nix is trying to do what he thinks will help Kadence get through everything she is going through since having Harlow. However Kadence is being so hard on herself that she's not letting anyone in. I wanted to shake her and tell her to just talk to Nix. It breaks my heart to see them not be how they were. Because Nix is well Nix he was able to get through to Kadence by telling her how he was drowning just like her.

What I love is that this book can relate to so many people out there. This book shows that all you need to do is communicate and trust the person you love when you are at your lowest. Nix and Kadence got through a very tough time and still love fiercely, if not more now that things have happened. River you are amazing. I can not wait to read more about the Knights Rebels. This is once again another 5+ star review for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan port
If you’re looking for more Nix and Kadence, you must read Reclaimed! This takes place after book 2.

Where we left Kadence and Nix, they were happy, and in the first few pages of Reclaimed they are still that way, but then everything goes downhill. I loved how River wrote this in both their points of view so we could really see what was going on with both characters, and what they were feeling.

Nix and Kadence have to learn how to get back to them and to who they were before Harlow was born. Kadence definitely is struggling with some issues after the baby is born, and your heart really breaks for her, and then there is big, bad tough biker Nix, who is so broken about what is going on with Kadence he doesn’t know what to do.

Nix really stood out in this book for me, more so than Kadence, as his character definitely evolved so much since we first met him, and we saw more emotion out of him in Reclaimed than I thought was possible for such a bad ass biker!
This story is beautiful, and I am so glad we got to get more Nix and Kadence, as well as some sneak peaks into what is going on with all the other members of the Knight’s MC. I can’t wait for more in this series, I absolutely love these characters so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kunsang gyatso
Might be some spoilers... Just loved the journey this book took us on, how Nix and Kadence fought to get through their pain together, not giving up on one another and pushing past the comfort zones. It was a real glimpse into what things can be like in a real marriage, happiness doesn't come easy or for free, it's something that needs work, tears and unconditional love. You have to get through the sad to enjoy the happy. But its worth the struggle thats for sure and you always come out stronger and closer on the other side. I felt Nix's pain when he couldn't get through to Kadence, its heart wrenching when you love someone so much and they just can't see themselves through your eyes. I felt for Kadence too being in your own head and letting your insecurities run rampid its a constant struggle to quiet them down. All this good stuff between the playfulness, the bad ass bossy Nix, adorable Z and the rest of the bikers it was a great Nix Fix for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading the Knights' Rebel series, I was so glad to get more of Nix and Kadence. I fell for Nix from the beginning because even though he's one tough biker, he has such a good heart and you can feel the love he has for Kadence.

This novella really touched me because you are brought into their world from the time she is pregnant, throughout the birth, and months later. Poor Kadence broke my heart because she just fell apart and was struggling throughout this novella. With her falling apart, Nix is also struggling. He's fighting for his wife and what a patient man he was. There are not many male characters that would withstand the test of time.

You can tell they are both to their breaking point even though you know their story, it's still hard for them both. I must say I think I fell even harder for Nix and what he and Kadence tried to get through was unbelievable. I do like how you can tell this only made them stronger and their love is so much deeper.

This is one of those MC series that drew me in and didn't let me down in the least and I want more of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsy flanders
I never had gone through anything that what Kadence had gone through but I know I can relate to some of it of am I doing right, am I going to fail my child, what am I doing wrong that would make my child cry and not stop. I would not want to ever go through what she went through and what Nix went through in the whole book. They were able to go through and get over the hurtles that was put in front of them but yes, it took awhile for them to finally get over them. But that is going to be most relationships especially after having a new baby in the family. Not only did they have a new baby in their family but also had Z. She might have been a mom to Z for the longest time but it was all new to her. You don't just see Nix and Kadence in the book, you get to see all the guys and see what is going on in the life of the club and their family. It was a great thing to be able to see what happens and what is going on with all the families. It was an awesome book and would recommend anyone that have already read the first two books to read this one also. Great read and enjoyed it a lot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked how the author incorporated post partum depression into Kadence's character. PPD is a real issue that women suffer from. Many women suffer alone without getting professional help because of the shame that they feel. It is good that River Savage I s able to use her stories to help others deal with their everyday problems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
garrick thompson
Absolutely Loved this book!! River you have done it again!! You took a subject that is close to so many women's hearts and gave it a Beautiful story. For anyone who hasn't suffered from postpartum depression you've given them a window into what it's like!! Love Kadence & Nix and can't wait for your next story!! Keep doing what you best, giving us Wonderful stories!!!
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