Defenseless (The Salvation Series Book 5)

ByCorinne Michaels

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ewa wisniewska
Really loved this book. It was full of suspense, humor, and hot sex. I love Mark and Charlie's story. The attraction is obvious but I love the banter between the two of them. It makes it even more hot. After reading Liam and Lee's story I never thought I would fall for another man like I did Liam but Mark has definite stole my heart. Not to mention he's freaking hot as hell. This book rocked my world. I loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kati stevens
Corinne Michaels this book...oh this book. How I love, Love, LOVED this book. I feel like I have waited forever for Mark's story. But it was totally worth the wait. Mark and Charlie put new meaning to the phrase "burning it up"!! This book made me laugh out loud, shed a few tears and want to go find my husband ASAP!! If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would in a heartbeat!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mark and Charlie are so good together! The wait for their story was worth it and love how Corrine continues the series. Mark is such a sexy alpha that met his match with Charlie. She is strong and willing to do whatever to complete her mission. Loved their banter back and forth then their fireworks. This series has so many ups and downs, heart wrenching at times but love wins in the end!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy chavez
This book had everything. It was funny, suspenseful, joyful and sad at points. I loved Mark from the other books and prayed he would have his book as well and Corrinne didn't disappoint. I loved the layers that Charlie peeled away. And Charlie's family were everything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack thelen
Mark and Charlie are total badasses!! Mark has definitely given Liam and Jackson a run for their money!!

Charlie is my kind of girl... Total badass, doesn't take sh*t from anyone and can stand on her own... Don't mess with Charlie! Mark is the same but they both seem to know where each of them stand in their extremely HOT and competitive relationship... They both have to learn how to submit to the other and that is just fun to read!! Mark is just amazing!! When Mark and Charlie get together, bombs definitely go off! There is so much chemistry between these two... I sometimes needed a cold drink!!

Corinne, did I already tell you that I love you?!?! :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul jensen
Corinne Michaels has done it again! If you love intrigue, espionage, romance, and sardonic wit this book is for you! The title says it all. Defenseless will hook you, reel you in, and leave you satisfied in the world of Mark and Charlie. Follow their story as it unfolds and includes your favorites Jackson, Catherine, Natalie, Liam, & Aaron from Corinne's other novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***** 5 Breathless Stars *****

WoW!!! Right now I am completely processing this book.... Defenseless left me breathless....

I know that we have all been patiently waiting for Defenseless. I will tell you all, it is so worth the wait! Corinne outdid herself with this book. I have read all of Corinne's book. I feel like this one might be her best book thus far. Although Defenseless is not part of a series, you really need to have read The Belonging Duet & The Consolation Duet in order for Defenseless to make sense. Defenseless pulls everything together. All the questions you had are answered. Sorry, that is all the details that I am going to say....

Defenseless is the story of Mark Dixon (aka Twilight, shimmer boy, six-foot-one man-child, shiny vampire boy) and Charisma Erickson (aka Charlie, Agent Awesome). Charlie is a CIA agent on a mission to avenge her father's death. Mark works for Cole Security Forces. When going to Iraq to rescue his friend Aaron Gilcher - who was being held captive, Mark & Charlie meet and have instant chemistry.

".... I don't have a moment to take the sight. Charlie doesn't hesitate. No more than a breath passes before she raises the nine and shoots him in the head. I'm in love. It's official. I'm going to blow my f*cking load right here. This woman is going to be mine. She turns her head to face me and lifts her lips. The words that come from her mouth go straight to my groin. 'Don't be afraid to pull the trigger next time, princess.' Charlie's eyes glimmer, and I know right then that this woman will not be owned, but she sure as sh*t will own me."
~ Corinne Michaels, Defenseless

That chemistry builds and builds through out the entire book. It had me smiling the whole way through. The thing I like the most about their chemistry was the push and pull that each of them had with each other. Charlie is a hard headed woman that lives her life her own way. Mark is a dominate man that would lay his life down for the people he loves. I could not get enough of Mark and how he demanded Charlie to fall in love with him over time. Charlie never had a chance. Mark was her forever. It was pure perfection.

One of me favorite Charlie moments -
"The one trait I share with my mother is her love for clothing - especially designer fashion. Priscilla Erickson doesn't dress in anything cheap. Her purses are all coveted, and don't even get me started on the shoes. I've requested all of them be left to me in her will. I could sleep in her closet and be happy."
~ Corinne Michaels, Defenseless

On a side note, I have to tell you that the Epilogue is one of my favorites that I have read in awhile. I was cracking up the entire time!!!

Corinne, this book was perfect. You kept me wanting more. Once it was over, I still wanted more! Thank you for allowing me to read Defenseless prior to it's release. It was the perfect book to go with the other series that you have written. I am looking forward to Indefinite - Quinn & Ashton's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alecia anderson
OMG....I love this book. A perfect addition to the Belonging Duet and Consolation Duet. It had me riveted from the first page...but had me reading it slowly because I didn't want it to end! Corinne Michaels outdid herself once again. One of the most talented authors I've ever followed. I will definitely be reading all of her future work! Great Job!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved Defenseless! It was suspenseful, witty, and sexy! Mark and Charlie are hilarious! I loved the multidimensional plot and how it was all woven together seamlessly. I highly recommend Defenseless!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam caster
This is the first series I read from Corinne Michaels. I hope she rights about Aaron, how he felt during his marriage to Lee,& how he was captive. While his wife found out everything about his betrayal ,& falling in love with his best friend Liam. We also need to see him falling in love again,& his happy ever after.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zarah gagatiga
Loved this book! In my opinion Corinne Michaels can do know wrong. Here books are always amazing. Defenseless is a fun, sexy action packed book. I would recommend reading her other books first because it lets you experience those characters in this book. It's not necessary though. Trust me... You will fall in love with Charlie and Mark!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellie c
After diving into the first two Duets in the Salvation Series, I anxiously awaited the arrival of Defenseless and Corrine Michaels did not disappoint.

I think out of all of her hot Alpha men, Mark is by far my favorite.

I'm glad he met his match in Charlie and thank goodness for happy endings and no cliffhangers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! Loved the story BESIDES the hot relation ship here. The intrigue was really great. I thought that Liam and Natalie's story couldn't be topped, but this was even better. And I am so glad it was all in one story- just because the wait is agony!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are so many dynamic elements in play throughout this story that will not only leave you yearning for more, but leave you completely sated as well.

Action packed.


Romantic and filled with sexual tension, Defenseless is just downright EPIC!!

Under Mark's silliness and quick wit hides a dominating alpha that will blow your mind. Meeting Charlie has brought perception to his life, he sees a future with her and he isn't afraid to pursue her. Charlie is a sassy, confident, kick as$ woman who's quick to put Mark in his place and give him her two cents.

But in the world of spies and NAVY seals things can get rocky and putting your emotions on the line becomes a huge risk.

Their chemistry is off the charts hot and sexy. I just loved watching these two banter back and forth. It literally brought me joy, but what I loved most was watching Mark fight for Charlie in those moments where she struggled with her feelings. He made her feel alive, after enduring a major loss and that alone won my heart.

Defenseless is filled with suspense, emotion, and intrigue. Tons of funny times and so, so good!! Secrets are revealed and Corinne will make sure to leave you hanging on the edge of your seat once again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Corinne Michaels just finished Defenseless & I have to be honest...absolutely Incredible, no matter how much I love Liam you won me with Mark & Charlie.i laughed my but off through the entire witty all the banter the JERSEY GIRL scarasium was written throughout it was phenomenal....Bravo...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juliet eve
Corinne did it again! This book is awesome I could not put it down. I laughed and was worried but it's worth it. I have read all her books they are fantastic and I would recommend them all. Can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really loved Mark's character in previous books. He's witty and funny, but never had anyone of his own. I loved the back and forth between Mark and Charlie. The storyline was interesting and wasn't expecting the ending at all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I missed these guys!! Absolutely loved this book and this series. Twilight was hilarious as ever and definitely found his perfect match in Charlie. I loved there chemistry and dynamic . Great story and well written another hit from One of my fav authors. Totes a must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved, loved, loved this book! So fabulous to get the Happily Ever After all in one-click!! Lol Mark and Charlie's story was chalk-full of intrigue and passion. I thoroughly enjoyed racing thru the twists and turns right alongside them. Perfect!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanita s
Corinne, you are an amazing story teller. Couldn't put this book down, just like the others. All the twists and turns, leaving me emotionally drained and looking for more. Keep coming out with incredible reads!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie johnson
This was somewhat different then the last 4 books, even though a standalone it ties everything together. I have to say for it being very angst and serious there was some dang funny stuff and the banter!! Loved the epilogue!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandi degner
You will not regret ripping through the story of Charlie and Mark, you will only regret that it has to end...white hot scorching sex! This was a great addition to the Salvation Series and those HOT HOT HOT men of Cole Security Forces. I have re read this one 3 times already...LOVE IT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved Mark and Charlie! Twilight was funny as always. Charlie wasn't a girl to play with because of the field she works in but Mark kept her in check when it came to the bedroom! Ha!!!! The twist in the plot I didn't see coming. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Corinne Michaels has once again captivated her readers with the fifth book in the Salvation Series - Defenseless. The main characters, Mark and Charisma (Charlie) take us on a roller coaster ride with their stubbornness and the relentless walls they've erected to protect their hearts. Of course, all our favorite Salvation Series characters are there to ensure that Mark and Charlie don't let true love get away. All of Corinne Michaels' books have blown me away. Her style is smooth, her characters are unique, and she knows how to pull at your heart-strings. A must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Finally we learn more about Mark Dixon!! This sis about him and Charlie the female CIA agent. This book is full of twists and turns as you can imagine with these two. It is also funny and touches on some deep issues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved Mark and Charlie! Twilight was funny as always. Charlie wasn't a girl to play with because of the field she works in but Mark kept her in check when it came to the bedroom! Ha!!!! The twist in the plot I didn't see coming. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby driedger
Corinne Michaels has once again captivated her readers with the fifth book in the Salvation Series - Defenseless. The main characters, Mark and Charisma (Charlie) take us on a roller coaster ride with their stubbornness and the relentless walls they've erected to protect their hearts. Of course, all our favorite Salvation Series characters are there to ensure that Mark and Charlie don't let true love get away. All of Corinne Michaels' books have blown me away. Her style is smooth, her characters are unique, and she knows how to pull at your heart-strings. A must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Finally we learn more about Mark Dixon!! This sis about him and Charlie the female CIA agent. This book is full of twists and turns as you can imagine with these two. It is also funny and touches on some deep issues.
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