A Forever Thing (A Three Magic Words Romance)

ByCarolyn Brown

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
molly grube

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason mcintosh
Poorly written, uninteresting, juvenile characters, ridiculous storyline that seems to jump from one thing to another with NO continuity. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!!!! After coming back to read some of the reviews, I have decided not to finish it, and I have read almost 2/3s of it. Not worth any more of my time! Not sure how anyone could give this book 4 or 5 stars. They must really read some terribly written books if they think this is a five star book! Ok...I feel better now that I've typed that out! ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ms chappell
Good book about two people who strike sparks from each other from the beginning but resist what fate is trying to tell them. Fancy has moved to Texas from Florida to take care of her grandmother. She has a job lined up, and her two childhood best friends are there also. Her stay gets off to a rocky start when a chance encounter with a black cat puts her in direct conflict with Theron, school principal, rancher, and part-time cop.

Theron works multiple jobs to pay the bills and the note on his ranch. He doesn't have the time or inclination to get involved with a woman. He had been briefly married and it was a painful enough experience that he will never do it again. Meeting Fancy throws his well-ordered life into turmoil.

Fancy and Theron's first meeting had me laughing out loud. Her attempt to avoid hitting a black cat ended up with her arrested for underage drinking and reckless driving. No matter how she tried to convince him, Theron refused to believe that she was a thirty-year-old woman with a broken bottle of almond extract in her car. Theron definitely came across as judgmental and rigid, while Fancy was argumentative and snarky. I loved the whole "call your parents" thing and laughed out loud when Theron had to eat his words. They parted ways, hoping to avoid any future contact, but fate had other plans.

Fancy sees Theron again at her final interview for the schoolteacher position, where he is the principal. When that job goes to someone else, Fancy blames him. Then they meet yet again when Fancy is tasked with helping out a Sunday School class, where Theron is also the teacher. Two stubborn people butt heads, and the sparks fly.

I loved the development of Fancy and Theron's relationship, which they fought tooth and nail to the end. I liked the way that Theron found himself offering help and comfort to Fancy as she deals first with her grandmother's hostility, then with her death. He doesn't know why he does it; he simply can't resist the urge. Fancy is equally surprised by how much she wants that comfort. Neither one can deny the attraction that is between them. I liked their openness with each other about their expectations. Fancy wants a "forever thing"; a man that is willing to commit past the simple statement of love. Theron is clear on the fact that he will never marry again having been burned once already. But when Theron is given custody of a three-year-old daughter he didn't know existed, it is Fancy he turns to for help.

I loved the way that Fancy dropped everything to help Theron with little Tina. His determination to do right by the little girl opened Fancy's eyes to a completely different side of Theron. It was sweet to see the way that the two worked together. It didn't take long for the three of them to feel like a family. Fancy realized that she had fallen hard for Theron, but didn't see a future in it because of his attitude toward marrying again. Theron wanted Fancy to stay, but couldn't bring himself to admit his feelings. I ached for them both as it looked as though they were going to throw away a terrific future. I liked how Fancy did some honest soul-searching at the end, discovering that maybe she'd been a bit unbending in her requirements. I loved Theron's big moment as all his practiced speeches went out of his head and he spoke from the heart.

The secondary characters were all very well done. Fancy's grandmother Hattie was a horrible person. I ached for Fancy and her mother Gwen having to deal with the woman all their lives. The things that Hattie told Fancy emphasized just how bad she was. I liked the way that Theron, Sophie, and Kate helped Fancy through the worse of it. I also loved the beauty-shop ladies. They were a fun mix of small-town matriarchs with a variety of attitudes and personalities. I loved the way they came together for Fancy both when Hattie died and when Fancy was taking care of Tina. Fancy's friends Sophie and Kate were terrific also. All three had been good friends as teenagers and stayed in touch as adults. I loved how they could tease each other one minute and provide emotional support the next. It was fun to see how they caught the feelings growing between Theron and Fancy long before the couple did.

I liked how important family was to both Fancy and Theron. Fancy came to Texas to take care of Hattie, even though she knew it would be a thankless task. She did it to make things easier for her mother. I loved the closeness between Fancy and Gwen. Theron's family was also a big part of his life. I loved his care for Uncle Joe, and the Christmas scenes with them were heartfelt and emotional. I also liked Theron's parents and sister. Their immediate acceptance of both Tina and Fancy was great. I also loved the various insights they gave to Fancy about Theron and who he is. I loved the straight talk Theron got from his father and the unexpected news that he got that changed the way he looked at his future.
The Wedding Pearls :: One Lucky Cowboy (Lucky Cowboys) :: Lily's White Lace :: Maggie's Mistake :: The Lilac Bouquet
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth goble
This first of the Three Magic Words trilogy introduces us to Fancy Lynn Sawyer, Sophie McSwain, and Kate Miller, BFF since high school, back together in Albany, TX after 15 years. Fancy’s crabby, obnoxious grandmother fell and broke her hip; Fancy’s mother sent her to Albany to help her grandmother and take care of her house until she can return home.
Fancy has applied to teach elementary children for the year she expects to be in Albany. Officer Theron Warren sees her car swerve, then over-correct, when a black cat runs in front of her car. When he pulls her over, he refuses to believe that her license is valid – her petite size convinces him she is a teenager. He takes her to jail in handcuffs, insisting he will call her parents to come get her. She gives him their phone numbers – in Florida – and tweaks him about his diminutive 5’ 2 inch size and laughs about the whole escapade when her mother confirms she is actually 31 years old.
Their abrasive interaction continues when their Pastor assigns Fancy to help Theron with his pre-school Sunday School class. Even so, they find themselves attracted to each other. A few months later, when Theron’s ex-wife abandons the 3 year old daughter he never knew he had, he panics. Knowing Fancy is single and only in Albany temporarily, Theron asks her to help this new daughter to adjust to the daddy she has never known.
Fancy accepts the challenge. Tina, the abandoned child, quickly captures Fancy’s heart while Theron’s stumbling efforts with Tina as a new and inexperienced daddy do the same. But Fancy is only in Albany temporarily and Theron swears he will never marry again. Surely they have no future together.
A Forever Thing is well executed, easy to read, and great fun. The readers – and Fanny’s friends – know the likely outcome of their growing attraction. Their constant insistence that their strange, celibate relationship must soon end provides the spice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fancy, Kate and Sophie are three long-time friends. When Fancy goes from Florida to Texas to take care of her grandmother, she is certain she'll return to Florida where her home has been. But life, and even her two friends take over as they almost push her into "a forever thing" a rancher by the name of Theron. This is almost an enemy to friends trope, but not 100%. Carolyn Brown is a prolific, closed-bedroom writer. Her writing style is easy to read and understand. From time to time it seems her dialect isn't quite on point, but I think that's because it's inconsistent and tends to become more Texan the longer the book goes. But it's not enough to keep me from reading her.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer joelle
This book was much more tame in comparison to most books I read, but I still found it to be endearing. If you are looking for a simple, light romantic without any vulgarity this one will do the trick. There was no profanity, no sex (a couple kisses were shared but that was it), no unnecessary angst, drinking alcohol etc. Like I said earlier, simple and sweet. Lots of talk about going to church, Sunday school class, trips to the local Dairy Queen etc. My one complaint, which is minor, is that the daughter "Tina" was supposedly 2 almost 3 years old. I have spent time with tons of children in my days, and this little girl felt much more like an 8-9 year old. The dialogue and way she acted NEVER at every point had me thinking this was a small toddler. Overall, it was just a cute light hearted romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheikh shahidur
I loved Part 1 of ‘A Three Magic Words Romance’ I didn’t know if this was Part 2 or 3 cuz I read Sophie’s story before..the point I’m making is I loved all three books but it was done weird, like in reverse? If you’ve read them or will read you’ll understand. I love Kate’s first, but that should have been the last book, Sophie 3rd and Fancy 2nd...So that’s why I was not liking the way they were labeled. That’s not picky it’s called SAGA...
Would highly recommend any of these ‘three magic words romance’ no matter ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher decker
Carolyn Brown ALWAYS writes the best stories, with the greatest and realist characters. I would love to have many of these characters as friends or family.

If your unmarried, hold out for and accept nothing less then a Forever Thing kind of love and marriage.

Without reading each and every one of Carolyn Brown's books, I can guarantee that each and every single one of them will leave you with a good feeling and enjoyment
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I ended up getting this series in reverse order but it didn't hurt the enjoyment of the books whatsoever. I love the narrator in the audible edition and enjoyed listening to all of these while on a road trip. The characters are so rich and well rounded and the dialogue is full of witty banter. You won't regret starting anything by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael cary
Have read almost everything written by Carolyn Brown and she has given me many many hours of enjoyable reading. What I like so much about her books are they are not long and drawn out like so many I read......almost like the author is just filling up pages with nothing. I just finished "A Forever Thing", and loved it. She always touches my heart with her stories and this one is no exception. Looking forward to the next one in this series. I wonder who did the cover. It has 3 paper doll figures on the front and the first one is darker showing its the first in this series....really cute and so fitting. Sorry but I won't give away even a smidgeon of this book. You will just have to read it and I promise you won't be disappointed. Its a Winner!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny cox
Carolyn Brown is one of my favorite authors, and I grabbed this book as soon as it appeared at my local library. I was hooked from page one. Fancy Lynn wasn't looking for love in Texas, and her run-in with part-time police officer Theron Warren sets the tone for their relationship. Sparks flew every time they met, but both were determined to ignore the sparks. They danced around their feelings as they got to know each other better, and it was one step forward and two steps back and very entertaining to watch. Take one woman who wants forever, a man who has had his heart stomped on and isn't planning to give it away again, add some supporting characters taken from any small town in America, mix gently and you have the perfect reading experience. I'm looking forward to reading the next two books in this series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa wasserman
Spoiler... I wanted to love,it, but it was predictable and not romantic... A guy saying I don't want forever, then suddenly does once he has a daughter to raise... Probably 5 kisses in the book and it ends in a forever thing...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison szabo
I like Carolyn Brown's writing. She takes you away from the hum drums of the day
and into an escape of the time. This is a typical C.B. writing. Simple but keeps your attention. If you want a little escape try her books. This one kept me interested but guessed the out come very early in the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn laforce fisher
This book is good. It very interesting. When you looking for the forever things those words don't need to be spoken it the way you wanted it to end. Thorne and Fancy got off to a rocky start, but she was there for him, when he needed her the most. Love just grew but men can be stubborn. He just can't do the forever thing, or can he. Fancy just wanted the word, but the action is more than anything. Good Book. Can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sean snapp
Enjoyable read about a single woman who meets an exasperating young man in Texas. Sparks fly as they really don't see eye to eye at first. Then comes the plot twist that throws them together. Fun read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marty gardner
Recently discovered Carolyn Brown. This book did not disappoint. I couldn't put it down. I loved the way the characters are developed and the way their lives are entwined. Looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is not a high octane novel. No crazy hormonal moments,steamy sex scenes or other nutty things that clog up most modern day romances. I wasn't sure if I liked the pace at first, because it's not what I'm used to, but I need up really liking this story as a story of the making of a family more than a romance.
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