Steel Lily (The Periodic Series Book 1)

ByMegan Curd

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
eric gibb
I couldn't finish this. There were too many problems, partially with the basis, but also ... the main character to me was insufferable. She was condescending and completely oblivious in a way I do not want to interact with. Not every MC has to be lovable, but I couldn't empathize with this protagonist.

That said, this book deserves some credit for decent writing and what I'm sure was going to be a fun, twisting plot, which I caught a glimpse of before I couldn't take the MC anymore.

In the end, I felt I was being asked to suspend too much disbelief for a character I just really, really didn't want to spend anymore time with.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica t
I read raving reviews for this book and had pretty high expectations. I was disappointed. The author made a good attempt at plot and character development but didn't quite get it right. Jokes and moments intended to make us sad or happy just fell flat. I did read the book through to the end since it was a quick read and I hoped there would be some redemption to be found. Unfortunately, the big reveal was seen coming a mile away. I will not be picking up the sequel.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very inconsistent characterization, the train of thought of the narrator/main character is hard to follow at several points, the "plot twists" were often seen coming from a thousand miles away, and obnoxiously reliant on the "beautiful girl who think she's plain-looking reluctantly falls in love with the beautiful boy who acts like a jerk to hide his tender heart" trope. Certain aspects of the worldbuilding were a lot of fun, but overall it wasn't nearly engaging enough to warrant reading the rest of the series. Couldn't help catching several typos, grammar errors, etc. that the editor really should have fixed.
Tick Tock (Michael Bennett) :: Texas Sunrise: A Novel (The Texas Series) :: Step on a Crack (Michael Bennett) :: Run for Your Life (Michael Bennett) :: A Gideon Quinn Adventure (The Fortune Chronicles Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin bogar
Full review can be found at:

My Thoughts:

Any of my regular readers will tell you that I am a reading machine. I push out books like it’s going out of style, especially this summer. I have loved all the variety I have come across this summer in my reading craze and I owe a lot of it to a new direction I wanted to take. I told myself I was going to step back for a little while and read some books that were “outside my norm”. First I hit Zombie books (and look where I am now, getting ready to start my 5th one. I have a problem) and now I have hit my second milestone: Steampunk. I’ll be honest. I’m not sure why I have veered away from Steampunk. I guess in my head I was just picturing a much more….. hipster kind of genre. Does that make sense? All I can think about when I think of Steampunk is cogs and big goggles. Oh hey, I was kind of right! J Steel Lily has been my very first foray into the Steampunk subgenre, and I have to say, I LOVE IT. AHHH!

So here’s the deal, I picked up Steel Lily on B&N a few weeks ago after having been selected to participate in the blog tour for Iron Pendulum (book 2 in the series). Generally I never join blog tours or promos for books that aren’t the first in a series that I am not familiar with. It just means I have a whole lot more work cut out for me and that usually doesn’t fit into my time constraints (especially in a series such as this where each book is over 300 pages). I got my copies of Steel Lily and Iron Pendulum about a month ago, yet they just sat in my library. I really wasn’t all that excited about reading them, but I really can’t tell you why. With mere days until my blog tour, I told myself I needed to get reading. Well… I read them alright. I sat down and read the entire ~300 page Steel Lily in one sitting. The. Entire. Thing. Oh hey, then guess what? I did the exact same thing less than 24 hours later with Iron Pendulum. (But we will get to IP tomorrow!) You guys know how much work goes into to reading a book and it isn’t something I take lightly. The fact that I read the entire novel in one sitting, should be all the explanation I need to give right here!

Unfortunately I went straight into book 2 without pausing to write my book one review so I’m really having to be careful here to avoid spoilers!

This book was full of so many amazing quotes. Megan Curd really knows how to strike a nerve with her writing. She can have a scene FULL of suspense, action, and heartbreaking emotion, and still can add a line that makes you raise your fist in agreement! While I could share any of the near 20 quotes I highlighted from this novel, I’ll just share my favorite:

Her face was fierce, “If you don’t know what you’d die for, you haven’t lived passionately enough.”

That one quote made me seriously yell “YES!” at 3AM while I was reading. So true. So very true.

Back on the topic of Megan Curd and her ability to craft a heartbreaking emotion, dang… Curd hit me hard with a few of the scenes in this novel. There is one death that I honestly did not see coming and It was a hard fall to read guys! I’m still not entirely sure why it happened, and unfortunately I saw a huge parallel to another hugely popular YA series (one that we don’t speak of on this blog), but I hope that was just me being overly analytical!

The themes Curd explores in Steel Lily are numerous and keep the story firmly planted at its’ roots without allowing it to become over-bearing. Survival, trust, the importance of family, self-preservation, loyalty, honor, etc I could go on and on. This one novel really did a great job of exploring so many things.

I am usually not a huge fan of the dystopian genre, but this novel really put a different take on it. The future United States (the 2080s) has been devastated by nuclear war and the surviving populations live under domes due to the atmospheric pollution. That was a neat twist on the futuristic setting! Our story takes place in both Detroit and in the Twin Cities, but I really don’t know that the city distinction was necessary. The way Curd has crafted her stories, it could be any two towns. Her visual descriptions are so detailed with perfection that I can see her world so easily when I close my eyes and imagine. It really is a testament to her writing style to describe such a beautiful gift.

This is my first Megan Curd novel, but I can assure you that I will be reading and all that come across my screen in the future. For my very first ever foray into the Steampunk genre, I am elated to give Steel Lily a solid 5 star rating. It (along with IP) have been placed on my “favorite reads of 2014” shelf! A spot they so rightfully deserve!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom grant
The dystopian genre isn't a genre that I normally like to read. However, in recent months I have picked up a couple of books in the genre that have shown me that even though it isn't my preferred reading material, there are some that have sparked my interest. Steel Lily is absolutely one of those books.

Megan has imbued elemental manipulation into a new world with a steampunk flavor, and I am head over heels in love with it. I can totally see the world going in that direction, minus the elemental "magic" if you will. She has this way of telling a story that makes you look at the world around you and say to yourself, "Self, if reincarnation is real, I want to come back and live in this world that Megan Curd has created within these pages, because it sounds completely badass!" No really, you'll say that to yourself while you read this book, I did. I'm not making that up. But you'll only want to do it if you can be like Avery. Trust me.

The characters in this book, Avery, Alice, Jaxon, Sari, Legs... They could be your friends, your classmates, your love interests... They are well thought out, highly developed, and each and every one of them (even the villains, yes I used the plural form) are even more pivotal to the story line than just to give it more depth. They all play a distinct role, roles that give credence to the overall theme. It's this that ties them all together, and I fear that it is this that may tear them apart.

There were places within the story where I literally laughed out loud, and then others where I found myself fighting tears. There are also places where I had to take a step back and say, "Okay, remember, this isn't real and no matter what you cannot hurt this person." Yes, readers, it was THAT intense. And THAT my friends, is a sign of a damn good book. When you want to climb into the pages and hurt someone for hurting someone else.

All in all, I am completely hooked and I now have an intense need to know where this series is going to take us. Will these fragile (because they are extremely fragile) ties that bind this group of misfits together be enough to hold them to one another? How far can they be pushed before they break? What will it take for them to learn to trust outside of themselves? Because ultimately, that is what this series will be about. Learning to trust when you can barely trust yourself.

Great job, Ms. Curd. I am happy to include this book among the other two in my very short list of favorite Dystopians. I'm anxiously awaiting Iron Pendulum.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm in love with dystopian novels, plain and simple. So when I saw the synopsis for Megan Curd's Steel Lily I knew I had to get my hands on it. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I was so excited when I got this book that I squeezed it in between other review books just because I couldn't stand the wait. The characters were awesome. The lead female was tough, snarky, and kick butt! There was a tough, hot swoon-worthy male lead, and some awesome best friends. Then you throw in the awesome elemental uses: AMAZING READ. :)

"My ability to manipulate water-to create steam-manifested after I was exposed to the radiation." -Megan Curd, Steel Lily

Avery Pike used to live in a normal world with her family until a nuclear bomb exploded and everyone was exposed to radiation. Now she resides in Dome Four and has the power to produce steam. Not only does she have this power, but she is the strongest elementalist in Dome Four and provides most of the power for it to run. Avery was separated from her parents and do not know if they are dead or alive.

"The war had polarized everyone into two classes. There were Traditionals: people who were normal by all accounts and expendable, and there were Elites: members of the government, the rich, or Elementalists. Elites were pampered; Traditionals were lucky to survive. I hated being considered Elite." -Megan Curd, Steel Lily

Even though Avery's life would be looked at as good living in Dome Four, she hated it. She was used by her teachers, the Polatzi, and the government. When she comes across a strange man, Mr. Riggs, she is offered a way out of Dome Four and what seems to be a better life. Riggs wants to take her to his academy, Chromelius Academy, that is dedicated to elementalists to help broaden their skills. When Avery goes to talk to Alice, her best friend, about Riggs showing up with this offer, the decision is made for her when Jaxon Pierce appears and takes her and Alice out of a sticky situation to the academy.

"Alice leaned into me, her voice low. "He's a guy after your own heart-overconfident, good looking, and witty. It's like you in male form. "-Megan, Curd, Steel Lily

Avery and Alice learn quickly that the life Aticus Riggs offered her is nothing but a lie. She thought things in Dome Four were bad? HA. Dome Seven wants to use her in worse ways than she could ever imagine. She is blackmailed to do things for information about her parents and then finds out not everyone is who she thinks they are. In the end she might just have to trust her worst enemy if they all want to get out alive.

"Ugly can be wrapped deceitfully in the throes of beauty" -Megan Curd, Steel Lily

So I loved this book. From the very first chapter I was engrossed and HAD to know what was going to happen with Avery. Every time I had to put it down I would get so mad because I just wanted to know how everything turned out.

I absolutely loved Avery. She was the perfect female lead character. She fought the entire way through this book for what she believed in and you can't help but love someone like that. She was also full of snarkiness and sarcasm when needed, which is something I love about most characters. The way she looked out for Alice and Legs also made me love her even more because of all the compassion she had for other people.

Jaxon was someone who caught my attention from his very first appearance. He was a big ball of sarcasm and I LOVE it. He is a tough character and seems to have a "negativity chip" on his shoulder. He has been scarred in life by his dad and has built up plenty of walls because of it. I love his sarcastic side, but when he let's his walls down every so often to show you his softer side: SWOON.

Avery and Jaxon have a lot of hilarious banter go on between the two of them through out the book. They both seem torn about how they feel about each other and constantly battling their emotions because of their scarred pasts. I found myself rooting for them to get together through out this book. I loved that they weren't just forced into a relationship right off the bat like a lot of books do.

This book was fast-paced, and kept me guessing. Every time I thought I had it figured out, I DIDN'T. The book had some plot twists that threw me for a loop several times. I can't wait to see what happens in the next installment, Iron Pendulum. Definitely RECOMMEND it. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Part steampunky, part post-apocalyptic tale, part mystery, part teen hijinks--honestly STEEL LILY wears many hats depending on what you like/focus on. Admittedly I almost gave up on the book--wait wait hear me out. Almost from the start Avery is given the worst luck in the history of ever. Her classmate pulls a cruel trick, several folks in the Polatzi (special police force) take advantage of her 'gift', her parents are missing, her gift makes her ill--and that's not even getting into some of the other stuff.

I'm not terribly fond of heroines (or heroes) who are so heavily tread upon from the get go. Sometimes, if handled well I'll ignore it and move on. But we all have those moments of impatience right?

Once the plot starts rolling...well actually Avery acquires almost chronically bad luck (mostly for those around her), but her proactive spirit to survive and help those around her (even the mean classmate) make her likeable. Also I'm a sucker for sarcasm.

Jaxon (or Jax) is an odd duck to be sure. He talks a lot, but most of what he says talks circles around itself and half of what he says is to get a reaction. He's quite full of himself, or projects as much at least, and I found myself quite smitten with his kind of reckless behavior (though if I was in Avery's position I may not have). His interactions with Avery tend to be him flirting, her smacking him down, him trying harder, her smacking him down harder and so forth.

I appreciated that Curd didn't have Avery just tumble into lust with Jaxon, but not question everything he said. Until some reveals about his past come about, Jax's actions aren't what you'd call in Avery's best interests. Secreting her out her first night to do something highly prohibited, talking about escape pretty quickly after knowing her--he seems reckless, problematic and disruptive to the new life Avery wanted to build. His softer side is shown slowly and covered up by a lot of bluster when caught out.

There's a couple twists in the book that come as a one-two punch at the end, and the supporting characters are certainly worth reading about (Sari is kinda hilarious and Alice wavered for me, she felt less defined then the others, Griggs is oily and swarmy while Xander is...difficult to get a handle on). I'm eager for the next book (Winter 2013 release, hopefully) and certainly hope that Avery finds some measure of peace eventually.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
STEEL LILY was a fascinating novel. As someone who has had very little exposure to "Steam Punk" before, but have had a fair share of dystopian in past few years, I can say that it was an intriguing take on an already familiar premise. At times it merged a bit of The Hunger Games-esque factioned off world with a character who possessed an elemental gift, who is far surpassed others of her kind, and is seeking a way out. An alternative life, if you will. Now again, there are other books with similar elements however Steel Lily still manages to hold its own weight.

One of the greatest things about this well rounded and noticeably well thought-out novel is the character development. Each character such as Jaxon and Avery, or Avery's friend Alice and more had their own unique identities that didn't seem to get muddled as I've seen in a few books lately. Often times character development is ignored or not really focused on which leads to flat characters, but Megan Curd has managed to avoid this by creating distinguishable and likeable characters.

I do wish that there was a bit more "tension" between Avery and Jaxon only because I eat that stuff up with a side of ranch! (I love it!) And there were a few parts that may have taken a while to develop or seemed to brisk through, however this is entirely understandable as this is the first novel in the series and such is to be expected when setting up the world/history.

Steel Lily has humor, action and romance all wrapped up in an alluring, yet dangerous world. Definitely worth a read!

** I would like to thank MEGAN CURD for providing me with a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
larry key
A review copy was provided for an honest review. One look at the cover and I was helpless. Steel Lily is completely awesome. Although it's slow to start it thrusts you instantly into this world with Elementalists that are confined to live in Domes post WWIII. My first thought was that I was a little lost within the amount of knowledge layed out for readers but as I read further on it slowed down and I absorbed it easily. I found myself glued to every page because I was desperately curious to see what would happen next to the heroine Avery. She lives a rough life, she's protective of her less fortunate friends, and has an ability that everyone wants to control. She's the farthest thing from superficial, she's real and easy to connect with. Alice, her best friend, is destitute and appears weak but is secretly sage and courageous. I loved the surprises from each character, they are all full of depth.

Avery is wise, clever, bold, and her potential is endless. Jaxon, a boy she meets a little ways into the story is witty, arrogant, and has deep emotions hidden beneath. They are each other's counterparts and they don't even realize it. They have tons of verbal battles and it's incredibly amusing. I couldn't stop reading because I loved their banter, it actually had me laughing out loud. The story itself is compelling and will have you rooted to your seat. The emotional development of many of the characters is a driving force, there is a combination of relationships that progress and it's an essential part of why I really liked Steel Lily. Every aspect has time to build up to certain points it wasn't like some young adult reads where things move forward too quickly and you don't get to witness the in-between. The world that's constructed is bleak, gritty, and thoroughly intriguing. The background history is revealed little by little and does a good job of being informative without overwhelming you all at once.

Avery Pike is young, orphaned, and has but one thing she can contribute to society--steam. Steam is all that matters after World War III and it's what keeps life going. After exposure to radiation Avery becomes a water Elementalist and her ability is sought after which is why she's allowed to live as an Elite--though it's hardly a blessing--she provides Dome Four with steam which is rare and necessary to maintaining life as everyone knows it. On a day much like any other an odd man approaches Avery and confronts her with a terrifying truth that unravels her whole existence. He offers her the chance to get out from under the thumb of the corrupt government and find out what happened to her parents--reluctantly she takes it. Now with the help of some new and old friends they dig up the secrets that have long been buried and what's discovered will be life-changing to all.

Steel Lily is a fantastic blend of dystopia and steampunk. That mix may seem like unlikely but it works well. The writing is outstanding Megan Curd can really paint a picture in your mind. While there was some predictability some twists you won't ever see coming. Steel Lily has a fair amount of action, drama, romantic tension, and suspense to hold your attention. It has been awhile since I picked up a book and enjoyed it so much for its inventiveness and wonderfully detailed plot. It's worth the read and deserves praise for its individuality. Beware there is some inappropriate language, violence, and innuendos. Those who are 15+ should have no problems with it. I already can't wait for the sequel Iron Pendulum to release, The Periodic Series is one to look out for!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steel Lily takes place in a steampunk/dystopian (but not THAT far into the future)world where people live under Domes instead of the sky. After WWIII, the Earth was badly damaged and the air polluted, making everyone have to live under a metal-like dome. How does it operate? Steam. Enter Avery, a uniquely talented girl whose parents are missing. Avery is an Elementist, meaning at least in her case, that she can produce steam. While it may sound like claim-to-fame ability, she is often shunned by her peers for her gift. When she is taken to a new school to further develop her powers, she discoveries much more than she bargained for including mystery, hidden agendas, and romance.

I signed up to receive a free ARC ebook (in exchange for an honest review), because I thought this story sounded unique, and it wonderfully, wonderfully was. From the first few chapters, I felt really engrossed in Avery's world. It was easy to imagine this tough, lonely girl trying to deal with being different, having powers, and protecting those she loves. Avery might actually be one of my favorite protagonists, not because she is any of the above, but because of her reactions to things. So many times when I'm reading a book, I wonder why the main character went along with something, with little or no question. They might have the most stubborn side and a fierce backbone, but when something happens, they just kind of go along with it. Avery is not like this. She questions everything in an intelligent, firm way, showing that she doesn't trust easily. Given the world she lives in, that is a very good thing. She had a great way of describing the world around her without it feeling too explanation-y. The best world-building is often the one that happens gradually and without being obvious, and I think that's what this book had.

The plot was very reasonably paced, and I loved the characters more and more after every twist and turn. The character development was so smooth. Every time one of the characters had a break through, I felt like grabbing some confetti and throwing them a party for gaining such a new insight. While Avery was my favorite character, I loved the personalities the secondary characters brought. Alice, Avery's best friend, is very sweet and her friendship with Avery is natural and logical. I can easily picture them being best friends in real life. Sari was also a character I liked getting to know.

But we all know this a young adult story, and usually the best of those have a great romance. Hello, Jaxon. Jaxon is moody, sarcastic, sweet, unpredictable, and surprisingly heartwarming at times. The relationship between him and Avery is something readers will have to uncover for themselves, but I loved every second of it. It was unique, and not like a lot of YA relationships I've read. Jaxon and Avery are so similar, and they have a connection that left me teary at times (no shame!).

Other things I loved: the wit, the title (and the moment when I found out why the title was that, ALL THE FEELS), the cover, and the way the plot transitions were handled.

No book is perfect, so the thing I will say I would have liked more in this book is the Elementalist powers. We see Avery's frequently, but I would have enjoyed learning more about them in other people. I'm assuming/hoping/begging that there will be a sequel, so there's plenty of room to find out more about them, so it's not a big minus by any means, just a notable one.

5/5 steam-powered stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shara santiago
Avery is closely guarded but still at times sneaks away. She is used in this post apocalyptic world as she is a water Elementalist. One of the strongest in Dome Three. She can turn water into steam that keeps the dome in power and oxygen. Without her and the other Elementalist they would all die as no Dome equals no life. They are all that is left. However after a visit from a man she learns that is not true. When she is taken to a new dome she sees she has been lied to and there is more outside Dome Three. She now is in a place that may help her develop her powers. She just has to figure out who to trust. Coming from a place were everyone wanted to use her she has little trust left. With the help of the friend that came with her and the new ones she makes in the new dome she works to unravel the mystery of what is really going on in the world and what people want from her. She also has to figure out if she can trust Jaxon the boy who drives her crazy. She will learn nothing is at it seems or nothing like she has every known.

Avery is loyal to her friends, lonely at times, powerful and can be a smart ass at times. She says what she thinks and wants to do the right thing. She doesn't understand her feelings at times and has a hard times trusting people. I really liked her. She is the type of character you can really get invested in her story. Jaxon is cocky, a smart ass, smart and sexy. He also cares about his friends and has been hurt by someone close to him. These two together will at times crack you up. They have lots of tension between them and are very similar.

There is loads more characters for you to get to know in this book and each have a big part to play in the book. I love these type of books. The author has created a great world with fantastic characters. I like how each dome has it's own theme in a way. Like Avery you never really know who to trust as you read and the book will keep you on your toes. I will say I had a few shocks I did not see coming that did surprise me a lot. Along with a world that is thrown into chaos you also get to see a few things from the past that add a nice touch. It lets you place where your at. In some books in this genre you never really know for sure what the area is. I like that and it gave the books points for me. I will say the evil of man and how power can corrupt really shows in this story. It has love, action, betrayal, heartache, friendship and so much more including a storm that I loved seeing how it was used. I eagerly look forward to the next book in this series and recommend it to anyone who likes a dystopian book or to someone who has never tried one. This is sure to please many.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda higley
After World War III decimated the Earth, survivors were forced to live under a dome, protected from the uninhabitable world outside. Avery Pike is a sixteen-year-old a water Elementalist. She manipulates water, turning it into steam to help keep Dome Four powered up. She doesn't like being used like a hamster on a wheel, but what other choice does she have if she wants to survive? Avery's parents vanished years ago so the only person she truly cares about now is her best friend, Alice. When a strange man appears and offers Avery another way of life -- freedom! -- she carefully considers the possibility. In the end, the decision is made for her, and when she arrives at her new not-so-humble abode, Dome Seven, Avery is blown away by what she finds there.

Steel Lily is an unparalleled dystopian story set in the not-too-distant future, told from Avery Pike's POV. Avery is THE PERFECT heroine for this very imperfect world. She is strong, but has weaknesses, brave, but has fear. She is inquisitive, and full of resolve. The author didn't create a perfect person with over-the-top badass abilities, no shortcomings and flawless beauty. Avery Pike is as close to a real person as a fictional character can get. I love that when Avery says she doesn't trust easily, that attribute does not falter. She always says what she means, and means what she says. This tale, seen through her eyes, was immediately captivating. The plot unfolds at a skillful pace and takes you on an unprecedented journey.

The secondary characters in this book are just as authentic and engaging. Alice seems fragile at times, but really steps up to the plate when necessary. She and Avery fit together perfectly, balancing out each others strengths and weaknesses. Sari quickly became another favorite character equipped with a brilliant mind and the audacity to stand up for the good that is left in the world. I love that her personality meshed so well with Avery and Alice's. They were like The Three Musketeers -- all for one, one for all.

Now, Jaxson. Oh, LORDY! Jaxon Pierce is the perfect composition of charisma, despondence, sarcasm and even tenderness, when the mood strikes. And he needs to be a whole lot older so I don't have to feel so much like a cougar wanting to devour her own cub.

The four of them band together to uncover what Dome Seven's malevolent mastermind has in his evil bag of tricks. Did he really bring Avery to Dome Seven in an attempt to free her, all while trying to make the world a better place? Who can they trust in this place? The world building is incredible. I can easily place myself in this desolate world, fighting to survive not only the effects of the radiation, but life inside the dome as well.

Steel Lily is the embodiment of what every book should aspire to be. Megan Curd is a wicked-awesome author with an imagination beyond what I could ever hope to possess. She is the Cat's Pajamas! To all the books I've loved before, well, I still love you, but this book just slid into the #1 slot. I highly recommend Steel Lily to everyone, even if you think you don't fancy the dystopian genre. Don't imagine for a second that this is some strange futuristic plot that you couldn't possibly wrap your head around. This story flows beautifully with a combination of real emotion, heart-pounding action, mystery, plot twists that you can't possibly see coming, romantic elements, and enough snark to make you chuckle. Even the name of the book is thoughtful to the point of perfection. Just wait until you read it!

I am so grateful to Megan for providing me the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Steel Lily. This story renewed my hope for the dystopian genre which, as of late, has spiraled out of control with its overused tropes and flatlining characters. I am also in the middle of an emotional crisis because I read this a month before the actual release date, which means I have to wait that much longer for Iron Pendulum, the second book in The Periodic Series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda boulanger
Wow. I really hoped I would like this book because it's just in my wheel house with the elemental stuff. But you know what? I didn't like this book. Not at all. I F-ing LOVED it! YES you read that right. I just gave 5 stars to a dystopian novel. And everyone who knows me knows that that is pretty rare. Just as rare as someone calling 50 Shades a literary masterpiece.

So this is your basic dystopian world (not really). The world is in ruins after a lot of shit has happened and now people live in domes all across the world. It's only safe in those domes and even there life is hard. Avery lives in Dome Four. She's one of the Elementalists, one of the best. She generates steam for the dome. Without steam, no oxygen, no electricity, nothing. But Avery feels more like a pawn than an Elite. And when a man called Riggs offers her a way out, offers her freedom, it's hard to resist. But even there, nothing is what it seems. Even there where she's supposed to be free, are lies.

I loved the story. Next to the obvious reason with the elements, it's just a good dystopian book. The writing was really good. I can't really describe it, it just was so fun and nice reading this book. Megan Curd has a very good style of writing. Everything plays like a movie in my head and I love that. The worldbuilding is great. It's not so much you get bored, but not so little you don't understand a thing either. It's just enough and it's great. I got sucked into this story right away. And I just loooove when that happens.

Now I've got to talk about some of the characters. Not all of them because of spoilers, but some of them. First off, Avery. Man I love her. She's got some serious spunk. Talk about a kick-ass main character. She's awesome. I loved Alice too. She may seem like a shy and quiet girl, but she's not. She's cool and I like her. Sari too, she's cool. Also pretty kick-ass. And Legs. He's funny and I love him too. And Jaxon. My god. I have a new book boyfriend. Damn.
I can't talk about any of the other characters because I would spoil the whole book if I did. And I don't roll that way.

Would I read this book again? Hells yeah. Will I read the sequels? Hells yeah. Would I recommend it to anyone? You betcha.

This book is perfect for fans of the dystopian genre. Even fans of fantasy will like/love this book. If you're a fan of books with elemental stuff like me, you'll really love this book. So read it. Like... now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Steel Lily is FANTASTIC!!!! It's definitely one of my top 3 YA reads of the year! It's a unique mix of steampunk and dystopian and totally captivating! It's one of those books you wish you could unread, just so you can reread it for the first time again! The writing, plot, romance, characters.. everything really was perfect. There isn't one thing I would change about this book!

So, I am totally in LOVE with Jaxon. He is your atypical yet swoonworthy boy. He has dreadlocks and is overly full of himself. Here's one of my favorite scenes from him:

Are you finished checking me out? If you're not, that's okay; I allow every new woman I meet a free five-minute gawking period. After that, it'll cost you."

Blood rushed to my face. I tore my eyes from his magnetic gaze and watched as he pulled back his dredlocks, deep brown streaked with blonde, into a strap. His devilish grin pulled his eyes tight at the corners. He was trouble incarnate.

Trouble that I may very well want to get into, given the right circumstances.

"You're at five minutes and thirty seconds now," he said in a purr as he moved toward me. He leaned in, and I felt his breath against my cheek. My heart raced. "I'm going to start taking payment, and I choose how that payment is issued."

Megan Curd is a fabulous writer, I was awed at the ease in which she introduces us to her dystopian world. The element of steampunk and the fantasy of the elemental powers was intriguing. She's witty and can write a darn good steamy kiss. This book.. mark my word.. will be popular. There's no way it couldn't be, it's wonderful. After reading Steel Lily I know I will read anything and everything Megan Curd!

I totally don't want to give too much away about the plot because I want you to be surprised. So here's the essentials..

Since her parents disappearance, Avery has been used to provide fuel for the Dome she's been living in. That is, until a mysterious person offers her answers to the questions she's had since they left. Avery and her Alice are pondering his invitation for answers, when danger comes knocking on their door. They are saved by the very handsome and cocky Jaxon, the son of the mysterious man. They are swept away to safety, but safety may just be an illusion. Lies, deceit, and love.. Avery finds that not all answers are worth learning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Spread the word like wild fire - Steel Lily is AH-MAH-ZING. I haven't read such great dystopian story since Divergent. It captivated my attention since the beginning.

This story takes place in the future, right after WWIII. The war has exposed many to radiation, leaving earth, unlivable.

We meet the main character, Avery Pike; water Elementalist, the strongest among her kind. Avery is also an orphan, her parent disappear, leaving her alone with no one to look out for her. With her ability and no one to claim her at young age, the government took her and provided her a home in exchange of her providing steam to her home, Dome Four. This is the only way for humanity to survive, which is what she is taught.

Avery is tired of people using her for her ability.

A mysterious man offers her a way out, a new home. Yet, when she arrives this place, she realizes is the same, unlivable. This is the place where she discovers the truth about her parent, the truth about the war and most importantly, she finds her real home - in the arms of a charming sarcastic boy.

WOW - let me tell you something. I am amazed at the wonder Megan has created. This is magic! Loved every single word, the way it captivated my attention from the start, loved the characters, AND I FREAKING LOVED JAXON! Any of you read I Am Number Four series? You know how the story plays like a movie? Yeah, Steel Lily is the same. I can pretty much imagine and conduct my own movie with the detail provided.

Moving on to the characters - Avery is badass. I love her character; she's very strong, independent and most of all she can a great friend. Alice, Avery's best friend is just as adorable. She's a pixie with such energy. Now, my favorite character - the one you waited to hear about - JAXON. He is just stunning with his sarcastic and charismatic personality. He will win your over.

One of my favorite part of the book -

"You know, you're kind of like a lily. A steel lily."

"Is that a compliment?"

He laughed. "Yeah. At least, that's how I meant it. I mean, you're a girl; you're this beautiful person inside and out, but you hide it. You're hard, or that's what you want people to think, anyway. That's why I think you're a steel lily. Hard and beautiful, intricate and unmoving. It's the most puzzling thing I've ever seen or experienced. You're...different. - Leydy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bernadette disano
Favourite Line(s) “The only way someone could hate so deeply was to have loved twice as much and been hurt because of it.”

“Well, if I’m your guinea pig, I guess I’m okay with it. Let’s just keep calm and carry on.”

This was my first Steam Punk/Dystopian book and MAN I LOVED IT!!! I was a little unsure because well I'm me and new stuff makes me nervous but I am so so glad I decided to give it a try!

Avery Pike is a elemental (you become an elemental by the effects of WW3 and radiation exposure) she supplies steam for Dome 4, she feels like a prisoner in her own so called home!
She became a orphan when she was younger and the Dome took over her care and as long as she keep producing steam and stays in line she will have a place to live but, she hates it! Her only friend who she considers a sister lives in an abandon building Alice is all she has left. Avery feels so trapped until a stranger by the name of Riggs shows up and gives her another option to leave Dome 4 and go somewhere where she can be her self, won't be used, and then he shows her a picture of her parents with him and claims to have information about her parents!!
She agrees to meet him later, she must talk to Alice but while there the Dome 4 Polatzi bust in on her Alice and try to arrest them!
Then this oh so sexy different stranger Jason shows up and saves there butts and takes them from Dome 4, he tells her he's taking her to Riggs and Dome 7!!! Avery has always been told only her Dome 4 was the only one left!!
Arriving at Dome 7 is like going into a whole different world!! It's amazing but, is the Dome better just because it looks better? She may have the sexy smart mouth Jaxon, maybe her parents, and new friends but, does she really have her freedom?
This book was so so emotional, so just everything!
Avery finds out so much but, also finds herself as a prisoner again! , find out there are more lies, craziness, and backstabbing!
I've already said to much but, you must read this book!!
You will thoroughly enjoy it!!

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review (My Pathway to Books

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele campbell
First, thank you Ms. Curd for the advanced reading copy of this book for my honest review.

All I can say is WOW! I've been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to write. That is one of the signs of a great book! Where you finish the book, can't wait to tell people about it, yet can't because you are still so immersed in the storyline that you can't even think or form words for yourself!

This book is set in the future, in a post apocalyptic world, where people live in domes to keep them safe from the fall out and destruction from the war. Some of the people that were exposed to radiation now have powers where they can manipulate elements (like fire, water, etc.). This is something that Avery Pike can do, and the story revolves around her.

When we first meet Avery, we feel for her situation, an outcast, not able to fit in anywhere. Although she's with others of her kind, she still seems to be the outsider. She longs to get out of her situation and soon she does, but by no choice if her own. This is where she meets Jaxton. Is he friend or foe and where is he taking her?

When they get to their new dome, the grass is so much greener, or is it? Avery is warned not to trust anyone and things aren't always as they seem. As you read on and get deeper into the book, you realize how smart Avery is, and although she seems stubborn and self-reliant, you see that she needs people to help her, but who does she trust?

That's all I'm going to tell you about the book! I don't want to give the story away (don't you hate it when reviewers do that?). The only other thing I'm going to say is that I had it all figured out, or so I thought! With twists and turns and deceit, I was enthralled with this book and couldn't put it down! Ms. Curd's vision and imagination has made me a new fan! I can't wait to read the next book in the series (as soon as its done being written)! Vivid descriptions, believable characters, wonderful character interaction, all with an awesome and imaginative storyline. Who could ask for more?

Definitely 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey arnold
Steel Lily is FANTASTIC!!!! It's definitely one of my top 3 YA reads of the year! It's a unique mix of steampunk and dystopian and totally captivating! It's one of those books you wish you could unread, just so you can reread it for the first time again! The writing, plot, romance, characters.. everything really was perfect. There isn't one thing I would change about this book!

So, I am totally in LOVE with Jaxon. He is your atypical yet swoonworthy boy. He has dreadlocks and is overly full of himself. Here's one of my favorite scenes from him:

Are you finished checking me out? If you're not, that's okay; I allow every new woman I meet a free five-minute gawking period. After that, it'll cost you."

Blood rushed to my face. I tore my eyes from his magnetic gaze and watched as he pulled back his dredlocks, deep brown streaked with blonde, into a strap. His devilish grin pulled his eyes tight at the corners. He was trouble incarnate.

Trouble that I may very well want to get into, given the right circumstances.

"You're at five minutes and thirty seconds now," he said in a purr as he moved toward me. He leaned in, and I felt his breath against my cheek. My heart raced. "I'm going to start taking payment, and I choose how that payment is issued."

Megan Curd is a fabulous writer, I was awed at the ease in which she introduces us to her dystopian world. The element of steampunk and the fantasy of the elemental powers was intriguing. She's witty and can write a darn good steamy kiss. This book.. mark my word.. will be popular. There's no way it couldn't be, it's wonderful. After reading Steel Lily I know I will read anything and everything Megan Curd!

I totally don't want to give too much away about the plot because I want you to be surprised. So here's the essentials..

Since her parents disappearance, Avery has been used to provide fuel for the Dome she's been living in. That is, until a mysterious person offers her answers to the questions she's had since they left. Avery and her Alice are pondering his invitation for answers, when danger comes knocking on their door. They are saved by the very handsome and cocky Jaxon, the son of the mysterious man. They are swept away to safety, but safety may just be an illusion. Lies, deceit, and love.. Avery finds that not all answers are worth learning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seher anjum
Spread the word like wild fire - Steel Lily is AH-MAH-ZING. I haven't read such great dystopian story since Divergent. It captivated my attention since the beginning.

This story takes place in the future, right after WWIII. The war has exposed many to radiation, leaving earth, unlivable.

We meet the main character, Avery Pike; water Elementalist, the strongest among her kind. Avery is also an orphan, her parent disappear, leaving her alone with no one to look out for her. With her ability and no one to claim her at young age, the government took her and provided her a home in exchange of her providing steam to her home, Dome Four. This is the only way for humanity to survive, which is what she is taught.

Avery is tired of people using her for her ability.

A mysterious man offers her a way out, a new home. Yet, when she arrives this place, she realizes is the same, unlivable. This is the place where she discovers the truth about her parent, the truth about the war and most importantly, she finds her real home - in the arms of a charming sarcastic boy.

WOW - let me tell you something. I am amazed at the wonder Megan has created. This is magic! Loved every single word, the way it captivated my attention from the start, loved the characters, AND I FREAKING LOVED JAXON! Any of you read I Am Number Four series? You know how the story plays like a movie? Yeah, Steel Lily is the same. I can pretty much imagine and conduct my own movie with the detail provided.

Moving on to the characters - Avery is badass. I love her character; she's very strong, independent and most of all she can a great friend. Alice, Avery's best friend is just as adorable. She's a pixie with such energy. Now, my favorite character - the one you waited to hear about - JAXON. He is just stunning with his sarcastic and charismatic personality. He will win your over.

One of my favorite part of the book -

"You know, you're kind of like a lily. A steel lily."

"Is that a compliment?"

He laughed. "Yeah. At least, that's how I meant it. I mean, you're a girl; you're this beautiful person inside and out, but you hide it. You're hard, or that's what you want people to think, anyway. That's why I think you're a steel lily. Hard and beautiful, intricate and unmoving. It's the most puzzling thing I've ever seen or experienced. You're...different. - Leydy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maura spignesi
Favourite Line(s) “The only way someone could hate so deeply was to have loved twice as much and been hurt because of it.”

“Well, if I’m your guinea pig, I guess I’m okay with it. Let’s just keep calm and carry on.”

This was my first Steam Punk/Dystopian book and MAN I LOVED IT!!! I was a little unsure because well I'm me and new stuff makes me nervous but I am so so glad I decided to give it a try!

Avery Pike is a elemental (you become an elemental by the effects of WW3 and radiation exposure) she supplies steam for Dome 4, she feels like a prisoner in her own so called home!
She became a orphan when she was younger and the Dome took over her care and as long as she keep producing steam and stays in line she will have a place to live but, she hates it! Her only friend who she considers a sister lives in an abandon building Alice is all she has left. Avery feels so trapped until a stranger by the name of Riggs shows up and gives her another option to leave Dome 4 and go somewhere where she can be her self, won't be used, and then he shows her a picture of her parents with him and claims to have information about her parents!!
She agrees to meet him later, she must talk to Alice but while there the Dome 4 Polatzi bust in on her Alice and try to arrest them!
Then this oh so sexy different stranger Jason shows up and saves there butts and takes them from Dome 4, he tells her he's taking her to Riggs and Dome 7!!! Avery has always been told only her Dome 4 was the only one left!!
Arriving at Dome 7 is like going into a whole different world!! It's amazing but, is the Dome better just because it looks better? She may have the sexy smart mouth Jaxon, maybe her parents, and new friends but, does she really have her freedom?
This book was so so emotional, so just everything!
Avery finds out so much but, also finds herself as a prisoner again! , find out there are more lies, craziness, and backstabbing!
I've already said to much but, you must read this book!!
You will thoroughly enjoy it!!

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review (My Pathway to Books

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First, thank you Ms. Curd for the advanced reading copy of this book for my honest review.

All I can say is WOW! I've been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to write. That is one of the signs of a great book! Where you finish the book, can't wait to tell people about it, yet can't because you are still so immersed in the storyline that you can't even think or form words for yourself!

This book is set in the future, in a post apocalyptic world, where people live in domes to keep them safe from the fall out and destruction from the war. Some of the people that were exposed to radiation now have powers where they can manipulate elements (like fire, water, etc.). This is something that Avery Pike can do, and the story revolves around her.

When we first meet Avery, we feel for her situation, an outcast, not able to fit in anywhere. Although she's with others of her kind, she still seems to be the outsider. She longs to get out of her situation and soon she does, but by no choice if her own. This is where she meets Jaxton. Is he friend or foe and where is he taking her?

When they get to their new dome, the grass is so much greener, or is it? Avery is warned not to trust anyone and things aren't always as they seem. As you read on and get deeper into the book, you realize how smart Avery is, and although she seems stubborn and self-reliant, you see that she needs people to help her, but who does she trust?

That's all I'm going to tell you about the book! I don't want to give the story away (don't you hate it when reviewers do that?). The only other thing I'm going to say is that I had it all figured out, or so I thought! With twists and turns and deceit, I was enthralled with this book and couldn't put it down! Ms. Curd's vision and imagination has made me a new fan! I can't wait to read the next book in the series (as soon as its done being written)! Vivid descriptions, believable characters, wonderful character interaction, all with an awesome and imaginative storyline. Who could ask for more?

Definitely 5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer lee
Steel Lily is a riveting and captivating story that revolves around a young woman named Avery. Avery is a water Elementalist, which makes her incredibly important to her society. After the fall and destruction of the known world due to World War III, society retreats under Domed cities. In order for these cities to survive Avery and others of her kind must create steam to power the Dome, if not, then what is left of society will collapse. The only problem with this is she is being used by the government. She is guarded and watched. She has not independence or choices, even though they make her think otherwise.

One day a man offers her a choice. That choice changes her life forever. She is thrust into the world outside the Dome. It is barren and dead. Along the way she makes some friends and some enemies. Jaxon is a gorgeous guy that totally knows it! He is arrogant, conceded, and funny as hell. He always seems to be laughing at himself or trying to make women faun all over him. Avery is definitely not immune to his charms, but there is a lot she doesn't know about Jaxon and she is not sure who to trust...

I absolutely love the world that Megan has created. The attention to detail, the twist and turns in the plot, the potential romance, and the realism of the characters and the world around them. I really like how the story flows. Sometimes you can read a story where you have to re-read sentences and really think about what a character said or the sentences seem jilted. Megan does not have this problem. The story is easy to understand and the character's conversation's read like actually conversations.

This story kept me up reading all night (Is the second book ready yet!!!!). I devoured page after page wanted to know what happens next. The chemistry between Avery and Jaxon is intense and will leave you breathless! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for them!

A dystopian world, a girl who is a savior to her race, a boy who likes a girl, and a path on a destiny that no one would have every imagine!

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean face
Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review

My heart is still racing from this novel! The action! The imagery! The characters! I could not put this book down, which made the old 9-5 job nearly impossible to concentrate on while I read this book. This book follows Avery Pike, an Elemental, which means a person that can manipulate one of the elements because of exposure to radiation. The world has suffered through the nuclear fallout of World War III and what is left of the United States has come together under domes that protect them from the nuclear wasteland that remains. The modern age now lives on ancient technology e.g. steam. Water is the element Avery can manipulate and create into steam, which makes her a rather important person in Dome Four, and with this power comes the ever present dangers of being taken advantage of. Avery longs for freedom from producing steam and when handsome Jaxon Pierce offers her just that, she cannot resist, even if that means jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Avery is a character to admire. She is feisty and observant. Cautious, yet fearless. Strong and flexible. Avery Pike is just one of those characters that reaffirms that women are kick-a** and do not need to rely on a man to solve their problems. Although having a handsome one vie for your affection is not too bad either. I fell in love with this character; I was cheering her on the entire time! I wanted her to succeed, I felt her pain when she encountered obstacles, I cringed at her occasional awkward moments, and I jumped for joy(this actually happened), when good things happened to her. If I could give Megan Curd a standing ovation for this character alone, I would, in a heartbeat! This book was an adventure. To be completely honest, I would love to see this book as a movie, which is something I very rarely say. Steel Lily is such a vivid journey, with immense detail and beautifully constructed characters, that no director in Hollywood could screw this story up.
Please read this book. I could not recommend it more. Did you see all my exclamation points?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya heywood
Steel Lily is a dystopian young adult novel, set in the future after WWIII. Avery Pike is a water elementalist who is required to produce steam in dome three to support life inside the dome. Everyone knows her talent far exceeds that of all the other elementalist and because of her ability, everyone wants a piece of it for themselves. A mysterious man emerges and offers her a new life, a way out of donating steam to the system. Finding herself in a new home, surrounded in a world that is nothing like dome three and still unreal in many ways - Avery is determined to find out the truth of what's going on.

This book was well written and didn't follow the predictable plot lines that so many fall into. The characters are well written and three dimensional. Their thoughts and feelings are genuine and endear you to them from the beginning. Picking a favorite would be like asking me to pick which of my kids is the most awesome! Jaxon has a chip on his shoulder, but his attitude and sarcasm made me fall in love with him. You know from the beginning that he is hurting; my heart cried when it's revealed why he is the way he is. Avery is a badass! She's definitely not a weak heroine and you find yourself cheering for her in every situation. Alice.... poor, sweet Alice. She's the best friend we all wish we had! Legs too! We never do find out his real name though.... hmmmm. But you can't help but love him just the same (even if his name turns out to be Rupert or something). Sari is kickass too! There are some minor characters that we get a hint of....hopefully they play roles in the following books as well. They all put their trust in each other; none of them really have any family, so that is what they become to each other.

I found I was unable to put this book down. I kept saying to myself "I'm just going to finish this chapter" and 4 chapters later I passed out from exhaustion! The "whodunit" of it all....I never saw it coming!

A great read! I would definitely say for ages 14 and up. I can't wait for the rest of the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jake bible
When I was first contacted by Megan to review Steel Lily it took a while for me to reply. I had not heard of Megan or Steel Lily before, I have never read a steam punk book before, but I also had a small pile of review books to get through. She linked me to the store so I could read the first few pages to see what I thought, and I can say I was hooked before I even ran out of pages to read.

After World War Three ravaged the earth, domes were built to home the people of the world, however the effects of the War can be clearly seen in people, they were divided into two groups, Traditionals who were normal and expendable, and the Elites, the rich, members of government or elementalists. Avery lives in a world were having the power of an element gives you the advantage over everyone else. She has power to create steam and her power is used to supply the steam generators in Dome Four with steam.
Not only is Avery is an elemental, but also an orphan. With no parents or family to look after her she is a ward of the Dome, and although she is an elementalist, she is not thought any better of, in fact her ability is abused by people of power, police, teachers, and seeing them bully and bribe her to generate steam for them broke my heart. All she can rely on are her friends, Legs and Alice, but visiting them means escaping from the school to visit them in the poorer parts of the dome

Jaxon pierce is a stranger who saves Alice and Avery from being captured by polatzi and takes them to Dome Seven where Chromelius Academy resides. The Academy welcomes Avery with open arms, and Alice is allowed to stay and live with Avery. On the outside the Academy wants to keep the elementalists safe and protected but also free to come and go as they please, but Alice and Avery soon discover that while things look good in this new dome, appearances can be deceiving, and leaving may not be as easy as they think.
Riggs is in charge of Dome Seven, and with his knowledge of elementalists he starts to teach Avery how to control her powers, in the process they discover she is capable of so much more. Xander is a doctor who looks after the elementalists, and also helps the people Jaxon brings in, making them better before sending them back on their way. While in the dome, Avery and Alice share a room with Sari, who is a computer genius. I instantly liked her personality and how she looks out for Alice and Avery. She makes a great third wheel for these friends and together this enigmatic group of friends certainly get up to some mischief, but also reveal deeply hidden secrets. Jaxon plays a big role in these adventures too, and a lot of what transpires would not be possible without him.

Steel Lily is full or rich storytelling and great attention to detail. You read the description of things and you can actually picture them in your head. I really wish a lot of the things described were real, and not just in the pages of a book. Steel Lily sucks you in immediately. The world, the characters, everything about it. Near the end of the book I was shocked, like literally jaw dropping sitting up in bed shock. What I believed all along was quickly wiped away and a whole new picture was painted, one that took a while for me to get my head around.

Steel Lily has so much going on but it's easy to keep track of what is happening, and it only enhances the story, not taking away from it. The minute I finished reading I needed the next book, I have to find out what happens next, and even though there is a sneak peak at what happens next, it's not enough for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee haywood
This books is incredible, it will blow you away! Steel Lily takes the dystopian & steampunk genre & knocks it on its a$$!! Hold on for an amazing adventure!!!

Steel Lily drops the reader into a devastated world that relies completely on technology to keep people alive. After a terrible war, people have sought shelter in domes for protection from the now hazardous environment. Unfortunately, governments have also been set up in the domes these governments are not for the people. They're set up to take advantage of & use the people *shiver* Wait because there is a silver lining in all this despair & her name is Avery!! She is SO amazing & I loved her right away!! Not only is she sassy but she has certain..... let's say abilities. She (& a small select group) are able to produce steam. Who cares right?? Um no see, steam is a very valuable asset to ensure life continues to thrive in her dome. Because of this ability, the government feels they own Avery & will do anything in their power to hold on to her & others like her.

Avery soon grows tired of being the government's workhorse & begins to question her place in life. By chance an intriguing (& handsome) stranger by the name of Jaxon *sigh* offers her a way out of her oppressed life. He takes Avery to a different dome where life is a beautiful dream compared to her dome. Avery quickly discovers that under the highly polished veneer, lies a seething & disturbing underbelly even more grotesque than the society she left behind.....

I was enveloped in this book from the first word to the last page & when I wasn't reading (only bc I had to feed my family) I was thinking about what Avery & Jaxon were going to do to get out of their truly frightening predicaments. Megan weaves such a masterful & beautiful story, I could envision every scene as if I were standing there with Avery & Jaxon. Steel Lily is a life lesson in selflessness & sacrifice for the greater good overpowering all evil. You don't want to miss this book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the doctor
WOW!!......Just Wow you guys! This book was just pure awesome! I had actually been waiting and anticipating the release of this book, and I am so glad it lived up to all my expectations! So lets dive right in shall we?!

Avery Pike is definitely a commodity in her Dome, which is Dome 4. She is basically their best asset for keeping their little slice of their world up and running. But her parents just up and dissappeared years earlier, and all she has left is her best friend, Alice. This dystopian/steampunk world is set in the future(around 2077) and all Avery wants is to be left alone, live in peace and find out what happened to her parents.

Enter Atticus Riggs, the head and leader of Dome 7.
So Riggs sneaks into Avery`s Dome and basically lures her away with promises of a better world, and the high selling point, info about her parents!

But as the saying goes the grass isn`t always greener on the other side, and Avery soon finds this out as she`s thrust into a war thats been going on for years. There was definitely a few plot twists that kept me guessing, you think you know who the bad and good guys are, but just you wait!

OH and Jaxon, the sexy boy with the dreadlocks! I loved him! And really I loved all of Avery`s little gang, they were very well developed and had their own personalities and "powers".

One thing I will say that if you feel the first few chapters of the book is going just a lil slow, just give it a mintue and you will be rewarded, because thats what happend with me, then I literally could not put it down and read the rest of the book in one sitting!

All in all this was a fabulous book and I cant wait for more from this author! You go Megan Curd! I loved your world and your characters ;-)

Some memorable quotes~

"And Jaxon. Oh, Jaxon. That…guy. Not a boy, but not a man, but oh so sexy and I couldn’t bring myself to truly admit it. He was going to be my undoing, one way or another."

"Alice leaned into me, her voice low. “He’s a guy after your own heart. Overconfident, good looking, and witty. It’s like you in male form.”

"There are twenty-six residents at Chromelius Academy, all here for their unique talents and abilities. Atticus Riggs protects our kind. He finds us in the other domes and brings us back here. He gives us chance to be ourselves.”

5 AMAZING stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle t
I received this eARC free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
I have been craving a good dystopian for awhile now and Megan Curd delivered! Steel Lily was much more than just a dystopian, it was a dystopian with a steam punk twist and I LOVED IT!! Both genres were blended together fabulously. Once I had picked this book up I was unable to put it down until I had read the last page. The secrets!!! There were so many secrets and they were big ones. There was a big twist too. And you don't want to believe it, and then you think back that the author did try to tell you but you were in denial then BAM!!! It hits you that it's true. I can't wait to continue on this journey and uncover more secrets!
Avery was an awesome female lead, she had overcome so much in her young life and it made her into the strong woman that we got to read about. I loved how sarcastic and witty that she could be, especially towards Jaxon. This earned her huge points in my book because she made him work for it and prove that he actually wanted to be with her. Jaxon is my new BOOK BOYFRIEND!! Megan Curd had me at dreads...sigh. I just LOVE Jax. He is so funny and sarcastic and has that wall bulit up and if Avery hadn't crumbled it down I would have ;) I also like seeing Jax's softer side when he would open up about his past.
Megan Curd is an author to watch out for! I loved Steel Lily and I will definitely continue on with the series and any other book that Megan writes for that matter. I recommend this book to both dystopian and steam punk lovers. Also to anyone looking for an awesome read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie skurow
I finished the book in one sitting. Still finding it hard to write the review...The book was just amazing! I truly felt I could connect with the characters, they just seemed loyal to one another, true friends.
The story it's about a whole new earth, a different life. After the war, the whole world is ruin, people live in different domes, trying to survive and maintain the oxygen, water, and radiation levels. We get to know Averie Pyke who lives in Dome Four and generates steam, she is one of the good ones. But she doesn't feels like she is an Elite. Avery it's an orphan after her parents disappeared and she doesn't have anyone to look after her. After the government took her and provided her a home in exchange of her providing steam to her home, she realizes that she is sick that everyone tries to take advantage of her ability. She is offered a way out of this by a man named Riggs, but nothing is like it seems. Everything is a lie.
I am simply amazed about the world that Megan created in this book! Loved every single word, the way it captivated my attention from the start. The characters are well described to the point you feel like you truly know them and you can understand them easily. The book has a great pace, keeping you entertained the whole time. I highly recommend this to all dystopian lovers, YA and even New adults. Basically I recommended to everyone! Go put this on your TBR List!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alejandro sanchez
Avery Pike, an Elementalist who can convert water into steam, which powers the dome she and many others live in. She's the best and youngest one in her class about mastering the element they control, and because of that, she was bound to get people she never expected. When she is approached by a mysterious man who can provide her with a way to leave the dome, Avery is cautiously interested, but she soon discovers that while her dome may have been imperfect in many ways, at least it was honest. What is her new home hiding, and, perhaps more importantly, who can she trust?

In addition to having a fantastic premise, Steel Lily is comprised of a rich cast of characters. Avery is a fiery and extremely loyal redhead who tries to do what she feels is right even if that means she has to skirt around the rules. I found her immediately likable. The secondary characters are fully developed from best friend Alice's caring and inquisitive nature to Jaxon's multi layered personality. Everyone, even if they appear only briefly, is dynamic, and that includes the setting.

Steel Lily was such a page-turner. It had a truly captivating plot and its additional strengths in setting and character development combined to make Steel Lily the complete package.

I can't wait to read Book 2 of the Periodic Series.

*Review abridged from my book review blog*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Recently I've been becoming disillusioned with dystopia as a general rule. I feel like everyone has been jumping on the bandwagon and publishing mediocre and downright AWFUL books - which are the only kind I seem to be getting my hands on. Steel Lily has renewed my faith in the genre you guys! I was contacted by the author about reviewing this book on my blog and normally I am very careful about accepting requests, so that I can give a good review. Contrary to popular belief (at least on my part) most bloggers hate giving bad book reviews - I'd much prefer to give a good one, as it means my time was well spent reading a good book. This one definitely fits the bill! One of the things I really enjoyed about this book was that while it has steampunk elements to it, at its heart the novel is mostly dystopia. As someone who is not a major fan of steampunk, this was a make or break factor for me.

The main characters and the side characters were both really well developed, with Avery Pike being one of the most compelling protagonists I've read in quite some time. She's a girl with the world on her shoulders, an amazing elemental ability and the best sense of humor. Her banter with some of the other characters made me laugh out loud, which is harder to come by than you might think even in a really good book. Megan gives us some truly detailed descriptions and I was able to picture everything unfolding in my mind, almost like watching a movie in my head. And unlike a lot of recent dystopians, she gives us the basic building blocks of the world without leaving obvious gaps that alienate the reader. For example, you know that this book is set not too long after WWIII and the remaining population is living in domes to avoid radiation poisoning on the uninhabitable portions of land that are left. The dome that Avery lives in runs off of steam and she is one of very few elementalists keeping her dome alive. But there is corruption in the police force, known as the Polatzi and Avery is also being treated horribly by her classmates and fellow elementalists. Still desperate to find out what happened to her parents, Avery ends up leaving the dome with a mysterious man who says that he can help her with her abilities - and he knows where her parents are.

The adventure and action in this book is phenomenal. It's definitely writing at it's best when there's not even a line of text that seems superfluous to the story and you are hanging on the edge of your seat the whole time. The introduction of Avery's love interest, Jaxon, (however reluctantly she may admit her feelings for him) is especially entertaining and one of my favorite parts in the book. I liked the slow build of their relationship and some of the discoveries about the Resistance and the corruption in the domes that they make together. Sari is another interesting character, a hacker who is friends with Jaxon and becomes Avery's roommate. I did feel like I got to know her the least and I am hoping that Megan gives us a little more insight into her background in the next book. Alice, the best friend from her original dome, definitely provides a nice contrast to the people in Avery's new living environment. She has a great personality, sweet with a hint of sassiness. And the loyalty and sisterly bond between her and Avery is awesome. Not to say their relationship is perfect, because it's not. But that makes it better in my opinion than if it were.

The resolution of the plots the author has going (the missing parents of Avery, the truth of the dome corruption, what adults the teens can trust [a.k.a. who the real villain is]) were well carried out. I did kind of see one of the plot twists coming, but the way it was written was exceptional and I enjoyed it very much. Actually, probably my only complaint about this book at all would be that the dialogue/speech sometimes felt stilted and a little unnatural. It would occasionally make a drop from formal to modern in a way that wasn't entirely smooth. But it didn't distract me from the overall awesomeness of this book. So I'd call it a very minor flaw. Overall, Steel Lily impressed me very much and I am so glad I got the chance to read it! A fresh, heart-stopping addition to the dystopia family, I'd recommend this to anyone who is longing for a book that will finally leave them satisfied, as so many don't anymore.

VERDICT: 4.5/5 Stars

*I received this ebook from the author, in exchange for an honest review and participation in a blog tour. No money or favors were exchanged for this review. This book was published August 12th, 2013. It's now available as an ebook.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sivasubramanian r
I'm not terribly fond of dystopyan, and this definitely is. That said, it had a more hopeful feel to it. Right from page one, you (and the main character) know there isn't something right in the world, and yup, sure enough, we learn that all is not as it seems. This is great setup for a larger, yet similar plot twist later on in the novel, that you see coming, yet not at all in the way you expect.

The characters manage to stay mostly positive in spite of their surroundings, and the ending has a nice hopeful feel to it.

There are a few minor issues with the world-building. Why steam? (duh, because it's steampunk! Oh, an in-universe reason, that makes real, practical and economic sense? Sorry..) However, it's minor, in spite of a lack of reason for steam that satisfies me, the tech works well in the world setting.

I sound like a broken record when discussing characters, yet they're always my favorite part of a book that I like. (If I don't like the characters, the highest your getting is a three star...) Anyway, Alice is probably my favorite character. She's kinda "the normal one" stereotype, but she refuses to let the author confine her to that role. She's possibly the most balanced character, and mostly tries to keep Avery out of trouble... mostly...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Some people don't like dystopian books infact I wasn't a great fan of the dystopian genre either , I liked more Paranormal romance because thought it was Fiction you could relate by scenery and emotions . With Steel Lily , Megan Curd described this futuristic world so well it was as if you had actually been to Dome Four , the uper and lower social class problems and the pain of Avery we all could relate to , it was futuristic and related and I LOVED that ! I loved that you also knew the why's and how's of the world war 3 that completely destroyed earth . Megan wrote everything that you need to know but everything you want to know .. yeah stay tuned for two chapter's later when you get the answer and that's the best part and how you know its a good written book.

Steel Lily was such a great new world and a brand new journey for Avery and her "sidekicks" and Jaxon . oh don't get me started on Avery and Jaxon's bickering it was halarious and added spice to the character's personalities. This book was so good that another chapter ended up being 5 more . this is a well earned 5 -star ! i can't wait for the 2nd book in the series Iron Pendulum !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darcy glenn
*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.*

What first drew me to this book was the idea of Elementalists. The fact that Avery could control water/steam. It was just a cool idea. I was really excited when Megan Curd herself contacted me and asked if I was interested in an ARC. I'm really, really happy that I got to read this book.

Avery Pike herself is a great character and I connected with her almost immediately. She's just got such a great personality and I loved her loyalty, her determination, her fire. She comes to life and Curd does such a good job of making her real. I loved all of the characters, and loved to hate some others. Also Jaxon is totally on my list of fictional boyfriends now. (What can I say, I'm a sucker for the arrogant, sarcastic, snarky dudes with a soft side!) I loved the interactions between all the characters and I was just sucked into the whole story.

The world created is fascinating and I thought the idea of the Domes was really cool, and an interesting take on the dystopian theme. I do kind of wish there was a little bit more of a "behind the scenes" if you will of the Domes, but I think that's just me wanting to know all I can about a world I find interesting.

There was also a HUGE plot twist (staying spoiler-free I promise!) that I absolutely did NOT see coming. I think I may have screamed. Maybe. Just a little. It totally caught me off guard. I love books that do that.

This is the first in a series and I CAN'T WAIT for the next book. I love, love, loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
New book boyfriend jaxon so this book was so good. It was like nothing I have ever read before I love how cocky jaxon is and he does not really want to let anyone in I love how he meet a girl just like him. I don't know what to compare this book to it is nothing like I have ever read before. I hope you all give it a chance because I am pretty sure you will love it. Avery lived in a dome and she created steam to help the dome provide power and she didn't know that there were more domes until someone came and took her and her friend to another dome she thought things would be better but boy was she wrong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie plage
**I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review**


I belong to the Young Adult Book club here on GoodReads and saw that Megan posted the need for readers of her new book "Steel Lily". It was steampunk (which I don't read often) but it had an interesting magical element that interested me so I gave it a go. I am so glad I did.

The story is set in the future (although I was a bit confused as to when but I think it was just me). From the diary, I figured out that the current date should be 2030 ("Jaxon turned 5 yesterday"). Anyway.... the story is set in the future and revolves around Avery Pike, a 16-year old girl who lost her parents after World War III and who is a ward of the government because she has the ability to produce steam. She lives under Dome Four because life can't exist outside the dome because there is little to no oxygen. Steam is used in Dome Four to make everything work so she is very valuable. Although she is given an Elite title which entitles her to gracious living quarters and an education, she is used by her Dome - to the point of exhaustion and sickness.

Avery does have some friends: Alice who is her BFF and Legs who tries to keep them safe. But of course this wouldn't be a story without all hell breaking loose and it does. Avery and Alice are taken from Dome Four by Jaxon. First off - he can breathe outside the Dome! So once she's taken outside Dome Four we begin to see that this world that Megan has created has a bunch of secrets. And you will have to read the book to learn more about them.....

Megan created an interesting world and put her realistic characters into an action-packed story. Alot of detail bring this story to life. The action and twists make it a good paced novel and the characters are not whiny teens who wish for a better life. They are just trying to survive! I really enjoyed reading "Steel Lily" and look forward to reading more from Megan Curd.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sireesha rao
Avery is an important girl. She is an Elementalist who manipulates steam that helps her Dome, where people live because the outside world is too dangerous. The steam keeps Dome 4 working and helping the last of her people survive. Or so she thought. Then she is brought to another Dome where electricity runs the town and everything she thought about the world is turned upside down. Jaxon, the man who brought her to the new Dome is a blue eyed, dreadlocked, hotty who is the boss's son and in love with Avery's stubborn, independent attitude. They go through twists and turns in the book that reveal their world isn't what they thought it was and now they want out. This story was very original with the world living in Domes from chemical warfare and people who survived the radiation can now use and create elements. Avery is easy to relate to even though she's an Elementalist that manipulates steam and possibly can do way more than she thought. The only hard part I had with the book was how quickly relationships formed. The friendships made were done quickly and without much talking. The love story between Avery and Jaxon was sweet and believable with Avery turning Jaxon down at almost every turn even though she was attracted to him. I loved the ending that shows a major twist that will knock your socks off! I would definetly recommend this book to anyone looking for a great read in the dystopian genre. The next book will be awaited with much anticipation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sheryl creech

*The author graciously forwarded an ARC copy of her novel for me to read and asked for my honest review in return.*

I had not been introduced to the steampunk genre before this book and I was curious. Dystopian fare isn't typically my first choice but I was intrigued by the great reviews already showing up online. Even though I don't fall into the "young" part of YA *cough*, I still enjoy YA novels - and thus the journey began.

Avery Pike is a sassy, independent and likable 15 year-old who is trying very hard to find her place in a post-WWIII world. Her parents mysteriously disappeared and she's had to navigate not only the harsh environment herself, but also make sense of her newfound abilities. Life has changed and survivors live in domes, relying on steam as a main energy source - something that Avery excels at supplying, but would rather not. When an opportunity presents itself to escape the fate of being used for her powers, Avery jumps at the chance.

What happens afterwards is an adventure that involves mystery, thrilling twists and even love. Avery's spunk grew on me the more I read and I found myself rooting for Jaxon as well. Even as I write this review I'm secretly hoping the author finishes Iron Pendulum quickly so that I can read how the fun continues!

I am very impressed with this author. She has the talent to be a serious contender in the publishing game. As a member of a book club that just celebrated our 5th anniversary I can honestly say that Megan Curd has what it takes. We have read published works that have far less merit and substance than Steel Lily has. And she's self-published! Some publishing house had better snap her up quickly because this girl is going to sell some serious amount of writing. Congratulations Megan, and thank you for allowing me to be part of the journey. Best of luck for you! (not that you'll need it. . . )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paddy finnegan
*ARC generously provided by author*
5 Golden Stars
Shelved~ Jawdropping & Favorites
Oh, my Lord, Steel Lily (The Periodic Series, #1) by author Megan Curd is one amazeball read! Twisted, jawdropping...I just devoured it! This read went above and beyond my expectations, and I am deeply impressed with the authors natural ability and knack for writing. Excellent editing, superb word flow, with a beautiful cover. I crave more from Megan Curd!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine mccann
Megan Curd truly delivers in this book! I find it hard to get into the dystopian, steampunk type books if they are not well written, but this is incredible! I was drawn in from the get go with Avery's wise crack remarks and Jaxon's arrogant attitude when he finally arrived. This book is edgy, gritty, heart thumping, page turning madness! The world as Avery knows it is about to change...but is it for better or worse?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an absolutely amazing book, very hard to put down. It was a very different twist on an end of the world type series. But I found it to be a lot more plausible than zombies. I grew to love the characters! Jax is amazing! I really can't wait till book 2 comes out! Megan Curd is definitely one of my favorite Authors, she brings my imagination to life and that is not an easy task, lol.
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