Succubus On Top (Georgina Kincaid Book 2)

ByRichelle Mead

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anthony gramuglia
good writer, good premise. It isn't my preference, is all.

If you like Romance then this is the book for you.

If you prefer Vampire Academy by Ms Mead, this is not it. This runs more to the wall to wall sex.

I prefer Urban Fantasy that runs more to action and less bedroom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas vaultonburg
4.5 stars
WaRnInG: SPOILERS for Succubus Blues but not for Succubus on Top

I wanted to read Succubus on Top because I really enjoyed Georgina in Blues. I loved that even though she's a demon, she tried to feed on men who were already evil instead of fully corrupting what she called the good guys. I also enjoyed her group of paranormal friends, a vamp, an angel, an imp and her of course. They have an easy relationship even though they are giving her a hard time for being with a mortal in this installment.

It is such a forbidden attraction with Seth and Georgina, or Thetis as he calls her because of mythology. But they have such banter when he finally shakes off the shy and starts talking with her. They have books in common, and his family is in love with her (she is falling for them too esp the kids).

This book didn't take any time to get going like the first did, and that just reaffirmed what I felt about her YA series, that each book gets better instead of the second book syndrome. The new player in this one is Georgina's long time bestie Bastien, who def adds a new plot line with his own agenda for being in town. Also, Doug is acting like a crazy person, and I couldn't decide if I thought he was on drugs or if the newly introduced Alec was the one behind it. He has so much energy, but it comes out inappropriately at work, where he was never like that with customers before. His band is also on fire, which its nice to see him successful in that, but I just wonder, at what cost?

This was a fast paced book and it came to a point where decisions had to be made, and Georgina was brave and thinking only of others when she acted. It wrapped up well, but for sure still wanted to read the next one. It actually left me at a spot where it was more fade to black, use your imagination of one of the steamy parts of the book, and I am like really? Come on, give me some more sexy Seth.

I will for sure be continuing the series to get more Georgina and Seth.

Bottom Line: Hot, fast paced sequel-- even better than the first-- with the characters I adore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
simon yeam
The Good: The introduction of Georgina's long-time friend Bastien brings equal parts fun and aggravation. He's part of her past, when she wasn't always playing good-girl succubus. He's just like her, yet without the moral qualms. He can me less likable at times, but he's a good time. Between helping Bastien with a super interesting project/mission and trying to figure out the key to Doug's new fame, Georgina is busy. The story moves very quickly and is almost always interesting and awesome.

The Bad: The one not awesome point: Georgina's flirtation with Seth worked in the first book , but as a relationship in this book it turns annoying. They can't be together physically. She needs to have sex with other men. He accepts that? To be with her? Why? Is this all a lead up until she can't take it any more and ends up breaking and just feeding on him? But . . . ugh. It makes me think less of both characters to remain in this situation.
Soundless :: Succubus Revealed (Georgina Kincaid Book 6) :: Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid Book 5) :: The Magician's Lie: A Novel :: Succubus Dreams (Georgina Kincaid Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leticia castillo
Many book series suffer from what I like to call "second-book-suck-syndrome." This book, however, did not. It was still great. It still held true to pure Richelle Mead standards with wit, charm, and suspense to boot. I loved it.

I still love Georgina something fierce. She's still as spunky and charismatic as ever and I love the fact that she seems to really have a conscience even though she's a creature of hell. She does do one INCREDIBLY shocking and stupid thing in this book that LITERALLY had my screaming "WHY GEORGIE, WHYYYYY?!" But other than that, I still love her.

One of my favorite things about these books are the flashbacks. I love seeing what Georgina's life was like before she became a succubus. I also liked that upon the arrival of Bastien we get to see more of Georgina's life in the early stages of the becoming a succubus. I found that these scenes really allowed for more character development and a glimpse into how Georgina's past dictates her present behaviors.

Now onto my least favorite parts of this book. Bastien, ack. I didn't like him. He drove me crazy and he does some pretty repulsive things. I also felt that he was way too egotistical and although he was vital to the story and I understood why he was the way he was, I didn't like him. Not one bit.

Also, the other thing that really bothered me about the story was that although there were a few different story arcs going on, the conclusions/outcomes of a few of them were so anti-climatic that it was hard to be anything but slightly disappointed. The resolutions weren't bad, per se, they just lacked the excitement I expected.

Now to my favorite part! SETH! My God. Seth is just so perfect, he's not a bad boy and he doesn't possess a fatal flaw, but he's just so sweet. He's also an author, uh swoon. He says some of the most profound and sentimental things. I think he's so endearing to me because he's so introverted and brilliant. Not to mention, his adorable quirk of not saying anything until he perfectly forms the words in his head. I have to say it's a nice change-up to have a male MC who's just plain nice. Ahh, Seth. <3

So now that I've exclaimed, complained, and swooned I'd just like to say that no matter what, the Georgina Kincaid novels hold a special and dear spot in my heart. I highly recommend you read them if you haven't.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bart omiej
Plot Summary: After Georgina Kincaid's true nature was revealed to her idol, writer Seth Mortensen, they've begun a tentative relationship. Being a succubus demon kind of sucks, because that means Georgina cannot have sex with the one man who lights her fire, and instead, she must seduce a parade of losers on a continual basis. To say that this is a slight strain on the couple is a gross understatement. Georgina also juggles trying to help a human friend who becomes an addict, and a fellow demon who needs help bringing down a pompous radio talk show host.

I think this series took a bit of a stumble with Succubus on Top. I found myself utterly frustrated with Georgina and Seth's relationship throughout this entire book. What worked the first time around, in Succubus Blues (Georgina Kincaid, Book 1), already feels tedious and tired. The entire story is about two people forced to have a platonic relationship when they clearly want more. Okay, that said, Richelle Mead is an excellent story-teller, and even with my repeated frustrations, I still thought this was a good book. I'm just hoping that this same scenario isn't played out over and over in each installment in this series, or I won't last until the end.

I was also scratching my head at Georgina's strange morality. She'll walk over hot coals for some humans, but she'll literally screw others into damnation. I sort of wish she'd embrace the evil, or renounce it, but she straddles the line in ways that confuse me. I haven't bought into this concept that she's a succubus with a heart of gold... yet. The next book might change my mind.

All the other characters, Seth especially, redeemed the story for me. Ms. Mead keeps things interesting, even when I'm pulling on my hair, and I want to know where this ill-fated love story goes. The next book in the series is Succubus Dreams (Georgina Kincaid, Book 3).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry sosa
Richelle Mead writes another great sexy and funny read that had me addicted until the very end. Bastien visits and stirs things up around Georgina. He turns into someone that Georgina knows, trying to convince her to have sex with him in the familiar body. She knows she shouldn't, but can she control her inner succubus?

After getting to know all the characters in the Succubus Blues, I was anxious to start right after finishing book 1. There's just enough humor, romance, and sex to keep me entertained for hours. Georgina has the full package being sexy, funny, and sweet. Not to mention, she's a complete bad-ass. All while being a life stealing succubus.

But, does Georgina really think that she can be with Seth and not hurt him. She's immortal, and will eventually out live him. Why aren't they both assessing the situation and understanding it will never work. In order for her to even live she must sleep with strange men. That's got to get under Seth's skin some what. Even though he is sexy, mysterious, and oh so perfect. Even with his shy coy personality.

I cannot wait to start book 3. No, literally. I am starting it right now. I give this book 5/5.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I listened to this as an audiobook, narrated by Elisabeth Rodgers, so my review is based on that version.

This the second book in the Georgina Kincaid series and takes up where the last one ended. Although it could be listened to without reading the first book in the series, there was so much covered in book one that I think you would be a bit lost jumping into this second in the series.

In this book, Georgina is still pining after Seth, but now that he knows her secret he doesn't push things. Well most of the time he doesn't push things. Okay .... She almost sucks the life from him on several occasions and they are still working out what is safe and what is going to lead to his very early demise.

Georgina's incubus friend Bastien is introduced in this story. Bastien is not here just to visit with Georgina, he needs her help to score some brownie points and take down a high-powered lady. He just can't get the lady to be interested in him. Maybe he is losing his incubus seduction powers. I always wondered what would happen if an incubus and a succubus go together. LoL

Overall, this was a pretty good book. There was a lot going on and it kept me listening intently to try to catch all the twists and turns. I think if you enjoyed the first book in the series, this second book is a must read.

The Narration Review
This audiobook was narrated by Elisabeth Rodgers. Once again, I felt that she had a slight over-enunciation on certain parts. Reminds me of when I used to sing in choir and the choir teachers would have us over-enunciate certain things to be sure they were understood. It's not too distracting, just reminds me of school girls talking to talk haughty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
n anderson
Succubus Georgina Kincaid is aware of the occupational hazards involved with being a creature who depends on others for her life force. First of all, it's difficult to get close to anyone, besides other immortals, because you never know if you might inadvertently wind up hurting them. Secondly, love is pretty much off limits. And finally, forever is a long time to live without friends, lovers, and a happily ever after. But Georgie manages to make it work, even managing to snag an Award of Achievement for Excellently Exceeding and Surpassing Requisite Succubus Quotas. And all the while maintaining her job as assistant manager of Emerald City books in Seattle, snagging life force from unsuspecting mortals to look good in front of the big boss, and trying to navigate a relationship with Seth Mortenson, Georgina's favorite author and one of the mortals whose life force she has to be careful not to steal.

Succubus on Top is the second book in Richelle Mead's succubus series, following Succubus Blues (Georgina Kincaid, Book 1). The first book was focused on Georgina's attempts to navigate life as a succubus while dealing with her own reticence to be a good one. Eventually, in order to keep her relationship with Seth, Georgina agrees to put her best foot forward and be a good little succubus, just as long as she can keep the author in her life. In Succubus on Top, Georgina is living up to her promise--snagging life force at every opportunity, and even helping a visiting incubus with his goal of seducing a conservative radio talk show host. At the same time, Georgina is working on being in a relationship that can't have sexual manifestations, and finding out why her coworkers at Emerald City Books are acting strangely and hanging out with immortals whose signatures Georgie doesn't recognize.

Succubus on Top isn't as outright entertaining as Succubus Blues was, and the pacing is a little slower. I found myself becoming quickly immersed in the first book in this series, and it took a little bit longer for me to become as involved in Succubus on Top. But this book still has the great comedic timing, quick wit, and entertainment value that drew me to Succubus Blues, it just took a bit longer to get there. This book is more about learning Georgina's history, and her good friend Bastien the incubus provides a lot more insight into how Georgina evolved into the stellar succubus she is today. This book is also more focused on Seth and Georgina's romance, and how they manage to work around the restrictions placed on their relationship by her vocation. It's an excellent follow-up to a worthwhile debut, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series, Succubus Dreams (Georgina Kincaid, Book 3).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine beverly
Poor Georgina starts this book at a demon award ceremony, could her week get any worse! Totally love all the humour in these books.

Bastian her incubus friend, is also an ex-lover, ex-partner in “crime” and is dumped back into her life to bring down a huge Evangelist in the shape of the very austere Dana.

Doug, her book store buddy get wrapped up in a whole “ambrosia and God mystery” which was a brilliant and thrilling story line.

RM reveals another failed relationship from poor Georgina’s fated history. As she and Seth dance around the relationship that they have the torment for both is beautifully written.
All previous Demons, Angels, Imps and Vampires make appearances and spice up the story line even further.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg bryce
Being the second book in any series is a daunting task. It has a lot to live up to. Not only does it have to keep the pace of the first book, but the characters have to be as witty, charming, likeable (if not more so) and the storyline must engage you, pack a punch, and make you want more rather than wish the author had just stopped with the first book. The second book has to be better than the first in many ways as it has to carry you over to make you want to read or wait for the next instalment!

With Georgina's "I'm so tough" on the outside attitude and "melty as snow" emotional weaknesses on the inside, this is one succubi whose character evolved beautifully by Richelle Mead during her second novel. Woven alongside was a fast paced plot with witty repartee, supported by the posse (the ever lovely vampires and other not so refined demonic presences) with of course the evil that had to be taken care of. It also sees the introduction of a "very old friend" Bastien - himself an Incubus who is on his own mission, and Seth the mere mortal but love interest of our darling Georgina remains a serious part of this novel.

Did it work? Did the second book make you hunger for more?


I truly did devour this book in one sitting and am so enamoured with the series that I have now got the rest of the books to read, although I'm going to try to read other authors in between so I don't run out of what is fast becoming my favourite series to date!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In Richelle Mead's follow-up to her deliciously witty, devilishly sexy debut, Succubus Blues (Georgina Kincaid, Book 1), Seattle-based succubus Georgina Kincaid is back--and this time, everything is on the line. All of the rest of the same characters are back.

Seth knows and accepts that she is a succubus, but their relationship must remain platonic and never become physical. However she finds herself succumbing to the temptations of being with Seth. On top of that they are trying to keep their relationship secret. When Seth's novella gets published in the American Mystery magazine everyone at the bookstore thinks that the horny, rope-wielding, elevator fetish dominatrix character is based on Georgina.

A new character, Bastien, is introduced - he is an incubus and he wants her help with a job. Bastien and Georgina have worked together in the past, but she is reluctant to go along with his plans. His mark is Dana Dailey and her organization - Committee for the Preservation of Family Values.

Georgina is also suspicious of Doug and his band, Nocturnal Admission, sudden success.

She has a little too much on her plate these days, but all of the storylines come together.

I am still holding out hope for the coupling of Georgina and Carter. Carter, an archangel who is intriguing in his own right - is a good guy or a bad guy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mardha tilla septiani
The second book of Georgina Kincaid is even better than the first one!!! I simply devoured it, it had me hooked since the beginning!!! I loved the details of the relationship betwen Seth and Georgina, how they take things between them and the way Seth is around Georgina and cares for her even knowing what she is and what she does for a living.

Also, I loved seeing how Georgina picked that someting was wrong with his friend Dough, and how she fights for him because he is her friend and she cares for him. I won't say too much about it because it's sort of the main plot, or one of them, but I really found myself gaping at the things that are being thrown and told about what is happening to Dough and way. It was amazing.

There's another plot that centers in Bastien, an incubi friend of Gerogina who wants to seduce a woman who has a radio program and who's a little... well... let's say harsh about how she depicts homosexuality, the new trend of clothing from women, etc. This plot is also a nice one, and I liked the relatoin between Bastien and Georgina, even when Bastien gets a little messy.

And I loved this pieces of her past that keep coming into the book to give more sense, more purpose and more deep to her.

All in all, this book is a dream, and I want more!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erika peterson
Although I am a little bit disappointed in Georgina (I'll elaborate later), this book still deserves 4 stars.

In the second book of the series Georgina continues her adventures. Her close friend and fellow incubus Bastien is visiting and needs her help in seducing a conservative figure; Doug is involved with some strange people and acts unlike himself; finally, Georgina now has a mortal boyfriend with whom she can't be intimate.

Once again, Richelle Mead delivers engaging and entertaining story, sexy, romantic and funny. However, I have to admit, this book was a little thin on mystery. There was no convincing build-up to discovery we saw in the first Georgina book. Nevertheless I am ready to forgive this. What I can't forgive is Georgina's betrayal (might be a spoiler ahead) of Seth. You would think that after centuries of regrets over the way she treated her husband, Georgina learned her lesson. Unfortunately, she didn't. I hope she will redeem herself in future books. Otherwise I don't think I will be able to like her as much as I liked her in the first book and continue on with the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
caleb liu
I liked it, but when I realized that Georgina and Seth weren't going to have sex and even if I'm okay with anticipation, that part of the storyline is not moving forward. Maybe it's Georgina, so stuck in that issue, I know it's important, she's a sexual creature, but I was expecting something else, that they would want to fight for it, to find a way. Mmmm, something happened, yeah, but I got bored. The story was very good at the beginning, but then it became drawn out, it practically ended at 80% and there was this long thing about another plot line and it was predictable and not very funny. I liked when there was a bit of pity party on Georgina's part, I became more sympathetic. Unlike the first book, at the end I realized I liked it less than I thought at the beginning. I'll read on anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jordana williams
The sexual tension between Seth and Georgina is palpable. In true Richelle Mead fashion, our heroine or hero have to struggle some or maybe LOTS. She strings us along like starving puppies... I can't turn away now. Can Seth and Georgina have a happy coupling given the challenges of such an arrangement? We all know how much Seth feels for Georgina and vice versa, but there are too many risk factors here. I'm so hooked.

I am in love with all the side characters too - Doug, Hugh, Peter, Cody, Bastien, Carter, and even Jerome. If you liked Richelle's other series, you will like this one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jenn carr
Geogina Kincaid is a succubus with a bumbling girl-next-door charm. She and her crew of demonic allies live in Seattle where they corrupt innocents for their infernal bosses, and she works in a bookstore called Emerald Isle books.

This is the second book in the series, and I found it somewhat weaker than the first. Georgina is a fun character, but I find her personality at times a bit tiresome. Georgina lacks insight into the human condition and seems very inexperienced for someone who has lived as long as she. She gets surprised too often by the quirkiness of the humans, and seems to have no trouble destroying the health and happiness of good mortals to protect her love Seth who is about as interesting as oatmeal.

The subplot involving the evil talk show host didn't interest me. It felt heavy-handed and preachy too me. I also felt Georgina's outrage was a bit strange. Georgina has lived for centuries through eras where women were considered property and prejudice and religion ruled, and yet she seems very modern in her core values and beliefs and very outraged besides to see these values espoused by anyone. I would think someone born centuries past would not be surprised by viewpoints like Dana's. George seemed like a modern young woman confronted by a bigot, rather than a centuries old immortal who likely was a bigot herself at some point in her life (as many ancient people were). I think Georgina should be more worldly and a bit jaded by such things. It is hardly anything new to someone of her lifespan.

The second weakness of the story is the romance. Georgina rhapsodizes about Seth, but the fact of the matter, is Seth bores me to tears. He's not romantic, not hot, and Georgina's longing for him is unexplained and overdone. Seth just types, and acts helpless and seems so bland it is hard to imagine why George is so fascinated... I know I'm not.

The character I expected to like so much- Sebastian, was also a real disappointment. Incubuses should be sexy and Sebastian was arrogant and described as being unattractive. I didn't care about him or his quest to corrupt Dana. Perphaps if he'd been hotter, or had a better personality I might have liked him more. Unfortunately he was unlikeable for some reason and I didn't care about his story arc.

Overall, while I like the authors' style, and she has some amusing ideas ... I don't like Seth at all and since their romance is one of the major themes of the series, I'm probably going to not rush out and buy any more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really great addition to the series. I was very pleased that it didn't end up having book two syndrome and that it held it's own storyline with a start and finish. I did get pissed with Georgina for what her and Bastien do, but I eventually got over it. She is just lucky she felt bad about it. Hopefully nothing like that will happen again in the series as I fully intend on continuing with this series. The only reason this wasn't a five star book is because there wasn't anything that really happened to wow me. It was good and I can't say there was anything wrong with it, but it wasn't amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian smith
Seattle based seductress, Georgina Kincaid, is back and she's got more balls in the air than an immortal should be able to juggle.

Author and personal idol, Seth Mortensen and Georgina are falling in love. The problem is, they cannot consummate their relationship without Georgina consuming some of Seth's lifeforce and consequently shortening his life.

Her old friend, Bastien, is in Seattle with an assignment he cannot fail. He must seduce Dana Dailey, radio hostess and right-wing family values lobbyist--or else.

Her co-worker, Doug Sato, has a new drummer in his band and they're taking off like wildfire. Well, everything Doug is doing is taking off like wildfire except when he hits a low--unfortunately, Georgina suspects that someone immortal is causing the problem and she's concerned for her friend's life.

As I stated in the first review for "Succubus Blues," I honestly never thought this would be my type of book. Richelle Mead's got a magic pen and she can pin the 'hooker with the heart of gold' tag on a succubus and make it fit. Georgina is truly likable. She's got ethics for a girl in her profession. For the most part, she only messes with bad guys. The rest of her cast is lively and interesting. I'm fascinated that her boss, the demon Jerome, hangs out in Seattle with the angel, Carter. Quite an unlikely pair.

Ms. Mead juggles more than three separate conflicts with ease and she provides resolution for enough of them to make the book satisfying. This is not a series that has 'to be continued' stamped boldly at the back. Plus, you can read "Succubus on Top" before "Succubus Blues" if you wish. There's enough backstory to explain the characters without being infodump.

I would like to see more worldbuilding in future novels. As primarily a fantasy reader, I am less interested in the romantic aspects of the story than the mythical and fantastical. I do believe Ms. Mead can strike a balance that should make most genre readers happy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura k
This book, apparently entitled 'Succubus Nights' in the UK, is the follow-up to 'Succubus Blues' but a very enjoyable book in its own right, even if you haven't read the first in the series (as I haven't). Georgina Kincaid works in a bookstore, hangs out with her friends and enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, famous author Seth Mortensen. But Georgina's not exactly what she seems. She's actually a succubus, her job is to seduce men and steal the life force from them so that she can continue to live. Seth knows exactly what she is but her job has an unfortunate side effect - she and Seth can barely touch safely and so their relationship is platonic, rather than physical. At the same time she has to continue her normal job, trying not to feel too bad for Seth and trying to shield him from some of her activities.

Georgina's a really fun character, despite her job. She clearly cares for Seth and for some of her other friends. In this story her colleague at the bookstore, Doug, starts to act oddly. When Georgina sees his band in action and discovers they are all hugely talented musically she comes across an unknown immortal and begins to wonder if there's something supernatural going on with regard to the success of Doug's band. Her life gets more complicated as she finds herself helping Bastien, an incubus, in his attempt to seduce a moral campaigner and finds herself succumbing to the temptations of Seth. When her colleagues start falling ill and she has to run the bookshop, as well as investigate a strange new drug and help Bastien with his seduction, it seems like she might have bitten off more than she can chew. And can she and Seth keep things going with all the disadvantages of their relationship?

I really enjoyed this book. Despite Georgina's succubus job - which I find horrendously icky - she's a very appealing character. She's caring and helpful and her relationship with Seth, despite its disadvantages, is rather touching. The other characters in this book are very well portrayed including Jerome the demon and Carter the angel, and the overall situation of the lines between good and evil being blurred makes for interesting reading. My only slight reservation is that the relationship between Georgina and Seth wasn't resolved by the end of the book, and in fact these characters appear in a short story in the anthology 'Eternal Lover' and are still unresolved at the end of that. But the author's writing style and interesting plot lines make this a worthwhile read in a crowded genre.

Originally published for Curled Up With A Good Book © Helen Hancox 2008
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As paranormal romance becomes more available in the bookbuying world, it seems there are fewer and fewer novelties. I am happy to read the Succubus Series because its just that - clever storytelling and unique world building. I loved the sympathetic character of Georgina and her particular past, but everything in the storyline is COOL (my fave line is "Pantheon. I haven't heard anyone use that line outside of mythology 101".) The characters are self aware in a Buffy way, not a campy one.

Succubus on Top is even cooler, but the steaminess between her and Seth make it HOT at the same time. You know, they are together, but not really, though they really want to reads pitch perfect and that makes me root for the Georgina/Seth combo. Though I really don't see any practical way to make that happen. So...I am dying to see what the next installment holds for the unlikely couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Most authors can't deliver a decent sequel. Mead has proven she is not most authors.

Our narrator, Georgina Kincaid, is a succubus--a damned creature who survives on the life force of humans via sexual activities. The first book was a wrestling of her desires for human (or seemingly human) companionship that has nothing to do with her supernatural work. Her greatest desires are to be married and have children, something being a succubus prevents--on top of sucking the life force out of any man she interacts with sexually (even deep kissing), succubi are sterile or barren.

In this installment, Georgina finds herself in a pretty mess. Bastien, an old friend and incubus, visits Seattle on a mission to seduce a local racist, homophobic activist, and he's enlisting Georgina's help. Doug, her friend and fellow supervisor at the bookstore, has his band skyrocketing, but begins to act strangely, going from manic to depressed. There's a supernatural, non-placeable force around the band, especially their new drummer. Oh, and Georgina's love life with Seth faces trial after trial.

It sounds like a lot to take in, but Mead paces everything beautifully. Georgina, amazing as she is, even needs supernatural help in order to pull off an amazing disaster near the end of the book. There is not a lot of action, but Georgina's trials are enough to keep the reader engaged and hungry for more from page to page.

I'm also not big on graphic sex scenes, but Mead has a knack for them. Her scenes are hot, steamy, and void of cheesy, trite euphemisms. As for the title... well, let's just say it's aptly named.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren osborn
This is the second book in the Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead. I enjoyed this book quite a bit more than the first book. I thought Georgina really came into her own as a character, some interesting side characters were also added. There was more urgency to this book too.

In this book Georgina knows something is up when her co-worker and friend Doug starts acting strangely. Georgina is determined to get to the bottom of Doug's issues. She is interrupted by a pleasant surprise when Bastien, an incubus whom she has had a close friendship with for centuries, shows up. Bastien is assigned with taking down a prominent conservative radio host; and is enlisting Georgina's help. Meanwhile Georgina and Seth are still trying to make their "hands off" relationship work.

This book was much better than the first one. With Bastien present you get more look into Georgina's history. The issues with Doug end up being really interesting and Georgina gets sucked into an investigation that propels the story forward. I thought Georgina gained a lot more personality in this book and that her character really became something special; she is smart and has a way of helping people out that is really admirable despite her demonic nature.

The plot-line of this book was tighter and more compelling than the last book. I felt like in general the writing was better. The characters of Carter and Bastien added a lot to the story. In summary I liked this book; my greatest complaint is still that I wish there were more action scenes. I guess these books are just much more paranormal romance than they are paranormal action.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
wouter schaart
When I first read "Succubus Blues", I just couldn't put the book down. It kept you riveted in all the excitement and action. This book "Succubus on Top" has the same feel as the first but left me a little flat. Granted, Richelle Mead is an excellent writer, but I kind of got bored with all the Georgina loves Seth stuff. The sideline characters from the first book only show up to play poker try to get Georgina to party with them, nothing more. Also, the villian was short lived. It was as if "Oh ya, I've been talking about Georgina and Seth so much, time to put in a bad guy and kill him in one chapter, back to Georgina and Seth." Don't get me wrong, I love Richelle Mead's books but this one is like a flat soda.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mikayla eckenrod
This series continues to impress. Richelle Mead delivers another great story line while introducing more interesting and well developed characters. The slow burn between Georgina and Seth continues and has me hooked. Someone from Georgina's past (way, way past) comes to town and spices up the story. The more I get to know these characters the more excited I get about the rest of this series. Off to read the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked it. I think the romance between Georgina and Seth is sweet. I missed the more interaction she had with her friends in the first book. They were there but pushed far in the back. What happened to the dance lessons? There is still a mystery to solve in this one. Georgina's friend from work, Doug, is having problems. Only he's the one who doesn't seem to realize it. It is obvious to Georgina that something is wrong and she is determined to find out what. Then there is her old incubus friend that has stopped by and has asked for her help. Basically, she has her hands full. The whole idea of someone working for evil, but basically a good guy is a fun conundrum to read about and I look forward to reading more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron chomjak
Although I am not quite sold on the romantic storyline yet, the mystery, comedy and friendship dynamic in this story are amazing.

Georgina Kincaid is Seattle's top succubus. In keeping with her promise to her demon boss she has been corrupting good souls left right and centre, so much so that she has even earned an award. Although the succubus part of her life is going well, the rest is a bit more complicated. She can't touch her boyfriend for fear of sucking out his life force, her work colleague and close friend Doug is acting strangely, not to mention work in general has been all consuming of late. So when her old friend Bastien the incubus arrives in town Georgina rejoices at the prospect of some old time fun, until she finds out he wants her help too, in seducing a religious zealot.

Georgina provides one comical situation after another in this book. She once again infatuated me with her quirky way of thinking, her sense of loyalty - especially when she gets riled up over the thought of someone messing with one of her humans - and her occasional social awkwardness even though she is supposed to be a master in the art of seduction.

What kind of got me with Succubus on Top was the Seth/Georgina relationship. I don't understand the point. Sure they're doing it for love and this may just be my cynicism kicking in, but why voluntarily go through the kind of torture they're putting themselves through? Sitting in a room playing scrabble when all they really want to do is jump one another's bones. Seth seems to rein himself in quite a bit better than Georgina does, but then it's Georgina's head we're in so we get her personal torture all laid out for us.

I am a firm believer of sex not equalling love, but taking it out of the equation entirely, when both parties want to do it, why do that to yourselves? Georgina spent most of the book wondering if she really loved Seth, and if she could even feel love anymore. If you're not that far in yet and there is already a problem that you are having huge difficulty living with, on top of that there is no foreseeable cure. GET OUT NOW.

Why stay and put yourself through that? For love? There will be another and another and most likely being immortal, another one after that.

Perhaps this is why I am continuing this series, I want to see what Georgina does to fix this mess, or if she gives up. Perhaps she thinks loving Seth is a good enough reason not to give up, perhaps I am just too jaded to see the point. The relationship doesn't work for me though; friends would be fine take the sexual component away completely. But I don't see the point in self-inflicted torture, considering the fact that she has to sleep with other men constantly to get a power fix.

On to other topics brushed in this book, the addition of Bastien however brief was absolutely marvellous. A succubus and an incubus together, two beings who completely understand each other's nature makes for a great pairing, especially when they have to go to work together. Bastien was like the egotistical male version of Georgina and together on the page they had me in stitches.

Unfortunately many of the other characters kept to the background in this book, but it was Carter's - the angel that hangs around with a bunch of demons - presence once again that had me sighing every time he appeared, if however briefly. His contrast to the cast of demons is so touching that it makes his angelic goodness seem all the more amplified, yet he is still so cool which can sometimes be lost in stories like these where demons reign supreme.

Mead swept me up in yet another fantastic book; Succubus on Top has left me wanting more. Although I am conflicted on where I stand with Georgina's relationship, her world has me entranced and I must read Succubus Dreams as soon as possible.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandy stevens
I really like the way Richelle Mead writes. However, the narrator is so annoying with her over annunciation on each word. It really took away from the story to me.

The character Georgina is really likable. I laughed out loud several times as the story unfolded.

I'm going to actually read the rest of these books myself rather than pay the crazy audible price. It's not worth it for this book. Kindle will have to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jean rabe
The second adventure of Succubus Georgina Kincaid is even better than the first. Somehow, Richelle Mead has made Georgina likeable, & it is no easy feat to make a character who has sex with random strangers likeable. But Georgina has heart, & she yearns to understand love. The relationship she has with her boyfriend, Seth, is at the center of the book, & I am interested to see how it is resolved.

My one dissatisfaction with this series is that I would like to see the mythology developed a little more than it has been. Many readers of urban fantasy get involved in these series partly because of their interest the paranormal, so it could only be a positive thing to develop Georgina's world.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shane nelson
I had mixed feelings about this installment. I am definitely not a fan of Bastien, and both he and Georgina were wrong for what transpired. Both of the plots were weak, I can understand the Dana storyline, but the Alec story was boring. What was the purpose of Sol doing what he did, simply for sex? Boo for that reasoning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished Succubus on Top, and it was fabulous! I had forgotten how much I liked the first one, and was thrilled to find that the second was even better. This series has a great blend of humor, action, and enough romance to keep things interesting, without going into so much graphic detail you can't even use your own imagination. I love the characters and dialogue. This is a really fun read, and I had a hard time putting it down. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy burns
The next edition in the Georgina saga is one hell of a ride. It offers much more intrigue and if it's possible, is even sexier than the first. In Succubus on Top, Georgina struggles with her no-sex relationship with author Seth Mortensen, but soon gets distracted when an old friend, Bastien, comes to town. She takes her mind off her woes by aiding the incubus in corrupting a high profile conservative. Though it seems that Bastien has things under control, Georgina soon discovers that things aren't quite what they seem. Definitely a page turner and one you won't want to miss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jake bible
(AUDIOBOOK) Rachelle Mead's Georgina is sexy, sensual, and funny! I found myself laughing out-loud several times while listening to this book. Elizabeth Rogers, the reader, does an amazing job with the characters, particularly the sexy bits. Although this particular installment meanders a tiny bit in the middle, it resolves in a scintillating way that left me wanting more.

(I really loved the inclusion of the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious-right storyline -- timely and topical, and ripped from the headlines!)

Rachelle Mead can write sexy. More please!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam flew
Very amusing, and what an imagination Ms. Mead has! I laughed as much at this book as I did the first. Georgie is such a likable demon! Poor Georgie and Seth and their situation. I am curious as to how that romance will develop. Or not. All of the secondary characters are well-fleshed out and I like them all. Especially Jerome and Carter. Both of them are very, very intriguing. Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading Succubus Blues I couldn't wait for the sequel to be released, and I absolutely was not disappointed! This book is terrific! It is also quite refreshing after losing hope that LKH would ever return to the glory days of Anita Blake instead of the more recent turn towards erotica. There is a balance to be had, but she's tipped way over that long ago. I am soooo pleased to have discovered Richelle Mead!!!! She is awesome!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
daniela uslan
To answer the previous reviewer's complaint, this is actually the same book as Succubus on Top - one was published in the US and one in the UK. The UK publishers decided to change the name.

So be careful buyers - don't buy both. They are both the second book in the series. I think the US version is slightly cheaper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth babson
richelle mead is such am excellent author. she introduces all the dilemmas in the first couple of chapters and ties it together at the end but her story is so great in between. they are fast reads and totally amazing books.
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