Tug Of War (Bloodlines Series)

ByK. Larsen

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Okay so here it is. The plot sounded intriguing and it was. For me, the problem was the ending. Clara has had an extremely hard life, and before I go on I'm going to warn you that this review has spoiler alerts. Clara was raised by a single mom that slept around a ton, and then eventually gets into a serious relationship where she is abused by her fiancé and raped by "someone other than her fiancé", Anyways long story short, Clara has dealt with a crappy hand in life and actually done remarkably well considering, and like a normal person, Clara doesn't tell her secrets for her safety and her daughters, and also hides the event of her deepest shame even though she was a victim. Towards the end an ugly truth comes out then Clara is dealing with her child in the hospital and the long recovery while the man she loves, Dominic, grows more distant with her. What really bothers me about this story is that Dominic just blows up at Clara one day and walks out without ever really explaining why he can't stand to see Clara asleep on the couch next to Sawyer. Dominic walks out on Clara all because he listened to the vicious lies of Clara's rapist. Clara spends months going to therapy to make herself a better person and continues trying to talk to Dominic, but Dominic doesn't respond until six months later when he miraculously reappears into Clara's life and says sorry, and all is forgiven. I see what the author was trying to do with this story, but I was mad at Dominic because he listened to a rapist and left Clara instead of talking to Clara.

I will be trying other works from this author because she does a great job of pulling emotions from the reader, and I found her characters interesting, but for this story, my rating is low.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shaun martin
This is a contemporary-romantic-suspense book, first in the series The Bloodlines. It could be read as a stand alone, but I recommend the second book Objective and I will read the rest of the series when published. This does have some sexual scenes so I would say adults only. This book has so many twists and turns, you never know what will happen next, an exciting read for sure. I was caught up in so many emotions, it captured me from page one. I love stories about women with backbone, ones whom speak their mind, and Clara is one of those women. But Clara hasn't always been the fighter she is now. Her life is based on secrets, maybe? And she isn't who you think she is, maybe? Yes the book keeps you wondering the whole time. I admire her strength, because she has been through hell. And regardless of it all she does have a good heart. I fell in love with the man in her life, and Domini... well, I will take him also. yum.

This is the story about Clara Lord, owner of a tattoo parlor Bloodlines. She is hard core, take no crap and live for herself, kind of woman. She knows she has to make decisions and they are not going to be easy. People are going to get hurt, but she can not help it. Is she selfish, yes at times, but she lives and learns. She describes herself as filthy mouthed, broken filter and has a really strong objection to bossy idiots, pet names and wealthy men. And its true.... or is it?

You can hate her, love her, she really doesn't care either way. She has built up her world to revolve around her secrets and this world is falling apart slowly... all since she met Domini Napoli. The secrets she has held for eight years are slowly coming to surface and she doesn't like it... not one bit.

favorite passages:

"This is turning into a p****** (some might find the author's word choice offending.)match."
"I'm just as surprised as you but I didn't feel the need to pee all over myself to mark my territory."
"I was a god d*** (some might find the author's word choice offending.)ball of tears and blubbered liked an idiot as she tried to peel away from my clinging hands."
"I watch his muscle twitch, like a fool, before screwing my head on straight."
"Oh, I do charity work, I volunteer my opinion almost every day!"
"By the time I get home and load my arms with the twenty or so grocery bags, because like an idiot I refuse to make more than one trip to bring them in."
"PMS," I shrug. "Maybe I"ll slip some Midol in his coffee."
"Sawyer has a sandy vagina. Ignore him."
"Sorry, I really need to start using my filter."
"I never took you for a below-the-belt fighter."
"You haunt the world inside me" he whispers."
"You carry yourself like a lady but have attitude and spunk."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian kelly
Reviewer: Jess (Magic Within the Pages)

For those of you not familiar with my reviews I should let you know I HATE SPOILERS! I won't tell you much about a book because I'm a fan of going into books blind. I'll often avoid reading the blurb or I'll read the blurb, purchase the book, categorise it and then leave it in my library until I can't remember what it's about anymore. It's just way more fun for me that way and I highly recommend it!

Tug of War by K. Larsen is the kind of book that will bring you relief after a long stretch of same old same olds.
Clara Lord is the owner of a tattoo parlour with a beautiful and fulfilling life but a hidden past. When she meets Dominic Napoli on a weekend away with her girlfriends everything is turned upside down and she's made to not only come clean but assess herself and make some serious changes.
When I read the prologue I fell in love with Clara instantly! She seemed a strong character who knew herself and was unapologetic about who she is... but then I nearly got lost at "Everything I touch turns to crap and it's all my fault". My first thought at that was that I may be encountering another character who has so much potential but just ends up whinny and self-doubting. My second thought was that I was walking into another book that hinges around a character who's created a ridiculous misunderstanding that needs to remain unresolved until the end. Is anyone with me? It's just an overused lazy plot ploy if you ask me and oh so frustrating for the reader who's screaming at the character, "Are you truly that stupid! Get a backbone! Own your mistakes! Stand up for yourself!"
I digress. Two minutes into the next chapter and I was HOOKED! It had me up way past my bed time and then reaching for my iPhone (don't ask) as soon as I woke in the morning.
This book was just absolutely delightful! The characters were well developed and realistic. I loved Clara and really wanted to see her do well and Larsen delivered! What a breath of fresh air!
The plot drops were delivered with perfect timing. It was like, "Pow! You thought you knew but you didn't know! Take that!" So well done!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. Overall, an easy read with delightful characters that you want to spend your time with. Just brilliant!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lizzy shannon
Clara has buried her past and started over with Sawyer her friend, and business partner. Together they raise her daughter Clara and run their shop, but when Clara meets Dom while she is out of town visiting friends her quiet life gets turned upside down. Suddenly Dom is making her think about what and who she really wants. If she decides to chase her dreams she risks exposing her past and destroying the safe life she has built for her daughter. Can Clara trust herself enough to follow her heart? I like Clara she is straightforward and direct when she has to deal with a situation, but by her own admission she shies away from the hard parts of life especially the emotional ones. Sawyer is in some ways the man she has always wanted, he keeps her safe and treats her daughter as his own, yet he tries to give Clara space to follow her heart. Dom is the man every woman dreams of on some level rich, good looking, hot and sweet. Dom and Sawyer are almost polar opposites of each other in some ways and Clara must find a way to choose between them not an easy task, yet she does her best. I enjoyed the tension between the characters and watching Clara figure things out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I simply adored this book…. It made me laugh, smile and cry.
Clara for appearances appears to have the perfect happy family but appearances can be fake…..
On the outside….. Clara lives with Swayer and her daughter Allie…. People assume they are a couple but behind closed doors they are simply best friends with benefits!
Clara is hiding from her past and has woven a web lies to protect herself and Allie….. Swayer thinks he knows them all but there are few well hidden secrets she wants to keep that way…….
For last four years Clara and Swayer have created a family unit for Allie….. Swayer would love a full on committed relationship with Clara but her past keeps her from giving her heart away.
On a rare weekend away with her girlfriends Amanda and Marg….. Clara meets Dominic.
Dominic is a rich, successful businessman…. Who always gets what he wants and he wants Clara but he lives in the world she is running from.
The attraction and drawn towards Dominic is had to fight especially as he pursues her…… this leaves Clara with her own tug of war….
On one hand she has Swayer, one she should love and then there’s Dominic the one she shouldn’t love but does……
Who does Clara chooses Swayer or Dominic????
I loved being part of Clara’s world…. She is a strong, spunky, sassy woman who has worked hard to create a safe life for her and Allie whilst keeping her secrets buried……
But if she follows her heart and lets Dominic in…. all her well hidden secrets will come tumbling out…..
This tug of war journey isn’t a easy one for Clara and it will keep you gripped and wanting more.... I didn’t want it to end… I loved K Larsen’s writing style and I’m looking forward to in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
billy frank
I volunteered to review this book for an honest review. This was a novel that you have to have an open mind reading for the probable PTSD that Clara suffered through. K. Larsen researched enough to know how someone reacts to trauma so young that just seemed to compound. The story line continues through difficult transitions. I found the book interesting, surprising, and with a HEA ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an exciting page turner! I have never read a book before of someone that is a tattoo artist. You rarely see a glimpse of their lives. No there is a inside look.

It was an interesting story line. A few shocks, but that is what makes a book great! At the beginning I read and carried on with my daily tasks, but at the end I just had to sit and read straight to the end and see what happens. I think a sequel would be great!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robert jaz
Oh where to begin... Clara is a disaster, a total disaster. I don't much like her. Sawyer, well I adore him. Dominic, I like as well but he has his moments that make me want to strangle him.

This is the story of a confused and troubled tattoo artist and mother, Clara. This is her story, a story that winds you around and twists your insides. It's not your typical love story, not at all. It's painful, it's ugly and it's real.

It's hard to write a review without giving away all the secrets, and lies, that make up Clara Lord. Just know that K. Larsen tells the story like no other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed darwish
I had the absolute pleasure of beta reading Tug of War, and would without doubt, recommend to other people!

I was sucked into and hooked on the crazy live's of Clara, Dom and Sawyer from page one!

Reading Tug of War literally had me all over the place! Going from laughing out loud, to crying, to having butterflies in my tummy, all within a few pages!

Katie's writing is fantastic, and character development spot on!

I went through Tug of War constantly changing my opinion of each of the three main characters, because of their crazy antics, but honestly loved them all by the end of the book!

It's crazy, it's funny, it's emotional and it's super HOT! Definitely worth 5*s!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
TUG OF WAR was sexy and hilarious. I totally loved author, K. Larsen's writing style. Throughout the entire book, I was gasping for breath - one minute it was from the insanely hot chemistry the characters shared and the next minute it was from my outrageous fits of laughter. It was excellent entertainment and I didn't want it to end!

Clara is a total cougar . . .

❝Cougars? Seriously, since when does thirty-two put you in cougar territory?" I chortle.
"When the boys hitting on you are a decade or more younger than you. That's when.❞

Ok, so maybe not quite a cougar, but she's hot and sassy and totally comfortable with her sexuality. What she's not comfortable with is commitment, but she has her reasons and those reasons remain a mystery for the majority of the book. In fact, I thought I was going to have to have a sparring session with the author because the end was getting dangerously close and there were still a lot of unanswered questions. THANK GOD the loose ends were wrapped up and there was not cliffhanger at the end - I was *mostly* happy with the outcome and that was only because I wanted her to end up with BOTH men!

TUG OF WAR is a wonderfully funny story of not 1, but 2 "Prince Charmings" and 1 damaged damsel. Although I loved Clara's sassy spunk, there were times I totally wanted to strangle her. She was an incredibly selfish heroine at times and there were moments I was surprised I even liked her, but we eventually learn what fuels the fiery wall she has built around her heart. It is obvious that both men love her and she loves them, but which one will eventually tear down her defenses?

❝I let you run away but my heart won't oblige me. You haunt the world inside me," he whispers. "I covet your attention Clara and I'm willing to invade your life, because eventually you will yield to me.❞

Here's MY cast:


Don't cheat yourself; snatch this little gem up when it is released on October 25, 2013. Trust me, you will love every minute of it!

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra conde souto
K. Larsen reeled me in! This book was an unexpected gem! I was on the edge of my seat with this one. I love a book that I can get into.

This book had me yelling at the characters, loving them, and all over the place with my emotions.

One minute I was Team Sawyer then I was Team Dom! This story is truly Tug of War and I loved every minute of it!

K. Larsen is a great writer and super sweet. She was not on my radar....but I'm so glad she is now!

You better give this book a try! Don't take my word for it! Get Clicking!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura meredith
for honest review. Sawyer and Clare Owens bloodline tattoo parlor. she has a daughter. At the bar one night she meets Dominic a billionaire who she is mean to him. this starts a tug-of-war and a past awesome 10 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
this was a good book because it raised emotions in me. unfortunately negative ones. Clare has spent five years building a family with Sawyer then ends it of a billionaire leaving destruction destruction in her wake.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dorothy protz
Overall I enjoyed the book, but I felt like something was missing. I liked Clara and the way she spoke. I also liked Dominic and Sawyer, the two men in her life. Although the relationship wasn't rushed, the story itself felt a little rushed. I don't feel like there was enough character and relationship development.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***Review From Rach For The Nerd Girl Page***

**I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.**

‘Everything turns to crap and its all my fault’

Clara Lord is the owner of Bloodlines tattoo parlour. Straight away you meet this crazy lady. You will love her, hate her, want to punch her, shake her and cuddle her.

Dominic Napoli is a relentless suit wearing, real estate mogul and absolutely gorgeous guy, who is intrigued by Clara.

Sawyer is a hot looking bad boy who isn’t really bad at all he’s 6ft 2 with muscles tattoos and piercings, did I mention he’s gorgeous too? Sawyer loves Clara and you see this from the beginning. These are 3 of the main characters, I don’t want to tell you about them all as I don’t want to ruin any surprises along the way.

This book is amazing! The characters are so real you read the words and the movie plays in your head. I went through many emotions with the characters, I was never bored and never scanned through any of it. Reading this I expect you think it’s a love triangle but its more like an octagon with lots of surprises along the way. There’s plenty of smiling , laughing out loud (which my husband finds crazy! ) huffing and sniffling.

So the story jumps right in, there’s no waiting until the 4th chapter to know where you are. You learn of Clara’s personality straight away and her dislike of Dominic, Clara has pure hatred for wealth and all that comes with it, she is seriously crazy! She calls him a ‘Perv’ but then drinks the wine he sends over then finds herself drunk outside holding onto a wall, dizziness taking over. Dominic asks if she can stand? Her reply ‘of course I can you turd!’ Instantly I loved her and her typical funny rantings of ‘hoes before bros’ and ‘I hate him’.

I really can’t explain how much I loved this story, everything is perfect in it. The right amount of smiles, laughter, anger, tears, fun and the right amount of sex scenes. I love the characters and have major book hangover right now!

I think you have a forever fan here Katie! 5 stars for sure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
holly merrigan
This book is amazing! K. Larsen does a wonderful job at keeping your interest piqued with each page. The emotions I felt when reading this book ranged from happy, mad, curious, turned on, to shedding tears! I can honestly say I can count on one hand the amount of times a book has generated such rich emotions for me. It takes a truly gifted writer to evoke such genuine feeling from words on paper. All loose ends were tied up in the end, and left me wanting more. I can't wait to read her other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well written and kept me reading when I should have been doing other things (not unusual for me, though). I went back and forth about liking Clara, but maybe that was what kept the tension going. And also, maybe sexy guys helped :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caleb trimble
This book had me hooked from the first chapter! It was a hot, sexy read that took you on an emotional roller coaster ride with the 2 men in Clara's life. I couldn't put it down until the end, and then I didn't want to put it down because I didn't want it to be over! Excellent job and I look forward to the NEXT release!!!
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