A Dark Mafia Romance (Benedetti Brothers Book 1)

ByNatasha Knight

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla gunn
Once again, Natasha delivers a book that takes you on a wrenching ride from despair to redemption. Lucia, an innocent victim, is signed over as property to brooding, dangerous Salvatore for her father's crimes against his family..and Salvatore -- at the urging of his own father's lust for vengeance-- intends to wring every drop of payment from her young, fresh body. But she's no obedient pushover, and she breaks Salvatore's defenses with her humor, charm, and strength. In turn, he shows her a side of him with deep tenderness, and a passion like nothing she's known. As Lucia gets to know Salvatore's heart and mind, it becomes clear that nothing is clear in the murky history of atrocities and anger between their families, and her loyalty is put to the ultimate test. Will she choose the man who rules her heart and body in the bedroom, or the family history that pulls at her with iron ties?

This is a dark read, not suitable for people who don't enjoy reading books with violence and some non-con. But believe me, Natasha knows how to bring her readers out of the dark and back into the light for a beautiful, satisfying ending and the metamorphosis of her characters into something beautiful and brave.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
olga belyayeva
The title read :Salvatore :A Dark Mafia Romance. It should have read, Salvatore,A Romance. There was nothing dark about it. It was a ridiculous book. Pointless. The H was weak. I'm so mad,I want to call him a p#**y! Even when he tried to act tough, it seemed contrived. The h had more b#**s than him. The feud between the families was never explained and his father's change of heart made this book even more silly. Pointless. Definitely not worth the price. Definitely not dark. I hope this is not a series. Please! Enough with this nonsense storyline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think Salvatore is the most heart-warming, panty-soaking suspenseful dark romance that I have ever read! What an exciting thrill to read! It's so boldly edgy and full of sexy hotness! Since I'm a huge Ms. Knight fan, I should know by now to expect the unexpected with all of her books, but it's still such a great surprise each time I open a new one! This story has so many chillingly dark moments, but it's so perfectly balanced with all the lovingly romantic and erotic swoony scenes too...I just loved it!!
For Fallon (Chicago Syndicate Book 1) :: Bound By Duty (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles) (Volume 2) :: Empires and Kings (A Mafia Duet Book 1) :: Ruthless People :: Bound by Honor (Born in Blood Mafia Series) (Volume 1) (2014-12-21) [Paperback]
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jason hyde
I should have listened to the reviews. This book is about Salvatore and Lucia who are brought together by a contract signed to keep her family safe and bring peace. Salvatore was supposed to be this bad mafia monster (at least that's what I got from the blurb and preview I read), not so. He wasn't a total pushover, but he wasn't the dominant alpha I was expecting either. Their life together started off a little rocky, but soon seemed like a normal couple living together. The first half of the story dragged, I was so mad. I wanted my money back (I still do). It didn't pick up until chapter 11. Now that's the Salvatore I expected to read about, but it was just a mirage. He soon returned to the caring man who hated his life and really just wanted out. He wanted peace for everyone. His father ruled him for most of the book. He was only dominant with Lucia when it came to sex and that wasn't all the time. I could tell from the beginning this was not going to be the book I had anticipated. I disliked the end of the book and the choice he made. I even disliked both epilogues. Salvatore was not dark at all. This was a sweet love story between a couple forced to be together and surrounded by family members filled with hate. None of the families feelings kept them from falling in love, only once did it interfere with their relationship and that was a brief incident. They went upstairs and did the do right afterwards. I am so disappointed in this book. I waited over a month to have extra funds to purchase this book since it wasn't on KU like most of her books. I love Natasha Knight. I love her male MC's. This just didn't work for me. Maybe if I had known he was going to be so soft, I would have enjoyed it because that's what I was expecting. Total let down. I gave this 3 stars out of loyalty and because it wasn't horrible, just not what I was lead to believe by advertising it was a dark mafia romance.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Title: Salvatore
Author: Natasha Knight
Series: standalone
Category: crime, erotic, dark
Heat: 3/5
Plot: 2/5
Rating: 2.5/5

Although it started off on a very strong note, this didn't quite meet its potential for me. The sex scenes were a little short and the plot pretty predictable, with very little character development present. For a dark read, I'd also have liked it to be even darker. Again, on this note, it started off well (with some particularly humiliating moments, which, if you follow my reviews, you'll know that I love), but petered out a little after the first third of the novel.

I'd also have liked a little less repetition about feelings and confusion, and a little more focus on the crime issues. I still enjoyed this read, however, despite these personal irritations.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
preston baumgardner

Through absolutely no fault of her own Lucia finds herself the property of one Salvatore Benedetti. She was just sixteen years of age when her father signs her over as property, the spoils of war.
She's sent away for 5 years, educated with nuns but now she's back and moving in with her owner.
Salvatore hates what his father has done but better she's with him than his father or brother at least he'll be kinder.
There's a lot here to like and enough story to keep it going, there's love and sex, betrayal and surprises but....
This is going to sound like a total contradiction because I love romance especially when the guy falls head over heels and will do anything for her, I love when she grows to love him and I positively need the HEA and this book gives me all that so why didn't I like this more?
I expected a darker read and Salvatore was so sweet even when he wasn't we knew he really was it was just because he had to treat her like that and while I like sweet I also like alpha and for most of the book he seemed afraid of his father and I wanted him to be stronger.
I accept it could be just my expectations more than the book itself.
Lucia, I struggled with Lucia, at times she seems so grown up almost old before her time and yet childish and silly at others and even taking into account her unusual life and the isolation she suffered the more she said "I hate you" the more I cringed.
And again I tried to excuse how selfish she seemed and put it down to her past but when Salvatore was trying to explain something to her and everything came back to her and he said
"Why don't you try listening for a change and remember not everything is about you, Lucia"
I almost cheered.
This is a good entertaining read it's just lighter than I expected.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mafia. They are ruthless.
The Benedetti are famous for not holding hostages, but in this case the DeMarcos had something to offer so that the humiliation of the head of the family was complete.
To placate a debt and not exterminate the entire family, Lucia DeMarco, at the age of 16, had to agree to sign a contract in which she became the property of Salvatore Benedetti, Franco Benedetti's heir.
After that, she spent five years completing her studies, being watched.
When she turned 21, her father killed himself, not bearing the shame, and it was at his funeral that Lucia met face to face with her captor.

Salvatore Benedetti was tired of this life of exterminating people, wars.
The last straw in his life was the death of his older brother Sergio, leaving wife Natasha and the baby Jacob.
When, at the age of twenty-four, he found himself signing the contract in which the young Lucia was his property, he knew that something had to be changed.

However, his younger brother Dominic was fully adapted to the life of the crime. Dominic was charming and relentless when he needed to eliminate any enemy. And he knew he was better able to be Franco's successor than Salvatore.

War inside and outside the family.
A romance among rival families; an attraction that the couple can not disguise.
But could Lucia trust the man whose family took her father to suicide and her cousin to the hospital?

I loved the author's writing.
Salvatore is a strong character, although at the beginning it seems the opposite.
There are many twists in the story, which keeps the attention of the reader.
I confess I did not like the ending, but I thought it matched the character's thinking.
5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john gerber
A thrilling and captivating mafia romance.

The story begins with Lucia being signed over to the Salvatore Benedetti.
Enemies, two mafia families at war and In the crossfire Lucia and Salvatore.

At the hands of their fathers war Lucia had become Salvatores possession, an agreement between both fathers.
Lucia's father gave her over willingly to the enemy and Salvatore's responsibility was to keep her.

The same night Lucia no longer belonged to the DeMarco family she was sent away to finish school, always guarded and always watched until her 21st birthday when Lucia was brought back to take her place with Salvatore and become his possession.

At first Salvatore came across as a monster and heartless, he was next in line to the Mafia boss but as the story progressed Salvatore showed the true man behind the mask he had to wear and he was nothing like his father.

I loved the progression in Salvatore and Lucias relationship, from enemies to lovers.

An exciting plot with danger, angst and let me tell you Salvatore is so hot! with his domineering alpha ways.
The chemistry between both characters was fiery and the sex scenes well written and intense.

A great read and a great journey. I loved both characters. Lucia has backbone and fire and when both characters clashed the sparks were huge.

Loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anjali s
When two Mafia families are at war, there can only be one winner. And that winner was Salvatore. His prize? Lucia DeMarco. Signed over to him as if she was property, no longer a human with freedom. For years she's kept at boarding school until it's his time to take her and own her. Salvatore is nothing like his family, but Lucia doesn't know if that will save her, or destroy her.

Salvatore was a character that really surprised me. From the blurb I was thinking that he would be a hard character to like because of the roughness, but that wasn't the case at all. Almost immediately I was taken to him and started to fall for him and his quiet ways. He wasn't as rough around the edges as I thought he was, he could actually be sweet at moments. I loved getting to see the vulnerable side to him, the side that didn't want to be involved in the owning of a person. But I also loved seeing the other side to him, the side that liked being able to control Lucia. The two contradicting sides of Salvatore came together very well though, and made his character hard not to like.

Despite her circumstances, Lucia had a tough side and wouldn't let her situation break her down. I liked seeing how she fought back at times and didn't make it easy on Salvatore to handle her. It made me admire her, actually. She was the main reason I found my emotions so affected with this story, and she had me laughing, getting angry, and cheering for her to win.

The overall story wasn't very dark and I honestly wouldn't classify it as my kind of darkness. Mostly because I need some pretty messed up things to happen in order for me to say a book is dark. But I will warn that some of the scenes may make people uncomfortable if they're new to this type of book. But those scenes are also why I highly recommend this book for anyone that loves a Mafia book, and also for those that haven't read anything dark-ish before. This would be the perfect introduction to the genre and will let you slowly work your way into the dark book world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan britt
Holy Natasha Moly! This queen of dark romance just did it again!

When I start to read a book from this author I’m always ready for the ride of my life, at least that’s what I think and I love to be wrong every single time.

She introduces us to Salvatore Benedetti, next boss of the family and the owner of one of the most precious thing in the DeMarco family, Lucia.

When she had 16 years old, Licia DeMarco signed a contract we the devil, his father paid the debt of the family with his daughter soul and never looked back.

Five years later, Salvatore was ready to claim her, to punish her and to make her his. But he didn’t expect to feel something for the daughter of his enemy.

But between war and secrets there was a little space for raw and the darkest love. Two Tortured soul in the world looking for redemption and peace.

He made her suffer, beg and ask for forgiveness while his demon was consuming him and she wanted to be in the freedom.

I loved this book, the passion, the fire and the dedication of Natasha with her characters, I’ll read any from her even if I know there’s no HEA.

This book deserves a 1000 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian scheufele
The book:
• 313 Pages • Contemporary • Multicultural • Standalone • Happily Ever After • In A Series • First-Person Narrative • Her POV • His POV

The romantic theme:
• Love After Loss • Enemies To Lovers • Mafia Romance

The read:
• Dark Read • Good Pace • Touching • Twists & Turns • Sexy • Dramatic • Provocative

Heat level:
• 3 / 5 (Includes hot and explicit sex scenes, but not too often through out the book) • MF scenes • Dirty Talk • Vanilla Sex • Beyond Vanilla Sex • BDSM hints

Story ingredients:
• Romantic Pursuit • Unforgettable First Meeting • Relationship Agreement • Heroic Rescue • Billionaire Lifestyle • Mystery & Suspense • Violence

He is...
• Bossy • Cocky • Possessive • Hot • Fit • Wealthy • Outlaw • Troubled Past

She is...
• Stunning • Strong • Fit • Virgin • Troubled Past
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Want to know what I love most about Natasha Knight's books? I love that she gives us characters that we know down to our soul we should hate, yet try as I might, I can't help but fall in love with them. It's like no matter what persona and proof they present to the world, something about them allows you to see behind the veil to the person they truly are. No matter what evidence is flung your way, you keeping waiting for that moment when it will all fall into place. It's the anticipation that keeps you furiously flipping the pages, moving from moment to unbearable moment, not sure what will happen next. It's the disappointment when they add more fuel to the fire, and then like an addict grasping at straws, the overwhelming swoon moment when they do something that makes your heart bleed in joy. I sometimes feel like I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome with her characters, and I can honestly say I don't mind it one little bit. Keep me locked away. If the alternative is reality, I want no part of it.

I felt like the entire story I was fighting right alongside Lucia. Every act of defiance she took, I was right there with her, pulling and taking the proverbial punches. I love that she never gave in; til the bitter end she kept fighting for herself. I enjoyed her backbone and unwillingness to take things at face value. I love that she didn't just automatically forgive those who had abandoned her and thrown her to the wolves, yet she made them work for it. I really loved her scenes, whether they be good or bad, between her and Salvatore. The spark was there from the beginning, and over the years it just settled into a slow simmer until the day they finally combusted. The fireworks between these two set the room on fire and I couldn't get enough of them. I loved the way they loved each other, even when they didn't realize the other did. I love how they tried to resist each other as if there could be any other possible conclusion. And I loved that when they tore down their walls, they were unstoppable as a team rather than solo.

Salvatore was such a conundrum and I think out of all the characters in this book, I felt for him the most. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he always had to be on, the assumed next leader of the family. He felt as if his choices weren't his own and he was viewed merely as a puppet to his father by many. I loved that even when it seemed like he was the bad guy, there was always something else working on the sidelines. Something that when it came to light made total sense, but at the time made you despise him. He was all male, all alpha, and I loved the power he exuded when he entered a room.

This is only the first book in this new series, and I cannot wait to see who's book is next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
*I received a copy of this book from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review*

Thank you so very much Social Butterfly PR for sending me a copy of Salvatore!!! I'm very honored and grateful!! :)

This was my first time reading Ms.Knight's work and after hearing many amazing things about her books I was very excited to pick this one up!! The second I read the synopsis I was a goner and once I began reading I became completely hooked!! It's a refreshing take on a love / hate relationship and I liked the fact that it was unique as well. This story isn't about a sweet romance between two people but rather an unmistakable distaste that the hero and heroine share lined with animalistic temptation. It's Intense, suspenseful, sinfully sexy, a bit heartbreaking at times, and filled with various twists!! Throughout reading I couldnt stop my mind from racing with thoughts of what exactly would happen next. Lucia and Salvatore's story was complicated and thrilling from the very beginning. I'm looking forward to picking up more of Ms.Knight's books as soon as possible! :)

Lucia DeMarco was a character whose life was signed away to Salvatore Benedetti by no choice of her own. Having the Benedetti's hold power over her wasn't something that she could deal with at times and it down right made her furious. I hated what she went through and i strongly disliked her Father. I loved the fact that she would stand her ground, say what was on her mind without hesitation, and wouldn't give up easily. She made me a little frustrated but her actions were justifiable. I adored her stuborness and her big heart. In the end I hoped that she would take back control of her life and be able to live freely.

Salvatore Benedetti was a character who worked for his father in the family business. Owning Lucia DeMarco was somewthing he saw to be right in his messed up world. He had a past he wasn't fond of and wanted to escape the shackles of his present. During the beginning I didn't like him whatsoever and his cruel ways angered me to no end. His father was evil and just down right dislikeable even more so than Lucia's. I was so happy that Salvatore had his very own point of view so I could understand the reasons behind his madness. In the end I hoped he would redeem himself and become a better person because of it.

Would Lucia and Salvatore be able to stand each other in the end or would secrets and hate ultimately end up ruining them? Read It today to find out!!

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a read that will keep you glued to your kindle and heighten every single one of your emotions. The tension between many of the characters could've been cut with a knife and will make you want to have a snack in hand as if you're at the movies when you read how everything unfolds. The cover is very swoon-worthy and the cover model is who I pictured as Salvatore while reading. If you haven't already One-Clicked Buy It Today!! I hope you love it!! 4.5 Stars all around!! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 stars

This book had my emotions all over the place, throughout the entire book. The prologue completely captured me and from that moment I could not put this book down. This was a very intriguing story and one that I really had no idea how it would go. After reading the blurb and then the prologue I was so scared of what would happen next. This is the story about two mafia families at war and the only way to end this war is for Salvatore Benedetti to own Lucia Demarco.

At the age of 16 Lucia Demarco has signed her life away and agreed to become Salvatore’s possession once she turns 21. This is the result of the feud between her father and the Benedetti’s. When there is a war between two mafia families there is only one winner. And unfortunately for Lucia it was not her. She was sent way to boarding school until she turned 21. Five years after signing the contract she is to be handed over to Salvatore and become his in every way possible. She hates the Benedetti family and even though she has no choice she will fight every step of the way. Salvatore has one rule and one thing he wants from her. And that is obedience. But Lucia is one tough cookie and while she sees him as nothing more than a monster she has trouble giving him what he wants. Will her disobedience kill her? Is Salvatore really the monster that she believes him to be? Is he going to destroy her or save her? There were so many questions that were running through my head. All of which were answered but you need to read this book for yourself to find out what happens.

I love Lucia. She is a very strong woman and despite the fact that she feared Salvatore and how much him and his family could truly destroy her she still fought and stuck up for herself. At times she hated Salvatore and then at times she wanted so bad to hate him but just couldn’t help the way her body felt when she was around him. She couldn’t strop the feelings that she suddenly felt for him.

Salvatore was a character that I wanted to hate and really thought that I would but I just couldn’t do it. I loved him because I saw who this man really was. He was not the monster that everyone thought or expected him to be. He grew up in this world and he was to take over for his father, therefore expected to act in a certain way. But that was not who he was. He was not his father. He played the roll well and at times I wanted so bad to hate him for the way he treated Lucia, but then you would see his vulnerable side. The side that wanted nothing to do with owning a woman and becoming the man his father wanted him to be. You saw two sides to Salvatore and they both worked so well. It made me feel for him and at the same time fall for him.

This book had my emotions all over the place. There were surprises along the way that shocked me. There were moments where I was afraid to turn the page for fear of what would happen. There was the perfect amount of drama, angst and even a bit of suspense. Lucia and Salvatore were so good together. I think they needed each other and saw each other in ways that others didn’t. I was rooting for them the whole time. I wanted them to fall in love and prayed that Salvatore would stick up for what he truly wanted. Another great job by Natasha Knight. I cannot wait for the next one which I am hoping is Dominic’s book because I really need to see what happens with him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessa kris rialubin

Holy crap this book!!! Just like any other dark story, I am really rooting for this one. I waited patiently/impatiently for "SALVATORE" to hit my reader the moment I finish signing up for an ARC. Hell who wouldn't??? When you read the blurb, it doesn't just caught your interest, you'll be drawn to it to the point of creepiness because you'll just keep on stalking the author for updates of the book. Hell!! I did that. So the moment it arrived, I haven't put the book down. I was hooked right there and then.That prologue though, I was so damn sold out and just then realized I just had my new addiction... Salvatore!!!

How would you feel like being a payment to your family's debt to the point of being humiliated? Freedom stolen from you? To be an enemies posession?To live like a trophy over someone's victory to your family? To be owned by a MONSTER or to FALL IN LOVE with the MONSTER?

Gah! Salvatore and Lucia's story is one that will make you feel so much. Roller coaster of emotions is an understatement. For instance, it started grim but along the way as the story progresses, you'll experience a different shift of emotions. I really can't explain it!!Hell I haven't even at 10% mark but I was so damn turned on I was squirming in my bed and it was just a start and from the fact that before that I feel like I wanna scream so loud. Was it even wrong to feel that way? Fuck! I don't care! it's how reading this book feels like. So now go figure how much more when you reached several chapters after?

I can go on giving you details of the book but I wont so I will not ruin anything or spoil you anything. Writing wise, it was flawless. The author's narration will pull you right into the story making you feel lost with it. You'll instantly feel a connection with the characters. Their chemistry plus your interest to them as a reader is just a perfect blend that reading is not pure effort but just flowed flawlessly. I love the heroine's character. She is strong despite what she went through. And Salvatore... my oh my...this sex as sin alpha man that can really do you... Hawt!!! I love him as much. What they both went through is partly heart wrenching and mind numbing. Several scenes made me chuckle and snort but I couldn't deny the level of angst of the story...the flutter of butterfly in my tummy in anticipation for the next scene and the leap of my heart, the gasps and the adrenaline rush for every twists and turns of the events. And those sex scenes.. *fanning..It was so raw...so intense..seriously, forget your knickers you'll just ruin it!

It may be stated dark mafia romance but it was not to the highest point of a dark story. The Mafia storyline was not that expounded and elaborated fully so maybe that was what I was looking for. The blend of a DARK and MAFIA world. The interactions...the dirty world..the actions that comes with it.However though, I could say that what the author would want to reach to her readers were fully covered and that's what is more important.

To sum up? I like this book. I highly recommend it. And did I mention it's my first Natasha Knight book? Oh well, it wont be my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danae mckain
Salvatore was a dark and sexy story full of suspense, smoking hot sex, and intense emotion. I was hooked from the chill-inducing Prologue and stayed hooked throughout the entire story. Salvatore and Lucia are two people born into powerful families on opposing sides of the mafia, and are forced together due to circumstances beyond their control. As a mafia romance-obsessed reader, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book, and with scorching hot sex and a fantastically woven plot, Salvatore and Lucia's story was one that I thoroughly enjoyed.

"She was my enemy and the spoils of war."

The author wrote the main characters with such depth, and I loved getting into both of their minds through the dual POV we were given. Salvatore was someone who was raised to fall in line under his father's rule. He was a man who'd experienced violence and faced tremendous loss, yet he was a truly good man underneath the surface. He was strong, possessive and in control, and completely dominating in and out of the bedroom. Lucia was a great character as well. Her strength and resolve were admirable, even though it got her into some difficult situations on more than one occasion. Her defiance and Salvatore's need for power and control created a palpable tension between them made for some great scenes.

"In spite of what he'd done, the physical attraction was like an energy between us, a living, breathing, scorching thing."

The dynamic between the two of them was so fascinating. These were two individuals who should hate each other, yet there is a strong connection between them that neither can ignore. Knight is a truly talented writer, and she gives her reader a storyline that they can really sink their teeth into. I loved the way things played out between them, and I especially loved not knowing what was coming next. The heat between them was so intense, and as much as they tried to fight it, they couldn't help but allow themselves to be consumed by the passion that burned between them.

"He could make me come in a minute or an hour, depending on how evil he felt. And today, Satan himself feasted on me."

This book had a great storyline that was full of twists and a perfect combination of romance and suspense. Salvatore and Lucia were in a precarious situation and had huge obstacles standing in their way, and the author did such a great job bringing everything to a conclusion. This was another fantastic story from Natasha Knight and I am really looking forward to reading more from her. She has a serious talent for writing in this genre, and I am hoping she has more mafia-themed books planned in the future. I highly recommend this story for anyone who likes steamy and suspenseful romance and a well-written story that will captivate and enthrall you from the first page to the last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jen basler
This is a standalone mafia romance and my first read of this author’s books.

The DeMarco and Benedetti families have been at war for a number of years but when the Benedetti come out on top they force a signing of a contract to give control of Lucia DeMarco over to Salvatore Benedetti. Skip forward five years and Lucia has completed school and is now aged twenty-one but about to come face to face with that of her enemy who now owns her.

Salvatore is still struggling under the control of his domineering father and the pain of losing his beloved older brother. He yearns for a life without death and devastation but belonging to the family he does he can see no escape. When Lucia arrives in his home he recalls the connection he had with her at the contract signing and he starts to feel an unravelling in his soul. The story then progresses in the backwards and forwards of control and dominance between Salvatore and Lucia.

This was portrayed as a dark mafia romance and although, yes the background story is that of mafia families, I would not say this was a dark storyline. I was expecting Salvatore to be much harder, controlling and downright scary but I didn’t feel that at all. Thinking I would hate him from the offset I actually fell for him at the first page. He was gorgeous! He wasn’t a pussycat by a long shot but he wasn’t a monster either. Lucia on the other hand annoyed me in parts and I found it hard to understand how she was with her sassy ways, having come from a mafia family and then spending five years in a convent school, I couldn’t see how she would be this way.

However the chemistry and build up between the two was intense and passionate. There were some conflicting emotions of the secondary characters especially Salvatore’s father who at the start was the epitome of a mafia king but by the end he was the complete opposite. The curveball was easily identified early on in the storyline so it came as not ‘gasp shock horror’ to me when it was revealed.

Overall though an enjoyable read which I devoured in almost one sitting. I would say this is a lighter mafia read so if you don’t like all darkness, grit and murder and prefer a more sedate background to your romance then I would recommend this for sure. Four stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I stood still, watching him. Watching his eyes. They burned, the blue darker now, sparkling like blackest onyx. Something raged behind them, inside them. Something that screamed for release even while it reduced me to flesh alone, to a thing, an object possessed.”

5 Salvatore stars!!! Dark, Sexy and everything I've wanted in a mafia book!!

Lucia’s and Salvatore’s families were sworn enemies. And due to her father’s missteps, he has to sign Lucia’s life over to Salvatore’s. This all starts at the age of 16, she’s sent off to finished school. Cut to five years later and Lucia is burying her father, and getting ready to fulfill her obligation to be Salvatore’s, everything. She hates him, she hates his family and she hates everything that she has to go through. And as much as these two act like they can’t stand each other, neither can deny the feelings they have when in each other’s presence. And although she tries to stand up to Salvatore, he scares the you know what out of her.

<b>’Are you scared?’ ‘No.’ ‘Maybe I like you a little scared, Lucia.’ The dark whisper made me shudder.</b>

And while these two try to forge on with their relationship or whatever they are trying to call it. There’s drama inside Salvatore’s circle and Lucia’s sister. Can these two navigate through the drama and deceit and make it work?? Or will Salvatore let the one girl who makes him feel anything slip away??

Wow!! I’m a sucker for all things mob/mafia related so I knew I’d love this book, I just never knew how much!! Salvatore’s a dark man, but there’s a huge heart inside of him and you can see it come out throughout the book. Lucia is strong and determined to get out of her contract, but she knows there’s more to Salvatore than the dark brooding man he acts like!! I was on the edge of my seat while reading this book, I had to know what was going to happen next! This is the first book I’ve read by Natasha, but she’s got a fan in me!!

**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Melissa for Alpha Book Club**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becky finfrock
"She was my redemption. And I wanted her. Her presence here, us together, as tumultuous as it was, as wrong as I was for keeping her, it saved me. She saved me."

SALVATORE is a gritty and intense story of family honour, betrayal, love and trust. I was immediately drawn to this story right from the prologue, and Natasha Knight's addictive narrative kept me riveted right till the very end.

Salvatore Benedetti and Lucia DeMarco, each from warring families, are forced together to extinguish a family debt. The dark and sinister Salvatore wanted to break his enemy, his new plaything. Lucia wanted vengeance, which stemmed from the hatred burned from deep within her. Lucia had felt the ultimate betrayal of being "sold" to the enemy by her father.

But nothing is as clear cut as it seems, for the chemistry between Salvatore and Lucia was raw, steamy and visceral. As their love/hate relationship developed, the barriers they each had erected began to crumble. Lucia started to see the REAL Salvatore, a man that was loyal, protective and trustworthy. And Lucia was Salvatore's salvation from the life that awaited him. The connection that these two shared was intense and passionate.

Ms. Knight is a truly gifted writer, with her thrilling storylines and multilayered characters. She has always created heroes that are dominating, dark, and intense and these are the type of heroes that I have adored in her previous books....which is why I found Salvatore a little bit too nice as the story progressed. Although he is smouldering and sexy, I wanted him to be edgier, dirtier and grittier. One other small issue I had was that the blurb had suggested a mafia story, so I was a little disappointed that it was lacking the action I would associate with a mafia book (ie. more danger to the heroine, rescue of the heroine). Despite this, I still felt that Ms. Knight delivered an enthralling story of two people falling in love in unconventional circumstances.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryna kranzler
5 stars

Lately the mafia genre has left me not satisfied and then boom here comes Natasha Knight with Salvatore. It was super! The cover --- oh wow .. as you all know I go back and take a few minutes to really study it after I turn the last page – this cover is spot on. This is Salvatore Benedetti --

The prologue is the start of a story you wont want to put down. Salvatore is signing the papers of belonging – Lucia now belongs to him. Frightened and innocent staring at the papers he it was decided for her – for both of them. With tears streaming down her face and no help from her father – Salvatore’s father says one word that changes everything to Lucia – “sign.”

Lucia Annalisa DeMarco now had lost her future. She was now a token, a trophy of Salvatore’s family triumph over the DeMarco family. Five years later after being sent away to an all girls school Lucia is back – now ready – Salvatore intends on claiming what is his.

Holy moly – I love Salvatore. Who knew. This character made the story something that you want to consume every chance and every second you have to read. Lucia is written very well of course but I was intrigued with this man who was supposed to be a brutal mafia heir. Emotionless and a monster --- ? I think not.

I don’t want to spoil anything and of course this isn’t a stop and smell the roses book – it's dark and gritty of course but nothing you will can't stomach. This isn’t the worse I have read and it's not the lightest .. .but what I can tell you is that if you want to try a mafia book then this one is for you. Click it on up and give it a try. I really think that you will enjoy how the story weaves and ends – there is no cliffhanger which Im loving these days. Cliffhangers lately are killing me!

Thank you Natasha for the ARC and the chance to read. What a great author – I can't wait to read more so please – write us some more! I LOVED this story –
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally calentine
A girl who sacrifices herself for the good of her family, a man who didn't want to own this burden but there is no option, a contract who binds them together..

A dark, beautiful, suspenseful and full of secrets & twists novel. Lucia stopped owning her life since the day she put her signature in the contract and gave herself to Salvatore the son of Franco Benedetti the mafia leader, the thing is.. he is nothing like his father but his options are limited he does what he must and when the contract takes hold and sees Lucia after years something beyond belonging will born inside him..that is.. instant attraction..

Lucia hates his family and what represents, humiliated, locked up, alone and disappointed by her own family she vows to take revenge but when she meets Salvatore her plans will change because even if she doesn't want to she is attracted to him. She is a rebel, a wild girl and it was very enjoyable seeing Salvatore taming her..their chemistry, their passion and the hot scenes made the story even more explosive.

The secrets and the twists created this dark/mystery vibe, the author succeeded to draw me in the story and feel everything was happening..so thumps up for this one. I don't wanna spoil anything it's best if you read it, it has some wow moments which will blow your mind away. The plot develops steadily creating more suspense as what will come next, besides the very lovable main characters the rest and each of them played their part successfully and making the storyline even more intense and interesting.

I'm looking forward to read more from the author and i hope that there will be a book about Dominic his character was a great mystery and he may seemed the bad boy "i want all the power for myself" but as we saw things are more complicated for him..so yeah i'd love to read his story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara johansson
This mafia based romance was deliciously done. Salvatore Benedetti and Lucia DeMarco are wonderful characters. A contract between families....one the winner, one the loser changes everything and everyone.
Salvatore and his darker desires now "own" Lucia in more ways than one. They are thrown together and neither one can change it.
Natasha Knight writes a great story. Her words bring her characters to life. I sat down and read this in day...once I started I had to force myself to put it down and make lunch...put it down again and do the dishes...when everyone got home I had to pretend that I didn't sit and read ALL DAY LONG. I was drawn into the life of these two mob families and eager to see how they would be able to make a go, especially with the little twists here and there, taking the romance and making it more suspenseful.
The dirty sexy scenes taking this romance and making it delicious. The study the first time? OMG. YUMMO.
Salvatore's ideas of punishment? yes, please!
~"I'm going to come all over you," I said, pumping faster, gripping harder. "I'm going to cover you in my cum, and you're going to wear it all day long, so you know you belong to me."
Oh dear...is that not SO HOT?
yeah, there was a bit of that...ok, more than a bit...and it was great.
I loved the secondary characters, especially Dominic and what he brought to the story...and how it ended...and I can only hope that we get his story soon.

4.5 Delicious Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luke wilson
Natasha Knight as became one of my favorite authors. She never fails to come up with some of the best stories, and Salvatore is no different. If you are looking for a book that you can not put down, look no further. If you are looking for a book with some hot sex, hot men, stubborn women, and a whole lot of bad assery, look no further.

The storey of Salvatore and Lucia is one I did not think that I would like. Her family signs away her life to the biggest mafia family to date. Of course, everything is not as it seems. Lucia can more than hold her own whenever it comes to the tough men of the Benedetti family. However, one of the men in that family brings her to her knees and believe you me… IT IS HOT.
Salvatore is all things mafia and all things man and I love him for it.
You do not wanna miss out on that fine piece. I promise. Definitely Daddy L approved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This starts right off with Lucia DeMarco being given to the Benedetti family to settle a debt and to protect the rest of the family. We fast forward 5 years when she is officially under the roof of Salvatore upon her 18th birthday. Salvatore was to break her and to keep her as a living trophy and then follow in his father’s footsteps to become boss, but not everyone is supportive of him.

This was actually a different mafia story….it really seemed more focused on family drama than big mafia power plays. I don’t say that as a bad thing, but it was just not what I normally see in a mafia story. It was pretty refreshing to have such a different story line.

I actually enjoyed Salvatore, he was torn between being the man his father wanted him to be and the man he was destined to be. Will he conform to the monster he was raised to be? Lucia was also interesting…since she grew up protected she didn’t really seem to be able to find herself. I actually liked the decisions she made.

Hero: Salvatore 4 Stars
Heroine: Lucia 4 stars
Steam Level: 4 stars
Plot: 4 stars
Overall: 4 stars
Cliffhanger: no
Designation: standalone
Keys: Dual POV, MF, Dirty Talk, Good Pace, Big Secret, Troubled Past, Kidnapping, Made Me Smile.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucas pinyan
4.5 / 5 stars

I enjoy a well-written mafia romance, and the fact that this one has slightly dark ties... I was expecting great things. And to be honest... I received great things.

I wouldn't go the lengths of this being a super dark read where I worried of Stockholm Syndrome, but I did find the darkness in Sal's family to be such a distinguishing mark in this story. From the beginning, we are gripped into this mafia world that Salvatore and Lucia live in, and right away, we witness the disgust Sal has for his life and the need to protect Lucia, regardless of what a piece of paper says she is to him. It was those initial feelings that had me rooting for these two from the first page.

Their story certainly isn't easy. They aren't supposed to fall in love with one another; their union was a business transaction, after all, a means to try and end a family vs family feud. But Lucia becomes Sal's light, his good. Can he keep her? Should he keep her? The last thing he wants is to destroy the good she embodies.

This was a favorite for the year, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to read it!

*ARc received in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kim addonizio
Star Rating: 3 stars

Mafia, check.
Possessiveness, check.
Arrogant as all hell males, definitely check.
Strong women, oh hell yeah!

Lucia DeMarco, the trophy to the Benedetti family, unwillingly that is. Being the daughter to the boss of the DeMarco family made everything worse for Lucia when it came to her wanting freedom, it just got worse when her family had lost the war to the Benedetti family.

Salvatore Benedetti, dark and mysterious. He just oozes alphaness and a vibe that makes you want to obey him. He never expected to feel anything when he goes to collect the DeMarco girl that is to be his but soon he finds out that you can't avoid what happens inside of you. Forbidden or not, enemy's or not, you jump head first into it and don't look back.

I love mafia reads, this one was different in a way but overall refreshing it wasn't the normal go to story line this had twists and turns that had me having to go, wait what?, and then keep reading on. I have never read anything by this author before and I was surprised to have loved it. She will be one I look forward to in the future.

-Michele Y
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Salvatore was my first Natasha Knight, but certainly not my last!
Five years ago Lucia DeMarco became nothing more than property after her family lost their war against the Bennedetti's. At the age of sixteen she became the property of Salvatore, the heir to the Benedetti family.
Flash forward five years and Salvatore is collecting his property at the funeral of her father. He takes an angry, disobedient, and vengeful Lucia home and things heat up. Despite her loathing of him, and his ownership of her, the two are attracted to each other in a fierce way. He can't move past how beautiful and spirited she is, and Lucia can't ignore the power and sexual energy he constantly exudes. Salvatore and Lucia are quickly thrown into yet another attempt at a war between families as well as having to battle Salvatore's father at every turn. Secrets are revealed, and family loyalties are questioned.
I loved this book. Natasha Knight has a way with words that make you fall into the pages and stay there until the thrill ride is over. Her sex scenes are off-the-charts hot and the suspense made me hold my breath until the last page! I can't wait to read another.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica sturges
My first by this author and I seriously cannot wait to read more.Salvatore Benedetti is perfection in all the wrong ways and the good and is impossible to put down this addicting book where these characters just draw every emotion and I loved the interaction between the two and the strength Lucia had to defend herself in the most horrid situation anyone can face alone.
The chemistry that they draw out of each other is electrifying and in a way they can save each other from their fate that they are forced to face,with the secondary characters taking on a huge role in the story that try to define them and tell them what they should be and how to do it,and had me cheering in their corner hoping for the best.I loved every page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Salvatore by Natasha Knight is so hot that you are going to need oven mitts on to handle your reader. Ms Knight proves why she's a USA today bestselling author with this book, because my, my, my, Salvatore is amazing!

I was hooked right from the beginning when poor Lucia had to sign herself over to Salvatore. Neither of them had a choice in a capitulation of one mafia family to another, and you just know that Salvatore's father is going to be trouble.

We then pick up the story five years later when a tragedy brings Lucia home from school and finally into Salvatore's ownership. As she is stuck having to abide by the contract, she goes with Salvatore, but Lucia doesn't just give in to his dominant ways. And let me tell you, it makes for some of the steamiest sex scenes ever to grace my Kindle in quite some time.

From the domineering head of the Benedetti family, Franco, to the creepy as heck younger brother Dominic, Salvatore proves he's actually Lucia's protector. I can't say enough about this book, you'll just have to pick yourself up a copy. It's worth it!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sari m
I like the setup for this story. It promised some interesting interactions between characters and delivered on them.

I enjoyed the story, it was cute for a 'dark' romance. I would call this a mildly dark romance, but not a sweet romance. If you think you might be interested in trying a dark romance, this would be a good one to start with. It contains enough dark elements to give you a feel for them without being too hard core.

If you enjoyed the Indebted series, you will see a similar relationship between the characters. Since I enjoyed that series, I found the relationships interesting. I also enjoyed the way the plot and characters differed.

Overall, a good story with a real plot. I recommend it.

I give this story 3.5 stars. It is slightly above average, but not enough above average for a 4 star review from me.

Overall an enjoyable slightly dark read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martika cabezas
Natasha Knight has done it again! Salvatore is a dark erotic story that will keep you hooked. Get ready for some incredible steamy scenes!

The beginning of the story starts with a contract. Lucia ends up as the spoils of a mafia war. A human trophy. After she finishes school, she is promised to the enemy. Salvatore.

Salvatore will be the next boss in the mafia. He's demanding, controlling, and enjoys giving out certain punishments. He wants Lucia in a different level.

There's definitely a lot of love & hate between the characters. Lucia notices the real Salvatore, but then later realizes he and his family members are all monsters.

I loved the story. There is some BDSM involved, but it's nothing heavy. Just some brief scenes. I can't wait to see what Natasha Knight comes up with next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric chappell
I went into this book after reading the Blurb thinking I would hate Salvatore but it couldn't be further from the truth. The prologue does not endear him to you and you think this is where your hatred will start but as it moves 5 years on he slowly creeps into your heart.

The author managed to keep me drawn into the story with the twists and mystery vibe that was given off. The plot was full of steamy hotness from between Lucia and Salvatore and mystery of who was plotting against the families.

I really enjoyed this book but was let down slightly by the end which is why I only rewarded 4⭐️ instead of 5. The build up throughout I thought there was going to be more of a confrontation but it was quite small compared to what it was leading up to. Saying this I did really enjoy this book and will be looking up the authors other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
henna helmi heinonen
Mafia romance....check!

Dark romance...check!

Alpha, dirty talking man...check!

Need I say more?!

This was actually my first book by Natahsa Knight. I now want to go back and check out some of her other books!

Salvatore is a beautifully dark story where Lucia is signed over and given to Salvatore by her father. I was actually kinda surprised that Salvatore had a gentle side to him. Now don't get me wrong, this is definitely still a dark romance book, but Salvatore did hold some redeeming qualities. My only minor issue is that I wish he would have stood up to his father a little more.

Great new release from Natasha Knight to check out if you're fan of dark and/or mafia romance!
Please RateA Dark Mafia Romance (Benedetti Brothers Book 1)
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