And Trump - Yes We (Still) Can - Politics in the Age of Obama

ByDan Pfeiffer

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
catherine levens
Pfeiffer’s book attempts to hit two targets. First, it’s a rollicking account of his White House years working as a communications director for President Obama, a leader he extravagantly admires. Second is to offer some warnings and lessons going forward. He succeeds decently well on both accounts, although it’s safe to say only Democrats will enjoy reading what he shares.
In terms of offering an Oval Office diary, it’s entertaining and highly informative. The book is often profane, which I and many others will find needlessly off-putting. (Odd that in a political world where “addition, not division” is always the paramount goal, many youngish writers unwisely sacrifice a good-sized segment of their audience by spewing gratuitous F-bomb throughout.) That being said, he writes with a wry, self-deprecating sense of humor, and is disarmingly honest about his own flubs and even the president’s.
The book is rather thin on the “Yes, We (Still) Can” aspect where he offers blueprints for the future. But the last 20% or so is keenly insightful; he ruefully gives Donald Trump credit for being a brilliant communicator and master of the Twitter universe. Pfeiffer’s clear dictum at the end is one all blue voters need to memorize: “The candidate with the more clear and consistent message ALWAYS wins.”
Two points at the close bear mentioning. He observes in conclusion: “Campaigns will always be decided by who tells a more compelling story about America.” Elizabeth Warren, take note.
Lastly, he shares an insider’s secret about something many voters wonder aloud. President Obama always seemed to offer a public face that was one of dignity, thoughtfulness, and elegant grace. Behind the scenes, though, how was the guy? Was the Obama aplomb a convenient façade? Pfeiffer opens up to tell his readers that the inner Barack Obama is just the same: gracious to friend and foe, inquisitive, thoughtful, asking good questions, caring about his underlings’ marriages and hurts and struggles. He’s the same on both sides of the curtain.
On President Obama’s final day in office, the author had just a few moments with his outgoing commander-in-chief. How was the president coping with the reality that a bellicose Donald was taking his place in the Oval? Obama seemed at peace with it, confident that American would be all right. Then he thoughtfully mused: “Maybe I am just looking for a silver lining, but I am hopeful that this will be the clarifying event that will show the public the two different visions for the country.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
masood malek
Dan Pfeiffer gives readers his honest, humorous, and educated thoughts. His voice is clear, the technique conversational, and the tone optimistic. I so appreciated the way he laid out the history of the Obama campaigns and his time in the service of President Obama. If, like me, you were an Obama/Biden supporter and volunteer, Dan's writing will take you immediately back, evoking the feelings of hope and possibility. This book was not a lecture, but rather a roadmap of how we got to this place in our nation's history and how we move forward. Mr. Pfeiffer admits we (Democrats) got it wrong in 2016, which is quite refreshing.
In short, whether you are new to that voting thing, or an old hand, Yes, We (Still) Can is entertaining as well as educational. If I have one criticism, it's a personal preference, there are so many footnotes to each chapter that I became a bit lost on my kindle. The constant back and forth to the footnotes, though hugely amusing, got old after awhile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a bookzilla
I binge listened to this book on Audible. I highly recommend. I bought it out of loyalty because I love Pod Save America and Dan Pfeiffer is always insightful and pointedly funny. I wasn't expecting a brisk, fun read. I love a glimpse into the Obama White House. Pfeiffer has some telling personal anecdotes about the President we love and miss. There is a way forward out of our national nightmare. We need to laugh and keep resisting.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan stryker
This is an interesting, behind-the-scenes look at the author’s political career. He is blunt with his self-criticism and quick to praise others in an honest way. He has a pleasant speaking voice and the audiobook did not disappoint. He provides a frank assessment of how the typical/historical communication methods of the presidential administration have been upended by social media and the seemingly unstoppable onslaught of conspiracy, dishonesty, and propaganda.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucy kabatoff
If you listen to “Pod Save America” (and you should) you know that Dan has a knack for releasing precise, funny, yet profound and simple zingers better then most. He doesn’t talk as much as the others on the live stage yet more titles are named from his pithy blurbs then anyone. Dan has a very straightforward clear voice, and he has important insights, observations and history to share, with an eye towards how to save democracy and restore decency to America again. A great read, an important book. Worth double the price for the righteous and deserved dunking on the Fox News propaganda machine alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
umang sharma
This is a wonderful account of the Obama years from a brilliant young man who came of age during that time. This book is hopeful and powerful. Thank you for writing this, Dan Pfeiffer. I read this during one of the darkest weeks our country has ever seen, where babies are being taken away from their parents at our Southern borders and put into camps where the adult "care" givers are not allowed to touch them. My heart is broken for the soul of the United States. Your book has given me strength. ~Friend of the Pod
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
comtesse despair
I highly recommend this book. After the 2016 election, I was mystified and perplexed. This book provides a pathway to
understanding the results and ramifications. The author is gifted: His breezy style is refreshing and the stories are
mesmerizing. Thoroughly enjoyable and illuminating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pfeiffer does a great job of balancing insightful and entertaining stories from his time in Obama’s White House with the kind of stuff that gets me excited as a person fascinated by politics. I very much appreciated his use of humor, humility, and his respect for a political system that often chews up and spots out it’s participants. It is a good thing to hold on to even a shred of hope, especially in this particularly gruesome political climate we now face.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The perfect antidote to feelings of helplessness and rage that the Trump administration engenders. Pfieffer is funny, his memories are both moving and personal, and the book is full of the hope for the future that Obama and his team brought to politics and to America in the eight glorious years we had them running the country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was hesitant about another political Washington tell-all, but this one surprised me. Dan Pfeiffer is a great communicator and came across as humble and sincere. I loved reliving the Obama years and getting so many fantastic nuggets about life in the Obama white house, but it was so more than that! It sets the stage for the next chapter: Obama's legacy part 2. It's honest, hopeful and definitely worth your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna kirk
A great and thoughtful read from an author who poured his life into helping shape the Obama years. I appreciated his candor and perspective. It was a welcome read knowing there are many others who feel exactly the same way about the current state of US politics in 2018.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In today’s political climate, this book is so needed. It has just the right amount of nostalgia, along with what we need to think about going forward. A must read for any FOTP or anyone feeling lost and hopeless
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john webb
Pfeiffer provided a lot of behind the scenes stories about working for the Obama election campaigns and presidential administration. The stories were engaging and I could not put the book down. The author did a great job of blending his experiences, lessons he learned, and advice for the Democratic Party in the future. Overall, a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tori hutchison
Uplifting, real, and motivating. Really, a no bs conversation on Pfeifer’s path into politics and in the White House. Dan did a great job narrating his audiobook. I was instantly hooked and felt motivated going into the midterms.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dina christine
I cannot believe the anger emanating from the Deep State to mobilize the Left to push for a race war. This book is just another anti-white racist screed masquerading as comedy; similar to Sat Night Live. I did not even donate this POS to goodwill as I usually do, but tossed in the trash.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Poorly written, awkward partisan pathos! Though, at times, amusing.

No real wisdom here, just a rather bland motivational speech of and for those that are intellectually, politically and historically naïve and ignorant. (Though better (and more entertaining) than Mein Kampf or Chairman Mao's "Little Red Book" (unabridged and unfiltered - the original that encourages racial purity and cleansing) but of the same ilk.) The Author, though enthusiastic, forgets we are the United States of America and NOT 5thC BC Greece. We are a Nation of multiple political parties that has to live together and not a people that desires to be controlled or, for that matter, led by the nose! We are the Nation people are dying (literally) to get INTO as we are and have been for 240 years! So, we do not want to become another Mexico, Canada, Russia, Turkey, or EU! There were over ONE MILLION CASUALTIES in the fighting to keep us united (hence UNITED States), so stop trying to tear us apart! We need to find ways to work together - like real adults used to!

Additionally, Pfeiffer and others need to remember this: the President is there to lead, not govern by decree or be treated like a monarch!

(NB: My generation of Democrats is that of Jim Wright and Tip O'Neal. The last two Democrat Statesmen; men that held opinions which differed from Republicans, but that believed in the America of the Constitution and not what the brain-washed Democrats of today want to change our Nation into! Men that believed in working TOGETHER with the other party to keep our Nation strong and prosperous - not to plaicait the world or agenda-driven special interest groups. Learn from those two men!)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stacy milacek
I cannot believe the anger emanating from the Deep State to mobilize the Left to push for a race war. This book is just another anti-white racist screed masquerading as comedy; similar to Sat Night Live. I did not even donate this POS to goodwill as I usually do, but tossed in the trash.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mkwende kwende
Poorly written, awkward partisan pathos! Though, at times, amusing.

No real wisdom here, just a rather bland motivational speech of and for those that are intellectually, politically and historically naïve and ignorant. (Though better (and more entertaining) than Mein Kampf or Chairman Mao's "Little Red Book" (unabridged and unfiltered - the original that encourages racial purity and cleansing) but of the same ilk.) The Author, though enthusiastic, forgets we are the United States of America and NOT 5thC BC Greece. We are a Nation of multiple political parties that has to live together and not a people that desires to be controlled or, for that matter, led by the nose! We are the Nation people are dying (literally) to get INTO as we are and have been for 240 years! So, we do not want to become another Mexico, Canada, Russia, Turkey, or EU! There were over ONE MILLION CASUALTIES in the fighting to keep us united (hence UNITED States), so stop trying to tear us apart! We need to find ways to work together - like real adults used to!

Additionally, Pfeiffer and others need to remember this: the President is there to lead, not govern by decree or be treated like a monarch!

(NB: My generation of Democrats is that of Jim Wright and Tip O'Neal. The last two Democrat Statesmen; men that held opinions which differed from Republicans, but that believed in the America of the Constitution and not what the brain-washed Democrats of today want to change our Nation into! Men that believed in working TOGETHER with the other party to keep our Nation strong and prosperous - not to plaicait the world or agenda-driven special interest groups. Learn from those two men!)
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