The Daily Readings That Inspired President Obama - The President's Devotional

ByJoshua DuBois

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sadegh ghasemi
I like this devotional/book.Not only is this book is well written, you will reach for this book daily.It's pearls of knowledge will creep into your soul and rest there. You will find yourself thinking about the philosopy of the historian and/or the writer selected to provide a 3rd demension on the topic of each devotional without ever losing the wisdom of Gods documented word. The reference and use of the (NIV) bible will also open the door for others to realize that their are many different versions of the best selling books of all times.

I'm thankful to own a copy of this book, being able to give it as the best holiday gift ever, and having a president who understands where his blesiings and ordered steps come from. ENJOY!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Meets my morning devotional needs. Inspirational and deeply philosophical, and the devotional forces me to dig deeply to interpret the " message." I enjoy the daily readings, and recommend them highly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book! Bought several to share with friends for Christmas. Lovely guidance for each day. Comforting to know that our President starts his day with these kinds of thoughts. His calm, sensible, caring demeanor is evidence that there is comfort and guidance in spirituality.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shauna hulsey
This is a collection of daily readings, reflections and prayers that Joshua DuBois prepared for President Barack Obama. DuBois draws on a diverse variety of Christian literature that provides keen insight for living one's faith. The readings for each month begin with a mini_memoir by the author which provides valuable insight into President Obama's values and character. I liked DuBois' material so much that I intend to re-read his daily devotionals next year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sami gallifrey
If you seek inspiration and only have a few minutes each day to stoke your spiritual fire--buy this book! I see why Mr. Dubois was a spiritual advisor to The President--choose your path each day, good over evil, kindness over cruelty, understanding & compassion over prejudice. Words can have a tremendous impact on your heart and mind. Let Mr. Dubois' words impact you daily in an amazing way! Perfection isn't the goal, small daily victories & embracing the journey are what yields a fulfilled life--if you desire to hear "well done" at the end of your journey, reading and living these words may be a great start!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma rolen
Provides daily inspirations with words of wisdom from many sources including the Bible. Often provides a fresh perspective to concepts I thought I knew. Awesome gift that can be used again and again through all the years to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful devotional thoughts expressed in this book. Very encouraging to know that our President contemplated these Christian devotionals and that they influenced his heart. Remembering that God's word does not come back void. Thank you Joshua DuBois
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An absolute must read! If you are looking for positive daily spiritual nourishment this book is for you - without a doubt. Sound Doctrine and Truth is an essential part of a successful life - especially in today's political climate. It will heal, humble and heighten your level of thinking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole alexander
I loved reading the special inspirational readings prepared for President Obama. I would read them each day religiously along with my other inspirational literature. I found something from each day that pertained to my life that was help.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book last year for myself. After I started reading it, I bought 5 more for my sister and sister friends. As I got deeper into it, I bought 3 more for friends. After reading yesterday's entry, I'm ordering one for my brother. This is the first devotional I have read completely. I highly recommend it. It will comfort when comfort is needed and it will upset when you find yourself a little too comfortable.
If this devotional blessed the President half as much as it blessed me (and I pray it has), he is a blessed man indeed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this very much ....This Pastor inspires me too...Everyone should get this Devotional. Maybe the Republican Congress should read this book. I think it would get them back to a Spiritual Awareness!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am enjoying reading these daily devotions. I may be able to utiolize them when it is my turn to give devotions at my church council meeting. There are not only Biblical references, but appropriate quotes from many writers, religious leaders and philosophers. The devotions are short enough not to be taxing, and each provides a good balance of scripture, quotes, narrative and prayer. It is also gratifying to see what kind of devotions influence our president, Barack Obama.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica thompson
This has become one of my absolute favorite devotionals. I have given several of them as birthday gifts, etc. this year. I will probably give even more as Christmas gifts. This devotional addresses the courage and burden of leadership while, at the same time, encouraging the reader in that responsibility. I find it to be a powerful inspiration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think this is probably the best devotional I have ever read. I try to start my day with it as I find it so inspiring. I know it was meant for the President but it can be used by anyone as a guide to life. I highly recommend it to anyone for daily guidance to life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt ward
Written from a Christian perspective, this collection of daily meditations is for anyone who wants inspiration, strength, wisdom, encouragement, and courage to deal with the challenges we all face in our daily lives. I've been reading, underlining, and soaking up the reflections by Joshua DuBois ever since the book arrived ten days ago. When I'm finished (I'm up to July already), then I'll go back and include the devotional one day at a time in my daily prayer life. I've already sent this book to family and friends to give them strength for the journey. It will make a great Christmas present, but why wait?

I admire how President Obama maintains his grace, poise, equilibrium, gentle humor, and kindness when he is viciously attacked day after day after day. I think his deep Christian faith, his keen intelligence, his personal integrity, his wonderful family, and Joshua DuBois' daily meditations all help. The meditations can help us, too.

For example, the meditation for Jan 14 begins with a Bible passage from Matthew 5:43-45 about loving your enemies, has a quote from Henry Ward Beecher to fire a blessing every time your enemy fires a curse, then this reflection: "Grace toward one another is our weapon. Time after time, battle after battle, we respond with it. The enemy will win some rounds, but when we respond with God's grace, we have already won the war." Then it concludes with this prayer: Dear Lord, every time my enemy fires a curse, help me to fire a blessing. Let me respond always in grace, and thereby overcome. Amen.

All of us would do well to take these reflections to heart and live out the good news in our thoughts, words, and actions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dottie smith
I watched a PBS interview with the author and immediately ordered a copy. This book is excellent. I don't let a day or evening go by without sharing it with my husband, a professor, theologian and minister. When he, too, began to praise the quality of the work, I ordered several more copies for friends and family. This book is a gift, and it thrills me to know that we are reading the same words that helped our great leader get through difficult times. Thank you, Mr. Dubois.
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