The laugh-out-loud romcom series that will have you hooked! (Clara Andrews Book 1)
ByLacey London
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jana rosenbaum
Disappointing; needed a good editor-multiple grammatical and spelling errors throughout the book and for formulaic. Cute concept, occasional chuckles, but not very creative. Really wanted to like this series, but found it very amateurish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Enjoyed most of it - looking forward to the next book. The main character drinks a lot in this book (bordering on being a lush)... and there are some sexual innuendos, but it is okay for adults. The book is a good, quick, easy read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let me start right off by saying this: Sometimes I read heavy, mind-bending, philosophy-filled books...looking for the "meaning of life", I suppose, like most of us. Then I get a headache. And feel somewhat depressed. Then I realize that what really matters is living each day with as much zest and joy as possible..... Finding those things that make us smile, that inspire, that bring out the hope in us. THAT is where author Lacey London's CLARA series come in. I am so happy to have discovered CLARA! Having finished the first book in the series, looking forward to reading the next one. And the next. And the next... When I realize I am having a "badittude" day, I will just pick up my Kindle and immediately be transported to my "happy place", following Clara's next adventure! Being an eclectic reader, romance novels were not high on my reading; but in MEET CLARA ANDREWS, I enjoyed every minute of it - it's like having your favorite dessert in book form - self indulgent, but so worth it! CLARA can be found in most women, I think: Her quest to be successful while at the same time trying to follow her heart leads to predicaments that - one way or another - must be resolved. There is a goodly amount of humor, conflict, romance and human touch in Clara's narrative. Enough to, for just a little while, make one forget that we are all just tiny specks on a tiny planet in a huge universe. I recommend this series highly to anyone who needs some perspective on life, to remember again that what is important is not always complicated or overwhelming. Read for the joy of it. Read CLARA ANDREWS. p.s. Thanks, Lacey London, for pushing on with the series! I look forward to reading them all
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
yendi amalia
This book might be interesting to a thirteen year old but anyone older will recognize it for the pablum it is. There is no character development. Half the book is spent describing Clara sleeping or taking bath and the ending is so predictable it's insulting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary catherine
I love this book, the main character is Corky, fun and living the life every young person would love to experience. If you love Janet Evonovich you'll love Lacey London. Easy, fun read. Keep writing Lacey!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
A London shoe designer's diary at best. Drinking binges, hangovers, stupid crushes, shallow relationships, self aggrandizing clothing choices, and vivid descriptions of every meal the main character eats fill the pages of this book. Did not find anything of substance in the story. The main character seems to race willy nilly through life with only one purpose: to give herself hedonistic pleasure. Disappointing, not a bad writer, just not a good topic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
herman rapaport
Wow, so much alcohol. I can't remember drinking that much alcohol when I was young. Young Adult romance novel. Interesting career as a fashion designer. Love met, love lost. Will she be able to fix the rift that occurs? Fast paced, quick read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
dhara pandya
I like romance novels. I like comedies. I thought “the laugh-out-loud romcom” would be worth my read. No, it wasn’t. Cliche, transparent, and downright boring at times, this opening story in a very long series is not one to my taste. I found nothing humorous.
Lady feels terrible about herself, bumps into a handsome man who, a chapter later, turns out to be the love interest. He’s not from around here, her stomach flutters, mine starts to churn. I’ve read this before. Oh, where do these teenager-like feelings come from… yada, yada, yada.
With almost a dozen books to the series, someone finds it entertaining, Not I.
Lady feels terrible about herself, bumps into a handsome man who, a chapter later, turns out to be the love interest. He’s not from around here, her stomach flutters, mine starts to churn. I’ve read this before. Oh, where do these teenager-like feelings come from… yada, yada, yada.
With almost a dozen books to the series, someone finds it entertaining, Not I.
Please RateThe laugh-out-loud romcom series that will have you hooked! (Clara Andrews Book 1)