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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brad l
Dan and Amy Cahill are international criminals, wanted for Interpol for crimes like art heists, prison breaks, and assaulting and impersonating a police officer--and they're only thirteen and sixteen years old. But everything happens for a reason, and the crimes are not Amy and Dan's fault. They've been forced to do these things by the mysterious Vespers, who have kidnapped seven members of the Cahill family. If Amy and Dan don't return with their Vesper One's latest ransom, someone is going to die. Up until now, they've been able to fulfill Vesper One's wishes. But that's about to change. And make no mistake. When the Vespers say someone is going to die, you know that someone is going to die.

After fourteen main releases in the series, you pretty much know what you're getting when you pick up a copy of a 39 Clues book: a bit of history, a tiny little story arc with plenty of action that resolves in the book, and a few events that contribute to the overall scheme of things. However, in Shatterproof, one of those aspects is notably absent--the smaller story arc. I felt that the book was too ambitious in trying to control the overall story arc too much and simply forgot that there was a story to be told at hand. Furthermore, the book ends on an aggravating cliffhanger and leaves too many questions unanswered. Dan's character is still as vivid and humorous as ever, but I did feel that Roland Smith made Amy a bit too lovey-dovey and made Atticus a bit more like Amy. This is not to say that Shatterproof is a bad addition to the series, though; it's a decent one. It will leave something more to be desired, though, but it will also leave readers hungry for the next installment, (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 5). As the series reaches its end, I'm interested in seeing what becomes of Amy, Dan, and the rest of the gang. 3.5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Before reading this book, I had basically given up on this series. There are too many books, the plot rambles too much, and each book is too short for it to be worth the money spent on it. Nevertheless, I read this one because I have gotten slightly interested in the plot, and it is against my nature to stop reading a series once it is started. (I got it from the library which solves most of my problems with this series.)
This book was just as short as the others. I am ready for the characters just to go ahead and win but apparently that is not an option. All in all, it was an engaging book which I would not say I liked or didn't like.
My main issue with this series is that each book does not help solve the main issues AT ALL! They ended the book basically where they started off. Maybe the issue is alternating writers... I'm not sure.
This book is exactly like all the rest of the books in this series (Not a rewarding/satisfying book, but not bad either).
Here's a note. Do NOT trust the page numbers in Shatterproof. It probably has to do with this series's stupid codes. But I get angry when after a half hour of reading, I look down to see I'm on page "5" instead of the page 40 that I'm really on. When I read a book there is a pledge taken by both the publisher and I. I tell them I will read it all the way through and they tell me the story isn't complete trash and it has correct page numbers. They failed at one of those things.
I would recommend reading it if you've made it this far in the series. Yet, if you haven't started the series yet, I would suggest to read it only if you are commited to the twenty or so books already made and the hundred or so more to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christina foerstner
And the mysteries continue. I continue to like where these books are headed. The awkwardness of young romance becomes apparent, and Dan still fights his internal battle with futility. This book was an interesting double-hunt, so different from the previous two. Will I continue the series? For sure. Would I recommend this to others? Maybe, but people more my age than middle grade.

See the full review on my blog, Awesome Book Assessment:
The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint :: In Too Deep (The 39 Clues, Book 6) :: Cahills Vs Vespers (39 Clues - Book 5) (The 39 Clues :: The Medusa Plot (The 39 Clues - Cahills vs. Vespers :: Books 1-5 (The Hardy Boys) - Hardy Boys Starter Set
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was awesome! I highly recommend this book. If you gave this book 3 stars or below, you made a big mistake!

Spoiler alerts!

If you hadn't read the book or figured out who vesper 3 is, do not read the spoilers below.

1. Amy kissed Jake.
2. Erasmus dies.
3. Jonah kills Luna. Who is going to be vesper 5 now?
Warning: spoiler 4 is the biggest spoiler of all.

4. Sinead is vesper 3!!!!!
Okay, the last one surprises me. I could've sworn Evan was the mole. None of his family has been kidnapped. But seriously Sinead had to kidnap her brother. The point is, this book was awesome.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I think I'm jaded after reading "grown up" action books. Kids, even rich kids, travelling the world, stealing from museums? It's hard to be believable. But I tried! The story itself is not bad and the character development was pretty good. I just struggled to think of anything except Spy Kids. I'm obviously not the target audience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All the other books, when people die, it's just pointless and sinks you deeper into despair.
When Erasmus dies, it was the first death that I felt was meant to do anything else than slowly shred your soul. It was a good death (if such a thing is possible). He choose to make a sacrifice, he knew what could happen, and he died saving another person.
That's completely different from wasting away in some Vesper prison cell because you cut your knee.
I'm very bitter about that.
It shows up in the fifth book (Trust No One).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
CONTAINS*SPOILERS I thought this book was great! Amy and Jake kiss. When Luna is about to kill Milos Eramus stops her. Luna kills Eramus and Jonah Wizard kills her.The captives try to escape unsuccessfully.Phoenix is the only one who escapes by pullmetting down a waterfall.The captives find out they're in the Black Forest in Germany.They find out the Vespers have intention of letting them go!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn martin
I couldn't stop reading this book!!!! If anyone is looking for a book with action,problem-solving,and a little bit of drama,the 39 clues:Cahills vs Vespers is a fantastic series to start with. 5 STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john guild
After reading The Dead of Night, I swore that SOMETHING was gonna happen next. When I read the end, Daniel figures out that AJT is really his dad, Arthur Josiah Trent, who supposedly died during that fire Isabel Kabra (Hollingsworth) set just nine years ago. I was thinking that he had a way to escape. Could have sworn so.

Anyway, I cannot wait for this next book. Hurry up, Roland! I can't wait any longer.

In the last book, Vesper 1 (the leader of the super-secretive Vespers) tells Amy and Dan to find "a stale orb" which, at first, confused me. Later in the book, Amy finally figures out that Vesper 1 wants an ASTROLABE. Given the "let's mix things up" anagram hint, the word ASTROLABE contains the exact same letters as the words A STALE ORB.

Now Vesper 1 tells Amy and Dan to go after the Jubilee, a 545.67 karat diamond located in the most guarded museum in all of Germany.

Way to go. Keep the suspense coming.

I'm guessing that Vesper 1 will release the hostages in book 6.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz anderson
this story makes you hungry for more, and it starts with the fact friends and family and my god, these authors are awesome absulotly makes you want to break out your copy and read during class!these authors have really out done themselves!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
autumn martin
first of all this review DOES NOT INCLUDE SPOILERS! the only thing i liked was the romance the rest was just plain old bad.
so if your gonna spend your money on this book your either a:
im NOT even kidding
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading the third book I think that Amy and Jake could end up together. I also think that the author would not let Evan get so heartbroken and I think he might end up with Sinead. Another possibility would be that Amy and Evan stay together and that maybe, just maybe, Jake could end up with Sinead. I know it sounds far-fetched but I mean if they met I'm sure the two of them would stir something up.

Something else that could happen in the next book is Vesper One could turn out to be Amy and Dans's father. He's got the scar from the fire that supposedly killed A&D's (Amy and Dan's) dad. Another thing is that AJT knows what D's father used to say to make him laugh. The way that AJT keeps saying that everything that they are doing shoud be forgiven and that everything will be explained makes it seem like he is V-1, but it also gives out a feeling that he's just a normal Vesper.

Either way, this book is going to be amazing and I cannot wait for it to come out. I'm trying to read other books but unanswered questions keep popping up in my head about this one. This is truly going to be an amazing book and I hope that you all will like it just as much as I do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david aretha
This book was definitely my favorite of the Cahills vs Vespers. I hope Roland Smith writes another one. It was exciting and it left you hanging after each chapter. I liked the way he described Dan.

This review was written by Lisa's daughter.
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