Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America

ByAnn Coulter

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin michael
As always, a thoughtful, funny dismissal of socialist tactics. I remember how Reagan would announce a funding change in the afternoon, and within hours, CNN would have a string of 'victims' showing their suffering... even though the change would not go in effect till months later. The MSM's love affair with Bush haters was great. Remember Linda Ronstadt? The only way she normally could get press is by dying or getting arrested... until she says something bad about Bush!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ann Coulter's book, 'Guilty" is an absolute must read for those that understand or those able to think and read objectively. It is a wealth of insight; eye opening, thought provoking, to the point, and filled with intriguing perceptions that are obvious yet, so often, overlooked. Some of her assertions - that liberals conveniently ignore the truth, change the debate from the topic at hand, and rely on contemptuous mantras to bash anything they don't like - are borne out in that they won't read this book! If you read it and look around, you will never see the world in quite the same way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela crawford
I don't quite understand Ann Coulter sometimes. She can be hilarious,intelligent and amazingly insightful. But she can also be needlessly cruel. Her chapter on the immense damage that illegitimacy has done to America is shocking, informative, and a must-read.But she can be so belligerent and insulting; I don't see how you can convince people by beating them over the head.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Once again Ann Coulter, the designated bomb throwwer of conservative writers, has stirred up a hornet's nest of ire with her new book. Most of the critics (whether they've read the book or not, and most probably haven't) aim their fire at the chapter that denigrates single mothers. I agree with them, and that chapter really takes away a lot of the excellent writing she has in the rest of the book. Without that chapter I would have given this book 5 stars, but deducted 1 star because of it. There's a lot to agree with in this book, particularly the take on the mainstream media's coddling of Barack Obama and other liberal folks. Unfortunately, the MSM's view of the "news" seems to influence a lot of the thinking of people who otherwise would make their own decisions. An example: an old high school classmate of mine sent around an e-mail in late October to list all of the reasons why someone should not vote for Sarah Palin. His main objection appeared to be that 21 years ago her husband was arrested for DUI! What on earth does that have to do with her fitness for VP? I sent him a reply e-mail that basically said that, if Sarah's husband's 21 year old DUI disqualified her from being elected VP, doesn't Obama's self-admitted drug use many years ago also disqualify him? Of course there was no reply, because both "reasons" are nonsense, but liberals gloss over Obama's past while constantly dragging up minor problems of conservative candidates' families, or even open supposedly "secret" records of ordinary citizens like Joe the Plumber. Where's the liberal outrage at that! As an avid reader and "political junkie" I keep up with what's going on and I must most heartily agree with Ann about the MSM liberal bias. So, whether you like her writing or not (and I don't always agree with her), she makes many valid points.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Honestly I believe Ann Coulter brings a lot of good points to the table, but in such a manner as to destroy the possibility of actually influencing American politics and culture through her writings. The constant interjection of side points and comments requires the reader to have much more knowledge than most Americans possess, and certainly vastly more than commanded by the "useful idiots" she castigates. If this book is designed to wake up the electorate or effect change in the body politic, then it fails miserably. Rather it comes out as a never ceasing mix of truly eye-blinking facts followed by off-point snide remarks, regardless of their accuracy, and then some humorous comments that often are funny only to the extremely well-informed. In this format, the book is self-defeating.

Take for example the comments concerning Bill Ayers on page 90. Coulter makes several telling points concerning the Ayers' concentration on his terrorist days as being the highpoint of his life (and unfortunately giving him a pass on his current activities in training new followers dedicated to the destruction of the US), but then says as a correction that "Ayers is a professor of education, meaning that he is less qualified to teach than the entire population of the United States." I found this comment extremely funny, although it is an exaggeration (education professors are probably less qualified to teach than only about 90% of the population.) However, the mass of readers will not understand the truly abysmal standards in teaching education that exist in the US today and why that comment is both true and hilarious. When one teaches entire courses in how to make lesson plans or how to cut out paper dolls for teaching aids and then gives everyone an "A" grade if they attend all class sessions, then surely that person is at the bottom of the curve. But the comment detracts from the subject at hand and confuses the average reader.

It seems that everyone is focusing on the massive problem of single motherhood that is having catastrophic effects on the health and future of the US and that Coulter covers in Chapter Two. Apparently many liberal readers or persons who have single mothers as friends simply cannot get past the idea that the CHOICE to have a child while single, not marry the father, and not give the baby up for adoption is narcissistic and truly devastating to the child's eventual welfare. For a better understanding of this phenomenon see "Promises I Can Keep - Why Poor Mothers Put Motherhood Before Marriage" by Edin and Kefalas, and "Unequal Childhoods" by Annette Lareau. In spite of Coulter's comments that many interpret as "mean spirited", her criticism of the ennobling of single motherhood by fleckless liberals (who evidently wish to construct a vast underclass that they can control and act paternalistic towards) is on point. The reader should closely examine the case of the "octomom" to see a very extreme example of pathology in this problem.

The main theme of the book that the adoption of "victim" status to attack possible critics -- even when no one is victimizing the individual -- is well worth comprehending and a subject for futher research. My favorite chapter is the sixth that focuses on (in part) the absolutely dominating far-left (not just liberal) bias in the meadia which is the primary force for disinformation and propaganda in the US today. Fake stories attacking Republicans receive top billing, and true stories about Democrat malfeasance are ignored by the main-stream media. The evidence is overwhelming that this is the case as Coulter points out, but again her constant comments and obscure side points damage the presentation. I can understand why the "Guilty" parties rage against this book -- not only for exposing the truth to a very large measure, but also because the author's writing style makes them look both evil and silly. Let's choose just one -- evil or silly. And the author makes a seminal contribution when she objects to using the word "courageous" to describe every little statement made by a liberal that might be unpopular to people paying taxes and working for a living.

In short I recommend this book but wish the author had confined herself to a scholarly style without the snide (but accurate) remarks and humor than tend to undermine the message with those not already in the choir. One is tempted to assume that the author uses this style to aggravate and annoy, rather than to inform and act as a catalyst to effect change. One is even tempted to assume that the continued malfeasance by liberals and the far-left is important so that more books like this one can be produced. I doubt that the reader benefits nearly as much as the author due to her chosen style.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leigh ann hunker
I am reading Guilty on my Kindle; Ann is insightful and intelligent. It tickles me how her critics are steam rolled by her logic. They have to resort to personal attacks, as they have no logic or respect for the United States people or Constitution.

Excellent book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david fielding
Thoroughly researched and undeterred by criticism, Ann stays the course. The painful truth as only Ann Coulter can state it. Don't be put off by the Liberals-Hate-Coulter 1-Star Blitz. Buy this and enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Coulter on liberals: fake victims who are "attacking, advancing, and creating genuine victims." She illustrates relentlessly that liberals aren't victims; they're guilty. "Fake victims have become so crucial to liberal argument that you need a pathos-meter to follow politics in modern America." (p. 2) The story of Cesar A. Borja whose son Hillary Clinton paraded at Bush's January 2007 State of the Union Address serves well. Borja Sr had died that day ostensibly from working 16 hr shifts at the World Trade Center following the 9/11 attacks. He was portrayed as a hero; his story was used to demand additional funding for New York's emergency workers. The story was a complete hoax, but demonstrates another of Coulter's theses: the media reliably does the dirty work of liberals by its shoddy and hysterical reporting: reporting that is noticeably deferential to liberals.
Coulter's treatment of the single mother, "the most worshiped figure in modern America" is particularly devastating. Rather than bolster our sympathy and support, Coulter states what no one else will. "We have 'single mothers' because more than a million women choose to have children out of wedlock every year in America and do not then wed or give the babies up for adoption. By their own choices, they consign their children to starting life with second-class status. "Coulter wants us to be precise in identifying who, exactly, is a single mother. Not the divorcee, not the widow--because their children do just fine compared with the children of married parents. "True 'single mothers' are women, who, by their own volition, have done everything in their power to ruin their children's lives before they're even born. " Is that fair, you wonder? Coulter then lays out the crime statistics, noting that even liberal media such as the NY Times are starting to admit the damage done by single motherhood. Charles Murray says, "Illegitmacy is the single most important social problem of our time--more important than crime, drugs, poverty, illiteracy, welfare or homelessness because it drives everything else."
On media maltreatment of conservatives: Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's chief campaign strategist, told CBS News that the media were losing credibility in their treatment of Sarah Palin. "When you see them going through every single expense report that Governor Palin ever filed, if they don't do that for all four of the candidates, they're on very dangerous ground." But of course, they didn't and who knew that Joe Biden's son and brother had been charged with fraud at the time?
If you're moved by a victim story; if you think the Republican Attack Machine is a reality, do yourself a favor and read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary karlee
Ann Coulter's perspective of the "victimization" of America (aka ObamaNation) is a sharply witty & compelling treatise; it also happens to be right on the money.

As an American concerned about the recent state of affairs in this once proud country, I'm encouraged by the wonderfully articulate common sense analysis that Coulter provides. We have slipped into an economic, political & social abyss; the only way out is to regroup, and take stock in what our values should be. Clearly, the liberal "victimization" cries are as unfounded as the little boy who cried wolf once too often.

Coulter provides the logic; it's time for Americans to unite and stand up for what is right and not give in to the treachery of what is so wrong. If the "politically correct" left has their way, we won't even be allowed to call ourselves "Americans"---the new term is a disgustingly generic, "People of the United States". Give me a break.

Coulter reminds us that we are, and always will be, Americans. This is America, not ObamaNation; it's time to take back our country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly bingham
I am thankful there are people like Ann Coulter and her book and the rest of the people that speak up with opinions or facts that are different from what we constantly hear.

Most people want to hear both sides, and make their own decisions. I always got frustrated with the mainstream media because I wanted to hear the other side of what I am being told. I constantly had questions they never answered and didn't know why until this election proved to me what some have said. The media is so biased and they went extreme this time to prove it. Since I can only hear what the left wants to say in the mainstream, I have to find Ann Coulter, etc. Even if I don't agree with everything, no matter what side, I want to hear it to make up my own mind.

Evil or corruption have free rein when we stay ignorant and do nothing.

Ann Coulter, and the rest of the conservative people who speak up in books, media, or talk radio have to stay as accurate as possible because the biased media are watching their every move, and they couldn't survive via their fans if most of what they say didn't ring true, because it is more than one issue people are interested in.

So much in her book is so dead-on true, or explains what the mainstream media never wants you to know, and humorous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie leblanc
Philosophers will search for reason why they are wrong; they question themselves. Liberals never do that; they should. After recently re-reading GUILTY, I am amazed at the liberals' continuing affair with half-truths, lies and screeds against virtue that make up the soul of today's Democrat party. Here I must tell every liberal reading this review that it is well researched and well documented. Do not read it, do not understand its writing, if you wish to remain a liberal. After all, there has to be a point where the truth matters to every living being.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ever since the Democratic party realized that playing the victim was a winning strategy, it has vigorously portrayed itself as the collective victim, usually of Republican spleen, to win big in the voting booth. In GUILTY, Ann Coulter continues her bitter yet humorous assault on the sacred cow of leftist victimhood. The unwillingness of the conservative right to engage in the same tactics has given liberals a huge advantage in shaping public opinion as seeing the right as unprincipled bullies. Coulter leaps to the attack by insisting that the real bullies are the ones who cry "victim!" the loudest. She notes that it takes a compliant media to spin the news that it is the liberal left that is the one and only victim. As one reads of the left's fatal atraction with single mothers, the Republican Attack Machine, the courageous liberals who dare defy the Christ-crazy right, and the sexual faux pax of targeted Republican politicians, one gets the inevitable feeling that none of these can happen either by chance or in a vacuum. Those who are the Democratic national decision makers (like George Soros) are like Professor Marvel from the WIZARD OF OZ who pull the strings from behind a curtain, never stopping even when Coulter as Dorothy swoops away the curtains to reveal the bitter truth. This truth is part of a Grand Scheme to turn the United States into a socialist clone of England, Canada, France, and Sweden, all of which are foundering economically solely due to their own failed conversions from capitalism to socialism. Most rank and file Democrats are ironically enough believers in capitalism but have been led bit by bit down the path to a socialist vision that the Right claims is already here but the Left denies will ever happen. Most of Coulter's critics tend to harp on the messenger rather than the message. Her tart and acerbic witticisms can truly annoy but it is that very annoyance that focuses attention on areas that the Left would like to vanish. In GUILTY and in her past and future books, Ann Coulter will not vanish, and neither will the rising suspicions even among the Left that her portrayal of liberalism as annointed victims may have been on target all along.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
abdullah alghanim
Ann saves the best for the final chapter entitled "Brave, Beautiful Liberals." All gloves are off as she goes into detail on how the internationalist, George Soros, owns the Democratic Party, the charitable donations (or lack thereof) of prominent Democrat politicians, and the violence of liberals- having been the assassins of all murdered presidents and prominent figures.
I don't play for either team- Democrat or Republican. I can't support Reagan's astrology in the White House nor Gingrich's affair on his cancer-stricken wife. I always enjoy Ann's wit and I hope one day she'll realize that both parties are the same.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bryant scott
No! as an adopted person who has struggled with adoption, this woman has no clue. Adoption is damaging. Men do not automatically make a women's life better. Women need better jobs if they are going to go it alone and raise their children. Plenty of crime caused by poor families when men were present.

If a single dad wants to raise his child and not make it get adopted is that not okay with Ann?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anne Coulter is abrasive, no denying that but that doesnt take away from the truth of what she writes. This is a well written book, sharp and witty. I actually laughed a few times. The chapter on unwed mothers and what they are doing to our culture and society is one of the most truthful pieces I have read about this very serious and very true problem. She may not be politically correct but political correctness does not mean it's not true. If we continue to ignore this problem it will change our society. I am glad she had the guts to write it and defend it on the round of talk shows. I look forward to more books that speak the truth without fear.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carrie bresnehen
Imbued with the classic candor, and humor, for which Ms. Coulter is renowned, this book is a most interesting read. It is also an 'easy' read in that one does not feel a need, or desire, to 'take five' in the middle of a chapter. As for the 1 star the store reviews, one suspects there's a surfeit of liberals surfing the politically oriented section of the store's book department.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
toby hayes
This would be my favorite of her books because she really slams the double standard and silliness of the liberal position. The classless slander and debasement of anything to do with republicans or conservatives. She over and over again shows the complete breakdown of the liberal logic, which is a brand of insanity rather than any form of logic. She clearly explains how liberals find a victim of some supposed atrocity that the right has done and then goes to work to either ruin the supposed perpatrator of injustice or at least make them run and hide because of the shame they bring down on them. I nearly needed a barf bag to read this book because of the many well documented cases she writes about with her usual wit and sarcasm that her fans so enjoy.
Chapter two really opened my eyes to the mess created by single mothers, I was shocked to see the ramifications of this movement, she documents the statistics, the cases, the liberal bafoons that promote this lifestyle as it tears our country down day by day. Its clear that the liberals aren't for america, they are for doing whatever keeps them in power.
Chapter three she points out the silliness of the claim that there is a republican attack machine, all the while it's really a Democratic Attack machine, and of course backs it up with all the newspaper reports that show the bias on the search engine nexus, again the insanity caused my stomach to burn with disgust.
Chapter four describes the lefts desire to go to great lengths to show the failings of the Republican party and its members by the kiss and tell books by members of the Rep. party who switched sides write, it is always the morons of the republican party that leave to join the party of change, she goes over the countless examples of the Dems inability to reasonably look at History or its own mistakes and judge soundly, instead they name call, point fingers and throw tantrums whenever their side is held to the same standard as Repubs. Too many details to give account but eye opening to say the least.
Chapter five is about sex and scandal, the left has innapropriate sex and it's no big deal, hetero or homosexual sex, the right has innapropriate sex in or out of marriage, hetero or homosexual sex and its a scandulous hailstorm of negative press, there could be identical instances and the right would be raked over the coals, while the left would get a pass, again countless sightings by Ann makes you wonder if you are really living in a dream sequence.
Chapter six was more of the same but its what I fear is the chapter that defines our time, the lefts need for domination of power, humans have a propensity toward that, they (democrats) are the power-mad do nothings that are a commercial for this brand of wickedness.
They held control of congress for near 50 years, and I suspect their goal is to try again to gain that power, they have destroyed the ability to think critically with the educational system they employ, laws are made to shut people up so they can't dissent, they have most of the lawyers, the schools, the judges, the supreme court possibly, so the last thing is capitalism which is teetering, with countless regulations and will topple if they have their way. They received a gift wrapped control of the U.S. by more than 50% of Americans in November. Scary stuff this chapter so read with a tissue to wipe the tears as you see the best country in the history of this world being swallowed by those who think they can help by doing the very same things they accuse the right of doing, fascism, dictatorial power, jihad against our constitution and a loss of liberty that has never been seen in America nor expected by the utopian liberals who don't get it.
Chapter seven was the last and my favorite because it shows the emotional makeup of liberals better than anything I've read. They seem to remind me of the last kid picked in kick ball in grade school, and they are now going to show the world that they can't be kicked around now that they are senators, they are important, they are sticking up for the little guy, they care, they will be there for the down trodden of society, yet all their programs fail, because they instill laziness. Ann communicates again and again that if people want to do nothing they should suffer the consequences not be fed funds from others who are doing something. They don't mind making laws that hurt the average person because they don't effect their (Congress)standard of living, their safety, their education, they shield themselves from those woes because of money, power and connections. Liberals have bought into the idea of questioning authority, as long as the authority is conservative, they have bought into the idea of stopping racism even if they become racists in doing so, they save one child from scorn while scorning another, Ann points these things out page after page, and I have shaken my head in disgust so many times I have a neck brace now. If you are liberal read this and be open to the possibility that the smoke that has entered you from your posterior has clouded your judgment, and if you are conservative read this for knowledge of the leftist agenda and to make the NY Times mad for having it on the best sellers list for a long time...well at least for the few more months of their existence anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant, incisive and insightful, Guilty is one of the best non-fiction books I've read in a long time. Ann Coulter makes a convincing case for her thesis: that throughout our history, and despite their seeming ubiquity and apparent normalness, "liberals" dominate our society, but ONLY because -- essentially -- this overblown, supposed majority IS the media. Or -- DRIVES the media. It's the conservatives (not an unhealthy number, by any means!) who stick out like odd, sore thumbs only because everything else IS the left (or BOWS to the left). Meanwhile, it's BECAUSE of the left that problems such as crime, corruption and greed have proliferated over the last 40 years especially.

Her chapters cover different angles on the source of the problem: from single parenthood and its massive fallout, to the warped media (and the concomitant and ovine societal) bias toward and impunity of liberal missteps and worse (outright ennoblement of their crime and corruption). She also provides many examples of journalists letting liberal politicians off easy as kindergarteners while grilling their conservative counterparts like dissertation defendants. (One would hope that the reason for this is because more is expected of the smarter conservatives, but no -- it's because the mainstream media adore the left and do everything they can to coddle them.)

Coulter's research is copiously and fastidiously endnoted. And lest it become too pedantic, she's also laced it with her trademark side-splitting sarcasm. What a brain!

One could open the book to any page and either 1) find an endnoted reference clearly damning the left, OR 2) find a laugh-out-loud truism that Coulter describes with spot-on freshness. (For example, on p. 92: "If only Timothy McVeigh had said he bombed the building in Oklahoma City to protest American "fascism, imperialism, and racism," he too could be teaching at Northwestern University and sitting on a board with a future U.S. president." This'll give you an idea of her writing.)

Indeed, Coulter ultimately (and EASILY) makes her case that the liberal "victim" is indeed the assailant. I could go on and on. And so could she, one gets the sense (does she have reams of research waiting on the side for another book? I can imagine.) In fact, I find I can hardly write this review because I could never do the book complete justice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aisha az
Have you ever been called racist because you support tax cuts? Have you ever been called xenophobic simply because you do not want to throw open the border and allow anyone from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego to enter this country illegally? Certainly the majority of rape reports in this country are not specious, but when you first heard of the Duke lacrosse case, given that there was a sudden, intense, national firestorm in which the national liberal media was pushing one of its favorite narratives (white men were accused of doing wrong to a woman and/or racial minority), were you pretty skeptical? Were you utterly unsurprised when the stripper's story ended up falling apart?

If so, Ann Coulter's "Guilty" is the book for you. In Coulter's new book, she examines the phenomenon of people who (wrongly) think of themselves as victims using their victim power to create real victims. This is one of the biggest problems we have in our society today, as it leads to crime, illegal immigration, wasteful government spending, and a host of other social ills.

"Liberals always have to be the victims, particularly when they are oppressing others," Coulter asserts. "Modern victims aren't victims because of what they have suffered; they are victims of convenience for the Left...Playing the game of He Who Is Offended First Wins, the key to any political argument is to pretend to be insulted and register operatic anger. Liberals are masters of finger-wagging indignation. They will wail about some perceived slight to a sacred feeling of theirs, frightening people who have never before witnessed the liberal's capacity to invoke synthetic outrage. Distracted by the crocodile tears of the liberal, Americans don't notice that these fake victims are attacking, advancing, and creating genuine victims."

We have all seen numerous instances of this phenomenon, and Coulter provides a long list of examples to build her case (readers will have their own personal favorites, but mine was the chapter on "brave" liberals). Of course, there really are true victims in society--those bodily unable to work, for example. However, the point is that many in society give in to false victims when they should not, chiefly because on some level they know that in America in 2009 possibly the quickest way to be the target of volcanic anger or of a more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger power play is to attempt to take victim power away from a liberal or some other person in a designated victim group.

Actually, Coulter is the one truly being brave, as the reaction of liberals to this book will be disgustingly predictable. They will act as though Coulter is the problem for even raising this issue! Many liberals cling to the puerile belief that being in a victim group means that they have a golden ticket to do with impunity all manner of nasty things to other people, and as a consequence cling to the even more puerile belief that those who are not in victim groups and who are less than incandescently happy about being systematically pillaged are whiners, not principled Americans like Coulter who expose postmodernist fallacies.

Tammy Bruce was subbing for Laura Ingraham on Election Day and commented that when she was on the Left, she and other liberals, when they were alone and behind closed doors, used to laugh at conservatives, because they could emotionally bully conservatives into acceding to the Left's positions by implying that they lacked decency and honor if they would not do so. Many times, in an attempt to justify such truckling, conservatives blame themselves for ever exposing the false victim in the first place--or, as Dennis Prager has said, "When you refuse to fight evil, you have to convince yourself that you are evil". Refusing to stand up to false victims does not do any long-term good for their character development, either.

Whenever conservatives actually suggest repealing some liberal social spending program or left-wing social convention, liberals frequently play the following card: they (deeply cynically) attempt to quote Edmund Burke to conservatives, stating that a conservative is not acting conservatively if he does not honor liberal precedents. Liberals always want to call a truce after they have thrown the first several punches.

This book would be a great gift for high school or college students, in that it would teach them how contemporary society really functions. The liberals who most need to read this book would never consider doing so.

If you have further interest in this topic, check out The Death of Truth, edited by Dennis McCallum. It is one of the best books I've ever read and also takes on the victim/postmodernism phenomenon--it is not light reading and more of an academic than a popular work, but tackling it would be no problem for an Ann Coulter fan.

Coulter should be thanked for another book in which she says what our self-appointed cultural hall monitors deem unsayable. Conservatives are already looking forward to her next tome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arthetta rodgers
Notice that the very first reviews (start on the last page of reviews) are all one star. Obviously these are the Kool-aid drinkers,who haven't read the book (most of them are probably illiterate). "Okay, ACORN-ies, Guilty comes out today, make sure you go on the store and rate it 1 star and call her a hater." The great thing about Coulter's books are her meticulous references, with footnotes all over the place. The book's been out almost 2 months, and so far, I haven't heard any comments from the Left that there are factual errors. Coulter exposes how un-level the playing field is with the media in bed with Huffington and Soros and their lackeys. Scary. We'd better take back our country from these Neo-commies before we become the United Way of America, replete with corporate jets for the so-called public servants. I don't know how any sane person could come away from Guilty without realizing that we are being bamboozled by the mainstream media in their efforts to subvert the American dream.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This tome has proved necessary reading in my home dimension. In the parallel universe from which I hail, the Real American is continually facing repression from small groups of impoverished individuals who posses mystical powers that allow them to overcome their suicide-inducing circumstances and quash the freedoms of the obese but benevolent majority.
However, those of you who are not multi-dimensional travelers will probably not find this book helpful, as none of it pertains to the circumstances of your reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ann Coulter disarms the Left with well documented studies and statistics,
and throws a hand grenade into hopey/feely left-wing sappy views of the world, particularly in the US. There is no counter to her paries re: "single motherhood," that broad amalgam not limited to widows and divorcees, but also sluts and wannabe Moms in no need of a Dad. The embrace of this diverse group by the Drive-By media is exposed with precise surgical dissection, and Ann's rapier wit, a double edged sword to the delicate thin skinned, is a hoot to read...unless you are one of those humorless, thin skin libs who's heifer is being gored. The juxapositioning of Hollywood baby makers to everyday "People" reading gals is too rich to ignore, especially in this season of self indulgent award ceremonies for the sheltered chosen. Just what the normal tax paying American wants to read. Cabinet appointees, this book is above your pay grade. You other libs don't read, so the book should not sit on the shelf next to your unread "My Life," and other such nonillustrated comic books you buy. The words are too big.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jayne wilson
Have you ever been called racist because you support tax cuts? Have you ever been called xenophobic simply because you do not want to throw open the border and allow anyone from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego to enter this country illegally? Certainly the majority of rape reports in this country are not specious, but when you first heard of the Duke lacrosse case, given that there was a sudden, intense, national firestorm in which the national liberal media was pushing one of its favorite narratives (white men were accused of doing wrong to a woman and/or racial minority), were you pretty skeptical? Were you utterly unsurprised when the stripper's story ended up falling apart?

If so, Ann Coulter's "Guilty" is the book for you. In Coulter's new book, she examines the phenomenon of people who (wrongly) think of themselves as victims using their victim power to create real victims. This is one of the biggest problems we have in our society today, as it leads to crime, illegal immigration, wasteful government spending, and a host of other social ills.

"Liberals always have to be the victims, particularly when they are oppressing others," Coulter asserts. "Modern victims aren't victims because of what they have suffered; they are victims of convenience for the Left...Playing the game of He Who Is Offended First Wins, the key to any political argument is to pretend to be insulted and register operatic anger. Liberals are masters of finger-wagging indignation. They will wail about some perceived slight to a sacred feeling of theirs, frightening people who have never before witnessed the liberal's capacity to invoke synthetic outrage. Distracted by the crocodile tears of the liberal, Americans don't notice that these fake victims are attacking, advancing, and creating genuine victims."

We have all seen numerous instances of this phenomenon, and Coulter provides a long list of examples to build her case (readers will have their own personal favorites, but mine was the chapter on "brave" liberals). Of course, there really are true victims in society--those bodily unable to work, for example. However, the point is that many in society give in to false victims when they should not, chiefly because on some level they know that in America in 2009 possibly the quickest way to be the target of volcanic anger or of a more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger power play is to attempt to take victim power away from a liberal or some other person in a designated victim group.

Actually, Coulter is the one truly being brave, as the reaction of liberals to this book will be disgustingly predictable. They will act as though Coulter is the problem for even raising this issue! Many liberals cling to the puerile belief that being in a victim group means that they have a golden ticket to do with impunity all manner of nasty things to other people, and as a consequence cling to the even more puerile belief that those who are not in victim groups and who are less than incandescently happy about being systematically pillaged are whiners, not principled Americans like Coulter who expose postmodernist fallacies.

Tammy Bruce was subbing for Laura Ingraham on Election Day and commented that when she was on the Left, she and other liberals, when they were alone and behind closed doors, used to laugh at conservatives, because they could emotionally bully conservatives into acceding to the Left's positions by implying that they lacked decency and honor if they would not do so. Many times, in an attempt to justify such truckling, conservatives blame themselves for ever exposing the false victim in the first place--or, as Dennis Prager has said, "When you refuse to fight evil, you have to convince yourself that you are evil". Refusing to stand up to false victims does not do any long-term good for their character development, either.

Whenever conservatives actually suggest repealing some liberal social spending program or left-wing social convention, liberals frequently play the following card: they (deeply cynically) attempt to quote Edmund Burke to conservatives, stating that a conservative is not acting conservatively if he does not honor liberal precedents. Liberals always want to call a truce after they have thrown the first several punches.

This book would be a great gift for high school or college students, in that it would teach them how contemporary society really functions. The liberals who most need to read this book would never consider doing so.

If you have further interest in this topic, check out The Death of Truth, edited by Dennis McCallum. It is one of the best books I've ever read and also takes on the victim/postmodernism phenomenon--it is not light reading and more of an academic than a popular work, but tackling it would be no problem for an Ann Coulter fan.

Coulter should be thanked for another book in which she says what our self-appointed cultural hall monitors deem unsayable. Conservatives are already looking forward to her next tome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen rush
Notice that the very first reviews (start on the last page of reviews) are all one star. Obviously these are the Kool-aid drinkers,who haven't read the book (most of them are probably illiterate). "Okay, ACORN-ies, Guilty comes out today, make sure you go on the store and rate it 1 star and call her a hater." The great thing about Coulter's books are her meticulous references, with footnotes all over the place. The book's been out almost 2 months, and so far, I haven't heard any comments from the Left that there are factual errors. Coulter exposes how un-level the playing field is with the media in bed with Huffington and Soros and their lackeys. Scary. We'd better take back our country from these Neo-commies before we become the United Way of America, replete with corporate jets for the so-called public servants. I don't know how any sane person could come away from Guilty without realizing that we are being bamboozled by the mainstream media in their efforts to subvert the American dream.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary byrnes
This tome has proved necessary reading in my home dimension. In the parallel universe from which I hail, the Real American is continually facing repression from small groups of impoverished individuals who posses mystical powers that allow them to overcome their suicide-inducing circumstances and quash the freedoms of the obese but benevolent majority.
However, those of you who are not multi-dimensional travelers will probably not find this book helpful, as none of it pertains to the circumstances of your reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay cooke
Ann Coulter disarms the Left with well documented studies and statistics,
and throws a hand grenade into hopey/feely left-wing sappy views of the world, particularly in the US. There is no counter to her paries re: "single motherhood," that broad amalgam not limited to widows and divorcees, but also sluts and wannabe Moms in no need of a Dad. The embrace of this diverse group by the Drive-By media is exposed with precise surgical dissection, and Ann's rapier wit, a double edged sword to the delicate thin skinned, is a hoot to read...unless you are one of those humorless, thin skin libs who's heifer is being gored. The juxapositioning of Hollywood baby makers to everyday "People" reading gals is too rich to ignore, especially in this season of self indulgent award ceremonies for the sheltered chosen. Just what the normal tax paying American wants to read. Cabinet appointees, this book is above your pay grade. You other libs don't read, so the book should not sit on the shelf next to your unread "My Life," and other such nonillustrated comic books you buy. The words are too big.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
enida zhapa
Coulter is taking no prisoners, as usual, in this fierce and funny book.

Her chapter on how single parenthood harms children should be given to every teenager in America. She titles the chapter "Victim of a Crime? Thank a Single Mother", which neatly sums up the evidence. As she points out, 70% of inmates were raised by single mothers.

But it's not just crime. Being raised by only one parent means your chances are much higher for being a high school dropout, a suicide, or a child murderer. Sexual and physical abuse is hugely more likely to be perpetrated on a child of a single mother. These children are far, far more likely to end up with a drug or alcohol problem. The girls will be much more likely to be promiscuous or to raise an illegitimate child. They are also far less likely to graduate from college. A whopping "90 percent of all homeless and runaway children" (p 38) also came from single parent homes. How long can we continue to harm our children like this?

The consequences of divorce and illegitimacy continue through the lives of the children affected. Many will continue to have emotional problems. Or to be unable to form relationships. And they will also be very likely to end up poor. This is the terrible truth which we need to face: "This rash of single motherhood is breeding a huge underclass" (p 39).

This is a tragedy for America, but most of all, for our children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna kemper
Ann Coulters can no longer be called vicious by the left as they are much worse than her as of 2008. The 2008 elections brought out the most hateful unbalanced media coverage (NBC/CBS/CNN/ABC/NY Times,etc) in U.S. history and democratic political pundits (Robert Zimmerman, James Carville, etc.) were more vicious than Ann Coulter ever thought of being. Media corruption (Not just unbalanced) at NBC as it is owned by GE in bed with the Obama Administration to ensure GE gets cap and trade/energy deals in return for "good" coverage and the NY Times which suppressed an ACORN/Obama campaign story right BEFORE the elections which Bill O'Rielly is talking about now are horrifying.

In Guilty, Ann Coulter lays bare the hypocrisy of liberals and the continued biased coverage of most of the media. Loved her sarcasm on how Michelle Obama paycheck increased in tandem with Barack's political advancements. She was hired by University of Chicago hospital AFTER his election and her salary tripled to $316,962 as earmarks increased. Loved how Al Gore gave $353 in charity in 1998 when he made between $100,000 and $200,000 and how he is currently racking in money on global warming while he flies around in a private jet and tries to shove though cap/trade and other energy policies he has investments. Her chapter on They Got the Sex, We got the Scandal was short but funny. Obama boohooing about picking on Michelle during the campaign while they slaughtered Palin's children was ironic.

As an independent voter, I agree with Coulter keeping Guantanamo open, water boarding is not torture, cutting welfare to the bone, keeping taxes low and actual FAIR trade agreements but disagree with her on abortion and environmental issues as I would fire the loggers to save the Spotted Owl. And, I wholeheartedly agree with her on the corruption of the mainstream media.

I enjoyed this book immensely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish lindsey
Ms. Coulter has written a very interesting and informative book about the propaganda techniques and bias of the liberal establishment media. She notes that the media often portray their favorite polticians and groups as victims when in fact they are anything but.

Some of the meida outlets examined by Ms. Coulter are columnists, who can be expected to demonstrate bias and opinion. However, much more disturbing are the propaganda techniques of the regular news media. In particular the major liberal newspapers and networks have a tendency to spotlight, investigate, and repeat over and over again any scandal, pseudo scandal, or faux pas involving conservatives and Republicans, while for the most part ignoring or at most enunciating in limited detail with minimal coverage liberal and Democratic scandals and indiscretions. Thus liberal candidates can take the high road knowing the media will do their dirty work for them. Conservative candidates can not. Thus election campaigns are often not level playing fields. This propaganda and distortion by coverage often pervades the liberal news outlets in all news as the liberal elite choose what is newsworthy and what is not.

A good example of the media bias is the coverage of the military records of the Presidential candidates in the 2004 election. CBS news actively sought and bought faked documents to discredit the military record of George Bush. In the case of John Kerry the media knowingly covered up the medal grabbing, fake action reports, fake medals, lies and egregious backstabbing of their Boston Brahmin favorite.

The New York Times accused Larry Thurlow of earning a medal for bravery in a March 13 1968 gun battle Thurlow claimed Kerry concocted. In effect the New York Times lied. There was no gun battle. Mr. Thurlow thought his medal was for helping rescue a boat disabled by a mine. There was no actual enemy fire except in Kerry's false after action report. Kerry commanded the only boat not sailing to the mined boat to help rescue the crew members. The media even tried to dispute that Kerry did not write the after action report until it was impossible to do so.

The liberal media also tried to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans narration of the truth by attaching such adjectives as unsubstantiated and slanderous to any mention of this veterans group.

This is merely one example of liberal media distortion. Ms. Coulter has engaged in a noble work to identify, substantiate, and counteract the misreporting of the liberal media. The expose of Ms. Coulter should be read by every American voter. The work is a good effective antidote to the liberal media lies, perversion and distortion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although her high-pitched histrionics on television make me want to turn the volume down, I must admit that this book seems to be well researched and documented.

I find it interesting that people's opinions are so entrenched one way or the other and they refuse to even consider the other side. Coulter herself displays these tendencies. That, however, does not disqualify her from writing a readable book.

Whether they want to admit it or not, the left likes to play the victim: remember the "vast right -wing conspiracy?" about "the fairness doctrine?"

If they say it, it is freedom of speech.
If someone else disagrees, it is hate speech.

The Right is certainly guilty of a lot of wrong-doing, but this book is not about the right.

It is a book by a highly opinionated, partisan who researches and sifts through the facts to bolster her cause.

It is entertaining
But it is clearly one-sided.

I would suggest reading this book, then reading a book by Krugman or someone equally liberal. Pick a point in between the two extremes, and there, hidden from view, you will find the truth.

If you want a book that will actually help your situation in life, then read mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claire healey
The wonderful thing about Ann's books, in addition to her brilliant wit, sense of humor and literary timing - is her penchant for trumpeting substantiated, documented and footnoted truth and FACTS usually IGNORED by the Liberal Mainstream America-Hating Media. She provides references and substantiatable basis for every FACT that she reports on: something that has been eschewed by the New York Times, Time and Newsweek, MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS for years, now.

In this brilliant exposure of the passive-aggressive tactics used by the political bullies on the left in our country - she does some of her best work documenting the trail of veiled contempt and shadowed calumny used by these political terrorists to "get their way". As she says, it would be one thing for Hitler to blame the Jews for his slaughering him - and quite another to claim - successfully - in the Media that the Jews slaughtered 6 million Nazis. THAT is the allegorical equivalent of what the liberal bullies in the DNC and The Media are doing to America today!

God Bless Ann Coulter!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pat perkins
"Guilty" is intended to convince readers that liberals do not have a monopoly on truth and commonsense; on the other hand, it also provides good evidence that conservatives don't either. Throughout "Guilty," Coulter swings from making credible points against many liberals, followed (inadvertently) by the making foolish claims in support of many conservatives.

Coulter begins with examples of liberals making untrue claims - eg. a NYC cop who died of a rare lung disease supposedly acquired working "16-hour shifts" at the WTC after 9/11 (he actually started working NEAR there directing traffic in December, 2001, after most of the dust died down) - and how his "case" was used to increase funding for 9/11 responders. Then its the New Republic's "Baghdad Diarist" telling sickening tales of brutish behavior of American troops in Iraq - but he later admitted via signed affidavit to having made it all up; Peggy Seltzer, a girl living in Sherman Oaks with her family who claimed to have been raised in South Central L.A. by a single mother and having run drugs for the Bloods. And, just why have Halle Berry, Alicia Keys, and Barack Obama, after being abandoned by their black fathers and raised by their white mothers, then chosen to identify with the fathers that had ditched them? Etc., etc. But just when readers might start to agree with her (yes, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC are very biased liberals), she goes on to claim Fox News as more respected than the other programs, and glides over the Bush missing Guard years and global warming like they're both non-issues.

Coulter then goes on to make a case that Sarah Palin was abused by the liberal media vs. firing Alaska's public safety director. Perhaps. But Coulter complete ignores Palin's threat to also fire the Wasilla Library Director, dancing around her support/non-support for federal money to Alaska, and making a fool of herself on various interview programs.

Next, it's single mothers - "the most worshipped figures in modern America." Coulters points out that we have "single mothers" because more than one million women choose to have children out of wedlock each year in America, and then do not wed or give the babies up for adoption. Thus, the "victims" are actually victimizers causing irreparable harm to their own children. And, its getting worse - in 1979 only about 600,000 babies were born out of wedlock, and one-fourth were put up for adoption. By 2003, 1.5 million illegitimate babies were born every year, but less than 1% were put up for adoption.

Only 6.5% of single mothers are widows, and their children do fine compared with children of married parents. Coulter also tells us that adopted children also do just fine - considerably better than those staying with their single mothers.

But then Coulter stumbles again by brainlessly downplaying the availability of guns in facilitating crime.

And so it goes, two steps forward, two steps backward, throughout the 300-some pages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book that, like her others, is red meat for the choir and provides, for those who can think critically, powerful arguments that provide credible reasons to rethink some previous understandings you thought were settled. Why would anyone want to read some milquetoast's equivocations of today's competing philosophical positions? Ann doesn't waste your time, but instead goes from one issue to the next to lay the foundation for her thesis: that liberals use claims of victimization to make real victims of innocent people. This game should be seen for what it is and the guilty parties should be exposed and stopped.

I actually gained a new perspective on the Cuban Missle Crisis. I had previously only known the general tale about the crisis. It had made Kennedy look like a hero for keeping/removing nuclear missles out of Cuba. However, if one steps back and looks at the before and after to see which side advanced their goals and which side lost, she says the USA lost under Kennedy. The Soviets had two victories: 1) They secured Fidel's position in Cuba. 2) They got the USA to remove military installations from Turkey. The USA only had a draw, which was to keep nuclear missiles out of Cuba. So, Soviet aggression was rewarded under Kennedy. Isn't the goal of foreign policy to advance the cause of your own country, or at least to maintain it's relative strength in a world that's dominated by the aggressive use of force? (Yes, I realize this is debatable, for there is a surging line of thought that actually seeks to undermine the USA's standing in the world, but that's another story.)

Lastly, I'd like to refer you to those who give this book a 1 Star. I love reading these comments because, as is usual, all the 1 star reviews are full of sprurious arguments that don't relate to what the book is actually about. If it really makes liberals mad, it's more likely to be worthwhile to read. One reviewer incorrectly characterized Ann's position, then debunked the mischaracterization. This is an often used tactic of these people. They are often ill-informed and dim-witted, but they are very crafty with this technique. The reviewer incorrectly claimed that Ann said that Nixon's use of the FBI to spy on enemies greatly exceeded previous administrations. Then, the reviewer tried to list facts that made this claim impossible. However, that's not what she wrote. Ann wrote, "The sort of skullduggery for which Nixon was crucified was standard practice in modern politics. Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, & Johnson had used the FBI & justice department to harass their enemies and tap their phones, often with the gleeful connivance of the media." and she then goes on to give examples of press & presidential bugging operations. Now, why one would claim that Ann wrote that "Nixon did it more" rather than her true position that it was "standard practice" is either because the reviewer was purposefully trying to misrepresent or he is just plain stupid.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martha kiefer
This is the best book Ms. Coulter has written this week, marginally better than Monday's, and ten times better than the Fiesta Skillet-laced crapola she puked out after breakfast Wednesday morning. In this one, she delicately walks the line between passive-aggression and aggressive-aggression, and this time without the schizoid paranoia so manifest in Saturday's tome. And, as a bonus, we are blessed with the presence of the picture of our favorite shrinking violet on the cover! Ann, we fans are so glad you're finally putting those self-esteem issues behind you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan mason
A formidable force in publishing, Ann Coulter returns out of the corner of your eye in the bookstore. The seasons change, and there's always a new Coulter book.

She really has an impressive streak going, I'll give her that. And this vixen has once again plastered herself in black on the cover, and now she's written GUILTY across the bottom. Very sly. Then inside...more of the same, which is what folks want.

The single mother obsession paints Ann as more human than previously thought, perhaps. Since she is unlikely to have children herself, she can readily demonize the institution known as single-motherhood. She's saying she wouldn't do that to the world, have a kid without a dad and continue to write her books like this.

The dust jacket makes a vulgar little paper airplane, and the book itself comes autographed with tears.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sary fairchild
I have to write another review, because as Ann says in her book, liberals play victims and that is what they did by complaining to the store about my comments.

So I have to be nice and say the obvious like "Ann thoroughly refutes liberals in their tracks."

Ann has her book footnoted accurately.

The 1 stary ratings on this site merely make comments such as "Ann lies" and "Ann Coulter has been proven to be a liar" but as always those who hate Ann Coulter never have any facts to back up their comments.

They parade out one person on here by the name of Jennifer Cox who claims to be a Christian who says that Ann Coulter is spewing hatred. My suspicion is that was written by a liberal who hates Ann Coulter.

The book is completely researched, and uses logic to refute those who don't agree with her. Ann Coulter's writing style as always has a satirical tone to it. But that offends liberals. It is fine to call Bush a Nazi and say they were just "funning with us" but a whole other matter when Ann Coulter refers to liberals as a bunch of "pussies" which they are.

Ann Coulter is refreshing in a society that has gone bezerk. Ann Coulter loves making liberals mad, and she does it well in this book. She loves it when they froth at the mouth, which doesn't take too much. Simply saying things like, "Gee, I am not really sure that homosexuality is all that healthy of a lifestyle choice, will send these people into fits of rage that mimic a dog in the late stages of rabies.

Buy the book you will love it and try not to take yourself too seriously nor Ann either, as she is a satirist. Deliberately making libs mad is her Schtick.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stefani b
With her usual scathing vocabulary, AnnCoulter correctly defines and details the "victim aggrandization" phenomenon developing in our left-leaning culture today. She identifies the roots and Backs Up Every Outrageous Assertion with verifiable data. Her critics will predictably attack her "tone" and assert anxiety that such tone will los eher readers, her credibility or her popularity - none of which seems to actually be the case (nor is it a sincer concern of her critics).
As a single mother, I can truly attest to the thesis she sets forth in Ch 2 (I am not govt-dependent)and No, I find no offense with the thesis -- as no thinking American should! (or secretly does) The screeching that emanates from her critics at every new book is so hypocriticaly and dishinest. they have already proven her theses about the media. The View Hags are "concerned for the poor single mothers""did you even talk to any, interview any, see how they feel...?" THAT's NOT THE POINT!!! The point is that the institution - despite creating statistical proof of Societal Degradation is supported, even EMBRACED by these useful idiots in the Media, Hollywood etc (except of course in the case of a conservative - their rabid enemy! Proof in point: the media's continued referral to the Palin daughter as "an unwed mother". When is the last time you heard Angelina Jolie referred to as an Unwed Mother? Interesting, non? Great book, Ann. Kudos for taking on the talk Show Bimbos - just talk over them, next time, though, until your point is heard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
it seems like many people review this book that never read it and give it 1 star. for those that say all her stateemnts are crazy havent actually looked at them. thre is areason why hr books still sell and that is because peopel still read them. show me a non conservative talk show that has been able to truly survive. thats right even air america went under because the left likes to complain when its convenient for them but thye forget to go to class.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey chin
This is an incredible book. This books states what I have thought for a great deal of time but never articulated into words. Ann Coulter argues that it is liberals who create made-up issues -- global warming, health care crisis, Republican attack machine, gay marriage -- in order to create imaginary victims, which creates an opening for liberals since they will look as though they are taking the side of the victims. In reality, they are victimizing real Americans--including Republican politicians, businesses, the general population, taxpayers. To give one example, liberals provide endless praise and give the impression that single mothers are "victims." However, with an incredible amount of scholarly citation, Ann Coulter shows that single mothers harm society the population at large quite enormously, and thus, create real victims. (i.e., kids raised in a single parent home are more likely to murder, rape, get on welfare, etc, etc).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rolonda wallace
Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America
Why didn't we have this well-referenced info BEFORE the elections? Ann Coulter reports in exhausting detail the events, the statistics involved in the collusion between the ' mainstream media ' with regard to the victory of the young, liberal (socialist?) President Barrak Oboma in his meteoric political career. It makes the reader shudder to realize that he and his army of supporters have taken over the US government for at least the next 2 years. (Hopefully voters will remove many of his Democrat supporters in the nest election cycle.)

Ann Coulter's documenting is iron-clad proof of the ' heist ' that has been sneaked in, with little or no challenge from the sycophant media. THIS IS A MUST-READ FOR EVERY THINKING AMERICAN!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ann Coulter as usual has come out swinging on the those dead set on putting Socialism into everyday practice in America, whether the majority understands it or not. It has taken years to arrive at this level of European Socialism, currently gaining steam inside America today. All too often it has been accomplished through the systematic use of the victim mentality. It is always put forth in an underhanded manner in the name of supposedly helping out the common man. When in truth, it is about the Socializing of America by a small percentage of well placed indoctrinated intellectuals. This is a well written book, and Ann Coulter is to be applauded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney carlson
Thank you, Ann, for having the courage to stand up to such shameless, opportunistic liberals like the 9/11 widows, using their grief as a platform to criticize the failures of the military and Bush on that tragic day, and for taking on Max Cleland, a man who clearly exploits the loss of both of his legs and one arm in Vietnam to further the left's devilish political agenda. Your position defies compassion and sanity and I think I speak for all of Amerika when I say THANK YOU for presenting blatant right-wing extremism as a moderate viewpoint! THANK YOU for convincing us that all media is the product of liberal fanatics intent on destroying Amerika and is attacking us from places that we don't even know about. If Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and your other cohorts hadn't scared my completely uninformed, willfully ignorant, and intellectually lazy self so badly, I don't know if I would have EVER decided to give Fox News a try! Thank you for providing me with your fair and balanced views. I can feel confident in my utter refusal to take the time and effort necessary to develop an informed political opinion by simply listening to you-I am convinced!! Why on earth would you lie to me??!! Actually researching any issue is a liberal ploy to DESTROY AMERIKA!!! Thank you for your contribution to the acceleration of intellectual negligence throughout this great country! I love you, Ann!!!! GOD BLESS AMERIKA!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martina reilly
Just finished "Guilty" by Ann Coulter - Loved the book! Love all her books, She is a no nonsense gal. Says it like it is whether you like it or not. Her books are factual and documented. She is a breath of fresh air and for anyone who doesnt like her i.e. Liberals, well, that is because they are scared stiff of her because she speaks the truth unlike Democrats! Great Book, Fast Read! She is my HERO!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caro l pez
Who other than Ann Coulter can make you feel outrage in one sentence and have you spitting your coffee in laughter the next?

What I love about Ann is that she fearlessly looks at the evil in the world and shreds it with humor, confidence, and insight. In Guilty, Ann delivers all that has made her a best selling author; biting commentary, unvarnished truth, and of course the devestating 'one liners.'

This book is a must read. ;-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerda laubscher
Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on AmericaI love Ann Coulter's wit and sense of humor. She makes a lot of very excellent points. Ann does a great job of research and of documenting her material. When she makes a statement she backs it up with sources. Liberals will find Ann very offensive, but I assume that they will not buy it because they will not be able to shout down her logic in the book form.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jared currier
This is an exceptional book and is completely on the mark. I challenge any of her detractors to point out any factual inaccuracies in the book. And "isn't he adorable, I could eat him with a spoon" is not a "fact", it is satire and if you do not comprehend that much, you need to go back to grade school. If you do comprehend it and are still whining, you are postively grasping for straws. I have not seen anything in the negative reviews besides ad-hominem attacks. Ann presents an irrefutable fact and then follows up with a deserved slam.

[...] has the audio version and they do not let you rate it unless you have purchased the product. the store should do the same, especially since it owns Audible. You can rant at your own blog (who cares) but not at the bookseller's site, unless you have paid for that privilege.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan morrison
On the, Guilty has slipped to number 42 out of the top 100 books. In the non-fiction list, Guilty is number 11 out of 100. She is number 2 on the NY Times Best Seller list - non-fiction (proving that there are some intelligent people who live in New York).

I finished Guilty by Ann Coulter last night. This is an extremely good book and I recommend it for all to read. Why? Because if a person possesses one grain of intellectual curiosity, that person will do further research in order to determine if what Ann Coulter says is true.

Most liberals have nothing but contempt for this author. The left - who constantly preach tolerance to those on the right - snidely remark on her looks, lifestyle, and beliefs without reading her books. But this book is worth reading. I have also noticed that when she appears at non-friendly venues, the host can never question her on what she say but instead question her on how she says it.

Her second chapter - which seems to be the chapter she discusses most in her media promotion and which the media is obsessed with - deals mainly with single motherhood. The left seem to have this idea that she is totally against single motherhood. They miss her point which is the left - for decades - have worked through the courts, the legislature, and through popular media to destroy the nuclear family - a married mother and father raising children. However, I would like to touch on her last chapter - Chapter 7: Brave, Beautiful Liberals.

Starting on page 254, she discusses death threats and how during B. Hussein Obama's primary and presidential race, the media and others continually discussed the absurd and paranoid obsession of his possible assassination and alleged death threats. She lays out those who have assassinated or attempted to assassinate Presidential and political individuals. They are -

John Warnock Hinckley, Jr. - attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. on March 30, 1981, as the culmination of an effort to impress actress Jodie Foster. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and has remained under institutional psychiatric care since then.

Sara Jane Moore - attempted to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford on September 22, 1975. Moore had married and divorced five times and had four children before she turned to revolutionary politics in 1975.

Lynette Alice "Squeaky" Fromme - a former member of Charles Manson's "Family," convicted of attempting to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975.

Arthur Herman Bremer - attempted to assassinate U.S. Democratic presidential candidate George Wallace.

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan - the convicted assassin of United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Lee Harvey Oswald - the assassin of U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. A former United States Marine who defected to the Soviet Union and later returned.

Giuseppe Zangara - attempted to assassinate United States President-elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

John Flammang Schrank - best known for his attempt to assassinate former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on October 14, 1912 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Leon Frank Czolgosz (Cholgosh) - was the assassin of U.S. President William McKinley. In the last few years of his life, he was heavily influenced by anarchists such as Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.

Charles Julius Guiteau - was an American lawyer who assassinated U.S. President James A. Garfield on July 2, 1881. He was executed by hanging.

John Wilkes Booth - was an American stage actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1865. Booth was a member of the prominent 19th century Booth family of actors from Maryland and by the 1860s was a popular, nationally-ranked actor. He was also a Confederate sympathizer and expressed vehement dissatisfaction with the South's defeat in the American Civil War. He opposed Lincoln's proposal to extend voting rights to recently emancipated slaves.

So, starting with the top of the list we have people who are insane, a revolutionary, a Manson cult member, a dysfunctional nutcase, a Palestinian extremist, an avowed communist, a socialist, another insane individual, an anarchist socialist, a utopian, and a Democrat sympathizer of the Confederacy and proponent of slavery. Not a single conservative or individual from the Republican Party.

She also further states on page 261

"...Malcolm X, who was killed by Black Muslims."

"...massive political violence of the Left throughout the seventies and beyond carried out by such radical organizations as the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers, and the Black Liberation Army..."

"...the 1981 murder of Waverly `Chipper' Brown, then the only black officer on the Nyack, New York, police force ... liberal `revolutionaries' with the Weatherman and the Black Liberation Army who claimed to be fighting `white oppression' killed the only black officer on the police force after their robbery of a Brinks truck in 1981..."

"...Robert Fassnacht, physics graduate on the University of Wisconsin who was killed in 1971 by a car bomb set by anti-war protesters that did more to $6 million in damage to university buildings."
She states on page 262 -

"Most notable are Barack Obama's close connections to Weathermen Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who were directly involved in bombing the Pentagon and the Capitol."

"Bill Clinton pardoned a former Weatherman, Susan L. Rosenberg, who was arrested in November 1984 with 740 pounds of dynamite, a submachine gun, and other weapons in her car."

"'s telling that nearly all presidential assassins have been left-wing zealots - pacifists, communitarians, Communists, anarchists, Palestinian extremists, and countercultural hippies."

In this chapter she also points out the numerous cases of books, movies, and talk discussing the assassination of President George W. Bush. I think she makes a good case that political violence tends to come from those on the left end of the political spectrum.

So my question remains, is what Ann Coulter saying true? My assessment is yes, it is. However, if you are open-minded and curious, then I recommend that you research the notes she has in the back of the book and determine for yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
traci rider
Such a delightful read for those of us who understand that empathy and compassion are weaknesses. What kind of idiot doesn't understand that single mothers are all selfish pseudolesbian god-haters? And the gays! Don't get me started on those sexually perverse lunatics that want would love nothing more than to make straight marriage illegal and turn our churches into sex-clubs.
Ann Coulter is truly an angel sent down from heaven to shed light onto these dark parts of our culture! Oh, I have never felt so spiritual as I do when I listen to her talk about how stupid and wrong the left is, and how righteous we are for having the courage to pass judgement on all of the evildoers.
Jesus had empathy for the poor, the prostitutes, and the sick. The bible does NOT say that he cared about gays, single-mothers, and AIDs "victims". Read this book and help fight the war against these threats to our american freedom!
Ugh, really though... could there be anyone in the world more perverted than Ann Coulter, or further from the spirit of The Sermon on the Mount. She worships nothing but her own ego, says whatever vitriolic thought crosses her mind, and glorifies a self-righteous hatred of those she disagrees with.
I would like to see her mud-wrestle Laura Schlessinger though...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is an impertinent, intemperate rant, as most of Coulter's books are. It does have its moments, however. Coulter makes some very good points in Guilty-- the chapter on single mothers is right on target. As any good writer should, she backs her thesis with empirical evidence. Her analysis of the news media's performance in the election is also excellent. MSNBC was completely biased toward Obama, and she rightly calls out buffoons like Chris Matthews for their idiotic behavior.

Notwithstanding this praise, I cannot say this a very good book. There are just too many dubious claims made: Joe McCarthy only outed actual spies, Fox News is completely fair and balanced, Richard Nixon was a good president, etc.. (I am not including the Swift Boat Vets because I do not know enough about the controversy). There are also too many ad hominem attacks for my liking. Ultimately, the book deserves exactly three stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori sopher
Ann Coulter tells the truth about Liberals, and they can't stand it. Read the book, it's outstanding, and entertaining also.

Where liberals make up lies to serve their purposes, Ann backs up everything she writes with actual research and facts. Liberals (and Democrat politicians) are like crack dealers; they will tell you anything to get you to believe them, but everything they say is a LIE.

God bless Ann Coulter. She tells the truth, no matter hard much it hurts the Left.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane courville
Whether you love and Coulter or hate her, you must, at least, read Chapter 2 of this book about single mother victimization. Amazingly well-documented and researched, it is, perhaps, the least funny of all the chapters, because the topic is about harming children, which is not a funny topic at all. No matter what your bias, when you finish this chapter, you will understand the destruction done to children without their father around to co-parent under the same roof.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a college educated, well-adjusted, southern, religious, conservative, married for 20 years mother who loves Ann's no-nonsense writing. Once again Ann lays out the truth with a bit of humor mixed in for good measure. I wish she were President! And before you libs out there get your panties twisted and start throwing around names like hate-filled racist, I voted for a black man for President (Alan Keyes in 1996 Republican primary) long before it was cool and not just because he was cool but because he was a man of principle and ideas.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shubham gupta
The message that children growing up without fathers is our country's biggest problem, needs to be shouted from the rooftops. As a Democrat, I'm sorry it isn't being shouted by someone less incendiary than Miss Coulter but I guess we have to start somewhere.

Ann Coulter wouldn't be on television news shows, writing books about politics, if it wasn't for the work of the liberal feminists of the 1970's. I was one of them. Unfortunately, somewhere in the mid-eighties, the feminist movement quit encouraging young women to take control of their own bodies and started encouraging them to see themselves as whiney little victims of big awful men.

This increase of unwed births from 3% to over 37% has changed our country in many ways and they are all tragic. I'm glad that someone is talking about it.

The person to blame is not the father. The days of innocent farmers' daughters and mustache twirling traveling salesmen are over. Young women today not only know where babies come from they have dozens of highly effective forms of birth control, some of which can be used once every three years, in the cold, sober light of day. Men have nothing comparable. That failing, women have the choice of morning after pills, abortion (whether you believe it's wrong or right the option is there) and adoption. If they are choosing to ignore all these options and have and keep their baby, then they are totally irresponsible and should be regarded as such. Instead we've put them on pedestals and lauded them as brave and self-sacrificing. We need to get real about this before these fatherless children burst the seams of our prisons.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've never really hated any liberals before but as the facts keep stacking up, I'm now becoming aware that what has been going on for years has to stop. I don't mean republicans and and democrats fighting over every piece of legislation, I mean how each party conducts itself. I love facts. When I read articles or books that are based on actual documented facts I feel informed not deceived by the writer. I hope more books based on facts can be written, as this one is. Thank you Ann
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