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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love these American Girl writers. We had a book for Girls that my daughter just loved and honestly, consulted in times of need with middle school relationships, girl drama, etc.

We have an open policy in our house that any question will be met with an honest, thoughtful answer and privacy will be maintained. You will never be mocked, lied to or made fun of for your questions. But even I know that kids sometimes want answers without having to ask Mom or Dad. Even older siblings can be dangerous territory if you catch them in an off moment.

That's where these books come in. In Guy Stuff, many topics are discussed: Hair, Body, Nutrition, Puberty, Fitness, Emotions and Hygiene. There are great diagrams and those common asked questions that parents try to answer but maybe sometime can't. Do you know WHY it hurts to much to be kicked in the gonads?

My favorite parts of these books are always the no-nonsense, causal tone they take. Not geared toward little kid talk, not trying to be really hip to the new terms or pandering to their pop-culture, just straight forward, conversational-style talk.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
devin morrill
My daughter has The Care and Keeping of You books and I was glad to see a boy version for my son. Though he is not quite to that age, I think this will be a good book for him once we get to that point. This book is informative without being too in depth and wordy. The cartoony illustrations keep the subject matter light. This book covers all the basics of puberty and your changing body from hygiene to nutrition to feelings. It is easy to read and understand and presents the information in a way that boys don't have to feel embarrassed about reading.
I recommend this book to all parents.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy o gorman
Great book, we have the American Girl versions for our daughters and I didn't even realize this was from the same publisher. As I read through it I noticed it had very practical advice and information about body care, hormones, puberty, and much more. I gave this to my 9,12 and 13 year old and they read through it within a few days and came to me or dad with any questions. This book is a great way to go over some topics that are apart of growing up but you don't think about explaining to your son.
What's Happening to Me? A Guide to Puberty :: Before I Was Born (God's Design for Sex) :: The Naturals ((The Naturals #1)) :: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want - The Natural :: American Medical Association Boy's Guide to Becoming a Teen
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellent book for boys starting around age 9-10. We have all the girl books and this one has a similar layout and setup but I feel isn't really needed until a slightly older age unless a boy has questions earlier than that. Our oldest boy didn't start asking about anything until nearly age 10 and our 8 year old I feel could read this book but doesn't yet have a need for the content or questions he wants answered. The body books in general have given me age appropriate information on which to base conversations where I never know how to phrase things. It also gives me printed material to give my kids that they can read in privacy and refer back to without having to ask questions they may not be co for table bringing up. It also give them the vocabulary to discuss things they'd like to know more about. All in all this is a good book for kids. I've done with it what I did with the girls books which is to simply put it on the shelf in their bedroom to be found whenever and looked at if they choose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy t
My 12 year old son has been experiencing changes increasingly in the last year. We have answered his questions and talked to him about what to expect but sometimes it's hard to think of everything that he might be wondering about. The Guy Stuff book covers everything about the changes happening to his body but also covers good hygiene.

I'm surprised at how much he has liked the book. I thought he might think "oh brother" but he has been reading it non stop and really enjoying it.

The book has lots of interesting graphics and humor to it to keep him interested. It is formatted and written well. I didn't find anything that might be considered objectionable but everything was presented in respectable manner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nice appropriate book and not graphic and awkward. Not a book on teaching them about sex, but does cover what happens to their bodies. I hope they would put out a book regarding teaching sex bc the other ones out there are a bit much.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Looks like it might be an informative book, but cannot read because the font is too small. Have tried everything to enlarge the font but have not been successful. Don't know how to get a refund as it was purchased in July...Guess I will have to pay another ten dollars for the paperback. Very frustrating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
turhan sarwar
I bought this preemptively for the questions sure to come in my future. Sure, my husband can have the talk with our son , but this is a great starting point. Now I just have to put it someplace that I will find it in a year or two...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marlene martinez
Having read the youngest girl and older girl version of the American Girl body series, it is nice to see a version for the guys. Yes, boys have the same questions about themselves, and there is something to be said about letting them digest it on their own too. The illustrations are pleasant and not terrifying (a notable cross over from the girls books), the content is age appropriate, and the entire book reads as inquisitive and friendly without any heavy handedness.

In all, a great into book for boys and their bods.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gives a nice basis for discussion with your son about the changes they are going through. I find my son is more open about some of the changes he is going through. A friend who used the girl version recommended it, and I am very pleased.

Highly recommended. rrh
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
penny van horn
We have gotten the Care and Keeping of You Volume 1 for my daughter when she was eight so I was so excited to see a boys version. I did get this for my 8 year old son so we could start reading it together and he could prepare for that day his body starts to change. I like that this helps with open dialog with us and he feels comfortable asking me or my husband about changes that someday he will go through.

This has all the topics that you would expect and easy for my kiddo to understand. There are plenty of kid appropriate pictures in this book as well. I would recommend this to any mom that is looking for a book for their son to teach them about what their body will be going through at some time in their life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine catmull
I got it to preview before sending to grandson and I must say that my husband and I found it tasetful and full of info one usually doesn't know about and is expected to know from flossing to good eating and puberty (it sneaks up on you, you know).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elaine proctor
Very well written. Straightforward, and respectful. Not "embarrassing" for my 9 year old to read. Love the illustrations and the way the book is in sections by topic. This has helped our family have open conversations about puberty- we are all speaking the language of this book. Thank you for your efforts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noemi martinez
Excellent book for tween boys. It was very thorough and the illustrations appeal to boys that age - kind of like a graphic novel/comic book style. It's nothing to do with sex ed - it is simply about the boy's changing body and how to handle those changes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is great. It explains everything in a G or PG way. I read it with my son and it’s not embarrassing for either of us. My son loves this book. He really takes to it and listens to all of its advice. He thanked me for purchasing it.
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