The Line Between

ByTamsyn Bester

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
norberto martinez
Dane has tortured Kennedy all her life because of some misguided history between their families. Secretly though he wants her for himself. Things get even worse after a mutual loss when they are teenagers.
Fast forward a few years and they are in college. He is still a jerk to her. But he wants her more than ever. They start a secret affair but of course their families come between them and Dane says and does some extremely horrible things.
Luckily for him, Kennedy isn't the type to hold it against him and readily forgives him.
People have mentioned the similarity to the book Bully, and I agree there were for the first quarter of the book but it changes significantly from there.
Next up is Jade and Reid's book and it looks to be really good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tamsyn Bester, is DEFINITELY a GIFTED writer.
The Line Between, is a book that will have you smiling one minute, crying the next, then getting "worked up"!!! I love when I read a book and my heart beats so fast just waiting for what will come next with each page I read. Dane and Kennedy are two characters I definitely won't be forgetting. I'm looking forward to reading more!!?????
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
this story started out okay, despite the terrible grammar (someone please get this author a dictionary and a Harper's Handbook). The conflict was believable and the characters were sympathetic, despite Dane being such a jerk. But the resolution was completely unbelievable, especially after Dane telling Kennedy he wished she were dead. There were far too many holes in the plot, such as Kennedy being in the water for three December...while a passerby did nothing but wait that entire three hours for an ambulance.

This author needs to hire an editor, PRONTO. someone who can not only enforce the use of appropriate vocabulary and slang, as well as punctuation and sentence structure, but who can also be trusted to tell the author when they are being just ridiculous. Oh, and someone who will also bar the use of the apistrophe entirely without his or her consent. It's not that hard...apostrophe for posessive, no apostrophe for plural. This author even used an apostrophe in the spelling of the hero's last name, Winters, for Chrissake ("Winter's"....really?).

I would read a future offering by this author, but only to the point of the first ridiculous line in the book. (Such as, "There was a shadow, moving across the floor, and when the figure appeared in the living room I lifted the bat. 'Whoever you are, you have five minutes to leave before I start swinging.'" Who gives an intruder five MINUTES to leave? Next time I see something ridiculous like this, I'm done with this author.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather latimer
This book is a beautiful story of a relationship that begins very ugly but turns into something beautiful. It takes a long, bumpy road to get to the beautiful, a journey filled with angst and tears, but the beautiful is more than worth the bruises. You will hate Dane Winters, oh my, how you will hate him, but in the end, you will love him as he proves that he is better than the bitter family hatred that he has carried needlessly.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
martha fendt
this story started out okay, despite the terrible grammar (someone please get this author a dictionary and a Harper's Handbook). The conflict was believable and the characters were sympathetic, despite Dane being such a jerk. But the resolution was completely unbelievable, especially after Dane telling Kennedy he wished she were dead. There were far too many holes in the plot, such as Kennedy being in the water for three December...while a passerby did nothing but wait that entire three hours for an ambulance.

This author needs to hire an editor, PRONTO. someone who can not only enforce the use of appropriate vocabulary and slang, as well as punctuation and sentence structure, but who can also be trusted to tell the author when they are being just ridiculous. Oh, and someone who will also bar the use of the apistrophe entirely without his or her consent. It's not that hard...apostrophe for posessive, no apostrophe for plural. This author even used an apostrophe in the spelling of the hero's last name, Winters, for Chrissake ("Winter's"....really?).

I would read a future offering by this author, but only to the point of the first ridiculous line in the book. (Such as, "There was a shadow, moving across the floor, and when the figure appeared in the living room I lifted the bat. 'Whoever you are, you have five minutes to leave before I start swinging.'" Who gives an intruder five MINUTES to leave? Next time I see something ridiculous like this, I'm done with this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donny joseph
This book is a beautiful story of a relationship that begins very ugly but turns into something beautiful. It takes a long, bumpy road to get to the beautiful, a journey filled with angst and tears, but the beautiful is more than worth the bruises. You will hate Dane Winters, oh my, how you will hate him, but in the end, you will love him as he proves that he is better than the bitter family hatred that he has carried needlessly.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rebekah martin
I'm really annoyed because I wrote a review already and somehow it was taken down. But I feel like someone needs to let other readers know that this book isn't worth the time. I originally started off liking this book, the beginning was good and it showed promise. I thought it was a little reminiscent of The Bully series by Penelope Douglas but then I was like, hey, you know what, I'll give it a try anyway, hopefully it will be good. Sadly, it wasn't. It was almost a carbon copy of that book, but worse.

Nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, gets on my nerves more, than a weak, spineless female lead. Throughout the entire book, and for the better part of Kennedy's life, Dane is nothing but vicious and horrible to her. This is not foreplay, it is not harmless flirting, it is BULLYING of the worst kind. He is unnecessarily cruel to her. And it takes her all of two seconds to sleep with Dane, without so much as an apology because "he's so hot". No. Just NO. I can't stand females who think this is ok?! Let a man treat you like crap, let him walk all over you and then fall into bed with him because you just can't help it?? Where's the self respect?? I don't care if he is Adonis himself, if a man psychologically tortured me for YEARS then I would not just sleep with him because I couldn't help myself. My vagina does not rule me and the decisions that I make. Ugh.

Dane- was the worst kind of male lead. Sure, you warm up to him a little throughout the book, but after the 80% mark, I knew it was the point of no return. I closed down the book on my kindle and refunded it. It was that bad. If there is one thing I do not want to read in my romance book, it's my H telling my h that he wishes she were dead, NOT only once, but reiterating it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. How dare he?! I don't care how much he is hurting, how upset he is, I don't care that he said he was sorry. He could have given birth to baby Jesus himself right now and I wouldn't have cared. He crossed the line and in my eyes, there was no room for redemption from his character.

The supporting characters were ok, but not memorable. I thought it was pointless having most of them in there and thought the author only put them in there as an afterthought so that she could continue writing books in this series. There was no point in having Ashley in there, she is barely there the whole book, Beau- popped in at the last minute, Chase- barely see him, he's really only there to give Dane competition for a whole of 2 seconds and Grady, the stereotypical, if badly written, gay best friend.

This book showed promise, but unfortunately fell flat for me. I have a huge no go policy on weak whiney female leads and douchebag male leads and that's what you get here. A h who let's the H treat her like complete and utter crap but let's him and sleeps with him anyway. Not worth the time frankly
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trina frazier
We are The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club, to know more about this book, go to the post in our website.

There's a fine line between love and hate and this new book written by Tamsyn Bester is the perfect proof of that. Filled with drama, romance, heartbreak and pain, this story will make you swoon over the characters and their story and bring all the raw emotions to the surface.

Kennedy and Dane share a hurtful past. Their families have been hating each other for some generations now and Dane has make sure all his life to make Kennedy's life a living hell. They hate each other right? Or so their families say. What could have turned out into a Romeo and Juliet modern story, simply was left with the tragedy side of it. Everything becomes more intense and the hatred more palpable when Dane's sister and Kennedy's brother die in a car accident, together.

Despite the hate and the hurt, destiny has a funny way to bring people together and Dane and Kennedy are bound to hurt and love each other until the very end.

I loved this story. Tamsyn Bester has the ability to write beautiful and emotional stories, without being repetitive or dull. And I am enamored with everything she writes. However, I think that The Line Between is definitely my favorite book so far.

The main characters were well-developed, real and full of raw emotions. Dane's hurt. So much that he's always lashing out with the only person he's been told he has to hate until the end of times. However, hating a person that you feel so attracted to is difficult so the hurtful actions and words that come out of him are even worse than what could've been if he didn't care about his enemy so much. I loved how this character was so focused on his hatred and how he followed the hating tradition their families have been passing along generations. However, what makes you love Dane is that despite all this he's dying to be with Kennedy. It's clear that he has feelings for her and he's trying to deny it all because of who she is and what represents.

Sometimes though, I didn't like Dane because he was kind of selfish. He was hurt and his pain was the most important. It didn't matter that Kennedy not only lost her brother, but also her best friend. It was frustrating.

Kennedy on the other hand, is the sweet girl who's been bullied all her life by her best friends' brother. She's one of those kind girls living through the emotions, trying to live the life her brother didn't have the chance to life. Her life is crappy because she's no family support and it's like she's all alone in this world. You can read it and feel it with her while reading the story and that's why you, as a reader, end up having a strong bond with her.

For some people it might be difficult to see how a such nice girl, who's about to explode due to the hurtful things going on around her, not only with Dane, but with her father, too, how she can fall for the guy who has been tormenting her. But their love had the potential to be epic if it's wasn't for the hatred and the pain between them.

Also, Tamsyn was really smart to bring the big drama into the story with the deaths of the two siblings. Now it all comes to that event and the two main characters struggle to not talk about it.

The climax, as well as the plot, in this story was a great one and loved how this brought out a bunch of different emotions throughout the whole story.

I highly recommend this book and my only warning to you would be to pack a stack of tissues if you're planning to read this one.

*I received this ARC in exchange of an honest review. Thank you so much to the author for giving me the change to read this beautiful story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly yutesler
Kennedy Monroe and Dane Winters have known each other since they were children. Their families have an on-going feud that the current generation really don’t know much about or how it got started. All they know is that they were raised to hate each other. So things don’t come easy for Kennedy as she not only struggled with normal things every girl goes through growing up but also all of the pranks and rumors that Dane spreads about her. She hates every moment of growing up with him around and it is only made worse when a tragedy strikes both families simultaneously, causing the hatred to deepen and the pain to increase.

Kennedy is a character that starts out weak and then grows and becomes a little stronger. It was good to see her expand but some of the scenes had me wondering if they would happen in reality based on the circumstances we read about in the book. Some of them seem plausible, like her standing up for herself finally, but others just didn’t have me fully believing. Dane is a complete douche to Kennedy and the things that he has said and done, not to mention the things while growing up, should have made Kennedy hate him and never give him a second thought. But the drama kicks in and both Kennedy and Dane find themselves falling for each other yet unable to commit as they know their family history is just too twisted to allow them to be together.

Overall, this is a very steamy read filled with drama, lust, love, hate, and loss. It was a highly emotional read that had me engaged and wanting to know what would happen next. I did find myself feeling connected to the characters one moment and totally disinterested the next. One minute the characters are fighting and the next they are in bed together. One moment there is a sweet scene and just when we think that things will work out, they are back to fighting. It just wasn’t a healthy dynamic with them knowing what they wanted and then changing their minds on the next page. Still a great read though.

Definitely an 18+ only read due to mature sexual content.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this book via Netgalley for an honest review.

The Line Between is the first book of the series with the same name, but it can be read as a standalone.

First, I have to talk about the cover, because it’s what first attracted me. I’m in love with this cover and I think it fits to perfection both the story AND the title. I’m glad because when I first saw this book on Netgalley, I hesitated considering that the blurb doesn’t say much regarding the plot and the characters. I’m happy that I took a chance on this book. :)

Dane and Kennedy are a hot mess. Because of the Winters family and the Monroe family feud, they’ve always been at each other’s throat. But as I kept reading this novel, I soon realized that the tension, the sparks, the contradictory feelings of these two went beyond the family feud. The author does a wonderful job at showing the complexity of Dane and Kennedy’s feelings and relationship.

If you’re not fond of the hot and cold kind of trope, then this one may not be for you. It’s all about their issues, their preconceived idea of each other getting in the way, and something far more tragic that added to their already difficult relationship. I actually bought this right away even though I would have enjoyed to see a lot more of their families and of the family feud that supposedly runs from generation to generation, I couldn’t put down this book.

I loved reading how Dane and Kennedy started to get closer, mostly against anything and everything that should have kept them at arms’ length. It was touching and oh so hot! Seriously, I think I have a soft spot for Dane. ;)

The author’s writing is flowing really well and she is able to show the college life and a wonderful group of friends that is entertaining to follow. That being said, I think some characters don’t have enough purpose in the story. The first one that comes to mind is Chase. His role is not enough developed and used, I think.

The plot is one of a great love story that swept me off almost immediately. It’s common in a way, but the set of characters, the voice of the story and the chemistry between Dane and Kennedy make it entertaining and it also kept me on my toes.

The ending is rushed and the epilogue maybe too short for my taste, but I’m often unhappy with endings, finding them often rushed. But it didn’t impact my reading pleasure, so don’t hesitate and pick this book as your next read. I’m pretty sure Dane is going to make you swoon. And I’m sure you’re going to have to fan yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alondra lopez
4 Stars

The Line Between was one of those books that had my attention from the beginning, but I wasn't sure how much I liked it until about halfway in. The first 30-40% of the book reminded me a lot of Bully, without the history of the friendship. After the first part The Line Between definitely became it's own book and that's when I really started to enjoy it more.

The Line Between is the story of Dane and Kennedy, they have been rivals basically since they were born. There is a huge family rivalry that started sometime way before them that know one even knows what it is about. Dane hates Kennedy on principle alone. He is merciless in his teasing, pranks, and humiliation. AS Dane and Kennedy age, the reasons behind the torture change, but the hate stays the same.

Kennedy is a sweet but troubled girl. She has grown up with little love. The very people who are supposed to love and protect her are the ones who hate her the most. There is one person in Kennedy's life who has always been there for her. He is her rock. When tragedy happens and he is taken from her she escapes to her grandparents. When she comes back, ready to start school she has decided to grow a back bone. She wont let people like Dane winters walk all over her anymore. However, in standing up to him, she never expected to fall for him.

"But she tripped over that fine line between love and hate, and landed in the arms of the boy who'd been there all along."

Dane Winters is ready to get back to school and do it right. This is his last chance. He partied his last year of college away, he had no choice, it was his way of dealing with the loss of his twin. Now he has one chance to get it right, his dad has made sure of that. He will not let anything stop him from concentrating on his school. Especially Kennedy Monroe. However, this isn't the same Kennedy he has dealt with in the past. This one fights back, and he likes it.... a lot. Their sparring turns into more and has him crossing lines that he never intended to cross, and once they are crossed, he doesn't want to go back.

The problem is Dane and Kennedy are star crossed lovers. Will their family feud and history keep them apart? Even if they can overcome the history, will the secrets Kennedy has kept about the night that changed both their lives be too much?

"I didn't plan on falling for you, But you barged into my world, and filled it with color. You made it so easy to forget how our story started, and I forgave you, but its not that simple. we can't undo the past, and neither of us are willing to let it go so that we can have a chance."

Over all I really enjoyed this story. The characters were likeable. I really hope Reid gets his own story!!

This book was provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***A gifted copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review***

Dane Winters and Kennedy Monroe have been connected most of their lives.
Kennedy and Dane have a love/hate relationship throughout the first half of the book. We get certain vague clues about the reason for the anger between them and brief flashbacks to their history and the animosity between their families (Think the old classic Romeo and Juliet). You also get some insight into a single tragedy that greatly affected both of them for the rest of the book.
Kennedy goes on with her life after losing someone very important to her. She is in college with her best friend Jade and prepared to lose herself in school. That is until she sees who her neighbor is. –Drumroll----Dane. Not only is he her neighbor, but they share a wall.
Now let’s start with the heroine Kennedy. I feel that Ms. Kennedy is a character that many women will identify with. The mortification that she carries around with her after being tormented and bullied throughout high school is something that most readers will share, but what Tamsyn Bester did so well was not making us just want to empathize with her, but to follow her example and strive to embody Kennedy’s strength and not let the bullies win. Even if that bully is rather Hawt Dane Winters.
Now to Dane’s POV- wow, it is an eye opener. I both felt for him and the pain he carried around, but also loved seeing how Kennedy challenged him and how he began to change into a better person instead of holding on desperately to the hate he felt he to give to his sister. His and Kennedy’s is a heartbreaking story and I teared up upon reading how everything reached boiling point, and how Kennedy and Dane had to find a way to move on from the past.
My rating: 4.5 stars ****
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
linda woodward
There's something about two people who hate each other but fall in love that I can't help but enjoy reading. It never gets old. There's always some reason for animosity that can't stand in the face of passion and love. It sort of proves the adage that love overcomes all. In this case it was Dane who hated Kennedy with a passion while Kennedy tolerated it without knowing why he hated her until she couldn't take it anymore.

Dane and Kennedy had amazing chemistry. It was interesting to see Dane try and fight what he felt for Kennedy. He wouldn't let her be free and see other people but he couldn't be with her either. From the beginning, when they were teens I never understood why Dane hated Kennedy so much. The reason behind their ancestors animosity and even that between their parents wasn't clear.

Dane could be really cruel and more than once in the book he was. I literally wanted to reach into the book and smack him on the back of his head. Luckily for Kennedy, her home girl had her back and often stepped up to the plate for her and did just that. I understood why Dane was hurt, especially when he viciously lashed out at Kennedy at the end of the book, but I don't agree with what he said and did. I liked how Kennedy found her back bone and stopped putting up with Dane's nonsense until it seemed she fell into bed with him instead of shutting down his shenanigans.

The story for the most part flowed really well. I enjoyed reading it up until almost the end when a twist was revealed that really threw me. It sort of came out of the blue. I say that because it was very briefly mentioned at the beginning of the book and then not brought up again until almost the very end.

I think this book had a lot of potential. There is no cliffhanger and has a happy ending of sorts, but there many things that were left open ended. One being the public battles between Dane and Kennedy's fathers. Another was the situation between Kennedy and her father. A third was the mystery surrounding the loss that had Kennedy living with her grandparents for a year and a half. Anyhow, I would love to read more about the items above and see Dane and Kennedy again. I also think a book about their two best friends would be something I would love to read. This was my first Tamsyn Bester book, but it won't be my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yet again Tamsyn Bester has delivered a beautiful, heart-wrenching and superbly written romance that is an instant add to my favourites list.

‘The Line Between’ embodies everything I hope for in a New Adult Romance. It was sweet, sexy and tugged at the heartstrings. But more than that, the author did a fantastic job at creating characters that I could not only identify with, but whose storylines I just had to follow to the end, to see whether our hero and heroine could get their happy ending, not just together, but for themselves, so they can overcome the pain of their pasts, and start to live for the future.

Now let’s start with Kennedy. I feel that Kennedy is a character that many women will identify with. The mortification that she carries around with her after being tormented and bullied throughout high school is something that many readers will share, but what Tamsyn Bester did so well was not making us just want to empathise with her, but to follow her example and strive to embody Kennedy’s strength and not let the bullies win. Even if that bully is rather sexy Dane Winters.

I loved seeing Dane’s Point of View throughout this novel, as I really felt able to connect with him in a way I wouldn’t have done if I only saw the way he treated Kennedy through her eyes. I had an interesting relationship with Dane throughout his story. I both felt for him and the pain he carried around, but also loved seeing how Kennedy challenged him and how he began to change into a better person instead of holding on desperately to the hate he felt he owed to his sister. His and Kennedy’s is a heartbreaking story and I choked up seeing how everything reached boiling point, and how Kennedy and Dane had to find a way to move on from the past.

A beautiful tale of love, friendship and family from Tamsyn Bester.

5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudia c
This book was a fantastic read! From start to finish I was absolutely sucked into this story and wasn’t able to put it down! This is a book I wouldn’t hesitate to read again and recommend to my friends!

Tamsyn does an amazing job of bringing out your feelings during this story. There’s hatred, lust and even sometimes sadness for Dane. Then there was heartbreak, sadness and even joy for Kennedy. There were times I wanted to throw my Kindle because I was so angry at something that Dane did, and there were other times I had tears in my eyes for what Kennedy had to go through. I always fall in love with an author that can bring out those feelings in me!

Dane Winters is a major douche (well sometimes). His family has had an ongoing feud with the Monroe’s over something that happened years ago. These families don’t even remember why they hate each other so much, but that’s beside the point. Dane has had it ingrained in him that anything that has to do with a Monroe, is bad news and he’s absolutely not to ever have any type of relation with one of them either. So when Kennedy starts to finally develop into the body she will have as a woman, Dane starts to see her differently and this pisses him off. So what else is there to do other than to make her life miserable since he can’t have her?

Kennedy oh Kennedy. My heart broke for you so many times while reading this book. She has put up with some of the worst type of torture from Dane while in high school, and when she comes back to town after being gone for 18 months after a major tragedy, she has to deal with it all over again. The only difference is, she isn’t the same meek girl she was back in high school. She’s had to put up with SO MUCH in her life and the young age of 18, she’s tired of it all and has finally decided to stand up for herself. However she never would have guessed how her first year of college was going to go.

These two are like fire and ice and you can’t help but get caught up in what happens between these two. Once they finally come together, holy crap, you need a fan to cool yourself down. However, there is so much in their past, even they don’t think they will ever be able to overcome it all.

Will these two be able to put the past behind them and find out what it could really be like together? Or will Dane continue to carry a hatred for a family for no other reason than because he was told so, and ruin something so amazing?

There were a few times I was on the edge of my seat anxious to find out what happens next. This was the first book that I’ve read by Tamsyn, and I’m definitely going to be on the hunt for more!

**ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather wadia
Some have compared this book to ' Bully' by Penelope Douglas, but as I have not read that one I cannot confirm that. I somehow got pulled into this story, even when Dane was so abusive to Kennedy. I thought it was a bit too much, especially because there is no real valid reason Dane is hating her so much. It might have been a stronger story if only the family tragedy had been used as a reason and he had not been bullying her since childhood.

I must admit the storyline is a bit wobbly but overall I thought Tamsyn Bester has good writing talent. Yes, there are grammar and spelling mistakes and the story is dramatic but as the author is quite young I assume she will develop her writing and a good editor will do the rest. She has potential.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
volker neumann
I really wanted to love this book. My favorite New Adult books are the ones with the hate to love relationships and tons of sexual tension. However, this one just missed the mark for me. It was still a good read, but it just wasn’t my favorite.

Our main characters are Kennedy and Dane. It’s a play off of Romeo and Juliet where their families are feuding and they are expected to hate one another. I think Kennedy was indifferent to it, but Dane tormented her growing up.

You don’t really get any back story or in debt explanation on the whole feud thing. It left me a little confused as to why Dane was so motivated to continue bullying Kennedy. Tragedy strikes, and Kennedy is left with the loss of her older brother Charlie, and Dane has lost his twin sister Jewell.

Kennedy moves away for a year and a half, and the story picks up when she heads back to her hometown on her way to college. The two are forced together multiple times, and are even next door neighbors at the college dorms. Dane continues his poor treatment, but their attraction for one another begins to take over.

At this point in the book in kind of went like this… back and forth drama, some tragedy, more drama, steamy sex, more drama, more steamy sex, more drama, more tragedy, and then HEA.

I wasn’t a huge fan the last 25% of the book. It was a little rushed and a little weird for me. However, overall I did like the book. There were some really great moments and very hot scenes as well. If there is going to be a Reid and Jade book I would definitely pick it up.

Netgalley provided a free copy in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bad penny

The Line Between

by Tamsyn Bester

Kennedy Monroe and Dane Winters are sworn enemies, their families have been at war long before they were born. They hate each other and Dane goes out of his way to humiliate and make Kennedy's life hell. They both end up going to the same collage and have rooms next to each other and as Dane continues to make her life hell she gets a back bone and now stands up to him.

Even though Dane is a dick towards Kennedy I still found myself drawn towards him, the more I read the more addicted to him I became. Kennedy is also a great character and I loved it when she stood up for herself and put Dane in his place. They both have a sadness that follows them about. There is also this intense spark that surrounds them and I just wanted them to get together already.

There are other characters that I really would like to read about this would be from Jade and Reid and I would also like to read about Chase because I loved his character too.

This book had me hooked from the very start and kept me hooked on it to the end and thereafter, its the kind of story that stays with me.

Wow this is a really hot read with lots of graphic sex scenes that will have you begging for more!!

I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for honest review

5 stars for the store & 5 stars for Goodreads

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
roda sabay
I love New Adult stories, especially ones that have sexual tension disguised as animosity, so when I read this synopsis I knew I wanted to read this. However, while it had a great foundation it never ended up standing out from so many of the other NA books I have on my shelf.

Right from the start I could feel the horrible hatred that Dane had for Kennedy, and it made me so sad. She disliked him right back, but not to the level he seemed to loathe her. Underneath the attitude Dane actually liked her, but it was like a duty to hate her and be cruel, something that peaked my interest for sure. It turned out that the hatred was based on a family feud generations old.

The chemistry was there, it was electric and hot, but I wanted more depth. Sometimes I wasn’t sure if it was contrived or not, but overall I liked it most of the time, even if it went from hot to cold in seconds. I almost would have liked a slower build up to the sexy times.

As far as secondary characters went, I liked Reid but never felt invested with any of the women.

The story needs a massive edit, and while I know I had an advance copy it still seemed like it hadn’t even had a first pass.

Rec this? If a lot of your friends love it I’d give it a try, and while it was ok it didn’t stand out for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
g nizi
Dane and Kennedy have been enemies for as long as they could remember. He's always hated her because she's the only girl he knows he can't have. She's always hated him for torturing her and making her life terrible. A family tragedy separates them. But then when Kennedy starts college, she discovers that her next door neighbor is Dane. Together they must attempt to overcome the past to find a better future with each other.

I loved this book more than I thought I would. It is a lot like Bully but I thought the story was different enough for me to like it. Kennedy and Dane are both in a lot of pain. Life has not been good to either one of them. I found myself tearing up when I found out why. Their chemistry though was amazing. I liked that they weren't thrown together in a ridiculous way. I also loved how they came to overcome their hatred to discover their love for each other. I was not a fan of Chase and Ashley. They were strange side characters that were simply used to annoy our main characters and me. I wonder if they'll get their own book. I can't wait to read Jade and Reid's story. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of sparks in that one.

Thanks Netgalley for this ARC
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emy ortega
This whole love, hate relationship is actually a lot more common than we tend to think & the thin line between is fine indeed. I enjoyed all the banter, arguing and the pretending to not give a dime. And the family feud might sound silly to some but it just goes to show how the opinions of your parents can influence your outlook and decisions in life.

"There was a fine line between love and hate, so fine that you didn't know you'd lost balance until it was too late. I wasn't sure exactly when I'd lost my balance, all I knew was that he was to blame."

I liked Jade - she was a good friend and I liked her honest remarks and straight forward thinking! Her character was real with no false pretense and she was fun too! That in mind I quote her party speech :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peter piluk
Very enjoyable story! I loved Kennedy & Dane! The secondary characters were great as well. From the time Kennedy was a young girl, Dane tortured her, started rumors and made her life miserable. Their families hated each other causing conflict to linger thru generations leaving Kennedy a walking target whenever Dane is near. Why does he go to such extremes to make her life miserable? Because she's a Monroe- she's off limits.. When college life throws these two together in unavoidable circumstances- things heat up and that thin line between love & hate knocks the both of them off balance. When secrets are exposed and severely damaging words are spoken.. Will the line disappear or will in remain permanent?

I really enjoyed this authors writing style. Aside from a editing issues, the story flowed thru out the book, kept my attention. It reminded me of one of my favorite tv shows..One Tree Hill! I'm hoping for a sequel and continuance to this story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy scott
ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

To be honest, I was on the fence about this book in the beginning. Kennedy and Dane's families have a long-standing feud that goes back generations, so of course they're not allowed to like each other. From childhood on, they've hated each other because of this feud and Dane took it a step further and was always "pranking" Kennedy. In my opinion, he was not "pranking" her but actually BULLYING her because she never did anything back to him. That's where I had my issue. It's one thing for kids/teenagers to go back and forth wreaking havoc on each other. It's kind of like a contract where both parties find enjoyment from doing something crazy to the other. I think it's bullying when only one party is being super mean to the other without retaliation. I felt really bad for Kennedy.

There did come a point when Dane's hate for Kennedy started to come from a more relevant and recent matter. Despite the fact that his hate was completely misplaced, it's something that seemed a lot more realistic to me (as far as being a reason to be mean to another person) and allowed me to enjoy the story more.

And the story was actually really good! There was an underlying shared pain between Kennedy and Dane, which made for an even more intense romance. They were constantly fighting it, until they weren't. It was great watching the transition.

I appreciated that the author included aspects of the supporting characters' lives. So often in romance books, they fall to the background and are only mentioned when the main characters need to discuss some dilemma they're having. Here, we got to know about Jade, Grady, Reid, and to a lesser extent, Chase and their model roommate (whose name I forgot because she was really smart and always studying and rarely around). You can see how spin-offs for these characters could easily be done.

I really enjoyed the Line Between and am anxious to see if we'll get to see Jade and Reid's story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tamsyn Bester has really outdone herself with this one!!! She has always been one of my go to authors from the very beginning but The Line Between is a step above the rest. The character development was spot on and the storyline played out like a movie. I loved the push/pull of Kennedy and Dane’s relationship and their chemistry was off the charts. Tamsyn has grown by leaps and bounds as a writer; her words were almost lyrical in this one and you really could feel what the characters were feeling. The storyline was AMAZING and at times I really didn’t know what would happen next. Elements of the story slowly unfolded giving you little glimpses of why things were the way they were. All in all this book was amazing and if you haven’t read anything by Tamsyn you are seriously missing out!!

5 Stars

♥ Sophie
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
june sanderson saxton
**I received an ARC for an honest review.**

This was a fantastic story! I have read a couple of Tamsyn's books and each one gets better and better.

I really enjoyed these two conflicted characters. Their hatred for one another was palpable but their sexual tension was off the charts. I really enjoyed the dual POV as it helped me connect with both the characters and see where each side was coming from.

Kennedy's character grew so much throughout this book and so did Dane's. I was so glad that Dane showed the most change and that he eventually allowed his walls to drop even just a little. Some of the things that he did were a little hard to swallow and I just didn't want Kennedy to forgive him, but they were all addressed and resolved, for the most part. I do wish that Kennedy had a little bit more of a backbone when it came to Dane, and that Dane would think before he spoke, but he always seemed to redeem himself.

There were a few inconsistencies throughout the book but I easily overlooked them as it didn't distract from the overall story.

I loved the ending and it really made all the heart wrenching drama worth it. I wouldn't mind more of Dane and Kennedy. I really wouldn't mind more of Jade and Reid. I look forward to more from Tamsyn Bester!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I’ll look to like, if looking liking move: But no more deep will I endart mine eye Than your consent gives strength to make me fly.” (Not part of the book yet in my opinion so fitting)

This truly is a must read on all levels. Tamsyn Bester sucked me in from just the first few pages.
She will take you on emotional roller coaster of a ride. One that you will not forget no matter how many other books you read. I know for a fact Kitten & Dane will stay with me for the rest of my life.
“His look alone made me feel more naked than the day I was born, and the lust, and the raw need in his eyes made me feel incredibly beautiful like this.”

Kennedy aka Kenny aka Kitten knew that if she did not pull herself away from certain people in her life she would never be able to become the strong woman that her brother always knew she was. Escaping from her home town after the tragedy happen was what she need to do. Leaving in order to find her inner strength that is/was needed in life. You see not only was she being harassed on a daily basis by 1 boy she could not stand her so-called family aka father & step-mother were no better. Upon arriving back home and starting school she comes face to face with her past. The past that has never left her since she always harbored a part of him with her. Yet what does one do when mixed emotions come together. For what you have known for so long could possibly not be true.

“Her body was sin, wrapped in a demure little package and I wanted to keep it all to myself.”

Dane aka Winters aka Mc Hotness lost in a world of right and wrong. Not only losing 1 but 2 people that meant something to him that year. Yet he never really understood the pain of the second lost until the voice spoke from a distance. Knowing that he shouldn’t he did what he has done all along. Yet with each passing day feeling the pain inside he has to decide if he should go the other route. The route that has been forbidden for so long. The route that will make him a cliché. You see the question remains, can you love thy enemy? I mean truly love thy enemy to where you cannot breathe without them around?

“It was the perfect balance between give and take, and it felt so incredibly right with him that I wondered how I would ever be able to do this with anyone else.”
I swear to you this is one book you do not want to pass up. You will not be able to put it down. An when you do you are just going to want to pick it back up again. I know I personally fell in love with each of these characters. They make me want to be part of their little group. Get this book now an find out what I am talking about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mitali bhandari
This book had me hot, bothered, angry, happy, swooning, incredulous, and downright saying WTF many times and I loved every minute of it! This is by far Tamsyn's best book to date. Dane and Kennedy have a relationship like none I have ever experienced. I'm pretty sure for the whole first half of the book I was thinking "How is she ever going to like this a-hole?!?!" And for the second half I was thinking "OMG, he is SO freaking amazing!!" Seriously ya'll, Dane will melt your panties clean off with his dirty talk...clean.OFF. He is also sporting a piece of "bling" down under...if you know what I mean ;-) I'm a sucker for the bling and the dirty talk! However, it isn't just a bunch of sex. There is a heart wrenching story and a whole lot of angst to go along with the sexy parts. I promise you will be consumed with their story. Don't miss click this awesome book today!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dane and Kennedy have been told they hate each other from the beginning. Their great-grandfathers hated each other, their grandfathers hate each other, their fathers really hate each other and now they are to hate each other. All throughout school, Dane finds ways to torment Kennedy. He uses pranks and rumors to constantly push her away from him while also being reminded of the fact he can’t have her. Kennedy powers through school because she has Charlie, her big brother, looking out for her. And Jewel, Dane’s sister, has become her best friend despite what their families tell them.
Full review here:
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review - Sanne / Scandalous BOOK Blog***

A tale about when that very thin line between love and hate is about to be crossed... Tamsyn Bester brings us a new rendition of Romeo and Juliette.

Splashed with passion, filled with pain and covered with love.

A century long feud between Kennedy and Dane's family causes a lot of bad friction between them and it's mostly Dane who is the one being hatefull to Kennedy.

But when they both arrive at the same college that hatred will ignite a spark that was underneath the surface all along.

What follows next will be a pull and push relationship overthrown with a whole lot of sexy time ;) But as we all know the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliette, this won't go of without a glitch and before they might or might not have their HEA their WILL be a lot of bumps to be crossed.

Favorite quote:
"We drink to those who love us, we drink to those who don't. We drink to those who f*ck us, and f*ck those who don't!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book! It was the perfect enemies to lovers story with a lot of angst and growing up to do along the way.

Dane was a jerk and that's putting it mildly. He was the type of guy that if he couldn't have it than no one else could. Usually this kind of character drives me up the wall but with Dane we also get to see this other more softer and loving side to him that in a way actually makes him a great guy.

Kennedy has put up with Dane ruining her life for years. She's let him get away with it for so long that when she finally comes back for college she's over it. Unfortunately for her Dane doesn't know how to be any other way but rude and annoying to her. Its the only way he knows how to treat her.

After lots of bitter arguments and resentment between each other, Dane and Kennedy soon learn that sometimes the worst type of friends make the strongest of lovers. And that includes lots of great sex scenes!

This book blew me out of the water. With an all star cast of secondary characters, this author made me love every character so much that I'm desperately hoping that Jade and Reid will soon get their own book. After everything they have been through I can't wait to read their story.

This book was great in both its cliche and its uniqueness and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good heartfelt read that will make you want to cry at some points and have you laughing out loud in the middle of a busy coffee shop at other points!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic book by up and coming NA author. After having read multiple other books by the author I was pleasantly shocked by the growth exhibited in this book. I already thought her writing was pretty good, now I'm leaning towards spectacular. This was an incredible story of two star crossed lovers, very Romeo and Juliet, including the whole family feud, who have everything going against them (not that Dane helps matters) and nothing, not one single thing that would make their relationship easy. However, who said they were supposed to be easy? As Kennedy and Dean find out the hard way, the things you want the most, you have to work for, and I'm not sure you could put in enough work to overcome the odds these two are facing. I thought that Tamsyn did a fantastic job of developing not only Dane and Kennedy's character's but all of her secondary characters as well. I thought her plot and timeline were brilliant, that the story flowed well and was believable. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trina shayna
We were a mismatched set of complications, and craptastic pasts, and everything else that made us a colossal disaster in the making.

I love it, I love it, I love it.

Dane Winters had made her life a living hell. All those malicious pranks that was pulled upon her during her teen years. He hated her too much, for some reason that none of them can comprehend. I hated Dane for what he did to Kennedy. Sometimes it was too much, even his best friend Reid would agree. There were times he couldn't just stop himself from being an a**h**le and it was totally frustrating.

But there was this tinee-tiny sexual tension that was already there the moment they hit puberty, and each time they met, it only continued to grow, and it was a bomb so dangerously close to explosion. And it was the one I was looking forward to.

Kennedy was not hard to love - she's a sweet, intelligent girl who didn't want any trouble. It took her long enough to finally stand up and go against Dane, but it was such a site to behold. I love this girl - her good, forgiving nature. At some point, when he was just too much, I think he didn't deserve her. Both of them had endured lost, they just dealt with grief differently.

As for Dane, I wished he'd just kissed her and get over it. He had done too much damage. He'd be nice, and then he'd hurt her more. He'll said some things that can break heart, and then regret it. God. He so made me cry. His words were cruel, as it was spoken at the height of his emotions. But there were times when another Dane would appear, the sweet, caring Dane. The one you would fall in love with. The one you wanted to be with. He can be amazing once he put his mind into it.

He hated her since then, made her life miserable - and he was the only one who knew why. One tragedy connected the both of them that had changed their lives profoundly. He didn't know who to blame, so he made her his target. Everything was just the same, until he crossed that thin line between hate and love.

Would the secondary characters have their books as well? Because they're a bunch of support system that have their own sets of issues. Their loyalties are astounding, and I love to hear their stories as well.

Once I started reading it, I was hooked, I couldn't put it down until I was on the last page. It was filled with so much emotion - of love, of hate and that fine line in between. It was too intense, it consumed me. You're going to love the characters, hate them, root for them. They're going to make and break your hearts. I love how the story went, no boring moments in between, all fresh, raw emotions that will send chills to your spine and tears in your eyes. Yep, I was teary during the late night read and I couldn't wait to recommend this to friends. Talk about another one of those book hang-over.

My first Tamsyn Bester book, and I'm sure this wouldn't be the last. Hey Tamsyn, you got yourself another fan right here!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phillip korkowski
Oh my word! This was totally unexpected and I was sucked in from the beginning! Love, hate, secrets, betrayal, the list goes on! Kennedy Monroe was off limits to Dane Winters but neither understood why they could tolerate one another or why the other was an easy target to bully. I felt true emotions between these characters! Read it!

I was gifted this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea thatcher
Book Excursions Book Reviews

5 Stars!!!

I was given this book to read in turn for an honest review!!!

Kennedy Monroe grew up never having the love of a parent. Her brother had always been her rock until this cruel world changed everything. Dane Winters made Kennedy’s life a living hell at school, his Dad had told him the Monroe’s were to never be trusted; they had a family feud dating back years. Dane knew that no matter what his heart told him he was to never trust the Monroe’s.

There relationship had been built on hate, attending the same college a few years later the feelings they had buried resurface. They both were hurting but they couldn’t deny their heart felt so much more. Can they be together? Can they forgive their pasts? Will their families destroy it all?

Within the first few chapters this book had me hooked! I struggled to put it down. I had a love/hate relationship with Dane during this book; he had been real cruel to Kennedy over the years. As the story progressed I saw a different side to Dane, one of a young man who deep down had a very kind heart. Following his fathers advice from being a young boy Dane knew no different, his true personality was begging to get out. Kennedy on the whole I loved, at times her crazy behaviour did get annoying, it was her personality and humour that truly won me over. Tamsyn Bester doesn’t reveal all the answers quickly, sending your brain into overdrive. I love a story that keeps my mind guessing. I was screaming for Kennedy and Dane to just get on with it and reveal their true feelings but as you get deep into the story you see why they really felt they couldn’t ever be together, why they could never be each others forever. It was a sad story of true love that pulled at my heart. I look forward to reading more by this Author.

If you love young adult romances with suspense and drama, you will absolutely love this book.
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