Excuse Me While I Save the World! - Righteous Indignation

ByAndrew Breitbart

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob dennis
This book is worth the price only for the chapters dealing with the history of Marxist strategy in America, where Bretibart shows the connections and evolution from a hard line Leninist violent takeover of society to a soft cultural Marxist revolution that we see today, going through Antonio Gramsci and the School of Frankfurt. The fact that these concepts have been disclosed to the mass public is a great achievement for Breitbart. Americans have this strange notion that "this can't happen here", that makes them vulnerable to deception. It seems good people have a hard time believing that other people can be so evil, as Marxists can.

The rest of the book is also interesting, because it is a first hand testimony of a participant in the internet media revolution, from his humble start as the contributor in traitor Arianna Huffington's Post website to the start of his own internet media venture. Breitbart spends a long time teaching the reader about strategies to fight old leftist media, guerrilla style. Through him we learn about the lies, schemes and slanders used by the leftists, and it is a sad thing to see.

As a Brazilian, I can only vouch for Breitbart's accusations, because the left uses the same strategies here, and they have taken over society as a whole and are stealing our freedoms one by one.

Like everybody else, I was appalled when Breitbart suddenly died, right when he was about to disclose video tapes showing Obama's involvement with Marxists. Now I am horrified that the only witness to his autopsy, the coroner, has been poisoned with arsenic. What can one think of it ?

I guess the best way we have to honor Breitbart's memory is to spread his message and wake up people the best way we can.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy beckhusen
I came across Andrew's now very popular website Breitbart. And wow, I learned a lot about his life, and through other readings- his death. I absolutely loved this book so much. Side note: STEM majors, go for STEM majors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julio c
Breitbart was one of those fascinating, flawed, influential, fearless, brazen heroes that most of us envy. Few have the bravado to challenge the most powerful and corrupt politicians and organizations, but he stood toe to toe with the likes of Anthony Weiner and ACORN. Thank goodness he did. This book chronicles the crazy but true life of a man who beat the left-wing media at their own game and forced them to tell the truth while inspiring thousands of us to be an army of online journalists. After finishing the book, I was devastated to realize what a great loss freedom has suffered by his untimely death.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james layton
Loved it. Andrew Breitbart was an everyday guy who saw how the mainstream media are not objective anymore. He did not start out as a conservative, he started out as a liberal just like myself. When you learn the mainstream media lies to you and the Democratic party has lost all interest in America and the American people, it is not hard to find yourself reevaluating what is really important for the country and becoming more conservative in the process. It is really an eye opener to find out how the MSM will actually just not report or try to smother a story because it doesn't fit their bias. It is truly an embarrassment to our country. Thanks to the internet, we have so many more options now, people who really want to put stories out there. Still have to look at the truth and forget the biases on a lot of them, but I trust them much more than the MSM at this time. When news networks became entertainment channels, that began a downfall of true journalism.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terrie fox erhardt
Best conservative book I've ever read. Author is excellent writer. He taught history and brought understanding to the process of destroying America's Judeo-Christian roots that the left progressives and Marxists have been so successful in implementing. His plan of action is superb!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I audiobooked this book in 2011, so this is before the Weiner addendum, post-mortemly published.
It reads like Breitbart's interviews used to sound- wired, insightful, lucid, and honest. He's unashamedly honest about his less-than-idealistic early life, and his gradual conversion from apathetic default liberal (like so many of us) to increasingly aware & pissed off onlooker as the Left marches onward, tearing down the edifice of this nation, purposefully pulling it's roots out of the ground one inch at a time.
There is an entire middle section which deftly draws the clearest picture of how our national mentality was currupted, how, by whom, with what ideas, & in what manner, & he does it in such a way that it's easily seen, & validatable. He doesn't rely on speculation, but rather identifies the characters & their beliefs, & paints a picture that is not muddy, but rather tracebale by the reader. He finishes with a detailed description of what we ALL can do to fight back & wake up, with truly practical advice & examples.
This was a GREAT read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah sehrenity
Since reading this book, my list of on-line media sites (excluding blogs) exceeds a dozen and grows every week. I have actually found several news sources that are trying to present the facts and report the truth rather than support one ideology or another. And here is maybe my biggest pay-off from reading the book: Breitbart pushed me to read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals." I would not have been ready to read "Rules" if I had not read "Righteous" first. But I guess I should save my "Rules" comments until I receive the the store email inviting me to review that one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've always had the impression that mainstream news was sort of . . . monolithic. Everybody seemed to report the same stories, with the same spin, and to marginalize or ignore other stories. I thought that maybe I just didn't "get it," but the lack of meaningful debate, of other cogently presented perspectives, always bothered me. In the back of my mind, I had the sense that what I was seeing was less "news" than a "narrative." Propaganda, if you will. Eventually, I went online for my enlightenment and boy, was I enlightened.

This book shows what an incredibly insidious propaganda wing the left has been able to construct, in not just the news, but entertainment as well. They've been able to do this because they are relentlessly aggressive, they have an almost religious fervor for their cause, and they have no shame or scruples. They don't fight fair and they have no honor. They fight to win and to subjugate others to their collective viewpoint. Breitbart exposes them completely in this book, using real world examples like the Clarence Thomas hearings, ACORN and others.

But what really struck home with me is that apathy is our biggest enemy. It's not that these Marxists are particularly intelligent (has Marxism worked anywhere, ever?) or talented (have you turned on the TV lately?) it's just that they are relentless, ruthless and obnoxious. When confronted by people like this, who believe so strongly in their cause and are ready to burn you at the stake for disbelieving (and I do think many of them would do exactly that, if given the chance), the natural reaction of a humble, non-confrontational person is to get out of the way. That's what they are counting on. That, and most Americans notion of "fair play," a concept of which I think the zealots truly have no conception (and probably consider a laughable weakness in others). For them, the ends justify the means. And Breitbart demonstrates that for us, repeatedly.

These people are ruthless, too. They don't tolerate dissent and they will make you tow the line, one way or another. They are truly un-American, in my opinion. But they are a plague that can be eradicated, or at least contained, if the vast majority of good, kind and proud Americans simply stand up and say "enough is enough." Let's not let the schoolyard bullies continue to cow us with their belligerence. America is a big enough place for everyone, even these malcontents, but let's marginalize them where they belong, not allow them to control the national discourse through their manipulation of news and entertainment.

Oh, and before I forget, this book also has some great history lessons about who the left really is, and how and why they rose to such prominence in this country. I had not heard of the "Frankfurt School" or "critical theory" before this book. Breitbart lays it all out simply and clearly, in a very understandable fashion. He gives us a glimpse into something many of us would never have encountered or understood otherwise. And it's scary.

Buy this book, you won't put it down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mengki norman
Andrew Breitbart writes the same way he talks which makes this book a fast read and a fun one. It is like having a friend tell you an interesting story with pretty shocking revelations about his past, but one that builds through a series of discoveries he's made along the way about his original world view (more like a world assumption) into a mature viewpoint. At 55 I've seen much of the history discussed in the book, lived part of it, and read about some of it, but after reading his perspective (some of it from the inside of the event) in context, I can now view the political and media landscape with much greater clarity. Regardless which side of the political spectrum you call sanity, this is a good read and should provoke discussion and thought stripped of mirages, taboos, and facades we've been taught as facts over the years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book! I was becoming quite 'glum' with all that is happening around us. He gives a great historical background to how we got here and how we CAN change the direction our nation appears to be heading. I was quite encouraged by reading this book. Would HIGHLY recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura lupei
I was expecting another book about the idiocies of the left (and there is certainly some of that in Breitbart's book) instead, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Righteous Indignation is an education manual about the very insidious goal of the left. Unfortunately, the powers that be within the progressive movement stalking our great nation, are powers that need to be combated with truth and exposure. This book does that. Loved every line and I made a mess of the book, dogearing and underlining the passages I want to remember and take to heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mona encyclopedia
One of the huge disconnects in American political discourse is this: The Democrats call all Republicans dumb, except for the few like Nixon they prefer to label as evil. However, conservatives operate in the realm of the word. Conservatives dominate talk radio, and they dominate the world of books. There are no liberal counterparts to Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and the hosts of others.

Quite the contrary, when a book such as "Righteous Indignation" comes out, the liberals - specifically, those with whom I share a newsroom - did not even join the conversation. They throw out the usual adjectives such as right-wing, wacko, bigot and so on to discredit the source and do not even argue the merits of the case.

Breitbart tells you what you have to do is keep pushing. When they play down the ACORN situation, or the Pigford scandal, keep on pressing. They don't know what they're talking about. When they accuse Limbaugh of being a racist, which is about as predictable as the sunrise, ask for instances. They of course have never listened to them, just as Breitbart himself had not until his awakening.

One thing becomes crystal clear in reading this book and another I completed recently, "Deconstructing Obama." There is no vast right wing conspiracy. Breitbart did it on his own, just as Jack Cashill did his own research on Obama. They do it without funding and without outside resources, using the tools that are available to just about anybody in the country: the Internet, the telephone, and libraries. What a wonderful democracy! We just have to take advantage of it.

If there is one thing Breitbart understands, it is timing. His book is timed perfectly for the 2012 elections, setting forth an agenda of talking points to be hammered repeatedly until a year from November. The odds are he has some delicious surprises up his sleeve, and has a game plan for how to release them. Obviously the liberal camp does also. I expect this will be a very interesting election cycle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa rothschadl
Amazing book that completely altered my perspective of the media, academia, conservatives and the Tea Party. This book demonstrated how much my perception of those parts of the political world was based on slander and deceit. Chapter 6 was one of the most fascinating and eye opening things I've ever read. This guy is wildly entertaining and has a great story to tell. It's a shame he had to go so early.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
luis white
It is a bit of conservative pundentry mixed in with his accent to the Breitbart we know today through his BigGovernement websites to his public persona in his many public appearances on television. It was enjoyable on an entertainment level, but it didn't have the depth I was expecting. He seems to really dispise Alinsky and at the same time thinks he's a genius. He even recommends using the tactics against those who have been using them for decades. I enjoyed the book...really. It just wasn't as indepth as I would have expected. I wanted more of his opinions and beliefs, to get to know him a bit more. Most of what I read was the talking points he used in his many tv appearances promoting the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica bosma
I wish Breitbart were alive to see Trump in office - he paved the way for so much of the MSM takedown that has been taking place over the past 1.5 years. This book is a great read and you see a lot of his fire and fight in the pages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marlinda robinson
I love the late Andrew Breitbart because:

1 - Honesty about his successes and failures
2 - Conversion from Liberal to Conservative
3 - Understands Democrats game of distorting, deleting and ignoring facts
4 - Provides inside details on main street media's love affair with Democrats
5 - Details dismantling two Democrat disgraces: Anthony Weiner and ACORN
6 - Explains how social media influences a person's beliefs

Read this book if you want to learn how to change your inaccurate opinions into fact-based beliefs
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny" to cement the ideas of conservatism in your mind. Then read this book to learn how to put your ideals into action! Conservatives and Libertarians - it is time to get off the sofa and get involved in the political process!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda holm
I first checked this book out from the library and read it. I loved it so much that I had to buy my own copy. Finally! A TEA Party voice from my generation! I related to Andrew's story so closely that it was uncanny. Finally, someone who knows how I grew up, right down to the same music tastes, who sees the world the same way as I do! It was also an enlightening read to hear his insider experiences with working in the media. I can't say enough about this book. I loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrew Breitbart is a true American Patriot!! He learned from first hand experience about the underbelly of corruption and exposes them and explains how he became enlightened and changed the course of his life to right the wrongs and made it his life's work. He is sorely missed & is now amongst the fallen hero's of our nation!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrew Breitbart will always be a national treasure for his work exposing media lies and the Democrat-Media complex. The chapter on how Marxism came to our shores is particularly noteworthy. The book is entertaining, informative, and timely. Breitbart is here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jaime paternoster
If you have any doubts about the existence of left-wing media bias, then this book will really open your eyes. Once again, Breitbart has "the goods". I see here that some people are calling this a "typical right-wing" rant. Im certain that they didn't read the book, I've read plenty of rants on both sides and this is nothing like those.

Other reviewers have given plenty of inside info on this book, but I would only add that if you are irritated by left-wing media bias, then this book might just push you over the edge. If you have liberal friends who don't believe that the media is biased, then buy them this book and ask that they at least read the first chapter (after that they will get hooked).

Breitbart is a much better writer than I expected; very entertaining. Regardless of your political leanings, it is an enjoyable read.

For the Media Matters people who are astroturfing these reviews: Now that you've done your job and slammed a book you haven't read, why don't you try actually reading it? It's entertaining as heck, and guess what, Breitbart's talking about you!

I mean, what are you afraid of?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j shimotake
If you have any doubts about the existence of left-wing media bias, then this book will really open your eyes. Once again, Breitbart has "the goods". I see here that some people are calling this a "typical right-wing" rant. Im certain that they didn't read the book, I've read plenty of rants on both sides and this is nothing like those.

Other reviewers have given plenty of inside info on this book, but I would only add that if you are irritated by left-wing media bias, then this book might just push you over the edge. If you have liberal friends who don't believe that the media is biased, then buy them this book and ask that they at least read the first chapter (after that they will get hooked).

Breitbart is a much better writer than I expected; very entertaining. Regardless of your political leanings, it is an enjoyable read.

For the Media Matters people who are astroturfing these reviews: Now that you've done your job and slammed a book you haven't read, why don't you try actually reading it? It's entertaining as heck, and guess what, Breitbart's talking about you!

I mean, what are you afraid of?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy t
Very insightful of the recent news media and theVery insightful of the news media and the recent presidential election. It made me realize that the left's reference to hacking was Ment to imply not only access to emails but more importantly, generating forgeries that could be erroneously traced. It also reinforced my impression of the slime that exists in Washington and more significantly on the major news networks. Bet this review won't be reprinted
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very enjoyable book. It is politically biased though, and I understand in our day in age that makes people decide right away whether or not they like it. The truth is, if you can get over your bias and just read the book objectively it is actually a very interesting and fun read. Andrew Breitbart describes his early life and the things that caused him to develop his political ideas and values. I really enjoyed it and if you're a political junkie then I think you will too. Breitbart is hands down one of my favorite pundits/talking head figures that have ever existed and this book serves as great insight into why. Learn about Andrew Breitibart, Read the book! R.I.P. Mr. Breitbart
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the halls of the our esteemed university system comes the mold breaker, Andrew Brietbart. What more can be said? He is who he is. Very good history of the roots of the modern liberal, socialist mind set that has taken over the Democrat party and thrown ANYONE who dissents under the bus. ie Joe Leiberman.
One person's awakening.
Mention Andrew to any free thinking, freedom loving, open, caring for the children liberal and watch them refuse to talk to you, brand you as a bigot, small minded, neo-facist, puny brained criminal who needs to be censored and put away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best source for understanding what the liberal mindset is to hear it from an ex liberal. Breitbart covers all the bases that the progressives in America are using to tear down the American culture. Win the fight to restore the Republic or lose it forever, there is no middle ground. America is at #WAR with it's domestic enemies.

Best for any and all Freedom loving patriots. Tyranny the Fight - Liberty the Prize
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I "discovered" this book by way of a reference to it in a recent blog post by Jonah Goldberg of the National Review Online. Prior to this, I had heard of Andrew Breitbart in reference to the original Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal and then again last year (2012) when his untimely death at the age of 43 was reported. Beyond these instances, Mr. Breitbart had not been, unfortunately, on my radar. After reading "Righteous Indignation" I wish I had had the privilege of meeting him in order to thank him personally for his enormous contribution to the New Media in service to America and its founding ideals, which he so clearly believed in and loved. Written in a style that reflects his personality---energetic to the point of frenetic and with an agile mind at least five steps ahead of everyone else---Andrew Breitbart explains why those Americans who would describe themselves as conservatives or traditionalists are losing the cultural and political wars today. He does so concisely and elegantly while while bringing a new dimension to Marshall McLuhan's famous adage, "The medium is the message." He also provides the blueprint for reclaiming integrity in American public life and, thereby, reclaiming our culture and our liberty. I absolutely recommend "Righteous Indignation" and I raise a glass to toast Andrew Breitbart. You are gone too soon and you are missed; may you rest in peace---and thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I didn't know much about Breitbart before reading it. It gave me a lot of insight and even went back over some things like the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. Interesting book. Wish he hadn't died so young. We need more journalists like him today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr. Very Breitbart is a hero to all conservatives, and he's a hero to me in particular because this guy fights the way all of us should. If every conservative acted like Andrew there wouldn't be one indoctrinated student left in America. This fellow is special.
Well, I don't know him personally, but, for the uninformed, he was an early pioneer of the internet, and his Breitbart site is an awesome internet hub, there you can access his Big Government, Big Journalism, and Big Hollywood too. Basically, the author begins slowly, the first two chapters are autobiographical and okay, but after that the pages of the work are in need of embalming because you'll want them around forever.

Righteous Indignation is a great mix---awesome stories, a first hand account of events I've only read about or seen on TV, and a schooling in proper battle tactics---the strategy chapter is called "Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries," and point 10, "ridicule is man's most potent weapon" is gold, no, rhodium in terms of worth. You see, leftists are very serious and think they're very important kitty cats: "They care, you don't, they care, you don't." However, it's all lies and posturing. They don't give a darn about anyone and they don't appreciate you laughing at them. So, I say, start sticking your finger out and begin ridiculing them at once.

That's the secret of Andrew's halcyon career. He gives these vipers zero respect and I love him for it. He learned his method of drip, drip, drip, a story out slowly...from Arianna Huffington during the Clinton Administration. He says that's the secret to defeating what he terms "The Democrat-Media Complex" and that's precisely what these phonies are. The journalists at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSLSD, and NPR are nothing but leftist political operatives. Their bias and accompanying dishonor has made a steaming landfill out of the field of journalism and most of us don't believe a thing they say. Breitbart declared war on them and his victory in the ACORN/James O'Keefe caper showcases his way of dealing with the media: shame first, do interviews later. He termed the event "the Abu Gharaib of the Great Society." As he puts it, "Media, it's not your business model that sucks. It's you that suck." Ditto. Breitbart is a role model.

The sum of this book is worth more than its parts because at times the narrative left me furious, amused, really amused and always riveted. Breitbart's sense of humor is fantastic and he's brutal regarding our enemies. Leftists are easy meat and ripe for the taking. Paper tigers and emotional basketcases...in my opinion. Let's take our republic back. Learn from Andrew, dispute everything these people say and make fun of them perpetually. The political left is the underside of America. Let's you and I, pull a Breitbart and drag them out of the shadows so the whole country can take a look at their sick, guiltiest, neurotic natures. Prediction: we fight, and our side wins.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon t
As a political moderate who happens to be a supporter of the immigration reform movement that happens to believe that stricter policies rather than more lenient ones are imperative to the public interest, I have long observed the shameless bias, viciousness, and intolerance toward dissenting opinions that are prevalent among those on the political left (and, on that particular issue, some right wing allies of theirs) as well as the media that serve as the footsoldiers of their political agenda.

Thus, even though I really didn't know much of anything about Breitbart, a book that goes after the Establishment Media is one that I had a natural interest in reading.

I found the book very worthwhile. I found the considerable material on how he grew up, his evolution from reflexive leftist to thoughtful conservative, in parallel with his progression from aimless party animal to someone with a mission in life, to be engaging. Also, the stories of his activities and successes in his new life, particularly the detailed story of the exposure of the ACORN atrocities, is excellent material from the guy who's probably the best qualified to give the details.

I am highly encouraged by his optimism that idealistic people using New Media tools are in a strong position to demolish the Old Corrupt Media.

The material on the intellectual history of Marxism, Frankfurt School, Alinsky, etc, I am not too sure what to make of because I wonder to what extent those actually are the basis for the domination of various institutions by the left in contemporary society. But, it is plausible that the influences he cites did have a lot to do with creating the intellectual environment that characterizes academia, hollywood, and the media today.

As someone who does not consider himself a "conservative", I do feel that Breitbart does tend to have an extremely partisan outlook, and I do think this causes him to have a distorted view of reality in some cases.

For example, he seems to dismiss the complaints of opponents of the Iraq war when it was popular and Bush was flying high that they were victims of character assassination from the right. I think they do have a case there, just as Breitbart has a mountain of evidence of similar conduct by the left in recent history.

Also, I suspect that there are place in Middle America where one is as much of an outcast for being on the left as one is an outcast for being on the right in deep blue parts of the country or places dominated by left wing institutions such as Hollywood. Watching town hall meetings on Cspan last year, I noticed that very often the vast majority of attendees share the political views of the elected member of Congress hosting the event, and those on the other side are often rather sheepish expressing their views and questions, knowing the audience is against them. (Some of the meetings on Health Care didn't follow that pattern because of the strong public opposition to that particular legislation.)

I just read a book, "The Big Sort" which points out how America has increasingly become a nation that has self-segregated itself into ghettos of the left and right who are increasingly extremist and intolerant of each other.

That being said, I lived many years in Los Angeles, and witnessed first hand how despicable and corrupt the political left can be when it holds absolute political power. (by the way, one of the great mysteries to me is how most Californians can live among the wreckage caused by political Progressivism and remain believers in the political left)

Anyway, all in all I found it an enjoyable book by someone who has been in the trenches marshalling New Media in ways that may have major historical consequences.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tifa kerbal
I was prepared to become righteously indignant, but unprepared for the wit and self-effacing humor that makes this a both a mobilizing and fun read. I read the book in two days, staying up until 2:00 am to finish. After reading, I was energized and grateful that there is "new" voice on the right capable of delivering an intelligent and entertaining message.

The initial chapters focus on Andrew's own journey of political awakening, followed by a brief overview of the left's entrenchment in academia and the mainstream media, and then an almost hysterical recount of the Acorn take-down. I particularly enjoyed reading how Andrew's deliberate strategy of piece-mealing the release of the various Acorn videos was designed to outflank the (by then) predictable reaction of Acorn and the left.

Andrew is a warrior and is battling a very entrenched and powerful political and media elite that is long overdue for its comeuppance. A good example recounted in the book is Andrew's appearance on the Bill Maher show, where Andrew nails Mr. Maher for regurgitating misinformation from George Soros' Media Matters organization in an effort to paint Rush Limbaugh as a racist. This type of misinformation is spewed by the media every day; conservatives can no longer cite "good manners" or the hope that "common sense will eventually prevail" as a rationale for avoiding spirited debate. Andrew points out how this tendency has allowed the left to dominate popular culture and academia.

The book is a great read and one that will energize you to get involved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alannah dibona
Breitbart walks the reader through his own evolution from defacto Liberal to a driven, conservative, social media crusader.

Utilizing the new social media, he is passionately driven to expose the outright ideological, left-leaning bias of today's news media as they masquerade as unbiased journalists in their promotion of leftist ideology.

Breitbart opens the book with the toppling of the corrupt organization ,ACORN, and its ties with the Democratic party and continues throughout the book with names and organizations that are as equally devoted to the progressive movement and the politics of personal destruction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vani sivasankar
Excellent book. Has humor, information and some scary personal accounts. I learned a lot about this political election machine and the progressive movement. Not a good movement for liberty or freedom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A guidebook for tenacity, and clear thinking! He saw the light, among the sheep he grew up with. He will be so so missed. Although maybe its better he is not witnessing the national disgraceful road we're on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I didn't know who Andrew Breitbart was until about 2 weeks ago. My husband and I saw "Hating Breitbart" at the Desert Ridge AMC 18 theater and we loved it! I immediately went online to see if he had written any books. I loaded Righteous Indignation on my kindle and finished reading it within a few days. WOW. Andrew Breitbart was a genius!! By the way-- I am a 21 yr old Native American who previously held an independent/neutral stance on politics. I would recommend this book to every single freedom-loving American. God bless Andrew Breitbart and his family. He was taken too soon from America. R.I.P
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
supriya manot
Breitbart tragically died died way too early this year and America lost a true revolutionary. A man who was not afraid to ask the hard questions; to demand accountability from politicians and especially the media. i.e. ObamaCare and the infamous walk to the vote. This book lays out his ideas and issues. Breitbart does show his righteous indignation against all and everyone who shows their hypocrisy Excellent book and I recommend whether you love or hate Breitbart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Andrew Breitbart gives a great, exciting and empowering speech - and his book is no different. Written like he talks, the narrative flows and I finished this 200 page book in one sitting. He goes through the history of becoming involved in new media, to behind the scenes stories of the O'Keefe ACORN videos, the Tea Party Movement, and the ABC Election night drama of 2010.

Disappointed that for legal reasons he couldn't get into the Sherrod story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie godowsky
Andrew Breitbart, a true patriot who left us too soon under suspicious circumstances... If you love democracy, freedom and want an explanation as to the why of the current state of affairs read this book. I could not put it down. It is that interesting, and eye-opening. Hear the truth.

Andrew, I know you are looking down and are seeing the fruits of your labor and that of others like you. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer trendowicz
I just finished this book today. A compeling look at the main stream media from a former liberal view. We need more citizen journalist. If we don't began standing up and shining the light on the medias lies. We will not have to worry for there wil be nothing left. This was an excellent read. Great job Andrew
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