The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey Book 4)

ByJulie Kagawa

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was absolutely happy when I learned about this book! I loved The Iron Queen and all the books before it, but it was impossible for me to believe that could be the end. And so I found that there was this book, The Iron Knight, and I was ecstatic! I must admit, I was Team Puck throughout most of the series, but then I read the third book and I was Team Ash, and I after reading this book I don't think that'll change a bit. The book is done really well, and I think how Julie Kagawa did Ash's point of view was pretty much on the dot! Even if you're Team Puck, you'll love it, cause there's plenty of Puck in this book, as he travels with Ash to do the impossible. Read this book if you have already read the other books already, you'll love it, I - dare I say it - promise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krishna subramanian
The Iron Fey series sits atop my "Favorites of Time" list. It has definitely been one that I compare many others to. A friend of mine loaned me the first couple of books and I quickly fell in love with them. I burned through them in a matter of a few short days. When The Iron Knight was announced, I literally did a dance. It's comes from one of my favorite characters point-of-view, Ash. I had anticipated for this book to be the culmination of all the emotions of the previous books. Well, it did all that and more!

The book picks up right were Iron Queen ended. Ash and Puck are traveling to find the path that leads Ash to his mortality. The quirks that Kagawa puts in between the two characters are hilarious. Their bantering keeps a great pace throughout the book. The reader finds out a lot of background info on both Ash and Puck through their traveling. A lot of it justifies previous decisions in life and shows them an alternate future for them. Their traveling group grows quickly and increases the readers interest. The ensuing twists and turns blooms into drama and action that makes the pages turn quickly. The "truth" that Ash discovers is a game-changer. There's several chapters spent on this and it is worth every one of them. It gives another perspective to Ash about his quest and helps him come to final decision. The concluding chapters will take your breath away.

While we've been with these characters for three books, there still was plenty of growing for them in this book. We get to see Ash in so much more depth in this book. There are many things that have just been touched upon in the past that are brought to life and a lot of it affects his future. His strengths and weaknesses are brought to light and you can see just how "human" he actually is. You will fall in love with him all over again. Puck gets his fair share of the lime light in this one as well. His meanderings keep Ash in line, whether either of them want it or not. Like Ash, his character is bared right down to the bone and you can see exactly what makes him tick. Before now, I regarded him simply as a quirky character. After reading this book I have genuine respect for him. He adds the comic relief, but also comes in when a voice of reason. I know, that doesn't sound right for Puck, but when you read it you'll understand! Meghan and other characters add substance to the journey and ensuing trials and tribulations. You will be holding on to this book till the very last page.

This conclusion to this part of Iron Fey series is absolutely breathtaking. It wraps up so many emotions while evoking many new ones. Ash's journey leads to the perfect ending for characters whose lives have just begun. I look forward to any and all of Kagawa's books. Her writing style and characters flow so well and are so easy for me to love. I have added all of her future books to my "to be read" pile and anxiously await every one of them.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
d s cohen
I am very dissapointed with the store at the moment, not only did I have two items taken out of this shipment (review made on Peter's Woven Grass Play Ball), this copy of the Iron Knight looks like a USED copy when I am postive I paid for a NEW copy, either that or the store just doesn't care about their packaging and handling of products. It is worn at the edges and corners and the bottom right corner is bent and almost scrunched up! I really only want to read the contents of the book which look all okay but what if I was giving this book as a christmas present? The person would open it, take one look at it and accuse me of giving them a second hand item that had already been read. I think i will order my books from the other website I use from now on and just wait until they have the item instock, at least they come lookin gin perfect condition and I don't get phone calls saying 'sorry I know you paid for the item already but we are not letting you have it unless you pay another $100 for it to be quarantined'...

Very dissapointed in the store.
Iron Will (The Shifting Tides Book 4) :: Eleanor and the Iron King :: The Iron King (The Accursed Kings, Book 1) :: Rebel Belle by Hawkins Rachel (2015-03-03) Paperback :: King Lear (Modern Library Classics)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
denise georgopoulos
You definitely need to read Summer's Crossing before this one. This was like a romantic version of the odyssey. Seriously. This guy went on a seriously journey to accomplish the impossible just to be with the love of his life. I had to stop and think if i love my husband that much. Im not really sure but then again I'm already human. I don't want to say that it got boring somewhere in the middle but uh - I got a little distracted and wondered at some point when the book was going to end. NOT in a bad way it just felt really long in some spots and you know what I can’t really complain because it was really vivid and detailed. I loved this story! This wasn’t focused specifically on a war or on Meghan! This focused on Ash and Puck. This was an epic journey of love, friendship, loyalties and achieving the impossible by overcoming yourself. There was certainly a happy ending and it was beautiful. I hope that things work out for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is pretty much entirely from Ash's point of view. We get to see how he met his previous first love, and see his relationship/friendship with Puck. Our favorite cat, Grim joins this quest and the BIG BAD WOLF. Ash is out to get a soul, so that he can live in the Iron Realm with Meghan after sending him away and letting him go as she lay there dying. But of course to do that they spend most of the time looking for Grim, who for sure will know how to get there while Puck drives him nuts. He looks back alot in this book, and I found myself not caring about certain parts. And even in some parts it just seemed so slow, and maybe a little redundant. But my favorite part was seeing Ash with Puck, with no Meghan. Just the two of them and seeing a closer look into their friendship. As much as I loved the story itself, I found myself getting tired quickly and couldn't wait for it to end. Overall I am happy with the end of this series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alexey plotnitsky
The Good: Ash in the forefront. Ash and Puck, traveling together. Ash and Puck dealing with their shared past and current situation with Meghan being a distant character, unable to get involved in the boys issues. I loved the trek, the challenges Ash had to face, everything that lead back to Meghan. Everything, except . . .

The Bad: There is a significant problem with the resolution Ash's major issue in this book. He wants a soul. He must earn a soul, as he is fey and they don't have souls. Souls are a purely human thing. The fey DO NOT have souls. Therefore, Kagawa's plan on how Ash obtains a soul is impossible. Without giving anything away, all I can say is it does not work. You can't say fey's don't have souls of there own and then go the route the author went here. I don't know, maybe she didn't realize went against everything she had previously stated. Or maybe she meant for some exception to that rule. Either way, it kills the power behind stating that souls are not something the fey possess. You can't have it both ways and it absolutely ruined a perfect book for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Iron Knight is quite different from the previous books. For starters, it's from Ash's POV. It's all about his journey to finding a way to be with Meghan in the Iron Realm. Of course, as a faery, there's no way for him to survive. And there's the matter of that curse he's under. Luckily, there's a solution to both of his problems: get a soul, becoming human. Ash has to travel to the End of the World, but he's not going alone. Puck, Grim, and some new companions have sworn to help the prince reach his goal.

I did enjoy The Iron Knight, but it wasn't quite as engaging and exciting as the rest of the series. There's no big battle happening, nothing huge and life threatening. Ash and everyone do face some unpleasant things at the beginning, but obviously they have to be able to reach the final destination or the book would have been super short. However, once Ash is going about his tests, I was hooked! Those are some tortuous things he had to go through, but they were necessary for his quest. Is being human really want he wants? Can he handle it?!

The Iron Knight was a fitting ending to this series, although I felt like there was a bit of a lack of commitment on the author's part. I can't say why exactly, but the results of Ash's quest weren't what I was expecting. She should have taken it all the way, instead of leaving that bit of wiggle room. It just feels like a cop out. But I am happy with it overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana clarke
Ash was one of my favorite characters throughout the entire Iron Fey series, and when I read in one of the reviews that he and Megan don't have a good ending in the Iron Queen, I actually put the series away for a while. I asked a friend who had read them if it was worth reading and on her recommendation, I finished the rest of them. It was so worth it.
**Warning** **There are a few minor spoilers!**
In The Iron Queen, we finally see Megan get a backbone and stand up for herself. She annoyed me up until this point, but redeemed herself. At the end of Iron Queen, however, Ash has to leave because he can't stay within the Iron Realm with his queen without dying from the poison of the iron. In Iron Knight, we are able to get inside Ash's head and we finally see his emotional side. We see how much he loves Megan and how he would do anything for her. It's one thing to see it from Megan's side and hear him say it, but when he commits to being her knight and doesn't quit even when she becomes part of the Iron Kingdom, we really see it.
So what I liked:
Seeing Ash and Puck work together. After the Twilight books, it seemed everyone was "Team Someone." In this, however, we see them bickering still, but they are former best friends and they work together for what is best for Megan.
The wolf, especially when interacting with Grimalkin. Grim started out as a play on the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, which was frustrating since it felt like she stole a character, but he turned into my favorite of the characters. He took on a life of his own. And we get to see him being more helpful in this book.
I loved everything about the quest and Ash's persistence. The quest for Ash to become human really brings into question what it means to be mortal and whether it is worth it. While he would gain a soul and would be with his queen again, he would have to give up everything it means to be immortal and a winter prince.
The ending. Everything is sorted out and every aspect is addressed and tied up well by the end of the book.
What I didn't like (**Spoiler**):
Ariella: She is necessary on so many levels, but I didn't like that Ash even has to question who he wants to be with for a minute. (At the same time, I thought this was handled very well and realistically.)
Some of the writing still annoyed me. There were times that were repetitive or silly (I thought Ice-boy was probably the worst nickname I'd ever heard of). This was true throughout the entire series and it had to simply be overlooked for the most part. By this book, most of that was gone and the writing was much better, but there were still times when I thought to myself "really??" before I kept reading on.

Overall, one of the best finales to a series. It truly made the series what it was. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a fae story.

*This review also posted on my blog available on my profile*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eugenio tena
I finally finished Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa, bringing an end to the Iron Fey series. Iron Knight was bittersweet for me, even though I loved it. I did not want the series to end, and that is probably why I put off finishing it for so long. The Iron Knight is completely different type of story from previous books. For one, Prince Ash is the viewpoint used to tell this story versus Meghan Chase. I actually loved discovering more about Ash and his past.

I chose to listen to the audiobook while doing monotonous things like painting my bathroom, which means I have to enjoy the marvelous storytelling abilities of MacLeod Andrews. I do have to say I loved all his voices for the characters. It defiantly made me enjoy the story more, and made everyday tasks go by much faster.

I have been divided between Team Puck and Team Ash from the very beginning. I have continually flip-flopped between the two. I believe Iron Knight has finally settled me on Team Ash, but I will always love Puck. His antics always have me laughing. I love Ash and Puck’s friendship even when they are at each other throats at times, because you can see how much they truly care for each other in Iron Knight.

The Iron Knight is a complete conclusion to the Iron Fey series, which is done beautifully. While the door on this series has come to a close, Julie Kagawa has opened a window with her new series about Ethan Chase. I can only hope that a few familiar faces will make their appearance in the new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paula o connor
The Iron Knight
The Iron Fey Series
By:Julie Kagawa
5 stars
Reviewed by:Angels
Published:Teen Harlequinn
Source:Purchased Gene: Paranormal Romance/Young Adult/Teen


Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.

Unless he can earn a soul.

To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.

To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.

And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Our Review

Wow ! What a ride this Iron Fey series was.

Julie is a superb writer and I throughly enjoyed this series.The former prince of the winter court known as Ash goes on a quest with some friends and some who are enemies to find a way to become human and gain a soul in order to be with the one he was Megan Chase who now is the Queen of the Iron fey but, anything Iron would kill Ash to live among there kind its impossible for his kind of fey.Ash and his friends will attempt fate and go through the trials to seek what he wants.

The trip is wrought with intrigue danger and you need your whits together just to remain alive.This book was a page turner so much going on.Some loose ends are tied up for you. Ash is faced with confronting his past and wrong deeds hoping he can survive the memories. Making new friendships letting go of some old ones laying to rest some promises made long ago.

Although I so enjoy Ash I have to say that Puck definitely made me laugh much throughout this book with his on-liners innuendos and also him calling Ash Ice boy throughout the whole book had you chuckling and smiling.All the characters were fun to read about this time around a lot of bantering smirking laughter and bonds being forged even thought the lot of them we fighting for their lives I believe they all became true friends despite the deferences and the of being long time enemies of one another.

This book is a keeper as is the whole series. Teen books and young adult books are just aren't for kinds anymore they are becoming more popular among the adults to.If you looking for a happily ever after this is a great way to get one and a great series to read recommended to all readers !Can't wait for the next series.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
todd greene
This book was simply beautiful. I had not read any of the Iron Fey series until I heard about this one and then I went through the whole, wonderful series in less than a month. After the ending of The Iron Queen left me sighing I was so glad that I had this one on my computer, just waiting for me. I read it in a single afternoon, reveling in every page of heartbreaking tragedy and irrepressible joy. This is a perfect ending to a perfect series.

This book is all about Ashallayn' darkmyr Tallyn, the darkly handsome, dangerous prince of the Winter Fey. Did you ever want to know more about his life before he fell in love? Or how he truly felt about Ariella and how he feels now about Meghan? I was always on Team Ash, despite Puck's devious attempts to steal my heart, and this book made me love him even more. He has done terrible things in the past, things that were hinted about before but were never fully revealed, but he overcame his ruthless nature and upbringing because of the love of two young women. In this book, he is tempted and tested in every possible way until everything he thought he was is stripped away. It was nearly painful to watch at times, but oh how wonderful were the results...

The Iron Knight focuses a lot on the characters and their interactions. Puck and Ash, longtime friends and arch-enemies, have such a wonderful and complex relationship. They go from trying to kill each other to saving one another. Puck would get on anyone's last nerve and I completely understand the impulse to slice that grin off his face, so it was a lot of fun to watch the tension and, surprisingly, the trust between them. Despite everything, they know that they can count on each other completely.

Meghan is only barely featured in this book, and at times it seems hopeless that Ash will ever see her again. This, combined with the surprise introduction of a new player, leads to a whole new level of emotional pain for Ash. Even with Meghan off-page, the romance in The Iron Knight is wonderful.

I love the world of the Iron Fey series. The Fey are deadly and beautiful, just the way I always imagine them. No sparkly Tinkerbells here. Nothing is done for nothing and make promises at your peril. I can practically see the creatures of the wyldwood peeking through the leaves, watching for you to make a mistake.

As an ending to my review, I would like to add a chuckle for the fun little interview attached to the end of the book and a virtual smack on the head for Puck because he got that song stuck in my head.

I would recommend this novel to lovers of fantasy, epic romance, sacrifice and wonderful characters. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I received an advance e-book from NetGalley for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where do I begin with this amazing series? This was another that sat on my to read list for far too long before I finally had the chance to pick them up. I have to thank my lovely friend Touya from The Reader's Garden for badgering me until I was completely enthralled with just the idea of reading these books. I devoured all four volumes in a week. Then I went and read all the novellas, (yes, out of order, sorry guys). I couldn't pause between books to see which one went where. That was last month and even with my busy reviewing schedule for the blog I am currently re-reading The Iron King. I was already experiencing withdrawal from Julie Kagawa's brilliance.

The Iron Fey series is written by the fantastically talented Julie Kagawa and consists of four full length novels (The Iron King, The Iron Daughter, The Iron Queen and The Iron Knight) and three novellas (Winter's Passage, Summer's Crossing and Iron's Prophecy). It is centered around 16-year-old Meghan Chase as she learns about her true heritage and is pulled into the Nevernever to save her brother and finds herself immersed in the surreal landscape of the fey.

This series is the complete package; it has everything you could possibly hope to find in a book. We have a strong willed, loyal female lead in Meghan. Ash more than fills the role of the oh-so-swoon-worthy yet deadly prince. Puck is the consummate best friend and prankster, cracking jokes while always having Meghan's back. And of course, we cannot forget the seemingly all-knowing guide/ally, Grimaulkin, who just happens to be a cat. There are more than enough villain types to go around as well.

This series is emotionally charged and pulses with danger and suspense. I found myself completely drawn in from the very beginning and it still hasn't let me go. Julie Kagawa has created this beautifully terrifying universe and populated it with interesting and dynamic characters that will ensnare your heart and mind. I am very glad I waited until all four books were released before reading it-honestly, I don't know how I would have survived the wait between books. I am very excited about the spin off series ( tune in later on this week for my review of The Lost Prince!)

Do you love stories of the fey, laughing, crying, being terrified and excited all at the same time? If so, this series is tailor made for you. The Iron Fey is a powerhouse production, completely enchanting and highly addictive; I dare you to read it and not love every moment. ~Mel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline byrne
*Contains MINOR Spoilers for the previous books in the series!
Fantastic! That's the best word I can find to describe how incredible this finale to the Iron Fey series is. Julie has done such an amazing job in finishing up this excellent series with Ash's story.

"My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl."

When I started reading this series, I completely fell in love with Ash and Puck, but in two different ways. I loved Puck as an awesome character, but I LOVED Ash as the perfect leading man for Meghan.

"... it means putting up with my fiercest and most annoying rival, Robin Goodfellow, who - despite all his attempts to hide it - is in love with my queen as well. I don't know why I haven't killed him yet. Maybe because Puck is Meghan's closest friend and she would mourn him terribly if he were gone (though I can't imagine why)."

However, even though I loved him since day one, I was utterly aware that he was a work in progress and there was a lot of road for him to cover before he and Meghan could get their Happily Ever After (HEA).

Iron King, Iron Daughter and Iron Queen have showed him doing just that and we've seen that growth through Meghan's eyes so far, but is in The Iron Knight that we get full scope of this awesome character and finally see him become the man he was meant to be!

The world Julie Kagawa has created is wonderful and I was so happy to find myself in it once again. I love how rich it is and how much depth she can give even the smallest characters, making them all memorable in my eyes. From Grim, to the wolf and to the twists and turns we get along the way.

I cannot forget to mention Puck. I have never seen him as the leading man, but he is very special in his own way and he grows just as much as Ash grows in this book I believe, but of course following a different path.

"You don't think I regret what I did, every single day? You lost Ariella, but I lost you both! Believe it or not, I was kind of a mess too, Ash. It got to a point where I actually looked forward to our random duels, because that was the only time I could talk to you. When you were freaking trying to kill me!"

The Iron Knight is FANTASTIC and definitely a MUST read to any fan of the series or Paranormal YA fan. It has an incredible fantastical world, compelling and lovable characters and a story that will make your heart palpitate at every turn. What more could you as k for?

More great quotes:

"I admire your tenacity, young prince. Grimalkin is not easy to find in the best of times. You must have come far to seek him out.... And this is not the first place you have searched. I can see it on your face. Why, I wonder? Why does he come so far? What is it that he desires so badly, to risk the ire of the Bone Witch? What is it you want, Ash of the Winter Court?'
'Would you believe the cat owes him money?' Puck's voice came from behind my shoulder, making me wince."

"Does a crow become a salmon simply because it wished to? You do not know the first thing about mortality, prince-who-is-not. Why would you want to become like them?"
"Because," Grimalkin answered before I could say anything, "he is in love."
"Ahhh." The Witch looked at me ans shook her head. "I see. Poor creature. Then you will not hear a word I have to say"
I was in love. With a human.
I smiled bitterly at the thought. The old Ash, if faced with such a suggestion, woul've either laughed scornfully or removed the offender's head from his neck."

Originally Posted at Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life {[...]}
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary winchester

I think that about sums up all of my love, frustration, and Team Puck-ness for this fourth and final installment of the Iron Fey series. Too many feels!

I first fell in love with Julie Kagawa's characters all the way back in 2010 . . . Okay, not so long ago, but that's nearly two years of anxiously wanting to get my hands on each installment and devouring them as fast as possible, then still wanting more. While I was disappointed to learn that this wouldn't be from Meghan's point of view, as it's all about Ash's journey and wouldn't really make sense any other way, I liked it more than I thought I would. (Possibly because Puck was in nearly the entire thing. But I won't let my review be partial to him . . . much. )

Filled with the humor, suspense, romance, and action that I've become accustomed to in the Iron books, The Iron Knight is equal parts thrilling and nerve-wracking. The world Ash lives in isn't the safest place to roam in, and more than once I was convinced they would all end up dead, stuck somewhere, and the rest of the book would be empty pages, to fool everyone. Maybe that was just paranoia. But that would be a good, unexpected tactic to use . . .

One thing that I didn't like about it was how some parts-and I can't point them out specifically without being spoilery-seemed to drag on longer than I thought necessary, while others were rushed over or plainly summarized when I thought they could have used more explaining. At one point, I knew what was happening and wanted to know what would happen next, but was stuck in a writing-rut for a while to get to where I wanted to go. And I'm glad that, picky as this is, it's the only thing I can think to complain about in this finale.

The characters were, as always, awesome. (And not just Puck. I swear.) Ash the stoic, brave knight he needed to be; Grimalkin, the cunning and ever-clever cat; even the Big Bad Wolf was exactly how I'd picture he would be, did he exist as a manifestation of his many incarnations.

I love Julie Kagawa's writing style, and can't wait to read more by her. Now that this is over. That's painful to type. But, good news on the horizon! I heard she's at work on a new series, this one about vampires. Not sure about that transition, but I'm definitely reading it. Bring it on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee montgomery
Original Review posted at Belle of the Literati [...]
"My fall began,
as most stories do,
with a girl."
--Julie Kagawa, The Iron Knight

GAH!!!! We get a whole book from Ash's point of view?!?! Please forgive me while I faint...*thud*...What? I didn't wake up in Faery?...Dammit! Whatever, maybe one day. AGAIN, I must pay homage to my wonderful book friends especially Annie who helped rally for Team Fey (you can find her at Tar Heel Bibliobabe where she runs an awesome blog!) and I cannot say enough how glad I am to have started these. Again, thank goodness all the books were out when I started, I could never have waited!

So the fourth and final book of The Iron Fey series bring us not to Meghan...but to Ash...*swooning begins now but isn't even close to ending*. Ash is on a quest to become mortal because he made a vow that he would not stop until he found a way to be with her...*sigh*. FYI All you real life human boys out there need to start reading YA lit because THIS right here is how you get girls. Just act like these guys do in books and you will have the ladies fawning all over you. You are welcome for the free (and priceless, might I add) advice. Puck is of course along for the journey as well as Grim and a few new face :) They begin a journey to literally the end of the world in order for Ash to be with Meghan.

This book was legit the cherry on top of the cake. I read the interview with the amazing Julie Kagawa at the end of the book and supposedly she wanted the series to end with The Iron Queen but because her editor is a fan of Happy Ever After Endings, she convinced her to write The Iron Knight. THANK YOU EDITOR!!!! And the dedication in the front is absolute perfection; it states 'For Team Ash, this one's for you.' How freakin' ador is that?! LOVE! I loved The Iron Queen but I really feel like The Iron Knight wrapped up the series full circle and sewed up every last loose thread. The pacing was great, the journey was epic, and I felt my heart pounding at multiple points and could not turn the pages fast enough. My favorite part was near the end when Ash had to confront some things he has done in his past (those who have read it know what I'm talking about). My heart ached for him but I think the readers really got a chance to see into his damaged inner psyche and gave us insight as to why he acted the way he did in the first book. It was excellent writing, really it was.

The only things I did not like had nothing to do with anything legitimate. There is a certain guest appearance of a character that sticks with them through the journey who I wanted to punch in the eye every time this character opened their mouth (again, readers of Iron Fey you know who I mean). This character did get better but in the beginning I was feeling super possessive fan girl. And Ash, the whole reason for his journey was for Meghan, when he had moments of indecisiveness I wanted to smack him upside the head Puck-style. This didn't last too long, it obviously helped the plot and was very beneficial but as a reader it was too much stress for me! Haha, see? Like I said, nothing substantial just my fan girl reaction and being crazy :)

I loved the underlying theme of sacrifice that Kagawa presents. These characters are strong and good and do things while always thinking of others and ultimately, the greater good. The end of The Iron Queen represents this and multiple situations in this book echo that as well. Especially Ash. He will do anything to be with Meghan. Sacrifice his fey heritage and whatever else in order to be with her or take death as the alternative. It is so awe-inspiring the steps each character takes in order help Ash along on this journey. It was so sweet and good, I couldn't get enough :)

I am so sad to be done reading this series, this was a legitimate binge read that took 3.5 days...yep, that happened. Sorry not sorry. It was 3.5 days very well spent. I looooooved how everything turned out in the end but I am sad to see the world of Meghan and Ash come to a conclusion...but wait...I have The Lost Prince to look forward to...all is not lost yet ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda itliong
I've always loved reading books with male narrators. Men are fascinating creatures and it's a breath of fresh air to step away from the usual swooning female leads - not that Meghan ever swooned. With Kagawa's decision to allow us into Ash's mind, we're finally able to understand a whole lot more about his behaviour and his past. Maybe we can finally unravel the puzzle that is Prince Ash?

If it's even possible, I fell even more in love with Ash after reading The Iron Knight. He was never fully open with Meghan and always had some sort of secret locked away in his heart. It was magnificent to see, first hand, how he lives his life and what he goes through every day. He torments himself in his mind and has many vulnerabilities, unbeknownst to others. Despite how much he thinks otherwise, Ash has a beautiful soul, and he proves it during his dangerous journey to the ends of the earth. Meghan is now the Queen of the Iron Realm, a place Ash can't step foot into as a faery. His love for her is so strong that he's willing to give up his entire being. He's going to become a human. If you ever wondered about the extent of his feelings for Meghan, he'll leave nothing to question after this book!

The perfect Iron Fey book would have Ash, Puck and Grimalkin in the same scene. The Iron Knight is filled with these. Three vastly different personalities clash and the characters play off each other in such entertaining ways, whether it be humorous or dangerous. Ash has yet to follow through with his promise to kill Puck and he has plenty of opportunities throughout the book. I loved spending time with these characters for the very last time. Away from the petty quarrels in their Courts, they're bare to our scrutiny and faced with many situations of life and death. They discover what's important to them and what they're willing to sacrifice for friendship and love. My heart? Spasming.

At times, this book was slow, but only because a lot of the story was happening in Ash's mind. The action doesn't really begin until the gang reaches the mysterious Testing Grounds, a place no one's ever come back out of before, but it's all very worth it. The Iron Knight is truly an epic journey, fueled by Ash's strength, determination and loyalty to Meghan. To become human, he's tested in the most vicious ways - few of them physically - that we worry about whether his state of mind will ever recover. Will he be able to cope with being human? Will his love for Meghan withstand the test of time and torture? Is he strong enough to handle any obstacle that's thrown at him? Although cruel, Ash is forced to examine who he really is and everything just gets mindblowingly personal.

As always, there are twists and shocks that change what we've believed for so long. The majority of the book is heartbreaking and will make you feel the most anxious you've ever felt. You scream for the characters to just HOLD ON for a while because it will have to get better eventually. This series has taken me to hell and back, and my heart ached when I turned the final page. I experienced this series in one continuous week of reading and I don't know what I would've done, had I been forced to wait between books like most fans. The ending of The Iron Knight was one of the best moments of the series and, again, my heart ballooned. You know that sickly happy feeling you sometimes get? Oh dear. I need to sit down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For full disclosure, I only read the book previous to this one (The Iron Queen). But I feel that The Iron Queen gave me enough background information to understand the story and characters. The Iron Queen left things...unfinished. I was pretty unhappy about the ending until I learned there was going to be another book. So, I was quite excited to read The Iron Knight!

The Iron Knight takes place awhile after The Iron Queen. Meaghan is now the Iron Queen and ruling the Iron Kingdom. Ash, an Unseelie Fey prince from the Winter Court, is desperately trying to find a way to be with her. Iron is poisonous to the Fey and Ash would suffer greatly if he were to go into the Iron Kingdom. So Ash is on a quest to become human. He is accompanied by his "frenemy" Puck (aka Robin Goodfellow) and some special guests. (To tell you who they are would give a lot away!). Ash's journey takes them to the End of the World and back, literally!

This book is told from Ash's perspective, which I really enjoyed. He is of the "brooding" type and keeps things close to his heart. It is really awesome to get inside his head and get to know his emotions and feelings. The story itself is really exciting as well. Non stop action basically, each obstacle harder than the next. It is the quintessential quest story, with twists and turns and revelations. Ash finds the journey much harder than he ever realizes and finds that become "human" is not as easy as he thought. I really liked this book and was very happy to see the end be extremely satisfying. I think anyone who enjoyed the previous books would definitely enjoy this one (and hopefully find the ending satisfying as I did). If you haven't read the previous books, I suggest you at least read the The Iron Queen, otherwise you might not understand WHY the quest is so important to Ash.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian gallagher
Ashallayn' darkmyr Tallyn, that's the name Meghan Chase used to save her winter prince from his ultimate death. Fans of the Iron Fey series were heartbroken with how the Iron Queen (book 3 in the series) ended. Our favorite couple did not get their happy ending after all. Julie Kagawa was not satisfied with such an ending herself, but Meghan' story was done and our prince still had one final quest. One he must see to the end. He's lost one love and he was not about to lose another.

The Iron Knight was the perfect ending for such an amazing series by Julie Kagawa. Prince of the Winter Court, Ash, needs to find a way to be with the love of his life, Meghan Chase, who has become the Iron Queen. Since being around iron almost killed the winter prince and Meghan used his full name to push him away, Ash made a vow to find a way to be with her again. He decided to become human!

Ash is faced with multiple challenges in his journey, and he meets many ghosts from the past. He struggles to stay faithful to his vow and to Meghan. Ash experiences the consequences that could happen if he chooses to break his vow. He see's a future where he is destined to become cold and heartless, a future without the Iron Queen by his side, one where they are enemies and not lovers. His quest takes him to the end of the world where the testing grounds exist, and his determination to become human is tested.

Julie Kagawa once again weaved a magical story from the point of view of our most favorite character Ash. Meghan did not have many appearances in this novel but she was always in our prince's mind.

In this book Julie ties one of the most important lose ends between Ash and Puck. She find a way to make peace between the two and releases Ash from the vow he made when Ariella died. We learn so much about Ash and Ariella's story in this book, her character shines and we see why Ash fell in love with her decades before he met Meghan.

The ending of this series was not satisfactory, some might differ. Ash's story seems like it has just begun, but then again there are more books in this series following Meghan's baby brother, who was the reason this whole adventure started.

Hebah Abdelqader
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
IMPORTANT: If you have not read the first three books (The Iron King, The Iron Daughter, and/or The Iron Queen) please take precautions while deciding to read this review. Some parts may be spoilers for the first three books.

The Iron Knight starts where The Iron Queen left off. Meghan has taken position as the Queen of the Iron Realm and we all know how that worked out for Ash…so not well. Why? Because Fey cannot be around iron without experiencing sickness and horrible burning pain. It’s pretty much their kryptonite. As we know Ash promised Meghan he would never leave her side and he would find a way to be with her and stay by her side. So, he decides he will go looking for a soul because being human is the only way that will allow him to enter the Iron Realm. Off he goes on this quest.

We get to see a lot of Puck and Grimalkin (I just love him). We also learn a lot more about Arielle in this story. I will admit I felt jealous several times over Arielle. I get that Ash and her had a thing before Meaghan and Ari is his past love but it still made me feel jealous. This is a huge plus for Kagawa because she did invoke these feelings.

At first I was not to happy with this book only because I did not realize it was not from Meaghan’s point of view anymore. This makes since because it is Ash’s quest not hers. I really missed having her in this book. Meaghan was such a big part…like THE part of the first three books that it seemed wrong not having her there. However, as the story went along I grew to enjoy Ash’s thoughts and perspective on the world around him. We get to meet another character from past books and learned a little more about him as well. I grew to love those on the quest with Ash. There is a lot of adventure and moments that catch your breath because I felt like no one was safe on this quest. I had to prepare myself for the possibility of anyone dying. We get to see a side of NeverNever that the first three books did not give us. Most important we learn a lot about Ash and his past.

Overall this book is worth reading and it is a good finished to the series. It is not my favorite out of the series but I’m glad I read it. I would suggest everyone to read this especially if you love the Iron Fey series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was pleasantly surprised by the final book in the Iron Fey series.

The whole book was written from the perspective of Ash, instead of Meghan's. This gave me a whole new look on Ash his character. In Meghan's eyes he always was this handsome, brave guy who she loves and we never get much more development than that.

The book is about Ash his quest to become human, so he can be with Meghan in the Iron Realm. He is accompanied by Puck, who he has sworn to kill. Those two characters have a great chemistry and their dialogues are hilarious. On their way they meet Ariella, the girl they both loved and thought to be dead. I did not think this character added much to the story. It was clear from the beginning Ash was over her and wanted to be with Meghan, so it did not add any suspense.
The actual trials Ash had to go through to obtain his soul made me a quite depressed and I really expected Ash to quit, especially after the look at his future as human. The ending was a bit too 'and everything was perfect' for my taste. Ash thought he would become human and thus mortal, but it turned out he might actually live forever as a sort of half human half faery. This makes it seem that in the end he did not sacrifice anything to be with Meghan, which defies the whole meaning of Ash' quest.
But apart the few negative aspects of the book, I really liked the new perspective on Ash' character. I always wanted to know some more about him and I found him to be a more interesting narrator than Meghan.

I would definitely recommend the book. It is a good ending to the Iron Fey series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ever since hearing that Julie Kagawa would be continuing the Iron Fey series with the release of The Iron Knight, I had eagerly been anticipating the book. I loved the first three books in the series, and with the extreme ending the third one contained, I could not wait to see what was next for Puck, Meghan, and Ash! Thankfully, The Iron Knight was everything I had hoped and wanted it to be!

The Iron Knight picks up just as Ash and Pack are on the path to discovering the secret to mortality, the aspect Ash desperately needs to be with Meghan once again. However, their path is not as smooth going as they would like, as not only do they keep getting into petty little arguments over the past, but they also keep running into danger as well as dead ends in nearly every corner. They end up getting one break, though, which is Grimalkin, the cat everyone has a love hate relationship with. Now with Grimalkin as well as other surprise allies, Ash is on the path to getting what he wants...but when an unexpected guest from his past shows up and makes his question everything, will what he ends up wanting in the end be different from what he wanted in the beginning? Only time and more pages can tell in this exciting and thrilling conclusion to the Iron Fey that will have nearly every fan holding their breath into the final word.

When I first heard The Iron Knight would be told in Ash's perspective instead of Meghan's I was excited yet a bit weary, because while I knew it would be interesting to see things from Ash's perspective, I was worried I wouldn't like reading from his POV nearly as much as from Meghan's. In the end, though, my worries were thrown right out the window, because not only did Ash's perspective bring a fresh change to the series, but it also gave even more depth to his character. He wasn't just the icy ice prince anymore. Instead, he was someone who had feelings, concerns, and fears as well...someone who even had a heart somewhere deep down. In addition, I enjoyed finally seeing more the rival between him and Puck as well as his former relationship with Ariella.

With The Iron Knight also came the addition of several characters I have loved getting to know over the series as well as ones that were (somewhat) new. For example, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing more about Puck, because he has to be my favorite character in this whole series! He's so funny yet sweet...seriously can he just have his own book already? :) I also enjoyed Grimalkin, who was as mysterious and cunning as ever, and the Wolf, who contained more potential than I had first expected.

The plot in this was also thrilling! I was hooked from page one to the final one to say the least for a variety of reasons. One was the never-ending action as well as surprises. The adventure through the Nevernever to the End of the World contained excellent world building, some of which made this series even richer than it was before. The second was Julie's amazing writing, because not only did she once again thoroughly flesh out the characters, but she also managed to present a fabulously crafted novel overall.

Containing twists, turns, and plenty of suspense, The Iron Knight is the perfect conclusion to The Iron Fey series. However, I have to say, I'm so happy that there will be a spin-off series!

Grade: A-
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maryam karimi
Quick & Dirty: This is a nice, fairly enjoyable tale that will keep you entertained. The narrator has a bit of a depressing tone and the struggles that the main characters go through doesn't resonate with the reader.

Opening Sentence: "Oy, ice-boy! You sure you know where you're going?"

Excerpt: Here

The Review:

The Iron Knight is the final installment in the groundbreaking Iron Fey series from Julie Kagawa. If you've remained a big fan of the series, then you will most likely fall in love with The Iron Knight. Ms. Kagawa artfully delivers twists and turns in vivid detail that leaves you breathless in one turn and enchanted in the next. I won't argue that Ms. Kagawa is a talented writer. Her prose is simply beautiful and she skillfully crafts action scenes like an old pro. It's hard to believe that she burst onto the writing scene just a year ago with the phenomenal The Iron King. Personally, I really enjoyed The Iron King and The Iron Daughter, but The Iron Queen began to show cracks in the storytelling and character development. Unfortunately, I also believe that these, among other issues, carry over into The Iron Knight.

The Iron Knight is told from Prince Ash's point of view. Ash sets out on a quest to the End of the World to find his humanity. He's determined to get the ever elusive soul and become human so that he can reunite with Meghan. Along for this adventure is the usual band of misfits: Puck and Grimalkin, with the addition of the Big Bad Wolf and someone else who shall remain nameless. I don't want to give any spoilers away. As Ash travels through the treacherous Deep Wyld he learns a lot about himself and his companions. Ash has to complete a series of tests and trials to see if he's worthy of all that he seeks. I can't give too many details of the quest away without ruining the story, but in the end, I was a bit disappointed.

Much of my disappointment lies in Ash as a narrator and the once strong character that struggled to carry this story. Ash has always been my favorite and my choice for Meghan. All of the things that I loved about Ash are no longer present. His confidence, brashness and cockiness is replaced with endless introspection leading to him to wallow in self pity. In The Iron Queen, I felt as if he lost some of his edge, and that holds true for this story. So much of Ash's identity is wrapped up in his "love" for Meghan. He simply can't see past it and it's actually quite pathetic. I imagine that the point of the story is supposed to be about what Ash is willing to sacrifice and the lengths that he will go through to find his way back to Meghan. I couldn't help but feel like many elements of this part of the story were contrived.

One of the things that struck me as very cold and fleeting from The Iron Queen was a moment of intimacy between Ash and Meghan. In The Iron Knight, the hope of an all encompassing romance remains elusive. Their romance has been very sweet, touching and even romantic at times, but I've been waiting for that spark of a moment with the fated couple to leave me breathless and it never happened. In the beginning they exhibited such promise and desire for one another, but for some reason it falls flat.

For the most part, Ms. Kagawa does a good job working within the rules that she's established for this fantastical world. The fey mythology in the series is pretty well established, as well as fey immortality. I was left with a few questions about the true impact of Ash's decision to give up his magic and immortality.

Overall, The Iron Knight is good surface reading. It's well written and the unique world remains captivating. It's a bittersweet story of sacrifice, loss and love. While the plot isn't complicated, it will keep you turning the pages. The characters are somewhat marred by lack of development and depth, but despite these setbacks, you will find yourself rooting for a happily-ever-after.

Notable Scene:

Movement rippled behind me. I spun, throwing myself to the side as the monstrous head of the other Wolf exploded from the frame and lunged at me. I felt its hot breath and heard the snap of its massive jaws inches from my head. Backing away, I drew my sword as it slid out of the mirror and into the hall, a monstrous creature with burning green eyes, drool hanging in ribbons from its teeth. It howled, making the mirrors tremble, and crouched to spring at me, and that's when the real Wolf hit it from behind.

I leaped aside as the two giant wolves careened past, ripping and tearing at each other, vanishing down the side hallway. The smell of blood filled the air, the roars and snarls adding to the din of chaos. I turned to see Puck locked in battle with his twin and a second Robin Goodfellow stepping out of the mirror behind him, raising his blade.

The Iron Fey Series:

1. The Iron King

2. The Iron Daughter

3. The Iron Queen

4. The Iron Knight

FTC Advisory: Harlequin Teen provided me with a copy of The Iron Knight. No goody bags, sponsorships, "material connections," or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don't receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chiderah abani
Ash does not break promises or retract on his oaths. Meghan after nearly dying, ordered him to leave the Iron Realm. She loved him too much to let the poisonous iron slowly kill him. For once, he will defy an order; he cannot let her go; he took an unbreakable oath to be her knight, protect her always or forfeit his life trying. He will endure anything that enables him to return to the side of the lady he loves. Even if it entails embarking on the most perilous journey yet: a trip to the End of the World to attain a mortal soul. With a soul he can survive in the Iron Kingdom and be with Meghan but it is a quest so treacherous no one has ever returned to tell the tale. To make matters worse he is saddled with the frivolous, prankster Puck. Hanging out with him is equivalent to having an irritating bug bite that festers under the skin and the more you scratch the worse it itches. His guide is the nonchalant, ever aloof Grimalkin. Even if he can tolerate his companions long enough to survive all the obstacles flung in his path to reach The End of the World, that is only the beginning. What remains are three harrowing and excruciating tasks that he must undergo to acquire a soul. Will he suffer through Puck's constant, annoying banter or will he finally make good on his promise to kill him? Can he complete his crusade and rescind his immortality and at last return to reside in the arms of the girl who holds his heart?

What I Liked:
*I am an avid admirer of Ms. Kagawa's incredibly, detailed world building. I thought I was impressed with the depiction of the Nevernever in her previous three books. The Iron Knight blows the doors off the others. Hands down no comparison. The dark, cruel scenery exposed on the sojourn is unlike anything encountered before. This time Ash and company float down the River of Dreams. Now, I know many of you are hearing the bars to Billy Joel's song...."In the middle of the night.....we are all carried along on the river of dreams......" The River of Dreams is not all pleasant and wonderful like the song. It is a river that snakes around the Nevernever. It is fueled and fed by the dreams and nightmares of humanity. From its waters the first Fey walked into existence. The river is full of the good, bad, uglier and ugliest! Then, The End of the World is incredible, the gauntlet, the tasks, all painted with the striking detail of Ms. Kagawa's imagination. Thrown in are all the hideous creatures, creepy crawlers, snakes, scorpions, spiders and monsters that slither out to plague our heroes. Be prepared for anything and everything!
*I know many people missed Meghan's voice and it does take a few pages to adjust to Ash's point of view, but this book could only be told by Ash in order to fully appreciate and understand everything he goes through. He must finally settle his ongoing feud with Puck. Then face his darkest side and all the cruelty, regret, death and heartache that he dealt in his days as the Winter Prince. He has to learn exactly what it means to be mortal: the limitations of a human body, the decay and toll of aging and eventual death. Finally, he needs to come to terms with the lingering hold that Ariella still has on his heart, for her spirit has danced in between he and Meghan throughout the saga. All I can tell you is that it is a roller coaster ride of emotion and turmoil. It leaves you questioning his resolve and pondering over his final decision. His fortitude, determination and maturation are extraordinary and I had a front row seat to it all. I am still a resolute Puck fan, but Ash's trials leave little doubt that he is the right man for Meghan.
*The rest of the band of travelers are just as intriguing. A book in the Iron Fey series would not be complete without Puck and Grimalkin. Puck, provides the constant, flippant banter that you are accustomed to. It is evident throughout that he is a chronic thorn in the side to many of the inhabitants of the Nevernever. He is quick to lighten the mood and utters many lines that can only make you smile. I liked that in this tale I was able to uncover more of the history between the two, back in the days before the fighting. Puck also grows and changes a great deal too. I am hopeful that he is out there wild as the wind and somehow he will creep into future stories. Grimalkin, my favorite, is just the same. Even in the thick of trouble he remains apathetic and even pauses to groom his tail or paws. He always has the answer to a riddle and he is the best guide around. The Big Bad Wolf joins the group and I really grew to love this character. I laughed at his constant threats to eat Grimalkin, it seems the two have a history, perhaps we will see more of this pair at a later date.
*This book is action packed. If you are expecting another book filled with the tender romantic scenes that make your heart pitter patter then this novel may be a disappointment. The Iron Knight is instead one thrill after another. It is as if our travelers jump out of the frying pan and into the fire and then spend the entire time dancing from log to log to avoid the hot lick of the flames. You will be running, dodging, fighting and trying to catch your breath with the gang before the next onslaught. This is so much fun! Okay, for you romance lovers there might just be something for you too. Don't miss this one it truly is the best of the bunch.

Thus, with the fourth and final book the Iron Fey series draws to a close and we are left with four books that are a stunning, literary achievement. I felt a pang of sadness as I lingered over the last words, before I finally closed the pages and left my friends in the Nevernever. As much as I would love to see their story continue, I know there comes a point when the characters have earned a respite. As Ash and Meghan's story concludes, all I can say is thank you, Ms. Julie Kagawa. I extend to you my gratitude for penning this amazing story. With your words you ensure that the magic of the Nevernever will live on. I hope that Puck, Ash, Grimalkin, Meghan and the many others who have captured my imagination will continue to enthrall and delight readers for many generations to come. Hopefully, they will never make that final trip to the land of Phaed, the last stop for those who are forgotten. May there be an abundance of adventures left in the magic pen of Julie Kagawa so that we might all continue our travels into the world of the Nevernever.

Favorite Quotations:
"Being surrounded by beauty tends to dull your appreciation of it, especially if the beauty only hides the cruelty beneath."

"Wrestling in the mud just isn't my cup of tea, unless it involves scantily clad--" He stopped as I shot him a look. "Right," he muttered."

"The Wolf gave him a baleful stare. "You wouldn't say that if you'd seen some of the fish in the Deep Wyld, Goodfellow. But more important, how will you ever reach the End of the World if I bite your head off?"

"He bared his fangs at me. "Be careful, boy. In some tales, the hero gets eaten by the monster after all ."

"Stairs." He grimaced. "I swear there must be like some secret code. All mysterious ancient temples must have a minimum of at least seven thousand steps to the front door."

"I will always love you. I always have. Nothing will change that." I squeezed her hand, then gently released it. "You'll always be a part of me."

"Well , that was fun, though a bit on the clichéd side. Way too Temple of Doom for me. So, where are we now?"
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