Eleanor and the Iron King

ByJulie Daines

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
didi adisaputro
On the encouragement of a friend I read this book. Very early in the book, the author mentions the contents of one meal. Boiled venison with "almond milk". In 12th century England, Wales, Europe, I'm confident they were oblivious of a food called almond milk. That is a rather recent addition to culinary possibilities. There were so many things the main character, Eleanor, did that were just not done in that point in history! An enemy's daughter, betrothed to the king or not, would never have been taken to a room in the castle and left to her own devices! She never would have dragged one of the king's guards from his duty post and into her BEDCHAMBER...and CLOSED the door! NEVER! Nor would he have gone for fear of losing his head. Literally! Even if she were helping to save his life or minister to his wounded hand, it just would NOT have happened. Nor did they have glass windows, let alone leaded glass, in common castles, or much else during the 12th century . They might have had oiled cloth to cover the window openings, and the wooden shutters she mentions, to keep out the cold air of their bedchambers.

I fear Miss Daines has not expended the time to properly research the social and other customs of the era she's chosen for her fantasy story, So many things just don't make sense to me. I'm sorry to say, but I was rather disappointed in this book.

Miss Daines does, however write some good descriptions of sensations, surroundings and the like.

*** I have to say that I did some of my own research after posting my review last night. Long story short, I learned that almond milk was actually a food stuff that was not only available, but fairly common among the noble class during the 12th century. I'm sorry I did not research first. None-the-less, there were some really big gaps in the story line that kept me from giving this book more than two stars, and I feel I was being generous, at that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara jane
I really liked this book. It was well written and researched. My need in a book is a good well thought out story with decent dialogue. This book has all of that. Great story-line, good dialogue, twists and turns...it was a good read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jose blanco
Review found at: www.awesomebooknut.com

Oh. My. Word. I LOVE this book. Seriously, LOVE this book. I read the whole thing the same day I got it in the mail. Yes, it’s THAT good.
I didn’t expect just about anything when reading this book. Things in here were completely unexpected I had no clue! There is so much in the book, I wish there was MORE to the book, I didn’t want it to end! It has romance, a ghost story, mystery, paranormal activity, and political intrigue.

The book follows Eleanor who is forced to marry the man who has been the means of so much pain for her and her people. He has come to her lands and have caufbf042bf9d183ad2d799360a8fd54cc0sed wars and bloodshed to the point that her brother went off to fight him and never returned. So when she is forced to marry the King in order to save her people and have peace she does it out of pure duty.

When she meets her future husband, she constantly reminds herself of everything she has ever heard of him-this warrior king. Yet this man is nothing like she heard from her father.
When mysterious things start to happen to her, she has nobody she can trust and nobody she can really turn to but her fiancé.

Eleanor is such a likable character, I didn’t really have any problems with her. She’s loyal to almost a fault, she desirous to help others even her fiancé whom she fears. I just liked her.

The creepiness with this story was fabulous. There was a right amount of mystery and thrill that had to turning the page to find out what the heck is going on. The twist and turns were a bit obvious except for ONE thing and I didn’t see it coming.

The romance was perfect. Slow moving and romantic enough that it kept you invested and interested. I loved the fact that the main love interest is actually a good guy. A manly man who is GOOD. Completely won-worthy male lead.

There is SOOOOO much I could just rave about when it comes to this book. Seriously rave but I don’t want to spoil anything. THIS IS A MUST OWN!

Overall I would recommend this to ANYONE and EVERYONE, it was that good.

Sexual Content: mild
Violence: moderate (some scenes with blood, creepy ghost story that is a little disturbing but not too graphic, wounds that aren’t too gory, some sword fights-nothing too graphic)
Drugs/Alcohol: mild
Language: none
The Iron King (The Accursed Kings, Book 1) :: Rebel Belle by Hawkins Rachel (2015-03-03) Paperback :: Orion Fleet (Rebel Fleet Series) :: Ashes in the Wind :: Iron Will (The Shifting Tides Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I feel I should start out saying two things. One: many people loved this book. It has a ton of 5-star ratings on Goodreads. Two: I wanted to be one of those people. I really liked the premise. But in the end, there were just too many things that did not work for me.

As the story begins, Lady Eleanor is being forced to marry her father’s enemy to make peace. That means she must journey to the Welsh castle of Bryn Du to make a life, with nothing and no one familiar. The only things she knows about her betrothed, Brac Goch, are what she’s learned from her father: that he is ruthless and cunning and that she is to be his second wife. She doesn’t want to leave her English life or Gil, the man she had hoped to marry, but she is given no choice.

Right away, it’s clear to the reader that Brac is not what Eleanor thinks he is. He treats her with kindness and patience. But she can’t see beyond her own circumstances. The entire book is set in her point of view and I know we’re supposed to sympathize with her, but she is so clearly naive and really just… unkind to Brac. It’s hard to get on board with a romance where I don’t like the heroine.

Another big thing that detracted from the story was the supernatural element. Don’t get me wrong, I love paranormal books, but the ghostly and witchy parts of this story felt out of place. There is a real ghost wreaking havoc on Eleanor and we just have to accept that –and the fact that the ghost was a witch– at face value. Also, all of the herbal talk about what wards away evil and such is supposed to be real, while I just kept reading it as old fashioned superstitions. I think I would have liked the book better without this thread entirely.

To call the romance a slow burn would be an understatement. That insinuates that we actually get some satisfaction if we wait long enough. I don’t find any satisfaction in waiting until the last chapter for the hero and heroine to get together. I’m not talking about the HEA. I am talking about a kiss or even so much as an acknowledgement that they want each other. Too little, way too late. The book mostly consists of Eleanor being miserable and wishing she was back home. And the ghost. And an unsurprising twist about who the true villains in the tale really are.

I know I am in the minority, but this just was not for me. Maybe you’ll like it more.

Rating: C-
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
remi kanazi
Eleanor arrives to enter into an arranged marriage to the Welsh king Brach Goch. She has heard terrible stories about him, one that includes him killing her brother. Fearing the worst, she prepares her future to be full of misery. When she arrives, she sees a ghost walking along the gloomy castle and her fears are confirmed. However, she is surprised and astonished by Brach’s kindness to her. Yet, with the ghost’s warnings, she realizes she is in danger. In order to save her own life, Eleanor must truly understand who Brach Goch is and to unravel her future husband’s darkest secrets.

Eleanor is a conflicted character. Eleanor is intelligent and stubborn, and yet she realizes that her life is often decided for her among men because she is a pawn for her father and the Welsh king. However since they day she arrives at Brach Goch’s castle, she grows stronger every day. She tries to figure out what she wants in life and to make her own decisions. She also tries to adjust to her new life, and to understand her new country and its ruler. Another thing I like about Eleanor is that she is not a damsel in distress, and she can save herself.

Overall, this story is about friendship, love, duty, and choices. The message of this book is to follow your heart and that you have the ability to create your own happiness. With a fast-paced plot, a great cast of characters, and a gloomy setting, with a ghost mixed in, it makes a fascinating story. It was a very enjoyable read, and I would advise you reading this story at night, if you want an extra eerily thrill. This story is perfect for fans of Beauty and The Beast, Jane Eyre, and Rebecca.
*Note: I read an ARC copy of this book in courtesy of Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! The setting was amazing, I felt like I was there in the castle and mountainous woodlands. Eleanor is a strong young woman, but helpless in her role as political pawn. She's an interesting mix of independence and submissiveness. Her choices and reactions were not predictable, yet offered insight to her character. She is loyal and kindhearted, feisty and impulsive. Her skills with healing herbs are an invaluable asset to those around her in a time of limited medical knowledge, and it helps her make some new friends that ease the loneliness of her new home. Brac is also a study in contrasting characteristics- unyielding and compassionate, arrogant and teasing. The gentleness and humor confuses Eleanor since it's not only unexpected, she has never experienced that with her own father/king. It was endearing to see him try to connect with Eleanor even when she wanted nothing to do with him. I could not put the book down as Eleanor learns little by little that not all is as it seems or as she had been told and she no longer knows who to trust, except by instinct. The romantic moments between Brac and Eleanor develop naturally and enhance the emotion of the plot. The creepy phantom adds heightened tension and an element of fantasy but it blends seamlessly with the world the author has created. The pacing is steady throughout and climaxes in a battle where all is finally revealed. I highly recommend this novel and look forward to reading more by the author!

(Thank you to Covenant Communications for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Medieval romance set in ancient Wales with castles, dungeons, knights, and just enough touch of witchcraft to make it spooky. Eleanor, an English woman, is traded into marriage to an enemy Welsh king in order for a truce to be formed between her father’s country and Wales. She is determined to hate her betrothed for the cruel man she knows him to be, but his gentle actions towards her confuse her. Behind closed doors, he does not act like the barbaric bloodthirsty man who supposedly killed her brother. So who is he truly?

This was a great story that engulfed me in the time period. I felt like I was right there with Eleanor during her struggles to feel of worth after being traded so cruelly by an unloving father. She learns that all is not as it seems and must learn to trust her heart…but that’s hard to do when there are so many confusing voices she longs to trust, as well as a scary witch who seems bent on warning her of impending danger. Great writing, clean, heartwarming romance, superb characters, and an awesome setting. This was one of the best romances I’ve read about in this time period and I highly recommend it.
***I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chris burd
This historical romance features Eleanor De Lacy whose English warring father has sold her to a neighboring Welsh enemy in exchange for peace between their factions. Eleanor has only heard King Brac Goch called a ruthless warrior and so goes to his castle in fear and dismay. Besides being among people not her own, there seems to be a ghost in the castle who wishes her ill. While learning to live at the castle, Eleanor begins to doubt everything she thought she knew about her own people and those she called the enemy. Brac is handsome, charming and confusing for Eleanor. He treats her with kindness and respect, but also takes away something she holds precious. She must pick through the web of lies, hearsay, and deceit to figure who she can trust with life and her heart.

I like the Welsh medieval setting and characters of this story quite well enough. As much as I enjoyed some of the interactions between Eleanor and Brac, calling this a romance is a stretch as they spend most of their time arguing and misunderstanding each other. If those issues had been resolved sooner in the plot, this story would be much more satisfying. Eleanor’s stubbornness and refusal to see the truth is also a bit madding as much of her troubles are of her own making. That being said, this book is totally appropriate for young adult fiction, perhaps the 12 to 14 age range. So if I were ranking Eleanor and The Iron King for that age group, I would give it 4 stars. However, for adult fiction unless the reader wants a squeaky clean, almost no physical contact romance with a somewhat frustrating heroine, there are many elements missing that would make this good story into a great one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! The setting was amazing, I felt like I was there in the castle and mountainous woodlands. Eleanor is a strong young woman, but helpless in her role as political pawn. She's an interesting mix of independence and submissiveness. Her choices and reactions were not predictable, yet offered insight to her character. She is loyal and kindhearted, feisty and impulsive. Her skills with healing herbs are an invaluable asset to those around her in a time of limited medical knowledge, and it helps her make some new friends that ease the loneliness of her new home. Brac is also a study in contrasting characteristics- unyielding and compassionate, arrogant and teasing. The gentleness and humor confuses Eleanor since it's not only unexpected, she has never experienced that with her own father/king. It was endearing to see him try to connect with Eleanor even when she wanted nothing to do with him. I could not put the book down as Eleanor learns little by little that not all is as it seems or as she had been told and she no longer knows who to trust, except by instinct. The romantic moments between Brac and Eleanor develop naturally and enhance the emotion of the plot. The creepy phantom adds heightened tension and an element of fantasy but it blends seamlessly with the world the author has created. The pacing is steady throughout and climaxes in a battle where all is finally revealed. I highly recommend this novel and look forward to reading more by the author!

(Thank you to Covenant Communications for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clacy albert
Eleanor and the Iron King

This book will catch your attention and wrap you up into the story-line from the first page! Eleanor is a gifted healer, and amazing women, who has learned to stand on her own. She has a quit inner-strength that I loved and respected from the beginning of the story. She has learned the art of healing with Herbs, and wonders why this bothers so many people. Brach is a man of honor. He appears as a man who does not yield, but yield he does in the things that really matter, as he begins to know and love Eleanor.

Although Eleanor has very low expectations of her soon to be husband, she quickly learns that he is not afraid to defend her against her father, something that she has never known from even her childhood “confidant”, whom she later finds was not as he appeared. The story has many twists and turns. The characters of the story come to life, and you begin to feel that you know them. Although there is a dark side to the story-line, it adds to the whole mystery and adventure of the book.

The story of Brach and Eleanor proves that love can exist when least expected. As you get to know Brach the reader will find that he is a man to be trusted and loyal to those that he loves and protects. I fully enjoyed reading their story and adventures. I truly fell in love with the leading characters Brach and Eleanor and many of the other supporting characters also. I didn’t want to put it down, once I began reading!

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading a great medieval adventure and romance story!

Five Stars *****

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review, which I have done.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m d spenser
This book is FANTASTIC!

I always imagined myself being very submissive if ever I was put in a situation like this--but I LOVE that Eleanor is bold and makes up her mind that if she has to go through with this arranged marriage then she was going to do it HER WAY! -- Makes for a much better story :)

I adored how the author put in tiny glimpses into the beginning chapters making you wonder if Brach really is a nice guy with a gruff exterior--or could those "attentions be nothing more than a diversion?"

And the mysteries of unexplained happenings in the castle and surrounding Eleanor are so intriguing!

Gives you a feeling of a fairy tale/medieval romance with kings and queens-to-be and warring kingdoms, but with fantasy inspired haunting events like ghosts and witches and casting of spells encircling it.

Grab a copy of this book to see what is really happening inside Bryn Du, who is involved, and who is the true enemy!


You will be absolutely enthralled with this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lana torres
Fantastic story that had some unexpected twists and turns. Historical fiction with a ghost story to add dimension to the book. The main characters are noble and good, but not trusting of one another. They must learn to overcome their past, in order to enjoy what the future can hold for them. Eleanor is feisty and brave. Sometimes a bit too headstrong for her own good. She has been misused by her domineering father for so long that she doesn't know what to expect from men, especially kings. Brac is loyal, kind, and strong. He also has been hurt deeply in the past. They often clash and provoke one another. They also learn to respect one another. Eleanor must learn how to sort out the truth and the lies that have surrounded her for her entire life. I loved watching the characters learn and grow together. Like each of us, they must learn to humble themselves and become stronger as they overcome their past.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Received a copy from NetGalley in return for a review.

This book was like chocolate, I had to read it all till it was done. This story had me wrapped up in it by the second page. The mystery of who was haunting the castle was nerve racking and had me on the edge of my seat wondering if it was real or some one plotting against Eleanor. I for once didn't figure it out till the reveal! Brac was a great character and gorgeous once a male lead that actually tried to charm in a good way and not turn into instant jerk. Eleanor was a tad bullheaded, but she pulled it out well. Great story and the pace of the plot was perfect. The author really showed what it was like for a woman of the time, helpless and totally at the mercy of the male in her life. I am so glad I didn't live back then. Eleanor made the best of it though! It was a great read and well worth the time to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashli cooney
This was so different then I thought it would be. Eleanor's father sends her off to marry the warring neighbor and thus ending her happiness forever, this part was what I expected but then the book turns into a creepy ghost story and it is fitting I read this around Halloween. The story was good and but the characters were changeable and the end was all too quick. It was a shorter story only taking me 4 hours to read. I'm just not sure I liked the authors style. The leading man and lady had a rough time and a good talk could have ironed out most of their problems in a hour and there were some holes to the story, but it kept me engaged. This book is a clean romance but the ghost was freaky and the things the ghost did were freaky and there was a scene that was freaky so I'm saying this is 16 and up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Short Synopsis: Eleanor is being forced by her ruthless dad to go to the rival kingdom and marry its king in order to seal the agreement and solidify new alliances. She is not happy. She'd rather stay home and marry one of her dad's guards. But, she goes, and finds out the king is not so bad after all, and in fact when lots of strange things begin to happen, she finds herself on his side more than her own kingdom's.

My Response: Another fun romp of a fairy type tale from this author. Some fun twists and turns here and there, some fun bantering and flirty fluff. Lots and lots of Welsh influences and a creepy mythical tone. I love stuff like this!

Bottom Line: Very fun for lovers of fairy tales and flirty fantasy fun!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bronwen cound
"Eleanor" is about a young girl shipped off by her royal father to be married to a rival, war-mongering king (Brach). Told all her life that Brach is a blood thirty, brute of a man, Eleanor is terrified. The omens (Brach's red hair among them) all point to bad luck. And when Brach accuses her of witchcraft and takes away her healing herbs, Eleanor is even more suspicious and resentful. Her herbs are her passion and healing gives her purpose. Neither of them can see the truth about each other, though it doesn't stop them from having several tender moments, which then lead them to question what they believe. Even miserable as she is with her impending marriage, Eleanor finds joy in friendships and in the land she's coming to love.

Set in a middle ages era, "Eleanor" tells the story of one of life's most important truths--we make our own happiness.

Content Warning: None. A beautiful story for all ages. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dina meyer
I really enjoyed this book, it kept my attention. I wish the author had taken a bit more time to develop the characters and their emotions though, we never got a chance to feel what Eleanor was feeling. We didn't start out with a love for Gilbert nor a hatred for the king, so although she did, we were left out of that fun emotional roller-coaster she was going through while trying to know who to trust. It was REALLY fast moving, there were even parts when I wanted it to slow down so we could milk the moment a little more. I liked the paranormal twists, but again, they happened so fast that we really weren't given the chance to be frightened.
It's a nice easy read with an easy story that will keep you entertained for an afternoon. Honestly I liked it, but don't expect a ton out of the writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Medieval romance set in ancient Wales with castles, dungeons, knights, and just enough touch of witchcraft to make it spooky. Eleanor, an English woman, is traded into marriage to an enemy Welsh king in order for a truce to be formed between her father’s country and Wales. She is determined to hate her betrothed for the cruel man she knows him to be, but his gentle actions towards her confuse her. Behind closed doors, he does not act like the barbaric bloodthirsty man who supposedly killed her brother. So who is he truly?

This was a great story that engulfed me in the time period. I felt like I was right there with Eleanor during her struggles to feel of worth after being traded so cruelly by an unloving father. She learns that all is not as it seems and must learn to trust her heart…but that’s hard to do when there are so many confusing voices she longs to trust, as well as a scary witch who seems bent on warning her of impending danger. Great writing, clean, heartwarming romance, superb characters, and an awesome setting. This was one of the best romances I’ve read about in this time period and I highly recommend it.
***I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
leigh marvin
This historical romance features Eleanor De Lacy whose English warring father has sold her to a neighboring Welsh enemy in exchange for peace between their factions. Eleanor has only heard King Brac Goch called a ruthless warrior and so goes to his castle in fear and dismay. Besides being among people not her own, there seems to be a ghost in the castle who wishes her ill. While learning to live at the castle, Eleanor begins to doubt everything she thought she knew about her own people and those she called the enemy. Brac is handsome, charming and confusing for Eleanor. He treats her with kindness and respect, but also takes away something she holds precious. She must pick through the web of lies, hearsay, and deceit to figure who she can trust with life and her heart.

I like the Welsh medieval setting and characters of this story quite well enough. As much as I enjoyed some of the interactions between Eleanor and Brac, calling this a romance is a stretch as they spend most of their time arguing and misunderstanding each other. If those issues had been resolved sooner in the plot, this story would be much more satisfying. Eleanor’s stubbornness and refusal to see the truth is also a bit madding as much of her troubles are of her own making. That being said, this book is totally appropriate for young adult fiction, perhaps the 12 to 14 age range. So if I were ranking Eleanor and The Iron King for that age group, I would give it 4 stars. However, for adult fiction unless the reader wants a squeaky clean, almost no physical contact romance with a somewhat frustrating heroine, there are many elements missing that would make this good story into a great one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A spirited, strong-willed heroine matched with a handsome, powerful, and misunderstood enemy king—what’s not to love? The pacing is quick, the characters intriguing, and the romance mixed with the supernatural keeps you turning the pages long after you should have been asleep. A thoughly enjoyable read!
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