Book 2), Toxic (The Ruin Series

ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really love the story lines in this series. There are moments that I wonder how the characters can fall so deeply in love so quickly and then I remember that I love that part about these books. Powerful love and challenging relationships. Gabe's story is a tough one. With the support of Wes and Keirsten as well as Lisa and now Saylor....Gabe can break free and be who he wants to really be. Check this series is a sweet read. (P.S. Have tissues close.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Toxic was a wonderfully, brilliant well written story.
Gabe ( Ashton/Parker) will break your heart because he is so broken. He can't let go of his past which haunts him everyday. He holds onto the pain and blame and becomes a empty shell of a a person. On the outside the parts he shows he is a tattooed, pierced bad boy, one who doesn't do relayionships, but on the inside he breaks more every single day. It has to be so hard to smile on the outside when you are dying slowly on the inside. He has friends that love him and a girl ( saylor) who wants to know more of the stranger but he can't seem to live for the now. He doesn't have his whole heart and he hides behind his secrets.

It was sad and beautiful. Saylor was his saving grace. He found a reason to love, a reason to let to of the past, to no longer run from his secrets. Saylor wasn't clingy or annoying she was a breath of fresh air. A light to the darkness in his world.

It's hard to put into words exactly what I felt with this story because it was just so beautiful. That's the best way I know to explain it.

The author did an awesome job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading a good book is amazing, but reading a book that is amazing and something you can relate to is even better. I love all the dialogue and words of wisdom in this book. Gabe is a complex character and I relate so much to his struggle of watching someone he loves struggle. I get that pain and it made me feel for him even more. The only problem is I wanted more! I felt this book could have went on forever and I would have been okay with reading every last page!
Darkest Temptation (The Dark Ones) :: Cheater (Curious Liaisons) :: The Consequence of Rejection :: Fearless (Ruin) (Volume 3) :: Envy: An Eagle Elite Novella
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just love this series. The characters show real emotions even though there's the unrealistic detail of being rich. I loved how the story included the main characters from the first book. I can't wait to read the next one, which I am going to start right now. Truly inspirational, entertaining and touches on hope being so important, especially during times of crisis. I highly recommend this book to everyone looking for a great emotional story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carly huss
Yes, I cried again. I also sighed, giggled and smiled. Great dialogue that cuts right through you. Romantic, sweet and tender. Gabe brought a lot of baggage to the relationship but it would have been more equal if Saylor had more angst in her past. Loved revisiting these characters. Looking forward to Fearless and Shame.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel Van Dyken really rocks!! This story as with many of her others carries the heart warming component of real kindness and warmth in her heroes and heroines/chicks and guys! Definitely worth a read! I like that her men have more layers than most in this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mario montoya
I love Rachel Van Dyken! She always amazes me with her books, her characters are always so real and her writing is so beautiful and unique. I loved Gabe in Ruin and was so excited that he was getting his own book and of course I fell even harder for him in Toxic. I highly recommend this book, make sure you read Ruin first. Rachel Van Dyken is a must buy anything-she-writes-author for me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
austin allen
Toxic (Ruin book 2)
By - Rachel Van Dyken
****I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review for Nerd Alert Book Love Blog****
This is Gabe and Saylor's story. You get to know Gabe in Ruin but you get to fall in love with him in Toxic. His story will break you down in every emotional way possible and just when you think you know all of his story, Rachel throws something more at you.
"...Because when I said love - I meant I bled for you. When the word love actually leaves my lips - I'm speaking in into existence..."
You also get to know Saylor. Saylor is the sweet all American girl. But Gabe and Saylor together are Toxic!
"...Our story started the first time I laid eyes on you and you fell on your ass..."
As they spend time together working side by side at the group home their attraction for each other grows. Saylor hates that she is attracted to him and is slowly learning Gabe is not who he says he is or who he is pretending to be. Will Gabe's secrets finally come out? Will his four years in hiding finally come to an end?
"...How often do you think we write our own ending before the story is even finished?..."
I honestly don't know how to write a review that will give Toxic the justice it deserves. Rachel Van Dyken is one of my all time favorite authors and for the longest time I thought Ruin and Wes' story was my favorite...until I read Toxic! This is a beautiful but heart wrenching story. You will laugh, cry, smile, and you will ugly cry! But in the end you will be moved beyond words by such a beautifully sad story will a heartfelt happy ending. I wish I could give this book more than a Nerd Alert A++ or 5 stars....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
priscilla rojas
This book. This book and Ruin. This book and Ruin made me cry and laugh and scream (in my head) in frustration. ALL of these qualities are so fantastic that I read this book straight through with no breaks because I HAD TO KNOW THE ENDING. I had to know if the characters got the HEA and that Wes and Kiersten were okay and doing well... it was a book hangover at the end of it! I loved this book and this series. Great job Rachel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim ostler
I absolutely love this series!! I love Gabe's story! I think I fell in love with Gabe in the first book, but more so in this one. The pain and tragedy he has had to endure is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. But the strength he finds in his friend Wes and more so in Saylor is just amazing. This is a story of love, loss, pain, heartbreak and most of all hope. If you haven't read this series I highly recommend you do!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel has done it again. She weaves an amazing story and being near 40 I would think this shouldn't be relatable but every time she puts pen to paper I'm hooked. I adore the characters they are so funny and so deep, their lives are so much more than what they first seem. Can not wait for Lisa's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was anxiously awaiting this book. I loved Ruin. I cried ugly tears in that book. I couldn't wait to read about Gabe. I love him as much as Wes. Gabe was a beautiful broken man. He is surrounded by wonderful friends. I loved Saylor. She truly got him & was so supportive. This book is amazing & beautiful. I can't wait to read Fearless & Lisa's story. Rachel you are an amazing author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary g
Rachel has done it again in this series. She knows how to take your emotions on a roller coaster ride. If you enjoyed reading Ruin then you will love Toxic just as much. If you haven't read Ruin yet but you are considering reading Toxic, what are you waiting for? Go read Ruin, then Toxic and follow it up with Fearless. (She is even writing another book in this series and I can't wait.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gabe's story..... first, I loved seeing Wes in this story! Okay, back to Gabe. After reading Ruin, I would have never guessed Gabe's story! He tried so hard to not be the person he was before. My heart broke for him. He was awesome seeing the way his character developed. Another great story, Rachel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic romance story that makes it difficult to put the book down. I've read Ruin by this author so I knew this would be a good read. I enjoyed the mystery behind Gabe's past. There were hints to what could of happened & I felt a relief once everything was revealed because it was driving me crazy thinking of what the different scenarios were!

*Per my Goodreads review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris ward
This,love,loved it ! It was heart-braking,breathtaking story of 2 damaged souls healing each other ! I love Gabe and Saylor, the passion the love what they have for each other regardless all that drama. Love seeing Wes,Kiersten and Lisa again. I am sooooo happy that Lisa gets her story,can not wait ! Recommandation!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david bernstein
Good story! It was an easy read. No thought required. Gabe reminded me of Demitri in the Seaside series by Rachel so I liked him immediately. I enjoyed the interaction between the characters. The story was good. I give it five stars. Also I read this without reading Wes and Kiratens story first. So it's a stand alone novel. Although now I'm eager to read about Wes now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have never written a review before, but this book was so great I couldn't resist. Rachel Van Dyken has become my favorite author. The Bet and The Elect are also two amazing stories by this author. I couldn't put the book down and I found myself crying from the raw emotion this story evoked. I read often (almost a book a day) and for awhile I stopped because I was so disappointed in the writing I was reading and had a really hard time finding a story that I wanted to finish or that I really fell into. Then I saw Rachel had two more books out and I bought them both.

The story is about Gabe and I loved him in the first book and couldn't wait to hear his story. Some of the review complained that the love story wasn't developed enough, but this wasn't all a love story. It was about a personal journey and letting go and dealing with the guilt and shame of the accident.

Great read would recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jay hartwell
I love the way Rachel Van Dyken writes dialogue between her characters -even though the subject matter of this book is pretty sad and serious, somehow she still manages to get you to laugh out loud. This book actually made me cry ugly tears and I felt a little torn through most of it. It was really a beautiful story and I'm looking forward to reading more in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah pottenger
What is it with this author and hitting every damn heart string.......It's bittersweet reading something so powerfully written because you know eventually it has to end. Beautiful storyline that is written in a way that makes you feel every word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Would not have thought I could love any character as much as I loved Wes but I think Gabe actually trumps him in this one. This book follows Gabe and his story. I loved every second of it and was actually shocked at how quickly it went by. I love the way Rachel writes she keeps you interested and the story never drags. She is one of my favorites. Trust me Toxic is totally worth the download!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m hakikah shamsideen
***ARC provided by Author for honest review****

It isn't often that you find an author that makes you fall in love with every single book you read by them. For me, Rachel Van Dyken is that author!! Toxic was my most anticipated book so far this year and I was NOT disappointed. I loved Gabe in Ruin and Toxic has caused me to fall In Love with him!! Saylor is such a wonderfully real female character!! Like all of her books I laughed so hard I cried and then ugly cried!!! Keep a box of tissues ready and hold on for a beautiful, heartwarming,heart-melting, heart breaking emotional ride that you will not soon forget!! If I could give 100 stars that would NOT be enough to cover how intoxicating and outstanding TOXIC is!!! if you haven't read Ruin yet, do that and then please Please PLEASE read Toxic!!! <3 Thank you Rachel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a complimentary copy provided by author/publisher of Toxic, and I am definitely giving my honest opinion when I say everyone should read this book! Ruin and Wes are in my top tiers in books and book boyfriend, so when I found out there was going to be a book 2 and it was Gabe, I was very excited. The whole book takes you on an adventure that I've never been through before. You see this strong confident guy go through things that no one should ever experience, and how different his life is on the inside rather than the persona he shows everyone else. The book conveys so many different emotions between love, loyalty, and friendship, and how just standing by someone can make a difference. All the different twists and turns had me flipping the pages until I read the entire thing in one sitting. This book is definitely worthy of being part of the Ruin series, and everyone should read it asap!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I heard this book was coming out I immediately pre-ordered it. I forgot about it until it showed up on my kindle. It was like a little present to myself. I loved Ruin...I cried ugly, laughed and fell in love! I didn't think I could love Gabe as much as I did! So dark, yet so light!! Rachel Van Dyken did it again.....wrote the perfect story for an amazing character! I really hope the story continues because I have a feeling Gabe's story is not over yet!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, this book, or this series for that matter, are so great!!! rachel's writing brings the characters to life so well. I cried in both books so far.. laughed as well. The friendships and romances in both books are amazing... I recommend very highly for people to read not only this book, but the whole series...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna ros
Dear God. I can't describe how much I loves Gabes story. I need more about his future. I said the same thing about Kiersten and Wes. Seriously, they skipped over a few parts with Gave and Saylor at the end. I need more! You would be ridiculous not to love this heart wrenching story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What can I say besides ANOTHER good book by Rachel! Her books always have such a meaningful story behind them and I just love reading her books! While Toxic wasn't nearly as emotional as Ruin, it still is sooooo worth reading. It gives us Gabe's story and boy does he have one! I just love Gabe!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne olsson
Another absolutely brilliant read from Rachel she never disappoints.This story is a emotional roller coaster that has you going through all the emotions possible, but in the end leaves you with true undoubtable hope. I recommend everyone to pick toxic up and and get sucked in for the ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoy Wes and Kiersten in Ruin, but Gabe and Saylor story will take you on a ride you will never forget. You know a book is good when it brings tears to your eyes. Lots of emotions involved in this read. This is one read that is a must and one that you will not regret picking up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff benner
Most readers are on the Wes Michaels bandwagon. I love Wes, but Gabe is my favorite. I loved this story. Gabe just breaks your heart. One bad decision wrecked him at a young age causing him pain and guilt. This book is ultimately a story of pain, guilt, live, and bravery. Saylor and Gabe both have to be brave and I cheered for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex abed
I really enjoy Wes and Kiersten in Ruin, but Gabe and Saylor story will take you on a ride you will never forget. You know a book is good when it brings tears to your eyes. Lots of emotions involved in this read. This is one read that is a must and one that you will not regret picking up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine giordano
Most readers are on the Wes Michaels bandwagon. I love Wes, but Gabe is my favorite. I loved this story. Gabe just breaks your heart. One bad decision wrecked him at a young age causing him pain and guilt. This book is ultimately a story of pain, guilt, live, and bravery. Saylor and Gabe both have to be brave and I cheered for them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel lawson
Rachel, you did it again! Such a heartbreaking story! So, so, so emotional! On one page I was crying, on the next I was laughing and on the next I fell in love. I swear, my emotions are all over the place right now. I actually wanted to skip class and abandon my friends to just keep reading :)
Definitely one of the best books I've ever read, a real page turner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy fredrickson
Wow, this is officially one of my favorite reads so far for 2014. Although an emotional read there was also such a sweetness to the story. Gabe, what a heart, never breaking his promise to the very end. Simply amazing, I could see this being one of the few books that I would go back and read again.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Lots of other reviewers have written better recaps. Here is a really brief one.
Gabe is a good looking Senior at college that comes off as a guy without a care. He keeps to himself, likes to flirt and sleep around. Immediately from the start, the author reveals to us that Gabe has a deep rooted, incredibly painful secret/guilt that keeps him from relationships. He doesn't feel worthy. He doesn't let himself feel love, deserving of love, etc.
Saylor is a music student that crosses paths with Gabe and immediately he feels a connection to her (and vice versa). Romance ensues. Love. HEA. No Cliffhanger.

This is book 2 of a series, but can be read as a standalone
But it's helpful to read the first book to understand the other characters' jibes, relationships, etc. Like why the death jokes are funny/not funny with Gabe's BFF....

I really wanted to love this book. I like the tormented sexy hero that is able to find someone that breaks his walls down and helps to heal. But I didn't see how Saylor could do this for Gabe. His secret and guilt is so incredibly deep and festering. Just her ability to push him to play music again just didn't seem enough of a connection. Where are the long in-depth conversations? Is sexual chemistry enough? Is a mutual love of music enough? I didn't think so. She didn't seem strong enough for most of the book to be able to handle his pain. She shows a little mettle towards the end, but it just didn't seem like she was a good fit for him.

And the situation Gabe was in, seemed to resolve itself way too easily. What happens? She's only a Freshman! What about his 'career' now that it's out in the open?? What next?
How can Gabe jump into a relationship so easily with Saylor. His previous situation seemed to end so quickly. I would think he would need some time to regroup, etc. It was the next day - too weird.

I liked the characters individually- but just couldn't see Gabe and Saylor together. Gabe seemed to need someone with more sassiness, humor and backbone. Just didn't see that in Saylor. If there were more scenes written between them with lots of dialogue and sharing, their relationship growth and compatibility would have been more compelling for me - but it just didn't hit the mark.

Overall I could see how people like this book a lot. It has a gorgeous broken hero that finds his salvation with a young sweet heroine. There is a bit of angst, tears, suffering and guilt. But ends with a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cy engelke
This was such a beautiful, emotional story. At first your like WTF is up with Gabe, but after it all comes out, your like AWWW I totally understand. I enjoyed the bits of humor throughout also. This story is a clear example that tomorrow is not always a promise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scot nourok
Rachel Van Dyken is one of my favorite writers. She draws in to her fun loving yet serious characters. Her writing makes you want to fight their fights with them and share their happiness as well. Toxic is the perfect example of this. Gabe and Saylor are wonderful together. The scenes at the pianos made me fall in love even more with the way music heals you. She captured it and took you on a journey with it. This series is a must read. Who am I kidding all of Rachel's books are must reads!
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