Empire (Eagle Elite Book 7)

ByRachel Van Dyken

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
moya vaughan evans
Sergio Abandonato is not really living anymore. He is angry, lost, broken, and numb. He lost his wife and now he has another obligation to the family to take on another one. This girl has been hidden from the mafia life. Her name is Valentina and her whole stable world is about to be turned upside down.

Their initial interactions are awkward, stilted, and intimidating. She is nineteen, sheltered, sweet, and completely unaware of the lifestyle and how she fits in.

He is fighting demons and his attraction to Val. He tries to keep her at arm's length and scared of him, but it is hard to maintain. They are about to face some serious changes--marriage, family dynamics, enemies, and threats. And they are two people that are thrust into these situations together, but neither are emotionally ready to handle them.

I love that all of the guys and girls are back...Nixon, Trace, Chase, Mil, Tex, Mo, Phoenix, Bee, and Frank. They completely crack me up with their fun banter and threats to each other. They definitely add comic relief with their own brand of humor. Frank is also a big presence. We meet Val's twin Dante and her three overprotective uncles as well. Andi's presence was also still felt in this one.

Sergio seems to always have something he is fighting. This time it is himself, his feelings, his memories, his friends, and Val. He knows if he lets her in then it might overshadow his memories or make him forget Andi. He is full of guilt and self hatred for developing feelings. And Val is young and inexperienced and she feels like she is a poor stand-in for his true love and will never measure up. She just needs attention and even a bit of kindness. But Sergio finds it hard to tame his beast. In order to move on he would have to let go and really let her in.

But through this series we have seen so much growth and chance in Sergio. He started out with questionable loyalties and intentions. He found love and friendship when he was not looking and was terrified of the consequences. His emotions are strong and swing to extremes. But he has a way of turning off his feelings, avoiding, and pushing people away. It will take strong motivation, a special person, and maybe some outside interference to get Sergio back on a path towards healing and living life again. And he can be one stubborn man. And even though Val was a bit shy and unsure, I liked that she does have a backbone and also has opportunities for growth as she becomes more immersed with the crew.

There are some other hidden agendas in the background and the big picture is not always what it seems. I liked some of the surprises and how some of the story elements unfolded.

I love this series. They suck me in. They are comfy reads for me even with uncomfortable subject matter. The characters are flawed and over-the-top, but I can't help but love these crazy mafia families. This one was emotional, passionate, dangerous, suspenseful, and romantic. I have become so attached to Sergio throughout this series. He broke my heart and made me want to slap him, but I had faith that the sweet, loving Sergio would find a way to make an appearance. I actually loved how Elude and Empire flowed together to give us Sergio's journey. I am looking forward to learning even more about Dante in the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The following review will contain the biggest spoiler of Elude. If you haven't read the book, proceed at your own risk.

How can a reader move on after the heroine of a book dies? A very loved heroine. A heroine that changed the hero's life in so many ways. How can a reader move on after reading about a perfect couple? How can a reader see another woman trying to pick up the pieces of Sergio Andi broke with her death in order to make Sergio whole again? I wasn't sure how I could deal with all that, but Rachel Van Dyken is Rachel Van Dyken managed to make things work out without cheapening Andi and Segio's relationship. She still managed to get me with Empire though. I still cried like a baby, like I always do with her books.

Andi's ghost is present from the first to the last page. She still has work to do and even death can't stop her. She is like a third person to Sergio and Val's relationship, standing between them sometimes bringing them together, some separating them. Sergio is broken after her death and he is forced once again to marry a woman he doesn't know. Only this one is destined to be with him. She is the one who will take the pieces that make Sergio and put them together in a way that will make him a great man.

Val is a new character (I think at least) in the series. She wokrs in a flower shop and she has no idea about who she is or about the mafia. She is thrust into this world and for the first time since Trace if I am correct we see a heroine who is not used to the way things work and tries to settle into this new world she was in. A little mre trainning and she will be very badass. I hope i will see her in Dante's book.

Val and Sergio don't have an easy relationship because Segio doesn't want to let Andi go and he is not willing to lose another wife if he gets emotionally invested. During the events of the story we see how he tries to process things and live his life after the death of the first woman he loved.

Dante is her twin brother and the hero of the next book. The way I see it, Ella will be his heroine, despite the animosity he has towards her. The very, very bad news I heard though is that his book is coming out in a year plus a couple of months. I can't believe I won't get my fix for more than a year.

The epilogue was one the best in the series. It wasn't only about the teas of Dante's story, but also because the gang welcomes a new member. I am expecting a novella about that new person we meet. Again Van Dyken managed to write a great story. She is one of the few authors who manage to make me love whatever the right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I couldn't have wished for a more perfect conclusion to Sergio’s story.

It's not often that I find a book that I never want to end, but this was just such a story. From the heartbreak of Elude we experience the hope of Empire as Sergio’s true destiny is revealed.

With so many characters to love and cherish, this series continues to go from strength to strength. Sergio’s story has to be my favourite though. With his broken heart and vulnerability, you can’t help but cry with him as his faces the cruel fate bestowed upon him. We knew his destiny had been written for him by Luca but until you witness it, you wouldn’t believe that his past could have a positive influence on his future.

This really is a rollercoaster of a story which is captured in two parts. It’s definitely worthwhile re-reading Elude before starting Empire in order to remember Sergio's tragic story to date.

As expected, the rest of the families play a large part in this story with the usual fun and antics courtesy of Nixon et al. The comedic side to this series is what makes it magical in my eyes and despite the dark undercurrent, the series continues to entertain with light hearted banter interspersed with touches of sadness.

There was another delightful addition to the key players in this series in the form of twins: Valentina and Dante. With Dante’s story up next, it’s going to be a very long wait until summer 2017. Valentina turned out to be a breath of fresh air in this story. Her innocence is beguiling, especially in the way she relates to Sergio.

If I could give this story 10 Stars I would. It captivated me from start to finish and despite the tears that I shed, the story left me yet again wanting more from this truly amazing series and the key players who live their lives through the pages of each book.

(Purchased via the store UK)
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 million trillion stars

Let me start by saying Wow I am floored yet again by the talents of RVD. I think this has to be the best book in this series so far. I don't know if it's because I felt that there was more anger and aggression put into the feelings of the characters or because the sex scenes seemed a little hotter than usual ( which I loved by the way so make no mistake in reading this differently) but seriously I don't think it would have mattered even if it was toned down because it would still have worked. This series just keeps on getting better and better. I won't rehash Sergios story because it would open up spoilers for Elude (book 6) where Sergios story first started. Let's just say Sergio has lost a lot and he has hit the lowest point in his life where he's fighting within himself to get back. The question is can anyone escape from the clutches of hell?
We see all the usual characters from this series with their witty banter and support network. We meet some new characters as well opening up the writing channels for more in the series meaning we don't have to say goodbye to our Mafia boys just yet. (yippeeeeee).
As usual RVD has written a flawless story that draws you in and keeps you hooked until the very last words are read. Forever one of my favourite authors where a blurb is not needed and even going in blind I know I will be drawn in hook line and sinker with a great storyline and enough humour and emotion in all the right places. This is one of those series you would kick yourself for not reading, I'm just sorry I hadn't ventured into this series sooner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy louise
Coming off the devastation of Elude, I had no idea what to expect next. Luckily for us, Rachel Van Dyken never disappoints! Empire was an edgy, sexy romance that pulled on every one of my heartstrings! *NOTE: Be sure to read the beginning of Sergio's story in Elude, before starting Empire.

Darkness and despair is all Sergio Abandanoto knows these last two months following the death of his wife, Andi. He's a shell of the man he was before and his heart is no longer whole. But despite that gripping loss, he must travel to New York where he is expected to marry another woman - for the Family. Determined to follow through with his promise, he vows to protect his young wife with his life, but he also vows that she will never have a piece of his tattered heart.

Oh. My. Goodness. How to even put the emotionally eclipsing entirety of Empire into just a few short paragraphs? Again, don't read this story until you have read the beginning of this touching saga, or you will miss half of the story - and what am amazing one it is. And with that, I will also say that is you haven't read Empire yet, then this review is sure to have a few spoilers for you.

Elude opens up with Sergio who is full of anger and heartache. He hasn't been able to move on from the loss of Andi, understandably since it has only been two months, and he still ives with the ghosts of the past. However, he is being forced into another arranged marriage for the good of the Family. And the Family is all he has left since he lost his heart, not to mention he made a promise to Andi to live. Yet the woman he is to marry is not what he expects. Val is young, naive to the ways of the world, and ignorant of her own family's affairs. In just two days she is inducted into the Family and married off to a stranger, her world turned upside down. The only thing that gives her hope for the future is mysterious letters containing a fairy-tale story of a beast.

“Sergio Abandonato, my husband, was not living. He wasn’t even dead. He was a ghost. And only he could set himself free.”

Val was a delight to read. While Sergio is all darkness, Val is a bright, shining light. And while her naiveté was a bit disturbing at times, she was strong and adaptable. One would have to be.... living with a beast. Sergio and Val's journey will leave you feeling raw and exposed. There was so much sizzling tension between these two. At first, Sergio doesn't want to acknowledge Val as a real, living being. He won't even look at her as a whole because he wants absolutely no connection with her. To him, their marriage is a business arrangement only. It will break your heart, Sergio's thoughts and actions. And not only because how they affect Val, but because how it tears Sergio up inside as well. He feels that his acceptance, his like, his attraction of Val, is a betrayal to Andi's memory.

Sergio is a broken man, but phrase by enticing phrase the author pieces him back together again through Val's love and acceptance...and a little help from Andi. There is so much deep emotion wrapped up in this story, along with gripping tension between both the main characters, and the rest of the Family, I loved every moment of it. Andi's last wish for Sergio, and her last act of love for him, was to give him an epic love story. And boy did she ever.

“In her arms, I wasn’t a widower . I wasn’t mafia. I wasn’t anything but a guy; she made me feel that way, like nothing else mattered. It was cheesy. It was beautiful. It was like breathing for the first time.”

Is there enough of Sergio's heart left for Val to squeeze in? Will Sergio accept it even if there is? Or will his guilt and anger destroy any possibility of a second chance at love?

Explosive, fast-pasted, and masterfully written. Rachel Van Dyken has weaved together an unforgettable tale in Empire, exactly what fans have come to expect from this talented author. The Eagle Elite series is an addictive ride that you won't want to ever get off! If you haven't started the series yet, then I highly recommend that you do so ASAP, you won't be disappointed.

*I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolee lee
Empire (The Eagle Elite Series #7), Rachel Van Dyken

Oh Sergio Abandonato, you completely broke my heart in Elude and then put it back together in Empire. *sighs*

Although my review is for Empire specifically, I feel like I can't do my review without including my thoughts on Elude. I have spent the past few week wrapped up in the mafia world that Rachel Van Dyken created in the Eagle Elite series. I now feel like a true member of the five families. Although, don't ask me to pick a family. I simply couldn't do that. Plus I might just get shot for taking sides. I digress..... In Elude and Empire, we finally get to know Sergio Abandonato. I have to say that I loved Sergio from the word GO! He was mysterious, sexy as hell, and always trying to get under the other guys skin. I loved it. He was a perfect fit into the family, even though he wasn't a boss.

Elude gutted me!!!! Side note, you CANNOT read Empire without reading Elude. In fact, I think that you can't read Empire without reading all of the Eagle Elite series - IN ORDER! Back to my review... Elude gutted me!!! Sergio Abandonato was asked, ok asked is a nice word for it, he was forced to marry Arabella Anderson Petrov (Andi) in order to keep her safe from the Russian mafia. During this forced marriage we get the privilege of watching the two fall in love with each other.

"As long as I didn't let her in... I'd be okay. As long as I looked at her like a victim, like one of my victims, she wouldn't get in. The truth terrified me. Because the truth was... I liked her enough to mourn her - and when you liked someone enough to mourn, you were in danger of love.
And I knew if I loved her, if I ever let myself feel; it would destroy me.
So I grabbed onto every shred of hate and resentment I could find in my body and armored myself with it.
I would not let her in.
~ Rachel Van Dyken, Elude (Eagle Elite #6)

Sergio tried to guard his heart against Andi. He failed. #UntilForever

Which brings me to Empire (Eagle Elite #7).... In Empire we meet Valentina Nicolasi (Val). I am not going to tell you who she is in this review... All you need to know is that Sergio is put into a situation that feels like one word - Repeat. Poor Sergio. My heart was breaking for him.

"In her arms, I wasn't a widower. I wasn't mafia. I wasn't anything but a guy; she made me feel the way, like nothing else mattered. It was cheesy. It was beautiful. It was like breathing for the first time."
~ Rachel Van Dyken, Empire (Eagle Elite #7)

As we watch Sergio rebuild his heart and break down the walls that he built with Andi's help. Every time Andi added her thoughts throughout Empire I was gutted! I have not read a book in a long time that made me cry and yet laugh all within a few paragraphs. Rachel has this way with words that gets you to the heart of a story and makes you feel.

#99ThingsToDoOnMyHoneymoon #NinjaBear #UntilForever

As I was living the life with the 5 families for the past few weeks, all I could think about was how brilliant this series was and how it needed to be picked up for TV!

Thank you Rachel for allowing me to live in the mafia world that you created for the past few weeks. I can't wait to see where this story leads as we read Enrage (Coming Summer 2107). I can't believe I have to wait an entire year for Dante's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan downing
“The course of true love, never did run smooth.”

It’s no secret that I AM A BIG Rachel Van Dyken fan. Yes, this author could write about anything and still have me going crazy for her books. But there is one book from the Eagle Elite Series that stood out from the rest. From the moment I read Elude , I knew this book was going to steal my heart. And boy oh boy did this book left me breathless, raw, and exposed. The story of Sergio and Andi was a story that had no words because their story reminded us all that it’s the unexpected that changes our lives. And so when I discovered that RVD was going to write a continuation to Sergio’s story after losing his wife, Andi, a part of me was torn. Torn in the sense that I don’t know if there could be another heroine that could steal my heart as much as Andi did and torn if I my heart could take another raw emotional journey. And the beauty of reading an RVD book is that she makes readers see and feel a second chance love story in a new raw perspective in the eyes of Sergio and his new leading lady, Val in Empire.

“She had made love to me… knowing that she wouldn’t be the last. She had kissed me… knowing that I was promised to another. Every moment. Every touch. I was her last. But she wasn’t mine. How could she have still loved me? Knowing that? Knowing what my future held?”

Before I begin my review, it is highly recommended that you MUST read Elude before reading Empire. Readers need to know the backstory of Sergio in order to fully understand all the range of mixed emotions he goes through. Empire is a story where your are asked one question. Do you believe in soul mates?

“I didn’t want to be saved. No saving was needed. Because the truth of the matter was, I wasn’t really lost. I was just… empty.”

Can the heart love again? Can it truly move on and be at peace? Does loving again mean the memories of your first love are erased? Or does it take finding the right person to make you see that letting go doesn’t mean forgetting the memories? Sergio Abandonato thought he lost his everything when cancer took away his wife. His life. His soul. His purpose. His everything. But the funny thing about life, it moves on. It doesn’t stand still. And two months after Andi's death, her memories still haunts Sergio. How could he ever love again? With The Empire beginning to show cracks, he is forced once again to another arranged marriage. Will this new bride find a way to his broken heart?

Before Andi passed away, she left Sergio a bucket list and a letter of her wishes. She informed him that she was releasing him and wants him to love again. So can Sergio move on with his new bride to be, Val and follow the wishes of his beloved wife, Andi?

“In her arms, I wasn’t a widower . I wasn’t mafia. I wasn’t anything but a guy; she made me feel that way, like nothing else mattered. It was cheesy. It was beautiful. It was like breathing for the first time.”

Val is betrothed to marry Sergio. Their marriage is what is needed in order to restore power and keep The Empire alive. So when she meets Sergio, she is intrigued by this broody, raw, and beautiful man but knows loving him will be the hardest part since his heart is torn and struggling. Can Val break through his hard exteriors and help him face his inner demons?

“That’s the thing about pain. You live with it, you embrace the rightness of it , until someone finally reaches through the broken glass, and grabs ahold of the real you, the you that had been lost and hurting. Broken and bleeding, they hold on for dear life, refusing to let go. They join you in your pain.”

Empire is a story that grips you to the core. I mean your heart will burst with heartache, love, compassion, and hope. I thought I could never love anyone as much as Andi but I was wrong. Ms. Van Dyken proved to her readers that she wasn’t going to replace Andi but she was going to mend our broken hearts with a character that can only give Andi’s memory justice and that is through Val. For Sergio and Val, their relationship may not be the conventional love affair but it was the kind of love that tugged every strings of your heart. Sergio has always been an raw enigma of a character and closed off. And so a part of me was beyond excited to see him finally open up again and it all it took was his deceased wife’s wishes and a young beautiful bride to put a chink in his armor.

“Sergio Abandonato, my husband, was not living. He wasn’t even dead. He was a ghost. And only he could set himself free.”

I honestly don't think this book could be reviewed with just words alone because this book is about HEALING and coming to peace with whatever life throws at you. Losing someone is never easy and the memories of our loved ones will always be there to remind us of the good, the bad, and those special raw moments. And for Sergio, his story was not just saving The Empire but saving himself. And his savior was just not one person but two. His Andi and now his Val.

“Love is love. There is no explanation, no reason, no path. It is what it is, and as it should be. —Valentina”

Although Andi will go down as one of my favorite heroines because she lived life to the fullest and came to accept her time on earth was coming to an end, a part of my heart rooted for the unsung heroine, Val. Val understood she was not competing for Sergio’s love but learning to love all parts of him. And learning to love meant embracing his deceased wife and not eluding it. So as much as we try to elude death, the reality of it is that it’s something that’s inevitable just like love. And for Sergio, saving The Empire might have been the end goal but finding love again was his salvation. So if you are looking for a book that weaves loss, romance, hope, and second chances to another level then I highly recommend you to read Empire by Rachel Van Dyken.

~Michelle of Four Chicks Flipping Pages
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica jazdzewski
To begin with - I usually tell my readers that all of the Eagle Elite books are stand-alone (meaning there is a beginning, a middle and an end), and while this is still true, I would have to HIGHLY recommend that you read Elude (Eagle Elite #6) prior to reading this one. Its not necessary per-say (in that you can still understand what is going on in this book without reading it), however - there is just so much of a story in Elude that if you don't read it prior you will be missing out on one hell of a story. And one that well help make this one a bit easier to understand (at least in so far as why certain characters act and react the way that they do).

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, lets more on to the review.

As someone who has read this series from the beginning, I felt as though I already knew everything there was to know about Sergio. Hell, I was even witness to what I thought was his redemption (in Elude). However - none of that prepared me for Empire. This was one of those stories that captured your attention from the beginning, and forced you to hold on while you were sent on the grueling (and sometimes heart-breaking) world of the Mafia.

Sergio is still very much reeling from the loss of his first wife Andi - however he does what is expected of him and marries Val anyway. And while he's not over his wife by any means, this story is more of a study in grief and how does one really let go and live the life they know their spouse would have wanted for them? How does one allow their heart to love again knowing the pain that could come with such a gift? Especially when Val is the exact opposite of Andi in every way? Val grew up knowing nothing of her heritage or the "family business" where Andi knew from the get-go what would be expected of her.

This story had everything that makes for a best-seller. It has characters who are flawed, it has moments that rip your heart out and leave you teary eyed and asking why. Then it flips the script and gives you something that is so wonderfully witty that you find yourself laughing out loud. There are struggles to overcome (both internal and external), and at the end of it you are left feeling like you were taken on one amazing journey.

The downside to such an amazing story? The next in the series isn't scheduled for release until the summer of 2017. That in itself is a torture only the Eagle Elite men can bestow.

As always, I would highly recommend this novel to not only fans of Ms.Van Dyken, but also to those who enjoy a good, complex novel that will grip you tight and take you on a well-written and engaging ride. Although if you are new to Eagle Elite - you really need to start at the beginning).

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My heart was shredded after finishing Elude and I was so happy that I had an ARC of Empire to jump straight into.

To say Sergio is in a bad way after the tragic events in Elude is a massive understatement. The guy is heartbroken and barely existing but life must go on, and it's what Andi wanted for him. Ironically, he ends up in a situation where he is expected to enter into another arranged marriage. Only this time it's to sweet, innocent Val who has led a very sheltered, protective existence under the nurturing watch of her Mafia uncles and her hot-headed brother, Dante.

My heart bled for Serg in this book as he struggled to come to terms with his devastating loss while doing what needed to be done for the family business. I felt everything along with him and his emotions and feelings were so well-written. It was raw and credible and I wanted to consume the grief on his behalf.

However, he acted appallingly toward Val and there really was no excuse. I won't mention specifics for fear of spoiling the story for anyone, but there were certain scenes that were outrageous and I wanted to jump into my Kindle and throttle him for scaring her so badly.

Val is a little sweetheart who I really warmed to. That said, I found her character transformation far too quick and unbelievable, and it was inconsistent. She didn't know any of this world existed and while there were some great scenes that showcased her fear and unhappiness overall I felt it was downplayed too much.

I also didn't ship Val and Serg. Perhaps it's because I had just read about Andi and Serg, but I couldn't /didn't buy into it which took away from the story for me. For me, Andi and Serg were the true partnership, true soulmates, and I didn't get the attraction between Val and Serg. I was also slightly uncomfortable with the age gap between them. Not that I have any issue with age-gaps per se, but she was young, sweet and innocent and he is the polar opposite. It didn't sit well with me, but, hey, that's probably just me.

I adore this world that Rachel has created, and the cast of characters are all interesting and unique (and a bit cray-cray it has to be said.)

It's written in Rachel's usual inimitable style and it flowed beautifully.

I am very invested in this series now, and as soon as I can find some down time, I plan to gorge on the first five books in the series.

In summary, this was a good read and if you are a fan of this series or this author then it's a must read. However, for me, this wouldn't be one of my favorite RVD reads.

Actual rating 3.5 stars.

Thanks to the author and Inkslinger PR for providing an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara fang
5 Beautiful Stars
Empire is part of the Eagle Elite series. You can pretty much read each book as a standalone because each book are different characters, however, this is the only book where you need to read Elude (book 6) prior to reading Empire. Trust me on this.

The feels this book made me feel. I thought I was a blubbering mess after Elude, but Rachel Van Dyken sure knows how to worm herself into the hearts of her readers. I loved Empire, I loved the journey I took, I loved the ups and downs and I loved how I felt afterwards. It’s simply a beautiful story.

Empire is about love, loss and finding peace. It’s about letting go the past and joining the present. It’s about never giving up and letting friends in to help carry the burden.

Sergio is a not an easy Hero to love. He’s damaged and very tortured. This isn’t the first book where we get a Hero dealing with the death of a spouse, but this is the first book where I knew the previous spouse and loved, I loved Andi. She was my favorite character in Elude and I loved her more than Sergio. Andi is not an easy act to follow and so I went into Empire very cautiously.

This book isn’t about Sergio yearning for his dead wife, no, it’s about his inner pain and his struggle to let Andi go and do what’s asked of him. He is betrothed to marry Val and that he will do, even if it’s only been two months since Andi’s death.

Val is nothing like Andi, she’s young, innocent and doesn’t even know she’s part of a mob family. I was instantly drawn to Val and I loved her. I loved that she was sweet and naïve, someone Sergio would never see coming.

Val and Sergio’s relationship is very rocky. You can only imagine the tension. Sergio tries hard to be nice, but that’s not him and he pushes Val away A LOT.

To my surprise, I felt and sympathize for Sergio. I completely understood where he came from. Like I said, I loved Andi and two months isn’t a long time. I wouldn’t call Empire a story where Sergio works hard to love Val, no, it’s more a story of Sergio coming to terms with his past love and allowing something more with Val.

I kind of liked that more. I loved the relationship between Val and Sergio. I loved the angst, the tension and compromises. I loved them getting to know each other and hoping that one day Sergio would be able to open his heart to Val.

This book is filled with sweet and of course silly moments. I love Rachel Van Dyken’s writing style. Even in a sappy book, she can make me laugh hard. If you are a fan of the series or completely loved Elude, you will be very satisfied and happy with Empire.
An ARC was provided.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book. This book completely gutted me. I felt so emotionally drained after reading it… I just can’t. Gahhh! I have no words. NO. WORDS.

You MUST read Elude before reading Empire. I mean, I think you’d still be able to keep up without reading it, but trust me, the experience would not be the same.

I have to admit, I was really nervous to read this book at first because of what happened in Elude. That book devastated me. When I found out Rachel Van Dyken was going to write a continuation to Sergio’s story, I didn’t know what to think. I for sure didn’t think I would be able to move on from Andi and Sergio (to be honest, I’ll probably never be able to. They’ll always be my favorite Eagle Elite couple). But I still decided to put my trust in RVD and read Empire anyway..

I don’t know how to review this book without giving anything away, but if you’ve read Elude, you know what happened. Empire is a story of finding peace after enduring the loss of a loved one. This story is gripping, raw, and completely heartbreaking. There were many times throughout the book where I found myself having to put my kindle down to take a break because I was such a blubbering mess.

Everything about Empire was just so honest and real. Sergio broke my heart! Gahh! That man had me bawling my eyes out. It’s exactly how I’d imagine anyone would act if they lost someone they loved. I’m loyal to Andi and so I already had it planned in my head that I wouldn’t like Val, but of course, Rachel made it impossible not to love her. Her innocence about everything was actually adorable. She was the exact opposite from Andi, but yet they are each perfect for Sergio in their own way. I would say this story is Sergio’s HEALING journey more than anything, and it is the most painful healing I’ve experienced while reading because yes, I was healing as well.

Rachel Van Dyken a truly gifted author. I honestly think this is her best work yet. Empire was beautiful, painful, and utterly heart-wrenching. I fell asleep thinking about it, I woke up thinking about it, and I STILL can’t stop thinking about it. So heartbreaking yet beautifully done, Rachel! I just wish Dante’s story wasn’t so far away!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim keith
*Remember, you MUST read Elude prior to reading Empire in order to understand the connections and important players within this story! I, of course, suggest reading the entire series for the full effect. Besides, this series just seems to get better with each release.

“His love story is going to be epic.”

True to her words, Sergio’s story is an extremely emotional and powerful journey; a journey through his complete devastation and the heartache that drives the ‘beast’ he has become.

I didn’t want to be saved. No saving was needed. Because the truth of the matter was, I wasn’t really lost. I was just… empty.

Heavily prepared for an emotional drain and a killer book hangover, I dove in head first to reconnect with Sergio in an effort to see my own heartache for Sergio mended. How could Rachel possibly write a love story greater than the one between Andi and Sergio—for a I truly believe it was found in Elude? In fact, Elude gutted me—me, a person who rarely cries when I read but suffered from such profound emotional turmoil I felt the effects for days. However, true to the classic Rachel Van Dyken fashion, she once again wove together a love story different than any we have seen from the other Eagle Elite couples. A love story that shows compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and friendship under the most difficult of circumstances.

So now I must admit…Sergio has taken the top spot for Elite men in my book. I have moved Phoenix to second place, where he will still remain close to my heart. But… I digress. What I can say is this: If you have read Elude and could not see how anyone could possibly complete with Andi, buckle up. Valentina will come to steal your heart in a completely different way and show you that finding good in others and being willing to give up your own happiness to help those you love and those in whom you see a glimmer of hope may become the happily ever after that you always dreamed of.

“Life…is meant to be lived — felt — experienced.”

As Andi shared with all of us, Sergio was destined for something else, a love so great and powerful it was simply going to be epic. And what a tale it was.

This is far more than a two twirl book…
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Now that we have all survived the complete ugly cry annihilation that was Elude we pick up with Sergio pretty soon after we last left him and he is not dealing well at all. He has reverted to his cold ghost like self. But he has a task to accomplish! An arranged marriage to protect the family. 

This poor guy gets roped into getting married all the time! But this time there are a few added complications that he didn't quite expect. I love this completion of his epic story (not that this is the last time we'll end up seeing him i'm sure but this is his love story come full circle) Val is this strong yet fragile character when we first meet her and she is so sheltered in the beginning that her transition from the start to the end of the book is a massive shift. She is probably my favorite of the ladies of Eagle Elite (her or Mil!) But its Val who has the task of getting Sergio to live again and that is a tall order! 

There is a equal balance of light moments and dark moments in this one which makes this the perfect compliment for Elude haha. Our favorite Mafia men are all in fine form, the banter is hilarious (as always!) But when the chips are down and they need to handle business its game on. To see them growing up makes me love this series even more. I feel like these characters have grown with me and that is due to Rachel's amazing writing style she gives us these characters that have room to grow and evolve. 

Combined Elude and Empire are my favorites of the series! Because looking at the big picture it all makes sense and things are how they should be. I remember thinking at the end of Elude that there had to be more to this story that we didn't know (and there are some major jaw dropping moments in both!) But Empire gives us so much more information that we haven't had before. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy williams
WARNING: This the second half of Sergio's story. ELUDE must be read prior to EMPIRE.

EPIC...Sergio's story spanned two books with two loves and each were epic in their own right. Emotionally charged while being heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time.

Still suffering from the loss of Andi, he now has to honor the contract and marry the one he was supposed to marry, but he refuses to let that arrange be more than that. He's shut down out of fear and grief and set it up so that Val could never have his heart.

The thing is...Val was so innocent and pure that she cracked through those walls with all the gentleness she possessed. She wasn't raised in their life, so all the death that surrounded the families wasn't something she was used to. That made her more appealing. Because she wasn't the badass that the other girls were. She was Andi's complete opposite; which spoke to Sergio's deepest instinct to protect.

With the help of an unknown individual, Val was given the extra guidance she need to understand Sergio's inner beast. She was able to provide him the calm and peace he needed. And through it all, she had to begin learning to live the life. Learn the dangers that came with it and take her place as a mafioso's wife and all the while she gained strength and confidence and learned to pack a punch.

Sergio was such a lucky man. To have two great loves in his life. They each added a layer to him that made him a better man. I've never read anything as epic as this. I cried for their sadness, I cried for their grief and I cried for their happiness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ahh where to start with this one? First, Empire was absolutely AMAZING!!!! This entire series is amazing. Each characters personality literally shines through the pages as you read and you can't help but fall in love with each and every one of them.

It was nice seeing more Sergio and the rest of the gang. I was so curious how he was doing after what happened in Elude. Sergio is sexy, caring, compassionate but broken. Broken heart, broken trust in life. He is so very angry and sad. But, he still handles business like a boss! His next assignment is to essentially save Valentina.

Little does anyone know the ties Val has to parts of Sergio's life (I will leave that for your own discovery when you read but its amazzzzing!). She is so in the dark about her entire life, who she really is, what her family actually does. When she learns the truth will it break her or make her stronger? Once she’s with Sergio can she break down his walls and make him feel again or will he completely shut her down because he can't let go of his heartbreak?

Rachel Van Dyken has done an impeccable job with this entire series. You laugh, you cry, you get angry, sometimes downright pissed but she has a knack for tying it all up in a pretty bow. The Eagle Elite Series continues to just blow me away with every book I read.
I thought Elude topped the charts, well Empire just took the top spot for me. I am ready for the next one, bring it on!
Please RateEmpire (Eagle Elite Book 7)
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