Inc. Book 1), Dirty Exes (Liars

ByRachel Van Dyken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was so much better than I was anticipating. I didn’t know what to expect, but this story was so exciting, and it sucked me in from the start.

Blaire has been burned in several past relationships and doesn’t trust men. That is why she and her best friend, Isla, started their own PI company. Their company helps people catch their significant others cheating. Too bad her case ends up the “the man who got away.”

This book was so intriguing because you never knew what was going to happen next. The lies, manipulation, and plotting were always changing and keeping you on your toes.

This book is told from 3 characters’ POV, Blaire, Jessie, and Collin. I thought that setting the book up this way made the reader understand and feel for each character in their own way.

You want to fee bad for Jessie, but you aren’t quite sure you can until you get all the facts.

Blaire has walls built so high, you’re just hoping someone knocks them down.

And Collin is the character you are rooting for from the start. He is funny and straight forward. Even if he does do things behind his best friend’s back.

All of these characters made up a whirlwind of a story.

-An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review.-
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sir michael r hm
Rachel Van Dyken wows readers with her take on the ultimate dirty ex!

This second chance romance is centered around a divorcee who is hell bent on saving others from cheating men. She stops at nothing to air the dirty laundry of the cheaters on her facebook live videos for her Dirty Exes company. That is until an old flame returns to her life.

The push, pull and angst ridden tug of these two is everything you look for in a romance. Van Dyken once again works her magic creating a romance that is delightfully funny as well as heart achingly real as she gives these two another chance at forever.

Liars Inc. is definitely off to another 5 Star start with Dirty Exes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

This is the first book I've read in probably a month, which is unusual for me, and I'm happy to have started back with Dirty Exes. I absolutely loved this story and all its characters, even Vanessa - because let's face it, every story needs an evil witch. Blaire and Isla are the perfect strong female duo who run their own PI business, which in itself is interesting. It has an all-female staff and uses modern technology, Facebook live, to catch cheating spouses. Jessie and Colin are also fun and share a friendship that runs deep. The dynamic between them all is tense at times while still fun and heartfelt. And as always, Rachel Van Dyken offers unique insight on the ways that we perceive people, and how our eyes are often blinded by the tricks that the mind and time play. I know, it's intriguing!

This story has it all - the love, laughs, and heartbreak. It's equal parts magical, comical, and relatable. It gives hope in the romantic fantasy of a happily ever after, even if it turns out to be different that what you originally thought it'd be. It's better, truer, and just real. Rachel Van Dyken's story and writing are poetic in portraying this kind of love and finding it where and when we least expect it. It shows that sometimes you eve have to wade through a sewer and crawl across a dusty bar floor to find that true and real love, but it's well-worth it in the end. And this book is well-worth every star I gave it!
The Matchmaker's Replacement [Kindle in Motion] (Wingmen Inc. Book 2) :: Compromising Kessen :: The Dare (The Bet Series Book 3) (Volume 3) :: The Wager (The Bet) :: Empire (Eagle Elite Book 7)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lindsay maher
Like so many books I went into this one completely blind. I hadn't read the blurb so I really didn't know what to expect. It had a curious start that made me wonder what this book was going to be about. That question was quickly answered and I was excited to see where she was going to take this story.

Blaire was an interesting character. I both liked and disliked her throughout the book. She went back and forth emotionally throughout the book that while informational began to bother me after awhile. Her interactions with both her bestfriend and Jessie's are where I liked her the most. She seemed more put together around them then she was when she was inside her own head. Jessie wasn't a character that I really connected with. He came off as kind of a pushover which I wasn't expecting and made it hard for me to like him.

I did really enjoy the storyline of this book. It wasn't something I'd read before so that really caught my attention and made me take notice. There were a lot of scenarios that I wasn't expecting, so the element of surprise in this book was strong and that's not something I often see in books. All and all it was a fun read but, not one that grabbed hold of me and never let go.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When your love life is taken over by cheating jerks, what do you do? Start a PI agency to help others get rid of the cheaters in their life and blast them on the internet! You know what they say about women scorned?

Years ago, Blaire had a thing for Jessie that she never really got over. Jessie chose the NFL and Blaire moved onto a man who cheated on her with her best friend. Fast forward years later, and suddenly Jessie pops back into her life - and then his partner hires Blaire and her partner to investigate him for cheating. Oh, the world is a small, ironic place in an RVD book!

As Blaire is trying to get the goods on Jessie, she meets his best friend, Colin. Let's just say that Colin had me wanting to hang out in bars a lot more often. Colin is funny, sexy and just what the doctor ordered. But now we have the dilemma - does Blaire choose Colin or Jessie?

I LOVED this book and it kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. It was hilarious, steamy and full of enough angst (from the male and female perspective) to keep me up late finishing the last page. I loved how it turned out - and as with any RVD book, I was left wanting more!

** I was given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. **
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
graham kerr
I about lost it when the prologue had Blaire climbing through the sewer to catching a cheater on Facebook Live. She is so burned by love that she is willing to help women who think they have been cheated on, find out if they are being cheated on- live with her partner and best friend Isla. And then, Blair finds the one that got away- NFL superstar Jessie Beckett, might be cheating on his wife. And his wife has hired them to find out. But she loved him once and is attracted to him, can she be the bait to make it look like he would cheat? Trying to find any dirt, Blair sneaks into Jessie's house and gets stuck. Jessie's best friend- Colin, finds this amusing and rescued her, in exchange for a date. And becomes her accomplice/partner she doesn't think she wants. He is smitten with her and can't stop thinking about her. Everytime she turns around and needs help, there he is and interestingly, Isla is helping him be needed.
“Don’t make that face, she can’t physically drink all of it.” Colin winked. “To the Batmobile!”

Will Colin help Blaire prove Jessie is a cheater, or will Colin break the bro code and fall in love with Blaire, or will he stand by his sister?
Twist and turns aplenty!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn kirchhoff
5 Stars

Dirty Exes by Rachel Van Dyken is the first book in the brand new series Liar, Inc. it is a spin-off of the Wingmen INC series but you don’t have to read it to enjoy reading this! ((I highly recommend reading it though because that series was AMAZING!)) Rachel Van Dyken is an exceptional storyteller that brings her A-Game to everything she writes. Dirty Exes was hot, steamy, and OMG did I swoon! I laughed out loud so many times that my cheeks were hurting.

I am going to try to give as little details as possible because I feel you need to go in an experience it for yourself ...With Blaine being hurt in her past, she is determined to save at least some people from what she felt in the past. When her past collides with her present, she is wary because she doesn’t trust easily. When truths and lies are revealed, decisions will need to be made.

I really need to find the words to express how INCREDIBLE Dirty Exes was! The chemistry between the characters and their banter!! I just can’t even wrap my head around how much I loved them and the relationships between all of them. Dirty Exes was well written and I NEED the second book NOW!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan rich
Okay, true confession, I read the end of the book before starting it. Now before you start throwing stones at me, I swore off love triangles after my Twilight and Hunger Games days because I always, ALWAYS, without fail, ship the wrong man. EVERY TIME, and then it breaks my heart when the happily-ever after is not the happily-ever after I wanted.

So I spoiled the book for myself but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the hell out of reading it! As always, Rachel is such a dynamic author, and one of my favorite things about her and the 30+ books of hers I have read is that she ties in back stories. There are always surprise characters and references that, if you are a die-hard fan like myself, you will recognize and smile. Now the synopsis and cover, I was 100% hooked.

As I started to read the story, the charisma and charm of the story captivated me. What a fun read, scorned women getting revenge by exposing exes?! Hilarity ensued and Rachel artfully balanced it with plenty of swoon and heart-felt moments. Now I won't ruin the story but I will say how everything panned out left me with a big cheesy grin on my face. It was just a feel good read, it's not going to weigh heavy on my mind or heart but a read that left me smiling and anxiously awaiting the next book. Classic RVD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rachel Van Dyken is a favorite of mine, Dirty Exes did not disappoint. Blair has had a rough go with love. First she fell hard and fast at a young age for Jessie an NFL player that was traded at the beginning of their relationship. He broke her heart when he did not ask her to move with him. Later she married and walks in on her best friend in bed with her husband. Fast forward to now, Blair is a PI working at catching cheaters. She ends up being hired by Jessie’s wife to expose him as a cheater. No one realizes just what games are being played.
Jessie’s best friend Colin falls fast for Blair creating quote the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a great and light, but definitely steamy romance read. I enjoyed this book a lot and had a few laughs along the way. I definitely enjoyed Blaire, Isla, Colin, Jessie and Ian's characters. I wished Ian had more of a role in this book because I enjoyed the conversations between him and Blaire. I felt their brother and sister bond. I disliked Vanessa, Jason and Olivia from the very beginning but those three got what they deserved in the end. Blaire and Jessie had spent time together in the past, but I was glad that she chose to be with the one person I wanted her with. I was definitely rooting for them because the chemistry, attraction and banter between them was everything and I felt their connection and it was everything. Jessie was a nice character and let Vanessa get away with entirely too much; being nice to someone is not always the best thing and he learned the hard way. I absolutely loved Isla, she was a trip and I hope she gets her story with who I thought was a good fit for her. This was a great read that will leave you with a smile on your face and I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After Blaire and her best friend Isla were both married to cheating husbands they decided to for Dirty Exes, a PI firm that tracks down unfaithful spouses and exposes them for all to see. When Blaire starts her next investigation she finds out he is none other than Jessie, the professional football player who broke heart by choosing the sport over her.

There is much more to Jessie’s relationship than first appears but now that Blaire is back in his life he is beginning to wonder if they should have been together all along. If that isn’t complicated enough his best friend Colin has feelings for Blair that he hasn’t had for a long time and if the only way to get the girl is to help her then she will find herself with an assistant.

With two very different men vying for her attention will she choose the man from her past or the man who has just crashed into her life?

This is a fun and flirty story that takes you on an adventure filled with humorous banter and hot chemistry. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel Van Dyken has an excellent reputation for writing remarkable romances. I should hang my head in shame for admitting that Dirty Exes is my firsr leap into her storytelling.

Shame on me.

I was doing my reader heart a disservice... her writing is phenomenal. This story captured me from the very first chapter.

At first I was excited for a second chance romance, then I kept reading and I fell in love with the point in the love triangle.

It has been such a long time since I have become so smitten with a Hero that I was jealous the heroine actually got to be with them. Yes, books are fictional, but sometimes I get so enraptured when a vook is this good that I forget it's not real life.

Come on, you've been there, admit it.

RVD writes so well, I feel like I was right there with these characters as the craziness ensued.

I look forward to going back to read more of her words. She may quickly become a new top favorite author!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy tate
This book is different in the style of writing from what I’m used to by Rachel van Dyken. I’ve read a lot of her books and they’ve been mostly 5 Star reads.
This book...not so much. It didn’t hold my attention. I really wanted it too, but struggled for most of the book. The love triangle and both guys weren’t my favorite. The obsession with an Ex that was only Blaine’s bf for three weeks was a bit much. I don’t think I’ll read book two in this series, even if it gives Isla her happy ending.

I received a copy of this eBook from the publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa blaetz
Dirty Exes is the first book in Rachel Van Dkyen’s new series Liars, Inc.
What’s a girl do when she catches her husband having sex with her best friend in their bed? She starts a PI firm that specializes in exposing cheating jerks with her new best friend. That’s exactly what Blaire did. Her latest client, a socialite, that wants to know if her husband is faithful, even though they have been separated for months. What’s a girl do when she discovers the husband is none other than her first love, Jessie? She accepts the help of his best friend, Colin to catch him in the act. As the investigation progresses, Blaire’s feelings for Jessie reignite while also developing feelings for Colin. What’s a girl do now? You must read it now to find out. You won’t be disappointed! You’ll man-bash, laugh, swoon and laugh some more.
Rachel Dyken‘s characters are both relatable and endearing. I fell for both Jessie and Colin and couldn’t make-up my mind which one I prefer. Lucky for me, I can have both! What I like best about RVD’s writing style is that it’s not overly detailed and there is no internal character dialogue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dee dee
I really enjoyed everything about Dirty Exes! I haven’t read many of RVD’s book but I need to change that ASAP!

Blaire and her friend, Isla, are the Dirty Exes who catch cheaters in the act. They were recently hired on to catch a guy cheating on his wife and it just so happens Blaire knows him very well. In fact, he’s the one that got away, Jessie. But while spying on Jessie, she meets Colin, who happens to be Jessie’s best friend. And this is where the story took such a crazy, yet perfect, turn!

Dirty Exes has a little piece of everything all in one..there was romance, friendship, lies, laughs, betrayal, cheaters and love. Blaire, Jessie, Colin and Isla were all excellent characters, even though I felt at the beginning there was one I “shouldn’t” like...he quickly became my favorite. Dirty Exes was a fun yet drama filled story that I enjoyed! I look forward to the next book, Dangerous Exes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
austine etchevery
Genre: Rom Com
Age range: late 20s to early 30s
Cliffhanger: None...intertwined stand alone series
Trigger warnings: no, while book hits some sensitive topics, it's done as a 3rd party story being related... No nitty gritty details are discussed for those who are more sensitive readers

Review: I definitely found a new book boyfriend... I totally loved how the characters brought their inner crazy out to play and ultimately they each accepted the fact that their crazy matched and could be themselves...

This book gave great comedic dialogue...snark and wit are my two favorite things...and while the book was a comedy I truly loved how the characters interacted and dealt with real life insecurities that many of us face... RVD really made these characters super relatable even among the laughs...

For me this is a solid 4 star read and will be anxiously awaiting book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason pyper
Blaire's a broken hearted PI who catches cheating SOs alongside her best friend. When her first love Jessie, the man she's been thinking about for years, makes an unexpected return to her life everything becomes complicated. Jessie feels like Blaire's the one that got away, and is stunned to see her again. When Blaire is hired to investigate Jessie, she finds herself needing the help of Colin, Jessie's very charming best friend whom she just met. Blaire finds herself torn between her memories of Jessie and what she always imagined they could've had, and Colin's charm and snake tattoo.

Dirty Exes was full of laughs, and a super fun read. I loved Blaire's character and the situations she finds herself in. At one point in the book I wasn't even sure who I wanted her to end up with. I'm excited for the second book to come out in fall!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse rabinowitz
Dirty Exes caught my attention from the first page and from there I was a goner. This book was so much fun, laugh out loud funny and had my emotions in a huge, disastrous mess. I loved every minute of it and highly recommended Dirty Exes to all of those out there that love romance!

Blaire had been screwed over in her past. She was ditched by a boyfriend who was drafted into the NFL and then years down the road she caught her husband cheating on her. While she was jaded, she ended up making a new best friend, Isla. And they opened up a business together where they were hired to catch high profile partners cheating. But Blaire's latest target made her pause. It was her NFL ex.

From the moment Blaire ran into her ex, Jessie Beckett, there was no denying that something was still there. There was chemistry, attraction and a whole lot of what ifs running around. Their first time meeting up had me smiling while also fanning my face! As if I wasn't intrigued enough, we got some chapters from Jessie's pov. As we learned about his life, my heart broke for him and he pulled me in even further. Then we met Colin, Jessie's best friend, and I was completely confused over what was going to happen next.

The way Colin and Blaire met was hilarious. And while she tried her hardest to think of Colin in not the best of lights, it was impossible. He was also hot, sexy and had a past that broke my heart. Just like Jessie, she had chemistry with him too. To complicate matters, if Jessie and Blaire were around each other, Colin always seemed to be there. I was strongly on the Jessie team, but then we got chapters in Colin's pov. And from here began the moments where my heart was pulled every which way. I fell for them both . This has NEVER happened to me before. I have always had no problem just picking one boy. But here?! I had NO clue who I wanted Blaire to be with. To say I was an emotional wreck is a huge understatement lol.

As the story progressed, I eventually found myself rooting and cheering for only one of them. And I hoped, prayed and wished with all of my heart and soul that Blaire and I were on the same page. It was so hard to tell how it was going to pan out. Just so you know, I'm usually not the hugest fan of love triangles. But this one was done absolutely perfect. If all love triangles were written like this, I could handle them all.

Dirty Exes was so much fun and I found myself laughing so hard that I was shaking and had tears in my eyes. If you haven't read one of Rachel Van Dyken's books before, you have to know that her characters are always unique, stand out and are so easy to connect with. Also, her stories play out like I'm watching a movie. I highly recommend Dirty Exes to everyone who adores romance, friendship and who can handle some love triangle vibes. The next book is about Blaire's best friend, Isla, and I can't wait to read her story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sam still reading
Blaire never really got over Jessie Beckett. She moved on to safe and reliable, but he turned out not to be so safe or reliable. A year later she is divorced and co-owner of a PI firm that catches spouses/significant others cheating.

A new client has hired them to investigate none other than Jessie Beckett. The chemistry is still there between her and Jessie, and she does pine for what could have been. But she has a job to do, and Jessie's best friend Colin is going to help her.

Blaire and Colin form a fast friendship and she is stuck between comparing the two men. One who is technically her ideal perfect and one that starts to make her feel more. You can't help but start to fall in love with Colin.

Can she close the case and pick the best suitor? You definitely need to one click this one now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany wightman
Rachel Van Dyken has another hit on her hands with Dirty Exes, Book one of Liars, Inc. It is a great read filled with love, laughter and combustible chemistry. Rachel knows how to keep her readers on their toes, never allowing them to know what will be the next twist in her teriffic plot.

Dirty Exes is a company built by two best friends who are determined to catch the liars and cheaters of the world red handed. Blaire and Ilsa take their job seriously and do it well. That is, until a blast from the past is now under the radar.

I love the chemistry between these characters and I can't wait to see what will happen next in this series. I love that this is a stand-alone series, but if you are a fan of Rachel's you will love the connection to other books she has written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daisys tamayo
After reading Cheaters Regret, I was happy to read another story from Ms. Van Dyken. She writes unique storylines and entertaining dialogue. This story included the POV from Blaire, Jessie and Colin, which helps me to know more about the characters thoughts and feelings.

After finding her husband in bed with her friend, Blair visits a bar and witnesses a woman confronting her husband about his infidelity. And Dirty Exes, a Private Investigations firm focusing on cheaters was founded. Blair hasn’t had good luck with men and this causes her to feel like she’s not good enough, has low self-confidence, and is very insecure. At age 35, she isn’t interested in dating and doesn’t trust men. I enjoyed reading about a somewhat older female character when many books focus on 20-somethings.

When we first meet Blaire, she’s in the sewer system filming on Facebook Live while her partner, Isla, works to obtain cheating evidence on a man. As Blaire focuses on helping others, she can’t seem to heal while dealing with so many other cheaters.

Blaire sees Jessie Beckett, a former short-term flame, several years after he left her behind on his way to NFL glory. I didn’t quite understand the depth of her misery since they only knew each other for about three weeks but she compared others to idea of him. Later, after marrying and then divorcing her cheating husband, she focuses her energies on helping men and women get rid of the cheaters in their lives.

Jessie is in a very awkward situation since he’s married but secretly separated. His wife Vanessa, who seemed to be the perfect wife for a football star, is seriously whacked, with her focus on money and fame. I wasn’t too crazy about Jessie as he always seemed to worry what others thought of him, his life, and just seemed kind of wishy-washy. There were some painful secrets between Jessie, Vanessa and Colin, which made me dislike Vanessa even more.

As Blaire is hired by Vanessa to catch Jessie cheating, the fun really begins! She meets Colin, Jessie’s best friend, while she’s spying on Jessie. Colin immediately offers his help for the ‘Spy Girl’, which she initially turns down but he definitely comes in handy later. She is skilled at her job but somehow seems to find herself in funny and awkward situations. There is a connection between Colin and Blaire, but she’s unsure if she likes Jessie and she doesn’t think Colin would be interested in more than a one-night stand with her.

The story was slow at times and a little confusing. There was mention of the ex-husband, the ex-best friend, and a baby, but almost like a fleeting glimpse and wasn’t mentioned again.

I enjoyed every scene with Blaire and Colin. He was torn between the complication of Jessie and Blaire potentially still liking each other but he was stunned that he felt such a connection with Blaire. Their back and forth banter was hilarious and when Blaire and he were together, there were definite sparks.

The ending was different than what I expected but I really enjoyed it and got the HEA that I wanted!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne brink
What a great book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading “Dirty Exes”. When the book started I was hoping for one outcome, then I was completely torn on what I was hoping was going to happen. By the end I was completely going the opposite way from where I began and hoping everything would turn out just the way it did! I loved the ride. I loved the romance. I completely fell in love with all of them! Second chance romance for all of them – how can you not love that!

I can’t wait for the next book! I hope it’s for who I think it is and that the seed that was planted, grows and blooms to something just as beautiful as what Blaire found.

**I received an early copy of this title compliments of NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my unbiased and honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sherryn shanahan
Book Info
Paperback, 304 pages
Expected publication: June 5th 2018 by Skyscape
ISBN 1503954374 (ISBN13: 9781503954373)
Series Liars, Inc. #1
Other Editions (3)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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They’re serving up some red-hot revenge. A sizzling series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel van Dyken.

Blaire has never quite gotten over Jessie Beckett, the ex–NFL star whose kisses were hot enough to ignite the entire Eastern Seaboard. When he chose work over her, Blaire was left brokenhearted. Why else would she have married a skeezy two-timer, just to divorce him less than a year later?

Now Blaire is getting even by becoming one half of Dirty Exes, a PI firm fully committed to humiliating cheating jerks. If only the new jerk she’s been hired to uncover wasn’t Jessie Beckett himself.

Exposing Jessie isn’t going to be easy, especially when she still daydreams about his sexy smile. Further complicating matters is Colin, Jessie’s best friend. He’s gorgeous, a little bit cunning, and willing to help Blaire get the inside scoop on Jessie—for a price.

Now caught between two men—one totally right and the other totally wrong—Blaire will need to decide just how much she’s willing to risk…and whom she’s willing to risk it for.

My Thoughts

One of my all time favorite movies The First Wives Club is the first example of Exes getting even with their cheating,conniving,lying husbands and it tops this story for revenge.

That being said author Rachel Van Dyken took a romance story and made it unique and noteworthy for readers who enjoy characters that are not only vulnerable but also snarky and easy to relate to for most of us, happily married or not.

My biggest complaint was the fact after all those years apart Blaire found herself still unable to let go of her past with Jessie and instead embrace a chance for true happiness with a man who not only is super sexy but is also totally tuned into her.

(view spoiler)

However in the end everything worked out for the best and set up readers for the next book which should be an even more interesting setup than this first in the series and I hope to get a chance to find out when and if it comes available for review.

Not one I loved but sure liked it a lot.

[EArc from Netgalley]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cp scott
Blaire and her partner, Ilsa, have created a PI business where they follow, catch, and expose cheaters. They both have history with the subject and are using their skills to help people get revenge on their cheating partners.

But their newest case becomes all kind of complicated when a woman hires them to prove her husband is cheating. And the man in question happens to be Blaire's ex and her "one that got away". So not only does she have to deal with seeing him for the first time in years, but now she has to go into stalking mode. And Jessie is just happy to see a friendly face from his past so is wanting to reconnect.

Making matters even more interesting is his charming, rich, tatted, long-haired best friend, Colin. He is all about casual flings and no entanglements, but something about Blaire makes her hard to forget. He is happy to help her, and is tempted to go after her himself.

Blaire is a bit awkward, insecure, untrusting, and always feels like the girl left behind. Jessie is the ex NFL star with the good boy image and seemingly perfect married life, but could have secrets. And Colin is playboy who is usually never serious about women even as they are dropping at his feet. And Ilsa is just trying to keep everything together and run interference as needed. And we cannot forget the client who started it all.

There are secrets, ommissions, lies, and questions. Is there really cheating going on? Who can you trust? And as the group gets more caught up in the situation and the secrets keep compounding, someone is bound to end up hurt or angry. It is a powderkeg waiting to blow up and casualties could be high.

This is a stand alone spin off of The Matchmaker's Playbook as Blaire is Ian Hunter's sister. It also starts its own series that will continue with Ilsa's story, Dangerous Exes. This is funny, quirky, sexy, angsty, and full of little surprises. But it also has some good messages about acceptance, self love, and forgiveness.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
john moore
ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love Rachel Van Dyken. Her books always make me smile beacause her writing style's hilarious! She's very funny.

Unfortunately this book was just an okay read. I couldn't connect to the characters, and I think Blaire's obsession with Jessie was too much. They were dating for 3 weeks not 3 years, so I don't understand how could she compare everyone to him, like he was a god. He's not. He's just some guy, who chose his carrier and not some chick he met three weeks ago.

But other than that (which pissed me off so much, I only gave 3 stars), I liked the story. It was funny. Hardcore Rachel Van Dyken fans will love this for sure. If you're new to the author, I suggest that you choose another book from Van Dyken.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan ferris
Jessie, Collin and Blaire, what a book!! You may remember Blaire and Jessie from Ian's story The Matchmaker's playbook. This story is so unconventional, so different from all the other love stories out there. Blaire and her from Isla start a very unique business. It's a book you are just going to want to continue to turn the pages and not put it down until you are finished. The storyline is so well written. The jokes and one liners we have come to expect from ms. Van Dyken's books are there, as well as some angst. You will love every page of this book. I can't wait to read Isla's book. Loved everything about this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kassie siwo gasa
I read a reader copy via Net Galley and voluntarily chose to write a review. This was the first book in the Liars Series. Blaire is co-owner of a PI Firm "Dirty Exes" that specializes in exposing Cheaters. Things get a little complicated when her newest case is an old boyfriend, the one that got away. His best friend Colin agrees to help her investigate and before she knows it she finds herself attracted to both men. No spoiler here, but this is a great book with lots of funny scenes. The characters are well developed and likable and the story is very entertaining. You will love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dirty Exes by Rachel Van Dyken
Reviewed by Christina Linton

WOW! Seriously this new series by this author was down right AWESOMESAUCE!!! She had me cracking up laughing throughout the book. You can not put this down! Dirty Exes deserve more than 5 STARS! Its worth 10 Stars right from the very first chapter **********
Gosh, this story itself, will have you turning page after page. The characters will have you falling in love with them from the very beginning. Just like Rachel Van Dyken, she gives you a dose of Romance, Comedy and bit of suspense.
I would recommend this book to everyone who loves comedy, romance and suspense. I hope you will fall in love with this author(s) writing like I did with Eagle Elite and The Consequence series, well any series written by Rachel Van Dyken. Her Brand will have you craving for MORE, and I mean MORE!!!
Thank you RVD and Jill Shalvis making it possible for us readers to read an early copy. ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah krieg
Angie's review 

Apr 15, 2018  ·  edit

really liked it

Blaire, sister to Ian (matchmakers playbook), works and owns Dirty Exes. A PI business aimed at catching cheaters. After finding her husband in bed with her best friend, she turns to wine and comes face to face with a woman experiencing the same thing: a cheating husband. Now these two women are running their own business helping others. Next client on the list,Jessie, blaire's one that got away only he's the possible cheater. Throw in jessie's best friend, the client/ wife and some great whiskey and you've got a spy girl story. Second chance romance or new lease on life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book easily goes up on my favorites list! There are several times it takes all I can do not to burst out with laughter. Blaire manages to get herself into some very hilarious situations. I'm not sure where to get started with Jessie and Colin as to not give anything away. I can say that the chemistry with one of them is off the charts! He easily made me love him with his quirky and fun personality. I hated when life got in the way and made me put this book down. I mean who needs food and sleep anyway? This is a must read for those who love to laugh and have some sexy times as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marko jovanovic
Enjoyed the story. I liked both guys for Blaire, Jessie the one that got away and his best friend Colin who is also attracted to her. Who gets the girl? Blaire was dated Jessie NFL hopeful before he made it big and he let her go. She was devastated and picked a nice guy, Jason who she married so she wouldn't be heartbroken they way she was with Jessie and got blindsided with Jason and her best girlfriend. Jessie comes back on the scene as his wife Vanessa hires Blaire's firm to find out if he is cheating. Vanessa is a piece of work and their are secrets between Vanessa, Jessie and Colin. Enjoyed all of the antics and felt all of the confusion and angst that Blaire felt on figuring out who she really wants to be with. It was very good.
P. S. - Cover of the book should be of Blaire or a female. Is the cover Jessie or Colin? The one she ended up with in the end?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy hearth
I will start out by saying I loved everything about this book. A book that made me laugh out loud at the ridiculous situations that Blaire got herself into along with her quirky friends.

After Blaire runs into "The one who got away" randomly she faves the fact that her feelings for Jessie never truly went away....then she meets his best friend Colin. She ends up really liking him too. Now she needs to choose who is the best one for her.

Another great book that left me wanting more.
*I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Be my adventure."

I loathe love triangles, and RVD is only one of a few authors who I will break my "No Tri" rule for. Despite my preconceived angst, I adored this book immensely. It's one of my favorites from this author in recent memory. It was helpful that it seemed obvious right away who would end up as a couple.

There is a lot of humor and a small splash of emotion to make this a perfect summer read. I look forward to the next installment of the series. Don't let the premise keep you away; this is a feel good romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brittany smith
This book was sooooo good!! My face hurts from smiling through almost the whole thing, except for the parts where I wasn't smiling I was laughing out loud too. This story was so well done! Blair is hung up on the what ifs of an old flame (jessie) and in reconnecting with him she meets his best friend Collin. Blair and Collin fall into an easy friendship but their banter is hilarious. Not to mention the hilariously awkward situations She finds herself in along the way. I can't say enough good things about this one! such a funny light hearted read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard coles
Dirty Exes was an engaging and intersting read. Blaire and Isla are women scorned who go on to run a PI business where they catch cheating spouses in the act. The concept of the book was interesting, though not entirely original. Things get complicated with the business when Blaire's ex, Jessie ends up on her radar in both a personal and professional capacity. Things get even more complicated when you enter in Jessie's best friend Colin, who has eyes for Blaire from the start.

The book was intriguing in that it wasn't really clear which direction all the drama would go in; Who was into who, who was cheating, and who would ultimately end up with each other. I read this book in one sitting and found it to be an easy read. I really enjoyed Colin's character from the start and enjoyed reading his interactions with Blaire the most. Overall an enjoyable read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ann dowd
Dirty Exes is one sexy and sweet romance.

Blaire hasn’t had that much luck in love. It’s pretty much unfortunate. But then someone comes back into her life, that she never expected. But that is not where the story will go.. But I’m not going to say what happens. So you’ll just have to read the book.

Dirty Exes is really enjoyable. It has the romance, it has its funny moments and the oh so sexy ones. Which, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Rachel. I’ve always enjoyed her stories, just the way she’s able to write these characters and being able to connect with them, on a personal level.

Overall, I give this Four Boundless Stars.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nikki demmers
ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love Rachel Van Dyken. Her books always make me smile beacause her writing style's hilarious! She's very funny.

Unfortunately this book was just an okay read. I couldn't connect to the characters, and I think Blaire's obsession with Jessie was too much. They were dating for 3 weeks not 3 years, so I don't understand how could she compare everyone to him, like he was a god. He's not. He's just some guy, who chose his carrier and not some chick he met three weeks ago.

But other than that (which pissed me off so much, I only gave 3 stars), I liked the story. It was funny. Hardcore Rachel Van Dyken fans will love this for sure. If you're new to the author, I suggest that you choose another book from Van Dyken.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jes lowry
Jessie, Collin and Blaire, what a book!! You may remember Blaire and Jessie from Ian's story The Matchmaker's playbook. This story is so unconventional, so different from all the other love stories out there. Blaire and her from Isla start a very unique business. It's a book you are just going to want to continue to turn the pages and not put it down until you are finished. The storyline is so well written. The jokes and one liners we have come to expect from ms. Van Dyken's books are there, as well as some angst. You will love every page of this book. I can't wait to read Isla's book. Loved everything about this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read a reader copy via Net Galley and voluntarily chose to write a review. This was the first book in the Liars Series. Blaire is co-owner of a PI Firm "Dirty Exes" that specializes in exposing Cheaters. Things get a little complicated when her newest case is an old boyfriend, the one that got away. His best friend Colin agrees to help her investigate and before she knows it she finds herself attracted to both men. No spoiler here, but this is a great book with lots of funny scenes. The characters are well developed and likable and the story is very entertaining. You will love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arietta bryant
Dirty Exes by Rachel Van Dyken
Reviewed by Christina Linton

WOW! Seriously this new series by this author was down right AWESOMESAUCE!!! She had me cracking up laughing throughout the book. You can not put this down! Dirty Exes deserve more than 5 STARS! Its worth 10 Stars right from the very first chapter **********
Gosh, this story itself, will have you turning page after page. The characters will have you falling in love with them from the very beginning. Just like Rachel Van Dyken, she gives you a dose of Romance, Comedy and bit of suspense.
I would recommend this book to everyone who loves comedy, romance and suspense. I hope you will fall in love with this author(s) writing like I did with Eagle Elite and The Consequence series, well any series written by Rachel Van Dyken. Her Brand will have you craving for MORE, and I mean MORE!!!
Thank you RVD and Jill Shalvis making it possible for us readers to read an early copy. ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rip lux
Angie's review 

Apr 15, 2018  ·  edit

really liked it

Blaire, sister to Ian (matchmakers playbook), works and owns Dirty Exes. A PI business aimed at catching cheaters. After finding her husband in bed with her best friend, she turns to wine and comes face to face with a woman experiencing the same thing: a cheating husband. Now these two women are running their own business helping others. Next client on the list,Jessie, blaire's one that got away only he's the possible cheater. Throw in jessie's best friend, the client/ wife and some great whiskey and you've got a spy girl story. Second chance romance or new lease on life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book easily goes up on my favorites list! There are several times it takes all I can do not to burst out with laughter. Blaire manages to get herself into some very hilarious situations. I'm not sure where to get started with Jessie and Colin as to not give anything away. I can say that the chemistry with one of them is off the charts! He easily made me love him with his quirky and fun personality. I hated when life got in the way and made me put this book down. I mean who needs food and sleep anyway? This is a must read for those who love to laugh and have some sexy times as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ann sherrill
Enjoyed the story. I liked both guys for Blaire, Jessie the one that got away and his best friend Colin who is also attracted to her. Who gets the girl? Blaire was dated Jessie NFL hopeful before he made it big and he let her go. She was devastated and picked a nice guy, Jason who she married so she wouldn't be heartbroken they way she was with Jessie and got blindsided with Jason and her best girlfriend. Jessie comes back on the scene as his wife Vanessa hires Blaire's firm to find out if he is cheating. Vanessa is a piece of work and their are secrets between Vanessa, Jessie and Colin. Enjoyed all of the antics and felt all of the confusion and angst that Blaire felt on figuring out who she really wants to be with. It was very good.
P. S. - Cover of the book should be of Blaire or a female. Is the cover Jessie or Colin? The one she ended up with in the end?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will start out by saying I loved everything about this book. A book that made me laugh out loud at the ridiculous situations that Blaire got herself into along with her quirky friends.

After Blaire runs into "The one who got away" randomly she faves the fact that her feelings for Jessie never truly went away....then she meets his best friend Colin. She ends up really liking him too. Now she needs to choose who is the best one for her.

Another great book that left me wanting more.
*I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abhiroop patel
"Be my adventure."

I loathe love triangles, and RVD is only one of a few authors who I will break my "No Tri" rule for. Despite my preconceived angst, I adored this book immensely. It's one of my favorites from this author in recent memory. It was helpful that it seemed obvious right away who would end up as a couple.

There is a lot of humor and a small splash of emotion to make this a perfect summer read. I look forward to the next installment of the series. Don't let the premise keep you away; this is a feel good romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan perry
This book was sooooo good!! My face hurts from smiling through almost the whole thing, except for the parts where I wasn't smiling I was laughing out loud too. This story was so well done! Blair is hung up on the what ifs of an old flame (jessie) and in reconnecting with him she meets his best friend Collin. Blair and Collin fall into an easy friendship but their banter is hilarious. Not to mention the hilariously awkward situations She finds herself in along the way. I can't say enough good things about this one! such a funny light hearted read.
Please RateInc. Book 1), Dirty Exes (Liars
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