Against All Odds (A Galaxy Unknown Book 7)

ByThomas DePrima

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
felicia collins
Another great addition to the series. Once I started reading this book, I resented any and all interuptions, until I was finished with it.
I will be pre-ordering the next book in this series, so I can get as soon as possible.
If you haven't experienced these books yet, try the first one, you'll be hooked on them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara murray
I hate the feeling of finishing the book wanting more! more! Must have more!
The whole seven book adventure is great! This one felt short even with a lot happening in the story. I devoured it too quickly in just two evenings. Thank you Thomas for great series. Please take your time writing the next one as I will go crazy waiting...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
DePrima has maintained the high standard set in his previous novels, in Against All Odds, the seventh novel in his Galaxy Unknown series. Jenetta Carver continues to upset her colleages and enrage her enemies with her unique style of leadership and warfare, all the while growing more comfortable with both her responsibilities and with Arneu's legacy of near-immortality.

Nearly all the key characters (those still living...) from the 6 previous novels make an appearance somewhere in this newest novel, a sign, perhaps, of the author's original intention of it being the final book in the series. Yet instead, the result is more of a reunion and a strengthening of old friendships/bonds, implying all will be needed if the Gallactic Alliance is to survive future events. There are definite signs of more trouble heading Jenetta's way and I look forward to reading more of her adventures in the future. For the first time, the next release will be longer in coming than ever before as DePrima is in the midst of writing it now (unlike the first seven which had all been written several years ago) but I have no doubt it will be well worth the wait.
Lily of the Nile (Novel of Cleopatra's Daughter Book 1) :: Lily and the Duke (Sex and the Season: One) :: Father of the Rain: A Novel :: The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder: A Novel :: Naero's Run (A Spacer Clans Adventure Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina wilson
This is a great Syfi series with an unexpected hero who character development is a great part of the stories appeal. Great action and unexpected tech developments. Looking forward to books 8,9.... I just started reading the series a month ago and now have withdrawal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily sheppard
I am currently about 90% finished with the book and I have to say this is my favorite of the series. There is just a constant stream of excitement. It is a great book and I'm sure if your still reading the AGU series, you will enjoy this one as much if not more than the others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was great just like the other books. It was fast paced and very addicting as I read the who book in less the 24 hours. I hope that someone in the film industry reads this and decides to turn these into several movies or a TV series. I hope there will be at least another 7 books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
horhat george
The Galaxy Unknown series is hugely enjoyable. I have read each of the books as they have come out and have savored them.

But with each new book I become more and more irritated. The plot of each book is roughly
1) There is a bigger enemy than last time, he is stupider than the last enemy, more of a cartoon figure than the one before.
2) Admiral Hubera grumps about the hero
3) The Space Command ships become more invincible than ever before
4) The hero uses a tactic or trick and beats the enemy who is completely vanquished.

Now there is nothing wrong with having a formula and clearly to have got to book 7 the formula must work, but the overall feeling is the formula gets thinner and thinner. The hero has no life, either an inner life of thought or doubt, or an outer life of interests, friendships or love. Its petting the cats and duty duty duty, oh and devise a clever tactic, and looking calm in a crisis.

It feels to me that the series has run out of steam. That the ideas are recycled, the battles in this space opera scarcely believable. I mean really wipe out a whole space going civilization for the loss of 5 impetuous troops. We all root for the hero to win, but when its a certain thing, a routine annihilation of the enemy with no loss for the home team. Well really where's the tension, where's the sense of risk, where's the drama when its certain the hero will win.

Hopefully there is a book 8 and hopefully it has some of the elements that make the first books interesting. But please give the poor hero a life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
niloufar rahmanian
ive read plenty of books over the past few years, but no series of books have every caught me attention, with your attention to detail, the cliff hangers, and even the ship combat, even made me hold my breathe till i turned the page, with characters that you could see and understand in a everyday situation, allowed me to personalise them, Especially the pets :D, which give the book and its pervious ones my 5 stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peggy goldblatt
Mr. DePrima's latest book (Against All Odds) in his Galaxy Unknown series is a perfect continuation of this addictive series. The characters and story come alive with a perfect balance of descriptive narrative and action. Not an easy task for many authors, but Mr. DePrima does it with ease. This a must read series for any science fiction fan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor johnson
Found this author through the store just stumbling across authors. Read the first one in a day! Then imediatly got the rest of the series! Couldnt put them down! Read through the entire series in a little over a week. Cant wait to read more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Again, Mr. DePrima's storyline has provided hours of enjoyment and excitement!
Waiting for the next turn, the next surprise, what could be next?
You have to continue on to see what twist is in the wind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read the entire series and loved every one of the books. I would like to express my appreciation to the author for not continuing the rehash of background in this, the 7th book of the series. I am a firm believer that if the reader wants to know what is going on in the story line of a series-start reading from the first book in a series. It bores me to have to read repeats from previous books in the series and it comes across as filler. I love your stories and will continue to buy them. Keep writing!!
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