Multiple Sclerosis & Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

ByBruce Fife ND

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarika reddy
Very practical and gives hope to those struggling with these diseases or family members. I haven't finished it all but I will say this...COCONUT OIL...He is a proponent as well as many other helpful ideas for giving someone their life back. God has surely inspired Dr. Fife to write this book and bring HOPE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth mcdonald
Great book to purchase to learn about illnesses to prevent while young. Also to assist family and friends that have an illness. A must have book. My mom has dementia and learned a lot from reading the book. The book has assisted her daily.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I found the first eleven chapters had some interesting and useful information, and I had already read much of it in other books. After Chapter Eleven, I found the information surprising to say the least. I admit that I have been vegan for two years. I am a 66 woman, feel 18, and look a healthy and slender 40-45 with totally perfect health and no meds. But I always want to keep an open mind about new nutritional information, even if it contradicts what I currently believe. What I do know is that on our vegan diet my new husband lost 70 lbs. after our marriage--without ever being hungry, lost his hand tremors, and was able to get off his blood pressure medication. Though he is also 66, I can tell you that any twenty-year old man would envy his abilities. :.) My own cholesterol dropped fifty points. Now to hear that the author tells us to eat all the meat we want, fat included, flies in the face of what I believe. Is it not true that toxins are heaviest at the top of the food chain and that these toxins concentrate in the fatty tissues of the animal? Why would I want to eat that? We did buy some red palm oil and will use it sparingly for stir fry. We have always used coconut oil sparingly for the same. But I can't believe we are supposed to intentionally ingest six tablespoons of coconut oil every day. I would really need to be convinced more than this author has been able to do. The idea of limiting carbs to get into ketosis and feel sick, get acetone breath, and acidify my blood doesn't agree with what I have learned from reading so many other books on nutrition. Doesn't Dr. Russell Blaylock (who wrote the forward for this book) say in his own books that one should never starve the brain--so avoid low blood sugar, or it accelerates Alzheimer's?? What about Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's book "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" which recounts the success he has had with terminal heart patients by limiting their fat and oil intake? What about T. Colin Campbell's book "The China Study" documenting why a plant-based (i.e., vegan diet) is so beneficial for preventing cancer? I don't believe I have to risk heart disease by ingesting too much fat, or risk cancer by eating animal products--all in order to avoid Alzheimer's. The evidence seems overwhelming that a plant-based diet is the safest approach for most people. Perhaps Fife's diet is a success for epileptics and a few others, but I don't believe my husband and I will adopt it. So for now, I'd say the first half of the book was informative. But the second half was so completely opposite to what I currently believe that I'd never try this author's methods without a good deal more research and convincing.
Lower Your Brain Age in Minutes a Day - Brain Games® #1 :: Revitalize Thyroid Function and Lose Excess Weight :: 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss :: Jacqueline (2004) Paperback - Kushiel's Chosen by Carey :: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail towey
This book is loaded with info that is very useful even for people who are not dealing with alzheimer's in their or family's lives. It also has good info on other neurodegenerative disorders. Very glad I purchased it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah fettig
I found the book to be very informative. The information is presented in a detailed,by subject, way that anyone can understand. My mother has Alzheimer's/Dementia and I took care of her for 6 1/2 years. The book helped me to understand better the workings of our brain and how easily outside forces can effect it. Well worth reading!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chrystal matix
There is a lot of valuable information in this book -- well beyond the issue of Alzheimer's disease. Reading this book sent me on a journey to explore more in depth. I would highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in nutrition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book contains a wealth of information on all aspects of Alzheimer's and related diseases. I could not ask for anything better or more informative, alerting me to the dangers of things the average person would not have thought about. I recommend it to everyone who wishes to escape Alzheimer's.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My wife has some type of dementia which is shrinking her brain. Her MD neurologist does not know what type.We do not know the cause. We tried the low carb diet described in the book for about one year but her brain kept shrinking. MD had no problem using this diet. My wife continues with 6 tbs daily of coconut oil, I take 2-3 tbs daily. The only products that seem to slow her progression are her 2 medications. We tried to go off one but after one week she became more confused but now is back to her normal. The majority of reviews here appear to only to glorify the book's contents. These people have apparently not tried the diet for any of the illnesses mentioned in the book except two. --one had good results and the other did not. I would think more and more successes would be thriving in this review section if they existed. Our neurologist told us that when an md does not know the type of dementia then they label the patient as AD & that only an autopsy can verify AD or any other dementia . How can one diet help a condition that is essentially unable to be diagnosed? I do not know the answer, but this book, 'informatiive' as it may be, is not our answer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather schuenemann
the material presented is overall good, the book is worth keeping and re-reading occasionally.(especially as you get older...)
My bet is that more than half freshly graduated MDs either don't know about the info, or don't care (more likely)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a wonderful and simple way to fight Alzheimer's. My mother passed away from Alzheimer's, and now my husband is showing signs of it. So I am giving him some each day. I haven't seen a remarkable change yet but I do see some difference in his activities. I have only been using it for about 3 weeks. I am sure when we have used it longer there will be a good amount of change.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is filled with fascinating information that can be used by anyone. It tells us how most doctors still follow outdated beliefs about cholesterol and guides you to more important measures of health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael meyerhofer
"Stop Alzheimer's Now!" is one of the most important health books you will ever read! I was amazed by the wealth of information and the wisdom contained in this book. This book will be helpful to you if you want to treat or prevent Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington's disease, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Stroke and Dementia. It will also be helpful to anyone who wants to just be healthier in general as they age.

Did you know that fluoride is toxic to your mitochondria?
Do you know why it is probably better to drink organic milk?
Did you know that eating a low-fat diet can be harmful to your health and that depression and suicide may be the result of such a diet?
Have you ever considered that taking cholesterol-lowering drugs may be harmful to your health?
Should you eat salmon or tuna? Which is healthier?
Should you get a flu shot each year?

Bruce Fife addresses these questions and much more. He first discusses many diseases in detail and then presents startling information on how drugs and anesthesia can cause problems with the brain. He lists a number of popular medications that are dangerous to take as you age. He also discusses the dangers of aspartame, MSG and nitrites. You have probably heard this information before but this author makes the strongest case I've ever read.

Some of the good advice includes suggestions for a low-carb diet with plenty of healthy fats. Coconut oil is apparently very healing to the body. I'd never read this anywhere else in any of the health books I've read in the past ten years. I've used coconut oil in cooking but didn't realize it could cure diseases. Anyone with AIDS should read this book because one of the stories of success with coconut oil is amazing.

So while this book seems to be mostly about Alzheimer's it really is about making your health a top priority as you age. I can recommend this to you highly because I think the information in this book could change your life or the life of someone you love. If I could, I'd give this book 100 stars!

Please consult with your doctor before taking any of the advice in this book.

~The Rebecca Review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Originally checked this book out of my local library. It is an easy read. Decided to purchase it and add it to my nutritional library.

Research based, this book should be required reading for everyone. There are things that can be done and what is in this book works. Sadly, most of the medical profession as well as their patients are approaching issues involving the elderly with outdated research.

Found the chapter on how bacteria moves between the mouth and the brain fascinating and eye opening. The role that dental health plays in these diseases is mind boggling. Imagine how much money and heartache would be spared if medicare paid for annual dental cleaning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dane peacock
This is a wonderful, life-saving book! Apart from the two books by Natasha Campbell-McBride ("Put your heart in your mouth" and "Gut and Psychology Syndrome") which I have recently reviewed, this is the most inspiring health book I have read for years, and absolutely one of the all-time best.

The book is filled with detailed, documented information about the brain, neurogeneration, how drugs, toxins, infections affect the brain, fats, cholesterol (the true story) etc etc.

The essence of the book deals with ketone therapy, or the ketogenic diet, that was previously used with dramatic curative effect with patients suffering from severe epilepsy. It is the only known treatment that can actually cure epilepsy. It has also amazing results in the treatment of ALS, Parkinson's disease, MS, Huntington's disease and so on and so forth,

Normally, the brain uses glucose for energy, but if this is not available, it can use ketones. These are produced in the blood by our restricting consumption of carbohydrates. The healing ketogenic diet consists of "eating a high proportion of fat, adequate protein, just a little carbohydrate, and absolutely no sugar."

The medium chain triglycerides contained in coconut oil provide the best means of producing ketones, Consumption of a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil can rapidly produce dramatic improvement in Alzheimer's sufferers and also, as far as I understand, those suffering from other forms of dementia, and from the diseases mentioned above.

What is disturbing is that this simple method of treatment is not already generally known or applied. We should all be eating coconut oil and giving it to our loved ones, particularly those suffering from dementia or other brain problems.

We are all urged to start eating coconut oil, working up to five tablespoons a day. (I have personally been consuming ½ litre of coconut water every day with great positive effect on my digestive system, but this is the first time I've heard that coconut oil heals the brain.)

Over and above consuming large amounts of coconut oil, we are advised to begin a course of low-carb therapy. The amount of carbs we are allowed to consume depends on our blood sugar level. Those with a fasting blood glucose of 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) or greater should limit their carbs to a maximum of 25 g per day. Those with a fasting blood glucose of 101-125 mg/dl (5.6-6.9 mmol/l) are allowed up to 50 g per day. Those with a fasting blood glucose of 91-100 mg/dl (5.0-5.5 mmol/l) are allowed up to 100 g per day.

Following the appropriate low carb diet will quickly regulate your blood sugar and also normalize blood pressure, amounts of triglycerides, etc. You can change from the original diet to one permitting a greater amount of carbs once blood sugar improvement has occurred. The low-carb 25 g diet can even be used for seizure control. This latter diet is slightly more restricted than Dr. Bernstein's diabetes control diet presented in his book "Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution", which allows us 30 g carbs per day, and with the added information of the wonderful benefits of coconut oil is even/much more beneficial.

Apparently ketosis test strips are available from pharmacies, so you can test your blood ketone level.

An appendix provides a net carbohydrate counter, so we can easily measure the amount of carbs in our meals and there is also a chapter with recipes, though this chapter had limited value for me since most of the recipes contain meat, which I don't eat.

It may at first present a problem for many to ingest such a large quantity of coconut oil every day, but we are given the tip that we can prepare and freeze small quantities of soup, to which we can add one or two tablespoons of the oil, according to what is needed. The soup is not intended as a meal but only as something to make the ingestion of coconut oil more palatable.

(When I first began taking it, I also added butter, peanut butter and other fats to my diet, and my digestion then ground to a halt - I have previously had considerable digestion problems resulting in at times a complete lack of stomach acid. However, I was fortunate quickly to discover that a small drink of sauerkraut juice would immediately stimulate my production of stomach acid, and now I can accept greater and greater amounts of fat, including coconut oil.)

The book also includes a mental status test and Parkinson's Disease rating scale.

Actually, I found this great book to provide a total diet solution - it is also immensely readable, comprising inspiring case histories, and at the same time absolutely erudite.

I would strongly advise you to read this book. Doing so and implementing its advice will save/heal your brain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane buyny
I informed my fiance on the information about organic virgin coconut oil, persuaded him to try it, and his stuttering disappeared whenever he takes it morning and noon. He was able to organize and accomplish without procrastination as is common in ADHD. My mental stamina is supported when I take it. This book is full of fascinating alternative health information that works! I was excited, empowered by reading it. I enthusiastically recommend it. It's the best read I've had in years.

Nature's Way Organic Coconut Oil, 16 OunceBarlean's Organic Oils Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16-Ounce JarJarrow Formulas Coconut Oil Extra Virgin 100% Organic, 16-Ounce
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alzheimer's disease has been on the rapid rise in recent years primarily because of the unintended consequences of the promotion of the high-carb, low-fat diet. People have been scared to death by our government and health authorities about eating fat, especially saturated fat, that they have literally starved their body of an important element in brain health. The result? Our brains, which are made up mostly of fat, are fat deprived and will begin to shut down leading to a whole myriad of issues. Dr. Bruce Fife, a long-time advocate for the use of healthy coconut and coconut byproducts, has been attempting to spread the message that people need to be eating more coconut fats for health over the years and this book explains why it is critical in the prevention of and healing from the development of Alzheimer's disease. In fact, he details the extraordinary tale of a physician named Dr. Mary Newport who was able to help her husband defeat his Alzheimer's through the use of high doses of coconut oil. Combining this strategy with a low-carb diet will produce plenty of healthy ketone bodies which are the preferred fuel for the brain. We can end these neurological diseases if more people would apply the simple yet effective strategies outlined in this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I chose this book because several of my friends have purchased it and rave over the plethora of information contained therein. Even though we all understand that everyone perceives illnesses and treatment differently, this book sheds light in all directions. I purchased it for a friend, then got another for my Kindle Fire.

My favorite (and only) brother is suffering from Parkinson's disease and it's heartbreaking to see a vital, strong, ambitious man wither into a forgetful, slothful, confused invalid. His thoughts and heart are in the right place, but somehow everything 'gets lost in translation.' Please add every person suffering from Alzheimers and it's close relatives in your prayers. Thanks so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dementia is a huge problem for a rapidly growing number of people all over the world. This book shows how to prevent its onset, and even reverse the symptoms, without drugs.

Dementia, which includes Alzheimer's, ALS, Parkinson's and other such diseases, can come about in a surprisingly large number of ways. Did you know that Alzheimer's is also known as Type III Diabetes? The connection between them is that strong. The toxins can come from an improperly cleaned out tooth that is getting a root canal (it is very difficult to properly clean out such a tooth). For some people, the cause can be getting the wrong anesthesia during a routine operation. Be very careful when taking a statin drug, or any drug that alters brain chemistry (the book contains a list of drugs that seniors should avoid). Other things to be reduced, or avoided altogether, are aluminum, like in frying pans, and excitotoxins like aspartame. The author does not mean to say that being diabetic, or taking an over-the-counter medicine, or living on diet soda will automatically lead to Alzheimer's or ALS, but that such people are more susceptible than the average person.

Now, on to the important part: how to stop dementia, or at least greatly slow it down? Raise your body's ketone levels by consuming at least 5 tablespoons of coconut oil (available at your local health food store) every day. It can be used in food preparation, or taken separately like a supplement. Go on a low-carb diet; how low depends on your fasting blood glucose level. If you don't already do so, get in the habit of reading nutrition labels. Get your teeth checked, and correct any existing infections. Take dietary supplements, including an iron-free multivitamin, Q10, Magnesium and Vitamin C. Get some Vitamin D in your body, either through taking a supplement or being outside. Have at least 1 serving of fish per week. Last, but not least, get some moderate physical and mental exercise.

Stopping dementia does not get much easier than this, especially if your family has a history of it, or the symptoms have already started to show themselves. For those who are Alzheimer's caregivers, consider trying some of the things mentioned in this book (you have little or nothing to lose). This book is extremely highly recommended, for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave carmocan
A well researched presentation of many of the illnesses that plague our nation. Dementia is almost epidemic in the senior community and our health care system has no help that heals us just meds to deal with symptoms. Side effects of drugs are sometimes worse than the illness.
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