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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I bought this entire series because I feel for this series and it was my first time with this author , but was so very disappointed in the ending that I don’t think I will buy anymore of her books.. people don’t want you to string them along in the hopes that after 3,4,5 books the ending is such a let down that your angry because you feel duped.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This author is killing me...betrayals, , suspence, blossoming love , and trust.

I fell even more in love with Claire and Sheppard every time they are together. This series is like a vortex of time. It sucks any awareness of it existing out of your life and you can only focus on this book.

Riveting. I'm exhausted and a little angry that I now have to wait until later today to finish their story...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie marina
I loved this series. It broke me. Reading these made me crave the darkness. This is not the end for Claire and Shepherd. I thought you should know that because if you don't you may feel unsatisfied by this one. Its the conclusion of their story in this dome, and its awful and sad and sick and brilliant. 4 stars because I'm being challenged to rethink my own personal boundaries, but 5 stars because Addison Cain made me ok with not getting a HEA. I can't quit her now.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
daniel dawer
Loved this series but.... the ending is BS... feel like I wasted my time. I was getting ready to start Sigle. I read a potion of it on Literotica and it was great... after the ending of Alpha series.. I am completely turned off...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james morcan
Oh this series has definitely been a favorite of mine. At first I didn’t really understand what I was reading it seemed weird and messed up. But then I let myself just go and dive in to the series and could not put it down. It has kept me up reading at night. I highly suggest if you like a bit of a darker but intense read to get hooked on these.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely dont read books like this. It is not my genes. I love horror, haunted houses in particular and generally I despise romance novels .Kindle put this trilogy in my suggestions so I read the first and then the other two. Then I started Stolen. . I haven't slept in days from reading this stuff. I love it. My only complaint is that after a while I became desensitized to all the sex even though it was great. It was just pretty much the same sex all the time. But, that's really not a complaint I dont think. I cant wait for Corrupted to come out. I've found something new I love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa powers
The characters in this story are so well-developed that you find yourself being drawn in. I became so attached to them that I could feel their pain and their joy. I can't remember the last time I've been sucked in like this but I'm happier for it. Great characters, great story. I can't wait to see where they go from here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dimitris tzanerakis
This series has been an addiction to me! Just when I think I have things figured out there is another twist! These books are so expertly written that I feel what every character is feeling! I'm so engrossed I can barely put it down, even while I cried for 15 min still trying to read! I would recommend this series to anyone wanting to escape into the characters of a book and enjoy a good alpha romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda raab
Main genres:

Science fiction, dystopia, paranormal, tragedy, dark romance, and dark erotica.

Chapters 1 to 11:

This portion of Reborn was everything I love and come to expect from this series. The interactions between Shepherd & Claire were witty, funny, bittersweet, sad, and hopeful. And we (the readers) got to see them connect on an emotional level that we had yet to see in the past books. I got the impression that both these characters desperately wanted to make their relationship work, but too much had already been set in motion.

Chapters 12, 13, & Epilogue:

I was not happy with this portion of the book. I never expected a HEA, but I did expect something a little bit better. This is MY interpretation:

********************************************************************************************* SPOILER **************************************************** SPOILER ***************************************** START OF SPOILER ***********************************************************************************

There were no victors, but it felt like Svana won. Because of her, Shepherd failed. He failed his mission. He failed to protect his mate and child. And he failed his Followers.

Svana the true savior of Tholos? I just don't know.

I do know her actions is what killed Claire & Shepherd's son. Svana damaged both Claire & Shepherd in ways that will effect them for the rest of their lives.

And Shepherd is just as responsible as his beloved in many ways. I think Claire could have forgiven a lot and had, even though Shepherd is not directly responsible for the loss of their son, I could see her putting the blame at his feet.

If a war is won by whom obtained most of their goals, and suffered the least amount of harm in the process, then yes Svana is indeed the winner. And that is just one bitter pill to swallow.

********************************* END OF SPOILER ******************************************************************************************************** END OF SPOILER *************************************************************************** END OF SPOILER *****************************************


Despite the controversial ending, this is still undoubtedly a great book and series (imo).

Copy provided by author in exhanged for an honest review. Review is on ARC version.

However, I also purchased this entire series when the books were on sale. I wanted to own the official copies, for when I do eventually reread this series...yes it is that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG!! The almost ending had my tears rolling fast I just couldn't believe what I was reading. And then the actual ending gave me a little hope so I'm anxious now for what's next. That Svana was a piece a work and I'm glad she is dead now that Corday is really dumb he needs to move on. Claire is bonded and will never be his and he knows this.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I cried...i slammed the book down multiple times. The writting is so discriptive you feel as though you are there. It pulls all your heart strings. I HATE the ending! Im a big believer in HEA. This one left me emotionally broken. I know there is another story but honestly I don't think I can read it. Claire is so broken Im afraid to see what she becomes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley t
FINALLY! You humanized him! This was the best of them so see and understand his honorable side! A little Stockholm's was there...the evil bitch FINALLY died! The baby dying was awful sad! My heart bled for Claire and rallied for Shepherd...cannot wait to find out what's next!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
martina reilly
I literally cried throughout this book and series how could you end the trilogy like that. I prepared myself for a not so happy ending but for goodness sake what kind of way is that to end it. I'm left confused and annoyed! Loved it all up until the conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
isaac elfaks
I absolutely would have given this book/series one star if I hadn’t read the teaser for Alpha’s Control at the end of Sovereign.

I typically have a poor opinion of spoilers, but in this case, I honestly think they are preferable to reading the book blind. If, like me, you LOVED books one and two, what you need to know is that it’s okay, neither Claire nor Shepherd dies. I won’t say anymore, but Ms Cain makes you think they do, and I was absolutely heartbroken. I read this before there were warnings about it not being a typical HEA, so I was taken completely by surprise and I don’t want others to have the same awful experience. Given the nature of the romance (if you don’t like dark non-consent, I seriously doubt you’ve made it this far) I truly never expected a normal HEA, but I did expect Claire and Shepherd to find peace somehow. Turns out their dying was some slight of hand, as both characters are in the teaser I mentioned above. I’m still mad about it. My misery was for absolutely no reason, and I still feel pretty cheated.

That said, I stand behind my four star rating. What you should expect is more fantastic scenes between Claire and Shepherd, and a handful of political maneuvering in between. The three books very much read like one novel, so expect more of the same. As you’ve undoubtedly read from other reviews, the last third of the book gets dicey. However, if you are like me, and have reread the first two books a dozen times over, you should definitely buy this book. It has some of my absolute favorite moments between our protagonists in it.

Also, I received an ARC for this honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica satifka
This was so heart-wrenching. I have fallen in love with Claire and Shepherd from the start. Their journey was amazing, and they way it ended...well....leaves an opening for us to decide what happened to them. Watching Claire at the end broke my heart. Not very many things move me to tears :(. This author has a great talent! I look forward to reading more from her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Main genres:

Science fiction, dystopia, paranormal, tragedy, dark romance, and dark erotica.

Chapters 1 to 11:

This portion of Reborn was everything I love and come to expect from this series. The interactions between Shepherd & Claire were witty, funny, bittersweet, sad, and hopeful. And we (the readers) got to see them connect on an emotional level that we had yet to see in the past books. I got the impression that both these characters desperately wanted to make their relationship work, but too much had already been set in motion.

Chapters 12, 13, & Epilogue:

I was not happy with this portion of the book. I never expected a HEA, but I did expect something a little bit better. This is MY interpretation:

********************************************************************************************* SPOILER **************************************************** SPOILER ***************************************** START OF SPOILER ***********************************************************************************

There were no victors, but it felt like Svana won. Because of her, Shepherd failed. He failed his mission. He failed to protect his mate and child. And he failed his Followers.

Svana the true savior of Tholos? I just don't know.

I do know her actions is what killed Claire & Shepherd's son. Svana damaged both Claire & Shepherd in ways that will effect them for the rest of their lives.

And Shepherd is just as responsible as his beloved in many ways. I think Claire could have forgiven a lot and had, even though Shepherd is not directly responsible for the loss of their son, I could see her putting the blame at his feet.

If a war is won by whom obtained most of their goals, and suffered the least amount of harm in the process, then yes Svana is indeed the winner. And that is just one bitter pill to swallow.

********************************* END OF SPOILER ******************************************************************************************************** END OF SPOILER *************************************************************************** END OF SPOILER *****************************************


Despite the controversial ending, this is still undoubtedly a great book and series (imo).

Copy provided by author in exhanged for an honest review. Review is on ARC version.

However, I also purchased this entire series when the books were on sale. I wanted to own the official copies, for when I do eventually reread this series...yes it is that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
calm your pits
OMG!! The almost ending had my tears rolling fast I just couldn't believe what I was reading. And then the actual ending gave me a little hope so I'm anxious now for what's next. That Svana was a piece a work and I'm glad she is dead now that Corday is really dumb he needs to move on. Claire is bonded and will never be his and he knows this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher brasington
Addison Cain is like...the R.R. Martin of Omegaverse. Not only does she construct these fantastic, vibrant worlds for us to visit, she also knows how to create characters that we become so invested in that when they suffer...So do we. How something can be so utterly disturbing, dark, and still manage to be sexy and strangely beautiful...I am not sure. But I'm hooked!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I cried...i slammed the book down multiple times. The writting is so discriptive you feel as though you are there. It pulls all your heart strings. I HATE the ending! Im a big believer in HEA. This one left me emotionally broken. I know there is another story but honestly I don't think I can read it. Claire is so broken Im afraid to see what she becomes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
FINALLY! You humanized him! This was the best of them so see and understand his honorable side! A little Stockholm's was there...the evil bitch FINALLY died! The baby dying was awful sad! My heart bled for Claire and rallied for Shepherd...cannot wait to find out what's next!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I literally cried throughout this book and series how could you end the trilogy like that. I prepared myself for a not so happy ending but for goodness sake what kind of way is that to end it. I'm left confused and annoyed! Loved it all up until the conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I absolutely would have given this book/series one star if I hadn’t read the teaser for Alpha’s Control at the end of Sovereign.

I typically have a poor opinion of spoilers, but in this case, I honestly think they are preferable to reading the book blind. If, like me, you LOVED books one and two, what you need to know is that it’s okay, neither Claire nor Shepherd dies. I won’t say anymore, but Ms Cain makes you think they do, and I was absolutely heartbroken. I read this before there were warnings about it not being a typical HEA, so I was taken completely by surprise and I don’t want others to have the same awful experience. Given the nature of the romance (if you don’t like dark non-consent, I seriously doubt you’ve made it this far) I truly never expected a normal HEA, but I did expect Claire and Shepherd to find peace somehow. Turns out their dying was some slight of hand, as both characters are in the teaser I mentioned above. I’m still mad about it. My misery was for absolutely no reason, and I still feel pretty cheated.

That said, I stand behind my four star rating. What you should expect is more fantastic scenes between Claire and Shepherd, and a handful of political maneuvering in between. The three books very much read like one novel, so expect more of the same. As you’ve undoubtedly read from other reviews, the last third of the book gets dicey. However, if you are like me, and have reread the first two books a dozen times over, you should definitely buy this book. It has some of my absolute favorite moments between our protagonists in it.

Also, I received an ARC for this honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was so heart-wrenching. I have fallen in love with Claire and Shepherd from the start. Their journey was amazing, and they way it ended...well....leaves an opening for us to decide what happened to them. Watching Claire at the end broke my heart. Not very many things move me to tears :(. This author has a great talent! I look forward to reading more from her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan ainsworth
What an amazing book. This entire series was a page turner. You know when a book is good if you read one in two days, and you know it's great when you can read an entire series in a week. The love between Shepherd and Claire....what can I say. This book was so well written that you could feel every emotion good or bad just as if you were experiencing it first hand. The way she broke down the walls of both Claire and Shepherd to make them see what was right before their very eyes. They loved each other and fought for each other until their very last breath. Amazing!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey duck
Shephard and Clair...How come I wouldn't love them? Shephard is a character that you need time to like him. The world on that the story happens is chaotic, sort of futuristic/ post-apocalyptic...Lots of testosterone, lots of Alpha x Beta x Omega power play. Totally different from her other romance "The Dark Side of the Sun." This is pitch dark paranormal (shapeshift kinda thing, ) romance. Violence and brutality is the natural order of the things in this world. The only thing that I fault in this series is world building of this series is the world background, So..The dome protects the cities, and if it breaks is like nobody can breath or the air is not breathable???? I kinda didn't get this part very well. Brutality aside, Shephard alpha dark nature finds some light with Claire...And even she being an omega, she is so strong and willed that one cannot help but to fall in love and root for them. Claire went through so much, that one cannot help but pray she come back stronger and wiser. A Phoenix, indeed. Yes, the book is packed with foul language, violent scenes, and strong steaming sexy scenes...But the readers were well forewarned on the description of the book, therefore no need for the fuss. All of this to say that I really hope to continue seeing more of Claire and Shephard...For sure, the story is not even close to an end.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ian pumo
I'm really pissed about what happened to Claire, had she not been through enough!!!! The ending was just stupid!!! Now we have to wait for the 4th book and of course I will have to buy it !!!?? Just not sure why the torture, I almost stopped reading the book. It seemed so pointless to put her through that.

I enjoyed the series but book 3 just went in a different direction than expected.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved and hated this book. It was perfect until the ending. I knew the ending wouldn't be your typical happily ever after but I still expected Claire and Shepard to be together, even if it was in death. I'm sorely disappointed by the way it ended.... ending are supposed to give resolutions and conclude the story. Instead I'm left in doubt on what actually happened to Claire and Shepard. I still have questions that Addison failed to answer. Did she kill herself? What happened to Shepherd? Hell, what happened to Jules? The vague memories and possibilities given to us (the reader) are just so lacking to conclude this beautiful story. I expected more from this moving story but what I got was a huge let down. Plus, the rape scene was not needed to move the story along. So to wrap this up, here is my final opinion, Addison Cain writes engaging stories that have surpassed some of my favorite books by some best-selling authors. She created an unconventional love story that has become one of my personal favorites. Addison Cain writing is so engaging to read and though I wished I could do a Stephen King Misery kind of thing and force her to rewrite me a different ending for this story. I still loved parts of this book and so I can't say I completely hated the story and never will buy another book by this author again. She will still be an auto-buy for me, but Addison if you read this, next time you can still make a story memorable without breaking your readers heart. And dare I say.. an alternate ending wouldn't be a bad idea either.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april scott
This final installment kept me riveted until the very end. I cried several times for Claire and Shepherd, which is not something books often make me do. 4 and not 5 stars because having followed them through their roller coaster of a journey I would have preferred a less ambiguous ending. But the writing remains spectacular, and the story and the world the author creates is vivid and entrancing.
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