Book 1), Evernight (Evernight

ByClaudia Gray

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby cooley
"Evernight" is a thrilling book -- filled with excitement, intrigue, secrets, and classic teen drama. Set at an eerie boarding school (Evernight), this book has the old-timey feel of Harry Potter mixed with the modern teen drama of cliques and outcasts. Throughout the beginning of the book the narrator, Bianca Olivier, makes references to something very unique about Evernight, but it isn't until the middle that you uncover the secret and find out the truth about Evernight. I loved that the author kept the secret for so long; it added to the suspense and mystery, creating a huge turning point where least expected. Looking back you can see all the clues, however unnoticable at the time.

The characters all seem very real and believable, including Lucas, a fellow outcast at Evernight Academy who is determined to stand up to his peers; Vic, Lucas's hilariously oblivious roommate; and Mrs. Bethany, the no-nonsense and super-strict headmistress.

The ending leaves open the possibility of a sequel and I hope that one is being written. I can't wait to find out how the story continues.

This book seems to be a mix of the Twilight series, Harry Potter, and "I'd Tell You I Love You but Then I'd Have to Kill You" by Ally Carter. If you enjoyed any of these books, I would definitely recommend "Evernight".
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What drew me in was the mysterious boarding school and the promise of romance, I wasn't disappointed. And the pretty cover didn't hurt either.

Evernight is a very good debut and I throughly enjoyed it. I felt that I could relate with Bianca, the feeling of not fitting in and all the rest of those pesky teenage feelings that come with growing up. When you first open up the book, you see Bianca trying to run away from Evernight Academy and going back home. And then BAM! You're introduced to a new (and very important) character. Though it involves vampires, which are usually a very dark topic, Claudia Gray has included humor as well as romance a hint of betrayal into it.

Though, there were some parts that people under 13 should not read. It gets a little hot... if you know what I'm saying. ;) And there's a bit of language and drinking too. But, it wasn't too bad.

Also, I was fortunate to meet Claudia Gray while she was on the Pitch Black book Tour with authors Ellen Schreiber (Vampire Kisses series) and Nancy A. Collins (VAMPS) and she is so nice. That was off topic- sorry!

Did I like Evernight enough to read the sequel? Heck yeah! I enjoyed reading it and I absolutely can't wait to read Stargazer when it comes out! I give the book an A-. The last page satifies you for only a little bit and then you thirsty, not for blood, but for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
josh ellis
Evernight by Claudia Grey was provided to me as part of the the store Vine program.

Evernight is a teen drama about a girl named Bianca. Her parent's are teachers, and have landed jobs at an exclusive boarding school named Evernight Academy. Most of the kids there are perfect: smart, attractive, world travelers, and very clique-ish. Bianca doesn't fit in, until she meets Lucas. Lucas has issues, but Bianca loves him, even over another boy he seems better in every way.

The first half of this book seems like your typical teen novel. Trouble fitting in. Back stabbing kids. The works. And then it takes a serious turn. I liked the book after the turn, but I was a little frustrated in the secrets which were kept. The second half of the book is full of action and intrigue, and a few smaller twists along the way.

You definitely want to think of this as a modern fantasy book. I will watching for Stargazer (the sequel) when it comes out next year.

I read the hardcover edition. The dust jacket was pretty normal (if you like red) but the cover itself had a wonderfully embossed Evernight title.
Hourglass (Evernight) :: The Dream Thieves :: Peter and the Shadow Thieves (Peter and the Starcatchers) :: The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (Smythe-Smith Quartet Book 4) :: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History by Howard K. Bloom (13-Mar-1997) Paperback
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew weinberg

Evernight is amazing and has definitely made it to one of my favorite books at the moment. I couldn't put it down at all. Every time I did it kept calling to me to pick it back up. It seriously became a drug.

Evernight is so filled with emotion and reality, even though it has fantasy throughout the whole book. The characters are so real. Bianca and Lucas's love for each other is so moving and heartbreaking. I can't tell you how many times I cried throughout this book.

Something in Evernight, which I'm not going to tell what because it's a major spoiler, completely made me drop my book. Seriously. It caught me off guard and I just dropped the book. It took me a few seconds to pick it back up and continue on.

Evernight is filled with so many things; unconditional love, suspense, great characters, original and intriguing storyline. It's just... wow.

I hate myself for taking so long to read this. I had it on my shelf for a while!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
natalie way jones
I've heard Evernight described as "Twilight done right." While the comparisons are obvious, I really don't think that description is true. Twilight focuses primarily on Edward and Bella and her love for this strange creature. There's some action toward the end of the book, but it is first and foremost a love story. Evernight is a love story, but there is a twist on the relationship that Lucas and Bianca develop that Bella and Edward never have to face, and it kind of changes the ball game. There is more mystery in this story and a bit for action and danger throughout that comes from more than just one person. Bella faces danger from Edward through most of the book, but in most of Evernight, many people are in constant danger. Both Evernight and Twilight are really good books, but which you prefer says more about what type of story you like, not the quality of the story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lynn fordred
A decent book that I enjoyed reading, but nothing truly amazing. I might try one more in the series if I see it, but I won't go out of my way to read more.

The good - I didn't see the plot twists coming, it was a quick read and Bianca was not a whiny, clueless idiot as many of this genre can be. She actually had a personality and interests beyond boys. There's a decent setup for other books in the series and a lot of questions to be answered, all good things. If you like vampire subject matter, you will enjoy this book.

The meh - After the first big plot twist, I kept re-reading the pages right before it to see if I'd missed a transition or someone had cut out a few pages. It was a bit of a cheap trick by the author and I agree with another reviewer that having it be a surprise to the character would've worked much better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew savoca
Evernight is a fun vampire/ coming of age story with an interesting and completely unexpected twist. It is also, as I discovered towards the end, a new, vampire rift on a truly classic tale.

Claudia Gray's novel does an excellent job of drawing in the reader, from page one it grabs your attention and it holds it throughout. Combining action, dramatic tension, the angst of teenagerhooh and vampires, she creates a truly intriguing tale. With the addition of several plot twists she keeps the reader intellectually involved. I don't want to give anything away but about halfway through the book I was sorely tempted to go back and reread the beginning.

My only complaint is that some of the details she uses may make the book anachronistic 20 or possibly even 10 years from now but they add fun reference points and a little humor when read in the context of today's society.

All in all this was a truly enjoyable read.
(I apologize that teenagerhood is not a real word)\
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
victoria wilcox
I really enjoyed this book. Especially the twist halfway through that I was NOT expecting at all. However, if you like happy endings, do NOT start this series. The end of book 3 sucks! Sure the love story can kind of continue in book 4, but it can't ever be the same and I was really disappointed. So, great writing, great series that sucks you in (I read book one in one day and book two in one day because they were that good), but don't start if you want to be 100% happy. Maybe after I read book 4 I'll change my mind, but I doubt it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
khaled tolba
"Evernight", a creepy New England boarding school (trimmed in gargoyles and all), is now the new home of Bianca Oliver. A lover of astronomy and old movies, shy Bianca is missing all the comforts of home and having trouble fitting in with her new ultra rich, spoiled and sophisticated classmates. Torn between rebellion and acceptance, Bianca struggles to make a new life in a new school, seemingly without the help of her parents (who appear to be pushing her to independence and self awareness). Meanwhile, Bianca has also noted that there are strange and mysterious events going on at school, but is not unsure of what to do since she is preparing for a Fall dance (with a hot guy, although he may not be the one she is in love with), and trying to get Lucas (an angry but handsome classmate) to open up to her. But of course, as Bianca settles in to her new life, tons of secrets are revealed about Lucas, her classmates, Evernight, and Bianca herself.

There are tons of characters, some interesting, some not, but all of who I believe we will see again. There are the snobs (Patrice and Courtney), bad boy (Enich), good guy hoping to get a chance (Balthazar), clueless friends (Vic & Bianca's roommate), and mysterious teachers (Ms. Bethany), all of who seem part of a much larger picture.

Honestly, I do see how some would compare Claudia Gray's Evernight to either J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series or Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. It is geared towards teens (although adults would enjoy it), there is a school or damp weather mentioned (Potter & Meyer), and finally is a love triangle (definitely reminiscent of Meyers series). With these similarities noted, I am hoping that Gray will see a need to push the envelope and make some changes to an already overdone theme. What I would like to see for once is an author who would go against the grain and select the guy that everyone would not put them with? Right now, it appears Lucas has won Bianca's heart (like Edward won Bella's), but wouldn't it be more interesting and unexpected if Baltazar eventually ends up with Bianca. I can't be the only reader that is tired of the person who is best for the girl losing out (a la Jacob....Meyer fans will know what I am talking about). I think what would make this series (if it is to be one) really successful is if Gray departs from the existing cookie cutter theme, and take a leap of faith. I for one would find that refreshing!

In conclusion, Evernight was not terribly original, but a quick and easy read. I would definitely recommend it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Bianca is the new girl at Evernight Academy. Her parents have accepted teaching positions there, believing it will be a good experience for Bianca to attend school there. However, from the moment she sets foot on the premises, Bianca knows she doesn't belong there. There is something dark and eerie about the school and Bianca knows the "perfect" students have secrets.

When Bianca meets Lucas, she is surprised to find another who like her, doesn't belong there. However, where Bianca keeps her head down and avoids conflict, Lucas thrives on standing out, challenging authority and all the barely concealed prejudices of the students and teachers alike. Lucas knows the truth about the school, and as he and Bianca grow closer, he begins to fear what will happen to Bianca for associating with him. Bianca doesn't care however and will do whatever it takes to be with Lucas.

I loved the first half of Evernight. The gothic theme is what drew me in and made me want to pick up this book. Add in vampires and Claudia Gray most definitely had my attention. The tension was very well done, the suspense was growing and thrilling action had me turning pages late into the night to see what would happen next. The relationship between Lucas and Bianca was very touching and emotion was high, if a little too hot for a young adult novel.

Then the story changed I was left thinking "What happened?" There is one particular twist that happens at approximately the midpoint of this novel that ruined the entire book for me. We have a big reveal about Bianca and it just didn't work. Why? Because it didn't fit. It struck me as if the author realized she couldn't resolve the story in a good way and answer all of our questions so she had to throw us a bone to make it work. It's hard to explain why this twist didn't work for me without giving it away and I don't want to reveal a spoiler. Let's just say within a few hours of Bianca's life she went from seemingly clueless to what was happening at Evernight to knowing all the answers. I knew the truth about the young adults at the school and Bianca so that in itself was not a shocker to me. It was how it was handled that didn't sit well with me, especially since this was a first person narrative told by Bianca.

There were a few other twists to occur even after the first big one which did surprise me, but my enjoyment was affected by what had happened before. I am curious to see what will happen next in Bianca and Lucas's lives in the next book in the series, Stargazer, especially in light of the ending of Evernight. Will I read it when it comes out? I can't say at the moment. I'm just a little too gun shy from being led one direction with the story and then having the entire book changed in a way that just should not have happened.

© Kelley A. Hartsell, October 2008. All rights reserved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan ilertsen
Author: Claudia Gray
Pages: 327
Publisher: HarperTeen (May 27, 2008)

High School Sucks... or is it just the students?

For Bianca Olivier, it's both. She's been enrolled in Evernight Academy, the eerie, castle-like school her parents teach in. Evernight was not only an elite boarding school for the rich humans, but a safe haven for vampires that have lost touch with the modern world--unbeknownst to the humans.

Unhappy with the fact that she had to leave everything behind, Bianca attempts to make a break for her old home on the morning of her first school day. She makes it to the woods before she is tackled--literally--by the handsome, mysterious Lucas... and her destiny.

From that day on, Bianca and Lucas's relationship deepens, until it surpasses friendship and delves into the unknown abyss that is love. But they soon find that their relationship is built on lies and false pretenses, and are catapulted into a battle for life and death...

... and love.

EVERNIGHT was a book that surpassed expectations. A refreshing spin on vampires--a genre of YA that is getting pretty old, fast--and a plot that leaves your mouth hanging wide open.

Bianca was a strong-willed female protagonist, which I liked. For some reason, most authors feel the need to make their protagonist the "damsel in distress" who always need a knight in shining armor to come and save them. But not Bianca. She handled herself well, and thought her decisions through, while still following her heart.

Every good romance deserves it's mysterious, rebel bad boy. Lucas was seductive and alluring, yet wasn't pushy or needy and conveyed a sense of sweetness to him. Of course, he was protective of Bianca, but he didn't know that HE was the one that needed protection. Still, most teenage girls will find themselves infatuated with him.

Overall, EVERNIGHT was stunning in its execution and captivating throughout the entire story. I strongly recommend it to vampire fans and non-vampire fans alike. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arlene rabuse laverde
Summary: Bianca's parents are moving out to Evernight, a boarding school, to teach. But Bianca is comfortable where she is and has no desire to change schools so the night before school starts she decides to runaway that is until she meets Lucas, a handsome fellow classmate. And soon their secrets are set to tear their love asunder.

Review: I just loved this book. I really thought the story was going to go one way and then it went another! I was really surprised and I loved that about this book. I also really enjoyed her twist on'll have to read to find out! I also found her writing style fabulous...showed us what was going on instead of coming out and blatantly saying it; she just let it flow like the reader was already supposed to know what was going on! It was fast-paced and fun!

I just received the second book in the series Stargazer and am so excited!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lara wellman
Author: Claudia Gray
Pages: 327
Publisher: HarperTeen (May 27, 2008)

High School Sucks... or is it just the students?

For Bianca Olivier, it's both. She's been enrolled in Evernight Academy, the eerie, castle-like school her parents teach in. Evernight was not only an elite boarding school for the rich humans, but a safe haven for vampires that have lost touch with the modern world--unbeknownst to the humans.

Unhappy with the fact that she had to leave everything behind, Bianca attempts to make a break for her old home on the morning of her first school day. She makes it to the woods before she is tackled--literally--by the handsome, mysterious Lucas... and her destiny.

From that day on, Bianca and Lucas's relationship deepens, until it surpasses friendship and delves into the unknown abyss that is love. But they soon find that their relationship is built on lies and false pretenses, and are catapulted into a battle for life and death...

... and love.

EVERNIGHT was a book that surpassed expectations. A refreshing spin on vampires--a genre of YA that is getting pretty old, fast--and a plot that leaves your mouth hanging wide open.

Bianca was a strong-willed female protagonist, which I liked. For some reason, most authors feel the need to make their protagonist the "damsel in distress" who always need a knight in shining armor to come and save them. But not Bianca. She handled herself well, and thought her decisions through, while still following her heart.

Every good romance deserves it's mysterious, rebel bad boy. Lucas was seductive and alluring, yet wasn't pushy or needy and conveyed a sense of sweetness to him. Of course, he was protective of Bianca, but he didn't know that HE was the one that needed protection. Still, most teenage girls will find themselves infatuated with him.

Overall, EVERNIGHT was stunning in its execution and captivating throughout the entire story. I strongly recommend it to vampire fans and non-vampire fans alike. 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lona lende
Summary: Bianca's parents are moving out to Evernight, a boarding school, to teach. But Bianca is comfortable where she is and has no desire to change schools so the night before school starts she decides to runaway that is until she meets Lucas, a handsome fellow classmate. And soon their secrets are set to tear their love asunder.

Review: I just loved this book. I really thought the story was going to go one way and then it went another! I was really surprised and I loved that about this book. I also really enjoyed her twist on'll have to read to find out! I also found her writing style fabulous...showed us what was going on instead of coming out and blatantly saying it; she just let it flow like the reader was already supposed to know what was going on! It was fast-paced and fun!

I just received the second book in the series Stargazer and am so excited!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anhoni patel
I have mixed feelings about this book. I picked it up actually because I read the blurb about Stargazer and it sounded great. While Evernight was not bad it did not really grab me and pull me into the story. Bianca's and Lucas's characters were ok but it was the supported cast that caught my interest. I really would like to learn more about Balthazar and I really like Vic and Raquel.

The twist of who Lucas really is was interesting and what Bianca is hiding about Evernight from Lucas was a shock. So I do want to see how this affects Luke's and Bianca's relationship. I will still pick up Stargazer since the concept of this series sounds exciting and I know the first books in series generally do have to do a lot of set up. So I am withholding judgment on the series until I read Stargazer. Sorry for the wishy-washy review but I really don't feel strongly one way or another.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Author Claudia Gray has tipped her talents into the teen urban fantasy genre with the first in what I hope will be a series of vampire novels based around the private school Evernight.

And it's a safe bet that she will rise fast to the top of this highly-coveted genre with Evernight, a book that offers a mouth-dropping twist that few - if any - will see coming.

16-year old Bianca hates her life. Her parents have moved the shy girl from the small town that was her safety zone into the cruel recesses of a boarding school that caters to the rich - where the parental units just happen to be teachers. She's so scared at the prospect of being in a new place with unfamiliar people - and is filled with so much resentment toward her parents - that she decided to run away. But her attempt is thwarted when a handsome new student tackles her in the woods.

After a rocky start, Bianca and Lucas become friends, but the creepy, dark suspicions that hang over Evernight threatens to tear them apart.

I refuse to give away anymore of the plot of this book. I do not want you to have a single delectable clue about what's going on. Oh, I'm sure you'll have your suspicions, like I did, but I doubt you will figure out the main plot twist before it smacks you in the face in the middle of the novel. (Ah-ah. No peeking, now! And no sharing until your friends finish the book.)

The romance that blooms between Bianca and Lucas sets just the right tone for a teen vamp novel, and I was pleasantly surprised with the lack of profanity. The story flowed easily and takes readers on a journey that they won't soon forget.

Evernight is a fantastic read and well worth a full-price buy. It will also make a great stocking stuffer for teens obsessed with Stephanie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, and all things supernatural.

~ Angela Wilson
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jan stamos
When I first started reading this book, I immediately thought of "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. You have the same type of set up: Shy girl in new school, she meets an interesting boy, Vampires are involved. And for the first half of this book, I thought that was where the story was headed. But then Ms. Gray changes the perspective of the story, making an interesting revelation about the heroine Bianca, and at the same time throwing the reader slightly off-balance. I can't say I liked how the revelation came about, and it made the first have of the book slightly annoying, but at the end it all came together.

Also, Lucas isn't my favorite love interest for Bianca, I like Balthazar a whole lot better. In fact, I found the love between Bianca and Lucas more of first lust rather than first love. But we'll see....

Even with all that said, I liked this book and I am looking forward to the sequel. The writing was easy to read and the world easy to envision. I thought it an interesting take on the "young adult vampire love" genre. Bianca is an interesting girl, and I like the triange she finds herself in at the end of the book, between her love for Lucas and her devotion to her parents.

If you are a fan of Richelle Mead's "Vampire Academy" or the previous mentioned "Twilight" series, then I think you'll find this new series enjoyable, though try getting it at the library or wait for the paperback.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Evernight by Claudia Gray, a hardcover loaner book I borrowed from a young friend that I read/scanned through all in one evening before bedtime. A supernatural YA trilogy with a groovy font and striking front cover? Count me in!

Umm, no, count me back out again. This turned out to be a murky, vapid story that was constructed EXCLUSIVELY of dialogue. When each of the characters seem to possess a Disney-Channel, John Hughes-scripted outlook where the adults just don't understand and the kids speak older than they are, the plot twist midway through the book is all too obvious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel hensler
First, please do not compare this book to Twilight. They do have similarities; both involve vampires, teenagers and love. However, this book is not a Twilight rip-off. The characters and plot are very different.

Second, I am almost thirty and still really enjoyed reading this YA book. I have ended up just skimming through plenty of books of the same genre because of boredom. This was definitely not one of those books. I was completely enthralled in it. Toward the middle of the book, there is a big shock and, at first, I hated the plot twist. However, I had really like the story up to that point, so I continued reading. I'm glad I did because this book turned out being one of my favorites.

Warning: Do not read the summary for the next book in this series because it will ruin the surprising twist in the middle of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan l
This isn't your typical teenage love affair as portrayed Evernight, written by Claudia Gray. The tale revolves Bianca, a 16-year-old girl distraught after having to leave her familiar hometown to attend Evernight Academy, a gothic school that has perfect students and dark secrets lurking around every corner. The only thing that brightens Bianca's time there is Lucas.

He's the tall, dark and handsome student Bianca meets - and falls head over heels for. To Bianca's relief, they share an aversion for the pretentious airs of Evernight and are happy to have found each other. But beneath Lucas's exterior is a warrior determined to discover the mystery the exclusive school hides. And it could spell trouble for Bianca, whose own sinister past could that could threaten to destroy their love. Especially if he finds out she's one of them.

Evernight is a great book I would recommend to older teens, ones who would understand the feeling out of place, dealing with parents and being in the throes of beginning love. The story has action and suspense, but beneath the dark vampire theme of Evernight is simply a love story -- a vampire Romeo and Juliet, if you will.

It will leave you spellbound and enjoying every page.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen mcmillan
Evernight, in my opinion won't really interest anyone past their teenage years. The writing is very simple and the novel itself very short. It is not particularly suspenseful and it is fairly predictable. The romance aspect of this book is very brief and not all that interesting, though it probably is the fault of the very bland characters. It just seems all very conventional. There are no great surprises and even when certain vampires are revealed, it just felt very awkward and more like an afterthought. There is nothing particularly interesting and though it clearly appears that there will be at least one sequel of sorts, the first book is at best a mediocre effort. That said, I'm sure plenty of young adult readers will actually like this book, though I'd be surprised if anyone is past their high school years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The story starts at the end. The Prologue has our heroine and hero in a burning building. Bianca is upset and blaming herself. She's worried about Lucas dying and it being her fault. Then points out the people waiting for them outside are vampires. So immediately, the reader has in mind the story has vampires and apparently they are evil and trying to kill the hero. As the story progresses in real time from there on, the reader is on the look out for these evil vampires and wondering which one of the kids, and/or teachers they could be at this weird boarding school Bianca is attending. Then halfway through the book the reader is completely and utterly shocked.

That is what I liked the most about the story. I like being shocked. So few books surprise me. I usually guess everything correctly. I give this book four stars for that alone. Not that the story was bad. I liked the mystery of the school and what could be possibly going on. I thought the characters were interesting. My complaint about the book was that Gray "told us" several things about the characters without "showing us." She told us the bad kids were bad, but with the exception of one, did not show us any details of what they were doing that was bad or mean. I'll still read the next one mostly because I'm curious if Gray will improve her writing skills as far as charactization goes, but I can't imagine being surprised again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lo primero que tengo que decir es que me sorprendió la historia. Sí, yo sabía ya que era de vampiros, pero no sabía quién era el vampiro de la relación, pero asumí, de una vez, que era Lucas. Ya saben, por su actitud sospechosa.

Cuando llegó el baile y ocurrió lo que ocurrió, casi dejo caer el libro de la impresión. ¿La escuela estaba llena de vampiros, Bianca era un vampiro, y yo no me había dado cuenta?
Le di mil puntos a Claudia Gray por ese pequeño engaño.

Luego de mi malentendido, el libro se puso cada vez más interesante, aunque debo decir que las historias que incluyen amores imposibles y difíciles de llevar a cabo me estresan un poco.

Amo a Lucas, amo a Balthazar (¡un poco de competencia no hace daño!), amo el libro entero.
No se van a arrepentir de leerlo.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mary haar
Well, reading through some of the comments, kinda sucks that some of them are spoilers, but okay, here is my own two-cents.

As a teenage novel, I think it will definitely be captivating to the less-social kids. The author did a great job in depicting kids that don't seem to "fit in" to the general flow of high school, which is easily identifiable by many kids.

The story can be wordy at times with what seemed to me to be meaningless descriptions - describing for the sake of filling in space - but those were few. It's a very fast and easy read as a whole. If you or your teenage GIRL likes supernatural topic romance novels, they will probably enjoy it a whole lot.

Not one of my favorite novels, but I would recommend it to teenagers who are looking into sweet romantic fantasies with, like what many other reviewers said, a Romeo and Juliet theme.

Some of the "make out" scenes are a bit too steamy to me, in my opinion, for teenagers under the 11th grade, although that may be exactly why teenagers would like it.

I love the characterizations. The author really did a good job in brining different dimensions to her characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sixteen year old Bianca comes to Evernight Academy unwillingly. She's totally different than the privileged, snooty kids going there and they let her know that at every opportunity.

She falls pretty quickly for handsome Luke, who shows every indication of being an abuser. Kind of worrisome, since she's got another better seeming guy, Balthazar, in the wings.

The story moves along well. First person narratives are not my favorite and the author makes a serious error by not revealing something Bianca knew all along until the middle of the book. That's a common enough problem with first person though and a forgiveable mistake for a freshman author.

Love the strong gothic elements in this story. "Evernight" has anchors in the classics while the themes are still current for today's teens. There was some mild sexual content, which makes it stronger for older teen readers. Still, I think the story's a fine entry into the YA genre.

I believe this book will have a sequel and I am definitely going to be looking for it. Well worth the read.

Rebecca Kyle, September 2008
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marianne vadney
This book series is fantastic. It's a unique twist on the modern vampire novel. The series gets even better in books 2 and 3. This series has excitement, emotion, writing that really makes you feel what the characters are feeling, and definite unique and unexpected plot twists that will put a jolt to your system!
the only annoying part of this book is there is one chapter that is written a little confusingly (to me at least), but the rest of the book helps you get over it relatively quickly.
Even if you're not a vampire novel freak like me I definitely know you'll enjoy this series. And it does go way beyond just vampires.
I just finished book 3, cliffhanger argh!! but the final book should be out march 1.
hope you'll definitely consider this book series :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn jones
This is a really great young adult, vampire, romance series. The beginning of the very first book starts off a little slow. You don't think you'll like Bianca, but trust me, you'll end up liking her by the end. She gets much stronger and more likable. The beginning of this book Claudia Gray tries to do this mystery 'what is going on' thing. That is interesting, but a little on the lame side. But then the books get really really good. Lucas is everything a good vampire book boy should be: angsty with a dark past. The star-crossed lovers theme really takes over by the end, and it's a great great book. The ending is excellent, and you're going to want to read the next one. Terrific.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I jumped into Evernight based on a recommendation. I enjoyed the Twilight series and was told that this book was the next best thing. After reading I would probably agree with that conclusion. It most definately is NOT Twilight. The writing isn't as tight and the characters are not nearly as developed in Evernight as they are in Twilight but they do have their own personalities and stories to tell. Bianca and Lucas could be the little brother and sister os Bella and Edward. Their love could be seen as a less mature version as well. Balthazar is the most intriguing character in the book to me because I haven't decided which way he is going to go for now. Good book and a good start to a new series. It won't take over for Twilight in any way but if you need a vampire fix then this book can handle it for you!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cheryl dale
I am giving this book three stars for two reasons.
One - that twist in the middle. This twist ruined the way I viewed all of her problems during the whole first part of the book. All of her concerns were a bit ridiculous.

Two - the quickness in which they "fell in love" and everything else didn't matter. I do remember "falling in love" so quickly as a teenager, I do. However, it just seems soooo extreme in the books. I also remember as a teenager that when I found out that I had been betrayed and lied to I quit talking to the person even though I cried my eyes out.

And another reason I gave the book 3 stars is because for some reason I already forgot the main character girls name and I am writing this about 10 minutes after finishing the book. That has to mean I didn't connect with her much. But I enjoyed Lucas :)

Aside from all of this, I did enjoy the writing and thought that some of the twists were interesting. I will continue to read this series because I do want to know what happens and that is important in a series.

**Edit--I've read little descriptions of the next books and the weird stuff that happens has put me off. I will not be continuing the series
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samantha macdonald
Rant: Every professional review of this book somehow mentions Stephenie Meyer and/or the Twilight series. Is it just me, or does that annoy anyone else seven ways to Sunday? I get that people want to allude to some of the bestselling series of vampire books ever, but saying "enjoyable (...) for fans of that other vampire series who need something to read while they wait for Breaking Dawn (Meyer, 2008)" (Kirkus) is downright insulting, as it implies that Evernight is no better than a placeholder. This angers me. But hey, I'm one to talk, huh, seeing as I'm about to do the same: The only comparison between the two books I think is appropriate to be made (and the only one I'll ever make) is that while it is Twilight's tagline that says "deeply seductive and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight is a love story with bite", Evernight is the book that fits that bill. I enjoyed Twilight, don't get me wrong, but let's call a spade a spade: Twilight is marketable fluff with a suspense subplot (and that's all it really is -- a subplot). And even so, the suspense is predestined to end in Happily-Ever-After Ville, so, without ever having a doubt of where it's headed, can we really call it suspense? Evernight, methinks, has real suspense "in equal parts" with romance.


Moving on, as this rant is getting too long-winded and distracting attention from the review itself.

Don't let the beginning of this novel get to you. Evantide's review had a spot-on analysis of what was wrong with the first half; it channels my thoughts exactly. Basically, I felt like the beginning went one direction and then when the twist came, it veered another direction completely, and the two parts, together, were incomprehensible. When I discovered midway through the novel that Bianca already knew and accepted that she was a vampire, I was ready to hurl the book across the room. For one, it made no sense in synch with everything I'd learned up to the that point. If you were amidst an alien nation and you were one of the few humans in existence, wouldn't you think to yourself every once in a while, "Hey, I'm human. I live with aliens, but I'm still human. I know this because I don't look like an oversized zygote"? How could she not even think about her diet differences with humans? And for another thing, it was deceitful of Bianca to earn my sympathy through her lonely-girl gripes about not fitting in at Evernight when she was in the majority, species-wise. Added to this is the dragging narrative found in this first portion -- some of which, by this time, I didn't see the point in.

Now, judging by the fact this is earning a B+, something inside the book must've worked, correct?! Right you are. When I hit page 200-something and the catalyst finally appeared, I literally sat up on my bed and my eyes bulged out so much, I thought they'd pop out of my head. From there on out, a dozen little plot developments happened that changed the novel's progression in a way I didn't for a second see coming. For every boring moment in the first half, the second half offered an complex setup, quick pacing, and really, really great discoveries. I won't go too much in detail because I don't want to spoil anyone's reading experience, but I can guarantee you this: The plot? Brilliant. Enigmatic, but balanced, and very well thought-out.

Remember in my criticizing paragraph that I said some of the stuff in the first portion didn't make much sense to me? I meant Lucas's character (he seemed to me like a gratuitous lover-boy type), the sometimes over-the-top romance between Bianca and him, and a lot of details that made no sense whatsoever. It was all a set up. Nearly everything gets explained later on, and you can see the sheer genius behind this carefully strung story. I mean, I still don't get why Bianca knew she was a vampire all along when it would've been a much more groundbreaking move in the overall scheme of things to have her find out along with the reader the reality of the situation, and that's what robbed this book of an A-rating, but everything else?


This book is perfect for people sick of the tried-and-tortured vampires-are-oh-so-sexy books that seem to dominate the YA vamp-lit genre nowadays. I am not kidding when I say the ideas Claudia Gray introduced here are very original and engaging. I'm bashing my head in at the re-scheduling of Stargazer's release because I am desperately in the need to know what happens from here.

Get. This. Book. Ignore the first part, revel in the second part, and then come join the line of people awaiting Stargazer's launch, which is, of course, led by me. I'll bite anyone who tries to cut ahead and I can't guarantee I won't drain you while I'm at it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
magda schmidt
Bianca Olivier is trying to run away from school. Her parents have both become teachers at the elusive prep school, Evernight, dragging Bianca with them. Bianca is furious about this. For 16 years of her life the shy Bianca has lived in one town and now her parents have whisked her off to a place where she doesn't know anybody and will likely have a hard time adjusting. On her way sneaking out of the school grounds she is tackled by a young handsome man named Lucas Ross, who mistakes her fleeing from the school as fleeing from an attacker. The two laugh this off and Bianca immediately begins to feel a kinship to this charming man, overcoming her normal shy behaviour in an instant. She returns to the school in much better spirits knowing that Lucas is now her protector.

As the days progress Bianca settles into a routine at Evernight Academy. She beings to befriend a few of the more popular girls (including her roommate Patrice) and the anxiety driven outsider Raquel. She sees Lucas here and there but only has a few experiences with him. It is not until handsome and popular Balthazar asks her to a dance that her growing interest in Lucas really comes to a head.

It's hard to read a new young adult vampire fiction novel without comparing it to Stephenie Meyers (especially considering that Meyers revolutionized the entire genre). Twilight it is not, but it's a fun diversion (for those of us awaiting Meyers new book). What I liked (and disliked) about it was that Gray manages to keep the reader in suspense for half the book about Bianca's true nature. The dance is such an obvious turning point to the entire story that it is a little jarring. You know something is going on but the fact that she doesn't hint earlier at this specific plot point makes the transition jerky. I would have loved for there to be some dramatic irony with this plot point earlier in the book, but that's not what Gray chose to do.

There is nothing particularly original about this book. That said, it's a fun read, and she left it open for a sequel... which I will no doubt read. I think this will help people bide their time until Breaking Dawn is released.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
homa tavassoli
I really enjoyed the first half of Evernight. I sympathized with Bianca and had a bit of a crush on Lucas. I thought Vic was absolutely hilarious and Balthazar was simply dreamy. But then I discovered that insane plot twist. It was just nonsensical. Why in the world would Bianca not think she was going to be a vampire when she drank blood for crying out loud? The twist would have been fantastic if her parents hadn't told her that it would happen and it was just as much of surprise to her as it was to the readers. So I went from sympathizing with the heroine to thinking she was dumber than a box of rocks that deserved her fate and isolation. Ignorance will destroy the world, lock her up! With that said, I was in too deep by the time the twist presented itself, and I had to know what happened to the rest of the gang. I still enjoyed the story as long as I didn't look too hard at the flaws in it. Great guilty pleasure read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan kunz
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was going to be just another vampire love story - which I do really like but it ended up being more that that. I like a book where you think you have it all figured out and then all then you are pleasantly surprised but a sudden change of events. That was what this book did for me. I was reading along thinking I knew exactly where the book was headed and then about a third of the way thru everything changed. I was so surprised. I won't give anything away but just say that I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the second in the series very soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It starts out as a Twilight retelling, and then when you start yawning and thinking you know what will happen next, BOOM! such an unexpected twist turns everything upside down. The characters are believable and lovable: Bianca, Lucas, Balthazar, Patrice. It is original to finally see a different take on the vampire love story, especially how Claudia Gray gives us a different, unusual vampire universe with unheard vampire facts and traditions. Good start for a series. (and great bonus, that we get not only one yummy swoon-worth hero, but two!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna rhoads
As soon as you start reading the book, you realize that the similarities with Twilight are not a coincidence (come on... even the titles are similar): love at very first sight, vampires (duh, it's a vampire book, this has nothing to do with Twilight!), bad boys who are not so bad... Maybe the characters in here are not the best thing ever (uh... they are not), but the action is better than in Twilight, the making out scenes are hotter than in Twilight (meaning, Bianca doesn't faint because of a peck), and there is a huuuuuge surprise to be expected. Nice read. Beware.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cyrus carter
For a teen novel, Evernight was actually an enjoyable read. If you're a fan of misfit/high-glamour movies like The Lost Boys, or The Covenant, then Evernight should be right up your alley.

The story opens with Bianca trying to escape the Evernight academy. The dark and gloomy school/castle harbors secrets that have been kept for years, and these secrets prove a great source of unease for Bianca. Little does she know though, that she really does belong there, and the "weird feelings" that she is suffering from are because she's about to "grow up". Torn between two loves, Bianca struggles to find herself and where she truly belongs, while trying to resist becoming another Evernight clone.

Unforunately, Evernight comes out when there are an umpteen million other teenage vampire novels out there -- Twilight being one of them, now to be a motion picture this fall -- and it really offers nothing to make it stand out above the rest, but if you are up for a quick fun read, then this will certianly suffice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Evernight Academy is a secluded boarding school, tucked away in the woods where its secrets will not be uncovered. Its secrets are prolific, lasting since its founding centuries ago. While it may seem like simply an elite boarding school, Evernight is much more than that, serving as a haven for some of the world's most hated and hunted. Vampires.

Bianca is none too happy when her parents become teachers at Evernight and enroll her in the spooky school. There is something strange about the other students; they are all too poised, too confident, and too beautiful to be real. Bianca knows that she will find no true friends in that crowd, and she resigns herself to a lonely year spent with her books.

When she meets Lucas, a fellow student who defies the mainstream, Bianca knows that she has found a rare friend. Lucas is gallant, courageous, and friendly. Soon, the two grow close, and Bianca can see herself falling head-over-heels for Lucas, with nothing she can do about it. Mostly, their relationship is tender and caring, but the occasional spat foreshadows a danger lurking in their future. Lucas and Bianca are no ordinary students, and both are hiding secrets from the other. When their differences surface, their love appears doomed. The forces conspiring against them are far more powerful than Bianca and Lucas could ever imagine.

Lies upon lies abound, and Bianca does not know who to turn to as she finds herself caught between a life she has always known and a chance for love. Who can she trust? One rash decision could change her life and the lives of those she loves forever.

Claudia Gray spins a gripping Gothic romance, weaving in threads of the supernatural and the modern. Bianca is a complex character, juggling her responsibilities to her family while trying to follow her heart. Those who enjoy vampire tales will be thrilled with EVERNIGHT for painting a comprehensive picture of vampires, showing vampire life from Bianca's unique perspective and not relegating vampires to a strictly villainous position. Gray does not stereotype her characters or pigeonhole them into traditional roles, letting the reader decide for themselves what it means to be "good" and "evil."

EVERNIGHT is an excellent drama that will leave readers longing for more, but some secrets may never be revealed.

Reviewed by: Amber Gibson
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Originally posted in [...] on February 20, 2010.

The book start off with an exciting prologue (excertp from the near end of the book) which we learn that our, Bianca, and her prince charming, Lucas, are stuck in a place on fire while the vampire are outside waiting for them.

Just before the beginning of the first day of class, Bianca is running away from Everynight Academy, a boarding school which she just moved with her parent. On the way, she met Lucas, also a new student. Despite from her fear/uneasiness of strangers, she is able to talk to him and tell him how she felt about this new life at Evernight Academy. Somehow, she end up coming back home without her parent noticing her escape.

Class is now starting and Bianca is moving out from her parents apartments to her room at the dormitory. Everybody at Evernight are too perfect and snob, but she notice some people like her and Lucas who just don't fit in. She was really happy to see Lucas, but somehow he decided to ignore her. She is very disappointed since she though they got a connection.

The first part of the book is introducing the characters, how Bianca just in her new life, the relationship she is trying to make with Lucas, lot of mysteries and question. We knew from the beginning that Bianca was obsessed with Lucas since she keep thinking about him. We know they love each other, but it's so hard to feel it since everything is more about what they do then what they think or feels. I don't really know how to explain it, but I don't feel it. It was more like, "Oh OK, you guy like each other?"

The second part of the book start with a revelation, I wasn't expecting it and I was annoyed by the way it was reveal. We didn't have any hints on it. Then the story goes in a pace that I couldn't keep up for a while because I was still shock. I know it must be call suspense, but believe me, it was annoyance. I was so upset that I even though to stop reading. In the last part of the book, we had another revelation and it was nicely done, I was shocked AGAIN, but not upset, hehe.

So there was two things that I did not like in the book or it was more like the way it was told, but overall the book was interesting and original even though we might want to say that it's "another" vampire story. I read a lot of vampire stories, so believe me, this book have something that we did not see in other vampire book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4 stars if compared against fine literature for adults, but I'm giving it 5 stars because it is much better than the average novel in the category Young Adult / Teen; and much better than the average gothic romance; and very much better than the Twilight series.

This book is aimed at young adults and teens. The main character is a teen girl reluctantly entering a new school, surrounded by beautiful snobs.

I am not in the intended demographics, being 40-something, and I usually prefer books that challenge me, make me think. I ordered this book, thinking it would be a light, easy, fun read, for summer relaxing. And I did enjoy reading it, a guilty pleasure. I especially enjoyed the surprising plot twists, which I did not see coming.

This book has many of the classic elements of gothic-type romance novels, including a young single girl/woman who arrives as a new outsider, moving into an old, majestic but gloomy and oppressive house (this time it's a boarding school). Other gothic romance elements: the gloomy atmosphere of impending danger, and the requisite number of attractive men (two) who are potential love interests and who seem like opposites; and requisite mysteries as to the true character of each guy: Is he good or evil? Dangerous? Why does he act inconsistently?

The cover did not identify this book as a gothic romance; it was a gothic romance in disguise, but had added new elements and twists, including the supernatural and nightmare visions about vampires. Other differences: age and writing quality. This book is better written compared to typical gothics. The main character, Bianca, is younger than the main character in most gothics.

Characters were well written and believable. Bianca's internal thoughts seemed spot on, reminding me of high school, and my experience of being the awkward new girl in town. The scenes where she faces condescension -- from the beautiful, perfectly dressed, sophisticated roommate -- were amazingly spot on.

Bianca is a more likable, and a more believable character, than those in the Twilight series. This book has some similarities to that series -- spooky situations, and nightmare visions of vampires. However, the Twilight series has a main character who is annoying (especially the way she can't take care of herself); she is a bad role model; and the other Twilight characters are just not believable.

Our culture seems to plant unrealistic and untrue myths about romance and relationships in the minds of the young, and I think the Twilight series is an especially rotten example -- setting up girls for manipulation and disappointment.

Several of my friends have been through extremely bad marriages (some barely survived) with guys who were obviously Mister Wrongs -- obvious way before their weddings -- obvious to anyone who was thinking clearly. When I say Mister Wrong, I mean serious problems like violent tempers, alcoholism, dozens of infidelities, etc. It may be a coincidence, but most of those troubled friends saw "Gone with the Wind" at an early age, like 12-14.

I believe that movies, TV, and books can have a subtle, but damaging impact, even years later, on how young women view romance and what they believe. That influence might explain some of the widespread beliefs of young women, such as "I can change him into a good person -- I can fix him, no matter how reluctant he is to be fixed"; and "If I feel a sexual attraction, it must be destiny, it must be true love"; and "At first sight I will know all I need to know about a guy"; and "If I'm in love, or think I am, everything is guaranteed to be fine, happily ever after, even if all logical signs point the other way, and all my friends and family are warning me" and "Any action is OK if I'm in love -- all ethics thrown out the window". This book runs counter to that fluffy crap.

On the surface, this book seems mere entertainment, but the characters are dealing with important concerns, such as: how do you tell if a guy is right for you? And the surprise of how overpowering a physical desire can be, how easy it can be to slip into doing something which is contrary to one's own goals and beliefs. Don't worry parents -- there is no actual consummation of that type in this book, nor explicit discussions of body parts, as has become common in those tacky romance paperbacks with the lurid covers. This is not that type of book; if this story were a movie it would be rated PG. However, ethical questions are one of the themes of the book -- along with secrets, lies, cattiness, the desire to fit in and belong.

The is a fun, entertaining book; my comments above may lead you to think it's too serious, not fun, but that's just because I got overly analytical when trying to describe WHY this is a great book.

A few of the other reviews contain spoilers (with no advance warnings!) which will ruin at least one of the plot twist surprises for you. So, I suggest you stop reading reviews of this book, and just go buy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
armineh helen
"Evernight" is a standout in the already flooded market of YA vampire novels. Like the Vampire Academy & House of Night series, "Evernight" takes place at a boarding school for vampires. Bianca, our protagonist & a vampire (although with a special twist I won't reveal) meets Lucas, decidedly not a vampire & with his own secret past. These two become star crossed lovers, & their love story will be the obvious focus of this series. Will they or won't they be together? I'll be anxiously awaiting the second book to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Evernight Academy is a secluded boarding school, tucked away in the woods where its secrets will not be uncovered. Its secrets are prolific, lasting since its founding centuries ago. While it may seem like simply an elite boarding school, Evernight is much more than that, serving as a haven for some of the world's most hated and hunted. Vampires.

Bianca is none too happy when her parents become teachers at Evernight and enroll her in the spooky school. There is something strange about the other students; they are all too poised, too confident, and too beautiful to be real. Bianca knows that she will find no true friends in that crowd, and she resigns herself to a lonely year spent with her books.

When she meets Lucas, a fellow student who defies the mainstream, Bianca knows that she has found a rare friend. Lucas is gallant, courageous, and friendly. Soon, the two grow close, and Bianca can see herself falling head-over-heels for Lucas, with nothing she can do about it. Mostly, their relationship is tender and caring, but the occasional spat foreshadows a danger lurking in their future. Lucas and Bianca are no ordinary students, and both are hiding secrets from the other. When their differences surface, their love appears doomed. The forces conspiring against them are far more powerful than Bianca and Lucas could ever imagine.

Lies upon lies abound, and Bianca does not know who to turn to as she finds herself caught between a life she has always known and a chance for love. Who can she trust? One rash decision could change her life and the lives of those she loves forever.

Claudia Gray spins a gripping Gothic romance, weaving in threads of the supernatural and the modern. Bianca is a complex character, juggling her responsibilities to her family while trying to follow her heart. Those who enjoy vampire tales will be thrilled with EVERNIGHT for painting a comprehensive picture of vampires, showing vampire life from Bianca's unique perspective and not relegating vampires to a strictly villainous position. Gray does not stereotype her characters or pigeonhole them into traditional roles, letting the reader decide for themselves what it means to be "good" and "evil."

EVERNIGHT is an excellent drama that will leave readers longing for more, but some secrets may never be revealed.

Reviewed by: Amber Gibson
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jamie bennett
Originally posted in [...] on February 20, 2010.

The book start off with an exciting prologue (excertp from the near end of the book) which we learn that our, Bianca, and her prince charming, Lucas, are stuck in a place on fire while the vampire are outside waiting for them.

Just before the beginning of the first day of class, Bianca is running away from Everynight Academy, a boarding school which she just moved with her parent. On the way, she met Lucas, also a new student. Despite from her fear/uneasiness of strangers, she is able to talk to him and tell him how she felt about this new life at Evernight Academy. Somehow, she end up coming back home without her parent noticing her escape.

Class is now starting and Bianca is moving out from her parents apartments to her room at the dormitory. Everybody at Evernight are too perfect and snob, but she notice some people like her and Lucas who just don't fit in. She was really happy to see Lucas, but somehow he decided to ignore her. She is very disappointed since she though they got a connection.

The first part of the book is introducing the characters, how Bianca just in her new life, the relationship she is trying to make with Lucas, lot of mysteries and question. We knew from the beginning that Bianca was obsessed with Lucas since she keep thinking about him. We know they love each other, but it's so hard to feel it since everything is more about what they do then what they think or feels. I don't really know how to explain it, but I don't feel it. It was more like, "Oh OK, you guy like each other?"

The second part of the book start with a revelation, I wasn't expecting it and I was annoyed by the way it was reveal. We didn't have any hints on it. Then the story goes in a pace that I couldn't keep up for a while because I was still shock. I know it must be call suspense, but believe me, it was annoyance. I was so upset that I even though to stop reading. In the last part of the book, we had another revelation and it was nicely done, I was shocked AGAIN, but not upset, hehe.

So there was two things that I did not like in the book or it was more like the way it was told, but overall the book was interesting and original even though we might want to say that it's "another" vampire story. I read a lot of vampire stories, so believe me, this book have something that we did not see in other vampire book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamarah cristobal
4 stars if compared against fine literature for adults, but I'm giving it 5 stars because it is much better than the average novel in the category Young Adult / Teen; and much better than the average gothic romance; and very much better than the Twilight series.

This book is aimed at young adults and teens. The main character is a teen girl reluctantly entering a new school, surrounded by beautiful snobs.

I am not in the intended demographics, being 40-something, and I usually prefer books that challenge me, make me think. I ordered this book, thinking it would be a light, easy, fun read, for summer relaxing. And I did enjoy reading it, a guilty pleasure. I especially enjoyed the surprising plot twists, which I did not see coming.

This book has many of the classic elements of gothic-type romance novels, including a young single girl/woman who arrives as a new outsider, moving into an old, majestic but gloomy and oppressive house (this time it's a boarding school). Other gothic romance elements: the gloomy atmosphere of impending danger, and the requisite number of attractive men (two) who are potential love interests and who seem like opposites; and requisite mysteries as to the true character of each guy: Is he good or evil? Dangerous? Why does he act inconsistently?

The cover did not identify this book as a gothic romance; it was a gothic romance in disguise, but had added new elements and twists, including the supernatural and nightmare visions about vampires. Other differences: age and writing quality. This book is better written compared to typical gothics. The main character, Bianca, is younger than the main character in most gothics.

Characters were well written and believable. Bianca's internal thoughts seemed spot on, reminding me of high school, and my experience of being the awkward new girl in town. The scenes where she faces condescension -- from the beautiful, perfectly dressed, sophisticated roommate -- were amazingly spot on.

Bianca is a more likable, and a more believable character, than those in the Twilight series. This book has some similarities to that series -- spooky situations, and nightmare visions of vampires. However, the Twilight series has a main character who is annoying (especially the way she can't take care of herself); she is a bad role model; and the other Twilight characters are just not believable.

Our culture seems to plant unrealistic and untrue myths about romance and relationships in the minds of the young, and I think the Twilight series is an especially rotten example -- setting up girls for manipulation and disappointment.

Several of my friends have been through extremely bad marriages (some barely survived) with guys who were obviously Mister Wrongs -- obvious way before their weddings -- obvious to anyone who was thinking clearly. When I say Mister Wrong, I mean serious problems like violent tempers, alcoholism, dozens of infidelities, etc. It may be a coincidence, but most of those troubled friends saw "Gone with the Wind" at an early age, like 12-14.

I believe that movies, TV, and books can have a subtle, but damaging impact, even years later, on how young women view romance and what they believe. That influence might explain some of the widespread beliefs of young women, such as "I can change him into a good person -- I can fix him, no matter how reluctant he is to be fixed"; and "If I feel a sexual attraction, it must be destiny, it must be true love"; and "At first sight I will know all I need to know about a guy"; and "If I'm in love, or think I am, everything is guaranteed to be fine, happily ever after, even if all logical signs point the other way, and all my friends and family are warning me" and "Any action is OK if I'm in love -- all ethics thrown out the window". This book runs counter to that fluffy crap.

On the surface, this book seems mere entertainment, but the characters are dealing with important concerns, such as: how do you tell if a guy is right for you? And the surprise of how overpowering a physical desire can be, how easy it can be to slip into doing something which is contrary to one's own goals and beliefs. Don't worry parents -- there is no actual consummation of that type in this book, nor explicit discussions of body parts, as has become common in those tacky romance paperbacks with the lurid covers. This is not that type of book; if this story were a movie it would be rated PG. However, ethical questions are one of the themes of the book -- along with secrets, lies, cattiness, the desire to fit in and belong.

The is a fun, entertaining book; my comments above may lead you to think it's too serious, not fun, but that's just because I got overly analytical when trying to describe WHY this is a great book.

A few of the other reviews contain spoilers (with no advance warnings!) which will ruin at least one of the plot twist surprises for you. So, I suggest you stop reading reviews of this book, and just go buy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew dobrow
"Evernight" is a standout in the already flooded market of YA vampire novels. Like the Vampire Academy & House of Night series, "Evernight" takes place at a boarding school for vampires. Bianca, our protagonist & a vampire (although with a special twist I won't reveal) meets Lucas, decidedly not a vampire & with his own secret past. These two become star crossed lovers, & their love story will be the obvious focus of this series. Will they or won't they be together? I'll be anxiously awaiting the second book to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alaa amr
Boarding school can be a nightmare,especially when you parents teach there. There are other problems, friends are hard to find and quirky at the very least, and vampires. Rich students from all around the world mix with "normal" scholarship students, not so well. Bianca falls in love, gets involved with the wrong crowd, and lies to her best friend. There is twist I never saw coming !! A fun fast read, very enjoyable YA. I am on to the second and third book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason rubenstein
Lately there are tons of vampire romances and vampire books geared to young adults but Evernight really stands out among the rest. Even for a Twiligh or Vampire Kisses fan I think this book is a few notches above the rest as I found really nothing "out of place" or annoying {as I did with those other books even though I do love them, flaws and all} and the heroine is one of the, if not the, most likeable heroine I've come across in quite a while.

I'm not giving any spoilers away but I do have to say that the book keeps you on the edge of your seat and the big twist is a big, big twist indeed. One which I found utterly delightful and I'm sure you will too.

I highly highly recommend this book to any vampire fans or fans of urban fantasy or, shoot, fans of a damn good story! This would make an awesome movie!!!

Can't wait for the next book. In fact, I'm pre-ordering it right now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris dartois
I first started reading this book because I thought it might compare to Twilight, and in some ways it does. But Gray kept me reading with her vivid characters and mysterious aspects. This book has some serious irony, making it all the more enjoyable. Evernight Academy is a school in which Bianca, a 16-year-old girl who doesn't quite fit in, never feels as safe and secure as she should. She meets a boy named Lucas, and their connection really drew me in. I loved reading about how their love evolves and grows stronger all the time.

If you are looking for a novel with plenty of shocking twists, you will undoubtedly NOT be disapointed. In fact, the main twist that was revealed halfway throught the book was so completely surprising, I had to stop and realize what just happened. I went back and looked to see if I had skipped a chapter because it was a bit confusing at first. It was as if the main character, Bianca, and the author had been hiding a hugely important secret from me for the entire first half of the book. Once I got over the initial shock, I once again was drawn into the plot and couldn't put the book down. Later in the book, there is another twist that you would not expect.

I would recomend this book to teen/young adults who enjoy love stories and complex relationships. This novel has a main character who is comfortingly relateable and who is normal, yet unique. Lucas is a handsome, protective, and caring guy. The two have a romance that is quite addicting and steamy. If you liked Twilight, you should read Evernight! It isn't exactly as good, but you won't be disapointed. I want to read the sequel, Stargazer.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Evernight wasn't a bad book - there are twists that I should have been expecting, but didn't that made it an interesting read. However, I find as I finish the book that I don't really care much for what happens to most of the characters - which is why I won't be reading the rest of the Trilogy (I see that she wrote a book for Balthazar, the only character I was very interested in, so I may read that one).

I would encourage you to not read to much about the book - the 'twists' will be spoiled, and those are the best part.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginia massignan
Very good read. Fast paced and the storyline quickly starts. Never feel like the story is dragging. Couldn't put it down nor to start the next book. I recommend this not just for teens but for anyone who likes romance, intriguing conflicts and sci-fi/mythycal line. Great, one sitting read with great characters and developement of characters and storry. Balthazaar is the perfect guy but Lucas is the right guy, for Bianca. The story between them is not only sweet but powerful, not just becasue for the magic. Personally, I'd take Balthazaar. Loved all the contrast and cliches tha belong is this sort of story. Sweet yet riveting. Can't wait for teh next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, I went on the search for another book or series that could follow in its footsteps. People had suggested vampire academy or vampire kisses, but after reading their summaries those did not appeal to me the least bit. Evernight however, did and when I picked up the book it definitely met my expectations. The pace was well kept with enough action, mystery and intrigue and that deep older teenage passion and love that Edward and Bella had was re-invented with Lucas and Bianca. If you're a Twilight fan, I highly recommend this book as well as the series. You will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Evernight really draws you into Bianca's life, and Gray creates a vivid image of a creepy, gothic boarding school. The first interaction between Bianca and Lucas sets up great romantic tension. As the story progresses you feel Bianca's discomfort in a place she doesn't quite belong, but is supposed to belong according to her parents. I suspected Lucas's secret from the beginning, and you had a sense of Bianca's secret from her parents too, yet when the twist came...

I have to say that I rather feel the first half of the book was written with the author knowing she wanted to do *something*, but when she did decide what that something was and wrote the next half of the book, she didn't go back to revise the first half enough to make it a fully coherent story.

Having Bianca know all along should've made for an entirely different beginning, and a lot of her actions before and after the reveal don't mesh. Considering she has no acceptance issues with her nature (and has always accepted it), even liking her and Lucas being together forever, why was she so resistant and anti-Evernight? Yeah, she's shy and missed her hometown, but she knew the truth about the school, herself, and why she was there. I understand having uproot issues, but Bianca's insistence that she doesn't belong when she knows that's not true seems odd.

I think the story would've worked better (and been more dramatic) if the reader and Bianca learned the twist at the same time (which was what I was expecting). When the big event happens between her and Lucas after the Autumn Ball, it would have been much more interesting if she hadn't known what she could do and started freaking out about *what* she is, instead of freaking out that *it* finally *happened.*

I truly did enjoy the story. I just don't think it's realistic that Bianca as POV wouldn't mention her secret (which wasn't a secret, but everyday life to her). First person puts you inside the character's head, and for Bianca to mysteriously not talk about a major part of her life for half the book then talk about it without a thought in the next half is awkward. Either the reader should have known with her from the beginning, or she should have discovered the truth in the book with us.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I could not even finish this book. For one thing, why is Bianca throwing herself all over some guy that she just happened to bump into in the woods? Maybe this was meant to be a "they're meant to be together! that's why she's desperately looking for him" kind of thing, but it just made Bianca come off as desperate and not to mention stalker-ish when she wildly searches for Lucas to show up on the first day. To top it off, the guy is a jerk. I mean pretending not to know her in a sea of people is enough to turn me off of him for a lifetime. I normally would enjoy a sweet and shy heroin but this girl had self-esteem issues, she can't seem to do anything for herself, just hide behind the fact that she is shy shy shy, always shy. Perhaps that changed throughout the book, because again I couldn't finish it but from what I've read, It just wasn't my cup of tea =(.
On a more positive note however, I did find Evernight (the school) to be very appealing. Just reading about the place made me want to go to school there, it sounds so beautiful. But if I had to go to school with these people, I'd jump off a cliff in less than 24 hours.
I could see how people are seeing twilight in this book, but it mostly comes from the atmosphere, I take it. And that he's a vampire. That's it.
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