Peter and the Shadow Thieves (Peter and the Starcatchers)

ByDave Barry

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa sweeney
My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
***Borrowed the audiobook CD’s from the library

The cover is definitely reminds you of Peter Pan with the flying out the window scene :)

I really like this series and so does my son. I know the library has the first 4 books in audio, so we will be borrowing them all to listen in the car.

This is such a fun series with tons of adventure. My son and I love listening to it in the car before and after school. If I could nail my son down longer than this, we would listen to more of it each day but sadly I just don’t have the time. This is a long book with 9 CDs to listen to. I loved the whole thing. Peter is very courageous, but he tends to cause much trouble like any normal boy. Tink is a spit fire, and it is always humorous to listen to Peter’s translations of what she says to everyone. Of course, boys are in the story though they do not play as big of a part in this story as well as the Mullosk people. Molly is a major part of the story again, and she is just as brave as the last story though she definitely has some girl fits of temper in this story.

I love how well the story is told by the authors. Their descriptions make the story easy to relate to, and I got pulled right into it.

I highly recommend this series to adventuresome kids who would love a good story related to Peter Pan, but it is so unique and wonderful to listen or read. I have already recommended it to several students in the high school when the topic of Peter Pan came up during spirit week for fairy tale day. Well time to find something new :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devon ewalt
I really loved the first book in this series, Peter and the Starcatchers, as well as the classic it is based on, Peter Pan. This sequel was not a disappointment, continuing the magical fun with Peter hiding on a ship bound for England, determined to save Molly from a horrible fate, a jealous pixie-excuse me, bird-girl-named Tink, and a band of orphaned boys who loyally follow Peter, but are steadily growing older, as he remains young.

This book wasn't as fast paced as the first, or as gripping, though it didn't lack for that. It was sort of expected, and not entirely worrisome. I loved reading about Peter, who is an awesome character in these books, trying to figure out his relationship with Molly, the boys, and himself. He knows he can never live like a normal person, but that doesn't keep him from wanting to.

The evil characters keep getting better and better. Lord Ombra was the epitome of creepy, slinking around and making me cringe every time he came near someone else. Even though he was awesome, I would not want to run into that guy. A familiar foe returns in Shadow Thieves and plots against the flying boy and his friends.

There was never a dull moment, never a time when I questioned why on earth I was reading this book. I'm just thankful it was labeled as young adult in my library, as I wasn't sure if it would slip away into the children's shelves. There are several things that bring the level up-deaths and things like that-but I think that anyone could really enjoy it, if they love a good, adventurous fairy tale, and have the mind of a child in their hearts.

I give Peter and the Shadow Thieves 5/5 stars. I've already rented the 3rd installment from the library-that's how excited I was to continue this series. I can't wait to see what these authors come up with next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Peter and the Shadow Thieves -An Amazing, hard-to-put-down, page turner. If you read the first book and liked it, you will ADORE this one. If you read the first one and hated it, DON'T STOP!!! This one is better!! My book club group at school just finished this book and it is absolutely amazing!! If you like magic, fiction, evil creatures, and lots of action, this book is #1 for you.
In this book, mysterious people come along to Mollusk Island including a new addition to the Others: Lord Ombra a Shadow Thief. Peter soon discovers they are headed to London. (Where Molly Lives.) He knows he has to go help the famous Leonard and Molly Aster. He sneaks aboard the strange peoples' ship and soon arrives in London. Once he finds Molly, he discovers her dad is on a secret mission. They have to find him to deliver a top secret envelope. The only thing is, they have NO clue where he is!!
They soon find out when Molly's dad is injured they must help return the starstuff. The other problem is, Ombra can take peoples' shadows and have total control over them. Therefore they are helpless. WHAT WILL HAPPEN???? Join Peter and Molly for this amazing cliff-hanging adventure filled with magic, evilness and the Return.-LSUobsession101
The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (Smythe-Smith Quartet Book 4) :: and Understand a Man - Straight Talk - How to Find :: A Novel (Liam Taggart and Catherine Lockhart) - Saving Sophie :: Class Struggle to the War On Terror (Volume 2) - A Young People's History of the United States :: The Dream Thieves
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rating: 3.75

Case in point. (Referring to my review of the first book, during which I complained of unneeded language and innuendo). The second book of the Starcatchers series offers adventure, intrigue, suspense, and the author team of Pearson and Barry didn't have to include any offenses whatsoever. There remains a tension between Peter, Molly, Tinkerbell, and Teacher (the mermaid), but it's treated with innocent kiddie gloves - as it should be. It is a charming story that picks up a few months after book one wraps up. A mischievous Peter Pan torments Hook and his pirate crew as the all settle into life on Mollusk Island.

Then, the shadow thief came to their home in search of the star stuff. And that's when everything changed. Peter, who's body never shows signs of aging, is suddenly forced to grow up internally as he's thrust into a role of defender and protector of Molly and the Starcatchers. He travels to London and, once united with Molly, attempts to prevent "The Others" from finding the star stuff and threatening the world's balance of power.

We learn some one answers to questions of origin and there's even a quaint cameo appearance by "James Barrie" and his Saint Bernard. As the series continues to unfold, more questions remain, but - more importantly, plenty more adventure also remains. Can't wait to dive into the next chapters.

-from TRudATmusic[dot]com[slash]raw
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The exciting adventure of Peter and the Shadow Thieves has been one of my all-time favorite books that I have ever read. The intense page-turner left me hanging at the end of every chapter. Pearson and Barry really know how to show the characters thoughts and feelings. I am so surprised how much each character in the book has grown since Peter and the Starcatchers! And don't get me started on the completely accurate facts about London at that time! The way they described the people and locations of the book are fantastic! "The cold, moist London air gave Peter the shivers." See, the authors set the scene so it's like you are in the book. My all time favorite character has to be Lord Ombra. Pearson and Barry described him and his actions so detailed that it made him seem so sinister and evil, like any other Other would be! They categorized the people of London so differently, the rich and the poor, the tricky and not so clever, the nice and the obnoxious unhelpful, etc. And can you believe how unexpressive Peter can be?! He doesn't tell Molly how he feels about her one time! There were so many surprises and jaw-droppers that I couldn't keep up! I don't want to give any of the surprises away to upcoming readers, so I'll set the bar. This exciting, go-for-it story is on top of my list of favorite books! And just for you to know, I am so reading the fourth (I'm on the third right now!) Pick up your reading glasses right now and buy these books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy samson
In Peter and the shadow thieves (the sequel to Peter and the Starcatchers), Peter leaves Mollusk Island (with the company of tinker bell) for the cold and dangerous streets of London when he hears that Molly is in danger. On their way, he and tink find "Lord Ombra". Who is intent on discovering the missing star stuff (a dust containing magical powers). In London, Peter finally finds Molly hoping that together they can defeat Lord Ombra (the shadow master).
This book was so good; I don't know where to start!!! If you loved the first one (Peter and the Starcatchers), Peter and the Shadow thieves will BLOW you away. I just couldn't stop reading. Every chapter was a cliff hanger and a new surprise to be revealed. If you didn't like the first one, PLEASE don't stop now!!! This book is full of action and adventure. Great for ALL ages. My 5th grade reading group loved it!!!! Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson make you feel like you're are right there in the streets of London, Mollusk Island or wherever the setting is. It's just so good. They did a really good job on this book. Peter and the shadow thieves is a great book. If you don't like it, something HAS to be wrong with you. By: Candypup36
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erik tierney
Title: Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.

Pages: 557.

Time spent on the "to read" shelf: 3 years.

Days spent reading it: 1 week.

Why I read it: Susan and I really enjoyed Peter and the Starcatchers, a interesting re-imagining of the Peter Pan story. So we picked up the sequel as well.

Brief review: Let me start off by saying that I LOVED Peter and the Starcatchers. I thought it was a brilliant telling of the origins of Peter Pan. Peter and the Shadow Thieves is a continuation of that story.

At times Shadow Thieves is as good, if not better than its predecessor. At other times--not so much. The new enemy introduced, Lord Umbra, is a brilliant addition to the story. He is evil, cunning , and aware of his own power. Tinker Bell (who is introduced at the end of the first book) is also a great addition to the tale. Captain Hook (another fun character), while still in this book, is relegated to a side-story with the other lost boys.

My biggest complaint about Shadow Thieves: the book is too long. Its dull at points, the story drags in others. I wish writers would learn to cull their works down to more manageable sizes. Has anyone else noticed that books keep getting unnecessarily longer and longer? But the nice thing about Shadow Thieves is that the chapters are blessedly short, a few pages at most. This keeps the story going, even in its slow times.

I enjoy this retelling of Peter Pan. Its more about his early years and its told in a fun way. It was not quite up to the bar set by Peter and the Starcatchers, but it was still fun. Lord Umbra was a great addition to this cast of characters and makes this installment much more interesting than if he was left out.

I would recommend this book to those who enjoy the story of Peter Pan, and especially to those who enjoyed Peter and the Starcatchers. It's young adult, but it has enough going on for a full adult to enjoy.

Favorite quote: About Captain Hook--"A glimmer of an idea began to glow in his sinister mind, and the more he pondered it, the brighter it grew...Finally, the rage that had engulfed him for days was gone, and the joy of pure evil filled his calloused heart."

Stars: 4 out of 5.

Final Word: Memorable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janice hoffman
"Peter and the Shadow Thieves" continues with the story of young Peter, an orphan boy whose life has completely changed when he came in contact with a powerful substance known as stardust. Now an expert flyer, Peter has become very fond of Mollusk Island and the lost boys whom have adopted him as their leader. However, things change drastically when new visitors arrive one day... some old enemies along with new, one in particular who appears to be made out of darkness and can steal shadows from any living thing, causing them to become mere shells of the persons they used to be. Of course this new enemy is looking for the stardust that was once on Mollusk Island. Once it is discovered that the stardust is in the hands of Lord Aster, they set sail for London. Peter, knowing his friend Molly and her family are in real danger, sets off to follow with his fairy Tink, not knowing whether or not he will even make it to the coast without being found out by the shadow creature.

"Peter and the Shadow Thieves" does not disappoint! It continues where the first book, "Peter and the Star Catchers" left off. It is a page turner filled with action and very comical scenes, most of which involve Tink and her very blunt opinions on other characters. Though the book has almost 600 pages the chapters are short and it's easy to whiz through this thing within a few days. I highly recommend it for any Peter Pan fan out there who is looking for another adventure to read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah stella
Normally adult fiction and non fiction authors Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson have again teamed up with illustrator Greg Call for their second voyage into the world of children's books. Peter and the Starcatchers was a prequel to J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan and this sequel to that prequel picks up the story where that great novel left off.

Peter Pan has become a bit arrogant on the island Neverland, constantly tormenting his arch nemeses Black Stache by dropping coconuts and mangos on his head and teasing him with a new insult, Captain Hook due to what happened in the last book. After his friend James is captured by Stache and subsequently rescued by a very disappointed Fighting Prawn, Peter promises he will grow up, (well of course he can't) but he will act more mature anyway. Unbeknownst to Peter and Prawn, whilst they were distracted dealing with the consequences of Peters immaturity, a new enemy has infiltrated their island named Ombra, who has brought with him another of Peter's arch enemies Slank, who wants nothing more than to kill Peter and have his vengeance. Ombra wants the chest full of starstuff that Peter and Molly previously fort to protect, but of course Molly's father has already taken it back to England for the Return. Ombra has the advantage of not being human and the ability to steal people's shadows reducing the victims to be his forever in a zombie state slave.

In pursuit of the stardust Ombra now has his sights on Molly and her mother back in London and Peter will of course do anything to protect Molly. A jealous Tinker Bell accompanies Peter to London where upon learning about a boy called George, Tinker Bell will not be the only one with jealous feelings. It is up to Peter and Molly to once again prevent the starstuff from ending up in the hands of evil.

This novel does rely on the reader having read the former Peter and the Starcatchers first to fully understand the depths of the story but even without having read that novel first you will certainly still enjoy this great adventure. Barry and Pearson have certainly written a more action packed adventure this time round where of course children are the main heroes. Read both books, they are sensational! Can't wait for the next instalment, Escape from the Carnivale. Check out the adult fiction of both authors as well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
saga berg
Peter and the Shadowthieves

By Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson

If you're looking for action, adventure, and an added shroud of mystery Peter and the Shadowtheives is your kind of book. Its hard to describe this book because it is a sequel to Peter and the Starcatchers but still a prequal to the classic Peter Pan. It's hard to tell what time period this story is set in but my best guess is sometime in the 18th-19th century. The story starts when this thing calling itself Lord Ombra appears on a pirate ship, and from there everything turns chaotic. Over the course of the story the reckless Peter we met in Peter and the Starcatchers matures into the Peter we all know and love in Peter Pan.

The scene at the Tower of London had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. It was full of suspense and character development. This is one of those memorable scenes where both the authors really shine. Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson are great at writing compelling action sequences so that you really care for the character when they are hurt or sad.

Out of this series containing both Peter and the Starcatchers/Shadowtheives there is only one thing I don't like. This thing is that how powerful the villans in this book are compared to Captain Hook from Peter Pan. To me it seems like after fighting Lord Ombra, Captain Hook would take minutes. But over all this book was an enjoyable weekend read If you are willing to read an entire day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl symonds
If you like adventure books that are scary, this is the book for you! Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson is about a boy named Peter who has to save his friend, Molly, from a Shadow Thief who is after the starstuff (stuff that falls from the sky). The main characters are Peter who always taunts Black Stache, Black Stache (aka Captain Hook) who is always trying to catch Peter and Molly, Molly who always wants to help her dad, and Lord Ombra who takes people's shadows. This story takes place in Never Land and London. Peter tries to save Molly Aster and her family from the Shadow Thieves. A problem is that Peter gets put in jail and that slows him down. My favorite character is Molly because she likes to go adventures.

I can relate to Molly because she barely sees her dad just like me. That is my text-to-self connection. Also, I felt sad like Molly when someone I knew died.

I liked this book because I love scary books. My favorite part was when Peter dropped the mango on Black Stache's head! There was no part of the book I didn't like! If I changed anything it would ruin the book! I think that a boy who likes adventure, ages 11-13, would like this book. Don't forget to read the first book in this series, Peter and the Starcatchers and the third book Peter and the Secret of Rundoon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nova prime
Molly, Peter, and Lord Ombra seem to have nothing in common when you first meet them. But they all want one thing: the starstuff. The only difference is Molly and Peter want it to be returned to the heavens by the star catchers and the chilling shadow thief, Lord Ombra, wants it for himself, and to give it to The Others. In a ruthless chase throughout London, England, Peter tries to find Molly, the daughter of a starcatcher, before Ombra and his man do. While Peter is searching for Molly, she and her mother learn one of their maids is not as innocent as she seems. Even though guards are in place at the doors that enter Molly's house, they are no match for Ombra. Peter and Lord Ombra each find Molly's house at the same time, and the guards. Ombra takes each guard's shadow andthey become completely under his control. Molly's mother is captured and Peter save Molly just before her shadow is about to be stolen. Taking cover at Georgee's house, a friend of Molly's, they discover where the Return will take place and when. But can they get there fast enough before Ombra and his men do? Peter and the Shadow Thieves is a thrilling book that will put you on the edge of your seat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the second book about Peter and what happened to him before he met Wendy. It was very enjoyable, very well-written, and followed very much in the style and story type of the first book. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one.

A strange group of pirates lands on Mollusk island looking for the chest of starstuff that Peter and Molly had brought there. Of course, we know the starstuff has been returned to London. The pirates quickly find out and head off to London. Peter is concerned about one of the pirate crew Lord Ombra who appears to take over people through their shadows. He decides to accompany the pirates back to London in an effort to warn Molly about their intentions. But things aren't always that simple.

This was a fast-paced book, it was very well-written and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I look forward to reading the third and final book of the series. I was a little disappointed that the rest of the Lost Boys played such a small role in this book; but I guess these books are about Peter after all. This book also has a somewhat open ending that will hopefully be resolved in the third book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Peter and the Shadow Thieves is a thrilling sequel to Peter and the Starcatchers. Peter is on Mollusk Island with protection from the Mollusk tribe and his fairy friend Tinkerbelle. Pirates come to the island wanting the starstuff, an extremely powerful substance that they believe is on the island. The pirates soon find that Lord Aster and his daughter, Molly have the starstuff with them in England. So, the pirates set sail for England with a guest on their ship. The guest is a powerful man-like thing called Lord Ombra that can get information from you by taking your shadow. Peter is a stowaway on the pirates ship to save Molly; and the pirates are on the ship to find Molly, Lord Aster, and the starstuff. Mollusk Island is long way from England and Lord Ombra is very powerful. Maybe even more powerful than Molly or Peter can imagine.

This is an excellent adventure story about friendship and believing in yourself and others. Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson do a great job making their voice and the characters' personality shine. This book is for children 8 to12 years old.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is about the character of Peter Pan but it's not exactly the original story, written by Peter Barrie. This story is about how a stranger named Lord Ombra comes to the island where Peter lives. Lord Ombra can take your shadow away from you and therefore control you.

Lord Ombra is trying to find Molly's (Wendy's) father, Lord Aster, so that he can get the stardust from him. Stardust is a very powerful material that comes from the stars which gave Peter his ability to fly. Lord Aster catches some stardust and sends it back to the sky. He does this because of its great power; if it fell into the wrong hands, stardust could become a very dangerous weapon.

This is a good book because the characters are the same as the original story of Peter Pan but they're different enough to be more interesting. If you think that this is going to be a little kid's story because it's a Peter Pan story, then you're wrong. This book has lots of action in it, not little kid stuff. I would recommend this book to readers from 6th to 8th grade.

Abby A.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Peter and the Shadowthieves earns the title as one of the most action-packed books I have ever read in my long life. Like its compaion, Peter and the Starcatchers, this immense plot stretches from the mysterious island, the Neverland, a creaking old pirate ship, and all the way to the very heart of the legendary city London where all of our beloved characters return in a mad-dog quest for some valuable starstuff.

What I really love about this book is how Barry and Pearson switches points of view from character to character so easily, making the plot flow from chapter to chapter. For example, in one chapter, you're escorted to Neverland, where the Lost Boys battle the evil Captain Hook, and in another chapter, you're invited back to London, where Peter and Molly embark on a journey to find Molly's father...before the evil Others get there first.

I just adore the fact that Pearson and Berry combine their talents to create a story of adventure, romance, comedy, and some scary moments mixing into a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime book!

WARNING: Some characters in this book may be frightening for kids under 8 years old! This array of characters include vicious pirates and an evil, shadow-stealing Lord Ombra...a creature so vile and cruel, he is sure to scare your small children out of their Pjs. Beware of the SHADOWS~~

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ron frazer
I'm a little disappointed in this one. Besides being rather "dark" and making Peter the fool, it changes other characters nature such as Teacher. But more important it only starts out in Never Land and then goes to London and is frustratingly a jumble of misadventures that doesn't really bring the story together until near the end of the book. It is a suspenseful read but not what I had expected of Barry and of Peter Pan. There is a side adventure for the lost boys and pirates but it is very brief and stops about 50 chapters from the end of the book and goes silent until the end (sort of disjointed). Tink plays a fun role and George is a fun new character. So there are some interesting people in it but Peter Pan can't seem to do anything right until the end and so the read is not as much fun as others by Barry. Stealing shadows was a little oppressive and seemed unstoppable (which no doubt is what Barry was after - but I was looking for Peter to make more of difference during the book not just at the end). It makes those characters possessed and The feeling I got was one of terrorists which was not much fun even if you figured it would work out in the end. I wanted to enjoy the whole book not just the end. There was certainly suspense through the whole book but not much relief from that suspense until nearly the end. Still it is a good book but I don't feel matched the feeling of the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading 'Peter and Starcatchers' together with my 8-year old son, we eagerly continued with 'Peter and the Shadow Thieves'. Unfortunately, my son & I had to stop reading this book together about 1/2 way through because it was a bit too scary for him (he's a very imaginative child). My son found the Lord Ombra character too scary and did not admit this to me, until he told me one night that he did not want to go to sleep without the lights on. My son & I enjoyed the pirate dialogue and action in both of the books. (I finished the book myself, and then told my son of the ending- easing his fear of Lord Ombra.) I would highly recommend this book for boys who like action (esp. pirate action) and could handle a little bit of scariness (referring to Lord Ombra).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle richards
Ever wished the cocky look was washed off Peter's face just once, even though you like him and you'd never want the cockiness completely gone? I always felt that way just a smidge while reading the original Peter Pan and found the first book in this series relieved that itch just a bit. It was like Peter Pan, only more humananized and real. And FUNNY!

But on to this novel, well, Peter has a rough, rough ride and suffers greatly for his love of Molly. They are starcrossed, to be sure, and that tears at my heart a great deal. I find myself wishing things weren't as they will be . . . but alas, we know how the story ends.

Half the fun is in getting there, though. This book has the great characters and plot and peril of the first, with the added interest of Peter being away from his element and forced to act within the borders of a more normal being.

Great fun!!

Also noteworthy, it has one of the best last lines to a book I've ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deena rae schoenfeldt
I listened to the audio book version of this book and I loved Jim Dale's amazing narration every bit as much as the story. The tale was a continuation of Peter and the Starcatchers, which I was not familiar with. However the author gave enough backstory that it wasn't necessary to have read the first book to enjoy the second. There was plenty of adventure and suspense to delight readers of all ages.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lamis kaied
[Vague spoiler]

Peter returns to [...] and finds [...] and saves the day.

That's a fine plot. I enjoyed the "saves" part.

What sucked was the how the "returns" and "finds" went on and on, with one constant condition: Peter valiantly putting up with terrible situations. The middle 70% of the book doesn't advance the plot at all. It's like a chase scene in a movie: you can skip to the end of it and not miss anything important to the plot.

This would have made a nice short story. The padding in the middle just got irritating.

Also, Molly, who is so intelligent about how crucial it is to manage the ... in the first book, is an idiot about it at the end of this book. I admired her in the first book. In this one, I was rolling my eyes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the sequel to Peter and the Starcatchers. I absolutely LOVED that book! This is a good book as well. The story is very interesting, and some parts of the book are very revealing: there are just as many 'Oh, that's why!' moments as there were in Starcatchers. Peter has started to grow his cockyness, the cockyness that becomes who he is in the original Peter Pan. This gets a little annoying, but we all know this is where he is headed. Molly has gotten more mature, but the romance between her and Peter remains the same, except for one little problem...a problem called Darling. And I won't say anymore. You gotta read it for yourself! It is good for a sequel, and I can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emilie vleminckx
Peter Pan is back, now a immortal youth stranded on Mollusk Island (Never Land) with his group of lost boys in tow. James, Prentiss, Thomas, and Tubby Ted are great admirers of his abilities, however the fact that they can never join in on his fun of tormenting Black Stache (whom Peter has redubbed Captain Hook) is always a point of contention. Suddenly there is a new ship that appears to stir things up, a ship captained by a certain noseless man named Nerezza, an ominous creature of darkness named Lord Ombra, and the former captain of the Never Land, Slank. They have come to find the starstuff that had previously come to the island with Peter, only to learn that it has been returned to London with Lord and Molly Aster.

Peter greatly fears this Ombra, especially since his faithful companion birdwoman, Tinkerbell, is terrified of him. He worries for Molly, a dear friend of his from the previous adventure, and decides to return with the ship in secret so that he might warn Molly of this frightening creature. Things become complicated when he arrives in London. First and foremost he must find Molly's home, a feat that proves quite difficult for the orphaned boy. Also, there is a sudden wave of shadow theft in London, something that leaves a person but a mere shell of their former self. Peter suspects it is connected to Ombra, and vows to reach the Asters before he does, knowing full well that Molly very life is at stake. But can he do it in time, in a town where he has no notion of where she is, and worse is the fact that he cannot use any of his new abilities in order to find her.

This continues to be a great new addition to the Peter Pan legend. I loved Peter and the Starcatchers, and this part not only continues in the same vein, but it retains all of it's drama and excitement, making this series a fast paced treat that is sure to delight readers of all ages. I adored the addition of some new characters, George Darling, for one, who is in line for Molly's affections along with Peter, Nerezza the pirate, Lord Ombra, the dark and sinister villain that makes Hook look like a meddling child, and even J.M. Barrie makes a brief appearance. Overall, this book is a definite treat and something that I believe people will treasure in years to come just as much as Barrie's original creation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c d sweitzer
I found this series while reading a fanfiction story about Peter Pan which is what led me to read this amazingly witty of a book and its series. I can read books fast but I have to be mentally invested to do that and to be quite honest I have read the first two books in this series soooooooooo fast that it has made me want to read it over and over again. I just want to say to the authors.....I love this book and the series even though I'm just a 17 year old. It brings back the kid in me waiting to get a fresh baked cookie out of the oven. I am beyond the AMAZINGLY detailed characters of Peter and Tink and Molly and George and Leonard and Hook and the Lost Boys, practically everyone mentioned in the first two books I have read so far!!!!! I AM IN COMPLETE AWE AND I LOVE THIS BOOK AND THE SERIES!!!!!!! Thank you for bringing back the kid in me. I am forever grateful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael keeling
This children's fantasy confronts its protagonists with lots of problems, and many young readers may find it captivating. We have pirates who hate kids, the villanous Lord Ombra, who can steal a person's shadow in a matter of seconds, child abusers who run a gang of pickpockets, police who arrest children and throw them into cells with hardened criminals and drunks, kidnappings, murders, and lots of other vicious mayhem. It's eighteenth century setting is described with a humorous touch, which softens the impact, and most of the villains are dumbed down so they seem less threatening, but this also means the reader must have the right perspective. In other words, readers over the age of thirteen may find the plot too simplistic, the characters too stupid, or the fantasy too unimaginative to hold their attention. Frankly, as a young-adult author and fantasy fan, I prefer my heroes to act with a bit more intelligence than young Peter, who stowes away on a pirate ship with no survival plan, arrives in Longon clueless about what to do next, and wanders around, cold and starving, while the reader hope something exciting will happen. My point is that while this can be a fun book for young readers, middle schoolers and above may not find it challenging. At the same time, parents and teachers should also recognize that its cruelty, although tinged with humor, make it unsuitable for some sensitive or younger readers. Recommended, with discretion, for ages 8-12.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle edwards
This book is fantastic! Every day, I could not wait to finish my homework so that I could go to reading this book.

This book's amazing adventure tells of Peter and his quest to save the extremely large box of starstuff(a magical sucstance) from the hands of evil Ombra. Peter finds himself in a tangle of adventures involving his old enemy, Slank.

If you are a reader whom loves adventures of all kinds, I recommend you buy this book. By the way, next time you see a lunar eclipse, look for something in the sky.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalia mu oz
I adored this trilogy. As a Harry Potter FANATIC, I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I have not found much that I liked as much as those, but this came close. Clean, action-packed, and gripping...this was the spookiest of the trilogy. The shadow thief Ombra is a mighty scary character. Young children for a read-aloud might be quite frightened, but for a 9-12 year old, it is perfect. Boys especially who may be turned off by the whole "Peter Pan" idea will be sorely mistaken. This book (and the two others in the trilogy) are thrilling reads. Don't miss these.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexandra b
Peter (of Neverland fame) hitches a ride on a ship filled with Very Bad Men and goes back to London to warn his friend Molly of the danger that races towards her and her family. The Starchasers are in grave trouble this time. This is a great, fun book. Inventive, funny, fast-paced. The characters are fleshed-out and believable. The baddies are very bad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The two authors handle this topic wonderfully, and, as a supplement to Peter Pan, this is fun. I just hope that others don't create a band wagon so that the subject gets old. This is a good read. This and the other Barry and Pearson offerings are good for reading aloud and family reads as well. They also make good books for school reports and discussions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica anderson
Not since I read The Gingerbread Kingdom have I been so excited over writing a review for a book. While Peter & the Starcatchers was pretty much the Origin of Peter Pan, this story managed to take that magic and deliver a page turning adventure.

My favorite part of this book was Lord Ombra, truely an original creation for a villain.

This is one of those books that will leave you with a smile on your face as you read the last page.

Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben dewar
When I read "Peter and the Starcatchers" I didn't think I would like it, but my teacher, Mr.B, suggested it to me. After I finished I couldn't wait till the 2nd one came out!

In "Peter and the Shadow Thieves" Peter has to go back to London to help Molly. At the end of the book Peter goes back to Mollosk Island and to find out that something has happened to the Lost Boys...

Don't forget to read "Peter and the Starcatchers!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel stallings
This is a really well crafted story that continues to explain how Peter Pan came into existence and the adventures that brought about the beloved characters from the original story. I enjoyed the read very much and it's not just for kids. I love the foreshadowing of other characters from the old story - like George Darling (Wendy, Michael and John's grumpy father) and others. Just a really fun read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this sequel to Peter and the Starcatchers the story continues... Somebody is after Molly; not Captain Hook, but something even more fierce. When Peter finds out he goes to London and tries to find Molly as fast as possible. Will Peter be to late or will he save the day? I suggest you read this book because it's very INTENSE. Just when you think its over it's not. Enjoy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mia javois
If you thought that Peter and the Starcatchers was an awesome book, get ready, its sequel is just as awesome if not better! I do not want to say much about the book (so that you can read it on your own), but I love how it brings in characters new and old. A real page turner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fabulous book! My kids and I liked it even better than the first one in this series (Peter and the Star Catchers), which we also loved! These books are prequels to the original Peter Pan and are very well written. It has lots of very short chapters, which makes it easy to read with your children. It gets you very interested in what is going on with one character, then switches back to a different character, which makes you not want to stop reading it! This one is more intense than the first one and might be a little scary for younger children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love authors who are able to spin fascinating tells. When I finish The Kingdoms and the Elves books by Robert Stanek, this series was recommended to me. While I liked the first one, I truly loved this one. I never would have thought a Peter Pan prequel would have been so good.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This series is very creative but I found myself asking the author why he chose to make it into a corny book along with the creativeness. The whole starcatchers part of the plot i find very silly. Especially in the first book with the girl talking to dolphins. The book was good enough but could have been better. Read on an airplane maybe when there is nothing to do or when you have a lot of time on your hands. I thought it was a little boring but thats just my opinion, you should read it anyways.

Courtney <3
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