Fantasy in Lingerie (Volume 6)

ByPenelope Sky

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shelly lash
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review:
As much as I didn't think it was possible, Vanessa's story has quickly become my favorite in this series. The fierce loyalty she and Bones both feel for their families and have started to feel for one another is both fabulous and frustrating. It has created a fascinating tale that is being artfully woven by Penelope. I am eager to continue reading this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Omg, where do I start??? Who would have ever thought I would fall for one of the book enemies, I love Bones in this series!! He is so much like Vanessa’s dad Crow? I can’t wait to see how the Barsetti family handle this relationship?? Will Mama Pearl taking Vanessa and true loves side or will she be against it? She will know first hand what if feels like to fall for a monster. I Can’t wait for the next book and totally hoping Bones gets his happy ending!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane maglieri
OMG!!!!!! I cannot get over this roller coaster ride i just experienced with this book. It was phenomenal to say the least, and the cliffhanger at the end omg!! It is hard to even put into words how this book has made me feel and just how truly amazing it really is! I cant believe everything that happened and i am sitting here on pins and needles waiting for the next book to come out.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! In all the fairytales love always win. I hope this is true this time but this isn't a fairytale! Can Vanessa and Bones find a way! Can her family understand and accept Bones? Crow was not a good man but became one. Can he give Bones a chance and not put his fathers crimes ahead of his daughter? So many questions? I can't wait for all the answers. I received an ARC for my honest opinion. Honestly, you need to read this series !!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah funke
This just gets better! Vanessa and Bones relationship continues to evolve! They the each other, they both swear they will kill each other, but when it comes down to it they can't do it. Then Bones see's the painting that Vanessa did of him, and he see's what she does. So does Button. But Vanessa won't give in. This one made me tear up a bit for Bones! I'm loving this series so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
izzy wasserstein
This series keeps getting better with each book. The push and pull between Vanessa and Bones trying figure out their relationship and feelings for each other keeps the reader guessing the whole book. Then the decisions they actually made throughout the story proved how strong and heartfelt each of them are. I can’t wait for the next book to see where these characters are headed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With each installment of this series I find my self transported to a different place and experiencing something I never would unless I read these books. This was just perfection in every way and who couldn't help but love the characters and their love/hate relationship. A must read book that deserves the five stars I gave it. I volunteered to read an advance copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin snelling
Amazing!!! Once again it was another book that i could not put down till i finshed. I love Vanessa and bones. I'm glad he finally told her his real name. I knew bones was falling in love with her bit in true barssetti fashion she has to deny her feelings. Why?? But I love this series. Can't wait for the next book. I received this book as a ARC for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer bernard
Penelope once again doesn’t disappoint. I was so hook on parts of this book I was yelling at it. The depth of the characters makes you feel every emotion. The relationship between Vanessa and her mom is so special if she only knew her moms story. Bones and Vanessa have such a love hate relationship and you just want to scream at them to but everything a side and just feel. I wish the book hadn’t ended I need more. I can’t wait to see how this develops but if I know Penelope it will be worth the wait. But please hurry
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan kauppi
I really love that Penelope completely diversified the characters. Even though they are all family they choose different paths for their own lives. Out of all the Barsetti’s, Vanessa’s story is probably my favorite. Her and Bones have the best chemistry but it’s heartbreaking at the same time. This is well worth the read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris erickson
Wow Penelope you had my emotions all over the place with this book. I'm really rooting for Bones and Vanessa to have a happy ending to their love story. I cried like a baby when Bones told Vanessa he loved her. I did not see that confession coming from Bones first, I thought Vanessa would've said I love you first and Bones would have freaked out about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bella south
Omg! I absolutely love Vanessa & Bones story! Couldn't put this book down! I feel so bad for them, knowing they love each other but knowing all the problems they are up against. How will Pearl & Crow handle this? What will Conway think? Can't wait to read the next book & I'm praying they are able to have there happily ever after!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily clark
Penelope continues to amaze me with the Barsetti family, and I don't think I'll ever get enough of them. I never thought I would be feeling sorry for Bones, but now I do, and I want to see him happy because he's already experienced so much pain. I am anxiously and impatiently awaiting the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m so exasperated. Vanessa finally got him to give up on his revenge and now she’s pushed him away?!?! Silly, girl. Ugh. I wonder how this will all end. If they don’t end up together I might have a full come apart. ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nora jay
Wow! Who would have thought that the reader sides with Bones and gets upset with Vanessa! Beyond well done ! I can't wait till the entire series is done so i can read from beginning to end! Phenomenal!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carlos villamil
I went through all the emotions Vanessa and Bones( Griffen) had as they had them. The ups and downs, the frustration, everything. Bones is strong and so is Vanessa but is going to be as strong as Bones?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon hinck
I love Bones and Vanessas story, the suspense is crazy and you just dont know which way their going to go. One minute they hate each other then they cant be without each other. I love it. You never dissapoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just love this series. Bones is definitely my favorite leading man out of all her books. Although sometimes I find the violence and acts on women disturbing, I still find myself anticipating the next book.

Been a fan of Ms. Sky since her first book and I enjoy how she hooks the reader in with her writing.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved reading the amazing and engaging sixth book in the Lingerie series. Vanessa and Bones feelings toward each other are complicated. Read the highly recommended and riveting romance, wonderfully written, and an extraordinary story. Can't wait to read the seventh book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantasy in Lingerie continues the story of Vanessa and Bones in the series.This is the second book of Bones and Vanessa and once I got it on my kindle I read it without a break till the end. Their story is so intense and so hot. There are so many conflicts revolving around them but even though Bones has confessed his love for Vanessa and will never harm her family, Vanessa is so torn because she knows how she also feels towards Bones and is so torn because her family is important to her.Telling them who she is in love with, no matter how it evolved, she knows her family would never,ever approve. What’s a girl to do? This installment was so emotional for both Bones and Vanessa and just so intense, hot and emotional. What a rollercoaster ride that gets more intense with each book. I cannot wait for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series!

With each installment in the series, I wonder how it can possibly get better, then I read the next part and it happens, it gets better.

I honestly never thought I would like a Bones character but I like this one. Everything that he's been through. All the hatred that he feels towards the Barsetti family, but then there's how he feels about Vanessa.

Their relationship becomes more complicated and could cause a lot of problems. If they give in to their true feelings for each other, what will happen? These two have a chemistry that is unmistakable and I really do hope that it grows with their story. I can't wait for the next part of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tricia spoonts
OMG! Penelope with these CLIFFHANGERS! UGH! I have a love/hate thing going for Vanessa! At the beginning when Bones first kidnapped Vanessa, I hated Bones. But as the story went along, then I started to love Bones. I can understand where Vanessa isn't wanting to go against her family considering everything they went through! But Bones isn't his father either! He proved that when he fell in love with Vanessa! But I wonder if he will go after them since Vanessa broke it off with him? But I guess we shall see when the next book comes out! I sure hope those two gets back together before Bones does the wrong thing! I can't wait to read the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
p j nunn
Fantasy in Lingerie is about Bones and Vanessa realizing that they're in love but having to come to terms with it. Vanessa just knows that her parents will never accept the one man that makes her feel so intensely because his father was the man who kidnapped, raped and killed her Aunt and also raped her mother. Bones has a vendetta to kill all the Barsetti's in order to avenge his father's death, and the loss of his inheritance. But if he kills her family then, he looses her. They both don't know what to do in order to have a future together. In this book, she has the opportunity to let Bones die, instead she saves his butt and offers him the opportunity to end the life of the man who killed Bones mother. These two are made for each other! I can't wait to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can’t put these books down. Watching Bones and Vanessa figure their relationship out is amazing. It’s one heck of a roller coaster ride with these two. But oh, how my heart burst with Bones’ realization. And then burst again with the ending. I say this with every book Penelope Sky writes, but she is truly a talented author. I will be anxiously awaiting for Desire in Lingerie. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison el koubi
This book... I couldn’t wait, I just couldn’t stop reading. Vanessa and Bones... OMG! Their love-hate forbidden romance sets the pages on fire?. Talking about two torn souls that can’t stay away from each other so full of passion. Their relationship developed into so much more than either wants to admit. Torn between the loyalty to their family or each other. O, Vanessa! Bones... talking about a bad man with a heart?. I can’t wait to see what happens next in their story. Most definitely a must read. You will not be disappointed with any of these books. It just keeps getting better and better. Excellent work Penelope Sky??.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark riddle
After reading this book, I'm starting to think that ALL Barsetti's have a problem with telling someone that they LOVE them in the beginning. Yes, this relationship should have never happened between Vanessa and Bones, but I sure am glad that it did. There is no denying the chemistry and love they feel for another. A selfless act on Vanessa's part has brought Bones to his senses and gives into his feelings and puts it on the line, just for her to shut it down. Can Vanessa find a way back to Bones?!? I hope so. This bad boy has truly won over our hearts. I'm speechless and tied in knots with this book, but so worth the read. Once you start, you CAN'T stop!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love the relationship between Vanessa and Bones Jr! I love how Penelope portrays each characters struggle to realize they love someone they should despise. I love the passion and the intensity that they share when their together! I love getting more and more of Bones Jr. story as the books come out (like his real name) <spoilers!> I think it speaks volumes that each of them try to spend time away from one another and all they end up doing is coming back to each other like to magnets drawn together!
Penelope really has out done herself with Vanessa's story
I can't wait to read what happens next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jeez, this books keep getting hotter and hotter and they drag in a little more each book. Fantasy in Lingerie continues on with Bones and Vanessa, they life having twist and turns. The more I read about Bones the more I'm falling for the villian. He just sounds so sexy, demanding and dangerous, which we know he is. I still love my Conway. The only thing I hated well two things really was it was too short and left me wanting more and the dang cliffhanger has me losing my mind. Lol. Definitely a must read..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantasy in Lingerie is amazing!!! Oh my goodness, I don’t even know what to say or where to start! Never a dull moment where you want to put the book down, I read it in one day! I can’t believe how far Bones Jr has come, kind of makes me frustrated that Vanessa’s is so set on the remaining negative-ugh! I can’t wait for Desire in Lingerie! How will everything play out??? Will Vanessa come to her senses and talk to her parents about her love for Bones?! Will they have a real shot? I can’t wait, Desire in Lingerie can’t come fast enough!!! Thanks Penelope ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I dove right into Fantasy in Lingerie and was unable to stop reading until I finished it... As hard as it is for me to say, Bones is my favorite! I cannot wait to see how the Barsetti’s men handle this relationship This entire series is a must read. In Fantasy in Lingerie, their relationship becomes more complex. I am mad the next book is not ready...I love this series...I hope Vanessa changes her mind quickly...I hope Pearl would tell her how she and father fell love...great story on the edge of my seat...waiting for the next part.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stuart christian
Omg, where do I start??? Who would have ever thought I would fall for one of the book enemies, I love Bones in this series!! He is so much like Vanessa’s dad Crow? I can’t wait to see how the Barsetti family handle this relationship?? Will Mama Pearl taking Vanessa and true loves side or will she be against it? She will know first hand what if feels like to fall for a monster. I Can’t wait for the next book and totally hoping Bones gets his happy ending!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed wagih
OMG!!!!!! I cannot get over this roller coaster ride i just experienced with this book. It was phenomenal to say the least, and the cliffhanger at the end omg!! It is hard to even put into words how this book has made me feel and just how truly amazing it really is! I cant believe everything that happened and i am sitting here on pins and needles waiting for the next book to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This just gets better! Vanessa and Bones relationship continues to evolve! They the each other, they both swear they will kill each other, but when it comes down to it they can't do it. Then Bones see's the painting that Vanessa did of him, and he see's what she does. So does Button. But Vanessa won't give in. This one made me tear up a bit for Bones! I'm loving this series so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen salem
I really love that Penelope completely diversified the characters. Even though they are all family they choose different paths for their own lives. Out of all the Barsetti’s, Vanessa’s story is probably my favorite. Her and Bones have the best chemistry but it’s heartbreaking at the same time. This is well worth the read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yara eisa
Wow Penelope you had my emotions all over the place with this book. I'm really rooting for Bones and Vanessa to have a happy ending to their love story. I cried like a baby when Bones told Vanessa he loved her. I did not see that confession coming from Bones first, I thought Vanessa would've said I love you first and Bones would have freaked out about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Omg! I absolutely love Vanessa & Bones story! Couldn't put this book down! I feel so bad for them, knowing they love each other but knowing all the problems they are up against. How will Pearl & Crow handle this? What will Conway think? Can't wait to read the next book & I'm praying they are able to have there happily ever after!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris lange
WOW! WOW! Five stars all the way ***** This by far is the best book with Bones and Vanessa. The story just pulls you in and you have to keep reading. Its intense from start to finish, you forget the world around you. Thank you again for such an amazing book and I cant wait for the next :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carly chernick
Forbidden love at its finest!!! Vanessa and Bones have always had intense chemistry, but now that lust and chemistry have turned into love and neither of them know what to do about it! You won’t be disappointed as you continue this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara freer
Well I never thought I would find a couple better than crow and Pearl but Vanessa and Bones have. The book is so hot and Bones is so fearless. I never thought I could love there son of a man like Bones but he is so much more than anything anyone can imagine
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just when I think Penelope cant top herself with a next book, she does it. This book is truly amazing with its emotional rollercoaster ride. I highly recommend reading this when you can read it all because once you start you wont be able to put it down!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nurul praharso
You NEED this book!!
Vanessa is stubborn and unwilling to compromise. Bones is willing to give up his vendetta.
Can these two ever get past her father and be together??
I love this book. It had me cheering for Bones, of all people.
So can't wait for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martha mcnair
Where to start?? Amazing!!! Vanessa and Bones story has become my favorite. The passion they have for each other is so strong and powerful. A man fill with all this hate because of his past and see that he is willing to give it up for true love is amazing. Can't wait for Crow and Pearls reaction to this love. You have done it again!! I can't wait this long...
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