My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life
ByHoward Storm
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vijay s paul
This is a gripping review by an unbeliever of the life hereafter. Regardless of a man's faith tradition, or lack thereof, the soul/spirit lives on to experience either horrific darkness and evil separated from God, or the Glorious rebirth into an eternal heavenly existence with God. The author gives a very compelling review of what he was shown when he temporarily died, both of the good and the bad. Since he was an unbeliever prior to his out of body experience, and, given the change that took place in his life after the event,the story is all the more compelling. This work should be read by believers and unbelievers alike so people can make informed decisions of where they wish to spend the afterlife. A gripping personal account!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This remarkable life changing story is a peek into the life we continue to have after our body dies.
I've heard many near death experiences, but I've not heard the detail recalled as clearly. I know that
it will change many people's heart toward truth and love and who God is. It stretched me a bit, but not
in a way that would ever contradict scripture. I would love for everyone to read this book. I'll read and
share it many times!
I've heard many near death experiences, but I've not heard the detail recalled as clearly. I know that
it will change many people's heart toward truth and love and who God is. It stretched me a bit, but not
in a way that would ever contradict scripture. I would love for everyone to read this book. I'll read and
share it many times!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The reader will have a more complete knowledge of life after death and the issues that surround our earthly existence after reading this intriguing book. Fortunately this book is written in an open nonfundamentalist tone which the reader will find comforting. A must read book for those of you who have questions surrounding this life and the afterlife.
but First Could You Drive Me & Cheryl to the Mall :: Kingston (Four Fathers Book 2) :: Roulette Redux (Black Light Series Book 7) - Black Light :: A Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance (Triple Threat) :: Everything's Eventual
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Good book and not depressing, answered a lot of questions I had. Covers his illness on a trip to Paris, brief visit to underworld, rescued by Jesus, then was taken to Heaven where he was able to ask a lot of the questions we all would like to ask. Now, this is all true, or it’s one of the best “story’s” I have ever read. After watching his videos on utube I tend to believe him. You will have to decide.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna alford
Storm's account of his experience in Heaven is life-changing. His work has spoke volumes to readers and I would recommend this book to anyone. It is all about God's love....
Life is about knowing His love for us.
Life is about knowing His love for us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah mingle
Anyone who wishes to have a deeper understanding of God should read this book, no matter what religion. The author experienced a blessing that was rare and beautiful and explains what God, Jesus, heaven, and the angels are about. It doesn't go into a lot of big words, theology or is 'preachy', it just tells it as it is. The explanations are very easy to understand. Would recommend this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
pinar sayan
When you start reading this, at first it SOUNDS pretty inspiring -- and as is typical in these "I saw Heaven" or "I saw Hell" books the author includes scripture quotes.
But as he goes along, if you are familiar with theology it becomes obvious that a LOT of what he is claiming is actually unbiblical New Age teachings. I stopped reading after about 40% but I do plan on finishing it.
Some of the unbiblical things he claims are that he had a death experience where beings came to him and insisted that he follow them in a dark sort of fog-like area and he couldn't quite see them clearly or actually get to them. He says that as they kept going along they became abusive (not unusual in "I went to Hell" cases) and after awhile he somehow knew that THEY USED TO BE HUMAN (in the sense that somehow they were no longer human -- somehow something different.) Neither the Bible nor other "I saw Hell" books say that unsaved humans become some other kind of creature and can leave Hell (actually Hades, but that's getting pretty technical) to attack recently deceased humans.
He also says that he met Jesus and a group of angels and the angels gave him DETAILED prophecies which they said would happen "in 200 years". They mainly referred to "Jesus" as "the One". The interaction between Jesus/the angels and the author is completely different from anything the Bible describes and -- again -- VERY different from most "I saw Heaven" or "I saw Hell" books. Usually, people who meet "the One" are meeting a pseudo-Jesus that is actually Lucifer.
I don't think the author is intentionally trying to mislead people by pretending that New Age beliefs are Christianity. I get the impression that he really doesn't realize the differences between his experience and Christian teachings. I think he thinks, "Of course EVERY person is going to filter their experiences through their beliefs and previous experiences. So I wouldn't expect that what *I* (i.e., the author) experienced would seem to match up exactly with the very few vague descriptions in the Bible."
But as he goes along, if you are familiar with theology it becomes obvious that a LOT of what he is claiming is actually unbiblical New Age teachings. I stopped reading after about 40% but I do plan on finishing it.
Some of the unbiblical things he claims are that he had a death experience where beings came to him and insisted that he follow them in a dark sort of fog-like area and he couldn't quite see them clearly or actually get to them. He says that as they kept going along they became abusive (not unusual in "I went to Hell" cases) and after awhile he somehow knew that THEY USED TO BE HUMAN (in the sense that somehow they were no longer human -- somehow something different.) Neither the Bible nor other "I saw Hell" books say that unsaved humans become some other kind of creature and can leave Hell (actually Hades, but that's getting pretty technical) to attack recently deceased humans.
He also says that he met Jesus and a group of angels and the angels gave him DETAILED prophecies which they said would happen "in 200 years". They mainly referred to "Jesus" as "the One". The interaction between Jesus/the angels and the author is completely different from anything the Bible describes and -- again -- VERY different from most "I saw Heaven" or "I saw Hell" books. Usually, people who meet "the One" are meeting a pseudo-Jesus that is actually Lucifer.
I don't think the author is intentionally trying to mislead people by pretending that New Age beliefs are Christianity. I get the impression that he really doesn't realize the differences between his experience and Christian teachings. I think he thinks, "Of course EVERY person is going to filter their experiences through their beliefs and previous experiences. So I wouldn't expect that what *I* (i.e., the author) experienced would seem to match up exactly with the very few vague descriptions in the Bible."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fing fong
As I have always prayed and believed in God above anything else in this world, many things I read in this exceptionally life touching story, many things I previously thought rang true. I smiled during so many moments while reading this glorious book. Thank you, God for giving this man a second chance to experience the awesomeness of your love. I can never imagine how horrible it must be to have to live this life without knowing your love and feeling it completely - it is the most wonderful and I know I could never make it in this life without God. I pray hard for all Atheists, I NEVER even understood that whole concept - you can feel God in every single thing in this world - God loves us more than our own parents and then there are those who deny that love. Love God ALWAYS, in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book will bring many surprises along with tears of joy and a clear understanding of who Christ really is. Not just what he looks like on the cross but the reality of a spiritual being so powerful that it is beyond our comprehension. No matter what religion you are this book will be comforting to you. Howard explains that God's love cannot be contained or defined by Man's rules and regulations. He makes himself known to every human being on earth in every culture and through all kinds of worship that bring you closer to Him. Not just in church and not just in America. I loved this book and I hope you do too.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have read excerpts of this book online here and there and was fascinated by Howard's story I haven't finished the book so cannot give a full review but one thing is really bothering me that I can't seem to find. He NEVER mentions the hospital by name. Just says some public hospital in France. Wouldn't there be an actual hospital record or proof of him dying or having this surgery in France?!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maya niewiadomska
I loved how detailed the author was in the telling of his "after life" experience. Made me feel the sorrow that God feels when we do wrong, don't love one another, in essence sin doesn't only hurt us, but causes God incredible pain.
Remarkable, fast read, you won't want to put it down...
Remarkable, fast read, you won't want to put it down...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I never heared such as testimonies before.It's amazing book . I read it twice. I think that expirience of Howard storm being in heavens can help many people to come to Christ with repentance. This book confirms a faith and give a hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy donoghue
I purchased this book three times and gave it away to others. This is the best book ever written about out the body experience. Howard Storm was a narcissist, Art professor who did not care about anybody. After his out of the body experience in which he die and came back, his attitude toward life changed completely. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic writing about Howard's experience in his after-death; then rejuvenation back to life experience. This book might 'wreck' your old preconceived ways and what your "church" talks about in the after life...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hailea mabee
Best near death testimony I've ever read. Confirms that Jesus is totally real and 100% there for all us who accept Him. Most encouraging. His story is amazing and the book is well written. I gained a much better understanding of it means to live by grace and be in a state of total dependence before God. I crashed and burned after 6 years as a fundamentalist - trying to earn my relationship with God and it never worked. Highly recommended reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra marietti
This book is incredible, descriptive, and once you read it, you can't "unknow" it. It's like it opened my eyes, now I think about God all the time. The hell part is scary, yes (not to read before bed definitely) - but the rest is just incredible. I know this book was meant for me to read. If you're reading this review, it's for you too. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martha janners
Wonderful book. What impressed me the most was that although his experience was fundamentally grounded in a Christian view, the author nonetheless embraces an eclectic religious perspective that leaves room for the role of other beliefs and faiths. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber b
Howard Storm's Story with his experience in his NDE is incredible! It shows us how much God really Love's us and I am always amazed at His Grace. I can't wait to be with Our Lord and Savior all the days of my Life, and I am inspired and motivated by his experience. What a testimony!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara norena
I have read many books related to near death experiences. However, this man's story touched me more deeply than others. I found his account of what transpired to be imminently believable. You can also find clips of Mr. Storm detailing his story on Youtube. In those clips, he comes across as very genuine. Highly recommend this book to others.
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