The gripping Sunday Times bestseller now with an explosive new ending!

ByB A Paris

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christian fleschhut
The million-copy bestselling author returns with a psychological novel of disappearance and revenge.

Twelve years ago Finn and his girlfriend Layla are returning from Megève and they make a further stop on their return journey after supper in Paris, for a comfort break in a little lay-by. As the car comes to a stop, Layla shares some disconcerting news with Finn and his red rage surges like a volcano. Layla goes missing and when Finn comes to his senses, he searches for the lost love of his life but to no avail. Perhaps she has been kidnapped, murdered, held captive. He doesn’t believe that he could have harmed her whilst his anger enveloped him. The police certainly dig deep to discount his possible involvement. Finn gives his version of the story to the police, but it isn’t the whole truth…

As the story progresses, the chapters are a mix of “Now” 2018 and “Before” 2006 as the author drip feeds the story of Layla’s disappearance, how the two became a pair and how life moved on in the aftermath of Layla’s vanishing. Finn, in the present, is living with his new girlfriend, Ellen. Theirs is a pretty content life in fictional Simonsbridge in the Cotswolds, with cosy together time in between his bouts of working in Investments in the city.

He has kept the cottage in Devon, which he shared with Layla before she went missing, it is like an untended shrine to the memory of their life together.

One day, the tiniest figurine, the baby of a Russian Doll set appears. The significance is not lost on Finn – the “Russian Doll” had great significance in Layla’s childhood with her sister. When more identical figures appear through the post and are randomly positioned where they will be found by Finn and by Ellen, life becomes decidedly unsettled. His angst is further compounded by the arrival of e mails, purporting to be from Layla.

The author includes plenty of switchbacks, red herrings, and she solidifies each new development before moving on to the next part of the story. You really can’t get lost as the storyline moves forward – elements of the plot are reworked (yes, a little too much at times).

For me, the story teetered on the edge of being just plausible (OK, I need to suspend belief more often!). At times the plot was a little over-egged and none of the characters had sufficient depth to turn this into a really memorable psychological thriller – there is fury and rage that Finn needs to contain, which started way back, fomented by a girlfriend who cheated on him. Could there be sibling rivalry? Is domestic abuse rife? Perhaps Finn’s friend Harry is not all he seems, and as for Ruby the publican at their local pub… and so it goes on. It is gripping and I certainly did want to know how the story turned out! #ForgetSleep

Location in terms of TripFiction and literary wanderlust is not really a significant player in the novel, although the sense of cosy pubs and English countryside are certainly a factor.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
diane benz
Like so many others on here, I’m completely baffled by the positive reviews. About 1/3 of the way thru I had the ending figured, but kept going becauae I knew it just couldnt be. the possibility was too lame to be possible. I was wrong. About 1/2 of the way thru I realized there was basically no plotting taking place, just Finn’s ruminations, and those endless Russian Dolls, lord give me strength. Also about 1/2 of the way thru I realized I knew almost nothing about the characters, and cared what happened to them even less. The author moved them around the ‘story’ like a child moves a cardboard gamepiece on a game board. in other words clunky and one-dimensional. And the ending. Oh dear, I was right. It made zero sense. Plot holes the size of my thighs. And to add insult to injury- I paid $30 for this book at an airport bookseller, and can’t in good conscience pass it on to any of my loved ones.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with advance copy of the book.
I wish I loved it, I even wish I liked it just a little bit but I didn't. I was ready for the book to be over after reading the first couple of chapters.
The characters were underdeveloped, dull and boring. Finn's inner thoughts drove me crazy, I got so tired of it I just wanted to throw my reader against the wall. His constant lying was annoying.
The Russian dolls were overly done and the repetitiveness was unnecessary. (cesarean, after cesarean, after cesarean and release the little, this was just so poorly executed).
The book has no depth to it, very simple and elementary.
The ending was such a let down, I was very disappointed.
I really enjoyed Behind Closed Doors but Bring Me Back is nothing like it. Bring me back has no suspense, no thrilling aspect to it.
I hope the next one is better.
The Six Wives of Henry VIII :: Henry V (Dover Thrift Editions) :: The Reader (The Immortal Series Book 1) :: Drown by Junot Diaz (6-Nov-2008) Paperback :: The Inheritance: An Inlet Beach Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brenda lucero
Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin’s Press and B.A. Paris for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was very lucky to snag an advanced copy of this book. It was in high demand and not everyone who wanted one got one. So I was super excited to read this. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I really am never that lucky. This might have amped up my expectation for an outstanding read. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the book. But I don’t think it lived up to all of the hype.

Meet Finn. Ten years ago, the love of his life, Layla, disappeared. They were returning from a romantic getaway in France, when Finn stops at a highway rest stop to use the facilities. When he returns from the bathroom, Layla is gone. All her belonging, purse, money and phone are in the car. It’s as if she vanished into thin air. Was she taken? There was another car there that night and Finn saw a man walking back to his car. The police searched but never found any clues. The paper covered the story but no one ever called with information. There were never any ransom demands. It was obvious to Finn that everyone around him suspected that he killed her, even the police, but no one could prove it because he didn’t do it. He would never hurt Layla. Except that maybe he did. Finn knew he was capable of violence. And, I mean, he did lie to the police.

In the present day Finn has finally moved on, is happy and engaged to Ellen. Ellen helped him get over the loss of Layla. Oh, and Ellen happens to be Layla’s sister. But that’s what made it so easy. They shared a love of Layla. Ellen understood how much the loss meant to Finn because she felt it too. But now, someone is playing games with him, pretending to be Layla. After all this time, could it be her? What happened? Is she even alive? Is this the person who hurt her? And if it is her, why did she stay away all this time? Why is she reaching out now?

This book was just okay for me. To be honest, I expected more. I wanted to feel the suspense and I just didn’t. I figured out the ending pretty quickly so it didn’t come as a big shock. It sort of spoiled it. But I have read other novels where I have figured out the ending, but I still really enjoyed the process of getting there. I didn’t enjoy it as much with this novel. I was happy to read on, but I didn’t have the emotional connection to the characters to care what happened to them. I am not fond of the style where the characters have all the information at the beginning of the story and you just have to wait until they (or the author) decide to share it with you. I hope I am explaining this properly. There is no mystery, per se. When I read this genre I want to feel like I am driving down a beautiful coastal highway that is full of twists and turns, ups and downs and gorgeous scenery that distracts you, you don’t know where to look and you don’t know what is coming up ahead. I don’t mind being led down the garden path but there has to be a pay off at the end. I almost resent it when it is just information that is being withheld until it isn’t. That is the big twist. I’m just not a fan unless the story is so compelling it makes up for the lack of being clever. But I digress, not fair to go on a rant on this one particular book.

So not a bad read, just not as amazing as I had hoped. I still give it 3 stars. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts about the ending. Did you see it coming? Was it believable? Let me know in the comment section!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jacqueline higgins
Thank you NetGalley for this Advanced eGalley of Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris.

Finn and Layla are on holiday when she suddenly, and inexplicably, goes missing. Finn tries desperately to find her, but isn't sure how, or why, she's managed to disappear. Though he's eventually cleared of any foul play, the pall surrounding her disappearance never truly leaves him.

A dozen years later, Finn has settled into a new life--with Layla's sister, Ellen--and has moved on from the sensationalism that once engulfed him. However, now that he's finally moved on, signs that Layla could be alive begin to appear.

The idea that she may very well be alive and well sets Finn, and Layla's sister Ellen, on a path where both are forced to reckon with demons they'd believed were long since buried.

Unlike many, I didn't care for Behind Closed Doors. I thought it was okay, but it didn't make me want to run out and buy the next book Paris wrote. In fact, I skipped over The Breakdown altogether, so I didn't leap into Bring Me Back with any expectations.

That said, I was disappointed by its conclusion and annoyed by the amount of time it took to get to there. Honestly it wasn't clever enough to have taken so long to develop.

Even so, I read this in one sitting. Why? Because despite the ridiculous (and somewhat predictable) conclusion, it was impossible to deny a compulsive need to get to the end as quickly as possible; if for no other reason than to prove I'd come to the correct conclusion about its boring, one-dimensional, and uninspiring people.

For that reason alone I gave it two stars.

To say more would spoil "the fun" for those who look to read it, so I'll only say, it wasn't for me.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
wendy fuller
2.5 stars

Bring Me Back held none of the intensity of Paris’ debut novel and unfortunately was a disappointment.

Finn and Layla are driving along when Finn decides to stop at a service station to use the restroom. When he returns Layla is gone―never to be seen again. That is the story Finn told to the police, but it is not the whole story. The opening pages of this book did draw me in. I was eager to know what happened to Layla and why Finn couldn’t tell the police the whole truth? Ten years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen (ummm, yeah?!). Their shared grief over what happened to Layla drew them close. Then, not long before he and Ellen are to be married, Finn gets a phone call. Someone has seen Layla.

I had high hopes that this was going to be an engaging and gripping story after reading the prologue. However, my hopes plummeted rather quickly. This story was repetitive in places, slow and unbelievable. So why did I finish it? I kept hoping it would get better, that there would be this huge twist at the end. There wasn’t. While all the questions asked during the telling of the story are answered, they inspired nothing in me but a great, big yawn and a shrug of unbelievability!

After loving Paris’ debut novel, Behind Closed Doors, she was quickly added to my must-read list. Her sophomore attempt was good, but not as good as her first. This third novel totally missed the mark with this reader. I hope her next novel reaches the level of intensity her first did or she may go off my must-read list. Here’s hoping for the best.

Copy provided by NetGalley.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary jane
This story just did nothing for me. The book flips from the past to the present, confusing you if you aren’t paying strict attention, which was hard for me because it wasn’t interesting. I’d figured out the entire book by the time I was a quarter of the way through and my brain kept going on autopilot.
The main characters aren’t likeable, they are mainly one dimensional, bland. I couldn’t connect with the characters or the story, the story couldn’t hold my attention, the writing seemed phoned in. It really felt like the author had come up with a kernel of a story that would have been better off as a novella.
I don’t feel that there’s enough intrigue or suspense in a novel that’s touted as a thriller, like I said, I’d figured it out early on and had to wade through so much fluff to get to the end. Even the side characters were uninspiring, boring, and bland. The slap dash way the author attempted to throw suspicion on the side characters was sophomoric at best.
I was provided a copy of this book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chelsea soulier
Entertaining but utterly ridiculous!

The plot is derived from a soap opera and the main character is a moron. However, it's a fun mindless read!

Unfortunately, I was less than impressed with Bring Me Back. I feel like all the soap opera watching I have done helped me to figure things out rather early on. I was hoping I was wrong, but sadly I was not. When all was revealed, I was laughing and I don’t think I was meant to be. I am capable of suspending disbelief but this goes beyond. I really could have cared less about Finn, Ellen, and Layla. They lacked depth and intelligence. Peggy the dog was the only character I cared about.

Despite all the issues I had, I did have fun reading this and I enjoyed how the Russian nesting dolls were woven in.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ben hughes
I bought this book because the author is apparently a bestselling author of a previous book. I should have bought the previous book instead! I had to force myself to finish this one. Very repetitive. You spend too much time reading about events that have already been explained in previous sections of the book. We get it! The connection to the Russian dolls just didn't work for me. And that phrase "Russian Dolls" seemed to appear on every page (maybe not, but it seemed like it)! The ending was terribly disappointing. And as for characterization--there was little to like about any of the characters. By the end of the book, I hated them all. I can't help but think that this book might not have made it to publication if not for the author's earlier literary success. I cannot recommend this one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
heather domin
After recovering from the disappearance of the woman he loved, a man begins to receive messages that indicate she might have returned. The man is trying to move on with his life but becomes more and more convinced that someone has other plans. Author B.A. Paris returns with another thriller that will leave readers unsatisfied and shaking their heads in dismay with Bring Me Back.

It’s been 12 years since Finn McQuaid’s fiancé, Layla, went missing. Not a week goes by that he hasn’t thought of the mysterious way she slipped away from his life. On the way home from a skiing trip, Finn stopped at a picnic area to use the restroom. When he came back to the car, Layla was no longer in it.

More than a decade later, Finn still can’t shake his unease about the situation. Still, he’s moved on, including meeting someone new. Ironically, even that normal act won’t let him forget Layla, because the person he’s now engaged to is her sister, Ellen.

By most accounts, the relationship developed through a natural series of events. The two met in the aftermath of Layla’s disappearance, became friends, then lovers, and now live together. Finn proposed to Ellen because he cares for her, but he also doesn’t want Ellen to compare herself to Layla or feel he doesn’t love her the same way he did her sister.

For the most part, Finn and Ellen are happy. Then Finn receives a call from the police detective who worked on Layla’s case. A former neighbor claims to have spotted Layla in town.

Finn tries to brush off his suspicions and even the budding hope that Layla has returned. A part of him has always loved her, and even though he had nothing to do with her disappearance he feels guilty for the way they fought not long before she went missing. Could it be that she left of her own will and now wants to give their relationship another chance?

He starts getting cryptic emails claiming to be from Layla, and Finn finds himself trapped between his current life and his former one. Other messages follow, and Finn begins lying to Ellen as well as his friends. He decides the only way to make peace with his past and Layla is to solve the mystery himself.

Author B.A. Paris’ third book outdoes the incredulity of her previous two novels. Smart readers will figure out about halfway through this latest thriller what’s actually going on and why Layla chooses to stay hidden instead of meeting Finn face to face. The “mysterious” emails become tedious as do the Russian dolls meant to be a key plot device. Readers will get impatient with Finn and Layla, and as the story unfolds that impatience is sure to give way to eyerolling.

Problematic, too, is Ellen’s passivity during the entire story until the climax. It’s only believable up to a certain point that she would remain so patient with Finn’s increasing aloofness toward her, and astute readers will question early on why she’s content to let Finn’s bizarre behavior fly without comment. In the world of thrillers, her lethargy in this scenario can only mean one of a few things. Paris reveals too much, most likely without intention, by her choices in Ellen’s characterization.

Readers wanting a quick-fix thriller in between more substantial, meaty books might like this one; otherwise, I recommend readers Bypass Bring Me Back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have reviewed "The Breakdown", B. A. Paris' hit book from last year. When this one was offered to me for review I jumped on it and I'm happy to say this one was just as good, in fact better, than the last one. "Bring Me Back" begins by telling the reader about the night Layla disappeared. We learn what Finn told the police that night after she vanished from a car park while Finn and Layla were on vacation. By the second page, Finn has admitted to the reader that it's not the whole truth.

One wonders, is Finn the killer? Is Layla dead? Is Finn feeling guilty about something else in their relationship which causes him to blame himself for Layla's disappearance? It is ten years later and through the grief of losing Layla, Finn and Layla's sister Ellen are a couple. They bond through mutual understanding and need for comfort but is it love? Finn has proposed, Ellen has accepted. Is Finn truly prepared to love just Ellen or is he haunted by the love he still holds for Layla?

Their bond will be tested when an old acquaintance of Finn's reports to the police that he has seen Layla! This begins a bizarre and unsettling search for Layla. There are disturbing phone calls and little treasures from Layla's past left at Finn & Ellen's home. Is Layla alive and if so, what does she want? Or is someone playing a very sick joke on the newly engaged couple?

This is a stunning psychological thriller that grips you with the what if of the past and future. I loved every minute of this story. There were even times when I thought the author had made a misstep but I was wrong as the next chapter smoothed out my discomfort. Keep reading if you get to a disbelieving state because it all works out in the end. I didn't promise a happy ending, that you'll have to find out for yourself but I'm telling you, you won't regret giving this book a few hours of your time.

B. A, Paris wrote some beautiful characters in this novel. The main character was well fleshed out for the reader. So well written that understanding his feelings and motivations seems second nature. I could feel the ache Finn had for his lost love, Layla. Paris' expert touch made this book even more enjoyable and I look forward to her next thriller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Finn’s first engagement ended painfully when his fiancée, Layla, went missing at a rest stop in France. Initially accused of having something do with her disappearance, he retreated into a small community and built a life for himself. Years later, his fiancée assumed dead, he meets her sister Ellen for the first time at a memorial for Layla and they unexpectedly connect. Now they are living together and engaged when some odd things begin to happen, things that lead him to believe Layla may be alive after all, returned for some reason, and playing some sort of game with him. Fearful that he won’t be believed, he keeps the strange messages to himself, until he can’t anymore. Could Layla really be alive? If so, why return now, after all these years? Why play these games rather than show herself? Why contact him and not her sister? If it isn’t her, who is doing this to him and why?

Bring Me Back is my second read of B.A. Paris’s work, and so far, my favorite. Though it had one shortcoming that cost it a star, 4 stars is still an excellent rating in my book! In the beginning, there are so many questions about what really happened at that rest stop, and the truth is revealed in small snippets throughout the story. Just when you think you know what’s happening, new information comes to light to flip the story around, until you no longer trust your instincts. In the end, one of my suspicions was confirmed, though the details were a bit questionable. In fact, my one issue with the story hangs on that particular detail, as it was my sole argument for why what I was thinking couldn’t be true. That concern was not addressed properly, and my logical brain just can’t let it go.

If you liked The Breakdown, I suspect you’ll enjoy Bring Me Back even more. The conflict resolution, though questionable, is also uncommon, making this particular story wholly original.

Note: I received this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I pride myself on writing fair and honest reviews.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dylan platt
I loved B.A. Paris’ first book “Behind Closed Doors”. I thought “The Breakdown” was really good. So I was really eager to jump into this book. Twelve years ago Finn and Layla were in love. But returning from their vacation one night, Finn stops at what Americans know as a rest stop -- the story is set in England -- to use the restroom. When he returns Layla is gone. For twelve years there has been no sign of Layla so he moves on and is now engaged to Layla’s sister Ellen. What happened to Layla? Is she dead? If she is alive where has she been for twelve years? Did Finn have anything to do with her disappearance? Remember that the past always seems to come back to haunt you at the absolute worst time. Low and behold, once Finn and Ellen’s engagement is announced there is suddenly a sign that Layla may still be alive.

Once I started reading I quickly became lukewarm to it. Where was this going? After the initial “grab you” moment, it seemed to lag. But then probably two-thirds of the way through it grabbed me. I could not put it down. It was suspenseful. The short chapters kept me reading “just one more chapter”, just one more, just one more… I didn’t know who to love and who to hate. So many lies, so many secrets kept from those supposedly loved. Their emotions reached out from the printed page, one moment tugging at my heart, the next like hands wrapped around my throat choking me. I was along for the ride.

But then the ending – it just did not work for me. I love thrillers - especially those with a good twist. But that twist has to be plausible. It has to pull me along with it. Instead I dug in my heels, shook it off, and detached. I felt like throwing the book across the room.

Even with that emotional reaction I give it 4 stars. Why? Because it did elicit a strong emotional reaction. I cared about some of the characters. I wanted things to work out for them. I feel I have to rate the book on its entirety, not just on its ending. The writing was really good – character development strong. The author is unquestionably talented. I just hope for more believability with her next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* Jones
Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* Jones's Reviews > Bring Me Back
Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris
Bring Me Back
by B.A. Paris (Goodreads Author)
Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* Jones's review Jun 23, 2018 · edit
it was amazing
bookshelves: to-read, 5-star, contemporary-fiction, family-drama, psychological-thriller, suspense, mystery, netgalley-arc, new-to-me-author

EXCERPT: Everything - all this - would be much easier if Ellen and I had fallen in love with other people instead of each other. It shouldn't matter that Ellen is Layla’s sister, not when twelve years have passed since Layla’s disappeared.

But, of course, it does.

ABOUT THIS BOOK: Finn and Layla are young, in love, and on vacation. They’re driving along the highway when Finn decides to stop at a service station to use the restroom. He hops out of the car, locks the doors behind him, and goes inside. When he returns Layla is gone—never to be seen again. That is the story Finn told to the police. But it is not the whole story.

Ten years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen. Their shared grief over what happened to Layla drew them close and now they intend to remain together. Still, there’s something about Ellen that Finn has never fully understood. His heart wants to believe that she is the one for him...even though a sixth sense tells him not to trust her.

Then, not long before he and Ellen are to be married, Finn gets a phone call. Someone from his past has seen Layla—hiding in plain sight. There are other odd occurrences: Long-lost items from Layla’s past that keep turning up around Finn and Ellen’s house. Emails from strangers who seem to know too much. Secret messages, clues, warnings. If Layla is alive—and on Finn’s trail—what does she want? And how much does she know?

A tour de force of psychological suspense, Bring Me Back will have you questioning everything and everyone until its stunning climax.

MY THOUGHTS: Bring Me Back is the first book I have read by B. A. Paris, about whose writing I have heard so many great things. I won't be disputing any of them. I picked this up to read when I got home from work, tired and grumpy, yesterday afternoon and didn't put it down until I finished late last night. I couldn't put it down. I would have bitten off any hand that tried to separate me from it.

WOW! Gripping. Addictive. Paris had my mind spinning with possible scenarios which kept changing with each turn of the page.

And plausible. . . Just how secure would you feel being the fiance of the man who loved your sister, the sister who disappeared under suspicious circumstances some years earlier? Similarly, would you wonder, if you were him, why the sister of your previous love has fallen for you when you were a suspect in her disappearance?

Cleverly crafted, the story is told from both Finn's and Layla’s points of view, both at the time of her disappearance and now, when the appearance of the smallest in the set of Russian dolls has driven a small but perceptible wedge between Finn and Ellen.

Clever. Very clever Ms. Paris. I love it!

Thank you to St Martin's Press via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of Bring Me Back by B. A. Paris for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When Finn and Ellen announced their engagement in the local paper, they weren't expecting any big celebrations in their honor. The truth is, Finn hadn't been expecting to fall in love with Ellen. He'd been expecting to spend the rest of his life with her sister, Layla. But then Layla disappeared. 

Finn and Layla had been driving back from a ski vacation in France, back to the English village where they lived, when Finn had to stop at a rest stop. When he returned to the car, Layla was gone. He looked all over for her, but she was nowhere to be found. The police had no luck either, but they did take a very close look at Finn, wondering if he had done something to cause her disappearance. They never found anything. Nothing to incriminate Finn, no body, no trace of Layla anywhere. 

Eventually Finn was able to move on. He decided to set up a bench at one of Layla's favorite places, inviting all their friends for the memorial. Layla's older sister showed up as well. Where Layla was colorful and lived out loud, Ellen is subdued and keeps things to herself. Where Layla was adventurous, leaving their childhood home to find a new life in London, Ellen stayed home to care for their aging father. Where Finn fell into a desperate, crazy love with Layla, he fell into a quiet, comforting love with Ellen. 

And now Finn and Ellen are planning on getting married. But someone out there isn't happy about that. A Russian nesting doll shows up on the wall outside their home. That seems innocuous enough, except that Ellen had a set of Russian nesting dolls when they were kids. She still had the set, all except the smallest doll. Layla had kept that with her when she went to London, and she had it in her pocket when she went missing. Finn starts getting alarming emails. And there are sightings of Layla, after all this time. 

Finn starts to gets nervous. Who could be behind all this? Finn's ex-girlfriend? Or is his former roommate secretly in love with Ellen? Could they be having an affair? Or is it possible that somehow Layla isn't dead after all? As the emails escalate, as the dolls keep showing up in surprising places, as Finn's imagination spins out of control, he can't help but wonder what it all means for him and for Ellen. 

B.A. Paris, author of The Breakdown and Behind Closed Doors, is back with another twisty tale of love and relationships. Bring Me Back is a twisted story, with layers of secrets and half-truths. Just as you start to think you've figured it out, you learn something new that takes you in a new direction. I liked The Breakdown more than I liked Behind Closed Doors, and I liked Bring Me Back more than I liked The Breakdown. What does that mean? It means that B.A. Paris just keeps getting better and better. So now I can't wait to read next year's thriller! 

Galleys for Bring Me Back were provided by St. Martin's Press through NetGalley, with many thanks. 
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer e cooper
Bring Me Back is wonderfully written with intriguing characters and a thrilling plot that I’ve just seen a few too many times to fully enjoy but newer thriller readers should love.

Finn and Layla have a perfect relationship until it all goes awry and Layla disappears after the couple stops to use the restroom on the way home from a skiing trip. When Finn contacts the police he tells them everything he can to help find Layla, but there are some things he can’t tell them. Twelve years later, Finn has moved on and is engaged to Layla’s sister Ellen when he receives a phone call informing him that someone has seen Layla. Alive. Soon after items connected to Layla begin appearing around his house and Finn received emails from someone who knows things that only Layla could know. If Layla is alive, why contact him now? Where has she been for the last twelve years? And what is it that she wants?

Bring Me Back is broken up into three parts and is told in alternating chapters of before and after with the before eventually catching you up on everything that happened twelve years ago. From the start you know Finn lied about the night Layla went missing, but you don’t know what it was that he lied about. I enjoyed finding out what actually happened that night, but the story fell apart a bit for me in the present day chapters where Finn is led to believe that Layla has returned. Unfortunately the direction the author went is one I’ve read many times before which lessened my enjoyment, but I see how someone newer to the thriller genre would like the direction she chose to take the story.

The characters in this book felt realistic with their own hidden agendas and it’s obvious immediately that everyone is keeping secrets from one another. While I liked learning what everyone was hiding, it felt like the author kept repeating that everyone was untrustworthy which got a bit tiring. There were a few aspects to each of the characters that surprised me though which was a nice change as a lot of thriller characters tend to just be cutouts of each other.

While I liked Bring Me Back it didn’t feel like it was unique in the genre, but I am definitely interested in the author’s other books which I think will work better for me. I would recommend this book if you’re a newer reader of the thriller genre.

**I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher which I voluntarily and honestly reviewed.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeremy poh
A fast and suspenseful story of love, betrayal and jealously and a woman who has been missing for twelve years.

Finn and Layla who have dated for over a year and are madly in love, are skiing in Megeve, France. They stop in Paris for dinner and a walk along the Seine on the way home to Devon, England An hour and a half after leaving Paris, Finn makes a rest stop at a picnic area, and when he returns to the car, Layla is gone, never to be seen again. That’s the story that Finn told the police. But that’s not quite the whole story.

Twelve years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen, who is an illustrator. Finn believes their grief over what happened to Layla, is what drew them together. Ellen and Layla were so different, Ellen’s hair is much darker, she eats differently and is much skinnier than Layla. And their personalities are also different, Ellen is much quieter and introspective than Layla was. But Finn loved them both.

Not long before Finn and Ellen are to be married, Finn gets a phone call, an old neighbor says they have seen Layla in front of Finn and Layla’s old cottage. Not long after, Ellen finds an old missing keepsake, a little Russian nesting doll, laying on the pavement outside their house. It’s been missing since she was a little girl. Layla was the only one who knew that. That little Russian nesting doll has meaning to Finn as well, Layla had it with her that night she went missing. And then Finn gets an email that shocks him to his core. Was Layla alive? Has she come back? Where has she been? And what does she want?

The little Russian stacking dolls start turning up everywhere: in the mail, on the garden wall, at the restaurant, on the car windshield. It’s very creepy! And by that time, you are so invested in the book you absolutely cannot put it down. The plot drives the narrative in this chilling book. And while the you may not like the egotistical Finn or the moody Ellen, the character development is superb. You’re going to want to buckle your seatbelt for this stunning ride, because the twisty turns may give you whiplash. B. A. Paris’s writing is fluid and she takes the checkered flag with this fast and furious suspense-filled story. Fans of Paris’s first two novels, Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown will love Bring Me Back. She does not disappoint.

Thanks to Netgalley , St. Martins Press, and B. A. Paris for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
raymond robert
Bring Me Back: B.A. Paris
Within his mind Finn relates his thoughts and version of what happened to Layla before and after she vanished. Going to a gas block and then to the toilet block to relieve him, Layla decided to remain in the car. So, where was she when he came out? Was she kidnapped, did she wanted aimlessly away or did the person in the other vehicle take her? Who is Layla and what is her real role in this novel as yet to be revealed in both the present and the past as the author takes us back in time to allow readers to catch a glimpse of Layla and her tenuous on and off relationship with Finn. Realty vs. falseness/delusion/ or the world or state of things as they actually exist as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. As you read this novel and hear Finn’s voice as he gives you the account of events from the past and the present you begin to wonder just where Layla wound up, what really happened that night at the toilet block and what caused her to disappear or did she? Their relationship had many layers and from the moment he met her when she was a bit disoriented and lost he took her under his power or wing wanting to control her every thought and movement. Having her move in with him and Harry, his partner at work and roommate was just the start but when she decided to move out and he had no contact with her for two months he becomes over anxious, distraught and you can feel the tension and anger well up within in. Betrayals and deceptions and Layla whose voice you won’t hear until the author allows you to learn the hidden truths that might never be uncovered.
Within the present someone is leaving clues for Finn causing him to think Layla is alive and that someone has seen her including his new love, Ellen her sister. Is she going to marry her because he loves her or because she reminds him of Layla in some way? Who is leaving the Russian Dolls that are so a part of Layla’s life? Who is sending him emails and why does he go after so many thinking they are from people that live in the town where he now resides? What about the cottage that he never sold? Who leads him directly there letting him think they have Layla or is it Layla herself?
When Finn shares with us the harsh reality of what happened that night when she disappeared you will wonder just what part he played in her disappearance and why we get to realize that he has a highly explosive personality and all those that he claims he loves he wants to possess.
Going to St. Mary’s hoping to find her, then to the cottage in Devon both Layla and Finn express their reasons as we learn about the Russian Dolls and why so many would be placed where he can find them.
Going to the cottage Layla realizes or thinks that Finn did not keep it up but yet the garden is pristine thanks to a man named Thomas. But, what psychological haunts will she spring on him and how far will he go to realize whether she is trying to come back to his life or is there something else? Hints are all around and yet you wonder just how she really feels about her sister taking her place with the man who claimed he only wanted her. Things do spiral out of control as Finn finds his way to the Jackdaw and talking with Ruby who seems to have her own take on what might have happened as he is trying to rationalize what is real from what might be fiction. The dolls were one clue, the emails another and the many places that he goes to in order to search for her. Tony the detective in town and friend could have centered him but Finn wanted to do it all alone and even shut Ellen out at times. Finn was even questioned in her disappearance and cleared when at the rest stop in France on holiday. Exeter police detective Tony Heddon is the reason why he sets off on a quest to find Layla claiming that someone called him and said that sighted her outside their old cottage on Devon, which is one reason that takes him there. Then the next one arrives at Ellen’s home, which is the Russian doll on the sidewalk in front, their home. The dolls are the major draw and they are similar to the one found at the place where she disappeared. These flashbacks and other sightings set him off on this quest to find her.
Credibility is at the heart of this novel as we have to decide what is real, what is the author, Finn or Layla hoping that we will believe as part 2 allows us inside the mind of Layla and explains the rationale for what she is doing to Finn but why? Does she want him to find her? Does she only want to taunt him? What is the real reason? What about what really happened that night between them?
Layla vs. Finn each voice heard expressing different takes on the events that happen. One demanding that the other rid themselves of Ellen and giving a countdown of days in order to satisfy her whim or will to overtake Finn and have him choose which one he wanted. Then, something happens when he goes to the location Layla sends him to and he realizes it’s just another piece in a broken jigsaw puzzle and wonders if he should call Harry or Tony and ask for help. Engaged to Ellen and never to Layla things take on a different turn as the author sets the stage for Part 3 of this novel where the unexpected will happen and the light might shine on the truth but you won’t believe how and on who!
The Russian Dolls, the emails, the threats against Ellen, the demands, the sightings, the misdirection and then a finale you just won’t believe. A message on Ellen’s computer will enlighten Finn but what he does will change the dynamics of it all.
Going back to his job as an investment manager and hoping to strike it with some more clients little does he realize the gas lighting being done to him right in front of his eyes. Lying and creating his own sense of truth while dealing with so called clients and hoping that Ellen will see it his way, what happens when she disappears? What happens when he thinks Layla might have taken her?
Steering him to St. Mary’s and then to Simonbridge where he created his own financial empire you might say and was successful and his finances set for life, the world will shatter and the ceiling will fall down as author B.A. Paris creates an ending so unexpected, so diabolical and so tragic you won’t see it coming. An outer force is controlling someone and causing that person to commit acts that might not have happened but was caused by the person’s past. How can you escape the horrors of you past after watching something that will remain imbedded in your mind forever?
When the final scene is shown and the players are all there just what you will learn will be the end result of hoping that Finn will someday do what Layla wanted that is as she hoped he would: BRING ME BACK!
Characters that are unique and two sisters that are so different yet in some ways the same. One man who wanted them both and fought within himself before a harsh reality set in. Ellen vs Layla: Who wins? Did anyone? You don’t want to pass this one up! A psychological thriller with a mind-altering twist. BRING ME BACK will take you to places within your mind and that of the characters that you have never explored before.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you’ve read either of B. A. Paris’ previous books you know one thing – that you really won’t know anything for sure until the final page. You also learn the characters are flawed. You want to like them. Sometimes you do like them. But you never are fully on board with them, and you don’t really trust any of them. Even the sweetest, most innocent character can scare you and you flip-flop: good, bad; what you see is never what you get. And you’re in for almost more plot twists and turns and surprises than you can keep up with. Bring Me Back is no exception.

First there is Finn, then Layla, then not Layla, and then Ellen – and then maybe Layla is back in the picture. It all made me nervous. I even feared for Peggy the dog. The Russian nesting dolls seem to be clues. They are creepy and make you doubt Finn, or doubt Ellen, or doubt Ellen’s sanity, and wonder just what Layla was like and what happened to her. Is she alive? Is there someone out there who knows? Finn reveals more and more that he kept secret as the story moves along, but you still really have no idea what’s true and what isn’t, and who should be afraid and who you should be afraid of.

Bring Me Back is a very fast paced, complicated, compelling story. With that and all the twists and turns the ending was a little confusing and I had to suspend disbelief a bit. But that was okay and didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story; maybe I was just reading as fast as I could because I couldn’t put it down, couldn’t slow down.

Bring Me Back was an enjoyable read and I recommend it. However, I feel I must point out that it is not as good as The Breakdown, which was not as good as Behind Closed Doors, and perhaps it’s time for B. A. Paris to turn her talent with words and action to something new and different. The market is so flooded now with books with dramatic, unbelievable surprise ending reveals that we are starting to expect them and rather than being completely surprised as we were in Behind Closed Doors we find ourselves trying to figure out what the surprise reveal will be rather than being blissfully unaware that there will be one at all. That takes a little of the edge off and some of the enjoyment in the plot away.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amanda mcclain raab
Bring Me Back is an edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller that begins with the mysterious disappearance of a woman, Layla, at a restroom stop in France. Finn, her boyfriend, is frantic when he discovers her gone. After months of searching, he gives up and returns home. Fast forward twelve years and Finn is engaged to marry Ellen, Layla's sister, and yet Layla is never far from his mind. After Finn and Ellen's engagement announcement appears in a local paper, an omen in the form of a tiny Russian doll appears on the wall in front of their house. The relevance and implications are monumental as it's a link to Ellen's childhood. Only she, Layla, and Finn know the significance of the Russian doll. From this point, events spiral out of control as Finn begins receiving sinister and threatening correspondence from someone claiming to be "Layla". Is it possible Layla has returned to reclaim her life . . . and man? Or is someone playing cruel, obsessive mind games?

Through alternating chapters of past and present, Bring Me Back unfolds through two points of view. I was quickly drawn into this thriller and found my heart racing as the story and Finn's state of mind spiral out of control. The first half is addictive as the dark and ominous tone, frantic pace, and urgent sense of time running out escalates. I burned through pages looking for answers along with Finn. The author does a great job setting up the characters, scenes, and plotline leading to an explosive first half. As the story progresses, secrets and lies surface clueing readers into the fact that all is not as it seems. A little more than halfway, I realized what was happening, but still felt a sense of urgency and trepidation as I read on to see how the author would weave it all together. Approaching the end, events occurred that had me thinking back over the story, and I just wasn't quite able to accept things as plausible. As a result, a story that began with great promise fell short of the mark in my opinion. Bring Me Back is a compelling story that I admittedly read nonstop, but the direction the author chose to take the plot line didn't work for me in the end. I think psychological thriller fans will be evenly split on this one. Give it a shot and decide for yourself!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Bring Me Back" was an interesting ride. I picked it up because I absolutely loved "Behind Closed Doors." I would place this one below "Behind Closed Doors" but above "The Breakdown" in terms of predictability and addictiveness/page-turning. Here, we follow primarily Finn, a man who had lost his girlfriend, Layla, about 12 years ago at a rest stop while on vacation in France. He began to date Layla's sister Ellen and has recently become engaged to her.

The book is told in three parts. The first part follows Finn before and now, recapping the events leading up to Layla's disappearance and describing his current life, as things begin to change. The second part continues to follow Finn in the present but also takes another character's point-of-view (which I won't say to avoid any potential spoilers). The final part moves quickly as we wrap up and figure out what has really been going on.

Overall, I found it really engaging and I had trouble putting it down. Paris is a great writer, and the book flows beautifully. In terms of the twists and turns, I was absolutely captivated by the first part of the book, wanting to learn more about the events leading to Layla's disappearance and what Finn's current life is like. He was an interesting character who I was driven not to like in the first part, but then started to feel for (although still not particularly like) in the second part. Despite not liking him as a person, I absolutely wanted to know what would happen between him and the sister in the present and what had happened between him and the missing woman in the past.

In the second part, I almost wish we didn't get the perspective of the "new" character- it read like a comic supervillain and almost gave away too much information. I ended up figuring out what was going on about 2/3rds of the way through (but at least it wasn't as fast as with "The Breakdown"), and I love to be surprised, so I wish it hadn't been quite so clear. If I focused on Finn's sections, it was more of a slow build and not so obvious, so I wish the other perspective hadn't been included. Despite that, it was still a pretty solid book overall and would be good for Paris's fans!

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pam harber
This mixture of domestic drama and psychological suspense gets a 3 star review from me.

Bring Me Back is told from two POVs - Finn's and Layla's. They are an English couple, soon to be engaged and passionately in love. They have gone away on holiday in France. When returning, Finn stops at a roadside rest area to use the bathroom, and when he comes out, Layla is gone. No sign of her anywhere. Finn is arrested on suspicion of her murder, but ultimately let go as there is no proof that a murder occurred. No one ever see Layla again.

Twelve years have passed, and Finn has moved on with his life. He is engaged again, to Ellen, who happens to be Layla's older sister. He didn't seek Ellen out, they just naturally formed a pair after spending lots of time together along with a mutual friend. Layla will always be Finn's first and true love, but life with Ellen is good too. She's steady, agreeable, calmer than her younger sister was, but she's comfortable to be with. Finn is happy.

Until he gets a call from his old next door neighbor who says that he saw Layla. Not too long afterwards, Ellen herself claims that she has seen Layla as well. Meanwhile, Finn is finding little Russian dolls (meaningful to him from a childhood story Layla had shared with him), and begins to get emails from someone claiming to be Layla. Could Layla really be alive? Where has she been and why is she showing up only now? Is it because she is upset about Finn's recent engagement to her sister? Ellen, now too, begins receiving the dolls, and is upset, wanting to know if Layla is indeed back, who will Finn choose to be with? Is it really Layla, or is someone just messing with their heads, trying to interfere with their happiness.

The emails escalate in intensity and put a time limit countdown in place for Finn to take action in breaking away from Ellen before "Layla" reveals herself. Will he do as he's requested, or will the emailer take action on his/her own?

I must admit, that though I had part of the end figured out, I still was completely surprised by some of it!

A good fun read, nothing exceptional, but entertaining.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
B.A. Paris's most recent thriller is an entertaining read, but it ultimately failed to impress—which is a shame, since it's my first novel by an author I've heard so much about.

When someone starts sending Finn cryptic suggestions that his long-lost first love, Layla, may not be dead like everyone assumed, everything about the life he's carefully crafted since that fateful night is suddenly in jeopardy ... including his blossoming relationship with Layla's sister, Ellen. Predictably, Finn keeps the growing list of strange occurrences and eventual threats secret from Ellen and the police. And, predictably, he's been lying for a decade about what really happened when Layla disappeared, so he takes it upon himself to uncover whether she's alive after all these years.

From the start, the characters feel very superficial and hard to connect with. It's a struggle to muster any sympathy for Finn and his single-minded personality. Impenetrable characters usually heighten the intrigue around what they're really hiding, but Finn's "secret" fails to shock, and the anticlimactic truth about the night of Layla's disappearance ten years ago casts a damper over the rest of the novel.

The same suspects cycle in and out of Finn's spotlight, which grows repetitive quickly, and some of the clichéd threats he receives are cringe-worthy. My predictions about the twist were slightly off, so while the big reveal did garner a respectful nod, I still wasn't invested enough in the plot to fully appreciate it.

Nevertheless, several of the secondary characters are enjoyable, including an ex-girlfriend that alternates between suspect and sounding board, and the Russian nesting doll aspect of the plot is delightfully creepy. Another plus is the structure of the first half of the novel, bouncing between the present and the past. The past thread is narrated by Finn as he directly addresses Layla, which is a unique and refreshing approach to the dual timeline.

Overall, Bring Me Back is a solid psychological suspense novel, but it just didn't quite work for me. I struggled from the start to connect with the superficial characters and plot, but I did find parts to enjoy, and I'm still looking forward to reading more of B.A. Paris's work in the future.

Warm thanks to St. Martin's Press for providing me with an advance reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
* I received a free advanced copy of this book from the publisher via #netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I discovered BA Paris, the author of Bring Her Back, last year and enjoyed her previous two books. When I heard she has a new book coming out this year, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I was ecstatic when I received the advanced copy for review.

The author is an excellent writer who keeps you on the edge of your seat. Just like with the previous two, I couldn’t put this book down and actually had to make myself stop so I could get some sleep. One reason I enjoyed her first two books is the author doesn’t use profanity, sex or violence to drive the plot. It takes integrity, skill and courage not to do what mainstream authors do. She stood out to me excellently because of this. Sadly, in this third one, there was one instance of profanity that I hope is not the beginning of her being like the rest.

I loved the book all the way up to about 90% of it. I really had no idea how it was going to end. Then, it started to fall apart. The only character I actually liked ended up not what I had expected and quite disappointed me. The ending is so unfulfilling, though I admit I can’t think of a better way to conclude this complicated story. I just felt a little betrayed after luring me into the story, after I devoted all the time to invest in the characters (some I didn’t like in the beginning, but they kind of grew on me), then only to be given a simplistic, irrational and irritating ending.

I hope Bring Her Back is a glitch in Ms. Paris’ repertoire because I want to keep her in my already very short list of favorite modern fiction authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diah handayani
Bring Me Back: B.A. Paris
Within his mind Finn relates his thoughts and version of what happened to Layla before and after she vanished. Going to a gas block and then to the toilet block to relieve him, Layla decided to remain in the car. So, where was she when he came out? Was she kidnapped, did she wanted aimlessly away or did the person in the other vehicle take her? Who is Layla and what is her real role in this novel as yet to be revealed in both the present and the past as the author takes us back in time to allow readers to catch a glimpse of Layla and her tenuous on and off relationship with Finn. Realty vs. falseness/delusion/ or the world or state of things as they actually exist as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. As you read this novel and hear Finn’s voice as he gives you the account of events from the past and the present you begin to wonder just where Layla wound up, what really happened that night at the toilet block and what caused her to disappear or did she? Their relationship had many layers and from the moment he met her when she was a bit disoriented and lost he took her under his power or wing wanting to control her every thought and movement. Having her move in with him and Harry, his partner at work and roommate was just the start but when she decided to move out and he had no contact with her for two months he becomes over anxious, distraught and you can feel the tension and anger well up within in. Betrayals and deceptions and Layla whose voice you won’t hear until the author allows you to learn the hidden truths that might never be uncovered.
Within the present someone is leaving clues for Finn causing him to think Layla is alive and that someone has seen her including his new love, Ellen her sister. Is she going to marry her because he loves her or because she reminds him of Layla in some way? Who is leaving the Russian Dolls that are so a part of Layla’s life? Who is sending him emails and why does he go after so many thinking they are from people that live in the town where he now resides? What about the cottage that he never sold? Who leads him directly there letting him think they have Layla or is it Layla herself?
When Finn shares with us the harsh reality of what happened that night when she disappeared you will wonder just what part he played in her disappearance and why we get to realize that he has a highly explosive personality and all those that he claims he loves he wants to possess.
Going to St. Mary’s hoping to find her, then to the cottage in Devon both Layla and Finn express their reasons as we learn about the Russian Dolls and why so many would be placed where he can find them.
Going to the cottage Layla realizes or thinks that Finn did not keep it up but yet the garden is pristine thanks to a man named Thomas. But, what psychological haunts will she spring on him and how far will he go to realize whether she is trying to come back to his life or is there something else? Hints are all around and yet you wonder just how she really feels about her sister taking her place with the man who claimed he only wanted her. Things do spiral out of control as Finn finds his way to the Jackdaw and talking with Ruby who seems to have her own take on what might have happened as he is trying to rationalize what is real from what might be fiction. The dolls were one clue, the emails another and the many places that he goes to in order to search for her. Tony the detective in town and friend could have centered him but Finn wanted to do it all alone and even shut Ellen out at times. Finn was even questioned in her disappearance and cleared when at the rest stop in France on holiday. Exeter police detective Tony Heddon is the reason why he sets off on a quest to find Layla claiming that someone called him and said that sighted her outside their old cottage on Devon, which is one reason that takes him there. Then the next one arrives at Ellen’s home, which is the Russian doll on the sidewalk in front, their home. The dolls are the major draw and they are similar to the one found at the place where she disappeared. These flashbacks and other sightings set him off on this quest to find her.
Credibility is at the heart of this novel as we have to decide what is real, what is the author, Finn or Layla hoping that we will believe as part 2 allows us inside the mind of Layla and explains the rationale for what she is doing to Finn but why? Does she want him to find her? Does she only want to taunt him? What is the real reason? What about what really happened that night between them?
Layla vs. Finn each voice heard expressing different takes on the events that happen. One demanding that the other rid themselves of Ellen and giving a countdown of days in order to satisfy her whim or will to overtake Finn and have him choose which one he wanted. Then, something happens when he goes to the location Layla sends him to and he realizes it’s just another piece in a broken jigsaw puzzle and wonders if he should call Harry or Tony and ask for help. Engaged to Ellen and never to Layla things take on a different turn as the author sets the stage for Part 3 of this novel where the unexpected will happen and the light might shine on the truth but you won’t believe how and on who!
The Russian Dolls, the emails, the threats against Ellen, the demands, the sightings, the misdirection and then a finale you just won’t believe. A message on Ellen’s computer will enlighten Finn but what he does will change the dynamics of it all.
Going back to his job as an investment manager and hoping to strike it with some more clients little does he realize the gas lighting being done to him right in front of his eyes. Lying and creating his own sense of truth while dealing with so called clients and hoping that Ellen will see it his way, what happens when she disappears? What happens when he thinks Layla might have taken her?
Steering him to St. Mary’s and then to Simonbridge where he created his own financial empire you might say and was successful and his finances set for life, the world will shatter and the ceiling will fall down as author B.A. Paris creates an ending so unexpected, so diabolical and so tragic you won’t see it coming. An outer force is controlling someone and causing that person to commit acts that might not have happened but was caused by the person’s past. How can you escape the horrors of you past after watching something that will remain imbedded in your mind forever?
When the final scene is shown and the players are all there just what you will learn will be the end result of hoping that Finn will someday do what Layla wanted that is as she hoped he would: BRING ME BACK!
Characters that are unique and two sisters that are so different yet in some ways the same. One man who wanted them both and fought within himself before a harsh reality set in. Ellen vs Layla: Who wins? Did anyone? You don’t want to pass this one up! A psychological thriller with a mind-altering twist. BRING ME BACK will take you to places within your mind and that of the characters that you have never explored before.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you’ve read either of B. A. Paris’ previous books you know one thing – that you really won’t know anything for sure until the final page. You also learn the characters are flawed. You want to like them. Sometimes you do like them. But you never are fully on board with them, and you don’t really trust any of them. Even the sweetest, most innocent character can scare you and you flip-flop: good, bad; what you see is never what you get. And you’re in for almost more plot twists and turns and surprises than you can keep up with. Bring Me Back is no exception.

First there is Finn, then Layla, then not Layla, and then Ellen – and then maybe Layla is back in the picture. It all made me nervous. I even feared for Peggy the dog. The Russian nesting dolls seem to be clues. They are creepy and make you doubt Finn, or doubt Ellen, or doubt Ellen’s sanity, and wonder just what Layla was like and what happened to her. Is she alive? Is there someone out there who knows? Finn reveals more and more that he kept secret as the story moves along, but you still really have no idea what’s true and what isn’t, and who should be afraid and who you should be afraid of.

Bring Me Back is a very fast paced, complicated, compelling story. With that and all the twists and turns the ending was a little confusing and I had to suspend disbelief a bit. But that was okay and didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story; maybe I was just reading as fast as I could because I couldn’t put it down, couldn’t slow down.

Bring Me Back was an enjoyable read and I recommend it. However, I feel I must point out that it is not as good as The Breakdown, which was not as good as Behind Closed Doors, and perhaps it’s time for B. A. Paris to turn her talent with words and action to something new and different. The market is so flooded now with books with dramatic, unbelievable surprise ending reveals that we are starting to expect them and rather than being completely surprised as we were in Behind Closed Doors we find ourselves trying to figure out what the surprise reveal will be rather than being blissfully unaware that there will be one at all. That takes a little of the edge off and some of the enjoyment in the plot away.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Bring Me Back is an edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller that begins with the mysterious disappearance of a woman, Layla, at a restroom stop in France. Finn, her boyfriend, is frantic when he discovers her gone. After months of searching, he gives up and returns home. Fast forward twelve years and Finn is engaged to marry Ellen, Layla's sister, and yet Layla is never far from his mind. After Finn and Ellen's engagement announcement appears in a local paper, an omen in the form of a tiny Russian doll appears on the wall in front of their house. The relevance and implications are monumental as it's a link to Ellen's childhood. Only she, Layla, and Finn know the significance of the Russian doll. From this point, events spiral out of control as Finn begins receiving sinister and threatening correspondence from someone claiming to be "Layla". Is it possible Layla has returned to reclaim her life . . . and man? Or is someone playing cruel, obsessive mind games?

Through alternating chapters of past and present, Bring Me Back unfolds through two points of view. I was quickly drawn into this thriller and found my heart racing as the story and Finn's state of mind spiral out of control. The first half is addictive as the dark and ominous tone, frantic pace, and urgent sense of time running out escalates. I burned through pages looking for answers along with Finn. The author does a great job setting up the characters, scenes, and plotline leading to an explosive first half. As the story progresses, secrets and lies surface clueing readers into the fact that all is not as it seems. A little more than halfway, I realized what was happening, but still felt a sense of urgency and trepidation as I read on to see how the author would weave it all together. Approaching the end, events occurred that had me thinking back over the story, and I just wasn't quite able to accept things as plausible. As a result, a story that began with great promise fell short of the mark in my opinion. Bring Me Back is a compelling story that I admittedly read nonstop, but the direction the author chose to take the plot line didn't work for me in the end. I think psychological thriller fans will be evenly split on this one. Give it a shot and decide for yourself!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nathan sinclair
"Bring Me Back" was an interesting ride. I picked it up because I absolutely loved "Behind Closed Doors." I would place this one below "Behind Closed Doors" but above "The Breakdown" in terms of predictability and addictiveness/page-turning. Here, we follow primarily Finn, a man who had lost his girlfriend, Layla, about 12 years ago at a rest stop while on vacation in France. He began to date Layla's sister Ellen and has recently become engaged to her.

The book is told in three parts. The first part follows Finn before and now, recapping the events leading up to Layla's disappearance and describing his current life, as things begin to change. The second part continues to follow Finn in the present but also takes another character's point-of-view (which I won't say to avoid any potential spoilers). The final part moves quickly as we wrap up and figure out what has really been going on.

Overall, I found it really engaging and I had trouble putting it down. Paris is a great writer, and the book flows beautifully. In terms of the twists and turns, I was absolutely captivated by the first part of the book, wanting to learn more about the events leading to Layla's disappearance and what Finn's current life is like. He was an interesting character who I was driven not to like in the first part, but then started to feel for (although still not particularly like) in the second part. Despite not liking him as a person, I absolutely wanted to know what would happen between him and the sister in the present and what had happened between him and the missing woman in the past.

In the second part, I almost wish we didn't get the perspective of the "new" character- it read like a comic supervillain and almost gave away too much information. I ended up figuring out what was going on about 2/3rds of the way through (but at least it wasn't as fast as with "The Breakdown"), and I love to be surprised, so I wish it hadn't been quite so clear. If I focused on Finn's sections, it was more of a slow build and not so obvious, so I wish the other perspective hadn't been included. Despite that, it was still a pretty solid book overall and would be good for Paris's fans!

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This mixture of domestic drama and psychological suspense gets a 3 star review from me.

Bring Me Back is told from two POVs - Finn's and Layla's. They are an English couple, soon to be engaged and passionately in love. They have gone away on holiday in France. When returning, Finn stops at a roadside rest area to use the bathroom, and when he comes out, Layla is gone. No sign of her anywhere. Finn is arrested on suspicion of her murder, but ultimately let go as there is no proof that a murder occurred. No one ever see Layla again.

Twelve years have passed, and Finn has moved on with his life. He is engaged again, to Ellen, who happens to be Layla's older sister. He didn't seek Ellen out, they just naturally formed a pair after spending lots of time together along with a mutual friend. Layla will always be Finn's first and true love, but life with Ellen is good too. She's steady, agreeable, calmer than her younger sister was, but she's comfortable to be with. Finn is happy.

Until he gets a call from his old next door neighbor who says that he saw Layla. Not too long afterwards, Ellen herself claims that she has seen Layla as well. Meanwhile, Finn is finding little Russian dolls (meaningful to him from a childhood story Layla had shared with him), and begins to get emails from someone claiming to be Layla. Could Layla really be alive? Where has she been and why is she showing up only now? Is it because she is upset about Finn's recent engagement to her sister? Ellen, now too, begins receiving the dolls, and is upset, wanting to know if Layla is indeed back, who will Finn choose to be with? Is it really Layla, or is someone just messing with their heads, trying to interfere with their happiness.

The emails escalate in intensity and put a time limit countdown in place for Finn to take action in breaking away from Ellen before "Layla" reveals herself. Will he do as he's requested, or will the emailer take action on his/her own?

I must admit, that though I had part of the end figured out, I still was completely surprised by some of it!

A good fun read, nothing exceptional, but entertaining.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
B.A. Paris's most recent thriller is an entertaining read, but it ultimately failed to impress—which is a shame, since it's my first novel by an author I've heard so much about.

When someone starts sending Finn cryptic suggestions that his long-lost first love, Layla, may not be dead like everyone assumed, everything about the life he's carefully crafted since that fateful night is suddenly in jeopardy ... including his blossoming relationship with Layla's sister, Ellen. Predictably, Finn keeps the growing list of strange occurrences and eventual threats secret from Ellen and the police. And, predictably, he's been lying for a decade about what really happened when Layla disappeared, so he takes it upon himself to uncover whether she's alive after all these years.

From the start, the characters feel very superficial and hard to connect with. It's a struggle to muster any sympathy for Finn and his single-minded personality. Impenetrable characters usually heighten the intrigue around what they're really hiding, but Finn's "secret" fails to shock, and the anticlimactic truth about the night of Layla's disappearance ten years ago casts a damper over the rest of the novel.

The same suspects cycle in and out of Finn's spotlight, which grows repetitive quickly, and some of the clichéd threats he receives are cringe-worthy. My predictions about the twist were slightly off, so while the big reveal did garner a respectful nod, I still wasn't invested enough in the plot to fully appreciate it.

Nevertheless, several of the secondary characters are enjoyable, including an ex-girlfriend that alternates between suspect and sounding board, and the Russian nesting doll aspect of the plot is delightfully creepy. Another plus is the structure of the first half of the novel, bouncing between the present and the past. The past thread is narrated by Finn as he directly addresses Layla, which is a unique and refreshing approach to the dual timeline.

Overall, Bring Me Back is a solid psychological suspense novel, but it just didn't quite work for me. I struggled from the start to connect with the superficial characters and plot, but I did find parts to enjoy, and I'm still looking forward to reading more of B.A. Paris's work in the future.

Warm thanks to St. Martin's Press for providing me with an advance reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
editrix amy lewis
“Bring Me Back” by B A Paris starts with thought-provoking first person comments from twelve years prior. “I should have been nearer. That was the statement I gave to the police… It was the truth. But not quite the whole truth.” Right from the start, we know he is not exactly truthful.
The tone of the story is suspenseful and tense right from the start. Layla is gone, except that being declared dead is not the same as being dead. Finn is haunted by his past and by Layla, so why he is engaged to marry Ellen, Layla’s sister? What else he is hiding? It should not matter since twelve years have passed, but it does. And now, someone has seen her, Layla.
The characters are stealthy, and it is not always clear who is narrating any particular portion. What is clear is, however, that is that there is a massive hidden mystery, and everyone has secrets of epic proportions. The conflict engages the reader and causes distrust in the narrator. Readers wonder page after page not only what will happen next but also what happened in France twelve years before. Here a little lie, there a little, everywhere lies, lies, and more lies.
The storyline is not linear, and chapters alternate back and forth in time to show how the past events shaped the present. Some chapters are directed to the reader; in others, the narrative is directed to Layla. Chapters also alternate between narrators to allow characters to tell the story in their own voices and from their own perspectives. Chapters are tagged to identify time frame and eventually the person communicating. The first person construction enhances the distrust because readers see the duplicity and are perplexed by the secrets. Little clues and misdirection in every chapter build to a shocking revelation.
Fun note -- Layla is from the land of Peter May -- Lewis, a remote island in the Outer Hebrides,
I received an advanced copy of “Bring Me Back” from B. A. Paris, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley. Paris created compelling characters and a suspenseful story that keeps readers turning pages to see what happens next. I highly recommend it with the caveat that that you should not schedule anything but reading because once you start you will not be able to put this down.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
haze werner
* I received a free advanced copy of this book from the publisher via #netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I discovered BA Paris, the author of Bring Her Back, last year and enjoyed her previous two books. When I heard she has a new book coming out this year, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I was ecstatic when I received the advanced copy for review.

The author is an excellent writer who keeps you on the edge of your seat. Just like with the previous two, I couldn’t put this book down and actually had to make myself stop so I could get some sleep. One reason I enjoyed her first two books is the author doesn’t use profanity, sex or violence to drive the plot. It takes integrity, skill and courage not to do what mainstream authors do. She stood out to me excellently because of this. Sadly, in this third one, there was one instance of profanity that I hope is not the beginning of her being like the rest.

I loved the book all the way up to about 90% of it. I really had no idea how it was going to end. Then, it started to fall apart. The only character I actually liked ended up not what I had expected and quite disappointed me. The ending is so unfulfilling, though I admit I can’t think of a better way to conclude this complicated story. I just felt a little betrayed after luring me into the story, after I devoted all the time to invest in the characters (some I didn’t like in the beginning, but they kind of grew on me), then only to be given a simplistic, irrational and irritating ending.

I hope Bring Her Back is a glitch in Ms. Paris’ repertoire because I want to keep her in my already very short list of favorite modern fiction authors.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pete frank
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

I know I said this in a Goodreads update, but Bring Me Back made me think of Clue. Players are supposed to weed out potential suspects to determine who the killer is, what weapon was used, and where the murder occurred. This book made me feel like I was playing that game, only I didn't have any cards and didn't know all of the rules. There were a few times when I had no flarking idea what was going on.

Finn was quick to second guess himself and everyone around him. It was hard to follow his train of thought sometimes, and occasionally he would make connections with information that would have been impossible for the reader to know. When he originally attempted to decipher the email address, he comes up with something that's completely bananas.

I will say that my theories were disproven time and time again. I was always wrong with my assumptions, and frankly... that was infuriating (in a good way). I quickly became just as frustrated as Finn. Nothing made sense and everything was misleading. If you enjoy books that are nearly impossible to figure out, Bring Me Back might be a good fit for you.

Even though I was engrossed in the mystery of this book, it wasn't too hard to put down. I think it's because I felt like the story kept going around in circles. We keep coming back to the same theories that have been reviewed and examined multiple times. The characters also tend to do the same things over and over again throughout the book.

It's always a little irritating when the main character refuses to involve the police, even when it's clear to everyone else that they should. I felt like a lot of things could have been avoided if Finn had just picked up a phone. Oh, and his obsession with Layla was strange. I didn't really understand why he felt so connected to her, or why his feelings were as intense as they were. It was literally love at first sight and also love at twelve years later, even though he hadn't seen or spoken to her.

Bring Me Back was an interesting story with a mystery that I wasn't able to solve on my own. I was kept in the dark with Finn until the very end, and I'm sure Colonel Mustard would be proud.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on June 19, 2018.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tania miller
I am starting off this review with the simple fact. B.A. Paris is an amazing writer who has the ability to create twisted and tense narratives which will keep you guessing until the end. In her previous two novels, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and THE BREAKDOWN, I was captivated by the characters and pulled into the stories by building suspense as each page went by. onto BRING ME BACK.

Unlike some of the reviews I was seeing, I didn't hate BRING ME BACK and here is why. The fast paced nature allowed me to devour it all in one sitting which may be why I liked it. The characters were interesting enough, but the context and plot of the story is where I started getting interested in the book. Reading how the author unraveled the layers of lies and secrets to get to the conclusion is where it shined for me. Could there have been more malice or tension? Sure. However, I question why the author didn't do it. We all know she can, so maybe there is more to be said about why she told the story this way.

Bottom line. Is it as good as Paris' first two books? No. Does it have an interesting premise with few twists and turns at the end? Yes. I believe that readers who are looking for what the author brought us in the past may not be happy with this novel. However, I do think it has merit. This one would be for readers who are looking for a lighter psychological thriller with an unusual ending.

I am still a fan of the author's and will continue to read her books. I cannot wait to see what she gives us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lu s ribeiro
Because I loved Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown, both of which are compelling, suspenseful reads that I highly recommend if you haven't read them, I couldn't wait to read Bring Me Back. Paris is one of my favorite authors and writes some of the best suspense books around today. And she proves what an excellent author she is in her newest novel with her clever premise, an alternating narration of the novel told in a "then" and "now" format, unfolding tension, sinister, creepy atmosphere, and highly unreliable narrators in Finn and Layla.

The plot is one I'm not going to give away because you should go into this book knowing as little as possible since you have to decide which character is telling the truth about events that happened twelve years in the past and have come back to haunt the is all very creepy, clever, and on the edge of your seat!

It wasn't a perfect read for me though, and I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped that I would. I loved the first half of the novel but then I felt like I was reading a different story the second half. Not only was the plot predictable enough that I had it figured out but there was a such an unbelievable twist towards at the end that no matter how much I tried to suspend my belief, it just didn't work for me.

Besides the implausible twist, this was still an addictive page-turner. Once I started reading the novel, I didn't put it down, so it's a compulsive read! Although I might have enjoyed Behind Closed Doors much better, B.A. Paris will remain an auto-buy author, and I'll be reading everything she writes because I love her style and suspenseful stories! If you've enjoyed her other books, then you'll enjoy Bring Me Back but just prepared for an unsatisfying and unbelievable ending. Fans of fast-paced, thrilling, well-written suspense will enjoy it too!

**Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC copy of the book in exchange for my fair and honest review. **
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracy springberry
Does anyone put the “psychology” into psychological thriller quite as well as B. A. Paris??? Paris really has a way with messed up characters and disturbing situations. This book is a mind game from the first chapter right through the very last page. I finished this book two days ago and the story is haunting me! What a great read!

As happens with Paris, early reviews are largely positive, with a mix of “did-not-finish”. Most of those seem to struggle connecting with the characters. I urge readers to give this book time! You don’t always have to like all of the characters to enjoy the ride. And I think some characters will ultimately surprise you—all are not telling the full story right away, which made the development points for each character so compelling. This is a book that grows in suspense and makes you uneasy, right along with the characters.

12 years ago

Finn is living the Bachelor life in London when he meets Layla. Instantly, Finn forgets his current girlfriend and develops strong feelings for the enigmatic Layla. A year into their relationship Finn and his Layla are on their way home from a vacation in France, when they pull over so Finn can use the restroom. He is gone only a few minutes, and when he returns Layla’s door is open and she is missing. Finn looks everywhere but Layla is gone…


Finn has moved away from his cottage with Layla to a new home in Simonsbridge. After a long grieving period, Finn moved on to other relationships before falling for Ellen, whom he has just gotten engaged to. But Ellen isn’t just any woman, she’s Layla’s older sister. Ignoring the gossip from those who remember the story of Layla’s disappearance, Finn and Ellen have created a wonderful, happy life together.

Until one day Ellen find a small token on the wall outside their house…

The token is innocuous to all but Ellen and Finn. You see, there is only one person outside of themselves who could possibly know the meaning of this token…Layla. But how can that be? Is it possible Layla is still alive?

The premise of the story was enough to make me read this book, but I also have to say that Finn’s struggle to comprehend the meaning of the events is what kept me hooked. I wouldn’t say I particularly connected with Finn, but I did feel so much empathy for him. Finn in a way is his own worst enemy. He is such a passionate person, and so was Layla. This is what drew them together. Ellen is Layla’s opposite in so many ways, and yet she is good for Finn, if only he will let her be. But you can see his struggle to truly forget the past.

The love of Finn and Layla was entirely different from the love Finn shares with Ellen. Sometimes I wanted to shake him and say “why can’t you let yourself be happy?!?!?” But of course, you can’t. One thing that was particularly engaging about the storyline was the lack of closure. As much as Finn wants to convince himself that Layla is likely dead, her disappearance and lack of finality leaves that small part in his brain that makes him wonder if it is possible she did survive somehow. That lack of closure would drive anyone mad, particularly when the token shows up.

Finn’s heart is fighting with his mind. He knows the likelihood that Layla is still alive but hasn’t made contact with anyone for 12 years is nearly impossible, and yet he wants it to be true. The story is somewhat slow, but steady. It is never stagnant. This was one that I looked forward to diving back into each time I had to put it down. I’m so thrilled that B. A. Paris has continued to write such compelling novels, and I look forward to her next one!

My sincerest gratitude to St. Martin’s Press for providing me with a copy of this book to review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I just loved BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and THE BREAKDOWN by BA Paris!!! Naturally, when I discovered she was releasing her third book, I anxiously requested it from Netgalley with trembling hands, so thrilled was I to get to add this one to my TBR pile!

BRING ME BACK tells the story of Finn and Layla, a young couple in love and on vacation, when Finn needs to stop at a secluded service station to use the restroom. But, when he returns to the car, Layla is gone, never to be seen again!

Years later, Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen. All seems idyllic until Finn receives an email as well as other odd occurrences at the house suggesting Layla is in fact alive. Is Layla behind it all? And if so, what is it she wants?

The book had me completely invested and the pages kept turning with a fast paced plot. I had a strong guess at where part two was going, and unfortunately by part three my initial enthusiasm had dwindled as the plot twists failed to wow me. I felt this type of twist had been done several times before and required me to suspend belief a tad too much. Add to the fact that the characters lacked depth, I have to conclude that BA Paris' third book did not hit the same spot as her previous two books did.

Please don't take my word for it though, I see there a plenty of reviews stating they absolutely loved this one too...I recommend you go ahead and read this one to form your own opinion.

Two out of three fantastic five star hits is still quite the achievement. You can bet that I for sure would still be ecstatic when her next book gets published!

Many thanks to Netgalley, St Martin's Press and BA Paris for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sylvia seymour

Finn McQuaid and Layla Gray were driving back from a skiing trip late at night. They stopped at a picnic area for Finn to use the bathroom. When he returned to the car, Layla was gone. He searched everywhere and could not find her.


Even though Finn was originally arrested for the possible murder of Layla, he was later released. It has been 12 years and Layla has never been found. There have been supposed sightings of her over the years, but all have been for naught.

Today, Finn is a successful businessman and has a fiancee, Ellen. It so happens that Ellen is Layla’s sister. They met when Finn had a memorial ceremony for Layla several years ago. The sisters had both been given matching sets of Russian dolls when they were children. Ellen says that Layla took her set and did something to it. Ellen had really loved those dolls. So when Russian dolls start showing up on their doorstep, Ellen gets excited as she’s certain that Layla is alive and trying to communicate with them. Soon, Finn starts to receive emails saying Layla is alive. He tries to figure out the puzzle and is convinced that the emails are coming from Layla herself.

But, Finn does not know the whole story behind the lives of Layla and Ellen. Before long, things begin to get scary and Finn doesn’t know what he is dealing with.

This is another good thriller from this author. When I read her first novel, “Behind Closed Door” I loved it and have been eagerly awaiting this second book. It started out a bit slow for me and there seems to be some repetition that was becoming boring until the author upped the pace and the story came to a crashing conclusion. This is an author to watch!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca young
Finn and Layla are young, in love, and on vacation. They’re driving along the highway when Finn decides to stop at a service station to use the restroom. He hops out of the car, locks the doors behind him, and goes inside. When he returns Layla is gone—never to be seen again. That is the story Finn told to the police. But it is not the whole story.

Ten years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen. Their shared grief over what happened to Layla drew them close and now they intend to remain together. Still, there’s something about Ellen that Finn has never fully understood. His heart wants to believe that she is the one for him…even though a sixth sense tells him not to trust her.

Then, not long before he and Ellen are to be married, Finn gets a phone call. Someone from his past has seen Layla—hiding in plain sight. There are other odd occurrences: Long-lost items from Layla’s past that keep turning up around Finn and Ellen’s house. Emails from strangers who seem to know too much. Secret messages, clues, warnings. If Layla is alive—and on Finn’s trail—what does she want? And how much does she know?

My Thoughts: A story told by alternating narrators that swings between “then” and “now,” Bring Me Back: A Novel was a fascinating look at love, loss, and starting over. Except that when Finn starts over after Layla’s disappearance years before, he picks someone a little too close to home: Ellen, Layla’s sister, whom he had never met when he was with Layla. A part of him always wondered about what had happened to Layla, but Ellen has a way of showing a different kind of love. A nurturing kind that offers him care and comfort when Layla had been the needy one.

Just before Ellen and Finn start planning their wedding, a series of strange events begin happening: objects from the past that were significant to Layla and also to Ellen start showing up. Finn tries to protect Ellen and keeps some of these things secret and hidden. But the e-mails make him suspect everyone from his past, especially some who are part of his present life. When Ellen claims to have seen Layla in a nearby village, Finn goes on high alert. A neighbor’s claim to have also seen Layla adds some credence to the possibility that Layla is out there and coming back.

Why are the strange e-mails and sentimental objects appearing now? Who is behind these mysterious messages and sightings, and why does Finn feel a great sense of dread and imminent danger?

Intensity ratchets up as Finn becomes desperate for answers, and Ellen becomes more aloof…until she also disappears.

I had several theories about what was going on, from some kind of psychological disorder to an actual reappearance of Layla. But what actually happened stunned me and kept me off guard as I read. I couldn’t stop turning pages to see what would eventually unfold. A 5 star read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shannon ozirny
3.25 rounded down

I truly loved the author's first two book and was eagerly awaiting Bring Me Back. It wasn't the thrilling ride I had hoped for but it did keep me hooked and I really enjoyed it. BA Paris always does an amazing job of painting an incredible visual that you can get lost in.

Finn and Layla are on vacation when Finn pulls over at a rest stop for a bathroom break. Once back to the car he discovers Layla is gone. The information he relays to the police lead them to believe that the vacation was cause for celebration and they had never been happier. So where is Layla?

Fast forward 10 years, after Layla's memorial as she has never been found, and Finn is engaged to marry Layla's sister, Ellen. Ellen is all that Layla wasn't ..... demure, quiet and obedient. But despite Finn's constant self assurance that he is indeed in love with Ellen, something just isn't clicking. Can he trust her? and is he with her out of love for her or the need to have a some semblance of his past love, Layla?

Items known only to Layla and a few others are being left as possible clues and then the emails and messages start. Who could possibly know these intimate details of Layla's and Finn's life together? and what is the end game? Is Layla alive or does someone else know something about Finn that they shouldn't?

Bring Me Back felt like a slow burn up to about 50% and then it was a twisty, turny ride that I read in one sitting! I had an inkling of the twist toward the end but not the full shebang! and I loved the twist, very original!

There were parts of the book that I felt were left loose and I thought the epilogue would clear up but it didn't. As a matter of fact, I felt the book would have been left on a more interesting note had the epilogue been left off all together. White it took a bit to get to the meat and potatoes, I felt mostly satisfied once I had finished it and did really enjoy the book.

(I listened to the accompanying audio book and it was phenomenal!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the moment, Layla disappeared, Finn has never been the same. He's yearned for her at every turn, often unwilling to accept that she's dead. Deep inside, he wants to believe that she's out there. That she still loves him somehow. With every moment that passes, however, his hopes are further dashed.

B. A. Paris never ceases to amaze me. From the moment I began reading her books, I knew she was an author to keep an eye on. She has this awesome way of telling a story that keeps your attention glued to every page. So much so, you find it hard to put the book down. That's what kept happening to me whenever I'd pick the book up again after having to put it down to attend to everyday life.

In Bring Me Back, we meet the enigmatic Finn. He's full of so many layers, it's hard to know who he truly is. Throughout the story, though, we get to see those layers slowly exposed. Every new aspect of him revealed reminded me of a blooming onion. We see him for who he is now and the man he used to be.

The same can be said for Layla. This is a woman who's kept so much of herself hidden. A woman the reader isn't sure if she's dead or if she's alive. The journey toward that discovery, however, is awesome. That's how beautiful the ride is.

The twists and turns throughout the book keep you guessing. Just when you think you've gotten to the root of things, B. A. turns the tables and sends the reader on another wild ride. I love the diverse, and so complex, characters she's created. She's definitely hit things out of the ballpark with this book. I so can't wait to see what she brings to the table next for her readers.

More, please!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
takako lewis
Twisty mysteries and thrillers are some of my absolutely favorite books though they can be challenging come review time when there is so much I want to say, but can't without spoiling someones reading pleasure. I've read The Breakdown and Behind Closed Doors and was excited to see another book by B.A. Paris. All I knew about Bring Her Back when I started reading was what the book description stated and that was more than enough to grab my attention and not let go until I finished.
12 years ago, Finn and his girlfriend Layla were coming home from vacation when Layla seemingly vanishes into thin air. There were no witnesses and no clues and while Finn is certainly considered a person of interest, the case remains unsolved and Layla's fate unknown. Now Finn has a good job and a new girlfriend Ellen who just happens to be Layla's sister. For the most part, they are happy and living a pretty good life until the past suddenly intrudes. Someone claims to have seen Layla, a Russian doll from the sister's childhood turns up in numerous places and Finn receives some unsettling emails. Has Layla been alive all this time or does someone have information tying Finn to her mysterious disappearance? Without giving anything away, I can say that B.A. Paris slowly reveals all and throws in quite a surprising twist! This was an enjoyable read with narrators I didn't trust and I definitely wanted to know what happened to Layla. With a U.S. publication date in June, I would recommend this as a perfect beach read to anyone who likes a good mystery.
Thank you B.A. Paris, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the complimentary copy. I can't wait to be able to talk about that ending with my book-loving friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy beth
Bring Me Back – B. A. Paris
I was fortunate to receive this novel as an Advance Reader Copy, in exchange for an objective review.
Finn McQuaid is an investment financier of sorts with a prestigious company in London, run by his good friend Harry. He is in a relationship a woman named Ellen, who is actually the sister of a girl he loved and lost long ago, named Layla. 12 years ago, he and Layla were returning home to their cottage after an evening out, and Layla disappeared from a rest area while Finn was using the rest room. No trace of her was ever found.
Now, 12 years later, strange things begin happening that make Finn believe that not only is Layla alive, but that she wants to see Finn. Fist, an elderly former neighbor is convinced that he’s seen her standing in front of their old cottage – empty since the night she went missing, and a memory Finn has not been able to bring himself to sell. Then Ellen thinks she catches a glimpse of her sister in a nearby village. Then the miniature dolls begin to appear.
The story vacillates between past and present and is told from the point of view of the various characters – Layla reveals the truth about what happened that night, and Finn begins to feel as if he is being forced to choose between the two sisters.
Then, Ellen disappears and Finn rages a frantic search to find her – only to discover that nothing is as it seems, and everyone is a suspect…
This is a novel that sucks you in, and keeps you turning page after pages far into the night, because it’s too good to put down – culminating in a twist you’ll not expect and never see coming! My first read from B. A. Paris, but certainly not my last!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pryscilla dechaviony
Finn is a nice guy – until he loses his temper. But he’s learned to walk away from situations that could provoke his rage. When his girlfriend Layla goes missing on holiday, Finn becomes the prime suspect until lack of evidence of foul play exonerates him. But he never told authorities the entire truth about their final moments together, and Finn is left with as many questions about Layla’s fate as the police are.

Twelve years later, Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen (a bit weird, I know). When their intentions to marry are announced, evidence of Layla’s presence suddenly starts appearing in the form of Russian nesting dolls – cryptic clues that only Ellen and Finn would understand. At first, Finn is convinced someone is screwing with him, but as the strange communications continue over the course of the next several weeks, he believes Layla is alive and trying to win him back from Ellen. As Finn’s sanity deteriorates, so does his relationship with Ellen, and the whole scenario takes a dark turn when the person claiming to be Layla hints at violence.

This was a quick, fast-paced read that had enough sinister twists and turns to keep me engaged. I hate to make comparisons to other books, because this is nothing like Gone Girl, but Layla’s character is almost as cuckoo-bananas crazy as Amy Dunne. I love that Finn is an unreliable narrator whose blind rage can’t be trusted. Though I could guess where the conclusion was headed, I appreciated that Layla’s fate remained a mystery until the final pages. This will make a great summer read for fans of the genre.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara lynn willis
Finn and Layla are madly in love and are traveling through France. Finn pulls into a car park at night to use the restroom only to find that when he returns Layla has vanished. Frantic, he searches everywhere only to come up with no clues to her disappearance at all. The police also never turn up any clues and though Finn is a suspect at first they are unable to link him without any clues or a body.

Finn moves on with his life only to find love again many years later in Layla's sister, Ellen. After 15 months together Finn proposes and Ellen accepts. Soon after Finn begins to receive sinister messages in the shape of Russian Nesting Dolls and emails. You see, Layla, had Russian Nesting Dolls and they were very important to her. She kept one in her pocket and would rub it between her thumb and forefinger whenever she became nervous or stressed. So why now are these dolls and messages turning up? Is Layla still alive? Has she decided to return due to his upcoming wedding with her sister? You'll have to read it to find out.

The thing about B.A. Paris books is that I frantically flip the pages. She has a knack at drawing her readers in and with short chapters you just can't stop reading. I had to know what was going on. The truth of the matter is that I didn't have a clue. I thought I did and I was actually a little disappointed thinking that she gave away too much too soon but I was wrong and I actually appreciate this book so much more after turning the final page. What a wild ride!

I'd like to thank St. Martin's Press for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kevin panameno
After enjoying the rush of adrenaline from B.A. Paris's previous novels, I was excited to crack this one open as soon as possible! While Bring Me Back is equally suspenseful and chilling, it had a different feel from the other books since it featured a male protagonist this time. I also read it on Kindle instead of listening to it, like I had with the first two books.

The story messed with my head as much as it was messing with Finn and Ellen's heads. B.A. Paris had me guessing the whole time as to what was really going on. The settings were easy to visualize, even though I've never been to the area of the UK where Finn lives. The dialogue throughout the novel felt very natural and genuine.

However, after all the build-up, I wasn't impressed by the ending. I felt it moved too fast and didn't really answer everything it was supposed to. Also, the beginning felt a bit slow until about a quarter of the way in. Then it really picked up and kept going on that momentum. This is why I gave Bring Me Back four stars after giving five stars to B.A. Paris' previous two novels.

If you are a B.A. Paris fan, it's worth picking up and trying to guess what will happen. If this is your first time reading her books, you may want to start with Behind Closed Doors. I like her writing style and hope she will continue to write more thrillers!

If Hollywood comes calling...
Finn: Michael Fassbender
Layla: Jenna Coleman
Ellen: Gemma Arterton
Harry: Tobias Menzies
Ruby: Lara Pulver
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
young British couple are driving through France on holiday when they stop for gas. He runs in to pay, she stays in the car. When he returns her car door has been left open, but she's not inside. No one ever sees her again.

Ten years later he's engaged to be married; he's happy, and his past is only a tiny part his life now. Until he comes home from work and finds his new wife-to-be is sitting on their sofa. She's turning something over in her fingers, holding it up to the light. Something that would have no worth to anyone else, something only he and she would know about because his wife is the sister of his missing first love.

As more and more questions are raised, their marriage becomes strained. Has his first love someho
w come back to him after all this time? Or is the person who took her playing games with his mind

My thoughts:
Dark ,twisted, creepy , it's all these and more , it'll keep you on the edge of your set want to know what's happening and it'll keep you pulled in to The very end, just like The Breakdown it won't let go unit the very end. So hold onto your set ,get comfortable and settler down to spend the night reading. At least that what it feels like to me. Can't wait to see B.A.Paris next book when it comes out. With that said thinks Netgalley and to the publishers of her books for letting me fall in love all over with her books and style of writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt kelley
Bring Me Back is a psycho-thriller that takes you on a wild ride, beginning with a disappearance in France. Finn and his girlfriend Layla live in England but are on a skiing holiday to France when Layla disappears while Finn is in a rest area bathroom. Finn loved Layla and was ready to ask her to marry him when she went missing. At the time he doesn't remember what happened but there in no trace of her whereabouts. Seven years after she goes missing, a memorial service is held in her memory. Her sister Ellen attends the service and connects with Finn and his friend Harry. Twelve years after the disappearance, Ellen has been living with Finn for about a year when he asked her to marry him. Their wedding is set for several months away when small Russian dolls start appearing outside their cottage. Only Layla, Ellen and Finn know the story of the dolls. Both sisters had a set of the dolls but Layla lost her smallest one and took Ellen's. Now it appears that the doll is being given back to Ellen. Does this mean that Layla is alive? If so, where has she been? Finn is torn with his feelings about the possibility of Layla being alive. If she is alive, would he choose her? He loves Ellen, so surely he would choose her. Ellen is excited but fearful. Would Finn choose her or Layla? There are many more events that tear Finn apart and tear him and Ellen apart. Is he loosing his mind? The story will spin you around and it has many twists and turns with a crazy surprise ending. 3.5 Stars
I received a complimentary electronic copy of the book from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley. The opinions stated are mine only,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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This is the third B. A. Paris book that I read, the third book she ever wrote, and I loved it!

Finn and Layla are on their way back to England, from a ski trip in France. They stop at a picnic and rest area, so he can use the facilities. When he returns, she is not in the car, she is not in the rest area, she is nowhere to be found. Only a Russian doll is left to remind him that she was with him on this trip. At least, that is what Finn has told the police about Layla.

Twelve years later, Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister Ellen. Their shared grief is what brought them together, even though they don’t ever discuss about Layla. They believe her to be dead. When their eminent marriage comes closer, Finn receives a phone call. Someone from the past has seen Layla. Secret messages and warnings are there to disturb their peaceful life. Is Layla still alive, or someone playing a very nasty game?

The hero is living a nightmare. This time it is not the man in the story that is the bad guy, as we are used to in most books. The guy has loved a woman so much, he can hardly believe what is happening to him. He could do anything for her, but not what she asks him to do. To start with, Finn, the hero, had some troubled past, which is why he cannot exactly recall what happened in the rest area and just how it was that Layla went missing. However, he did loved her with all his heart and soul, so he didn’t stop looking for her for a long time. He believed he was being punished for something.

Once he found peace with himself and a woman or two to calm him, he left the past behind and tried to move on. But the past never really leaves you. So when he first got the secret messages, he was desperate to either believe someone was mocking him or that the love of his life was alive and ready to see him again.

And what is the role of Ellen, his now partner and sister to the missing woman? She is so different than Layla, yet again Finn has found himself attracted to her and loved her in a whole different way.

While reading this psychological thriller, your mind tries to find solutions for the different problems. A number of versions of the story have come across my mind and the author has managed to prove them all wrong, one by one. Three and a half quarters of the book I had the clear picture of what the story was all about, however, I did have to pay attention to the details and it did pay off!

“Bring Me Back” is different to Paris’s previous books in terms of plot. The writing is again captivating and is what had kept the reader going in the previous books, especially the “Behind Closed Doors” which was all about the writing, as the story was out in the open pretty early. In this one, Paris has moved to a whole new level, as there are secrets, and mysteries and twists to keep the story covered, until the very end! It shows how well the author has evolved and I like her for that! I am looking forward to her next book, to see what more she has to offer!

“Bring Me Back” will be released in U.S in June 2018 by St. Martin’s Press.
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