9) (The Sorcerer's Ring Collection) - Sorcerer's Ring Bundle (Books 7

ByMorgan Rice

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle ackland
Like the prior books, the story was well developed with both plot and characters. Rice also writes well, so it is easy reading and he sets up each novel from the prior book. Any fantasy reader would find this story to be worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Love the story and characters, the story kept my interest and did not drag on in parts the books seem to be the right length and are well written,the only flaw was in not being proof read but only a minor problem. over all a very good read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
greg forrester
Unfortunately, I already bought the sequels couldn't finish this though. Too much "oh no everything is terrible, no wait it with work our, scratch that it is worse again, no wait now its better, no worse again. Got old and repetitive fast.
Night of the Bold (Kings and Sorcerers-Book 6) :: A Forge of Valor (Kings and Sorcerers-Book 4) :: Rise of the Valiant (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 2) :: (The Sorcerer's Ring) (The Sorcerer's Ring Collection) :: Princess (Of Crowns and Glory—Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every time Thor solves a dilemma another problem surfaces. The books are spellbinding and hard to put down. Every time a villain is eliminated another more sinister one takes over. Thor evolves further in each new book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This started out to be an excellent set of books, but they kept going on and on. There are 11 books right now with no end in sight. Hence the 3 stars. The writing is compelling and keeps you wanting more, but enough is enough :(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie mcnee
honestly, I fell in love with the characters and storylines but by book 9(really I've read nine already?) I am starting to lose interest. I really thinks things could have been wrapped up already. just my humble opinion. with that said, I have purchased the next three and will keep my fingers crossed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
love the story but whoever transferred this to kindle wrote it poorly. Too many grammatical errors just like the first 6 books too. hard to follow when you have to read a sentence a few times to understand what mistake has made.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An excellent book to read, fantastic story line, and quite fast moving. However I did find a few spelling, punctuation mistakes and twice the writer got mix up about whom she was writing. Also while reading there was the odd occasion that you where reading the same thing again because some of the fighting scenes were repeated, same as ,"All was good in the world". But all in all the books, the series, are great. !!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ann saylor
This series a good read for the fantasy enthusiast. I just wish a little stronger editor had been asked to proofread. Call me fussy, but I cannot stand poor spelling in a book. Mr. Rice... horses are controlled by REINS, nor reigns. Tighten it up please.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Story is good but someone should have checked for grammar when editing these books. The author over uses phrases such as the person "knew that he/she was going to die". Overall, I enjoyed the books and would read again.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sheri fyfe
There are always more twists and turns in this saga. You can get the feeling that nothing will ever remain calm for too long. There are also an amazing number of creatures unlike any found anywhere else in the fantasy worlds I have read about previously. That aspect is continually refreshing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
erica agran
It's horribly written with the same characters making the same absurd mistakes over & over. Gareth and Luanda are not only siblings, they are the same person. Please, if you must read this series, just read the first and last book in order to save you money and anguish.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kari anton
I like the bones of this story and the characters. Book 9 is where this series will end for me. The biggest problems are major grammar and spelling problems, sometimes the wrong name is used, for example, in a chapter about Luanda, Gwen's name is used accidentally in replacement of Luanda. Wrong word choices, as in homophones as well as missing words in sentences. I cannot in good conscience spend any more money on these books if the author is not going to take the time or spend the money to have them edited and double checked. Also, some of the scenes are so juvenile and Disney like I have to just skim through a few pages to get past it. I am disappointed because the base of the story is good and I would like to see it to the end but it is just too hard to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The entire Sorcere's Ring series is actually a collection of short stories. It is frustrating to buy a short story after another for 3,99 when they could be bundled like these three. Also the bundle should be sold for that 3,99 but that would decrease two thirds of greedy publishers income.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I think the story itself is really nice, although things happen way too fast most of the time. The characters, though, are very shallow and Rice is a poor writer that falls back on the same descriptions and that's the part that annoys me most.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed the first few books but started getting bored by this stage. The author is constantly repeating herself. I could skip over a page and still know what was going on. this whole series could have been finished in 3 books and would have been great if it had been edited correctly.
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