Laiden's Daughter: The Clan MacDougall Series

BySuzan Tisdale

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
della kh
Mostly good, up until the heroin turns into a cotton-headed-ninny-muggins. I cannot stand people who run headlong into danger with no logical reason. The lady is reunited with a father and runs away, directly from the marital bed, because . . . Heroism? Utterly stupid, hamfisted reasoning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teresa simmons
loved Aishlinn and Duncans story. This was a great book. I loved the way Duncan helped a frightened and abused Aishlinn grow and blossom into a beautiful young woman . This was a great romance novel. The story had plenty of well rounded characters and twist enough that I had a hard time putting it down. I highly recommend it and plan to read the whole series. The editing could have been better, aside from that its great.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ginger solomon
l finally finished this long & boring & repetitive story.

I am in total agreement with Red,Red's 2star review.

All I will add is that the h was as stupid as a post and the hero was as dumb as a rock. Maybe that is why they both acted so juvenile. Glad to be done with it.
Fire Along the Sky by Sara Donati (1-Oct-2008) Paperback :: Into the Wilderness: A Novel :: The Pride of Lions (Scotland Trilogy Book 1) :: The Ruby Brooch (Time Travel Romance) (The Celtic Brooch Series Book 1) :: By Sara Donati - Queen of Swords (8/26/07)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ibrahem alhilal
...ahkay, so young girl (our heroine Aishlinn) who knows nothing but cruelty from her wicked Step Father and three wicked step brothers her whole traded into Castle slavery by her cruel step-bro's., is beaten and almost raped by a wicked disgusting Earl...escapes and flees to Scotland into the arms of her Handsome eligible bachelor Highlander Prince- - Duncan...who is of her mothers' Clan. (whudda the odds?!?)

The story was just waaaaay tooooo cutsie syrupy sweet for me...the love interests reminded me of Jr. High kids (I think I like him..wonder if he likes me too). Awwww[...]

The whole plot was exacerbatingly slow paced..although cute at times (watchin' and checkin' each other out when they think the other's not lookin'; dealin' with jealousies) with a dash of humor here n'there that perked up the story..unfortunately, it quickly fell back into a "ho-hum" stage, waiting for something to happen. Criminy... Yeah yeah, I know the plot and characters have to "grow" and develop, blah blah...still, gimme a frikkin' break...can we progress to a point?????

Then these two love interests FINALLY marry (surprise?)...can this author spare a few details of the wedding night? I mean...we WAITED for this for cripes sake! A pathetic lack of "description" (for lack of better terms) of what these two Characters WAITED so long for. Makes ya wonder if this Author ever experienced an orgasm!?! Terrible non-existent details. And this Alpha Male who has had so many wimmin...cripes...can he bungle a wedding night any worse?!? And I LIKE the guy!!!!

A few "surprises" that are so predictable it's painful. Several misspellings and typo's. (um, is a "pin" a broach or a brooch??) <sigh> Updated Editing software needed here.

The finale fight dialogue was so incredibly sappy! Aishlinn goes off on a tangent after the battle, blaming herself...regreting her stupid actions of sacrifice to the point ya wanna slap the snot outta her. (yeah, its your fault ya ditz!) Still don't understand why she sacrifices herself to the English (who are hunting for her)...That makes absolutely NO sense! Does she actually think her actions will thwart or prevent her Clan from fighting the English? <shakin' my head in exasperation>

And then the Epilogue! Duncan builds this little gal a lovely cottage and she STILL mewls and pouts about not having any of her mum's "things"...I mean...COME ON! (ungrateful much?) Gimme a bluidy break!

Upside? I loved this Authors interpretation of Scots' dialect. Really connects the reader to the story. Aishlinn's character was descriptive and well understood. Not so much Duncan...never knew exactly how tall he was or any detailed insight to his personality or why he reacts to certain situations the way he does.

Will I ever read Ms. Tisdale again? Not bluidy likely..
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kari hilwig
This was a nice, light romance. Toward the end of the book, the heroine Aishlinn seemed to have found her backbone and then some when she fiercely takes up arms and enters into battle. Her transformation into a warrior seems a little absurd, but overall this is a sweet love story. I will read more in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian vanalstyne
I wanted something to read to kill some time.. Never did I think I would enjoy this story so much. I laughed, I teared up, and I wanted to smack both the main characters a time or two. Perfect evening reading. Will be reading the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica white
The sample drew me in immediately. I was thrilled it was only 99 cents. There were multiple typos that a good edit could fix; I knocked off a star for that reason. What I didn't like was the "too stupid to live" decision Aishlinn made toward the end of the book. Since this is a romance, there is a happy ending, but I think one small change could have prevented the heroine from looking like an idiot while still placing her in the same situation. Still, "Laiden's Daughter" is an entertaining read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Okay, it's a gentle romance, in which a beautiful, innocent and badly treated young girl is destined to end up with the honourable and gorgeous guy, after the requisite trials and tribulations. I know the formula and I'm happy to read this kind of book, usually. But I am not sure how even the feel-good aspect of this story can be described as good enough to overcome its amateurish writing, weak plot painfully stretched out over far too many pages with the key points telegraphed early on, and numerous historic inaccuracies, to the point where someone would actually say it was worth reading to the end. And it's actually the first of a series? Spare me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you love romance and hot Scottish highlanders, this novel if definitely for you. Duncan finds a lass and then love in short order. There are times where tears came to my eyes. Emotion is the great decider of a great novel and by the end I felt every disappointment aislin felt. Definitely worth the read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pat g orge walker
The plot is ok, but there are some silly situations that you just can't believe them. The naivety of the main character at the beginning is ridiculous. Then, her transformation into a 'strong woman' is so suddenly that it seems it's not the same character. The development of the characters could have been better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dena garson
I don't particularly care for romance novels, although I've read plenty in my time. This is one of the best romance novels I've read. Even cutting out the romance parts, the story stands on its own and is exciting. The story is a retelling of The Ugly Duckling, set in 1300 Scotland. Aishlinn is rejected by her adopted family & brought up to believe she is pathologically ugly. The book tells her story as she grows to learn & accept her true identity. It is painful at times to read through Aishlinn's struggles as the "ugly duckling", but her transformation into a "beautiful swan" makes it worthwhile. The author throws in just enough Scottish accent/phrases to add to the character of the book, but not enough that it bogs the book down & or makes it hard to understand. While the book ultimately is a formulaic romance plot, there are plenty of mysteries & twists/turns & action/adventure to keep even a non-romance aficionado like myself entranced. Romance aficionado's will undoubtedly be even more enthralled with this book and its compelling story of sacrificial love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel herrera
The writing was good but had very religious undertones. I would have enjoyed it more if it was a little less patriarchal and chaste. I found it hard to connect with the lady of the story because she was very naive to the point of annoyance. I wish it took her less time to become the woman she was by the end. I would have liked to have seen more of "her". She was very young though so it somewhat makes sense. I liked the plot and character development.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
iman sjamsuddin
I enjoyed reading this book. The characters were thought out and well developed. I loved the way the heroine evolved to show a stronger side of herself. Looking forward to the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't particularly care for romance novels, although I've read plenty in my time. This is one of the best romance novels I've read. Even cutting out the romance parts, the story stands on its own and is exciting. The story is a retelling of The Ugly Duckling, set in 1300 Scotland. Aishlinn is rejected by her adopted family & brought up to believe she is pathologically ugly. The book tells her story as she grows to learn & accept her true identity. It is painful at times to read through Aishlinn's struggles as the "ugly duckling", but her transformation into a "beautiful swan" makes it worthwhile. The author throws in just enough Scottish accent/phrases to add to the character of the book, but not enough that it bogs the book down & or makes it hard to understand. While the book ultimately is a formulaic romance plot, there are plenty of mysteries & twists/turns & action/adventure to keep even a non-romance aficionado like myself entranced. Romance aficionado's will undoubtedly be even more enthralled with this book and its compelling story of sacrificial love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james kruse
The writing was good but had very religious undertones. I would have enjoyed it more if it was a little less patriarchal and chaste. I found it hard to connect with the lady of the story because she was very naive to the point of annoyance. I wish it took her less time to become the woman she was by the end. I would have liked to have seen more of "her". She was very young though so it somewhat makes sense. I liked the plot and character development.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed reading this book. The characters were thought out and well developed. I loved the way the heroine evolved to show a stronger side of herself. Looking forward to the next one in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Story was intense and engrossing at times. I would like to see it reprinted with some first-class editing. There were so many mistakes it was distracting. Even the attempts at Scottish language were all off and only partially authentic. Mistakes in English were also glaring. Spelling, word usage and fractured sentences ruined a great story. Some story lines and plots were left hanging and unfinished. I would love to read this story again after some professional editorial help has set it to rights.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Finally a female heroin that I can relate to. This was a very nice love story that I thoughly enjoyed. Stared out a little scary for me, but Then it righted itself along the way. Good characters, Good scenes. Good read.
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