Into the Wilderness: A Novel

BySara Donati

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A lovely beginning to an engaging series on the American frontier. Strong characters and inspiring bonds of love. Those that enjoy the Outlander series will enjoy this series. A story of Claire and young Ian is incorporated. I was excited to reacquaint myself with Hawkeye and Cora from the "Last of the Mohicans."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, you'll love this too! There is even some mention of characters from those books. This series I s full of sassy, well spoken male and females characters ahead of their times. They leap off the pages so you feel like you know them. This is an excellent series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taufan putera
This sequel to The Last of the Mohicans is highly recommended for its faithful depiction of the time and for setting up the next book in the series in such a way that the reader doesn't mind being set up.
The Pride of Lions (Scotland Trilogy Book 1) :: The Ruby Brooch (Time Travel Romance) (The Celtic Brooch Series Book 1) :: Dawn on a Distant Shore (Wilderness) :: Queen of Swords: A Novel (Wilderness) :: Fire Along the Sky by Sara Donati (1-Oct-2008) Paperback
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate ward
Definitely not what I expected, even though it was over eight hundred pages I didn't want it to end. This author made me feel like I was right in the wilderness with her, can't wait to read book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ra l leonardo
These books are amazing! Sweeping, epic romances and historical touches create a series of breathtaking scope. Of course, the characters are too good to be true, but that's part of what makes these so very satisfying - a total break from the mundane and an immersion into the fantasy. Sara Donati's style is lush and detailed and creates a world you want to be part of.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was disappointed with this book. It was so highly praised, especially by so many Outlander fans. I was constantly wanting more character development and a less predictable plot. It is nothing more than a romance novel. I wanted more of the history, more character depth and therefore it fell flat for me. Towards the end I found myself skipping quickly through the pages because I wanted something profound to happen, which never did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denine benedetto
I am currently starting my third time through this book. I've had it several years and I love the whole series. In fact, if I had to pick, this book would be my favorite all time book. I love the relationship between the characters...romantic relationships, family relationships, relationships between friends. There are a lot of characters in the book and you really need to stay focused as you're reading, because every character is there for a reason. I enjoyed the romance part, but really it was the relationshiops that really are the heart of this book. It is lengthy, but it is a terrific read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jocelyn reyes midghall
I chose this book because I so deeply enjoyed the historical fiction of the Outlander series; I was hoping for more of the deeply complex characters and twisted plot lines interwoven with historical fact. There was very little of that to be found in this novel. It was completely predictable and formulaic, a lightly entertaining read. The difference between this book and the Outlander series is a lot like comparing ice milk to Haagen Daaz --meaning there really is no comparison. They are completely different tastes and expectations. Read it if you are looking for something amusing to fill some spare time, but not to lose yourself in a saga or become invested in the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonnathan soca
I absolutely loved the entire Into the Wilderness series. Great plots and characters, exciting action, plus I felt the series gave a picture of that time and place in history.I felt really connected to the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good, but not great. I think one review compared it to Outlander. This is not Outlander. The female character is strong willed, but also makes dumb choices that get her into trouble and needing saving. The male characters are more interesting, especially the Native American aspects. Overall, it is a quick read and was enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a thoroughly engaging read, inspired, no doubt, by Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series. I am, however, a stickler for grammar and spelling, and this book has about 10 grammatical errors. I am reading Sara Donati's sequel at present and have not seen any errors so far. Hopefully she has a different copy editor for this book.

She has researched this period in American history well, and gives a poignant and sensitive portrayal of the prevailing attitudes toward the Native Americans in post-revolutionary New York.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne girl
Superb writing with a storyline that will grab a hold of you and not let you loose until the last page. Historical fiction at it's finest and wonderful character development. The only reason I was not completely distraught at end is that I knew there were 6 more books!!The story starts at the next generation after Last of the Mohicans. The main male character is the son of Hawkeye and Cora, the heroine being an Englishwoman newly arrived to America. If you are fans of Penman and Gabaldon, you must not miss this story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have already purchased this series for friends and recommended it to many, many more. I absolutely loved ever minute reading it. It was both entertaining and at the same time feeding me with the vivid history of this countries beginnings. Next to Dianne Gabledon's fantastic series this one by Sara Donati is a definite keeper for my library of absolute favorites. The story keeps ones interest and imagination focused and excited about possible endings. the characters seem to be alive and very known to you and of course as you read you ARE the main character. As the series follows this first novel you become both thrilled and aghast at the very possible historical realities that our ancestors lived through. Well worth reading, with bells on!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda wilkins
Very similar to Outlander in style and scope. A little bit too much description of plant life and not enough dialogue. But good read, if you like 1700 America, and I do. Characters are well developed, You will have a very clear picture in your mind's eye of Nathanial and Boots and many of the other characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
am lyvers
Reading this whole series is a joy. "Into the Wilderness" is the first in a wonderful series full of the lives of families and friends, and the growth of the true wilderness of early America.
This copy I bought for a friend that is also an avid reader. She was looking for something to really "get into" and now she has purchased the rest of the books.
Strongly recommend this book, Sara Donati weaves a great tapestry of colorful people, the times and thoughts of the strong people that forged this country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dasnee mcchristian
Into the Wilderness series is just as good as the Outlander series. I was so disappointed when I finished the last of the Outlander books, but I think I enjoyed the Wilderness series even more. I especially enjoyed that the story took place in the United States and that the characters did not have to travel back in time. I wished there had been larger maps in the e-printed version of the books, and I was again sad when I had read the last one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Interesting book, though rather long. The book bogged down in several places, yet still managed to keep my interest, and keep me reading. This is not my usual genre, I read mostly suspense. I will read the next book in the series, though not right away. I need something that moves along faster before I can pick up the next book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I started this book immediately after finishing the latest available Outlander series book, was looking for something similar to the style and time period to get my fix. It wasn't as bad as I feared (after reading some reviews) and not as good as I hoped. Overall, I'd say it was good enough to get me to buy the 2nd book but won't go down in history as a favorite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rene patterson
A little slow in the beginning but enjoyed the story and style of writing. Immediately purchased the next book in this series as soon as I finished this one. Highly recommend if you enjoy adventure/romance series type reading. Reminds me of the Outlander series, maybe better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love the story.....I thought that the writing was awkward at times.....I found myself rereading some passages so I could understand what was going on. This occurred mostly during dialogue between Nathaniel and Elizabeth. Plot moved nicely, and there were some unexpected turns that were interesting. I loved the characters! They were described very well, and seemed real. The setting was written about beautifully. It was a glimpse of the past and what New York would have looked like unspoiled.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sean golden
If you enjoy traveling to another place and time, this is the book for you! Filled with unusual loveable and despicable characters, you are drawn into a way of life that is long gone! Elizabeth Middleton experiences things only imagined by women in our modern world and grows from her experiences. This is the first of the "Wilderness" series and an excellent foundation for what is an excellent series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin kiyan
What a great epic adventure! How can some readers compare this book with Outlander? I read the book in two days and am reading the second book. It kept me riveted to the pages. The characters were painted so real. Sara Donati is a gifted writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary lee
This series by Sara Donati is wonderful if you are interested in historical fiction. The author has clearly done extensive research into the period and used vivid descriptions of characters and places. I have read and reread the book and passed them around to friends and relatives who loved the books as much as I do. I reread the books at east twice a year, they are that good.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
bob cunningham
I thought this would be like Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander", but no. This book is dreary and flat. Whereas Gabaldon's characters jump off the page and are full of life, these characters are one dimensional. I couldn't finish the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have enjoy reading about the frontier in the 1700's America, then you'll love reading these books. The attention to detail allows you to really see life as it was then. Intrigue, danger, heroism and romance, it's all here
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dayna tiesi
I was entertaining enough that I was inclined to finish the book, but the story line was over all so heavily tinged with the Outlander series (and a little less studied) by Diana Gabaldon that I think, Sera might have cheated herself out of her own audience and had only a bunch of Gabaldon fan. I could be wrong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca hunt maples
Thank you Ms. Donati for the hours of pleasure and anticipation at what the next page turned will bring to the tale. I really enjoyed your nod to Ms. Diana Gabaldon with the mentions of her characters. You are joining the list of my most favorite authors. In good company, I believe, with Ms. Gabaldon, Jean Auel and Jacqueline Carey. I am a readaholic. Thank you for your beautiful work.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The writing was too simple for me (short sentences and not very descriptive) and I didn't feel the story was very imaginative or believable. This was recommended to me as similar to the Outlander Series but I'd say it wasn't anything like it.
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