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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
javier de obeso
At the close of Firelight, Jacinda had revealed herself to the hunter's in order to save Will's life after Cassian had shown up and went all, "You belong to me." on her. Narrowly escaping the hunters, they collect their mother before Cassian has them in the car and already returning them to their pride 's home in the mountains.

This is literally where Vanish picks back up! No, seriously... they had almost made it out of town, when the hunters surround their car! Will is nowhere to be seen, but his family is relentless. The hunters beat Cassian to the ground, as the air around them begins to shift and change... I won't tell you what happens, but- Oh. My. God.

Anytoobadyouhavetoreadit... When Jacinda returns to the pride, so returns the threat of having her wings clipped by the elders for her continued disobedience in the first book. Cassian has promised to do whatever he can to ensure her safety, but Jacinda can't forget Will...

Just when she is sure all is lost, no one speaks to her and she's treated as a pariah- Cassian comes to her,

"My feelings haven't changed for you, Jacinda. Even if you drive me crazy, here, in the pride... you're still that single bright light for me." ~Cassian

Um YEAH. Lets' pause for a moment and have a Team Cassian moment...

Never fear, I was a complete fictional boy toy "chick with no inhibitions" in this book- so I switched teams as often as I turned the pages okay? I couldn't choose!!!

Jacinda has accepted that she has to let Will go. But, does that mean can she really take the ONE person her sister has always loved? Cassian swears that his feelings for her are true, and run deeper than just because she's a fire-breather. Can she trust him?

Then WILL SHOWS UP... but is he too late?! Cassian's sister is taken by the hunters, aka: Will's family, while she is spying on Jacinda! Oh yeah! Did I mention the BEAR?

This book was freaking fabulous! Like Firelight, I read this in one sitting! Yet again, my only complaint was the back and forth between not only Jacinda and Will, but also her and Cassian! So many feelings for everyone, I was on overload!

I found myself rooting for Cassian through most of Vanish, unlike in Firelight when I desperately loved Will! Then Will would fight his way onto the page and back into my heart... Like I said, I switched teams OFTEN in this book!

Sophia Jordan has weaved us a tangled web in Vanish and I'm already wishing for the third installment of the Firelight series!

4.5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Picking up right were Firelight left off, Vanish is a must read full of surprises and passion, all the things that made the first installment so wonderful! Vanish delves deeper into Jacinda's past and what it means to be adraki introducing us to a foreign life, new characters and letting us fall in love with some of the old ones. As with the first, Vanish still glows with that same simplicity as the first making it an addictive read.

Jacinda's journey just gets harder in Vanish. I felt like her grief of leaving and the way she was received back into the pride felt very realistic to me. I can feel her loneliness and my heart went out to her. Even when she was doing things I didn't quite agree with, I understood her reasoning and because of that, I was able to forgive some of the mistakes she makes. I did want her to be a little bit fiercer. Because she's this great fire breather, I wanted her to embrace this role and fight back when she was in draki form. I felt like she gave up a little bit and I wanted her to push back, especially since she's had such a rough time.

I really liked some of the minor character's roles in this second novel. Tamra's journey was interesting and I loved watching her re-adjust to her new role in the pride. Her fierceness was a nice change. Will was as steady and devoted as ever but his story doesn't change as much in this story. Cassian , on the other hand, grows leaps and bounds. After Jacinda strips away some of her preconceived notions and starts to look into Cassian more, his motivations and feelings are revealed. He really made a strong comeback for himself in this novel and I loved every moment of it. While I agree with Jacinda's path, I think Cassian definitely has a role to play and I can't wait to see where he's going.

Vanish is drenched in that beautiful simplicity that the first novel shines in. The plot is straight forward (with some twists) and isn't bogged down with too many strenuous details. The writing is clear and beautiful and Jacinda's voice reads naturally. Vanish answers some of the questions posed in Firelight about draki and the pride. I was especially interested in their lifestyle and how they live and my curiosity was more than satiated.

Bottom line, if you loved Firelight, you'll love Vanish. It's got that same passion even though Will and Jacinda are apart plus it answers a load of questions from the first novel. Action-packed, intense and fun, Vanish is one hot read that you don't want to miss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn sommerville
Jacinda's adventure continues in Vanish - book two of the Firelight series. After exposing herself to human hunters, she is forced to flee with her twin sister back to the pride with Cassian. With a broken heart and spirit, she faces the Pride Elders as they prepare to punish her for not only risking her own life, but every Draki by exposing herself. No matter the punishment they choose from her, she has resigned that none can compare to the loss of Will and the new way that she is treated.

Will, on the other hand, has not given up so easily and starts out to fulfill his promise to Jacinda to find her. After locating her, they quickly form a plan to run away together but Jacinda finds herself now torn between her love for Will and her love for her twin sister Tamra who has now come into her Draki power.

I was slightly saddened to see that Jacinda's attitude was the same as in book one, Firelight. Having faced what she has, I thought that it would mature her a bit and although she does have a few moments, she still relies on thoughts of herself and what she wants such as using Cassian as a means to push thoughts of Will from her mind while trying to stay on the pedestal that everyone has placed her on. Towards the end of the novel, I was glad to see her start thinking about others and putting her feelings on hold while she aids in the planning of rescuing of her fellow Draki friends that have been captured.

I'm excited to see what happens in Hidden - book three of the Firelight Series.
In Plain Sight (Joe Pickett series) :: Blood Trail (Joe Pickett series) :: A Granger Spy Novel (The Granger Spy Novel Series Book 1) :: Winterkill (Joe Pickett series) :: Glamour
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
becky voight
WARNING: The second paragraph may contain spoilers for FIRELIGHT. Please skip it if you do not want to have things spoiled.

VANISH was, by far, an entertaining read. In fact out of FIRELIGHT and VANISH, I'd say this one was the best in my opinion. It is very rare that a series progresses and improves for me, usually they just can't match the success I felt with the first. This was not the case.

This second book in the FIRELIGHT series begins right where the first left off and we find Jacinda back to the cooling mists and mountains of her home. Things have changed and Jacinda does not go unpunished for her crimes that threatened not only herself, but her people as well. Now she has to adjust to her life, being treated like a prisoner, not like how it was before she and her family left to move to the desert down of Chapparal. To top it off, now she is no longer the coveted Draki, as in a turn of events, her twin sister Tamera manifests into another rare form: A Shader. Soon Jacinda finds herself torn between forgetting the past, forgetting Will, and accepting her new fate, new life.

My one and only issue was Jacinda still doing the "I need to forget him/I WANT HIM!!" bit over and over again. Like I've stated before once is understandable, twice is okay, more than that and it becomes a little insipid. Jacinda is a fierce character, I know she is, and I really would have loved for her to have validated that fact in this sequel rather than living a humdrum life without Will. Here's to hoping for her to bust out the bad ass in the third book.

After reading Firelight, I was most definitely Team Will. Now, after reading Vanish, he seemed to come off as more of a loveable pest, while Cassian, who in Firelight yielded the title of charming pest, now stands front and center as the one to be desired. I loved how Sophie Jordan, even it if wasn't intentional, was able to do that. Make you really question which one you want Jacinda to end up with and giving steamy and romantic scenes that will drive you absolutely mad. In the end, Jacinda can only choose one. Who will it be? I'm sure we will find out in September, when HIDDEN, the final book in the trilogy releases.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katelyn robinson
Vanish takes off right where Firelight ends, and I mean that literally...and let's just say, it's an intense moment! I have been wanting this book from the moment that I finished Firelight...and when it popped up on Netgalley, I freaked out a bit...and when I was accepted to review it, I freaked out even more...and when I started it...well, I think you get the picture. :P I absolutely loved Vanish. :D

The characters...oh the characters. I loved Jacinda in Firelight, and I still loved her in Vanish. She's so feisty...and she's a real fireball...okay, even I admit, that pun was pretty awful,'s true! She goes for what she wants, and while she may be a bit selfish by not taking her family in account when she does things, she's so passionate that I usually don't mind. :P Her sister, Tamra, has a much bigger role in Vanish, and it was interesting to see her and Jacinda pretty much switch places. Then the boys, oh Will and Cassian...this is one of those series where I struggle to choose. I really do, they're both so amazing, and I do not envy Jacinda having to decide between them. :P The one positive thing about me liking both boys is that I'll be satisfied with whichever ones she ends up with though. haha

Onto the story itself. Vanish is so intense. One of my favourite parts was getting to see Jacinda fly. I love the flight scenes of these books, they're so vivid, and I can almost imagine what it would be like...almost because let's face it, I don't have wings so it's a big harder to picture, but that doesn't stop it from being so amazing to experience through her. :D I'm not going to tell you too much because I think it's hard to describe a middle book without giving too much away, but I will say that if you loved will love Vanish! At least, I hope you will because personally, I absolutely loved it. :D

I recommend this series to anyone who loves dragons, especially if you're a fan of reinterpretations of paranormal beings. Firelight is an incredibly unique series, and it brings a fresh new brand of paranormal entities to the table. It will keep you on your toes, and leave you craving more to read. :D

**This review is also posted on my blog, Burning.x.Impossibly.x.Bright, and on my other social media accounts. :)
**I received an egalley from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
juan rodr guez
I just read Vanish By Sophie Jordan. The book was definitely an interesting read.


The book moved fast. There never seemed to be a dull moment and the reader was emotionally engaged the whole time. If you have read the first book in the series, then you will have guessed that Jacinda is a bit of a trouble-maker. Which is why it made sense that all of this stuff happened. In fact, it more than made sense: it belonged.

The love triangle. Most love triangles don't feel necessary, or aren't really a triangle. But in Vanish, there was plenty of reason for the triangle. And I'm still not sure who I'm rooting for or who she will end up with.


Will vs. Cassian. I don't know why Jacinda hates Cassian so much. I honestly think he's not that bad of a guy. He risks EVERYTHING for her in this book. Even when the pride doesn't care about her, HE DOES. I get her hatred for him in the beginning, but it starts to get a bit old. If you have to convince yourself that you like someone else more, than maybe you don't like them more. Also I get that there was a book before this, but in this book, Will and Jacinda didn't really seem "in love." At least not enough to doubt Cassian. (As a side note, I would like to say I am completely neutral in her choices, only that she seems very closed minded about her decisions between the two of them.) Will and Jacinda's relationship was mostly physical IN THIS BOOK.

The End. The author will never hear the end of this. In fact, the ending was just so "throw the book down and yell" inducing. I don't want to spoil too much, but the end is what I like to call a "MEGA super frustrating" cliff-hanger. The author has taken us on such a wild trip, that now the readers are ready to get this last swing out and then the book just ends. Granted the end is in a justifiable place, but stilll.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jajang zaelani
"It's a strange realization... feeling guilt does not mean I regret anything."

Vanish brings forth the next installment in Jacinda's life. I thoroughly enjoyed book one and happy to say the trend is sticking. Jacinda is back at home trying desperately to forget the boy she loves all the while trying to survive the fall out of what has already transpired. What's a draki girl to do?

Cassian's true colors come to light in Vanish and I must admit that I've come to really like him. Jacinda doesn't give him much of a chance to accept that he likes her for her and not because of 'what' she is. Apart of me was hoping she'd take this opportunity to find a new friendship in Cassian. Will is as determined as ever and still the boy Jacinda holds in her heart. He is brave and resilient and so easy to fall into step with. Most surprisingly, Tamra has come into her Draki self and has added to an already rich character set-up. Their Mother has her own troubles to deal with but overall the plot direction is superb.

Vanish is such a fitting title with examples brimming in the plot. Jacinda is lonely as those she once had around her are no longer consistently present. She's cut off and treated like nothing. Raw emotions bubbling and difficult choices to be made. Sophie Jordan does a fine job writing Jacinda and has created a storyline that kept me intrigued.

"Will understood about loneliness. About being apart, separate from the world that you inhabit. A stranger among your own kind. Will understood that. He understood me."

What will happen next? I'm certainly looking forward to more. For those who love YA this one is up your alley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel smith
Vanish is the second book in the Firelight series by Sophie Jordan. I absolutely could not wait to start this book. I read Firelight earlier this year, and I really enjoyed it. I am happy to say I enjoyed Vanish just as much as Firelight!

Vanish picks up right where Firelight leaves off. I was really looking forward to seeing what would happen to Jacinda and her family once they returned to the pride. Jacinda was a bit of a mess throughout the book. Very confused about what she wanted, and also about Who she wanted. One minute she wanted Will, the next, Cassian. I can definitely sympathize with what she's going through, leaving behind someone you love is definitely heartbreaking. Will was still about the same as he was in Firelight. He really cares for Jacinda, and does some very brave things for her.

I like that Tamra got a bigger role in this book. I really didn't care for her in Firelight, but she definitely grew on me in Vanish. We see a completely different side of her. I like the relationship between her and Jacinda much more. I have to say, I felt super bad for their mom as well.

The one character I absolutely fell in love with in this book, was Cassian. He is such an intense character. I hate the way he was treated by Jacinda. For whatever reason, he really adored her. I think he would do just about anything for her. I'm hoping we get to see a LOT more of him in the next book. I really, really, really like Cassian.

I have to say, I'm not a big fan of the love-triangle, especially when I really like the point of the triangle that probably won't get picked in the end. But it definitely works in this story.

I love the pace and the storyline for the book. It was a very quick, very engrossing read. I had the book finished in just a few short hours.

Overall, I enjoyed reading Vanish just as much as I enjoyed reading Firelight. Now, I'm anxiously awaiting the next book in the series. I MUST know what is going to happen next!

Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca daniel
Review By Alaiel Kreuz:

Things have changed a lot for Jacinda. The last time we saw her she had revealed the biggest secret of her kind to save the live of her true love, Will. Now her family and her are going back to the Pride with Cassian who was the one that found them. But nothing is going to be the same now...

There was a time when Jacinda was the favorite of the Pride because she is the last fire-breather and that made her very special. Special enough to marry the heir of the throne, Cassian and "create" more fire-breathers with him. Sadly for her Tamra, her twin sister, is now in the spotlight. When Jacinda showed her draki form to the hunters in order to save Will's life Tamra, in some sort of trance, was the one who saved them all when she her power finally bloomed and became a shader. Now, as the future protector of the Pride she has become the favorite draki leaving Jacinda in a lower rank after what she did.

Looking at her future everything looks dark: after what Tamra did Will shouldn't be able to remember anything that happened that night, not even what she did to save him or why she left without a word so despite their promise their relationship is lost. She fears that her punishment for her actions are going to be the clipping of her wings -and that, besides from painful, is going to kill her- unless she agrees to pair with Cassian -but she doesn't love him...right?-. And her mother is trap, just like her in a place where nobody cares if she is okay or not.

Meaning? Her life is a living hell.

Now, what I liked about this book? Tamra, no doubt. Her development is really good and somehow I'm beginning to like her more than Jacinda. Why? Because Tamra knows what she wants and who she wants... nothing like Jacinda who is one page thinking in Will and in the next page flirting whit Cassian.
But their relationship as sisters also grows and I sure had a good time reading how they help and need each other, just like they need their mother.

The ending was predictable but really interesting nonetheless. Will I read the third book? Of course I will :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kara aislinn
I posted my review of Firelight almost exactly one year ago! I had just been to the YA lit conference put on by Anderson's Bookshop. Sophie was there and then I saw her again the next day at a signing with Kiersten White and Claudia Gray. That weekend is what really inspired me to get serious about blogging. This gives these books a special place in my heart... that and the fact that they are awesome!

Sophie Jordan has a way of sweeping me up in the world she creates. I set out to read a chapter and then half the book later I have to put it down so I don't lose my job! Vanish has a particularly great hook that engaged me right away. Jordan worked reminders of the events from the end of Firelight in flawlessly. They didn't trip the story up at all. I was grateful as well as impressed!

One of my biggest pet peeves in a second book is when the characters don't really change at all. Thankfully that cannot be said of Vanish. I really felt like I was getting to know the characters more. There are some major changes (Don't worry! I won't give them away!) but there is also more subtle development. AND... I still can't choose between hot draki boy (Cassian) and hot hunter boy (Will!) This never happens!

One of my favorite parts of this book is the relationship between Jacinda and her twin sister Tamara. I loved seeing it develop from the first book. So much is going on in their lives. I wanted to know if it would bring them closer or drive them further apart. I can't say much more without giving away major plot points so I'll leave it at that.

Vanish is a great follow-up to Firelight. I cannot wait to see what Sophie Jordan has in store for us next!! Her books are not to be missed. If she is ever at a book event near you be sure to go! She is delightful as well as talented!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil melikyan
What a great sequel to Firelight. This story immediately picks up were Firelight left off. Jacinda had done what she felt necessary to save the boy she loved, Will. With that will come consequences, she has endangered the Pride,and possibly lost Will forever.
As Jacinda and her family arrive back home they are immediately meet with hostility,question, and judgement. Thanks to Cassian punishment is lighter, as long as Jacinda, stays in line, fallows the rules and gives up on Will, the human, the hunter. Can and will Jacinda do that? Jacinda's sister Tamra has suffered, and gained some in all this, however since being brought home she has been sent to live with Nadia. Jacinda's mom has a hard time back with the Pride as does Jacinda. She isn't exactly the favorite amongst the Pride any longer. In fact Cassian is the only one who is still friendly to her. She is actually greatful for him. She wonders at moments if there might, could be more to the two of them. She knows she should forget about Will and be happy, so she tries. Events happen and Will appears, What will this mean for Jacinda, Cassian, Tamra and the Pride?
This was a wonderful written story and I couldn't put it down, read it in one day. I just had to find out what was going to happen to them all. This continuing story didn't disappoint. It was full of adventure, romance, and tension. I felt for Jacinda and what she was going through. She is so strong,courageous, a little selfish, hopeful and so in love. Will is amazing goes after what he wants, sacrifices, loves deeply , and is swoon worthy. Cassian is one of my favorites in this story, he is so amazing with Jacinda he protects her, full of chivalry, kind, sacrifices, courageous, and in love. Tamra, Tamra...lots happens with her in this story sometimes I was so frustrated with her. Many twists and turns in this wonderfully crafted story, that I totally enjoyed. I am already looking forward to the next book!

One or two language issues
Clean romance

ARC given to me by publisher Harper Collins and Netgalley
Originally posted on once upon a time book review. blogspot. com
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When Jacinda manifested into her draki form in front of a group of hunters in order to save Will's life, she not only put herself in danger, but also exposed the most treasured secret of her kind. To keep she and her family safe, Jacinda must return to her pride with Cassian, the boy she is to be bonded to, leaving Will behind.

Jacinda, her mother and twin sister Tamra are all welcomed back to the pride, but there is a cost. Jacinda is closely guarded and her mother is treated as a second-class citizen because she took her daughters away in the first place. Jacinda does her best to regain the trust of the elders, but she can't help but think about Will. Is there a chance that he will keep his promise and come for her, and if he does, can she risk leaving again? Even more importantly, will she be able to extinguish the feelings she's started to feel for Cassian?

Vanish picks up right where Firelight leaves off. The book starts out with a bang and keeps a fast pace the entire way through. The writing is strong and fluid, and I especially enjoyed getting a deeper look into the lives of the different types of draki. Ms. Jordan has definitely crafted an interesting and very involved society. I think my biggest complaint about the book is that there didn't seem to be anything new as far as central conflict. I felt the book got a little repetitive in the sense that the reader spends a lot of time witnessing Jacinda's bad decisions and how she manages to get herself out of them. I think my biggest problem with the whole story is the love triangle. It felt overly familiar to me. With that said, the book is enjoyable and worth reading. The ending definitely leaves you hanging (which also kind of bothered me) but it sets up for what appears to be a very exciting book three.

(Review based on an Advanced Reader's Copy courtesy of the publisher via GoodReads Giveaways)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris hartman
The Firelight series continues to be refreshing and original with it's second installment, Vanish. In Vanish, I became much more familiar with Tamra's character! I liked the change of pace and focus from Firelight. While there seems to be less action in this book, there is much progress in character development!

I'll be honest and admit that tables have turned in this book! I found myself liking Cassian and Tamra's characters much more than I did originally! That is a feat in itself as I had developed a deep hatred for them both in the first book. I suppose this change can be attributed to seeing the other dimensions of their personalities. I came to realize that they really aren't all that bad. On top of that, I actually developed some dislike for Will. I know, crazy right!? I thought so too, but he appeared snobby, possessive, and controlling, even more so than Cassian, in this book! As for the other characters in the novel, I only have one thing to say: F*#% Miriam. When you read Vanish you will understand.

While I enjoyed Vanish, I do feel that there was a lot of filler in the story. There were times where I felt things could have progressed a bit faster or been more involved and action-packed. That being said, the conclusion left me craving for more of Jacinda's story. I have a feeling that the third book, Hidden, will provide the action and epic-ness that I found lacking in Vanish. I'm definitely looking forward to it! I can't wait to see what lurks behind enemy lines!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik hanberg
Jacinda, the awesome draki who can breathe fire, finds herself caught in the middle. Should she be a rebel and go off with Will, the draki hunter who understands her heart and just seems to be the right guy? Or should she give in to pressure and be with Cassian, the draki her pride has chosen for her? Cassian is featured much more than he was in Firelight, and I couldn't make up my mind who was the better choice for Jacinda. Too bad she can't choose both! I didn't look at so much as an emotional love triangle, because y'all know how I have grown tired of those. Instead, it was a choice that went deeper. Go against the pride or not? There is more at stake that just a romance and THAT is what it made Jacinda's choice so important.

It's not all about romance. We're talking about draki after all. That means POWERS and ACTION!

I learned all about Jacinda's pride, and some of the cool draki powers, including the ability to disappear. Think of all the secrets you could find out by being invisible! It's a power that could easily be used for one's own personal gain. Speaking of secrets, Tamra, Jacinda's sister has one of her own. It's a BIG one too!

Vanish overflows with action! The draki hunters use helicopters, moving vehicles, and stun guns to capture their prey for the evil laboratory. The draki fight back with their strength, their ability to fly, and individual talents. Look out for some awesome fighting.

If you haven't started this series, now is the time. Come on over to the draki side. Romance and action combine into one super hot series.


5 Loved


So COOL! Wait a second though. I thought Jacinda had red hair! Maybe this isn't her after all. Don't you love those amazing draki eyes? I sure do!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
By Bethany

In Vanish, the second book in the Firelight trilogy, Jacinda returns home to the enclave. But home isn't home anymore. Kept in a constant lockdown, Jacinda is forced to completely reevaluate the relationships with the people she loves. Seeing Will has become just a fantasy, never to happen, and Cassian isn't as coldhearted as he used to seem... but when Jacinda is given the impossible chance to meet with Will again, how can she refuse?

Lately all the second books in the trilogies I read have been disappointing. Since Firelight is one of my favorite paranormal romance books ever, I hoped that Vanish could beat the Second Book Slump. Maybe. At first I could almost believe that Vanish had the Slump beaten. In the first chapter, everything is what I expected: fast-paced with crazy awesome twists.

But then Vanish slows down. Nothing, well, Firelight worthy happens. Mostly, Jacinda spends her time mending old relationships and starting new ones--like with Cassian (eww!). The thing about Vanish is that singular events are taken out of proportion and made overly dramatic. Too many chapters are wasted on Jacinda's thoughts about what she needs to do and grievances over the slights of her community. I wanted something to wow me, but nothing especially pops out.

I'm Team Will. I LOVE the whole hunter-falling-in-love-with-the-hunted thingy. There is so much potential in those kinds of relationships. But Cassian? Who needs him? Though some parts of Vanish really did make me want to go to the dark side (after all, they have cookies), Jacinda and Cassian simply don't have enough chemistry to convince me that they could be happy together.

So, Vanish doesn't quite compare to Firelight's impossibly awesome standards. But I haven't abandoned the series; based on how Vanish ends, the final book in the Firelight trilogy looks like it's going to be the best of them all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashlee draper galyean
Zurück im Rudel brechen harte Zeiten für Jacindas Familie an. Ihre Mutter Zara trifft es am Härtesten, die unter Severins diktatorischer Herrschaft beinahe zerbricht.
Jacinda selbst hat auch nicht viel zu lachen. Das Dorf ähnelt mehr einem Gefängnis als dem Zuhause, das sie kannte. Nach ihrer Flucht wurden Sperrzeiten eingeführt, Wachen sichern die Ein- und Ausgänge, selbst die Flugzeiten wurden noch stärker begrenzt. Ihre Freundin Az hat sich von ihr abgewandt, ihren alten Job in der Bücherei ist sie los - sie und ihre Mutter werden vom Rudel gemieden.
Als wäre das nicht schlimm genug will Severin Jacinda zu einer Beziehung mit seinem Sohn Cassian oder seinem Neffen Corbin zwingen. Für Jacinda ist das die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera, dabei sehnt sich sich doch nur nach Will.
Dieser hat versprochen sie zu finden. Halb hofft Jacinda, dass ihm dieses Kunststück gelingt, halb fürchtet sie sich davor. Obwohl sie ihn vergessen will, denkt sie praktisch immerzu an ihn. Aber eine Beziehung zwischen Draki und Jäger ist undenkbar. Das Blut ihrer Familie klebt an seinen Händen, er ist der Feind.
Und dennoch.
Notgedrungen versucht Jacinda sich in ihr altes Leben einzugewöhnen, aber der Druck wird immer größer. Langsam geht ihre Mutter vor die Hunde, ihre Schwester Tamra sieht sie kaum noch, dafür stellt ihr Corbin nach.
Es kommt der Punkt, da sie sich entscheiden muss: Folgt sie der Vernunft oder der Stimme ihres Herzen? Für Letzteres muss sie nicht nur ihre Familie aufgeben, sondern ihr Rudel, ihr Zuhause - das Leben, das sie kennt.

Am Ende ersten Teils der Trilogie, Firelight, habe ich mich tierisch über den riesen Cliffhanger geärgert. Hätte man die ersten 12 Seiten dieses Bandes noch in Teil 1 gepackt, wäre ich vollkommen zufrieden mit dem Schluss gewesen, denn "Vanish" beginnt mit einem echten Knaller, soviel vorab.
Der Schreibstil ist gewohnt fluffig, das Buch liest sich weg wie Zuckerwatte. Für Spannung ist gesorgt, auch gibt es genug Konfliktmaterial, denn Jacinda kämpft praktisch gegen alles und jeden: Cassian, Corbin, Severin, die lieben Nachbarn - und muss hilflos dabei zusehen, wie ihre Mutter aufgibt, und zur Flasche greift. Jacinda will aus diesem Irrenhaus fliehen, wagt es jedoch nicht, aus Angst vor den Konsequenzen. Einmal ist sie noch davongekommen, ein zweites Mal würde man sie bzw. ihre Flügel nicht verschonen, so viel ist klar.

Obwohl die Seiten nur so an mir vorbeigeflogen sind, lag mir persönlich der Fokus im mittleren Teil der Geschichte ein bisschen zu sehr auf Jacindas Leid, das hat mich irgendwann genervt. Hätte nur noch gefehlt, dass man sie geteert & gefedert an den Pranger gestellt hätte. Das wäre auch noch in Ordnung gewesen, hätten sich die Charaktere nicht so vorhersehbar verhalten. Dass Az sich von Jacinda abwendet, war zu befürchten. Dass sie dann genau das macht, anstatt zu ihrer Freundin zu halten - gegen alle Widerstände, fand ich enttäuschend.
Auch sonst steht ihr niemand bei, nicht mal die alte Nidia, die Torfrau, die das Dorf in Nebel hüllt. Ich hatte gehofft, dass Jacinda vielleicht in der Alten eine Verbündete findet, immerhin hat sie damals nichts unternommen, als die Familie geflohen ist. Pustekuchen.
So gibt es keine großen Überraschungen. Die Personen bewegen sich innerhalb ihrer Rolle und brechen zu keinem Zeitpunkt aus. Schade.

Auch Jacindas Unentschlossenheit ging mir machmal auf den Keks. Ist sie mit Cassian zusammen, denkt sie pausenlos an Will. Ist sie bei Will, fragt sie sich, ob Cassian nicht vielleicht doch der Richtige ist ... Dafür, dass Will ihre große Liebe ist, kommt sie mir an manchen Stellen einfach zu unentschlossen vor.
Positiv überrascht hat mich Tamra. Jacindas Schwester war mir im 1. Teil ziemlich unsympathisch, und bleibt es in der ersten Hälfte dieses Bands auch. Das ändert sich jedoch nach einem - öhm - Zwischenfall (ich kann hier leider nicht deutlicher werden, ohne zu viel zu verraten), und sie haut endlich mal auf den Tisch. Von da an gibt sie ihr angepasstes Verhalten auf (hoffentlich Dauerhaft), und versucht nicht länger es jedem Recht zu machen bzw. akzeptiert zu werden. Jippijaijey!

Trotz meines Gemeckers hat mir der 2. Firelight Teil Spaß gemacht, den ich in einem Haps verschlungen bzw. in Rekordzeit ausgelesen habe. 3,5 Sterne für ein kurzweiliges Lesevergnügen, das im letzten Drittel noch richtig spannend wurde.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg forrester
Firelight left me gasping and wanting for more. I was intrigued by this different world of the draki that Ms. Jordan had built and I could not wait until Vanish was released. As I mentioned in the overview Vanish did not disappoint. As Vanish begins we find the group heading back to the pride. Of course Jacinda is conflicted and it's this conflict that makes the book for me. Jacinda doesn't want to leave Will but she knows she needs to go back to her pride.

But life isn't easy when she gets back to the pride. But I don't want to give away too much. Just suffice to say this book will fly by when you read it. There is so much packed into this book. Jacinda grows and changes in this book. We get more of a look into Cassian and into Tamra. We also get more of a look into pride life. There is also Will. Vanish is just amazing. I thought Firelight was good but Vanish has topped it and the only problem I have is that I have to wait another year to find out what happens next! **whine**

So if you haven't picked up this series and would like to try out something different in the paranormal genre, then try out the Firelight series. If you read Firelight then run, don't walk and get Vanish when it comes out Tuesday. It's that good! Great characters, great action and a plot that will have you turning page after page and probably wanting Ms. Jordan's address after it's done so you can make sure she's finishing the next book (I'm picking Ms. Jordan). Seriously, Vanish is a very enjoyable read that takes you to another world that is a part of our world for the afternoon and while it does leave you hanging waiting for the next book, it leaves you satisfied too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lori hartness
Jacinda has done the unthinkable she has broken the rule that has kept her people safe for hundreds of years and exposed it to humans, the worst type the draki hunters. Now she is forced to go back to the home she wanted, only this time she is the shame of the community not the glorious fire breather.
She must try and cope with the pride and forget about Will and the promise he left her with. Jacinda finds it really hard to re-adapt with no friends left, her sister practically taken away from her, a mother that spins into depression and only Cassian on her side. Now Jacinda must ask herself can she really forget about Will and be part of the pride? be what the pride expects her to be a submissive fire breather that will fulfill her "duty"?

Compared to the first book I love Vanish, this book makes me feel the tension, stress and the excitement that surrounds Jace through out this book, and Tamra who I was pretty sure I hated after reading the first book finds some redemption and is not a selfish brat anymore, atleast for me.
The only problem I have is that Jacinda is that there are times where she should fight back, but she gives up with out any real fight, the times that she should make it clear that there where circumstances that made her act the way she did and still she keeps quiet.
If you liked the first book Firelight it's a given you will adore Vanish, I hope you find this useful and tell me what you thought about the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Plot: 3 stars
Vanish had a very unorganized and at first uneventful plot. After it got rolling, though, there was no stopping until the finish line. There was little to no tension in the story, which made for a much less hypnotizing read than Firelight.
Characters: 4 stars
The characters are like their usual selves in Vanish, and the few new characters introduced are fleshed out to the point of where you understand them. Jacinda is a little stronger in Vanish, but not worth the extra star.
Writing: 5 stars
The writing in Vanish is as fluid and languid as in Firelight. The prose is magnificent and beautiful.
Organization: 3 stars
The plot of Vanish seemed to be a lot less organized. It reminded me of Spirit Bound in the Vampire Academy series, because its structure wasn't too coherent.

TOTAL: 3.75 stars

Vanish seemed to be on a completely different wavelength than Firelight. The setting abruptly changed, and with it, other things changed as well, for the worse.
I'd say Vanish is a good example of a case of Second Book Slump. It seemed to digress in quality from Firelight, which I thought was a fantastic series starter.
I'm looking forward to book three, but not as much as I did before Vanish.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aina marie
**I received a review copy from the publisher. I was not compensated in any way, and all opinions are entirely my own.**

Vanish picks up where Firelight left us and takes us on a journey into the heart of Draki society. Ms. Jordan shows us more of the mythology behind the dragons in this sequel, which is nice, but it seems that this book just doesn't quite have the pep and zing that the first in the series had. I think this book suffers a bit from being the middle child. That said, Vanish is definitely not a bad book and is most certainly worth the read.

What I really liked: The introduction of more info about the mythology, the way pack dynamics are portrayed, and the attention to detail on both main and supporting characters. Oh, and there's dragons, of course...I totally love that.
What I didn't like: The pacing was a lot slower, the plot seemed to suffer from disorganization, the love triangle (must there always be one?) isn't believable, and there's absolutely no feeling of urgency in the story. I just didn't get pulled in like I did with Firelight.

Despite my lack of total love, I'll still be reading the final book in the Firelight series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Sophie Jordan's second installment in the Firelight series. The story continues right where the first book left off. Jacinda, her sister, Tamra, and mother are taken back to the pride where Jacinda faces the glares of her peers. Her best friend, Az, has disowned her, her sister isn't speaking to her. The only person who seems to accept her is Cassian, the pride leader's son. But Jacinda can't forget about Will, the human boy she loves and left back in Chaparral.

In fact, she's willing to risk everying - her family and her life - to be with him. When she runs away to be with Will, Cassian's sister, Miram, follows her. But the two are caught by hunters. It's Will who comes to the rescue but Miram refuses to go with Will and Jacinda. Returning to the pride a seocnd time, Jacinda faces harsh judgement--her wings will be clipped and her mother is banished from the pride.

But Cassian steps in and agrees to bond to Jacinda to avoid her getting her wings clipped, rendering her flightless. But Jacinda can't and doesn't stop thinking of Will. Vowing to meet him again, she talks Tamra into running away with her for good.

The story ends on another cliffhanger, so I'm definitely looking forward to the next book to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vladimir kiperman
"Jordan never stops surprising me! Vanish is absolutely stunning, a great follow up to Firelight!

Back into the world of Draki, Vanished is seriously an understatement when it comes to Jacinda's life. Everything is just not going well for her. In Firelight we see her as a free spirited, (trying to past as) a normal teenager, In Vanish she's kind of defeated, lost her brethren's trust & respect. I admired Jacinda for her determination, strength and bravery.

But when it comes to guys...she is just torn. It's a recipe for someone getting hurt (someone always does.). I was Team Will but Caspian surprised me. He's definitely not the guy I pictured him to be. My mom LOVES this series, with much great debate (Will vs. Caspian) She thinks Jacinda "wants her cake and eat it too" I think she's confused. But she can't have it all.

I have my predictions for the 3rd book in the Firelight series. They're not good. I have a feeling that someone is either going to die or seriously get hurt. After that ending...Will, Tamra, Jacinda, and Caspian marching into the "hell mouth" itself, is not a good feeling. It can either be a complete WIN or turn into a complete disaster.

I'm so invested into her characters and plot. Jordan's writing is so vivid and capturing, I wonder what she has coming for us next. I can't wait for the 3rd book! Team Caspian! lol
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jolene houser
I read FIRELIGHT and cursed the cliffhanger. Then I read VANISH and died.

Wait. That's an exaggeration, but it's close to how I felt!

In VANISH, the stakes are higher; Jacinda's no longer the pride's special drake because guess what? Her twin sister, Tamra, has manifested... and her draki is rarer than Jacinda's. Now Cassian is eyeing Tamra, which from Firelight, we know Tamra has had a crush on Cassian for a while. This makes Tamra happy, but Jacinda can't seem to let it go.

This could be that her wings might get clipped, or Corbin, Cassian's creepy cousin, might be the one who Jacinda will marry.


What I really liked about VANISH was we got to learn more about the pride and the world Jacinda lives in and more about the other draki's powers. And like I said, the stakes are higher. Will's memory is wiped, so we don't know if he remembers Jacinda, and a lot of the pride wants to banish Jacinda and Tamra's mom and clip Jacinda's wings.

VANISH is a fast-paced, page turning sequel to Firelight that will leave you wanting to know what happens next (hello, horrible cliffhanger.) Bring on the third book, Jordan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david iwan tulus
Oh, Jacinda. You make me feel so darn angsty - but I love it!

Sometimes novels end and "leave things open" just in case a second or third novel get picked up. When that happens sometimes I don't feel like I'm about to burst because I want/need to know what's going to happen. This was NOT the case with Firelight and Vanish. Firelight ended and all I could think about was "Wait. WHAT?! NO! What happens next!" and boy did I get my answer in Vanish.

I'll tell you what happens in the most non-spoilery way I can. :)

1. Characters change. Both good and bad ways.
2. Kissing, kissing, and more kissing. Oh, and pining too.
3. Those dirty hunters!
4. Heartbreak. More than one!
5. More world building! (Loved loved loved the world building of the Pride in this book!)

I loved every minute of Vanish and I can't wait to see what's to come in this amazing story!

Like I said, it does pick up right where Firelight left off so if it's been a while since you've read Firelight, you might want to brush up on it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Short Version:
Kicking up the overall emotional intensity, Vanish picks up quickly after the close of Firelight and doesn't bother recapping previous events. With the same strong writing and bold storytelling, but building both the world and characters in surprising ways, this one raises the bar from the first book while still playing on the great elements of Firelight. Tying things up with a great plot and stunning writing, Vanish will lure the reader in and not let go.

The Extended Version:
Jacinda goes through an immense array of emotions in this one, suffering some major setbacks and heartaches but seeming to always be able to find a way to push through. Her motivations are very clearly defined and presented while still leaving plenty of things for readers to get subtly and between the lines. Though she is caught up on Will quite a bit at the start, it's understandable why and Jordan doesn't only rely on this element to propel things. Jacinda's internal strength grows in this one, and her drive to find the good at the end of a hard road is endearing and refreshing.

Cassian has a stronger role in this book, and a presence that is hard to describe but completely appreciated. Intricate in nature and intense in personality, there are some very key and poignant scenes between Cassian and Jacinda that truly speak to not only the characters but Jordan's innate writing ability. Tied by what he wants and what he's expected to do, the full nature of Cassian's life and personality comes through in fantastic ways that really build him to be something great.

The plot of this one is certainly filled with plenty of unexpected twists, and is, in whole, unpredictable. Readers will get a great look into not only the day to day of the pride, but see the ways being part of it has impacted Jacinda, even if she can't fully see all of them. With bursts of action interspersed between periods of bold character development, and never coming off as a data dump, there is an engaging and smooth flow that grabs the reader and doesn't let them go.

This isn't one that has a love triangle just for the sake of it, nor does it rely solely on that triangle to make up the bulk of the plot. Jordan has put clear thought into the full scope of things, and even each scene is smoothly inserted but has a notable purpose. From cute and sweet to gritty and rough, the full range of emotions and reactions is covered, and handled expertly throughout.

Jordan's writing is practiced and unyielding, holding tremendous word economy while still being rapt with gorgeous descriptions. Not to mention, this is one author who certainly knows how to ramp up the tension yet bring even the sweetest of moments to life. From passionate kisses to heartbreak, Jordan makes the reader feel what Jacinda does and never breaks stride in the process.

From the enhancement of the world to the great strides in character development, Vanish not only brings in new elements but keeps readers guessing. Though the ending definitely qualifies as a cliffhanger, Jordan still ties up much of this book's biggest plot points but opens up numerous doors for what is guaranteed to be a stellar third book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yana satir
While I merely enjoyed the first Firelight novel, I loved the second! I felt like the first one was mainly love story, and secondly plot. With Vanish, I felt like we got to finally look deeper within Jace. We get to know Cassian, and maybe fall in love with him a little bit. And things between Tamra and Jace finally feel like a twin-sisterhood should.

Jace does talk a lot about her feelings for Will and the conflict between her and Cassian. I think it gives her good depth. I was proud of her for getting her head together and putting something besides romance first.

There was some pretty intense action, and I was hurrying to find out what was going to happen.

So often the first book in a series is the hook, the second is just ok, and then the third is awesome. I did not feel that way with Vanish. I felt like Firelight was ok, but just enough to get me to want to keep reading. Vanish was really amazing. I liked it more than the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The first book in the series Firelight was kind of a letdown for me. I didn't really feel anything for Jacinda or Will until towards the end of the book. I decided I'd check this one out at the library fully expecting more of the same letdown. I WAS WRONG! I sat down on Saturday intending to read for an hour or so. I looked up and it was dark outside and I was done with the book! The story is so much more passionate and exciting and heartbreaking. It's so good. We get to see how the pride operates and how Jacinda is treated once she returns. We see Jacinda work out her feelings for all the different things going on in her life like Tamra and her changes, Cassian, her mom and most importantly, Will. The story ended on a minor cliffhanger but the book was so good that I have no doubt that I'll be getting the next book this fall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
greg savage
I was on the fence about this series after reading 'Firelight'. I liked the world and the characters, but the whole high school bit was too over-dramatic for me. (Admitedly it's been a few years since I was in high school, but the popular girls jumping Jacinda in the bathroom was so unbelieveable to me that it pulled me right out of the story). But I liked it enough to read 'Vanish' and while it's still not my favorite series, this second chapter is much better than the original.

'Vanish' picks up right where 'Firelight' leaves off and takes many twists throughout the book. Most of them came as a surprise to me (not the completely out of left-field, why is that happening kind of surprise but the kind that kept the book interesting). Will fans don't despair, he appears throughout the book and Tamra and Casian play a larger role here, too.

In fact, Casian becomes a sort of third prong in a love triangle with Will and Jacinda. Personally, I really like Casian and think he's getting a raw deal as the story progresses, but I also like Will so it's an interesting mix. I don't think this is a true triangle (at least not yet) and I'm interested to see where Sophie Jordan takes this story line.

My problems with this book were minor. Jacinda changes her mind (and changes it back) constantly, sometimes even page to page. While this can be annoying, I also thought it was accurate for how her character has been portrayed (she is a teen after all). There are several actions that are repeated (people close their eyes in an 'emotional' or elongated blink a lot, Jacinda hisses a lot and multiple characters flare their nostrils constantly). This type of action, when repeated to the point that the reader realizes it's happening a lot, shows a lack of creativity on the author's part (at least to me). But, this is a minor problem.

The only large problem I had involved Miriam. SPOILERS: Miriam is Casian's sister. She can turn invisisble and dislikes Jacinda. Toward the middle of the book Jacinda decides she wants to leave the pride and makes plans accordingly. As she makes her plans she occassionally mentions hearing floorboards creak and twigs snap but not seeing anyone. She also mentions the feeling of being watched. She writes this off as guilt because of what she is doing (which is possible). But NEVER ONCE does she even suspect that an invisible draki is lurking nearby. The FIRST time she heard a floorboard creek and didn't see anyone I knew what it was. Even when Jacinda is being pursued by this thing she still is SHOCKED to learn it's Miriam. Come on, Sophie Jordan, give your readers a little credit. I saw that one coming a mile away and I'm sure many others did, too. It makes Jacinda look stupid, which I don't think she is.

Overall though, this is a fast read and an interesting world. You learn more about the Pride and the way of life for the Draki and those are interesting elements. If you liked 'Firelight', you'll like this. If you were on the fence about 'Firelight' give this a read because it's a much more action-packed story...and there's more romance, too. If you haven't read 'Firelight' do so before you pick this up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When Firelight, the first book in the series, leaves off, Jacinda and her family are fleeing home to the Draki pride they ran away from, narrowly escaping hunters. Jacinda's betrothed, Cassian, came back for them and is bringing them home. She's leaving behind her boyfriend, Will. Her twin sister, Tamra, had previously been believed to be "dormant", but in the last few pages of Firelight, she surprised everyone. (I'll admit, I totally did not see it coming, lol)

As Vanish begins, Cassian, Jacinda, her mother, and Tamra are rushing back to the pride. As soon as they arrive, they take Tamra to someone who can heal and train her in her new talents. Jacinda and her mother, however, are placed under house arrest. They're traitors for leaving the pride, and are treated with suspicion and derision. Jacinda is having a hard time going from the pride's "golden girl" to a pariah. Her mother's response to the situation is to lose herself in a bottle, ultimately forcing Jacinda deal with her situation on her own.

Cassian is still pursuing her, but now she's aware that her sister is also a suitable candidate to mate Cassian. She's pining for Will, and being pursued by Cassian's uber-creepy cousin and watched by the pride. When a series of events leads her back outside the pride, she's going to be in more danger than before, but this time she's not alone...

My thoughts:
Vanish is an excellent follow-up to Ms. Jordan's YA debut, Firelight. The stories are so different: In firelight, Jacinda flees the pride only to find acceptance in the forbidden love Wil provides. In Vanish, she's back in the pride that needs her, but now she's an outcast.

I was thrilled to see more of the inner workings of the Pride, the individual roles and day-to-day activities that take place. As archiac as some of the social mores were, it was interesting to read and made me smile each and every time Jacinda rebelled.

The love triangle in Vanish is skillfully written: Where Cassian seemed to be a roadblock to Jacinda's happiness with Will in Firelight, in Vanish he becomes a viable hero and this particular reader is firmly on the "Team Cassian" side, lol. His patience and tenderness towards Jacinda when the rest of the pride is cruel stole my heart.

As with Firelight, Vanish leaves us with a cliffhanger ending - big things are about to go down and everyone involved may not survive the experience. I cannot wait to find out what happens next in this fabulous series!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joan dallof
Being a teenage girl torn between obligations and dreams is never easy. When you're a teenage girl who also happens to be a fire breathing draki shifter whose obligations include mating to someone you don't love and giving up on a star-crossed romance with a human who hunts your kind, things are exponentially more difficult. VANISH picks up immediately after the cliffhanger ending in FIRELIGHT. Jacinda is forced to flee with her mother and sister again, but this time they aren't escaping pride life, they are fleeing to it.

Much to my delight, the draki mythology that was only touched on in FIRELIGHT is explored in much greater detail in VANISH. Since the majority of the book takes place within the draki pride, we get to see more of the politics, relationships, distinctions, and practices of the draki. How they have remained a secret from the world, how their various abilities are ranked within the pride, and how they view humanity. It was all fascinating. I especially responded to the way the female draki were treated within the pride like possessions, with no choices, and severely punished for any perceived disobedience. I saw red so many times I lost count and can't wait for Jacinda to finally and fully rise up against the pride.

I only wish that Jacinda had been more consistent in her thoughts. When she was within the pride and forced to submit to the barbaric subjugation of the elders, she rightly longed to escape. But when she was faced with freedom, she only remembered the too few benefits to pride life. I understand that she's a teenager and therefore prone to conflicting emotions and indecisiveness, but I could not fathom how she could forget about the atrocities that waited for her in the pride just hours after escaping it.

VANISH is a very different story from FIRELIGHT. Jacinda isn't trying to control her draki and blend in at high school. She isn't struggling with a heart that keeps leading her to a draki hunter. Instead, she is forced to try and reacclimatize into the draki pride while weathering the animosity of her fellow draki who view her as a traitor, and ward off the attentions of two draki who want to claim her as a mate. Life is fairly miserable for her and promises only to get worse since her pride gives her no choices. So, yes, I missed the impossible romance from FIRELIGHT, and as interesting as pride life was, I preferred watching Jacinda in the human world.

Overall, VANISH mixes of dragons, danger, and despotism in a well written love story that while not burning quite as bright as FIRELIGHT, does still continue what is currently my favorite dragon paranormal YA series and sets up what promises to be another wild and romantic ride for the next book in the Firelight series.

Sexual Content:
Kissing. References to sex
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved Firelight, so it wasn't really a surprise for me to read Vanish in only a couple of hours!

Vanish follows Firelight from the exact point where Jacinda, Cassian, Tamra and their mother are in the car, escaping from hunters. It's almost impossible, but Tamra gives everybody a surprise and saves them.

It's obvious Jacinda isn't welcome in the pride, and her mother either. But Tamra is more welcome now, and everyone wants her.

Vanish is full of action. I thought it was going to be a dramatic book, thinking that Jacinda was going to probably be crying all the time. She cries, but she's such a strong character. That's why I like her so much.

In this book Cassian has the opportunity to shine. In Firelight he was always under the shadow of doubt, but he's actually very sweet, mature, and I can see he is one of those characters who always get hurt in love triangles.

Will is also in the story, but I, as Jacinda, kind of feel in between Cassian and Will. Obviously Jacinda loves Will, but Cassian is also very sweet to yes, love triangle.

I was glad Tamra had her moment to shine, but still as with the first book, I'm not a fan of her or Jacinda's mother.

Overall, Vanish is the perfect continuation for Firelight. I got the feeling Firelight is actually one book split in three parts. Of course, the ending is another cliffhanger, even worse than the one at the first I can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shiva devy
Vanish by Sophie Jordan continues the story from Firelight after Jacinda does the unthinkable and reveals herself to a group of hunters. Fleeing for her life, she realizes she has to go back to her pride with her sister Tamra and her mother, along with Cassian. But going back to the pride, they face trouble since they ran away from the pride. However, since Tamra has finally manifested as a draki, things seem a bit better for them. Even though Jacinda is under supervision, Tamra lives with another as she learns how to work with her draki, and their mother is working nonstop. The entire time, Jacinda can't stop thinking about Will.

While Jacinda is there at the pride thinking of Will, she also happens to be pursued by Cassian and his cousin, Corbin. Corbin is more of the obsessed boy who won't stop stalking her. Like that creepy guy down the street with that creepy smile whenever he looks at you because he's thinking of you naked or something. Yeah, that's Corbin. Just... ugh. It's that whole, I don't like him and you want something bad happen to him. Thankfully, he was injured, but that will probably cause some trouble later on...

With Cassian, it seems like there is a complete change in him. In the first book he was more... arrogant, rude almost. But in Vanish, he's more caring and compassion. We also find out that he's in love with Jacinda. Not in love with who she is or what she can do, but HER. It seems like his personality did a 180 and he's out of character, but it seems sincere in this book so I'm not sure which one was his real personality. I like him in this book but I'm also wondering if Sophie had him like this because she wants Jacinda to fall in love with him and having him be sweet and nice and be attractive to readers already is a good way to set it up so that we all fall in love with him and Jacinda's choice.

During the course of the story, Will manages to find where Jacinda lives but none of them say anything. The reason for that is because if they did, Will wouldn't be alive. So he pretends he's just a random hiker who lost his way. Jacinda manages to meet up with him later on and they plan to leave. However, things don't go as well for them because Will's family happens to be hunting at that spot Will and Jacinda is supposed to meet. Not only that, but Cassian's sister, Miriam, followed Jacinda in order to confront her and both Jacinda and Miriam are captured. (I believe her name is Miriam, but I could be wrong. I don't recall exactly.)

Anyways, Jacinda manages to escape with the help of Will, but Miriam doesn't want to leave because she doesn't trust Jacinda or Will. So now the problem is to free Miriam, which will happen in the third book because it ended in a cliff hanger. :( A good cliff hanger that makes me want to read more now.

What I didn't like was that Jacinda and Tamra were becoming Mary Sues. Hey, Jacinda wasn't a Mary Sue enough, they had to add Tamra and her awesome "once in a while" rare abilities as she manifests so late. Add the fact that they're twins and even more that twins like never happen with draki and bam! You got yourself some Mary Sues/borderline Mary Sues.

While there is less Will here, it seems like sometimes he wasn't as compassionate as he was in the first one. It seemed, sometimes, that he was more rude or short with Jacinda. It could have been that it was just certain times and Jacinda wasn't thinking clearly and Will tried to help, but failed. I don't know if that was to try to shift the readers' perspective towards Cassian instead of Will or not. I still like Will as I did in the beginning, but Cassian has some strong suits as well.

There is a love triangle in here, but it's not a true love triangle. I'm not a fan of love triangles at all either. Will and Jacinda love each other. Cassian loves Jacinda but she doesn't like him, though there are times you have to wonder... Tamra loves Cassian, but he doesn't love her. So it's like a strange love romance where someone loves someone else, but they don't love them except Will and Jacinda who love each other.

There isn't too much of a huge villain here. There's a few minor that come up and bother Jacinda, but there isn't a strong villain that makes itself known. In the first one, the villain wasn't strong either. The biggest villain they have to deal with is Will's family who hunts Jacinda's family/pride. I mean, it's something but it's not like it's huge like other books with their villains. So I'm wondering what "huge" fight/villain they'll have to face in the finale book that will be big enough. I don't see what they're dealing with now to be that big. Unless there's some secret going on with Will's family...

The writing was beautiful. It was enough to keep you interested and you didn't want to put it down at all. Very interesting.

Jacinda happens to be a bit... indecisive on things. She wants to leave, but when she does leave, she wants to go back. It made no sense.

Overall though, this book was very good and very enjoyable. I would recommend it as well. In ways I think it was better than the first and in ways I think it wasn't as good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven prather
"Run away with me"
Sophie Jordan has done it again, but left with twice the bang! Vanish book two in the Firelight series did not disappoint at all! In fact it was even better then book one, which I though was honestly impossible. Sophie has put together such an amazing paranormal world, everytime I finish one of her books, all I wanna do is pick it back up and start all over.
Vanish picks up right where Firelight ended, Cassian has come to bring Jacinda and her family back to the prides after running away. Jacinda is crushed, while in hiding from the pride she fell in love with Will...but Will and her were never meant to be together from the start..Will is a hunter, and Jacinda is a Draki, exactly what he hunts, but Will doesn't like the hunt like the rest of his family, and he thinks Jacinda is beautiful Draki or not. Now she is going back to the pride, and the pride will do anything to keep her there..and out of trouble..but that wont stop Will, he will find a way to be with Jacinda, but Will isnt the only one fighting for Jacinda, Cassian is also chasing after her heart.
Vanish was amazing. I couldnt beileve how much Jacinda and Tamra both grew, even Cassian and Will I noticed a big change in them. The romance in this book has left me in a stuck, I still think I am leaning towards the romantic Will, but you can't help, but feel for Cassian, and even though it's almost for sure that Jacinda will probably be with Will in the end, I am hoping Cassian at least gets a happy ending. Sophie has put together such an amazing love triangle in this book, it is deffiently one of my favorites, both of the guys are so caring and protective of Jacinda, you can't help but fall for both of them.
To sum up Vanish, it is basically a must read book. If you havn't read the Firelight series by Sophie are seriously missing out Sophie is a YA author that no one will be forgetting anytime soon with her wonderful stories of love, adventure, action and mystery. Vanish will leave you up at night until the last page, dying for book three Hidden.
Random note: Seriously if I could be any character in a book I would totally wanna be Jacinda.<3
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
renta tamba
Vanish by Sophie Jordan continues the story that began in Firelight, introducing us to the hidden world of draki (or, as I refer to them in my head, the dragonish). If you enjoyed the first book, you'll definitely fall for this one too! I liked it just as much as the first.

In this book, Jacinda and her family find themselves back where they started - home. What will the consequences be for running away? Also: right off the bat is a big shocker involving Tamra (Jacinda's sister), so from the get-go you get some action. A lot of the book is spent more in angst though, between Jacinda's constant mental battles about the men in her life and whether or not she really wants to stay with the draki or ride off into the wild blue yonder with Will.

You know that feeling you had when you were a teenager (or, the one you have now if you ARE a teenager) where every single thing that happens in your life seems like the Biggest. Deal. Ever.? Well Jacinda definitely injects the book with that sense of high drama. I don't really mean that as a criticism - I mean, she is a teen, so the behavior is normal. Also, Sophie knows her writing - it wasn't actually so over the top it was annoying. For the most part, I just found it amusing (although I might be more forgiving than usual since I'm invested in the series).

Also, I agree with some of the other reviews I've seen popping up - Will who? I am totally in Cassian's camp now (I'm definitely generous with this series - look at me talking about love triangles! I usually hate them). I got a little sick of the Will-related melodrama - he just didn't seem worth all the efforts Jacinda went to. Of course, maybe I'm just being fickle. He was a constant presence in the first book, and in this one it was Cassian always around - so maybe that is behind my switch. Either way, I honestly don't know where Sophie will end up taking us in the next book, and not being able to predict the ending is awesome! That is not often the case.

So, definitely a great book for Firelight fans - I feel confident in saying that you will not be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca fuller
This was a great addition to the series. We learned more about the pride and a bit more about the characters. My heart is torn between Will and Cassian winning Jacinda's love. There's something about Cassian that I just want him to be happy and find love! Can't wait to see more unravel in book 3, Hidden!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
hannah dillon
I read Firelight and really enjoyed the story. I was excited to jump back into Jacinda's life. Firelight left off with Jacinda showing her Draki form to hunters in an attempt to save Will, the human that she loves. Cassian, the prince of their pride, who is also Jacinda's betrothed, comes to take Jacinda, her mother and sister back to their pride. Which... is where Vanish starts off.

My favorite character in this book was Cassian. He is so patient and understanding when it comes to Jacinda even though all she does is mope around over Will. Little things that he did really made me like him, like when they return to their pride Cassian promises to do what he can to protect them from being punished for escaping. I also thought it was sweet when they got into an altercation and Jacinda went running off and he followed her. Most guys would be fed up by that point and would just shrug it off and say "whatever". Jacinda even acknowledges how great Cassian is by thinking, "I know what my life would be like if I stayed here. It wouldn't be a bad life. Cassian would always be my friend, would always have my back, and he would help me gain acceptance among the pride." And yet she still pines over Will.

I have to admit that her obsession with Will was a bit extreme. With everything that is happening to her, she just continues to sulk. Not even 60 pages in and I was rolling my eyes hoping that the story would pick up. Unfortunately for me... it didn't. The entire book focuses on Jacinda's mixed feelings about Will and whether or not she can say good-bye to him as well as sorting out the feelings that she is developing for Cassian. I think my last straw for Jacinda was when she and Cassian's little sister Miram were captured by the hunters and Will comes to save the day. Jacinda leaves Miram and takes off with Will. She tries to get Miram to leave with them but Miram is scared and says that she doesn't trust Will or Jacinda. So she just up and runs off with Will. Right there was when I lost all respect for Jacinda.

I really wanted to like this book. I really liked Firelight but for some reason Jacinda took a nose dive and instead of being the draki that I knew from Firelight, she wound up being this whiny, moping girl who couldn't even see that a great guy was in front of her the whole time waiting patiently. The cliffhanger of an ending couldn't even redeem itself and make me want to pick up the third book.

Favorite quote
I chose this quote because it is exactly how I felt through the entire book.
"You want to hear some truth, Jacinda? How about this? I can't stand the sight of you. Not when you are moping around here like someone who needs to be on a suicide watch... all for a guy who's probably already forgotten you and moved on to the next hunt." -Well said Cassian... well said.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark w
In VANISH, the anticipated sequel to Sophie Jordan's young adult debut FIRELIGHT, Jordan makes the conflict, romance and stakes even higher. Jacinda, a rare fire-breathing draki has returned to the pride fearful that Will, a hunter will know longer remember the love that they share. Her twin sister, Tamra finally reveals her draki and Jacinda is now not the most coveted of the next generation.

Restlessly, she struggles to fit back into draki life only to learn that she will never be able to forget her love for Will. Tensions flare among the pride and Jacinda struggles to ignore a new nagging feeling that she begins to have for Cassian, the next draki leader who has always wanted her as his mate.

Life is dull for Jacinda until Will shows up at the pride, having not forgotten their love they develop an escape plan that goes horribly wrong and puts others at great risk. Will Jacinda leave the pride when it needs her most? Can she turn her back on her sister and Cassian, especially given their new connection?

Picking up right where FIRELIGHT left, VANISH proves to be an even more intriguing and addicting tale of love, risks and truth. Jordan is extraordinary at developing true love triangles, or boxes. Honestly, I cannot chose who I believe is the best pick for Jacinda. VANISH leaves readers on the edge of their seat, anxiously awaiting the next book in this pivoting series.

Go buy this book before it flies off the shelves!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I absolutely loved the first book, and could not wait to get my hands on the second book. It just fell short for me. I'm not sure what it was. Too much of nothing? There was action, romance, suspense. But none of it really created the heightened emotion I felt in the first book. I could not put the first book down. This one left me feeling like I could take it or leave it.

Which I have. I hadn't even noticed the third book came out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anamaria blenche
Now that Tamra and Jacinda are the two most precious assets of the pride, what will it take to get them out? A little help from several friends, terrible sacrifices and a lot of chance. Just read what happens next when again Jacinda is thrown to the pride to be punished once again for only trying to make her life better. Too many people get in the path of her survival and causes a chain of events that spiral out of control.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
niloy mitra
The entire series is great. I highly enjoyed all of them and wish they weren't over. I've actually researched to see if she's written any more and since so many people are upset because its YA I purposely wanted to take the time to review all three books. Just because they are YA doesn't mean it isn't a great story. Highly enjoyed.

Now quit reading reviews and get to reading the books!! :))
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz taylor
This book is full of surprises and the details are amazing. I love the first book as much as I love this one. I hope you will read it too. I got my friend addicted to the first book and she will soon read this one. Hope everyone loves the book as much as I do. I'm gonna get the whole series to read over and over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I actually enjoy this second book more than the first one. I couldn't put it down. I actually find myself liking Cassian more and more, which is a bad thing since I'm sure Jacinda will always pick Will.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Vanish is the sequel to Firelight, which I had high hopes for and was exceedingly disappointed by. At the end of my review of that one, I declared my distaste for it and had no intention of continuing on. Still, when I saw Vanish come up on NetGalley, I couldn't resist it. Just so you know, I do realize that this was all my own fault.

Suffice it to say that Vanish fits with its predecessor. I will not harp on the problems that remain from the first, because I already knew they would be there and that's my bad. Overall, I think I liked this one better, probably because I knew to lower my expectations considerably.

The one thing I really need to point out that's unique to this one is that Jacinda is really dumb. She's in trouble and has a chance to save herself (by pointing out to Severin how she can maybe save someone else)...but she doesn't. Also, why can draki not shift at will? Some are tied up in draki form at one point, which could probably be escaped easily by shifting...only they don't. Why not? Because of plot points?

Another problem: I'm totally starting to ship Cassian with her rather than Will. She and Will are just too gross together. Although Will is maybe getting more interesting...which bodes poorly, as I will probably read the next book too, wondering why I've done so the whole time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Vanish was definetly a good read. I finished the book in a day because i just kept turning pages. I liked it alot but I thought it ended at a dumb place. Jacinda has to deciew between Cassian and Will.
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