Bountiful (True North Book 4)

BySarina Bowen

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andreas christensen
In this installment of the True North series we get to know the prickly bartender and Griff's ex-lover Zara who we met in the previous books. She got knocked up and until now we didn't know who the father of her unborn child was. Suffice it to say that I was more than ready to get her story.

There was a chance that I wouldn't like Zara - she could be pretty guarded and standoff-ish but she was that for a good reason. She was never unlikable and over the course of the story you can see her rough edges become softer but never smooth out completely.

She still is in her head very often, analyzing a situation and expecting the worst but Dave is a good influence. Zara's little girl means everything to her, she's a fantastic mother and it was lovely to see how she started to trust Dave with the most important person in her life.

Oh and Dave with the toddler? Goodbye ovaries. Damn!

Dave's attraction to Zara is instant and he isn't turned off by her distant demeanor. In fact, he doesn't intend to have a relationship with her at the start so it's just as well that they don't share a lot of details about their lives and enjoy each other's company.
When he comes back two years later and starts to develop feelings for Zara he doesn't take offense either, no, he considers it a challenge to win the beautiful mother of his daughter over. I loved that he took it all in good humor, he was a really good, levelheaded man who took responsibility and wanted to do right by his daughter and her mother. It didn't hurt that he was a sexy, bossy beast in bed.

Sarina Bowen lets us say hello again to the whole Shipley gang and I got some serious MM vibes from Griff's brother Kieran and the new full-time employee in Zara and Audrey's coffee shop, Roderick. Zara's big family also leaves a lasting impression, especially her twin brother Benito, who I loved! Seems like there is a story too.

Starting one of Sarina Bowen's True North books is always a little bit like coming home. I get this warm fuzzy feeling of familiarity and the characters feel more like friends than fictional. OK, saying that is even weird for me but what I'm trying to say is that they feel real. But Sarina's True North books always feel like a late summer evening, when the temperatures are already a bit crisp and you cuddle up in a comforter and have a glass of cider with friends and easy conversation.

Bountiful is a a super sweet story, very low in the angst department with wonderful characters and the promise of more. There is humor and the author's signature descriptive writing style which I absolutely adore. There aren't many authors who can go into detailed description about nature and landscape with beautiful prose. So now I can't wait to see what Ms. Bowen has for us in store next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bountiful features an overlap of two of Miss Bowen’s current series when Zara, a Vermont native and True North character, falls for a hockey player from the Brooklyn Bruisers while he's on a summer vacation in Vermont. Though the book features characters from both series, this is a standalone and readers need not be familiar with either series to follow along and enjoy Zara and Dave’s story.

I really loved these characters and couldn’t help but fall for Dave’s easy demeanor. I also really enjoyed the surprise baby plotline. It didn’t feel awkward or secretive, but rather made for an interesting storyline that gave Zara and Dave a second chance at a lasting relationship. There was a nice balance of angst and emotion driving the plot without it ever feeling overblown or dramatized, making for a wonderful story that was easy to get lost in. I had to admire Zara’s strength and really enjoyed watching these two navigate their shot at love.

Miss Bowen has a true gift with pacing that was readily apparent in Bountiful. The book begins by going back to tell of Zara and Dave’s initial encounter two summers ago. Although there was enough detail to flush out the characters and build a chemistry that carries into the present, the pace never lingered so long as to lose my interest. I was also struck by the secondary characters. Because Miss Bowen was pulling from two series, there were previous characters and couples as well as a host of new characters. And as much as I was really enjoying Dave and Zara’s romance, these new characters definitely grabbed my attention and left me eager to see if we’ll eventually get a bit more about them in the future.

There’s a reason every book in the True North series finds its way onto my physical bookshelf as well as my e-reader…and it’s not just because of the gorgeous covers. This series boasts incredible stories that alight a hundred different emotions in me. Bountiful was more of the same- an emotional, sweet story with wonderful characters and stellar writing that was next to impossible to set down.

*Reviewed for Alpha Book Club*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
curt faux
I LOVED IT! Sarina Bowen never disappoints and Bountiful is one of my favorites in the series!

❝The bartender was a good time and fun in bed, but not a forever girl.❞

'Bountiful' is the fourth book in the True North series which takes place in the beautiful farming community in Vermont. This series showcases family, hard work and romance.

Dave plays Hockey. He and some of his teammates are vacationing in Vermont and have made a couple of visits to Zara's bar, The Mountain Goat. Liking what he saw, he decided to make a visit one night, alone. He's only in Vermont a short time and relationships aren't his thing, but the sexy woman tending bar has him intrigued.

When the redhead from out of town takes a seat at her bar, Zara can't help but notice him. He's smooth and sexy and seems like a nice guy. Everything Zara should run from. But she's on the rebound from Griffin and not feeling so hot about herself. When the sexy stranger proposes a one night stand, Zara can't say no. She'll get a few moments of euphoria, a chance to forget Griffin and no strings. What could go wrong?

A one night stand turns in to a fling with strings. Because after he leaves for Brooklyn, she finds out she's pregnant and knows nothing about the father of her baby. Unable to find him, she's resigned to single-parenthood. That is until the stranger comes back to town two years later and turns her world upside down.

❝But our past had left me wondering if there was such a thing as a happy family. And if chasing the illusion only made you into a sucker.❞

When I discovered this book was going to be about Zara I couldn't wait to get it. When it landed on my Kindle, I immediately stopped reading the book I'd started a few days before, because ... ZARA and ... SARINA BOWEN! I expected to get more of Zara's sass and strength, what I didn't expect was DAVE! Holy Cow, he's perfect! Sarina invited us to watch as he overcame his vulnerability and past, while he came into his own as a self-assured man who knew what he wanted out of life. I loved Zara's transformation.

Sarina Bowen writes second-chance romance like it's her grocery list. It's easy to read but full of good stuff!

**I was voluntarily provided this free review copy by the author, narrator, or publisher. This did not influence my opinion of the book nor my review.**
Not Quite Narwhal :: Dinosaurs Love Underpants (The Underpants Books) :: Those Darn Squirrels! :: Secret Pizza Party :: The Year We Fell Down
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristina hopkins
Zara thought she and Dave were having no strings fun. And they were. They did. Until he left town at the end of the summer but left something neither had planned for behind. She picks up, changes her plans, and moves along with her knew path, making that unexpected baby the center of her whole world.

Two years later he returns with memories of that summer in his head and is shocked to find he has a child. Children and a family were not on his radar after the nightmare of a childhood he survived. But now that he knows the possibility is there, he questions everything he thought about his future.

I love that Zara is so independent. She looked for Dave, but didn’t pin her hopes on tracking him down and when she couldn’t find him, she changed her direction to fit the new path her life would follow. She is a problem solver and at her heart, a fiercely independent, strong woman. Though she knows she can rely on her family for help (and does) she wishes she could do things on her own.

I loved watching these two during their carefree summer, and again in the present as they work through the landmines that happen when a surprise baby arrives. I had to laugh as Dave steps over his own feet so many times, making things between him and Zara so much more difficult than they needed to be simply because he was walking brand new territory.

This was such fun to read both as a continuation of the True North series and a bit of a spin off from the Brooklyn Bruisers series. I loved seeing Leo Trevi and other Brooklyn Bruisers teammates as they take turns vacationing with Dave in Vermont. Dave’s sister was also a hoot, as her reaction to learning of Nicole’s existence was such a 180 from Dave’s.

I sped through this book with a grin on my face. Every moment was entertaining, both watching Zara be strong on her own and let someone else shoulder her burdens. I always knew her story would be a good one, especially when she refused to name the father of her baby. She is a feisty one, and her story fit her to a T. I love returning to Sarina’s Vermont, especially when these releases fall during Autumn, and Bittersweet continues the True North tradition wonderfully.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna leisa s

STOP what you are doing, yup, just stop and start reading Bountiful! Bountiful is a standalone and is part of the True North series. If you haven’t read this series, you can read them out of order. I usually don’t suggest this, but I loved this book so much, you can read Bountiful first!

This is Zara and Dave’s story.

It’s a single mama book and no wonder I picked this up right? Sarina Bowen + Single Parent = Happy Times ME!

The moment I started this book I devoured it. I was consumed with this light-hearted, warm-hearted and endearing-hearted read. Bountiful is sweet, addictive and will give you the tingles when you are done. I read it in one sitting and I was in such A GOOD mood when I finished.

Dave has six weeks off and he spends it in Vermont. He finds Zara and they start a cute, racy and intense summer fling. Both want no strings, no broken hearts and no last names. When Dave goes back home, he leaves something behind (that he didn’t realize).

Zara is pregnant! It’s two years later and well... everything happens.

I loved everything about this book. I loved the characters, the pacing and the relationships. I loved Zara, even though she was a tough cookie, she’s a single mom so that kind of comes with a territory. Her baby, Nicole is 15 months and I felt like Sarina Bowen wrote the book for me, because I have a 15-month baby! So I related to this book a lot.

Dave is now a dad, the only thing is he’s never been around babies nor does he know how to take care of them. I really liked Dave and I liked he had a complicated childhood. I love his interaction with Nicole and really that was the star of the book. He was everything I wanted and more.

The thing I really liked about this story was that it was really realistic and there weren’t any plot holes. Also, Sarina created enough tension to keep me interested, but not pulling my hair out.

I can’t gush how much I loved reading this book and the author did an amazing job. Oh and props for the moms who nurse past the 12-month mark (me), it’s not weird, it’s normal and that’s okay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
agon maliqi
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - I loved Zara & Dave! They both have pasts that lead them to mostly one-night stands, to become very private people. Two years ago Dave spent two months of his summer hockey break in Vermont, many of those nights in The Mountain Goat trying to flirt with Zara & get her to open up about anything personal. Zara was heartbroken over Griffin giving up on their fling so Dave could comfort her body for a while. "When his tongue met mine, our heartbeats clicked into sync. As if I'd know him for years." It didn't hurt that Dave had beautiful green eyes & coppery hair & a superhero body. Zara gave him everything in bed but put that tight lid back on herself when they were done. Dave left & Zara was going to go back to being the bad girl who hadn't quite figured out what to do with her life. But surprise, surprise - little Nicole changed Zara's whole world, gave her a focus for her career, gave her peace inside her heart. Dave is dying to get back to Vermont, to see Zara again, delighted to find a softer, more lush girl. He quickly finds out why he's seeing such a change in her. That is why I love these two - they are private people & don't initially share much of their pasts, but they are honest, straight-forward good people & they are going to make the best of this situation. I have to admit something that I feel guilty about - breastfeeding. I find it intimate & special for bonding with the baby, but also a bit hot, and luckily this author sees it exactly my way! There is a moment when I cried & I might have been the only one. Dave was feeding Nicole a bottle & her little hand drifted to his wrist & her small fingers sifted through his hair. He understands the bond with feeding that a Dad can experience, that connection made me tear up!!! Again, Zara is real with Dave, knows he has a career to go back to. But begs him to please not be that dad that would make his daughter wait by the phone, hoping she's going to get five minutes of his time. Dave is struck by the changes in his life & doesn't seem to be confused about what he wants and he wants it right now! Loved, loved, loved this couple!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen ginochio
This is another case of Sarina Bowen writing a book that left me flailing about trying to figure out which favorite thing I want to yell at you about first. That is to say that Bountiful, the fourth book in this amazing True North series, was every bit as squealy fangirl inspiring as the rest of them. And, indeed, where do I even start?

First of all, the True North/Brooklyn Bruisers mash-up here was genius. I mean, maybe that only works if you've read both series (but honestly, please go read both series) - but it was a delightful treat for me. The addition of the Bruisers teammates gave this book a light-hearted, fun feeling that kept it from feeling to heavy-handed at times. It was the perfect balance that left me smiling and giggling more than once.

As for the heavier side of this story? Gah. I loved that too! Dave and Zara have an interesting relationship - sort of flash in the pan meets slow burn. They're sexy as hell, but - as you can imagine - they have some emotional baggage to sort through and that keeps things on simmer for a while.

In the meantime my ovaries went on an epic exploding spree because watching Dave learn how to be a dad, a friend, and a partner? Ho-lee buckets, you guys. It stole my heart. It basically obliterated my ovaries. And it made me so freaking happy.

Also - Shipleys! And Grumpy Griff is as grumpy as ever and good gravy, I missed the heck out of that guy. I also particularly enjoyed Dave's sister - she was bossy and fun and I'd like to get to know her a little better. I mean, if I haven't made it clear yet, the secondary character game in Bountiful is strong - adding to my appreciation and overall enjoyment and basically pushing my general spazzy-ness completely over the top.

I loved it. This whole thing - I loved it so much! Bountiful is the perfect blend of heavy and light, sexy and emotional, and just really great storytelling. It's an addicting read. An easy read. A completely satisfying read and (as always) my heart is greedy for so much more where this came from!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When small town girl meets big shot hockey player, sign me up for that. What was supposed to be a fun summer affair, turns into so much more when autumn came around. From page one the connection between sassy Zara, and hot AF Dave was off the charts. Neither was expecting more, and they are just two adults enjoying each other’s company, knowing they’ll never see each other again.

Except for the little fact that in at least one of their escapades, they forgot a condom. Et voila, one adorable little red-headed girl. Since limited information was exchanged between Zara, and her mystery man, she didn’t find him again.

Until now of course, when Dave is back for a wonderful summer holiday in Vermont. His memories of Zara are very fond, though the new circumstances definitely take him by surprise.

I loved how neither of them was ready for a child, pretty much never planned on having children, but then you see how they are with their daughter, and your heart just melts. Dave is so clueless it’s adorable, though he does go for it in the end. He just wants what is best for his daughter, and Zara. Luckily he has plenty of help.

Meanwhile Zara doesn’t know what to now that Dave is back. She’s happy for her daughter, and while she tries to focus on that, it seems Dave has only gotten hotter with age. That attraction, and chemistry is still there between them. Though Zara’s life is in Vermont, and Dave’s is in New York. What to do?

Bountiful was another wonderful addition to the True North series. I pretty much never heard of Vermont before this series, but Sarina Bowen has a way to describe it, that I definitely want to visit now. Anyway, as always she writes these wonderful, realistic characters, each with their own unique personalities, and interesting stories they want to tell. What I recommend for autumn is to grab yourself a big glass of cider, a warm blanket, a cozy chair, and settle down for a nice, steamy night with Zara and Dave in Bountiful.

*I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabrielle morgan
Guys, guys! Sarina Bowen did it again!!! I was beyond happy when I got an ARC for Bountiful, because this is one of my favorite series. And once again, this new installment of the True North series didn’t disappoint, and left me happy and smiling and swooning. I loved it.


I already loved Zara since book 1, I always loved her roughness, and how strong she was, because she was in such a tough position. The fact that she became friends with Audrey was amazing, and I always respected her even more because of it. But Zara grew up so much after she got pregnant and she understood she couldn’t do it all by herself, and she became a little less rough, but still so very HER. I love Zara.

Dave… it took me a little bit more to fall for Dave, mostly because the guy was so lost there for a bit, but I liked his development, how he realized that his past didn’t define him, and how he became a father to Nicole. I loved his scenes with his baby daughter.

It was great to see all the people from the 2 series too, especially Audrey and Griff, and Leo. And Castro, he needs a book ASAP.

While I really loved the plot, and I loved seeing Zara, Dave and baby Nicole become a real family, I needed some more development on the romance department. The relationship between Zara and Dave just happened way too easily, especially after they had been apart for 2 years and so much had changed in the meantime. I thought the their story needed more talk, more discussion, more time spent together. I do understand that having Nicole was already a huge bond, but there was something missing.

But baby Nicole is the most adorable baby ever. And I loved every little scene she was in, she was a scene stealer!

Like I said, another amazing book by Sarina Bowen. I can’t wait to see what else the True North and Brooklyn Bruisers bring. I need books about a lot of characters in these 2 series, and I need those books fast!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bountiful by Sarina Bowen

I absolutely adore Bowen's writing and this series in particular. While the True North series can lean bit towards the angsty side, Bountiful has a lighter feel to it and I'm pretty sure it might be a favorite of mine.

Bountiful is the story of sexy bartender, Zara and her month-long 'tryst' from two years ago, Dave. They met when Dave was visiting Vermont (and seriously, every time I read a book from this series, it reignites my desire to visit!) and knowing they only had a short amount of time together, they agreed to not share anything of themselves apart from the physical. Two years later, Dave comes back and immediately seeks out Zara only to discover that Congrats! He's a daddy! What follows is Dave and Zara (and Nicole's!) journey to each other: to learn, to grow, and yes, to fall in love.

I thought this was a really beautiful story where the characters grew and evolved separately and together. I admired the hell out of Zara. She was strong and feisty and wasn't afraid to work hard to get what she wanted. I love that she didn't lay blame anywhere and I love that she respected Dave enough to allow him space and to give him choices. Dave. Sweet, merciful Jesus! I am in lovvvve! He plays hockey for the Brooklyn Bruisers, he's a redhead, he's a little bit dirty, and he is the most gorgeous fictional daddy to Nicole. I absolutely loved every single thing about him. Again, he knew when to push and when to give space to Zara and that was so important for her to have that. Honestly, I just fell further and further in love every time he interacted with his little girl. Swoon!

I think Bountiful is the perfect addition to the True North family and I really enjoyed the glimpses into the lives of previous (and future) characters. I just can't wait for more!

*arc received in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was absolutely FANTASTIC! Once I picked it up, I could not put it down. I loved watching these amazing characters come together. I love when a story really makes me feel and this book just gave me so much and I felt so full. The perfect mix of emotion, love, and heat!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to read this, I’ve been looking forward to Zara’s story since the first book, Bittersweet. The beginning was awesome - a seriously incredible way to kick of a story. Explosive is a good word. Everything around me faded away as I got to know Zara and Dave and it was absolutely perfect. These two had an unconventional start and I loved their off the charts chemistry and how they really got under each other's skin. Zara was so tough and in charge but so guarded. I was pretty much loving Dave from the start with his commanding attitude and strong presence. He was such a good guy and I really loved his walls coming down bit by bit, it had me so full of emotion watching him truly open up. Zara was amazing as well. I loved how she softened as a mom, how she'd grown and changed but still guarded her heart. How everything unfolded was exciting and fun but sweet and sexy, filled with moments of tension and and so much feeling.

The writing was spot on. I absolutely loved how the details were presented. It had a wonderful flow. I was so pulled in and filled with anticipation as I learned Dave and Zara’s histories and watched them fall in love. It had excellent development. I was thrilled when the timeline started so we really got to see Zara from the beginning. I loved all the secondary characters and getting updates from other characters in previous stories in this series. I also adored the connection to the hockey series, The Brooklyn Bruisers, and seeing Dave's teammates. That was was a fun addition. I liked the bit of drama that Zara's family brought to the table as well, it added just the right amount of tension. I loved Dave's sister and his relationship with her. I adored the baby… seriously, those daddy-child moments were the most precious things ever.

Bountiful was exciting and entertaining with some seriously awesome heat mixed in. It was just a wonderful story about these slightly broken people healing and coming together and falling in love and embracing the future and letting go of the past. It was AMAZING and hands down my favorite in the series so far! I loved this and the ending, man, it was exactly what I wanted. Absolutely perfect!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bountiful is the fourth book in the True North and it can be read as a standalone.

Zara is an independent woman, running her uncle’s bar, she’s a tough bartender trying to get over her ex and, well, a eye candy green eyed hottie doesn’t go unnoticed at her bar. She has watched Dave watching her and she can’t resist him after a particularly rough night. But she has no doubt that his grin means… trouble.

Dave is a hot cocky hockey player, he’s spending a few weeks in Vermont and the hot bartender with an exotic name definitely caught his eye. Dave knows he isn’t relationship material, so he’s hoping to have a few fun nights with Zara but she’s not exactly what he’s expecting since she lays the rules even before him: no life stories, no strings attached. But sometimes life happens. Literally.

I absolutely loved Zara! She was strong, feisty, independent but she knew she needed help as a single mom and the way her family supported her was so heart warming. She was a great mom, an awesome friend and it was amazing to see how she changed after becoming a mom. Dave was a sweetheart, I loved how unsure he was around his daughter at first and how he gradually fell in love with her, their moments together were so sweet! I really liked the way Zara and Dave were absolutely perfect for each other, how they slowly opened up to each other and how they were falling in love without realizing it.

Bountiful was a captivating, emotional, sweet love story with steamy moments and with an utterly perfect ending.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea carrijo
Hands down, my new favorite of the series! Bountiful was romantic, swoony, emotional and induced a serious case of ovaries exploding.

Dave is Mr. Carefree. All he cares about is Hockey and hooking up. Causally, of course, as he can't get too close to anyone. Except for when he has a summer fling with Zara. There is something about her that intrigues him, and he actually cares to get to know her. However, she puts that wall up between them, and he doesn't knock it down.

Zara is total WCW material. I loved that she hasn't had the easiest road in life, yet she is still strong and still looks at things with a positive light. She doesn't play the victim, just accepts things and works her butt off to make her life, and her daughters, the best it can be. I adored the relationship between her and her family.

The writing in this book was just amazing. You had no choice but feel what the characters were feeling, so it was one heck of an emotional roller coaster. The connection between Dave and Zara was pretty undeniable, but it wasn't that simple. There is one daughter and a lot of time between them now. There is also hurt feelings, uncertainty and time limit working against them. The way they form a friendship, which leads to more, isn't forced and feels completely natural.

Watching Dave learn what it means to be a father made me tear up several times. It was bittersweet, heartwarming and brought a whole new level of SWOON.

If you felt like you've read this kind of plot before, I can promise you, no one has done it the way Sarina Bowen did it. One of the best books I've read this year!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

*thank you to the author for providing an arc*


The fourth installment of True North series is my favorite so far. Sarina Bowen brings back your favorites while still highlighting Zara and Dave. The pace of the book is great and there is never a moment where you feel like you don’t know what’s going on. The True North Series is not only a family but makes you feel like you are joining that family with each book.

Zara feels like she is missing out on things in life, but tending her uncle’s bar she meets Dave. He has been showing up at her bar a couple of times now and she can’t seem to ignore him. And when he finally makes his move she takes him up on it. But her one rule is not to get attached. And when he has to leave a month later, she wonders if she did the right thing by letting him go.

Dave loved his time in Vermont two years ago and cannot get Zara out of his head. Hand when he finally goes back his first stop is the bar she use to tend but she isn’t there. When he does find her later he is in for a surprise. He’s a dad!!

Zara can’t believe that Dave is back after two years and when she throws him the bombshell she has no idea how he is going to react. But she knows one thing, she still has feelings for him.

As Zara and Dave try to figure out how they are going to proceed, they know that they are still attracted to each other. But will they be able to get through the challenges they are facing or will they let the past and their own insecurities influence their future?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
manami kamikawa
Bountiful is the fourth standalone in the True North series. I hadn't heard of this series before receiving this book for review. Bountiful follows Dave and Zara after they meet in the bar Zara is running for her uncle in a small town in Vermont. After basically getting dumped Zara decides to use Dave as a distraction for the few weeks he's in town. Fast forward 2 years, Dave is back in town but his plans are quickly derailed when he finds out he has a daughter.

This story is not what I was expecting at all but I still really enjoyed it. Compare to some of the contemporary romance novels I've read lately, Bountiful is more realistic and I really enjoyed that. Zara and Dave both have a past that make it hard for them to open up and truly let someone in. A big part of this book revolved around both of them realizing they deserved more out of life than they kept telling themselves they did. It was nice seeing them take the time to get to know each other and take a chance at being happy.

After reading this I do wish I was able to see Dave interact more with Nicole and the rest of Zara's family. I know everyone wasn't going to completely accept him right away but I feel like I missed out on a big part of Dave's growth as a person. I wasn't a big fan of the abrupt ending. I appreciate that everything wasn't perfectly wrapped up but it just felt like the story ended in the middle of a thought. This is the first book I've read that Sarina Bowen has written by herself. As I mentioned before, I really enjoyed Bountiful and look forward to reading more of her novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series!!! People, I love this town, I love these characters, you must read it. Sarina Bowen has met all my expectations, and I am hopeful she will continue the True North series for years to come.

I guess we could call this one a surprise baby, but us readers have known about it for a while. Zara, that we’ve known and grown to like has been mentioned in all three previous books. If I remember the timeline correctly she was still pregnant in the last book. We get to go back to conception if you will and learn how Zara came to be in the predicament during BITTERSWEET. We got hints before, but no real details. Then book jumps two years in BOUNTIFUL. We have adorable and standout baby Nicole, who pulled at all my mommy heartstrings. Zara’s character has grown a lot, as motherhood tends to do to us. Our priorities are realigned, and things that used to be important, seem trivial.

But DAVE!!! He’s like a surprise present in this book. We get a sort of cross over from Sarina’s Ivy League and Brooklyn Bruisers series, and that was SO COOL. We get cameos from characters from other series and plenty of Audrey and Griff too. I loved how Dave embraced his fatherhood even if it was a shock to his life.

Two worlds collide and it’s perfect. I loved it, and dare say BOUNTIFUL is the best True North book to date.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn cahalane
Fell in love with this series since Bittersweet. While the series can be standalone (as I am reading this book after book 1), I really still want to go back and read others’ stories. This series also seems to have loose connected to Sarina’s Brooklyn Bruisers series.

The story had my favorite type of trope - surprise pregnancy. So obviously this is easily my favorite book of the series.

While the immediate and scorching chemistry got our two main characters together - Zara & Dave, their HEA slowly advanced through the book.

I loved how Sarina developed the characters as they tried to figure out what they want as a family. How Dave took to parenting and accepting his surprise baby was endearing and real. The struggles of finding yourself to be a father all of a sudden.

The book definitely rly got some well deserved happy tears out of me.

Now I need to decide whether to read book 2 or 3 in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca sullivan
Sarina Bowen certainly knows how to write a romance novel that has you captivated from beginning to end. She writes brilliant characters that you become invested in. I loved Zara and Dave from the beginning.

This was a fast paced story at the beginning and then it slows down. Normally I am not a fan of slower paced stories but Sarina words make me want to slow down and devour each word, dragging the enjoyment out.

I loved Zara and Dave's relationship, even at the beginning when they met, the chemistry between them was off the charts. Their affair was scorching hot for that one month in the summer. They exchanged no personal information. She never thought she would see him again after he left, but when he left he left a bit of him behind.

Two years on and Dave returns to Vermont and hopes to rekindle the fling again for the summer. He never expected to find out he is a father to the totally adorable Nicole!

Not only does Sarina gives us great primary characters but all her secondary characters are fantastic too and really compliment each one. I honestly loved Zara's brothers, especially Benito so I hope he gets his own book.

It was quite refreshing having a hero actually step up and take responsibility instead of mucking it up a lot and having to be slapped upside his head a few times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Zara and Dave’s story was beautifully told. Zara is prickly and Dave indulgent, loving her despite her spikes. I thought his reaction to sudden fatherhood was realistic, as was his cluelessness about how to handle the situation once it sunk in. How his career and family life tore at him is a struggle that many people face, and I liked how he ultimately handled it. He was helped along by the wonderful depiction of adorable Nicole, and Zara who transforms into a mature businesswoman, mother, and member of a loving Italian family. The whole story was a heart-warming journey that I enjoyed thoroughly. Superior writing that is always a pleasure to return to.

The story is a standalone in the True North Series True North (5 Book Series), but I seriously want to go back and re-read all the stories and become immersed in everything Vermont.

I purchased this story on Audible. The narrators were wonderful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tomoyasu nakamura
Sarina Bowen is one of my favorite authors-- she writes such likable characters and stories that just make me happy!

I recently read the first three books in the True North series (Bittersweet, Steadfast, and Keepsake), as well as the first three books in the Brooklyn Bruisers series (Rookie Move, Hard Hitter and Pipe Dreams) to get ready for Bountiful and I fell in love with both of these series and all of these characters! Not only do I want to start watching Hockey games, but I want to move to Vermont and go live on a farm!!

Bountiful is Zara's story. After a short "fling" with Dave (a stranger in town for a month) Zara is left pregnant and alone, with no idea how to find and tell Dave about his child. Fast forward two years and Dave is back in town and finally finds out about his daughter.
The chemistry between these two was amazing- you could really feel the sexual tension from the start. I loved how Dave went from being a Hockey-playing single guy with no idea how to be a father, to taking care of his daughter Nicole with such ease!

I am not sure who is next in the True North series (I hope it's May and Alex) but I can't wait to read the next book whoever Sarina decides to write about!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
book addict
Sarina Bowen’s True North series is consistently refreshing. All the books take place in the same sleepy Vermont farming town. While they involve interconnecting characters, each book is a standalone with a distinctly different feel. Bountiful is like a warm fuzzy blanket. It’s a cozy romance featuring a bartender/barista/baker, a baby, and a babe.

I used to think of Zara as the hardened bartender who got knocked up: baby daddy unknown. This book shows that she is so much more. I actually enjoyed her prickly edges in the beginning of the story, but I really connected with her humble yet strong maternal side. I loved her journey.

Oh, my aching ovaries! Give me a hunky hockey player snuggling with a baby, and I’m a goner. Dave may be a bit slow to clue in to the blessings right in front of him, but he’s a genuinely good man with an easygoing nature.

Bountiful reminds me of the old school romances that first attracted me to the genre. There’s realistic conflict without angst, and plenty of tender, loving moments. Well done.

Recommended for fans of:
Single moms
Coffee shops
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark eisner
It’s so much fun reconnecting with the Vermont gang. And this one is even better as we get to mix in a few of those hawt Brooklyn hockey players we all love as well.

Bountiful is the perfect blend of what we love from the Tuxbury Vermont and Shipley Farms and Brooklyn Bruisers. I personally love stories where the reader can reconnect with some of their favorite characters.

We get to reconnect with Trevi and Doulie from Brooklyn Bruisers and then Grif and Ashley along with Zach from Shipley Farms...that is perfection in my eyes.

I totally enjoyed this story as well. Readers had known that Zara had a been pregnant and had a baby from previous stories, so it was nice to get the opportunity to revisit her and find out her story.

And I love Dave. He’s just an over all great guy. He’s charismatic and funny. He’s caught off guard when he finds out about having a daughter...but who wouldn’t be. And ultimately he steps up to the plate (wrong sport...sorry) and accepts responsibility and embraces fatherhood.

I look forward to more from each of these gangs. Can’t seem to get enough from this group from Vermont...makes me want to travel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steph sievers
Genre: Romance - Sports (Hockey), Secret Baby
Stand Alone: Yes
Part of a Series: Yes Book 4 of the True North Series
POV: Zara and Dave
Steam Level: Toasty Warm

This is the second book I've read by Sarina Bowen and I liked it quite a bit. I liked how it was separated into two parts: Summer #1 The Summer of Love and Sex and Summer #2 a few years later The Summer of Reality and Getting to know each other. Zara's character was relatable and her attitudes understandable due to the way she was raised. I enjoyed getting to know Dave better in the second part of the book as he a bit of a mystery in the first part. It was fun seeing him getting more comfortable with Nicole and his teammates helping. The scene with the banana was a riot. Overall Bountiful was sweet and fun with a lot of character growth. I would have liked an epilogue but I read an advanced copy of this book so there may be one in the final, published version. This is my honest and voluntary review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarina just did a Shipley Farm/Brooklyn Bruisers crossover for us and it WAS FABULOUS! We met Zara in the True North series and when we last saw her, she was pregnant and keeping mum about the identity of the father. Turns out we get to meet him in Bountiful and he's a player for our favorite hockey team. What are the odds? :-) I adored Dave and how he stepped up and was so patient with prickly Zara. Turns out Zara brings out the best in Zara and these two are SO GOOD TOGETHER.
It was super fun to catch up with Griff and Audrey (newly married and expecting!) and Trevi, and please, Sarina, give us more Castro! Bountiful can absolutely be read as a standalone, but it's so fun to be in Sarina's world of cider and hockey, I really suggest you read them all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine d
I have loved the True North series, and this newest one didn't let me down.

As always Sarina's writing style is amazing. You feel a deep connection to the characters, the story was really sweet, and I loved seeing cameos from all of our favorite characters from the series. Throughout the series you always wondered what Zara's story was, and now we know. I love how she tied her hot hockey players into this one as well (because I LOVE her hockey books!)

All in all I loved the story, I loved the characters, and I love this series! Here's to hoping she writes more books in the True North series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen nowicki
This series just keeps getting better. Zara was prickly, but I understood where she was coming from so it didn't bother me. As for Dave, he was pretty much my idea of the perfect hero, just an all-around nice guy who worked hard, tried to be decent and although he was completely thrown for a loop once he found out about his daughter, he didn't hesitate to jump right in and try to help out in any way he could. He never got mad at Zara for pushing him away, he just hung in there and wore down her resistance. I hope Sarina Bowen decides to continue this series. It's one of my favorites.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel burke
Bountiful is a second chance romance in the countryside setting with a bit sports romance vibe also it happens to be a delightful crossover of True North and Brooklyn Bruisers series. The writing is brilliant as always. The prose flows like river also it's amazing how palpable is the author’s love of hockey and Vermont in every vivid description. Also, I really like that Sarina knows well how to craft realistic protagonists who are capable to change and grow. I have to admit the plot doesn't bring any big twist but the story moves along at a nice pace. Another plus in my eyes is that the whole novel is told in dual pov.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fabulous 4th book from the True North series. Sarina Bowen's writing is so captivating and the characters she writes leap off the page and leave you wanting more at the end. I'm now in book depression... I just want more from this series! Good thing this author has other series to feed my obsession with her writing and character development!
If you are looking for a well written contemporary romance series... this is a book, series and author that is a must have to any great book collection.
Happy Reading...enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roberta macdonald
3.5 stars

I voluntarily received an advance review copy of this book and chose to review it.

I liked the premise of this book. I liked how we saw both before and now. I liked David, I liked Ben. What I couldn't really connect with was Zara. As much as she kept David at arms length, I felt the reader was also kept at arms length, I just couldn't warm to her. As such, I felt I couldn't really feel the couple' chemistry and connection, I couldn't really root for them. I also felt the story needed something, some drama, something dramatic to spice up the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryellen donahue
This book is all for what you reach while reading romance novels. It's romantic and emotional. I love it.

A quick start and a very exciting action. I love the chemistry between the characters and their interactions. Of course, the secondary characters added a lot of entertainment to the story.

Zara and Dave book was simply amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hans gerwitz
An absolute gem.

I loved bossy Dave and prickly Zara. Over protective brothers, grumpy farmers, and one adorable baby and I couldn't put the book down.
I was so excited that you merged two of your series together, these two were fun together. It was great to catch up with some of the other characters just like family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shayna paden
I loved this book. It was frustrating because we could easily see what they couldn't. The sweetness made me cry at times. It had the right amount of steaminess and a good storyline. I liked how it crossed over to the author's hockey centered series, which I also enjoyed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lilian vrabely
I have enjoyed this series greatly. The characters all have flaws and take time to warm up to a relationship. I have listened with Audible and the performances are well done.

But, whoever chose the cover OBVIOUSLY had not read the book! Dave, the main male character is a HOCKEY PLAYER (not a farmer) and is a RED HEAD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brynne b
Every book in this series gets better and better. I just couldn't put this book down although I stopped reading at 97% because I couldn't stand to think I was minutes away from it being over. I now plan to start at book #1 and reread the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather l
I absolutely loved this book! I enjoyed the storyline and the characters so much. It is a really beautiful love story. So romantic, so steamy, so sweet and warm filled with humor and Aahh moments that touch the heart!!! Sarina has such a special way with words. She can make a story super sexy at the same time that is endearing and touching at the same time. Plus embedded in the stories she writes are little bits of wisdom that remind us about how very human we all are and how we sometimes have to work on ourselves to conquer our fears in life! I have truly enjoyed all the books in this series and really hope there will be more books about these wonderful characters and families she has created. Give this book and series a try you will be so very glad you did!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole cappola
Loved this book! Have been wondering about the prickly Zara since she was introduced in book 1 of this series. Glad we finally got to hear her and Dave’s story!! Was not disappointed at all. And what a softy Dave ended up being for both of them!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna montgomery
Bountiful is a second chance romance in the countryside setting with a bit sports romance vibe also it happens to be a delightful crossover of True North and Brooklyn Bruisers series. The writing is brilliant as always. The prose flows like river also it's amazing how palpable is the author’s love of hockey and Vermont in every vivid description. Also, I really like that Sarina knows well how to craft realistic protagonists who are capable to change and grow. I have to admit the plot doesn't bring any big twist but the story moves along at a nice pace. Another plus in my eyes is that the whole novel is told in dual pov.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann rufo
What a fabulous 4th book from the True North series. Sarina Bowen's writing is so captivating and the characters she writes leap off the page and leave you wanting more at the end. I'm now in book depression... I just want more from this series! Good thing this author has other series to feed my obsession with her writing and character development!
If you are looking for a well written contemporary romance series... this is a book, series and author that is a must have to any great book collection.
Happy Reading...enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gail guerrero
3.5 stars

I voluntarily received an advance review copy of this book and chose to review it.

I liked the premise of this book. I liked how we saw both before and now. I liked David, I liked Ben. What I couldn't really connect with was Zara. As much as she kept David at arms length, I felt the reader was also kept at arms length, I just couldn't warm to her. As such, I felt I couldn't really feel the couple' chemistry and connection, I couldn't really root for them. I also felt the story needed something, some drama, something dramatic to spice up the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thomas aylesworth
This book is all for what you reach while reading romance novels. It's romantic and emotional. I love it.

A quick start and a very exciting action. I love the chemistry between the characters and their interactions. Of course, the secondary characters added a lot of entertainment to the story.

Zara and Dave book was simply amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristie fuller
An absolute gem.

I loved bossy Dave and prickly Zara. Over protective brothers, grumpy farmers, and one adorable baby and I couldn't put the book down.
I was so excited that you merged two of your series together, these two were fun together. It was great to catch up with some of the other characters just like family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. It was frustrating because we could easily see what they couldn't. The sweetness made me cry at times. It had the right amount of steaminess and a good storyline. I liked how it crossed over to the author's hockey centered series, which I also enjoyed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
quill camp
I have enjoyed this series greatly. The characters all have flaws and take time to warm up to a relationship. I have listened with Audible and the performances are well done.

But, whoever chose the cover OBVIOUSLY had not read the book! Dave, the main male character is a HOCKEY PLAYER (not a farmer) and is a RED HEAD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another awesome read in The True North series and I love the cross over with the Brooklyn Bruisers. This was a very heartwarming story, very easy to read and fall in love with Dave and Zara and other special characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clarissa olivarez
Every book in this series gets better and better. I just couldn't put this book down although I stopped reading at 97% because I couldn't stand to think I was minutes away from it being over. I now plan to start at book #1 and reread the series.
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