And Honest Friendship - A Foreign Policy of Freedom

ByRon Paul

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim olson
This book contains many speeches presented to the US House of Representatives. The book presents these speeches with contextual notes so that the reader may understand the flow of history and what was taking place in the world when the speech was given. This book provides excellent insight in to Dr. Paul's beliefs regarding the Founding Fathers, foreign affairs, the legal basis for US government action with regards to foreign policy, etc.

There seems to a group of people spamming Dr. Paul's book reviews. Please read the reviews with a critical eye.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Interesting read, but also frustrating.

It's frustrating how foolish the gov't can be for so long.

If you are looking to expand your knowledge of Paul, on truly conservative foreign policy, or just get some interesting (and scary) history on the choices the gov't has made concerning attacking others, read some of this.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
keltie nelson
Ron Paul tries to have it both ways. His speeches say he is on both sides of the argument over and over again. His positions are not consistent. Can you be like Buchanan and Soros at the same time?
Ron Paul: America's Most Dangerous Nazi :: End the Fed by Ron Paul (2009-09-16) :: Swords into Plowshares :: For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto :: An Insider's Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pavol fabo
I bought this book not realizing what exactly it contained. When I found it was a collection of Paul's speeches on the floor of the House while he was in congress, I was a bit disappointed. Once I actually started reading, that sentiment disappeared entirely. Being in my mid twenties, I don't have the first hand experience of our countries foreign exploits around the world. Paul tackles them all with his classic anti-interventionist stand and it's refreshing to read someone standing up so consistently against such horrible policies.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
martin johnson
In The Revolution: a Manifesto, Paul briefly covers many facets of his objectives including views on foreign policy, monetary policy, abortion, free trade, and an assortment of laissez-faire convictions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john singh
This book was an amazing collection of Ron Paul's speeches in Congress and Ron Paul sprinkled in his current opinions of his former speeches even criticizing himself at times. Everyone should read this book before passing judgement on the man running for President that the media makes out to be a nut. Dr. No has systematically over the years predicted all the foreign policy errors and their results many years before they happened including the 2nd Iraq War. The man is a modern day political prophet and people should really read this book whether they agree with his views or not.

A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship
The Revolution: A Manifesto
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renata mcadams
Interesting to see many of Ron Paul's speeches in Congress going all the way back to 1976. Interesting to see him stay so consistent on foreign policy for so many years. Interesting to see a perspective rarely seen in Congress anymore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anita brooks kirkland
I bought this book when my curiosity for Dr. Paul expanded past that which I felt I could find on the internet. I was not disappointed. In a way, a great politician sometimes makes for boring reading; his beliefs just don't switch (which is great!). I ended up earmarking sections of the book as particularly hard-hitting or pertinent to today in case a friend wanted a quick and dirty version.
The book is amazing. His arguments, made to and in the presence of (we hope) very intelligent men are incredibly simple and easy to understand. The man has conviction and speaks well. It's amazing how simple public speaking is when you know your material and believe as whole-heartedly as Dr. Paul.
Now, I say this is depressing because I became a true follower of his ideas and fears while reading this book. I wonder, as he does, if the necessary change can happen or if we're doomed to continue down this horrible path. We're spoon-fed so much nowadays through a very limited number of censored mediums; TV, newspaper, and magazines. The chapter about Neoconservatism was particularly interesting and worrying.
Overall, if you like Dr. Paul at all or don't, this book is great reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taufik darwis
If only we (U.S.) would follow this foreign policy. 9-11 would never have happened (can you say "blow-back"???). This is the Christian, decent, kind, friendly foreign policy the Founders envisioned and advocated.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly fitz
This book of speeches given over the last 30 years gives a historical context to why America is facing the situation it exists in today. Dr. Ron Paul's speeches on the house floor put his consistent struggle with a government out of control in historical context. Whether it's the funding of oppressive communist governments at the taxpayers expense, or military actions based on U.N. Resolutions, this book powerfully highlights everything that is wrong with the US foreign policy run amok, and points out a higher path to peace and prosperity.

This should be required reading for everyone: Democrats and Republicans. There is something in here for everyone on just about every page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lets cut to the chase I would recommended this book for anyone with an interest in foreign policy and the constitution. However I was suprised with that it was speeches while he was in congress. but overall Iliked the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kai weber
Ron Paul is such a Patriot. Any person wanting to learn more about the economy, the gold standard, or other political issues should read Ron Paul's books! Ron Paul is not an isolationist. He believes in free trade and friendly foreign relations as intended by our Founding Fathers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heralded as a "modern day Thomas Jefferson", Ron Paul is spot on with his assessment of US foreign policy. This book is simply a collection of speeches made on the House floor (as well as a few diary entries) pertaining to foreign policy over the last few decades.

Ron Paul has gained mainstream popularity only in the last year, but it's amazing to see how consistent he has been with his message. Very unusual for a politician! Hopefully one day the government will get the message, and follow a foreign policy our founders advocated.

Ron Paul FTW!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mitesh sanghani
Although this book is strictly floor speeches from Mr. Paul- it is a great read. Very informative and shows Mr. Paul's consistency in America's founding doctrines. He references our founding fathers throughout the book. The only problem is that there is only one Ron Paul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ron Paul's legacy--from decades of principled defense of freedom, peace, and sound money--is inculcated in this very important book. Just the right length, it convincingly and eloquently advances the Ron Paul philosophy. It's a book for beginners and for all of us, no matter how well-read, on liberty, Austrian economics, the Federal Reserve, the free market, the welfare state, and the warfare state. No mere "campaign book," this is one for the ages.

Ron, thank you for your shining example in congress, for teaching millions through your presidential race, and for being--as this extraordinary book shows--the Tom Paine of the second American revolution. Fellow Ron Paulians, we have only begun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher cianci
As history tells, traditional conservatives up until perhaps nearly as 20 years ago were- gasp- anti war! They were against spending on ALL levels, including "defense". Eisenhower even warned about the "Military Industrial Complex" in the 1950's.
Interventionism has overtaken the foreign policy of the United States, as we often deploy to foreign entities for "humanitarian" effort, which turns into nation building and costly wars. (cough, Iraq and Afghanistan.)
Ron Paul gets it. He is one of the few Republicans we have with us that understand the evils of a "defense" army that is primarily "offensive". Think, we haven't fought a war on our tuft in over 150 years.....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vincenzo dell oste
I received this book extremely quickly from when I ordered it. It arrived in overall great shape. The front cover was a little bent over and I believe it was due to the loosely packed box it arrived in.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ron Paul said three times in a two minute discussion of the topic, that as President of the United States, he would not have ordered bin Laden killed in the manner that President Obama did.

Simon Conway was quite clear in his questions, first asking;

So President Ron Paul would therefore not have ordered the kill of bin Laden, which could have only have taken place by entering another sovereign nation?

And Dr. Paul was equally clear in his response:

I don't think it was necessary. No.

Less than a minute later, Conway attempted to further clarify by again asking the congressman"

So President Ron Paul would not have ordered the kill of bin Laden, to take place, as it took place in Pakistan?

Ron Paul's response was consistent with his two previous answers.

Not the way it took place, no. I mean he was unarmed, you know... and all these other arguments.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Just one point of all his madness, world police man? Far from it!! He loves to point out 900 bases all over the world, but does not point out that many of these "bases" only have 10 men there "BUT" are counted as us policing up the world!!

Or the fact that dollars are used as the reserve currency of the world and WE get a TON of benefit from that (for PaulBots that means Oil to say is sold only in dollars so anyone wanted to buy Oil have to exchange there currency for dollars to buy the Oil) We have the most to lose if the world goes down hill we should have troops to defend out interest!!!

Don't wast your time or money !!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
aseel aldeleh
OK, I can understand why some would find this book compelling - because in many ways it is compelling. But as usual, Mr Paul (clearly a smart guy) cherry picks his arguments in such a way as to be less of a man excellent at using history as a clear guide to a better future, but as a guide to HIS future.

This book make it clear that Ron Paul uses his intellect to be just a really, rally good Spinmeister. He reminds me of a friend of mine who is a great debater. I said "Hey I want you to debate this guy in abortion." and he says "Sure - which side should I take?".

I seriously doubt Ron Paul's *true* convictions - or at least that whatever they are are clearly presented. If you're loving his book you need to check you're gullibility meter. No offense meant.

If you haven't read him - trust me and take a pass.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
heidi giglio
This so-called book offers even more proof of just how much Paul hates the United States of America. He does this by stating, without having the courage to say so, that he will risk your life and those of ALL of your relatives to 'play nice' with foreign governments and terrorists that HATE us. This very sorry excuse for a book is a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. This may be the worst book ever written as it makes no sense and his 'research' is amateurish, inconclusive and/or wrong. I can only hope he was a better doctor than he is an author. Again, the ramblings of a very angry and very much crazed madman.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
daniel dawer
A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest FriendshipThis book is an exercise in insanity.

Ron Paul pontificates on behalf of a foreign policy that would, if implemented, change the language of America from English to, take your pick: spanish, chinese, any muslim dialect, or russian, depending on which country overtook us first. SanA Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest FriendshipA Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendshipity tests should be required before members of congress are sworn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dr. Paul believes that "foreign and domestic policy should be conducted according to the same principles" and so do I. He believes as the founding fathers did that our government is supposed to protect our constitutional rights, not progressively take them away; refrain from foreign intervention, not meddle in other nations affairs; protect our finances by placing them back under the Treasury Department, not allowing the international banking companies to rule and reign over our country. He is well versed in the problems that have plagued our country and this book will be an eyeopener for anyone that reads it. I sincerely hope that the American public will wake up to our awful situation and elect Ron Paul as the next president.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea ward
This collection of speeches to the House of Representatives covers the entire time Ron Paul has been a congressman. As a presidential candidate, it is worthy of reading, because it gives a clear view of the consistency of his view of foreign policy. Not easily summed up in any "bumper sticker" type of slogan, Dr. Paul's views are subtle, yet always in keeping with a Constitutional interpretation of government function. Had his views been heeded in action, I doubt we would have seen the mess with Al Qaeda, or of the many other problems we've had in the post-cold war era of foreign policy. He is well-informed and well-reasoned; something I wish more of our representatives and other leaders could claim with a straight face.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kandi west
If you like sensational over-hyped political bias, then by all means get this book, but it read to me as some political horror film. Paul is wrong on so many things and can't get his facts straight. He uses fear and personal attacks to sell his "message" of isolationism. Don't buy it. Save your money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
antonio segura
i wish everyone had to read this book! this does not present an isolationist foreign policy. Non-intervention is very very different and you will find that a lot of people who label Dr. Paul as isolationist are actually isolationists themselves, advocating sanctions and not using diplomacy to solve disputes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis lloyd
I highly recommend this book.
The more I look into Ron Paul the more I am seeing what a historical character he is. This book is essentially a collection of statements that he has made before the house since 1976. He has been courageously speaking before the house since the beginning. But this book offers a depth into the man that goes beyond his speeches, one is able to see the far reaching foresight Dr Paul has through these statements that he has made with many predictions specifically on the war in Iraq coming true. Also he goes more into the history and philosophy of the neo-cons which by itself is worth the reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jared gillins
A Foreign Policy of Feedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship may be hard for many people to comprehend based on the state of our current affairs. However, from the beginning God gave us the way we were to treat others. The writer is in touch with the GOLDEN RULE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa mayer
What an amazing revelation, someone running for President with consistency. This book is full of Ron Paul's statements before the house. A constant voice against the war, foreign policy reform, and legalizing the income tax system by getting rid of it and replacing it with "nothing". When you read Ron Paul's addresses you can almost feel his frustrations as each month he warns of wasteful government spending to the House. All the addresses are dated. Do you want to know how this country has gotten in the mess it is today, read this book. Read what Ron Paul says the week he addresses the House after 9/11.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One might think a text that consists essentially of transcripted U.S. House floor speeches would be dry, slow reading. One would be mistaken. It is in fact highly interesting in that it reveals the sometimes stealth ways in which foreign policy is put into action. It is interesting that Rep. Paul was speaking out against even benign-seeming bills related to U.S. involvement in Iraq throughout the '90s, warning that such legislation was setting the stage for a full-fledged conflict. Ten-term Congressman Paul reveals himself to be the often lone voice in Congress for reasoned foreign policy based in the best common interests of the U.S. and respect for the sovereignty of other nations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leni intranquilla
A great collection of speeches by Ron Paul on foreign policy. The book clearly show why foreign and domestic policy should be cunducted according to the same principles, and is one of the most comprehensive books on contemporary American foreign policy to date.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack silbert
I got chills reading this book. Ron Paul gives the most insightful, well thought out, and powerful speeches. It's hard to believe he's been fighting the same fight for decades and still has the same level of passion to this day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie rose
From a 10 term congressman who doesnt get elected by constantly beating the war drums!! When our current congress is at a dismal approval rating....Dr Paul is a breath of fresh air in an environment of scum!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
andrea cecelia
Foolish naïveté... unless we find some pixie dust. Is Dr. Paul unaware of the venom about "the Great Satan" coming out of southwest Asia as early as 1900? Irretrievably lost hours of my life on this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin moore
This book is a time-line, revealing the consistent rationality of one man against a dangerously ignorant congressional body. Ron Paul provides the reader with the ability to distinguish between a foreign-policy of interventionism, and a foreign-policy of freedom. Ron Paul, with a mixture of principled morality and resounding logic, repeatedly warned the congressional body of the consequences that would follow our foreign policy of interventionism. Ron Paul has proven himself as a man for the people, as his predictions of our foreign policy's consequences have proven to be true. A must read for anyone who thinks themselves politically conscious.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I supported Paul until his hordes of brown shirts decided to attack conservatives like Reagan, Rush, Levin, etc. He will not be happy until he destroys the Republican Party and ensures the reelection of WH occupier.
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